Taurus and Virgo: compatibility of a man and a woman in love relationships, marriage and friendship. Taurus-Virgo Compatibility: Earth's Double Tenacity

14.08.2023 Psychology

Amazing biorhythm compatibility calculation! I have always been interested in astrology, not just the usual general horoscopes, but individual ones. I do yoga. Interested in the human aura. I read about chakras and kundalini and so on. The same interpretation is striking. Thank you. Incredibly interesting and exciting. God bless you, site creators and specialists. When you read about compatibility with a person with whom you have lived for 15 years, you are convinced that such knowledge is not an empty phrase.

Now I have (my date 09/20/1977) the 2nd year of a crisis in relations with my husband. Born on 10/06/1974. He is a foreigner. And reading the result, I realized even more than with my own experience and reflection and analysis that all the same, it is important both nationality and mentality and religion (the inclinations of each person individually and aspirations), which are still given and brought up by parents, society, as well as STARS in moment of birth.

What LOVE we have all the years. What intensity, mutual interest in each other and the desire to be together. But diversity did play a role. The peculiarity of her husband to let things take their own course had a negative effect on many things. I, with my pedantry, love for clarity and organization, strained him. Only feeling and love helped to overcome all stumbling blocks.

It seems that all family crises have passed 1,3,5,7,9,11 years .. but clap, and for 15 years, circumstances arose that taught us. The housing issue and my unwillingness to live in the house of my husband's parents and his lack of understanding why this is unacceptable to me. For now, we are living apart. We only come for the kids. My husband and son live with his parents, my daughter and I are in another city thousands of kilometers away - where my mother lives, I have my own apartment.

But what I want to say is that no matter how much I would like to fix everything and regular attempts to find a compromise, to come up with something, life apart has borne fruit. Somehow, internally, everything calmed down, reconciled ... and now I don’t know: do I want to be together ?! I want one thing for sure, so that the children are together and both parents are within reach, so that there is a family.

So .. while so far away. Trouble happened to me and through it I met a man (he helped to resolve everything with the authorities), the matter ended - everything was decided well. The person is very noble. I even invested my money at the beginning so that the process would be faster. And while I find the amount. In general, there were good friendly relations. We collide from time to time. We are not alone. Both are restrained. I'm still formally, but married. He is decent.

In general, I don’t really understand his attitude towards me - he is very reserved. But if I disappear (his words), then he finds a reason to call or dock. Type does not lose sight. Given the specifics of his work, I sometimes need to call and consult. In general, the relationship is not interrupted at all, but more does not emerge. It's just that relations are becoming warmer, like relatives)) Asking him: are you busy? Maybe report back to me. It is interesting to spend time with a cup of coffee or a business lunch. Here one of these days should meet to discuss some formalities in the documents.

Today I came across your site. I looked at compatibility .. not even as a partner, but as a friend - friends also have compatibility, and it doesn’t matter how much they are interested in each other.
It turns out that we have almost absolute intellectual compatibility with this person))) It is written there for men and women that it is not so important, they say a man can find it with friends, but on the other hand, it’s good. In men, when an intellectual coincidence with a woman. That is of particular interest

Its date is 05/08/1980. Yes, a little younger. This confuses me a little. But according to everyone, I look up to 30)) And the most interesting thing is that his day and month coincide with my mother’s birthday - 08/05

Thanks again for such interesting information.

No, thanks for your story. The fact that your friend has a birthday on the same day as your mother's calendar day is really nothing more than a coincidence. But the parallels between you and a friend and you and your husband, oddly enough, are:

Date of Birth 20.09.1977 06.10.1974 08.05.1980
Biorhythms/Chakras 38% 37%
Physical 18% 14%
Emotional 99% 61%
Intellectual 13% 95%
Cordial 1% 29%
Creative 34% 8%
Intuitive 59% 43%
Higher 45% 12%
Zodiac signs Virgo - Earth Libra - Air Taurus - Earth
Pythagorean square
Character 2 4 3
family 3 2 4
Temperament 5 2 3

Sorry, this compatibility table did not fit on the phone screen, so we left it for the desktop version

As already mentioned, the probability of finding a partner with high overall biorhythm / chakra compatibility, say, 70-80% is equal to the probability of meeting a partner with whom you will only have 30-40%. You've been lucky in this twice in a row. But this is not luck at all, but your subconscious, tuned over the years to a certain “wave” of a partner next to you. The specificity of the relationship, when there are 1-2 strong maximums against the background of non-intersecting levels, has also been discussed. And, in principle, this option has the right to life. Sometimes even good and interesting, when there is something else "above" and the foundation of compatibility of signs.

