50 most favorite dishes. The most delicious dishes in the world, rating of the best food for tourists

19.07.2023 Style and fashion

The list was compiled after a survey of chefs and cultural figures, in particular writers. In addition to the names and photos of the world's best dishes, the publication (320 pages) publishes detailed information about each with reference to the place where the dish is best tried, plus historical background and people's opinions about what makes this or that food so special and unique.

1st place - Spanish pinchos from San Sebastian

The authors of the guide suggest discovering pintxos evening stroll through the bars San Sebastian after a fiesta or going to the beach. By and large, small snacks on skewers from the Basque country are the same tapas, only with regional troubles. The guide recommends choosing pintxos with asparagus, anchovies or mushrooms stewed in garlic sauce.

Pinchos in San Sebastian

2nd place - curry laksa soup from Kuala Lampur

Travelers are advised to choose an outdoor tent / kiosk with the longest line, find a free plastic chair, sit comfortably on it and start eating - greedily, sipping and burning. Laksa pasta is the centerpiece of a dish that was born from a mixture of Chinese and Malaysian cuisine and is made from noodles and broth. The paste consists of dried chili peppers, garlic, shrimp paste, lemongrass, and turmeric. According to the locals, this orange spicy mass is moderately spicy and they even recommend increasing the spiciness. curry lax. Be careful - what is simply spicy for the locals can be fiery-sharp for a tourist!

Laksa curry soup from Kuala Lampur

3rd place - Tokyo sushi

Forget about Russian sushi, with Tokyo they have very little in common - except for the name. The freshness of fish and seafood, the quality of cooked rice, the craftsmanship of assembling, the harmony between the ingredients - everything is several orders of magnitude higher. In Tokyo, travelers are encouraged not to rush, not to grab sushi with chopsticks and toss them right into their mouths to satisfy their hunger. In the capital of Japan, you must first talk with the chef and learn all the intricacies of the ancient culinary art and etiquette associated with its serving and eating.

Sushi from Tokyo

4th place - beef brisket from Texas

Brisket is a part brisket, or rather, a cut of beef, consisting of a large and small pectoral muscles, taken from the ribs. It is all permeated with collagen (connective tissue), which, during long heat treatment in a smoker, makes this cut of beef unusually juicy and tender. Brisket literally falls apart into fibers.

Texas Beef Brisket

5th place - som tam salad from Bangkok

Traditional Thai green salad papaya This is a mix of four flavors. Palm sugar and papaya itself are responsible for sweet, lime for sour, fish sauce for salty, and all this is impossible without hot chili peppers. Sometimes local eggplants are added to the salad, considering them to be the performers of a bitter taste.

Som tam salad from Bangkok

6th place - smorrebrods from Copenhagen

The favorite food of Danes and many other Scandinavians is open sandwich most often on rye bread with a rich and plentiful filling. Classic: salmon and cream cheese, herring and beets, roast beef. Smorrebrods are eaten in Copenhagen for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Smorrebrods from Copenhagen

7th place - crayfish from Kaikora

Among the Majori, the word "kai" means food, "koura" is translated as "crayfish", so it is no coincidence that the New Zealand city, which combined these two words in its name, is the most popular place for eating ocean crayfish. And really, what could be better: sitting on the shores of the Pacific Ocean and slowly, lazily, peeling a crayfish that has just been caught and cooked with garlic and butter.

Crayfish from Kaikora

8th place - Seoul bibimbap

If you combine rice with seasonal vegetables, eggs and meat in one plate, you get the most popular South Korean dish - almost a designer, which every Seoul restaurant composes at its own discretion. The name of the dish is translated from Korean as "mixed rice". Bibimbap can be served cold or hot. And although the south of Korea, the city of Jeonju, is considered its homeland, there are also institutions in Seoul that cook it perfectly.

Bibimbap from Seoul

9th place - Margherita pizza from Naples

Pizza margherita became a symbol of Italy, and Italy gave pizza the colors of its tricolor: red represents tomato sauce and tomatoes, green - basil and white - Mozzarella. There is no need to talk about this pizza, you just have to eat it! Preferably in Naples.

Margherita pizza from Naples

10th place - dim sum from Hong Kong

The progenitors of dumplings, dim sum, are cooked in many Asian countries. Hong Kong dim sum is considered by many to be the best in the world. Although originally this was the name of a variety of Chinese snacks served with green tea or pu-erh.

Dim Sum from Hong Kong

Further, in the top 20 places were distributed as follows: 11th place - Peruvian ceviche from Lima, 12th place - pastel de nata puff pastry with custard from Lisbon, 13th place - Tasmanian oysters, 14th place - French cheeses (strange that there is no mention of a specific variety or even region), 15th place - Jamaican fried chicken, 16th place - lamb from Marrakech, 17th place - Singapore chili crab, 18th place - mul-frit of mussels and french fries from Brussels, 19th place - Peking duck and 20th place deserved Vietnamese pho soup, or rather its variation, which translates "Pho cooked along the How river".

