Dead cat what to do. How to understand that a cat is dying and is it possible to alleviate his suffering

20.07.2023 This is interesting

Cats are credited with the ability to know in advance about the troubles that will happen in the family. So, for example, only the lazy did not speak about the fact that cats anticipate the death of their owners. As evidence of this, they give not quite the usual behavior of a cat, which changes for no apparent reason.

For example, a cat that starts the air exhaled by a person - this behavior is considered to be the message of the onset of the disease. If a cat does not want to lie next to a sick person, he most likely will no longer be able to stand up. And even people who do not believe in note that the cat really does not behave quite normally in the room where the dying person is.

Cats have a very developed instinct - where people doubt their feelings and cannot determine whether it is a premonition or suspiciousness, there is no doubt. People who trust omens sometimes try to give an explanation for such a phenomenon as a foreboding cat ambulance. There is also an opinion that cats, accustomed mainly due to intuition, animal instinct, perceive the owner on a different level, feel his energy.

Probably, it is much easier to feel the person with whom they live than the rest - therefore, cats very rarely make mistakes. In the head of animals, rational thinking is far from the first place, and they perceive reality in a completely different way than people. They “see”, and know, and understand, but the trouble is - they can’t say anything, therefore they express information in the only way available to them - by actions, behavior.

Sometimes in the villages a cat is even called the "ambassador of death", explaining that the death of a person occurs after certain actions of the animal: "the cat lies on the table, sweeps with its tail - it sweeps the owner out of the house." But this is hardly the case - if you still believe the signs, cats do not attract death, but only anticipate.

A cat is an animal that human rumor endowed with mystical power. It is believed that the cat anticipates in advance all the events that will happen to the owners, and tries to warn in case of future troubles.

Cats and people have been living side by side since time immemorial, and during this time there have been enough cases to make sure that these creatures, beautiful and graceful, are truly connected with something mysterious, mystical.

It is not for nothing that cats are associated with supernatural phenomena, and the eyes of cats are sometimes called "windows to another world." There are many different signs associated with this animal.

In order to predict the future and know how the gods decided to dispose of human life, since ancient times, people have used various signs related to the behavior of animals. Most often in this regard, they tried to use cats - they were considered special animals, their "predictions" were trusted. By certain manners, by the behavior of cats, they tried to predict future events.

As folk beliefs say, cats are well aware of any upcoming changes - this applies to both good and bad events. By observing the behavior of cats, you can find out in advance what the weather will be like, whether it is worth waiting for guests, whether any illness or misfortune should be feared. Preventing misfortune is incomparably better than trying to survive it with the least loss. Therefore, many people who trust signs try to closely monitor cat habits.

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The amazing extrasensory abilities of representatives of the world of fauna still cannot be clearly clarified by any science, since this is contrary to common sense. However, today it becomes clear that: among the four-legged "psychics" the leading position is occupied by cats.

Cats and the Earth's Magnetic Field

Scientists have already proved the fact that cats have a strong connection with their habitat. For example, if a cat, strongly attached to its “home”, is taken to an unfamiliar place, then it will not be difficult for her to overcome the path of more than 100 km in order to return back. There are many stories and documentary evidence that tell how fluffy rogues traveled hundreds of kilometers to return to their “native land”.

According to scientists, cats are a link between people and an area that is beyond the ordinary human perception. That is why their superpowers are still one of the modern mysteries.

Scientists believe that, most likely, the reason for this behavior of cats lies in the change in the Earth's magnetic field. This hypothesis was confirmed after special magnetic collars were put on these animals. The fact is that because of such devices, cats instantly lost their navigational skills. Curiously, this did not affect their psychic abilities! More on this later.

How do cats anticipate the death of their owner?

In principle, today almost no one is surprised by the fact that cats can anticipate the approach of any danger. In particular, it has already been proven that before an earthquake they show genuine activity and anxiety. The same is with volcanic activity: people living on the slopes of active volcanoes are accustomed to relying on the instincts of the felines, rather than on the forecasts of seismologists.

There are several versions about how cats can predict the death of their owners. According to one of them, a person who is about to die in the near future emits an appropriate “dying” smell, which cats recognize. Some scholars suggest that there is a subtle admixture of the smell of blood in this smell.