With your husband, except, I believe, love in the female sense was still at times. Almost 100% in emotions - it is very strongly felt. Only here are the crises as scheduled every two years - this is too much. This is already from the category of tales of family psychologists setting up a problem couple, that you have to be patient this year, and everything will work out the next. So it was possible to stop after the first couple of crises.

Who is the new man for you: a friend or someone more - the question is still open. And the answer to it rather depends on you. From his side, everything is clear: (again) a stronger man met a woman of his own element, whose sign for him is “Child” or “Student”. They have the same ground under their feet, the same topics and excellent mutual understanding. And most importantly, this man deeply sympathizes with you because of the intellectual maximum. Remember your emotional upsurge in the early stages of a relationship with your husband and you will understand the man next to you. A kind of male love with reason. By the way, you and him also have an intersection in emotions. Therefore, in absolute terms, in terms of the number of points of contact, a new friend outperforms her husband. Probably, if everything suits you, then it is worth trying to move forward. Your age in this case plays absolutely no role.

Good afternoon I (04/22/1978) He (09/18/1969). We met for the first time 16 years ago, met for a year and a half, I was a little girl in love, he is an adult man who had girls like me scattered throughout the former USSR, I think not a few. But at some point he became serious with me and even wanted to get married. BUT there was a misfortune: his best friend raped me, and I became pregnant. I got rid of the child, I said goodbye to my man without explanation and put an end to him. He never knew what happened to me. All these years he periodically called, and I was not criminal. But this winter we still met and feelings flared up. A serious relationship and plans for the future immediately began: a family and a child. But there are constant quarrels and misunderstandings between us. The last quarrel led to a break. It hurts me a lot and I don’t know what to do to try, to return our relationship or not. Compatibility calculation could not be deciphered. Help, because we planned to start a family .... and give birth to a baby.

In-contri: Olga, let's decipher it together. What we see: Taurus and Virgo - two Earth signs, with harmony in character - both are "golden" (a rare case of compatibility of two identical characters without pronounced dominance), with the same harmony in impulsive temperaments - both partners have 3, but with a female family close to the maximum - 5 points - against family 2 for a male partner. Isn't this family, Olga, clouding your mind and pulling you to get married and have a baby as soon as possible? Of course, I’m not talking about all the girls, but for some reason, for the majority, especially those with a family of 3, there is a pronounced trend: to meet a guy, get married as soon as possible, or even give birth ... and only then discover that the guy is something somehow not very, and there are a lot of problems with him, and the feelings have faded, and in general “youth has ruined”, etc. Therefore, it is still worth considering for a moment: how serious can relationships and plans be, when there are constant quarrels and misunderstandings? Or do you seriously (like many, by the way) think that some people enter the registry office, and completely different people leave it and immediately everything changes, the clouds disperse, the sun rises, everyone becomes kind and affectionate, they begin to hug, love each other and then die on the same day? Unfortunately no. Rather, I believe that from your youth you still have some kind of anchor in your relationship with this man, and this meeting after so many years returned you those same feelings, as if rewinding time back, made you feel like that 20-year-old again. But youth is given to make mistakes. You, Olga, I think you have already done enough of them and you should not go the same rake a second time. And now the chakras at a more subtle level already give us the answer that between you ... only quarrels and misunderstandings are real. Emotions are almost dissonance, intellect is almost dissonance, there is an intersection along the heart chakra (conditionally female level), but even it does not have much weight in this situation. There is nothing else, except for a couple of intersecting rhythms. On the one hand, you should remain good friends and have infrequent meetings in the same company, but, on the other hand, your high family, the commonality of some life values ​​\u200b\u200b(because one earthly element) and the same impulsive temperaments throw sparks into a long-burned bonfire. You are clinging to the past, trying to correct your “mistake”, which was actually fate (that is, fate took you back then), which is why you cannot soberly assess these relationships in the present, while already, which is typical, in principle, for all of us, you draw a prosperous future in your dreams. No, Olga, don't waste your life on these exhausting relationships, they won't bring you happiness. I wish you good luck in finding your partner in the present, not the past.