Unfortunately, we do not know if among the remaining 480 items there is a Russian dish or a specialty from one of the former Soviet republics. And what dishes of our multinational Motherland would you add to this list and why?

What should never be missed when visiting another country? Of course, national dishes! The cuisines of different peoples of the world are a kind of journey within a journey. In this issue, we've rounded up the best dishes from around the world, just in case you're going to go all out and start your own food tour.

Australia: Pie floater

This dish is often referred to as the perfect hangover cure. This is an Australian-style meat pie that is "dipped" in or "floated" over pea soup. Sometimes tomato sauce, vinegar, salt and pepper are placed on top.

Argentina: asado

This is a popular grilled meat dish. In a word, Argentinian steak. If you come across a really good asador (one who makes asado), then you will remember the taste of real grilled meat once and for all.

Austria: Wiener Schnitzel

Wiener schnitzel is synonymous with Austria. This is a very thin veal tenderloin breaded and heavily fried. Usually served with lemon and parsley and garnished with potatoes or rice.


Of course, mussels and french fries can be eaten in other countries, but such a spicy and tasty combination first appeared in Belgium. Mussels are cooked in different ways (with wine, butter and spices, or even in tomato broth) and served with salty crispy fries. Wash it all down with a refreshing Belgian beer.

Brazil: feijoada

Brazil is a huge country with a diverse cuisine, so it's hard to choose just one dish. However, the most iconic Brazilian dish is probably feijoada - a dish of beans and smoked beef or pork. Usually served with rice, kale, farofa (fried cassava flour), hot sauce and orange wedges to aid digestion.

Canada: poutine (emphasis on "i")

Putin first appeared in Quebec, this is a delicious high-calorie dish that will warm you from the inside: french fries and slices of cheese in hot gravy.

China: Shanghai dumplings

It is difficult to choose just one best dish in such a huge country as China, but, perhaps, Shanghai dumplings (xiao long bao) deserve this title. This dish appeared in Shanghai and is a dumplings stuffed with meat, which are steamed in broth in a bamboo basket.

Colombia: Arepa

Arepas are flatbreads made from maize or flour that are grilled, baked, or pan-fried to a deliciously fluffy texture. They are usually eaten for breakfast or as a lunchtime snack. Often topped with butter, cheese, eggs, milk, chorizo, or hogao (onion sauce).

Costa Rica: tamales

If you happen to be in Costa Rica in December, you will surely see tamales on every corner, because these tortillas are made mainly at Christmas. Tamales can have a wide variety of fillings, including pork, rice, eggs, raisins, olives, carrots, and peppers. They are wrapped in paradise banana leaves and cooked in a wood-fired oven.

Croatia: Pag cheese

Pagsky cheese is a Croatian hard cheese made from goat's milk. It is made on the island of Pag and is so famous that it is exported all over the world.

Denmark: olebrod

This is a traditional Danish rye bread that is dipped in beer and boiled to a porridge. Served with whipped cream, thanks to which it looks like a dessert. Nutritious and sweet, but with the taste of rye bread.

Egypt: molohea

This dish is served throughout North Africa, but it is especially popular in Egypt, where it first appeared. The Egyptian version of this dish uses the leaves of molohea (a type of bitter vegetable) - the stems are removed from them, then finely chopped and cooked with coriander, garlic and broth. Usually served with chicken or rabbit, and sometimes lamb or fish.

England: roast beef and Yorkshire pudding

These dishes are considered national in England. Combine the flavor of beef in gravy with hot bread.

France: potofeu

The national dish of France - potofeu - is a product of rural cuisine - a broth with meat, root vegetables and spices. According to tradition, the cooks strained the broth through a sieve and served it with meat.

Georgia: khachapuri

Spicy cakes with cheese or egg.

Germany: Currywurst

This popular fast food dish consists of grilled bratwurst (served whole or cut into pieces) seasoned with curry ketchup. French fries are served as a side dish. Connoisseurs say that it is best to try with Nuremberg sausage.

Greece: Gyros

Gyros are made from meat (beef, veal, pork or chicken) that is cooked on a vertical spit and served with tomatoes, onions and various sauces. They say that the best and largest gyros can be tasted in the north of the country. In addition, in the south they are often served with jajik, and in the north - with mustard and ketchup.

Holland: pickled herring

It is a raw fillet of herring that is marinated in a mixture of cider, wine, sugar, spices and/or spices. This dish is best eaten on a fresh fried bun with chopped onions.

Hungary: goulash

A popular Hungarian dish, goulash, is a cross between soup and stew and has a very thick texture. There are many variations of this dish, but the traditional recipe includes beef, onions, paprika, tomatoes, green peppers, potatoes, and sometimes noodles.

