Ant Queen. Artifacts that enhance some of the owner's abilities or Epic RB Artifacts that enhance some of the owner's abilities or Epic RB

25.07.2023 Construction

The Ant Nest - Ant's Nest(tp from Gludio), from the city tpshit to the entrance to the nest. There are three such entrances in total, they all lead to the center of the underground location, where the epic raid boss Queen Ant stands. The most convenient of course is the one next to which the teleport from the city, but some run into the cave through less convenient entrances, supposedly to create an effect of surprise when farming AK.
We will also assume that the glades at the top next to the nest also fall into this location, there is nothing special there, but a couple of positions deserve attention.

Basilisk is a spoiler for the Blessed Spiritshot D recipe, I'll always spoil it here.
If you run further into the field, then after the basilicas there will be level 33 Granite Golems, from which the recipe will be spoiled for .
Turn left from the golems, there you will meet level 35 Tyrant mobs, they will be spoiled. There is nothing more to do on the surface, when you look for the Tyrants, you will hear the flapping of wings - this is the raid boss up in the mountains, I will tell you about him later.

Now we go down into the cave. There are a lot of mobs, you can swing with wigs, but as a spoiler, I prefer quieter places, especially since there is nothing so exclusive here, even a recipe for metallic fiber can be spoiled on the surface, and no one crafts this fiber, so nafik.

But of course I will tell you the way to Ant Queen, especially since it runs along the right wall corny. We go down and keep all the time on the right wall until we come to the entrance to the central room:

We go into the central room, on the left side there will be a small platform, here you can sit and wait for the epic to respawn.

As soon as you respawn, go ahead.

ant queen or simply ant queen epic level 40 raid boss. Ant Queen is the smallest epic raid boss in terms of level. Therefore, of all the epic rb, AK is usually killed before others.

You can find the queen ant in the location of the anthill (Ant nest), which is located in the vicinity of Gludio. From the Gludio gatekeeper, you can make a teleport directly to the entrance to the anthill. will be waiting for you in the farthest cave, surrounded by his faithful soldiers, ants.

Resp AK

Rep. Queen is 24 hours +\- 4 hours. The respawn time of the queen as an ant is the shortest in duration, so this rb is farmed quite often.

Pharm AK

Pharm ak quite simple, in order to quickly farm AQ we need a good buff on the magician, emp, akumen, magnus (or pof EE), clara, DB and svs (an option with a weaker buff is also possible). As you know, Ant queen has a weakness to fire attacks, so sorks are best suited for farming.

To kill AK quickly enough, you need 6-7 forks and 2 bish. Sorks call cats that fill MP. On average, such a composition of the party kills AK in 8-10 minutes (if wars and other enemies do not interfere). Better of course 2 party forty so it will be faster. This main farming party will directly hit AK. You can also additionally create a tanking party from one tank and a couple of heals. We also need one char high lvl.

The problem is that AK has numerous guards, you can kill sorks with massive skills, you can high lvls. The AK will be guarded by a spell specially designed for this, it is possible that he be a tank, all that is required of him is simply to take all the guards away from the AK (to the river, but without crossing it). At this time, the buffed up party of forty quickly takes out AK. I almost forgot the magpies should be no more than 42 lvl, if there are more, this may affect the drop of the ant queen ring. Guarding AK heals very well, for a few heals it can restore full HP from RB, so be careful.

epic boss Queen Ant lives in the Wasteland of Gludio. This place has undergone changes due to the magic of Beleth. The ants have grown to large sizes, dug a huge cave, formed a colony, and guard the Queen. She spends her whole life in a cave, guarding eggs and larvae.

Boss level 40. Has vulnerability to fire. There are many farming tactics. It's easiest to kill with 40+ twins (Wizards). The fact is that high-level characters turn to stone as soon as they cross the river.

The zone beyond the river is guarded by Guardians (run fast). They are usually killed first.
Nurse Ants constantly run around the Queen. Heal at high speed. They are taken away from the queen to any place, after which the farm begins.