Cats, like many other animals, feeling this smell, fall into a real rampage, experiencing panic fear: they begin to worry, run around the house from corner to corner, etc. Some people think that such behavior of their pets is a sign of natural disasters, but after a while, for one reason or another, they themselves depart to another world.

According to another version explaining the mechanism of cats' foreboding of the death of their owners, these animals have a fairly well-developed intuition. In other words, we are talking about some cat's sixth sense. People who consciously use the same sense are called psychics. Cat intuition miraculously adjusts to the human energy field. In most cases, these animals unwittingly adapt to the karma of their owners.

It is believed that cats are wonderful healers. Scientists cannot yet explain this ability, but they do not refute it either. To cure various diseases, cats are selected according to breeds, personality characteristics, temperament.

Here we are not talking about magnetism, which was mentioned above, but about the close energy connection between cats and people. If there is an approaching death in the host's biofield, then domestic animals (both cats and dogs) feel it. It is a pity that they cannot communicate this in words, therefore they express their concern and anxiety in any way available to them: they are visibly nervous, whine (if dogs are), run around the house, etc.

When a small fluffy ball appears in the house, purring touchingly in the gentle hands of its owners, many do not even think that the world around it may not always be kind for it. Although cats are extremely hardy and cope with many diseases on their own, however, there are diseases that require the help of their owners to cure.

Statistics say that 80% of cats living in a house where their health is carefully monitored live to a ripe old age. They do not die from illness, they simply ended the life span allotted to them by nature. The death of a pet becomes a huge stress for family members, where she spent her not very long life. The only consolation for them is the understanding that this life was happy for the cat, filled with love.

According to the same inexorable statistics, about 20% of domestic cats die from a serious illness or injury. In order to give your pet a chance not to enter these sad twenty percent, you should monitor his health, and if signs of illness appear, contact a specialist as soon as possible. Trying to cure a cat on your own, you can miss the moment when it is still possible to cure a pet.

Any change in the state of the body in a cat is immediately reflected in the appearance of the cat. The previously magnificent fur coat takes on a sloppy look, the cat ceases to take care of itself. Even if there is only this sign, pet owners should be wary. In the event of a change in the pet's usual behavior, especially if there is a deterioration in appetite, water intake increases or, conversely, it becomes minimal, it's time to sound the alarm.

At the onset of the disease, the cat may become overly active, and most often, she begins to look for a place to be alone. Also, the animal can dramatically lose weight, or also quickly gain weight. If these signs are added to frequent or too rare trips to the toilet, vomiting and other unusual pet behavior, this can become symptoms of a serious illness.

Without consulting a veterinarian and an examination prescribed by him, it is impossible to determine what the cat is ill with. Even a very serious disease can be cured if treatment is started on time. Without noticing the first signs of the disease, you can lose your pet in a short time.

Diseases that can lead to the death of a cat

Initially, the symptoms of many feline diseases may seem harmless, but if these diseases are not treated, then a sad outcome is inevitable. There is one disease that even a brilliant veterinarian is not yet able to cure - the feline immunodeficiency virus.

By analogy with human diseases, this disease is called AIDS. Cats become infected with this terrible disease even by non-contact means, since the virus from a sick animal is transmitted through the air. Scientists have not yet invented a vaccine that protects against the immunodeficiency virus, and there are no drugs that can cure the disease either.

There is another disease that is equally deadly not only for cats, but also for humans. Fortunately, the safety of the animal can be taken care of in advance. There is protection against a deadly disease - it is necessary to systematically vaccinate against rabies. Cat owners should be aware that vaccination is necessary for all cats, regardless of whether she is on the street or does not leave the walls of her house.

The worst thing is that rabies has an extremely long incubation period, reaching a year. The disease can develop so rapidly that you may not have time to turn to a veterinarian for help. If the cat becomes lethargic, or vice versa, overly aggressive, she has convulsions, she urgently needs to be taken to the veterinarian. It is possible that these are manifestations of rabies.