India: tandoori chicken

In India, cuisine varies greatly from region to region, so it's nearly impossible to pick just one dish to describe the entire country. In the north, dishes are more "meaty", with curry and fragrant bread. In the south - more vegetarian and spicy. Well, if you had to choose, perhaps tandoori chicken could be named the best dish in India. It consists of the actual chickens, which are marinated in tandoori masala and fried in a special tandoori oven. Served with vegetables, yogurt sauce and rice.

Indonesia: martabak

Martabak is a sweet Indonesian pie. From the top and bottom it is essentially a porous cake, and in the middle there can be a variety of sweets - from chocolate chips to grated cheese and peanuts, and sometimes a banana! Sold all over Indonesia right on the streets.

Italy: pizza

Agree, it could not be otherwise. Pizza originated in Italy - in Naples, to be exact. Neapolitan pizza is very dense, with a crispy crust and high quality ingredients such as fresh tomatoes, mozzarella, basil and meat. In this country, pizza is an art and pizza chefs are artists.

Japan: katsudon

Of course, sushi seems like the most obvious candidate for the title of Japanese cult dish, but many Japanese argue that katsudon is no less popular. This is a crispy, deep fried pork cutlet with egg and seasonings. Served, of course, with rice.

Kazakhstan: beshbarmak

In translation, it means "five fingers", because this dish was originally eaten with the hands. Boiled meat (mutton or beef) is cut into cubes and mixed with boiled noodles, and then seasoned with onion sauce. Served in a large round dish with lamb broth as a side dish.

Malaysia: nasi lemak

Considered the unofficial national dish of Malaysia; consists of rice cooked in coconut milk and pandan leaves. Traditionally served wrapped in banana leaves, chili, anchovies, peanuts and boiled eggs are often served as a side dish. Many claim that this dish can cure you of a hangover.

Mexico: mole

Mole sauce is one of the most complex and delicious sauces in the world because it uses over a hundred ingredients. This sauce appeared in the regions of Pueblo and Oaxaca, but you can find it almost throughout the country.

Indonesia: Rijstafel

Translated from Dutch, this word means "rice table". This is a set meal of a dozen small side dishes such as sate, sambal, egg rolls, fruits and vegetables. While all of these dishes are of Indonesian origin, the dish itself dates back to the Dutch colonial period.

Nigeria: egusi soup and mashed potatoes

Puree can be made by stirring potato flour into hot water or starch, using boiled white yam and beating until soft texture. Egusi soup is made from protein-rich pumpkin seeds, melons; leafy vegetables, goat meat, and seasonings such as chili are commonly added. There are many regional versions of this dish.

Norway: Rakfisk

This is salted trout that has been marinated for several months. It is eaten raw, with onions and sour cream. For a long time, Norway was a poor country, on the verge of agricultural possibilities. Due to the long winter, Norwegians are used to harvesting their crops in advance and saving them. Therefore, traditional Norwegian dishes are often marinated, smoked or canned. And rakfisk is one of them.

Philippines: adobo

In other countries, adobo is a popular sauce, but in the Philippines, it is a whole dish with meat (pork or chicken) cooked in vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, and vegetable oil. Before frying, the meat is marinated in this sauce. The dish is so popular that it is called the unofficial national dish of the Philippines.

Poland: zhur

Zhur is a soup base made from rye flour that is fermented in water for up to five days. Chopped vegetables are added to the broth - carrots, parsnips, celery root, leeks, potatoes, garlic, and usually eggs and sausages.

Portugal: francesinha

This is a Portuguese sandwich made of bread, ham, linguica (smoked pork sausage) and steak. All this is poured with melted cheese and tomato sauce. Best eaten with French fries and a cold beer.

Romania: sarmale

Cabbage leaves stuffed with rice and meat. This is a very popular dish in Romania eaten in winter.

Ukraine: borscht

Any foreigner in Ukraine is simply obliged to try borscht. Usually served cold and with sour cream. The best aperitif? Of course, gorilka.

saudi arabia kabsa

A fragrant rice dish with many spices such as cloves, cardamom, saffron, cinnamon, pepper, nutmeg and bay leaves. Usually all this is mixed with meat and vegetables. This dish can be found throughout the Middle East, but is especially popular in Saudi Arabia.

Scotland: smoked salmon on black bread

Smoked salmon is a must have in Scottish cuisine. The Scots squeeze a fresh lemon on the salmon and eat the fish, simply putting it on a piece of black bread, adding only butter or cream cheese.

Slovakia: cheese dumplings

These are small potato dumplings with soft goat cheese (brynza) and bacon.

Slovenia: Kranjska sausage

This is a Slovenian sausage made from pork (20% of which is bacon), salt, pepper, water and garlic. And that's it.