Ant Queen respawn time - 24 hours +/- 4 hours

Proper epic farming in the realities of Gracia Plus

farm party
1. cork
2. forty
3. forty
4. sorc
5. forty
6. sorc
7. forty
8.she (if there is none), for pov, if there is one, then she ofpati just throws emp with siren
in general, the more sorts the better, if you didn’t give a party, collect the second one, the SD will be able to transfer to both parties
On the farm, all sorts call Cats, which pour mp to the owner

and Patka for treatment:
2. any healer (her, she, bish)
3.necessarily need pp for buff as tank patka, and for the farmers themselves

And you need a party for protection, which will stand on the bridge, quite far from the AK itself, so that at the end of the farm the wars don’t come and take down the farmers.

In an ideal variant, the farm proceeds according to the following scheme:
buffers, bd, svsu, she, her (I mean high lvl) need to stand a little higher than the rise so as not to catch a stone
first full buff of farmers and hero
dances, songs for the hero, after which the bd svs go to the farmers
The hero kills all the guards, a tank with a healer sequentially runs after him, the ocher is demolished right up to the guards at the healer, BUT if you didn’t have time to demolish the ocher at the healer, then it’s okay, the tank under the healer will stand normally.
Further! until all the nurses approach the lechinka, AK must NOT be touched! as soon as all the nurses will strengthen the healing of the lechinka and retreat to it, 1 soretz drags the ak to the river, IF the nurses return, you need to STOP hitting the AK, and wait until they move back to the lechinka (this happens when the ak begins to be dragged too early, when the nursas are not yet got to treatment).

If the twinks of the vars also have ak, then they are killed at the moment when Hiro kills the guards !!! not earlier! this is so that they stupidly do not have time to run to AK during the farm and do not disrupt the farming process.
BUT after the necessary spells are dialed, DO NOT FORGET THAT WHEN PHARMING ANY EPIC, EVERYONE who is online in this case visits it.

PS. It is better to let 1 person collect the drop, so as not to linger later with the transfer of rubbish.
(the party leader must have a loot: to the finder)
After killing AK, go off with twinks (if var), IF there is NO var, then in this case you must wash the twink's PC, fill it with full mp and leave them with buffs!

we regularly write on the forum - the time of death of AK, who killed it and whether there was a ring ... ^^

Another way to farm. Simplest.

Download forty to 40-42 (but not 43!)

The tank runs around the queen and collects goosebumps at one point. The magpies sausage en masse and kill the first group. Then the tank runs into the back room and collects the rest - they kill with massive skills. He starts to beat the larva so that the nannies heal her. All. After that, the miniums drive the AK to the river and voila. For everything about everything a few minutes.
There are still nuances about which I cannot tell, for Rashi this should be enough.

Ant Den Map

The main reward is a unique Queen Ant Ring.

Gives the following effects: MP +21, increased resistance to poison by 30%, increased chance of poisoning by 30%, increased Accuracy, increased Critical Power. Atk., Increase Hold Resistance by 20%, Increase Hold Chance by 20%. If a character wears two of these rings, only one of them will have the effect. Magic defense 48.

Video how to get to the queen + farm.

Wizard Zerg. Pleased 😀

Queen Ant

The Queen Ant is the very first Epic boss that players meet, she has 40 lvl, but despite this, she has terrifying performance that brings a lot of trouble to warriors. This female boss has 229898 XP, her physical attack is 329 and her magical attack is 77. This boss has a speed of 372 and her attack range is 40.

The location of this raid boss is the location of the Anthill, it lies near Gludio. If you meet NPC Gludio, you can even teleport directly to the entrance to this very anthill, and then it’s a matter of time and you just need to get to the very last cave of this lair, where the Ant Queen will sit surrounded by her subjects, ready to join with you into a fight. By the way, if you managed to defeat her and you definitely want to visit this person again, then the respawn of the Queen Ant takes place in 24 hours, approximately from + - 4 hours, so keep in mind.

After killing the Ant Queen, you can get very valuable Queen Ant Rings as loot, which have excellent characteristics, for example, they increase the increase in resistance to poisoning by 30%, increase resistance against hold by 20%, and also increase the chance of poisoning the enemy by 30 % and increase accuracy, critical attack power, and so on.