Distemper is a very dangerous disease. The exact name of this disease is infectious enteritis. If the animal suddenly begins severe diarrhea and vomiting, then an urgent appeal to the veterinarian is necessary, since the disease is very contagious, develops quickly, and causes dehydration. Without timely treatment, it leads to the death of the animal.

Equally dangerous to the life of a pet is such a contagious disease as infectious peritonitis. The course of this disease is sluggish, the initial symptoms are not too noticeable. However, in case of deterioration in the general well-being of the animal, loss of appetite, you should visit a specialist. Since the disease does not become apparent from the very beginning, it often causes the death of a pet.

Even a young animal with urolithiasis may face a urological syndrome. Relentless statistics claim that this is the most common reason for pets to die. If the cat cannot urinate normally, and her trips to the toilet are accompanied by meowing, then you should hurry up with contacting the veterinarian. If possible, then call him at home so as not to expose the pet to unnecessary stress. He is already very ill, because the inability to excrete urine quickly leads to intoxication of the body.

Many cat owners do not realize that infecting a cat with ear mites can lead to her death. This disease is successfully treated with medicines, but it must be borne in mind that ticks are carriers of many infectious diseases, the outcome of which can be sad.

How to determine that a cat is living its last days

For many years of life in the family, the cat becomes its member. Therefore, many pet owners, noticing that the animal is becoming less active, think about how long their purr will delight them with their presence in the house. Often a cat that has access to the street, sensing the approach of death, simply leaves the house.

If the old cat does not appear for several days, does not come to eat and relax in his favorite corner, then the owners should not hope for her return. It remains only to try to find her body in order to take care of your pet for the last time, wishing him eternal rest.

If the cat remains in the house until its last minute, then you can see that it begins to sleep for a long time, practically does not eat, which is why it quickly loses weight. Becomes indifferent to caresses, and sometimes dissatisfied when they pick her up. Often the cat ceases to navigate in space, there are problems with the toilet.

If the pet has heavy breathing, the lens of the eye is clouded, the pupils are dilated, then you need to be prepared for her close death. In this case, the owner of the cat can only be comforted by the thought that a cat dying of old age most often does not feel pain. She just falls asleep forever.

Get rid of suffering or try to prolong life

They do not often decide to euthanize their old pets, preferring to care for them until their natural death. However, there are situations when a cat's old age is overshadowed by many diseases that make its existence unbearable. This is not only the inability to perform the natural functions of the body and painful procedures, but also severe pain that accompanies most diseases.

The incurability of the disease and the deteriorating condition of the cat cause the veterinarian to suggest euthanasia. Thus, the pet will be spared from suffering. The final decision must be made by the owner of the animal. If various methods of treatment have been tried, but the relief of the pet's condition has not come, then putting him to sleep is much more humane than prolonging a life filled with incessant pain.

Modern methods of euthanasia do not cause pain and fear to the animal, since the procedure that ends its life is carried out under anesthesia. It is clear that the decision to part with your pet forever is not easy for the owner, however, most often it is necessary. This is the only thing he can do to ease the last journey of his pet.

We will not reveal a secret to you if we say that for the entire time of the existence of mankind, cats were considered creatures firmly connected with magic and the subtle world. Living side by side with people, they walk on their own and independently decide whom to bestow their friendship and whom to ignore. And even these incredible animals die in their own way. No other animal is surrounded by so many signs during life and after leaving it.

Signs associated with the death of a cat

Mysterious in her earthly incarnation, the graceful beauty remains the same even after she leaves this world. Where exactly the light cat souls rise, the legends do not know. But this place must be located not far from human heaven and hell, otherwise the belief would not have warned: do not harm cats! Small predators, scratchy and fanged, will patiently wait for their offender on the other side. If you treated cats inhumanely on the ground - hold on! The payoff will be harsh.

However, not all animals in the other world are occupied with thoughts of revenge. The same legend says that a grateful cat will definitely try to draw a loving, but managed to sin in earthly life owner to heaven. The main thing here is not to exceed the measure of your bad deeds, so that the load does not turn out to be too large for a small animal.