South Africa: biltong

A type of cured meat from South Africa. It can be beef or game meat, such as an ostrich. South African version of beef jerky, but much tastier. Strips of meat seasoned with salt and spices, dried and truly delicious.

South Korea: panchang

A traditional meal in South Korea consists of many small side dishes, from which it is almost impossible to choose just one. Therefore, Koreans love panchang - a set of small dishes that are served with rice and eaten in company. It can be kimchi, soup, gochujang, kalbi, etc.

Spain: jamon

A spicy marinated ham cut from the hind leg of a pig. This iconic Spanish dish is served with a glass of wine, crispy bread and olives.

Switzerland: Rösti

Thinly grated potatoes, which are fried in a pan until golden brown. It was originally a farmers' breakfast in the canton of Bern, but the taste of this dish has made it popular throughout the country.

Taiwan: bread coffin

It is a very thick piece of white bread stuffed with various yummy things like chicken or peppered beef.

Thailand: Phat Thai

This dish originated in Thailand in the 1930s and has remained a cult favorite throughout the country ever since. Thin rice noodles are fried with tofu and shrimp and seasoned with sugar, tamarind, vinegar, chili and fish sauce. It turns out very spicy and tasty.

UAE Shawarma

One of the most affordable meals in expensive UAE. Perhaps that is why it remains one of the most popular in the country. It is a pita sandwich that contains fried meat (usually a mixture of lamb, chicken, turkey or beef) and vegetables. They are usually seasoned with spicy sauce or tahini.

Russia: buckwheat and beef stroganoff

Meat in Stroganoff style, finely chopped beef, filled with hot sour cream sauce, goes well with the traditional Russian side dish - buckwheat.

USA: hamburger

There are many different dishes in the USA and it is quite difficult to choose just one. But, you see, a hamburger is, perhaps, the "face" of America. Especially in the company of french fries and a milkshake.

Venezuela: pabellon criollo

This dish consists of white rice with stewed black beans and meat. Often served with scrambled eggs and fried plantains.

Vietnam: pho

This dish is popular throughout the country - noodle soup. There are many versions about the type of meat used, but each of them must have rice noodles and broth seasoned with shallots, fish sauce, ginger, salt and spices like cardamom, star anise and cloves. Some versions also include onion, cilantro and black pepper.

Wales: Clark's Pie

Spicy meat patties originating in Cardiff, Wales. They are made according to a secret recipe, but you will find meat, vegetables and gravy in them.

Almost every country has its own national dish - the legendary food, which is the most widely consumed dish within its borders. National dishes are part of the country's identity and culture, as well as a popular topic for foreign visitors. When you travel, you always want to try the most famous culinary dish of the country you are visiting. As a little inspiration, we have compiled a list of twenty-five outstanding national dishes that you will definitely want to try.

25 Barbados: Cou-cou & Flying Fish

Barbados has many types of popular fish such as king mackerel, tuna, barracuda or campecheese snapper, however Barbados is known as the "land of the flying fish" and this fish has even made its way into the national dish of Barbados called "Ku-ku and flying fish". Ku ku consists mainly of corn porridge (cornmeal) and okra (okra), while flying fish is usually fried or steamed.

24. Canada: poutine

Poutine, which appeared in Quebec in the late 1950s, is a favorite dish in Canada. It is made with french fries topped with brown gravy-like sauce and melted cheese. Even though the basic recipe is very simple, there are many variations of poutine. Some restaurants offer poutine with fillings such as chicken, bacon, Montreal-style smoked meat, three-pepper sauce, or even caviar and truffles.

23. Syria: kibbeh (Kibbeh)

This typical Syrian dish, also popular in Lebanon, Palestine, and Jordan, is made with burghul (ground wheat), chopped onion, and finely minced lean beef, lamb, goat, or camel meat. The most famous variety of kibbeh is torpedo-shaped fried meatballs stuffed with minced beef or lamb. Other types may be formed into balls or patties. They are also baked or cooked in broth.

22. Poland: Bigos

Bigos (which means hunter's stew in translation) is a meat stew traditional for Polish, Lithuanian and Belarusian cuisine, but only the Poles consider this dish their national dish. This is a very hearty and tasty stew made from a wide range of ingredients such as cabbage, sauerkraut, various meats and sausages, tomatoes, honey, mushrooms, peppers, cumin, bay leaves, marjoram, dried or smoked plums, and others. Bigos may be served on a plate or sometimes in a loaf of bread.

21. Greece: Souvlaki

Greece is a country that is home to several famous dishes such as Fasolada, Moussaka or Tzatziki, but souvlaki is usually considered the country's most iconic dish. This popular Greek fast food dish consists of small pieces of meat and sometimes vegetables grilled on a skewer. As a rule, the dish is prepared with pork, although chicken and lamb can also be used. The dish can be served on a skewer for eating on the go with your hands and in pita bread with side dishes and sauces or with fried potatoes.