To deal with the Queen Ant, you should heed the tips described below. Of course, the higher the experience of your player and party in total, the easier it is, but you can’t do without special tactics, so read carefully. Initially, you will need to take care of a decent buff on your party mage. It is important to know that the Queen Ant has a special weakness against fire attacks and if you bet on magpies as a farm, you will not lose. Ideally, in order to wipe this boss, you will need 7 forks and about 2 bishas. Ideally, the composition of the party should be at least one tank, a couple of healers and a couple of magicians, everyone will have work here, and quite difficult, because killing the Queen herself is not so problematic, but what to do with her huge retinue of guards - a question of a completely different nature. To avoid difficulties, the best way to eliminate the protection of this boss is to use massive skills of sorks, or you can use high lvl. Let the tank take the guards away from the Queen herself and deal with them separately, but at the same time, let the healer not sleep, because the tank will have to be hard and it will need to be intensively treated, even more than those party members who will be occupied by the Queen. Let the tank take the guards to the river, but you don’t need to cross it, this is the ideal distance so that you can safely eliminate the Ant Queen. Be sure to make sure that your party members use magpies no higher than 42 lvl, otherwise this may affect the loot that will fall out of the boss. In general, the party eliminates the Queen, then goes to help the tank, which will not refuse help, after we divide the loot and move on to the battle with the next, stronger boss.


The next Epic boss is the Core, he has lvl 50, and his XP is 622493, his physical attack is 535, his magic attack is 500. The location of this boss is Krum Tower, where the boss is located on the 3rd floor of this building. The strongest feature of this boss is that he has a very large number of minions in his environment, which recover very quickly and thus are even more dangerous than the boss himself.

As loot for killing the Core, you can get Core Rings, which increase your player's MP pools by 21, as well as providing such effects as increasing resistance against poisoning by 20%, increasing your player's accuracy, and increasing the chance of you poisoning an enemy by 20%. The most difficult part of the battle with this boss is the killing of his minions, but he himself, before each of his attacks, says the words “Purification of intruders” and you need to be wary of them. By the way, if you managed to defeat him and you definitely want to visit this boss again, then the Core respawn takes 24 hours, approximately from + - 4 hours, so keep in mind.


This boss also has lvl 50, his XP is 622493, his physical attack is 553, his magic attack is 124, the boss is female in terms of gender, and is considered aggressive in terms of characteristics. The location of this boss is the Sea of ​​​​Spores, in which she walks and where you have to start your fight with this lady, further, she will definitely teleport to her lair and you will already fight her there. The boss itself does not cause any difficulties, it is not difficult to kill her, which cannot be said about her guards, which are many and which are strong enough. The most dangerous ability of this boss is her ability to paralyze the enemy, she also has good hitting power, so be careful.

As a loot for killing this boss, you can get Orfen's Earring, which increases your player's starting MP by 31, also increases your player's resistance to bleeding by 20%, increases the effectiveness of healing done, and increases the chance of inflicting bleeding on your opponent by 20% .

Before you start fighting this boss, learn about his weaknesses, which include a weakness to attacks with fire, while against arrows, the boss has very good resistance. Orfen also has the ability to indiscriminately throw an anchor at all party members, likes to teleport opponents to himself and strike them. Also, before you go in search of the boss, you should know that she can respawn in one of the 53 possible places, that is, you will also have to work hard to find her. If you managed to defeat her and you definitely want to visit this person again, then Orfena respawns in 36 hours, from about + - 4 hours, so keep in mind. Also, when you remove 50% XP from Orfena, she will certainly teleport to her nest, from where it will be impossible to lure her out. The boss has security at both the first and second stages, it will be difficult to deal with it.

As mentioned above, this boss is very vulnerable to fire-related attacks, so it is worth using sorks against her. By the way, there will also be necromancers or magicians of other types in the party, ideally, if the magicians will have lvl 52, because if the level is higher, then the probability of a drop, which is only 30%, decreases to the root. Be sure to make sure that the party has a DB, several EE people and at least one tank that will tank the boss's minions. It's great if the DDs are dressed in a demon or avadon set and a tanker in B grade. Before you go to battle with the boss, be sure to take care of the buff, if there are no buffers in the party, then turn to any NPC for help. Further, having found the boss, first let the tank aggro its guards and after that get into a holding position, while the magpies should already begin to demolish the guards, as well as beat the boss himself. It may happen that the guards will aggro on DDshnikov, if this happens, then the guards are eliminated in the first place. If there is a necromancer in the party, let him hit with bones and throw a mock directly at the asist, and if there is also a NE in the party, then his task will be to quickly remove the paralysis from the rest of the group members.