Of great importance is how exactly the animal left this world. If his natural term has come, it's one thing. If the pet suffered from an accident or illness, another. We'll talk more about this below. And it’s really bad if someone purposefully contributed to the death of the animal. For the killer of a cat, signs predict seven years of misfortune, and for those who drown kittens - loneliness and poverty. If you don’t know how and don’t want to put little fluffies in good hands, do not be stingy with sterilization - this is in your own interests.

If he dies in the house

Cats are mysterious creatures, and the signs associated with them are ambiguous.

In former times, no domestic animal had the habit of sitting all year round in the master's house. Especially when it comes to cats! Free in spirit and graceful body, the purrs darted about wherever they pleased, left, returned, hunted mice ... and went to die in a secret corner known only to them. Cases when the animal gave up the spirit of the house were rare and were perceived as something out of the ordinary. Naturally, with a negative connotation. Who would think to expect good luck after such an incident? In England, there is still a sign: "Do not let the cat die in the house - there will be trouble."

Today everything is different. In the times of high-rise buildings and tightly locked doors, animals no longer have the opportunity to freely leave the master's house and go on their last journey. Sad events happen to pets all the time and do not bring anything but sadness to the owners. In fact, who today would think of suddenly taking out a dying pet to the dump?! Even if a person does not care about moral norms, such an act will not be approved by popular signs either: after all, in this case, the animal will suffer from your hands, which means that it will wait an hour for a just revenge. And you can no longer count on a friendly “paw of help” to climb into heaven.

Moreover, the sign has an impressive camp of opponents who are sure: everything is quite the opposite! A cat that dies in the house does not bring misfortune, but takes it away from the family. Fluffy esoterics, with all their feline strength, protect the peace of the owners: they clean the energy of the home, remove the evil eye, and extinguish the negative directed at the family. If there is too much of it - for example, something really bad was about to happen - the animal may not cope with the situation. And these brave creatures will not stand up for the price! If necessary, they will sacrifice all their nine lives, just to keep trouble from those they love.

In Rus', every pet was entrusted to the patronage of the Brownie.

Have you tried several times to get a cat, but the animals died one after another? There are three explanations:

  1. You are a careless owner who does not do his job well. Having a pet is a big responsibility. For those who are not ready for it, it is better not to injure either the cat or their psyche.
  2. There is too much negativity in the house. Carefully control your behavior and thoughts, do not allow quarrels, sanctify the apartment, finally!
  3. Domovoy did not approve of the new tenants, although usually the domestic spirit is completely non-bloodthirsty and survives objectionable animals in more humane ways than sudden death. You can try to appease him with a treat and an affectionate request not to be angry and take a new cat under your protection.

See outside the apartment (a dead animal on the road or somewhere else)

If you find a dead animal somewhere on the street: you found it crushed to death by the side of the road, or you ran into it while walking in the park, there is nothing to be afraid of. It's not your fault that the cat died. Some even manage to see a good omen in the event, and what! According to their assurances, a dead cat portends:

  • financial profit.
  • Journey.
  • Love - if the animal had a white color.
  • Meeting with the enemy - if it turned out to be black.

And only English fishermen, noticing a drowned cat before going out to sea, immediately reel in their fishing rods in the literal and figurative sense. It is believed that there is still nothing to wait for a bite on such a day, but there will be plenty of trouble.

If they threw a dead cat into the yard or on the threshold

Cats have long been used in magical rites.

Belief in the magical power of cats is so great that sometimes they try to use the corpse of an animal for witchcraft purposes. There is a whole rite designed to deprive the victim of peace, punch a hole in financial well-being, or expel love from life. Such "magicians" are supposed to strangle or somehow kill the poor animal, and then throw the desired object of adversity.

Of course, it is unpleasant to find a dead animal on the porch at the threshold or under the window, which has obviously been planted. Realist, and he will feel out of place. And a mystically-minded person will immediately lose sleep and help the “curse” work. And it doesn't matter that it was sent by a quarrelsome neighbor who knows nothing about magic. The main strength of such damage is that they believe in it.

Sometimes it happens that a dead cat is secretly buried in the yard of the one they are going to harm on a mental level. However, here you have a serious advantage: you do not know anything about the sabotage that has occurred, and it will be difficult for it to influence you. Moreover, people with serious knowledge of subtle matters do not bury cats in other people's yards. And a homegrown magician will not have the strength to seriously harm you.

