Ariadne queen life. The name Ariadne in the Orthodox calendar (Saints)

The name Ariadne is of Greek origin. The patron saint is the martyr Ariadne. Ariadne was a slave of Tertinus, the ruler of the city of Primnisa (Phrygia). She did not want to make sacrifices in pagan temples, and for this she was imprisoned, where she was starved. Ariadne managed to escape from captivity. She was pursued by the pagans, but she disappeared thanks to the fact that, through her prayer, the stone parted: this is how she avoided reproach.

According to legend, the daughter of the Cretan king Ariadne helped Theseus, who was doomed to be eaten by the Minotaur, by handing him a ball of thread. Having killed the Minotaur, Theseus, using a thread attached to the entrance, was able to get out of the labyrinth.

Fate: Ariadne is a caring mother and a faithful wife. She is gentle, faithful and ready to give everything for love.

Ariadne's Angel Day

Ariadne is very difficult to piss off: her patience surprises those close to her. She often shows boundless sympathy even for unfamiliar people. Her reverent attitude towards others captivates Ariadne so much that she stops paying attention to her own problems. Ariadne's noble actions are absolutely selfless: she does not crave gratitude, praise or reciprocal help. Ada prefers to deal with personal troubles on her own: she will never complain to friends about her life or look for a powerful patron.

Outwardly, Ariadne gives the impression of a soft, easily influenced person. However, her own opinion is very significant for her. No one will be able to convince Ada until he makes valid arguments. Everyone who was lucky enough to communicate with Ariadne feels a certain integrity and independence in her.

Ada never judges people. She is characterized by tact and understanding. She does not like to listen to gossip, considering this activity a waste of time. Thanks to this character trait, Ada has practically no ill-wishers. Ada's excellent external appearance and rich inner world attract many fans. Ariadne marries at an early age. She patiently endures all her husband’s sins, without sharing them even with close friends.

Ariadne fully justifies this interpretation of her name as “faithful wife.” She never looks for amorous adventures on the side. Ada's maternal love also knows no bounds: she tries to protect her children from all possible difficulties, instills in them a sense of self-esteem and a desire for justice.

A short, endearing meaning names: Ariadnochka, Ara, Ada, Rada, Ira, Arisha, Arishka, Risha, Ria, Arya.


This holy virgin was at one time the slave of Tertillus, who served as an elder of the city of Promission (Phrygia) during the reign of Emperor Ariadne (117-161).

One day, Ariadne’s master made a sacrifice to honor the birth of his son, but Ariadne refused to participate in this cruel ritual. She was hung from a pole and severely beaten; her body was torn with huge hooks. After the beatings, they threw her into prison, where they starved her, hoping that the virgin would still accept idol worship.

When the holy great martyr was released from prison, she decided to leave the city. But Tertillus sent his slaves and warriors in pursuit of her. Seeing that she was being pursued, she began to pray to the Lord God for protection from evil enemies. And suddenly a crevice appeared in the mountain, through which Ariadne disappeared. The warriors chasing her, seeing such an unimaginable miracle, went crazy and began beating each other with spears.

The icon of Ariadne is found in many Christian churches.

The meaning of the name Ariadne, what does the name Ariadne mean Ariadne the meaning of the name, what does the name Ariadne mean: the most attractive (Greek)Translation from Greek - “one who evokes great respect”, one who is liked very much, “ruling”, “faithful wife”, “beloved”.. Angel Day named after Ariadne: October 1 (September 18) - The Holy Martyr Ariadne was a slave, she suffered for her confession of Christ under the Emperor Hadrian. Signs of the name Ariadne: If on Ariadne's day the weeds grow very tall, there will be a lot of snow. Zodiac name - Libra. Planet - Venus. The color of the name is crimson. The auspicious tree is hazel. The treasured plant is camellia. The patron of the name is a cow. Talisman stone - garnet.

Psychological meaning of the name Ariadne: Ariadne is a mysterious person who loves to mystify others. She can assure that her father or grandfather are descendants of the royal family, and when the truth becomes clear, another version will be used. Ariadne does this not out of a penchant for lying, but to embellish gray everyday life. That is why bearers of this name become artists, actresses, and writers. Ariadne's house is in constant chaos; cleaning is done an hour before guests arrive. Aquariums, two or three dogs and as many cats complete this romantic setting. But the children and husband are quite happy: for their well-being, Ariadne agrees to work day and night.