The story goes that a long time ago, in the seas of the kingdom of Elmore, a pirate named Zaken was walking around with his invincible crew. He was a real thunderstorm for all the ships that only met on his way, there were no cases of someone surviving or staying alive, because when meeting with Zaken, the ship and the crew were doomed to inevitable death. At the hands of this pirate, thousands of ships and hundreds of thousands of crews turned out to be in the depths of the sea, which were robbed and brutally killed. Due to his excellent skill and experience in the field of navigation, Zaken could not be caught, and therefore, his outrages lasted for many years. The Devil's Island served as a place for saving the treasures looted by Zaken, but even there no one dared to stop him, because Zaken managed to tame terrible demons and put them on guard of his treasures, his island of refuge. But time passed and the king, ruling over these lands at that time, decided to put an end to Zaken's excesses. He announced a huge reward that would go to the daredevil who could defeat Zaken and provide evidence. Many attempts to track down Zaken at sea were in vain and after some time, a group of necromancers decided to catch the pirate on his island, where the treasures were kept and Zaken's hideout. The necromancers found Zaken's schooner and, with the help of very strong, incredibly powerful spells, killed the entire crew, as well as the captain. But as it turned out, for his countless sins, Captain Zaken did not die, but was reborn into the undead, who is now forever tied to his decrepit, terrible ship. He is also located on the island, on the constant guard of his innumerable treasures and subsequently, this instance zone has become a place where brave players can try their luck, which will befall them along with the victory over the boss.

Zaken is a lvl 60 boss, which, as mentioned earlier, is located on the pirate ship on Devil's Island. You can choose to fight a daytime or nighttime Zaken, who is strong at both times of the day. According to its stats, Zaken has 858518 XP, also has 7273 Physical Attack and 19762 Magic Attack. also increase your player's level of resistance against bleeding by 30%, increase the effectiveness of treatment, increase the chances of creating bleeding on opponents by 30%, increase Vampiric Rage, plus give a 20% chance to resist your player's abnormal state and the same 20% for that , that your player will be able to cause a shock or an abnormal state in his opponent.

Features of Night Zaken

To try your luck against Night Zaken, it is recommended to go to him as part of a command channel, which will have from 8 to 50 groups, that is, from 72 to 450 players, depending on your self-confidence. To enter this contest, the leader of the command channel must speak with an NPC named Pathfinder Worker. It is mandatory that the group has about 7 magicians with a dark specialization, a dark dancer and a healer. To kill Night Zaken, the party is given exactly 360 minutes, and the rollback of this zone occurs once every 7 days, every Wednesday, at exactly 6.30 am server time.

Day Zaken Features

You can test yourself in a competition with Daytime Zaken in a team channel, which will include from 1 to 3 groups, that is, by the number of participants from 9 to 27 players, brave and courageous. To enter this competition, the leader of a command channel or group of at least 9 people must speak with an NPC named Pathfinder Worker. By the way, the Day Zaken is slightly different from the night one, at least in that instead of lvl 60, it has lvl 83, which means it is more powerful, dangerous and difficult to pass. To kill Daytime Zaken, the party is given exactly 60 minutes, and the rollback of this zone occurs every three days, every Wednesday and Saturday, at exactly 6.30 am server time.

Before starting the battle with Zaken, it will be very interesting to learn about his features and abilities. For example, the boss has a very high regeneration of his indicators, during the battle, he often teleports to various parts of the dungeon, with the help of his massive attacks he can very quickly drain mana and hit points from his opponents, and sometimes he can teleport around the hall those players who produce attacks on him. Zaken has no minions as such, but in the process of clearing the rooms, you need to kill everyone in a row, which will be better for you. In general, both night and day Zakens are played the same, although in order to fight him, you also have to find this boss. There are two ways to search, in the first case, your players must light candles, but this is a rather controversial option, because with each lit candle, Zaken will become stronger. The second option is that your party will be forced to use their AoE skills to help them spot the pirate on that big ship. If you choose the first search method with candles, then know that the ship has a total of three floors and 5 rooms on each of these floors, and in the process of lighting candles, if the candle lights up red, then go further, but if the light the candle turned blue, which means that the pirate is already very close, in one of the nearby rooms of this ship.