How to neutralize negativity

Take the corpse of a cat thrown to the house away and bury it. Do not touch it with bare hands! And not only for magical reasons - who knows where they took this cat and why she died?

After returning home, wash yourself from the tap, or even better - stand in the shower. While you are washing, imagine a mirror sphere that surrounds you from all sides, and repeat: "From whom it came, to that it went." From the obsessive mania that a dead cat was thrown on purpose, get rid of and forget about what happened.

If you are a believer, wash yourself with holy water and read a prayer. Through such protection, no damage will get through.

If you are afraid that somewhere in the yard “kind people” have arranged a surprise in the form of a secretly buried cat, get a kitten. But not thoroughbred and expensive, but picked up on the street. Why? This is a good deed. There are two ways to occupy your thoughts with something other than fear. And a strong protector who, in gratitude for love and care, will disperse all dark spells - three.

And the most important thing. The first and main thing that is required of you is to think less about bad omens and curses. Do not be afraid of dead animals accidentally found on the street. Release your own pet in peace. He gave you many pleasant moments during his short life, why darken these memories, expecting bad events? If a cat paradise really exists, only goodness will come to you from there.

The owners are not always witnesses to the death of cats, as they move away from home to meet the moment of death all alone. Some believe that in this way they protect caring people from moral suffering, according to others, these are features of the cat's instinct or proud behavior. If the animal does not have the opportunity to go outside, then the symptoms of the death of a pet are quite noticeable to the owners.


Age-related changes and diseases associated with them are among the causes leading to the death of pets. A cat that has reached the age of 10 is considered elderly, although some live up to 25.

  • Oncological diseases. A common cause of death in multiparous cats. Great harm is done by hormonal preparations to stop estrus. But frequent conceptions and childbirth deplete the body no less.
  • Urogenital diseases. Occur due to hormonal surges that create prerequisites for impaired metabolism. Therefore, much depends on the quality of food. Economy class feed provokes the occurrence of stagnant processes.
  • Ear mites infection. By itself, such a disease will not disappear. Effective medications and immediate medical attention are needed.
  • Rabies. The incubation period lasts about a year, and this is the insidiousness of the disease. Timely vaccination is a method of warning against the disease.
  • infectious peritonitis. It is characterized by rapid development and dehydration of the body. Diarrhea and vomiting begin, the presence of which is a reason to contact the veterinarian.

Signs of death

At the first sign of a cat's illness, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to provide timely assistance, which will extend the life of the pet. If medical intervention proves futile, the doctor will prescribe drugs to alleviate the suffering of the pet and advise him to place him in a clinic with proper care.

When a cat dies, this can be understood by some of the features of his behavior. The pet refuses to eat and drink, becomes lethargic, begins to lose weight sharply. The old cat, sensing his vulnerability, prefers a safe place to lie down or die peacefully. You should not force him to respond to caresses or disturb his peace. In the apartment, he will choose a shelter - a closet or a place behind the sofa, where he will sleep around the clock.

This alarming symptom should alert, especially if the animal is about 14 years old. Whether to let the cat go if he intends to leave is up to the owner: on the way, a weakened animal may be exposed to additional danger of dog attacks. The owner will be able to provide him with maximum comfort and care at home.

Signs of death of a cat or cat:

sign Explanation
Pulse rateThe number of heartbeats in a healthy cat ranges from 140 to 220 per minute. A dying animal has a slow pulse. The pulse rate can be measured as follows: put your palm in the area under the front paw and count the beats for 15 seconds, then multiply this number by four and compare the result with the norm
Blood pressureMeasured with special equipment
BreathWithin a minute, a healthy cat takes 20 to 30 breaths and exhalations. It is fixed with a stopwatch. If the animal is weakened, lung function deteriorates, breathing becomes more frequent and difficult, pressure decreases. Less than 20 breaths indicates lung depression. More than 40 breaths indicate a struggle for oxygen, and if wheezing and coughing are present, the lungs are filled with fluid, and it is better to apply euthanasia after consulting a veterinarian
Body temperatureNormally, it is 37.8 - 39.2 degrees. As the functions of the heart weaken, the temperature drops below the minimum limit. You can measure the temperature using a special thermometer for animals, attaching its tip to the ear, or use another type of thermometer - rectal, which is inserted into the rectum of the animal. Without a thermometer, you can determine temperature changes by touching the paws: if they are cool, the heart is slowed down
Nutrition FeaturesIn the last hours before death, the cat stops eating and drinking, vomiting is possible. Dishes for food and water remain full, the toilet tray is empty
AppearanceThe cat has sunken eyes, hair loss, sudden weight loss or weight gain, inactivity
Appearance of feces and urineIn a cat that has stopped eating and drinking, the amount of discharge decreases, sometimes - diarrhea, urine - darkens. The excretory system often fails, so traces of feline incontinence are visible throughout the house
The presence of a specific odorIs a consequence of the accumulation of toxic substances in the body
The cat's desire for solitudeIn the wild, the instinct of self-preservation encourages the animal to hide from predators in a secluded place. At home, it will be some far corner

Noticing signs of a deterioration in the well-being of the animal, it should be taken to the veterinarian immediately. The condition of the pet can provoke a disease that can be cured. Kidney disease, urinary tract disease, cancer, tapeworm infestation, and other illnesses have similar signs to near-death behavior, but with proper care, a cat can live for many years.

How to make your cat feel better

In the presence of a near-death state of the cat, you should consult a veterinarian. If the treatment is not able to help the animal, then it is necessary to check with the specialist how to care for the pet in order to alleviate the suffering.

Depending on the nature of the symptoms, the doctor will prescribe pain medications, recommend special equipment to facilitate nutrition, and wound care products. The doctor may suggest establishments that specialize in caring for sick animals if the owner is unable to do so.

It is necessary to take care of the cat's resting place and provide it with a soft warm bed. Comfort and warmth is the best thing for a weakened, inactive pet. If the cat has chosen a corner for sleeping, she should put a soft blanket in this place.

The resting area of ​​the cat should be kept clean: the covers should be washed every two days, using detergents that do not have a strong smell. If the animal has uncontrolled urination, an additional absorbent cloth should be placed, which will be convenient to change.

A weakened cat should be brought to the toilet every 3-4 hours, which will save her outgoing strength.

You can discuss with the veterinarian the use of a special bandage that will facilitate emptying.

With a touch to the body, the animal can feel severe pain, but outwardly does not show it. To determine if it is suffering, look for the following additional signs:

  • detachment, unsociableness;
  • inactivity, constant sleep;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • lack of response to affection;
  • heavy intermittent breathing;
  • dilated pupils, one-point gaze;
  • slovenliness, defecation in inappropriate places.

If the animal is suffering severely, the possibility of euthanasia should be considered. The cat will be anesthetized (ditylin), and after losing consciousness - a drug to stop the heart intravenously (magnesium sulfate, ammonia solution). This difficult decision should be carefully discussed with your veterinarian. Particularly insurmountable suffering is caused by oncology and urolithiasis.

If the cat's condition worsens, it is worth keeping a diary of changes in his condition. If the number of days when the animal has lost the ability to move and breathe normally significantly exceeds the number of days with severe symptoms, then it would be more humane to apply euthanasia. In this case, the extinction of the animal will occur under the influence of sedatives, which will last about ten seconds.

In the last half hour or hour before natural death, the cat falls into a state of lethargy, in which the pupils are dilated. In this state, he is only sensitive to touch. The animal's body is designed in such a way that when small nerve fibers are activated - that is, when stroking - discomfort is dulled at the physiological level.

Unfortunately, on this mortal earth, nothing is eternal. Our beloved cats who live with us for many years will also die when the time comes. In this article, we will talk about how cats die and why. It is believed that it is cats who have the most unusual death, because they prefer to die alone, leaving home, and their departure is completely unexpected. Can you guess that your pet will soon leave you completely and what to do? Yes, such signs exist and today we will talk about them in detail.

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Before the last breath

Like all living things on earth, the age of the animals living in your home is a predetermining factor. They can die at an early stage, but the probability of death of older animals is an order of magnitude higher. This applies to cats that live, as a rule, up to 16-17 years. There are extraordinary cases when cats live up to 25 years and even more, but this happens very rarely. If your furry pet has been living with you for more than 14 years, then it is quite possible that he will soon be gone.