In this article:

The twelve signs of the zodiac, so many options for their combinations. Some of the signs make great couples for life. Their stellar compatibility is beyond doubt. Others are less lucky, you literally want to run away from such an alliance. A man and a woman unite on earth, but their life together is strongly influenced by the stars. In love, relationships and marriage, the compatibility of your signs is very important. If it is not there, such a marriage will either not last long, or it will only bring disappointment all its life. In order for everything to be good and harmonious in sex, you should pay attention to your horoscopes. Consider the star horoscope when choosing a partner for life.

When the stars are on your side

Absolutely incredible combinations of zodiac signs are found among happy couples. They are like "ice and fire", like air and water - very different, dissimilar. Such unions complement each other. And it happens - no. It all depends on the position of the stars at the time of your birth. If you want to make a horoscope, then go to an astrologer who will tell you everything about your future together, compatibility. In marriage, it is very important to know that your partner will not let you down. All these questions can be answered by the stars. The Taurus-Virgo combination is very interesting, multifaceted. These are strong signs, in themselves, and the tandem gives a completely unexpected effect. If these are your signs, then pay attention to the advice of an astrologer, they can help in love and sex.

Taurus man and Virgo woman

The union is quite successful, we can say that in 50% of cases it is love once and for all. They complement each other well. There is no amazing, all-consuming love here, as in fairy tales. Taurus man and Virgo woman are able to create a harmonious union based on feelings, respect, mutual assistance. They complement each other like two pieces of a puzzle. A responsible and hardworking Taurus will do an excellent housekeeping job, help his wife around the house, and is always ready to give advice to neighbors and relatives. The Virgo woman loves her home and takes care of it. Pets, plants, dishes are always well-groomed, clean and tidy. What can we say about children. There is a lot of tenderness here, which does not fade away all life.

Their home is not just a fortress, but the most comfortable place in the world. This union is very calm, without scenes, tantrums.

Sometimes the Taurus man wants to show his temper, but the meek look of his wife makes him stop immediately. But, not always such pairs add up. Sometimes they seem to each other too insipid, boring people, nothing happens. The compatibility horoscope for such couples is most often favorable, but it also depends on the people themselves. The Virgo woman will feel great if she becomes a housewife, and the Taurus husband will happily work to provide for the family, because it’s impossible otherwise. In a relationship, they are honest and open, but they will never hurt their partner with a rash word. But in sex you need to be careful, because such different signs have different temperaments. Correctly say:

"It takes patience to win Dev, to keep - attention, to lose - indifference."

Love, family

Taurus husband is a teacher and adviser. He will easily start repairs with his own hands, decide to build a house, fix a car. Its activities take on global dimensions. A man loves to plan, draw up calendars, plans, ideas. A sober look at the life of wives under the sign of Virgo will help to cool the ardor where it is needed. Life together will go well, without problems, if both are willing to compromise. Both are hard to convince, but if they agree, the work will work out. Taurus loves to argue. Virgo is silent during the argument, but does it in her own way. These zodiac signs are well suited to each other precisely because of their opposite characters. In love, they have no equal, because their love is special. The Taurus man usually does not go “to the left”, because his beloved is enough for him, and he cannot lead a double secret life. They do not hide anything from their wives, they share their secrets, and sometimes the secrets of friends. This is because the Virgo woman can give valuable, practical advice. This couple knows how to take care of their happiness. In sex, you have to understand each other. These zodiac signs have similar temperaments but different needs.

Sexual horoscope

For Virgo, Taurus' light humorous attitude to sex is incomprehensible. The husband feels so good in bed with his partner that he will come up with all sorts of nonsense, in her opinion. In sex, they are quite compatible. The sexual horoscope promises a couple rich love adventures if Virgo steps over her natural shyness. Very often, the Taurus Man attracts and attracts the Virgo. He is confident, charismatic, experienced. For wives such husbands and joy, experiences. If the Virgin is on the same wavelength with him, then you won’t have to think about betrayal.