In order to wipe Night Zaken as quickly as possible, after all the players are buffed, they should go to the first room, which is located on the second floor of this ship. The group that has a good tank goes in search of Zaken, takes him out and all together are already connected for his quick, as safe as possible for everyone, kill. As for the Daily Zaken wipe, here, as soon as you enter, the timer will immediately go off and it will be displayed in the center of your monitor. Keeping an eye on the timer, the faster you deal with Zaken, the more valuable rewards you can get for your work, and besides, the most lucky lucky ones will also have additional bonuses.


The next Epic Raid Boss is Baium, he has lvl 75, as well as XP of 4068372, physical attack with 6559, and magic attack with 4378. Baium's location is the Tower of Insolence, namely, he is located on the 13th floor of this tower where you can find him. It’s worth mentioning right away about this boss that when he is killed, players get loot in the form of the Ring of Baium, with a 100% probability, and also, killing him is necessary in order for the quest for the sub to be counted, so this boss simply cannot be ignored. Baium's Ring gives its wearers many benefits, such as increasing MP by 21, increasing your character's resistance against poisoning by 40%, increasing your player's resistance to hold by 30%, increasing critical attack power and accuracy, and Increases your player's chance of holding an opponent by 30%.

Before you decide to go to Baium, you should know that a couple of hours before the start of this quest, battles of the most powerful clans for the right to gain access to a trip to Baium begin on the server. In addition, the opposite is the recruitment of players to complete this quest as part of a subclass. Very often it even happens that once you get into a quest, you can be respawned or merged by other participants in the quest, and you are lucky if you managed to hit Baium, because in this case the quest will be credited to you. But let's not talk about sad things, although it is worth noting that in order to get to Baium, you will need to complete a quest in which your character will have to dye a rag, and the name of this quest is "Presumptuous Search". Once inside the tower and rising to the 13th floor, Baium will need to be awakened from his sleep, and when he wakes up, be prepared for the entire tower to shudder from his wrath.

Despite the slowness of this boss, he has an extremely strong physical blow, and also, for deliciousness, he will definitely please his visitors with an AOE attack with strong damage. In the room where Baium sleeps, there will also be his minions - Angels, they also have a good attack, which you will need to resist in every possible way. Before the farming of this Baium begins, as mentioned above, a few hour PvP will take place, during which the winners will be determined. After the respawn occurs, you can teleport to Baium from the crystal, but when Baium wakes up, this ability will be canceled. When gathering a party for a trip to Baium, priority is given to a tanker, which will have at least two tanks, two healers and a couple of participants who will be able to restore mana to all participants during the battle. Also, in order to kill Ba.m quickly and with minimal losses, it’s worth picking up two more parties With DDs, ideally if they are magicians and archers, do not forget that there should be a buff and a healer in the composition, a debuffer will also be a plus, he will be able to use slowdown against the already slow Baium, which is a plus.

The tactics of the battle can be as follows, the tank aggro the boss and lead him in a circle, but while he is doing this, all the DDs simply become chickens and actively attack, we place the supports behind the DDs, at a distance of approximately 400 meters. It is by placing the players in this position that you will be able to deal Baium as much damage as possible and get rid of him faster. Those players who wipe should be resurrected as quickly as possible, because Baium will be very angry and strong, even though there are so many of you, one of his AOE attacks can bring you a lot of trouble. Let the second tank lead the boss's aggro guard, you shouldn't kill them, all the players' attention should be focused on Baium. By the way, after the party has dealt with Baium, his respawn time is approximately 5 days, from + -8 hours, that is, you understand how much competition there is for being able to fight this boss, but believe me, he does not the most coveted in the game, there's more to come, so let's move on to the next epic boss.