20. Italy: pizza

Since pizza is well known all over the world, there is no need to introduce this popular dish. Instead, we will tell you about the possible origin of the archetypal type of pizza - pizza Margherita (Pizza Margherita). Legend has it that the Margherita pizza was invented in 1889 when the Royal Palace of Capodimonte commissioned Neapolitan pizza maker Raffaele Esposito to create a pizza to celebrate the visit of Queen Margherita. Of the three different pizzas he created, she chose one in the colors of the Italian flag: red (tomato), green (basil), and white (mozzarella). Presumably this type of pizza was then named in her honor - "Pizza Margherita".

19 Ireland: Irish Stew

First introduced back in 1800, Irish stew is the most common dish in the country and a staple in Irish pubs around the world. Irish stew, which was originally a thick broth of slow-cooked lamb with onions, potatoes and parsley, now often includes other vegetables.

18. USA: hamburger

Hamburgers, by analogy with pizza or pasta, are known and loved all over the world, but the country most often associated with them is the United States. Everyone knows what a hamburger usually consists of, but not many people know that the term "hamburger" originally comes from Hamburg, the German city from which many people emigrated to the United States. This term, however, has nothing to do with the dish, because in German "Burg" means a fortified settlement.

17. Hungary: goulash

Goulash became the national dish of Hungary in the late 1800s, when Hungarians were looking for symbols of national identity to distinguish themselves from their partners in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In the future, this hearty dish spread to Central Europe, Scandinavia and Southern Europe. It is a soup or stew of beef (sometimes also veal, pork, venison or lamb) and vegetables, richly seasoned with pepper and other spices.

16 Israel: Falafel

A common dish not only in Israel but throughout the Middle East, falafel is deep-fried balls or patties made from ground chickpeas, beans, or both. The dish is usually served in pita bread or wrapped in a flatbread known as matzah. Falafel became so popular that McDonald's served "McFalafel" for a period of time in some countries.

15. Jamaica: Ackee & Saltfish

Although this savory dish originated and is most popular in Jamaica, it is also widely consumed in the UK, Canada and the US. To prepare this dish, salted cod is fried with boiled aki (a nutritious fruit with a buttery nutty flavor), onions, tomatoes and spices. The dish is usually served for breakfast or dinner with breadfruit, thick dough bread, dumplings or boiled green bananas. It is often washed down with coconut milk.

14. Austria: Wiener Schnitzel

The Wiener Schnitzel is a very thin breaded and deep fried veal schnitzel. This is the most popular and famous Viennese and Austrian dish. It is made from lightly boiled salted veal rolled in flour, beaten eggs and breadcrumbs. The dish is traditionally served with potato salad, cucumber salad, parsley potatoes, french fries or fried potatoes and garnished with a slice of lemon.

13 South Korea: Bulgogi

Bulgogi, which means “fire meat,” is a typical South Korean dish that typically consists of grilled marinated beef. The marinade is a mixture of soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic, onion, ginger, sugar, wine, green onions, and sometimes mushrooms. Many South Korean restaurants have a mini-barbecue on every table, giving diners the opportunity to grill the meat themselves.

12. France: thin pancakes (Crepe)

Thin pancakes, whose French name "Crêpe" comes from the Latin word "crispa" (meaning "rolled"), are usually made from wheat flour. Thin pancakes are served with a range of toppings. They can be either sweet (with sugar, fruit jam, strawberries, maple syrup, and so on) or “savory” (with cheese, ham, eggs, ratatouille, mushrooms, artichokes, and various meat products).

11 China: Peking Duck

Peking duck is the most famous dish from the Chinese capital and one of the most iconic Chinese dishes. Crispy duck meat is eaten with green onions, cucumber, sweet bean sauce and thin pancakes. Sometimes, a small bowl of spicy sauce, such as Hoisin sauce, is added to the main platter.

10 Brazil: Feijoada

The main ingredients of this hearty and very tasty dish are beans with fresh pork or beef. Brazilian feijoada is made with black beans, a variety of pork or beef products such as pork trimmings, bacon or smoked pork ribs, and at least two types of smoked sausage and smoked beef. It is common to serve this dish with white rice and oranges. Oranges are served to aid digestion.

9. Ukraine: borscht

This dish originated in Ukraine, but has become popular in many countries of Eastern and Central Europe. Borscht is a thick and spicy soup in which beets are the main ingredient. It is almost always based on pork or beef broth and usually contains the cuts of meat from which the broth was made. Borscht also includes hearty, starchy vegetables like potatoes. Carrots and sweet peppers are also added to borscht. It can be served as a main course, but is usually eaten as an appetizer, with bread.