And this is quite natural, since biological laws apply to everyone. The old cat becomes weak, there is already much less joy in his life: the old cat will not play and frolic like a small kitten. At the same time, you don’t need to torment yourself and reproach yourself: your pet has lived its life and its hour has come to leave for another world. You must understand that this is quite natural, albeit sad.

Death symptoms

Anticipating his death, the cat is very attached to the owner, spends even more time with him. Even weak cats, who during their lives led a phlegmatic lifestyle, at the end of their existence, change their behavior to the opposite. There are cases when old exhausted cats, already barely moving, find the last strength in themselves to play with the owner. Why this is happening remains to be fully understood, but this is one of the signs that you will not be together for long.

However, this behavior does not happen in all cases. If a cat suffers from cancer or another incurable disease, then its death is usually sudden. Often, cats dying at home, in the first place, try to hide their condition from their owners and hide in a secluded place.

Often the time of death can be seen in advance:

  • cats also wear out their body and by old age acquire a trail of various chronic diseases;
  • when the animal realizes that its days are numbered, it becomes apathetic and sleeps almost constantly, rarely leaving its favorite place;
  • eats very little and, in view of this, quickly loses weight;
  • the animal shows discontent or does not react at all when it is stroked, picked up;
  • begins to lose orientation and at home, while walking, touches objects, corners and bumps into them;
  • the animal's breathing becomes heavy, the pupils are dilated and clouding of the lens of the eye is observed.

Proper Owner Behavior

What to do if it becomes clear that the cat is dying? Should I make a decision to euthanize her or leave everything as it is? In order to deal with this, one should look impartially at the situation that has arisen. No matter how hard the owners try to surround the old cat with special care, affection and attention, often, they only prolong their torment. Nothing can save a furry pet from suffering, it is impossible to help in this situation.

The answer to this question depends on the condition of the animal. If it is healthy, it is not tormented by any pains or ailments, then, of course, it should live out its life in peace and care. Another thing is if the pet suffers or is overcome by a chronic illness. In this case, it is worth consulting with a veterinarian about euthanasia. It is not worth making a decision on your own in this case.

Why do pets leave home and where?

Fiction often describes cases of how, dying, cats leave home on the eve of their death. And in fact, this phenomenon is widespread. Why do cats leave home to die? There are many theories about this. One of them claims that the animal does not want to do psychological trauma to its owners.

Another group of scientists offers a different explanation for this behavior. They suggested that cats consider their condition to be an illness that will pass if they lie down in a quiet and secluded place. They hide from everyone and wait for the pain to subside. But, in the end, they die alone, never waiting for the pain to pass.

However, there are many cases when old cats literally said goodbye to their owners, climbing into their arms, and then left their home forever. It may very well be that cats really understand that their life has come to an end. But why don't all cats leave home before they die? If a cat didn’t leave home before her death, then she had good reasons for that: a serious illness, she had never been taken outside before, senile weakness.

Kitten's last journey

Unfortunately, not only old and infirm cats die, but also very small kittens. When you are expecting kittens to be born, you must prepare for the fact that individual babies will not live. The most dangerous period for a newborn kitten is the first two weeks of his life. The condition that a baby experiences before death is called the fading kitten syndrome. When a kitten dies, most often nothing can be done, but sometimes, with timely action, it can be saved.

The following are the main reasons why kittens die:

Small kittens die suddenly or slowly, within 5-10 days, fade away. Signs of a large number of diseases in newborn kittens are very similar. Healthy kittens always gather in a heap, between feedings they sleep quietly. You can understand their imminent death by anxiety. Sick babies often lie down separately, they are not calm, they suck badly, squeak plaintively, asking for help from people.

Outwardly, the kitten doomed to death looks unkempt, its fur is not smoothed, it moves swaying and trembling. Unlike adult cats, kittens never leave home and most often remain in the nest until their last breath. They also often die next to their mother or person.

Video "When cats die"

This video shows images of cats and kittens doomed to die.