Very strong and another epic raid boss is Antharas, who has lvl 79, as well as the status of an earth dragon. He has an amount of XP in the amount of 14518000, has a physical attack power of 13308, as well as a magical attack power of 28099. According to the legend, it is Antharas who is one of the six dragons that the goddess Grain Caine and Shilen gave birth to. When the war was fought, Antharas participated on the side of Shilen, perhaps such a fate influenced his perception of the world around him, because of the six dragons, Antharas became the most ferocious, vicious and powerful. When his mother Shilen was killed, Antharas, exhausted from grief, ended up in the caves, which eventually become his home, in which he learns to live and perceive everything around again. In the caves, he begins to hunt for all living creatures, which gives him the opportunity to exist to this day, and after a while, his habitat was called Antharas' Lair. The cave in which he lives is of impressive size and before you get into the nest of this dragon, you will also have to fight with other inhabitants living in this territory. Also, in order to enter the territory of Antharas, your character must first complete the quest called "An Audience with the Dragon of the Earth", without which the entrance to the boss will simply be closed.

As a reward for defeating Antharas, players can receive a very tempting item called Antharas' Earring. This earring gives its wearer an increase in such indicators as an increase in MP by 31, increases your player's resistance to bleeding by 50%, increases the effectiveness of healing your character, increases the chance of inflicting bleeding on your character's enemies by 40%, increases Vampiric Rage, also increases your player's chances of resisting an anomalous state by 30%, reduces the amount of MP consumed, and so on. That is, as you understand, there is something to fight for and the loot is really worth the effort that you have to put in here to defeat the enemy.

Before you go to fight Antares, it does not hurt to get acquainted with his features, including strengths and weaknesses, since the boss is really very strong and will be a serious opponent for any party. Let's start with the fact that Antharas has only one weak side - these are blows with the help of the air element, that is, attacks with the wind. To other types of attacks, he is very resistant, you can even say that he has some kind of immunity or strong resistance. The boss's abilities are very diverse, he uses several AOE attacks, in particular, he does it in a step, directing an attack on one character, jumping, directing an attack on all those players who are in front of him, with a chance of stunning them, he can also hit with his tail, knocking back and stunning many of the players standing in front of him as well. In addition to all of the above, Antares has a habit of instilling a very strong Dragon Horror into the players, and the players begin to run chaotically without controlling their actions. Plus, Antharas also uses Curse of Antharas, Breath of Antharas and Earth Tremor, which, although it does not cause much damage to players, but immobilizes them and blocks some skills. When choosing the composition of the party, the players who will be among the brave men must have a lvl of no higher than 82. Next, be sure to include DDs in your party - CX, dagers, who will use their tricks or switches to hold the boss, rich daggers are only human, because only they have the mirage skill. The tactic will be something like this - the daggers should take over the hold of Antares, and at this very time, the mages are completely focused on killing this boss. By the way, the Earring of Antharas drops out with a 100% probability, so you will definitely get your reward. But if luck smiled at you and you want to visit this place again, fight this strong epic raid boss, then you should know that his respawn time is 8 days, + 8 hours. The system here is like this, 8 days after the death of Antharas, after the first daredevil enters his lair, after 20 minutes the boss will appear and you can already start your duel, not for life, but for death.


The next epic raid boss, concurrently, the younger brother of the dragon Antharas, is Valakas. He has 85 lvl, is one of those six dragons that were born from Shilen and Grain Kain, has such reserves of XP as 17850000, his physical attack is 14375, and his magical attack is 36620. The location of this dragon, the raid boss, is Forge of the Gods, in order to be able to get to the boss, you will need to first complete the quest called "Straight into the Flame". According to its characteristics, this boss is a dragon of fire, in appearance it is somewhat smaller than his brother Antharas, but has greater strength and endurance, which you should definitely remember during battles. For passing the location with this boss, players who managed to defeat Valakas are awarded a rather valuable little thing, namely the Valakas Necklace. This item provides some benefits to its wearer, namely increases MP reserves by 42, increases the character's resistance to sleep at the hands of opponents by 40%, increases XP reserves by 445, also increases your character's chances of being able to put an enemy to sleep by 40%, increases physical attack of your character and reduces the cooldown time of used skills, this is not a complete list of everything that this loot gives to its wearer, well, it’s already clear that the game is worth the candle and the battles with this boss will be generously rewarded to the winners.