8Thailand: Pad Thai

Thai noodles are stir-fried rice noodles. It is often sold as street food, but is also served as a main dish in Thai restaurants. This hearty dish is made from soaked and then dried rice noodles that are fried with eggs and chopped firm tofu. The dish is seasoned with a wide range of ingredients such as tamarind pulp, fish sauce, dried shrimp, garlic, shallots, chili, etc. Thai noodles can be served with lime wedges and crushed roasted peanuts. Depending on the region, it may also contain fresh shrimp, crab, chicken, or other meats.

7 Czech Republic: Svickova

There is an ongoing debate in the Czech Republic over whether roast pork with dumplings and cabbage (Vepřo-knedlo-zelo) or svičková is the Czech national dish. We chose the second option. Svichkova is beef tenderloin with creamy vegetable sauce and dumplings. This is a tasty but not very dietary dish, sometimes served with lemon slices and cranberries as a garnish.

6. Venezuela: arepa (Arepa)

Arepa, made from crushed corn dough or fried flour, is considered the national dish of Venezuela and sometimes Colombia as well. Different parts of the country use different sizes and types of corn and added ingredients. In Eastern Venezuela, for example, the most common species is typically 8 to 20 centimeters in diameter and approximately 2 centimeters thick. Nowadays, this dish is often cooked in electric arepa machines, which reduce the cooking time from 15 to 25 minutes per side to seven minutes or even less.

5 Türkiye: Kebab

Kebab originated in Turkey, where street vendors sold meat cut from vertically mounted skewers. Kebab has become one of the most popular fast food in most European countries. The traditional meat for kebabs is lamb, however, depending on local preferences or religious taboos, other meats may also be used in kebabs, including beef, goat, chicken, pork, or even fish. Meat is usually served in flatbread or pita bread.

4 Singapore: Chili Crab

The main ingredient in this delicious seafood dish is large edible crabs that are fried in a sweet and hearty tomato and chili sauce. CNN Go listed this Singaporean dish as one of the 50 Most Delicious Foods in the World. It is number 35.

3. Serbia: splash (Pljeskavica)

This Balkan dish, made from various ground meats, is popular throughout southeastern Europe. A traditional Serbian plashkavica is made from a mixture of minced lamb, pork, beef or veal that is grilled with onions and served hot on a plate with vegetables and a side dish, usually French fries or bread. This tasty and spicy dish has recently become popular in other European countries and is already served in some specialty fast food restaurants.

2 New Zealand: Bacon and Egg Pie

This savory crusty pie contains bacon, egg, and often onions, peas, tomato, and cheese. It is sometimes served with ketchup. The cake tends to have a denser texture and feel, and is generally high in calories. In addition to New Zealand, this snack is also popular in neighboring Australia.

1 Belgium: Mussels with French Fries (Moules-Frites)

This dish first appeared in Belgium and is considered the country's national dish, however, it is also popular in France and other Western European countries. However, the most surprising thing about this traditional Belgian dish is its size. A portion of mussels in Belgian restaurants is, as a rule, one and a half kilograms per person. As a dish, mussels and french fries are served in separate plates or containers so that the fries do not become wet.

Each country has its own culinary preferences and popular dishes. And they don’t argue about people’s tastes, so the most delicious food in the world is a relative concept. Gourmets will sing odes to frog legs or praise oysters, and for a simple layman, the most delicious dish may seem familiar to us dumplings or hearty, rich borscht.

But, despite the tastes and preferences, the rating of the most delicious food in the world exists. To compile it, a survey is conducted, in which a huge number of people take part. And it is in accordance with their preferences that it is possible to evaluate the most revered dishes that are prepared in different countries of the world.

It is a meat dish made by soaking beef in milk and adding garlic, ginger, turmeric, "lemongrass" and chili as seasonings. Soft meat with the aroma of the listed spices is liked by many, which is why Rendang often receives the highest ratings.

Nasi goreng Indonesia

Another dish, originally from Indonesia, occupies a leading position in the ranking. This is Nasi goreng, which is a mixture of eggs, chicken and rice.

Italian lasagna

Italian dishes, including lasagna, have high positions. The dish is made from dough and toppings, which are chosen to your taste, so lasagna can be very diverse. Filled dough is poured with sauce prepared according to different recipes, and everything is sprinkled with a layer of cheese on top.

Lasagna is a bit like pizza. Perhaps this was the reason for the growing popularity of this dish in different countries. Domestic housewives have long been preparing such a dish perfectly.

Pizza from Italy

One of the most delicious and favorite Italian dishes is pizza. Such food is sure to take high positions in the ranking, because today you can hardly find a person who does not like pizza. Of course, each of us has our favorite type of this dish, because there are a myriad of filling options. You can cook pizza with vegetables or fruits, use seafood, mushrooms, different types of meat and various cheeses for filling. Depending on the choice of ingredients, the taste of pizza changes dramatically.