Do not limit Taurus in his plans and ideas. Wives usually have a sober look for this couple, but Taurus himself really wants to act, invent, improve. If he feels like he needs to work all night, don't try to put him to bed at 10:00 pm. From such care, he will only be disappointed in you. The Virgo woman is better versed in economic and financial matters. She should take over the functions of the "banker" of the family. This will save the budget from the new ideas of the Taurus hothead. Only then will there be complete harmony in marriage, and love in the family.

Virgo man and Taurus woman

It's boring to look at such a couple from the outside. They are homebodies who like to work hard and then sleep well at home. It seems that they have the same thing in sex. Pulling them out for walks or making them spend money is almost impossible. But, most importantly, for them it is their own paradise.

Household and practical Virgo man and Taurus woman will always be in harmony. This is a solid couple.

They do not expect gifts from fate or great-grandmother's inheritance, they are used to working. All money to the house, only to the house. They can build a dacha, and another one. The compatibility horoscope promises such a couple a long and very calm life. They do not have spontaneous travels, unplanned gatherings with friends. This is noticeable even when they are not yet husband and wife, but just a guy and a girl. Serious, firmly standing on their feet. They will support each other and never leave in difficult times. These zodiac signs most often have the same thoughts. Husbands don't leave such wives. If there was an affair on the side, and this is extremely rare, then the husband will return, or he may repent at the feet of his wife.

Love, family

When they decide it's time to get married, the wedding will be big. Don't forget to invite anyone. These signs of the zodiac are not characterized by a vibrant social life, so everyone will come, but only the most trusted, necessary people. Before them, you can finally show your love. So a man and a woman, in the face of their dearest people, are ready to unite their destinies. The compatibility horoscope advises them the summer months for the wedding. The husband will be delighted with how his wife looks. A woman should make every effort to overshadow the beauty of everyone around. So, get ready for the wedding in advance, and keep the dress, shoes, hairstyle a secret from your husband. To other husbands and wives, you will be the envy of you. If they are already married, then they will unite everything so that the economy is large and strong. The Virgo man will honestly show everything that he has - money on a book, a bank card, a collection of works in 20 volumes, an apartment and a house by the lake. A woman will also bring everything to a new family. The horoscope of such a marriage is very promising.

Sexual horoscope

The Taurus woman loves sex much more, needs it. In sex, their compatibility cannot be called complete. She will demand more, more often and longer, and once a week is enough for him. But, in order to preserve the family and happiness, the man will agree with the hot temper of the partner. A common problem for Taurus wives is the desire to find a partner on the side. It often remains just a wish. If the husband treats her sexuality with due respect, it will never come to action. A woman may be disappointed by the coldness of her husband, so the search for a lover will begin. Among all the signs of the zodiac, this is not the most successful sexual interaction, but if desired, the husband and wife will be able to find compromises without cheating. Not infrequently, everything goes well in sex, partners are satisfied with each other. This happens to those who are already fed up, have entered a later age.

To succeed, develop your compatibility with your partner. Show more interest in her or his affairs. The husband will appreciate if the wife takes part in his ideas, sometimes impossible. Horoscope advise to spend more time together:

  • joint trips;
  • cottage, country house;
  • visiting lectures;
  • trips to museums, theaters.

For the signs of the zodiac Taurus - Virgo, commonality is important. There are a lot of people around, but it is in their pair that their strength is. In sex, you should not get hung up on complexes. For your signs of the zodiac, a very hectic sex life is quite possible. Try new things, please your wives with sexual surprises and gifts. Such a couple will be harmonious, everyone will envy your compatibility. This is a gift from the stars.

Compatibility Taurus and Virgo is very high in all areas of life. If representatives of two signs of the zodiac fall in love with each other, then a very strong bond arises between them. It is also likely that Taurus and Virgo can become friends and will maintain friendship for many years. The natural qualities of people born under these signs are calmness and goodwill. They are both hardworking, so they strive to organize a prosperous atmosphere around them, filled with material wealth. Together, partners are able to achieve great success in life, as they know how to give good advice and share life experiences.