Before going to Valakas, players should understand that the boss is really very strong, he moves incredibly fast, uses a huge amount of magical abilities and massive attacks. The most dangerous for all players will be a fire attack, which is aimed at the mass, that is, it will burn almost the players to the ground. Also, Valakas' Lair is located in such a way that you can often find yourself in lava, getting into which, all players receive a debuff that reduces their XP every second, although not in a large amount, but still, a rather unpleasant process. Valakas himself likes to hit with his tail and knock down in this way, and maybe even kill, from critical hits of Valakas both tanks and magicians and in general any other players just wipe, he is very strong and if you are not in the best shape, postpone your meeting for better times. In general, it is better to kill this boss in the maximum allowable composition of the command clan, which in this case can be exactly 200 people, since even the lair itself will not accommodate more players. To get to Valakas, you need to go up to the top floor of the Brazier of the Gods, then find the Corridor of Fire there, and there you can already find Valakas' Lair. But keep in mind that you won’t have to relax along the way either, because there will be a lot of mobs, from weak to very strong, bosses, other servants of Valakas, who have orders to prevent your party from reaching their goal. In order to go directly to Valakas' Lair, you need to have with you such a thing as the Floating Stone, which is given as a reward for the quest called "Straight into the Flame", we already talked about it. Once you enter Valakas' Lair, you will have to wait a bit and once he appears, it will be impossible to exit the lair naturally until you get a victory, or until you wipe it, it will be impossible. To farm Valakas, you will need to collect at least 5 parties, and this is with the obligatory condition of resurrecting those players who will die, otherwise the chances of winning are simply zero. Valakas will call for helpers throughout the battle, and besides, Valakas’s HP reserve, as you can see from the description, is simply colossal, so there are times when the farm of this epic raid boss lasts for several hours without interruption, be prepared and to this turn. If you managed to defeat this incredibly strong opponent and decided to go back to Valakas' Lair, then you should know that his respawn time is 11 days, which of course is very impressive. During this time, you will be able to perfectly prepare for the upcoming fight and find the shortest way to get into the composition of that raid that goes straight into the heat to the most powerful dragon in La2.


Another epic raid boss is Frintez, who is known as the son of Baium Elmoreden, an emperor who once ruled long ago, but after he was imprisoned. After the arrest of his father, Frintez began to look for any way to obtain immortality, and he did not find a better way than to turn these questions to the most terrible and ancient demonic creatures. Thus, it was from one of the four kings of the dark kingdom that Frintez received his immortality, but at the same time, he also received a dark patron demon that dominates his mind and actions to this day. Frintez himself has an XP score of 791683, his physical attack score is 9182, and his magical attack score is 962.

For killing the Frintez boss, players receive a very attractive loot in the form of the Frintezza Necklace, which gives its wearer very attractive bonuses. For example, it increases your player's resistance to dark attacks by 15%, increases your player's resistance to bleeding by 50%, increases your player's resistance to all sorts of poisons by 50%, reduces your player's skill cooldown by 10%, also by 10%. increases the chance of reflecting damage inflicted on you by the enemy, gives your character 30% resistance to sleep effects and many other useful effects that you will discover on your own.

To get to Frintezza, you will need to visit the Tomb of the Emperors, entering which you will find yourself in an incredibly large hall, lit by a huge number of candles, as well as paintings and an organ. The room will be very beautiful and creepy at the same time, but do not expect to meet Frintezza in person, because instead, you have to fight his patron demon named Scarlet Van Halisha, who is distinguished by his cruelty, has a huge sword in his hand, and so that you can’t relax without that, against the background of all this, epoch-making organ music will sound, which seems to call from the underworld all the helpers of an evil and fierce demon, and Frintez himself will play this music for you.