The meaning of the name Ariadne in history.

Together with the doomed boys and girls, Theseus decided to fight the Minotaur and free the country from the terrible tribute. If he manages to return victorious, he will change his black sails to snow-white ones.
A fair wind soon drove the ship to distant Crete. A galley with black sails brought young men and women to eaten by the Minotaur. The doomed were taken to King Minos, who checked the cargo, fearing that Athens would deceive him.
Next to the king stood his beautiful daughter Ariadne. Theseus demanded that he be taken to the Labyrinth first. In the evening, Ariadne, unnoticed by anyone, slipped out of the palace and, under the cover of darkness, entered the prison where Theseus was languishing.

Here she, trembling with fear, handed him a ball of thread and a sharp sword, instructing him to tie one end of the thread at the entrance to the labyrinth, then he would be able to find a way out if he managed to kill the monster. In gratitude for his invaluable help, Theseus promised the girl to take her to Athens and marry her if he was successful.
Theseus had to use all his intelligence and dexterity so as not to become a victim of the Minotaur and kill him. Ariadne falls in love with a handsome and courageous stranger.

Having killed the Minotaur, Theseus hurried to the exit. Arriving at the place where he left the ship, Theseus saw that his companions and Ariadne were already waiting for him. Jumping on board, he ordered the sailors to quickly weigh anchor. They were already far from Crete when the giant Talos appeared on the shore, who, seeing that his master’s captives decided to flee, leaned forward and tried to grab the ship by the mast. Theseus, noticing this, jumped out onto the deck and dealt the giant such a strong blow that he lost his balance, fell into the sea and drowned. Since then, hot springs have been reminiscent of the red-hot body of the red-hot giant Talos.

Theseus and Ariadne
The ship returning home, driven by the wind and current, made a stop at the port of Naxos, and both boys and girls disembarked to explore the beautiful island. Ariadne remained on the beach, lay down on the sand to rest and, unnoticed by herself, fell asleep. Theseus was brave, but not constancy. He was already tired of Ariadne's love and, seeing that she was sleeping, quickly gathered his companions, put them on a ship and sailed away, leaving her alone on the island.
Theseus, who committed treason in the eyes of people and gods, had to suffer a well-deserved punishment. Busy with his own affairs, he completely forgot about his promise to his father to change the black sails to white ones. His father, the king of Athens, Aegeus, standing on the rocky shore of Attica, saw black sails in the distance and, deciding that his son was dead, threw himself into the sea and drowned. Since then this sea has been called the Aegean.

The gods celebrated the wedding of Ariadne and Dionysus, then Ariadne was crowned with a crown donated by Aphrodite (Venus). This crown was carried into the sky by Dionysus in the form of a constellation.
Dionysus is perhaps the only one of the Olympian gods who does not deny femininity, accepts it, and is not afraid of intimacy - “a god without skin.” It is in marriage with Dionysus that Ariadne becomes a woman and reveals her own depths.

In the painting by Titian (1520-1523) we see the moment when Ariadne, having just been abandoned by Theseus, was seen by Bacchus, who appeared accompanied by his cheerful retinue. Fascinated by her, he offered her a marriage union, a guarantee of immortality, which is granted to those who enter into a love affair with God.

Bacchus is accompanied by beautiful bacchantes (maenads) and goat-like satyrs. Next to him are his teacher, the eternally drunk old Silenus, and the god Pan, playing the flute. In Titian, Ariadne stands apart from the other characters, but it is she who is the center of gravity of the entire scene.
Bacchus froze in his jump. The pink cloak flutters with wings. The young face of Bacchus is framed by grape leaves - He looks enchanted at the beautiful woman. And in the bright blue sky the constellation Ariadne sparkles - a symbol of her immortality.

Annibale Carracci. Triumph of Bacchus and Ariadne. Fresco. 1697 - 1604. Rome, Palazzo Farnese

Ariadne abandoned by Theseus on the island of Naxos

Dionysus finds Ariadne. Sebastiano Ricci

Angelica Kauffmann, Ariadne Abandoned by Theseus, 1774

Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun - Lady Hamilton as Ariadne

Bacchus and Ariadne. Titian

Bacchus and Ariadne. Giuseppe Bartolomeo Chiari

Ariadne. Herbert James Draper, 1905

Ariadne wakes up and sees Theseus' ship sailing away. John William Waterhouse

On this day, we congratulate the birthday girl Ariadne and wish her to remain as charming, attractive, beautiful, people like her, and always hold in her hand a guiding thread that will help her get out of even the most difficult labyrinth of life situations. Let this thread lead a loved one to her and firmly connect two destinies. We wish Ariadne to sail on the ship of love on the waves of happiness, so that this ship can withstand all storms and disasters and remain unharmed, so that a fair wind guides her towards her goal. We wish Ariadne not to let go of the thread of happiness, to always follow the path destined by fate, meeting on it only joy and luck, love and understanding, success and recognition.