Taurus Man and Virgo Woman Compatibility

We can say that the Taurus guy and the Virgo girl are the perfect couple. Their natural characters are ideal for creating a strong union. Their relationship is sincere and transparent, the companions manage to feel the mood of the second half without words, which means they can help at the right moment.

In love relationships (compatibility in love 92%)

The compatibility of a Taurus man and a Virgo woman in a love relationship is based on the similarity of natural characters. A responsible and practical woman is attracted by the perseverance and diligence of the chosen one. They both look at the world from a position of common sense, therefore they are devoid of any illusions.

A man in such a tandem is very attracted to the housekeeping of the chosen one. He is helped in life by her ability to assess the situation and suggest the right decision. Partners are never bored, they always have common interests and easily find topics for conversation.

Sometimes a love relationship can be disrupted by the high demands of the young lady of the Virgin to order around her. The Taurus guy will not be able to endure the constant grumbling of the chosen one over trifles and criticism in his address for a long time, so he can throw a scandal. But usually after such a surge of energy, he is the first to go to reconciliation.

Feelings in such a pair are based, first of all, on friendship and absolute trust. Partners really appreciate the straightforwardness and honesty of their halves. They prefer to express grievances immediately, rather than accumulate them. This makes the union prosperous and honest.

The compatibility of Taurus man and Aries woman in bed is perfect. Intimate life develops harmoniously, although partners do not put sex in the first place. They are not inclined to draw strength from sexual relationships.

Strong passion in bed among representatives of these zodiac signs is practically absent. But at the same time, the Taurus man is a very good lover and his sensuality attracts a partner. For the chosen one of the Virgin, spiritual closeness is in the first place, but, despite this, she gladly responds to the caresses of her partner.

It happens that a Virgo girl, for some reason, is strongly clamped, has certain stereotypes and cannot be liberated in bed. Therefore, a man will have to be patient in order to accustom her to the fact that intimate life is an important component of a successful relationship and you need to enjoy it.

Over time, partners get used to it, and sex becomes more enjoyable for them. They begin to open up and strive to deliver maximum pleasure to one to one.

Married (compatibility in family life 73%)

Family relationships between a Taurus man and a Virgo woman always work out well. The high compatibility of Taurus and Virgo in marriage is guaranteed by the fact that the spouse brings sensuality to the created family, and the wife fills the relationship with prudence.

Representatives of these zodiac signs get along well together and know how to negotiate on any issues. Partners devote a lot of time to planning their future and strengthening their financial condition. They manage to develop the right strategy, which gives them confidence in a cloudless future.

Family relations between spouses are stable, they do not have outbursts of emotions, but there is absolute confidence in each other. This union has everything that guarantees a quiet family life:

  • diligence,
  • Practicality,
  • Thrift,
  • Devotion.

Strangely enough, complete mutual trust can slightly violate the idealistic relations of the chosen ones. If domestic problems arise, one of the spouses may try to shift responsibility to the other. This will cause him some frustration. But such small unpleasant nuances in family life are unlikely to disturb the harmony in relationships as a whole.

In friendship (compatibility in friendship 66%)

Despite the fact that the Taurus man and the Virgo woman are able to create strong love alliances, friendship between them is also possible. Relatively high compatibility is ensured by the fact that the Taurus guy, by his natural character, is a very reliable person, and it is precisely such a friend that the practical and rational Virgo needs.

If representatives of these zodiac signs make friends, then friendly relations between them last for years. Moreover, if love attraction did not immediately arise between them, then in the future you can not worry about the emergence of love.

This friendly tandem is very strong. The girl finds understanding in such friendly relations, and the man appreciates the advice of his reasonable girlfriend. Partners always closely monitor each other in order to be able to provide the necessary support and assistance if necessary. When meeting friends it is very interesting together, they find something to discuss and trust each other with their innermost secrets.

If it turns out to relax together, then for this they choose a quiet place. Both of them do not like to waste money, so they rarely visit restaurants and cafes, preferring their home environment.