Before you decide to take part in farming Frintezza, whoever is the leader of your command channel will have to complete a series of quests, including a mandatory quest called "The Four Cups". If this is the first visit, then you can’t do without the quest called “Last Imperial Prince”, on subsequent visits, the quest called “Journey to a Settlement” will be mandatory. Having completed the necessary quests, the same leader of the command channel will have access to the passage of Frinteza and together with him he will be able to take 4 or 5 groups, at his discretion. When the group only enters the Tomb of the Emperors, they will be forced to immediately split up, since one half of the warriors will need to clean the round room from all kinds of evil spirits, and the second half of the warriors will need to free a long corridor, which also hides many dangers, in in particular, these are the altars, which here will need to be eliminated very quickly. As long as the altars are active, the first round room will not cease to be filled with monsters, when the altars and monsters are completely destroyed, the walls of this room will rise on their own, your party will become one again and you will be able to move on in full force.

In the second room you will enter, you will also meet with evil spirits that you will need to kill, and as loot from this evil spirits you will receive arrows that are very valuable for this farm, because they will help you deal with the prince. You can shoot arrows from fat drummers, they will stand on opposite sides from each other, and if you can kill all these drummers at the same time, this will be the perfect story. The faster you kill them, the less other monsters you will have to clear in this room, because while they are alive, according to the principle of altars, other monsters will appear from them.

Further, you already get directly into the large hall, described by us earlier, where your group will expect the appearance of Frintez and his demon patron. There, it’s immediately worth dispersing around the room and killing one painting at a time, one group should stand next to the organ. When the battle begins, the priority is to kill the paintings first, and then the demon Scarlet Van Halisha. When you fight the demon, the battle will take place in several stages, and after each of them, the demon will increase in size, become stronger and bigger. After the first stage, the demon will be able to teleport to its target, this is a very dangerous skill, and will also periodically paralyze its target. When the second stage of the battle begins, the prince will play another tune that will also stun the players for 15 seconds - here's another surprise for you from this couple. Further, you will need to use the arrows knocked out of the drummers, go to the organ and interact with it, highlighting it, then simply pour the blood of evil spirits on the selected arrow, to do this, you need to double-click on the bottle of blood. When the third tap of your battle with the demon begins, he will also use a massive AOE attack. He manages to cast this AOE attack in just a couple of seconds and everyone who falls under the area of ​​effect is already hopeless. Your task at this stage will be to deal with the boss, by all means. By the way, at each stage of reincarnation, the demon will again have a full supply of XP. Arrows are a must so that you can distract Frintez from playing the Organ. When different music is played on the organ, the demon will choose a new tactic, so use arrows only when he poses the greatest danger to you, in which case you have a chance of winning, if you waste arrows and attention, there will be no chance.


When everything is done, then go with the whole squad to the NPC named Lackey Freya, each member of the group should talk to him and then you will find yourself all around the NPC named Kegor, as well as Zinia, with whom the leader of your group should talk. After that, you already get inside the instance and first clean it from mobs, then when Freya appears, she will be with her minions, you need to split into two groups, one of which will kill the boss, and the second will destroy annoying minions. This will be the first stage where you will need a set of totems obtained from the fourth quest. When the boss casts an AOE, one of the players will be able to use the stone by placing it on the panel and activating the shield when the message "I feel a strong influence of magic" appears on the screen. If you miss this moment, then your defeat will be more than close. The last epic raid boss currently available in Lineage 2 is Freya. To fight it, your character must have at least lvl 82 or even higher, and visiting this instance is only possible in one to three groups, that is, from 9 to 27 people. Before you get to Freya, you will need to complete a whole series of quests, consisting of 5 tasks, but this is necessary for the initial encounter with the boss, it is not necessary further. When you complete the fourth of the 5 quests, you will receive 5 items called "Black Ice Core" as loot, which you use to farm the Snow Queen, by the way, these items are not sold or thrown away.

In the second stage, you will need to fight another small epic raid boss called Clakies. He will be with his minions, but already much weaker than the first boss, his strengths are the use of magic, so try to squeeze mana out of Clakies and he will not be afraid of you. Well, the very last stage will be the continuation of the battle with the already strengthened Freya. The distribution and tactics of the group should be the same as in the first stage, also use stones for protection and first of all kill the guards, when the boss has about 25% of XP left, her NPCs Kegor and Zinia will come to her aid, do not pay attention to them attention, because apart from a few spells, they will not do anything else. Kill Freya, then your party leader will have to talk to her body and if you're lucky, you get Freya's Necklace, but it only drops with a 23% chance.