Orthodox Christians know two righteous women named Ariadne, remembering them every year on September 4 and October 1: Queen Ariadne and the martyr Ariadne of Promis (Phrygian).

Origin of the name Ariadne

There are several stories associated with women named Ariadne.

The first is associated with the blessed queen, heir to the imperial throne of Leo I.

The second is widely known to Christians: the martyr Ariadne was a slave of Tertinus, ruler of the city of Promission, in Phrygia. In those days, pagan rituals still prevailed over Christian ones, people worshiped various gods and idols, and performed ritual sacrifices. On the occasion of the birth of the owner's son, Tertina decided to appease the gods by presenting them with sacrifices in pagan traditions. Saint Ariadne refused to participate in the ritual, for which she was severely beaten and thrown into prison. The owner ordered the pious woman to be starved until she bowed before the idols of the pagans. Freed from imprisonment, Ariadne hurried to leave the city, but the ruler sent in pursuit of her. Seeing the chase, she cried out to the Lord so that He would protect her by His will, believing that He would help. The prayer was heard, and a miracle happened: a rock opened up, through which the slave of Tertin the ruler disappeared, avoiding death. The soldiers who were pursuing the martyr became confused by what they saw and killed each other.

In Greek mythology, there is a third Ariadne, the daughter of King Minos, with the help of whose threads Theseus passed the labyrinth of the Minotaur and escaped from the hands of the bloodthirsty ruler.

Meaning of the name Ariadne

Scientists do not agree on the exact translation from Greek, calling Ariadne either “pure,” “attractive,” “faithful,” or “ruling.”

When are Ariadne's Orthodox name days celebrated?

IN Orthodox calendar Ariadne celebrates her name day on October 1, associating this day with her patroness, the holy Phrygian martyr.

Character of Ariadne

In the character of girls named Ariadne there is a place of determination, resourcefulness, pride, curiosity and thoughtfulness. Her desire for order and calm does not prevent her from being sensual and prone to making quick, often rash, decisions.

In most situations, she is patient and kind to others, perceiving the problems of others even more acutely than her own. Tactful and understanding, she may seem soft and easily misled, but her quick wit and keen mind help her cope with many controversial situations.

Faithful wife, loving mother, Ariadne is kind and selfless.

She lived in the 2nd century AD, during the reign of Emperor Hadrian. According to her class status, Ariadne was a slave of Tertillus, the head of the city of Promission, which was located in Phrygia. One day his son was born, Tertillus’ happiness and jubilation knew no bounds. He, as is customary among the pagans, organized a celebration in one of the temples where the pagans worshiped their idols. The ruler made sacrifices and invited all the guests to a home feast. All this time, Ariadne remained in the house, not wanting, like everyone else, to share the pagan rituals of the holiday.
Such disobedience to the owner caused him great anger. Because Saint Ariadne did not share in the general triumph, he ordered her to be cruelly tortured. The Christian woman was hanged, and then they began to burn her with a hot iron and tear her with steel hooks.
Exhausted half to death, Ariadne was imprisoned and began to starve. Tertillus wanted to force her to renounce Christ and worship the idols of paganism. But the saint stood firm in her position. Only with the help of God, in unknown ways, did she manage to escape from her tormentor. Wounded and exhausted, Ariadne leaves her hometown.
The ruler, having learned about the disappearance of his slave, ordered to organize a pursuit. Very soon the guards overtook the martyr, because because of her wounds she could not go far, much less escape from Tertillus’ guards, and therefore Ariadne prayed to the Lord. Her prayer was answered immediately. An Angel of the Lord appeared to her and pointed to a gap in the rock, where Ariadne hastened to enter. After this, the rocks connected, covering the saint.
Tertillus, who led the chase, became very frightened and began to get angry. Therefore, he lost control of the situation, which led to chaos; the persecutors began to quarrel among themselves, injure each other with spears, and eventually beat each other to death.