Virgo Man and Taurus Woman Compatibility

Compatibility between a Taurus woman and a Virgo man is at a very high level. These people are very similar in their natural qualities, so they quickly approach each other. It is noteworthy that representatives of these zodiac signs never expect gifts from fate, but prefer to create the world around them on their own and achieve significant success in this.

In a love relationship (compatibility in love 95%)

The compatibility of a Virgo man and a Taurus woman in a love relationship is based on mutual understanding and support. The well-being of the tandem immediately catches the eye of others. The unifying factor is the realistic attitude to life and unanimity. A partner in such an alliance does not need romanticism, she needs more support and support. And the partner may well provide it to her.

It is noteworthy that the similarity of characters allows the representatives of these zodiac signs in a love tandem to be a kind of "understudy" of each other. They are able to accurately complement one another, increasing the harmony of love relationships.

Compatibility Virgo and Taurus in love leads partners to a stable and calm life, so they do not like to take risks. They are not fond of extreme sports and tend to get away from any social conflicts. Representatives of these zodiac signs have enough communication with each other, but they cannot be called hermits. They enjoy spending time with like-minded people.

The Virgo guy always treats his wife with great respect, and she does everything to make her husband feel very comfortable in the family. Despite the fact that the partners are economical, they love to pamper each other with cute gifts.

In bed (compatibility in sex 99%)

When living together, a Virgo man and a Taurus woman do not put sex in the main place, but at the same time, partners in bed have perfect compatibility. Intimate life is not distinguished by enchanting passions, but Virgo and Taurus strive to deliver optimal pleasure to each other.

The chosen one in such a tandem is more calm and balanced, his behavior is always aimed at fully satisfying his partner. This sometimes prevents him from opening up, but he tries not to focus on this.

Thanks to the tenderness and caring of the partner in bed, the Taurus companion begins to open up as much as possible, which is sometimes able to surprise. It brings unforgettable positive emotions. Despite this, partners rarely experiment during sex.

Complete harmony in sexual life in such a tandem is achieved only after a while. Partners fully begin to feel each other and understand the desires of one another. The main factor influencing the compatibility of the Virgo and Taurus couple in bed is special tenderness and absolute trust.

Married (compatibility in family life 82%)

Full mutual understanding guarantees high compatibility of the Virgo man and the Taurus woman in marriage. The spouses are reasonable, balanced and calm. Thanks to this, it is possible to perceive life realistically. Family relationships of representatives of these zodiac signs are filled with warmth and sincerity.

In such a family tandem, there are no disagreements in the financial sector. Both partners are hardworking and know how not only to earn money, but also to manage it competently. They value comfort, so they are responsible for arranging their own home.

Since spouses do not have a developed natural intuition, unforeseen circumstances can take them by surprise. This can disrupt family harmony. But after a while, the partners come to their senses and find a way out of this unpleasant situation.

Quarrels and conflicts in the family of spouses Virgo and Taurus are very rare. This is due to the fact that both partners are very reasonable by nature and are well aware that any disagreement can only aggravate the situation, so you need to find a solution to the problem as soon as possible.

Spouses are happy to wait for the birth of children, and, subsequently, they are happy to educate them. They love spending time in a close family circle. Sometimes they arrange joint outdoor recreation and go on hikes in which extreme sports are excluded.

In friendship (compatibility in friendship 70%)

Virgo man and Taurus woman can maintain friendly relations. Moreover, they quite often develop into something more, so such friendship for the second half of these people can be considered a threatening phenomenon.

Next to the companion Virgo, a woman feels protected. She greatly appreciates the advice of a friend and almost always follows them. On the other hand, her friend is charged with calmness and poise from her, which helps him to cope with himself in the event of unforeseen life situations that often take him by surprise.

The working cooperation between the Virgo guy and the Taurus woman is also developing well. Working together can be the basis for building strong friendships. The only thing that prevents such a tandem from reaching heights is the unwillingness of both partners to take risks.