Japanese sushi

Sushi and rolls are another exotic dish that is well known in our country. Sushi has long been a favorite food of many compatriots. Rolls are no less popular in other countries, so they can be safely called one of the best dishes in the world.

Sushi is very diverse, as they use different ingredients to prepare them. But the basis always remains the same - this is rice. Sushi is served with soy sauce and wasabi, which adds a twist.

mexican paella

In Spain, Mexico is very fond of paella. Representatives of other nationalities also like it, because the dish is really tasty and very satisfying. The basis of the dish is rice, which is supplemented with turmeric and saffron, which gives not only a spicy taste, but also an amazing warm shade to rice grains.

Complement paella with seafood, chicken or vegetables, all seasoned with broth. To prepare paella, a special large frying pan is used, so the feast should be designed for a large company.

swiss fondue

Switzerland is the birthplace of cheese, so it is not surprising that cheeses in this country are very loved and consumed in large quantities. It was here that they came up with the idea of ​​​​heating cheese in a large cauldron, in order to then dip pieces of bread, vegetables or meat into it. Eat small pieces of food in melted cheese immediately, until it has cooled. Thus, a delicious lunch becomes a wonderful pastime.

Today, not only cheese is used for fondue, but also chocolate. Fruits are dipped into melted chocolate.

Thai salad Som Tam

Interestingly, Thai dishes are not to everyone's taste. But the spicy Som Tam salad was appreciated by representatives of many nationalities. The composition of the dish includes papaya, green beans, garlic, carrots, tomatoes, crabs and some other ingredients. All these products are cut into small pieces and seasoned with a special dressing that complements the dish with a special taste.

Chinese Dim Sum

The Chinese love to eat Dim Sum for breakfast. After all, every morning you can get food that is completely different in taste, since there are a lot of filling options for this dish.

Dim Sum is somewhat reminiscent of the dumplings familiar to us, but there is a wide variety of fillings, and each bag of dough is made in an original form and looks charming. Chinese dumplings can be salty, sweet, spicy, or sour. The method of preparation is also different - they are steamed or fried in oil.

Ramen Noodle Soup

Ramen is a Japanese dish that is prepared on the basis of broth with the addition of wheat noodles and meat, pickles, and vegetables. The meat and spices in the soup give a savory taste that is very popular with people from different countries.

In domestic restaurants, you can often see this dish on the menu. But no matter how wonderfully experienced chefs cook duck, it is best to try this dish in Beijing. After all, it is there that the ancient traditions of cooking are still used.

Caesar salad is native to North America. Only few people know about this now, because a light and tasty salad has long become very popular in different countries of the world. Many chefs offer different interpretations of this salad, adding original ingredients to it to improve the taste.

Initially, the salad included only a few ingredients:

  • Croutons (crackers are now used instead);
  • Leaf salad;
  • Parmesan cheese.

All this was poured with olive oil, Worcestershire sauce and an egg, which shortly before that was dipped in boiling water. But no one has seen it in such a performance for a long time, since today chicken or shrimp, cherry tomatoes and some other products are added to the salad at the discretion of the cook.

Unleavened tortillas, traditional for Mexico, are the basis of many dishes, including fajitas. It is considered to be the most delicious food in the world. Meat, fried with grilled vegetables and seasoned with sauce, is laid out on a tortilla. Usually pork is used, but if desired, it can be replaced with chicken or beef.

An amazing dish is prepared from monkfish liver. And it's really damn delicious. In Japan, this dish is considered a delicacy.

Marble Wagyu Beef

Wagyu beef in Japan is considered incredibly healthy. This dish has a stunning view - the marble veins of meat not only look very beautiful, but are also very useful for humans. They contain unsaturated fats. It is recommended to eat beef raw - according to the Japanese, this is the only way to feel its delicate taste.

Vietnamese rice roll is more like a spring roll. Meat is used as a filling. Such food is very common in Vietnam and appreciated by gourmets from different countries.


We know that croissants are the classic French breakfast. But in reality, fragrant buns were born in Austria. The French know this, but they are not embarrassed by the birthplace of their favorite food. It's so nice to eat a crispy delicate croissant in the morning, washed down with a fragrant cup of coffee.

Seafood is appreciated all over the world, especially if it is a luxurious lobster. They can be cooked in many different ways, but nothing tastes better than boiled lobster. A small piece of butter and lemon juice will complement the taste of sea crawfish.

Ice cream

Ice cream is the food of the Gods according to many. It is especially delicious in the summer when you want to refresh yourself. It is believed that Americans love ice cream the most. They can eat it literally at any time of the year and in any weather. And this is no coincidence, because ice cream in this country is actually incredibly tasty.