Due to the similarity of natural characters, it is absolutely not difficult for a Virgo girl to win the heart of a Taurus man. In order to attract the attention of the chosen one, you should demonstrate to him:

  • Calmness and equanimity in a variety of life situations.
  • Realistic perception of events taking place in the surrounding world.
  • Practicality in solving household issues.
  • Reasonableness in assessing one's surroundings.
  • Organization and discipline in everyday life and work.
  • Housekeeping and the ability to manage household chores.

Such features will never leave a Virgo man indifferent. Based on them, he will quickly draw conclusions that he has met his soul mate in his life.

The chosen one Virgo is not attracted to passionate and vibrant women. He appreciates restrained beauty and natural intelligence more. He will definitely note such individual traits as the poise and accuracy of the chosen one. Since most Virgo men are workaholics, only a hardworking partner will suit the chosen one.

It should be understood that if the Taurus woman managed to attract the attention of the chosen one, then he will immediately make it clear. If this does not happen in a short time, then you should move away and look for another gentleman.

How can a Virgo man conquer a Taurus woman?

In a broad sense, it can be argued that the representative of the zodiac sign Taurus is a real woman. Her character combines:

  • Professional development and desire for self-improvement.
  • Accuracy and exactingness in terms of maintaining order in the house.
  • The desire to organize successful communication in the family.

The Taurus woman is hardworking, always looks well-groomed and collected, so she will not tolerate a lazy man next to her. In addition, you should know that she will immediately cross out a man who does not know how to make money and behaves too emotionally from the list of applicants.

Due to natural features, the Virgo gentleman is a suitable option for the Taurus young lady. This helps him quite easily win the heart of his chosen one. He can easily demonstrate the firmness of his character and perseverance in achieving goals.

In order to win a Taurus woman, you need to be patient, because the chosen one will weigh the “pros” and “cons” of possible future relationships to the last. During the candy-bouquet period, one should not only beautifully look after and present gifts, but also demonstrate one's worth all the time, and also focus her attention on her life goals.

Taurus and Virgo Sign Compatibility individual for each couple. They have different characters, but these signs are not complete opposites. Virgos are purposeful, organized, ready to make concessions. Taurus, on the contrary, rarely set goals for themselves, but prefer to live life smoothly without much change. They are also a little selfish in their behavior and cannot change their lifestyle in a moment. Taurus and Virgo have something in common - they love to create home comfort, honor family traditions and respect their parents.

Both signs are united by the fact that they are not used to living in fantasies and dreams. They do not like to plan anything and come up with something new, they are satisfied with a quiet, calm lifestyle. Signs understand that they will achieve a lot if they work for a long time, and not rely on chance. They do not like to take risks and do not understand how other people live like this. Taurus and Virgo love each other very much. They are always ready to give their beloved care, affection, love, which provides a solid foundation for building harmonious serious relationships. They both strive for this, despite the opinions of others, being for each other, first of all, friends.

The compatibility of Taurus and Virgo is not always perfect, and, as in any couple, they often have quarrels. At the same time, they have their own peculiarity that they never "take out dirty linen in public." Taurus does not like it when Virgo is too frugal and tries to drag everything into the house. He is already satisfied with everything and he sees no reason to change anything. Virgo is a hardworking, balanced sign that is always ready for improvement. If she is offered a new job with a high salary, but for which it is worth learning, she will certainly agree. Taurus in this case is ready to continue to work where he knows everything, where everything is without surprises. Sooner or later, the purposeful Virgo will get tired of this, and she will begin to push her partner to change jobs, hinting to him about it. Often in their family, all conversations are conducted with a bias on the financial topic. It is unlikely to change Taurus, and gentle Virgo is not at all capable of it. Quarrels and conflicts begin from here, although they pass quietly, but end peacefully. Virgo will eventually agree with Taurus because of her compliant nature, and they will continue to live in peace without change. How these two signs will live depends mostly on themselves, and the compatibility of the signs Taurus and Virgo will develop more from everyday and social factors.

Taurus Woman Virgo Man Compatibility

From the first meeting, a lot contributes to such relationships. They both love constancy, a calm quiet life, do not flutter in the clouds. From here it can be said Taurus and Virgo Compatibility if Virgo is a Man, very high. In everyday matters, disagreements rarely arise, because Virgo is always ready to give in to her economic wife.

She is ready to manage the family budget and pull everything on herself. She is an excellent hostess, which the man - Virgo really likes. In relation to him, she shows enough wisdom so that he does not feel like in a "golden cage", but at the same time she completely controls him. Both signs are satisfied with their life, because he is used to clean linen and a refrigerator full of food, and such stability is considered normal.

Virgo Woman Taurus Man Compatibility

Women - Virgos are too neat and economic. They like to buy new curtains, tablecloths, trendy appliances for their home. For Taurus, this behavior seems too wasteful, because they are used to saving up for something. They are economic by nature and love home comfort, but they never change their habits. If from childhood you don’t teach Taurus to wash socks or scatter things, then with age they will not change their habits. Virgos will not tolerate this, and frequent quarrels will arise. They love to take care of the house, they enjoy washing floors and dishes, working in the garden. They will push men - Taurus - to do this and teach them everything. To please their beloved, they may agree with her for a while. But they will only do this to avoid conflict. In fact, they will get pleasure only with the usual pastime, which they have become accustomed to over the years. From all this, Taurus and Virgo Compatibility below average. They are different, and do not want to accept the foundations of each other, from which their relationship may soon fall apart. A lasting union can only be when the partner is completely suppressed, or find solace on the side or in some interesting activity.

Love Compatibility Taurus and Virgo

Despite the fact that both signs are quiet and calm, their personal life does not suit either one or the other. Taurus is too straightforward and does not understand why there are so many preludes before sexual intercourse. Virgo, on the other hand, needs to hear more compliments each time, receive a lot of affection and love. For her, this is important. Taurus, on the other hand, does not think that for making love you need to give everything one hundred percent, and you will never expect romantic deeds from him. Virgo will either have to come to terms with his monotony, or transfer his attention to other activities. In this connection, the compatibility of Taurus and Virgo in bed depends on how much they love each other and whether they are ready to make concessions by changing their established principles.

Both of these signs use practicality in their daily lives as the most effective remedy for most problems. They can be quite sincere and dedicated to each other. Both have great integrity of character. Virgo loves Taurus' strength and devotion, while Taurus appreciates Virgo's quick mind.

Due to Virgo's naturally cautious nature, this relationship can take a while to develop, but once it's turned into something passionate, it's like a runaway engine running on its own and hard to stop. These two signs have a lot in common. They highly value common sense and practicality, they are both materialistic, both work hard for the good of civilization. Taurus is more sensual and indulgent than Virgo. Virgo tends to slow down relationships, seeking not to cause chaos in life in favor of analyzing all available options. Virgo's overanalysis and introspection leads to criticism that Taurus can take too seriously. On the other hand, the stubborn nature of Taurus can get on Virgo's nerves, causing Virgo to criticize him even more! This couple should take care not to take arguments too seriously. The good thing is, they are similar enough that they can learn to be patient with each other, especially Virgo, who loves to indulge Taurus's penchant for luxurious living and good food.

Compatibility for the planets Venus-Mercury

Taurus is ruled by Venus (love and money) and Virgo is ruled by Mercury (communication). Both of these planets are close to the Sun, so they are closely related, although they appear to be very different. Venus exudes such physical feelings as romanticism and sensuality, both of which are important to Taurus. Mercury is sociable. Virgo is very good at understanding other people and can easily learn to be the romantic and sensual partner Taurus loves. Both partners are so devoted and romantic that their conflicts will be minimal.

Compatibility by the elements Earth-Earth

Taurus and Virgo are both earth signs. Earth signs are stable and practical. Taurus and Virgo together love to surround themselves with beautiful things: a rich house, great art, cool cars. Their love of luxury and their desire to be financially secure ensures that this couple will work hard and never overspend.

Interpersonal Compatibility Taurus and Virgo

Taurus is a fixed sign, Virgo is a changeable sign. Taurus is stubborn and tends to be more determined. A more flexible Virgo can teach Taurus a lesson in mental flexibility when needed, of course.

What is the best thing about a Taurus and Virgo relationship?

They devote themselves to work and go to common goals. Both partners enjoy luxurious and good things, and Virgo likes to help Taurus achieve financial success. Their common interests and desires make them very compatible zodiac signs.

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