In different cities of our country, there is probably at least one coffee shop that offers lush donuts. Donuts come from America, where they are presented in a huge assortment. Donuts with or without fillings, with the addition of nuts, chocolate, multi-colored icing, coconut flakes and other additives will brighten up the morning.

In Hong Kong, you must try the egg pie, which is made from puff pastry and custard. The dessert is delicious, thanks to which it often gets into the ratings of the most delicious food in the world. You will especially like it if you manage to taste the egg pie while still warm.

Oriental cuisine is appreciated by representatives of many nationalities. But among the most popular and delicious dishes, the leading position is occupied by kebab. This is meat cooked on fire.

Kebab is very similar to our barbecue, only the meat for this dish is finely chopped beforehand to form small balls of minced meat. A special flavor is given by the marinade and spices that are used in the cooking process.

Irish Champ

They say that the national dish of champ is eaten faster than the first pint of beer is drunk. And this drink is very popular in Ireland. Everyone who has ever tried champ assures that this is an excellent side dish for any dishes.

Champ is mashed potatoes with salt and pepper, oil, and green onions. Delicious!

In India, there is a special recipe for crab. It is cooked in a garlic butter sauce with aromatic Indian herbs. Since the crab is sent to boiling oil, it can be consumed after cooking along with the shell. Thanks to this processing, the shell becomes tender and adds zest to the taste.

Cutfish Restaurant by Chef Glen Ballis

This is a typical Australian dish. Here they like to cook whole vegetables on the grill and add all kinds of sauces and spices to them. Eggplant cut in half is cooked on the Josper grill with hot spices. When serving, cold Greek yogurt and tuna shavings are added, which begins to move from the hot air from the eggplant. This gives the impression that the eggplant is alive. It is also worth noting that the dish combines different temperatures: hot eggplant and cold Greek yogurt, which complement each other very well.

Remy Kitchen Bakery by Chef Glen Ballis

Classic cheddar cheese burger. The Remy burger buns are homemade and lightly toasted on the Josper grill before serving. The burger patty is also grilled. The sauce is made with Dijon mustard. And most importantly, truffles are added before serving.

"Coffeemania" from the brand chef of restaurants Vitaly Karsaev

I brought Benedict's idea from Paris. But there it is made only with ham. And we slightly modified the French recipe and cook it with salmon (although we also have a classic one with ham on our menu). In addition, I decided to change the egg toast bread and bake it according to my own recipe, so the brioche in our Benedict is special, from our own bakery. And I also changed the recipe for the hollandaise sauce with which the dish is seasoned, adding ingredients to it to my taste. This author's version of a popular dish is definitely worth a try at Coffeemania.

Restaurant Zotman Pizza Pie from brand chef Dmitry Zotov

Sweet pizza is not served in all metropolitan establishments, so it is still considered exotic. Pizza with cream cheese, chocolate, airy marshmallows, cranberries and splashes of M&M's will appeal to both children and adults.

Neobistro "Geraldine"

Can Caesar salad surprise the sophisticated public? Yes, and how! We dare to check, leaving in the usual recipe all the most important things, bringing each ingredient to perfection, but adding touches that decisively change the essence. The chef of the Geraldine restaurant replaced the Romano salad with the extra-useful and praised by nutritionists all over the world kale, known as “Russian cabbage”, added white wheat bread croutons instead of croutons, cooked the chicken fillet at a low temperature for an atypical delicate taste and seasoned the salad with spicy sauce from anchovies, capers, parmesan, tabasco and a couple of secret ingredients. The taste of Cale Caesar turned out so bright that it is simply designed to break culinary patterns. About 70 servings are sold per day.

Restaurant "Syrovarnya" from the concept chef Sergey Nosov

The point of this dish is simplicity: we take fresh cheese, hot, freshly baked focaccia and carefully selected scarlet tomatoes. Regardless of the season, this dish is always relevant. We sell about 1600 portions per month.

"Wine Bazaar" on Petrovsky Boulevard from Chef Ilya Lustin

The recipe for tuna with pak choi in a creamy sauce was brought back from a trip to Barcelona by Ilya Lustin, brand chef of the Wine Bazaar chain, and Evgenia Kachalova, owner of the chain. The usual taste of fresh tuna in an Asian dressing here is replaced by a creamy sauce, complemented by pak choi salad. The creamy taste is set off by a seasonal berry, at the beginning of summer it was a sweet cherry, now it is a strawberry. All tastes are harmoniously combined and set off each other.

The network of cafes "Zhadina-Beef, pickled cucumber" from the brand chef of the network Charbel Aoun

Sandwich "Fried Carp" - two pieces of catfish fillet with rocket pesto and cashews, pickles on homemade ciabatta. One of the most popular dishes in the cafe. Unlike other places where they make minced meat, here the fish in a sandwich is given in the form of a fillet. In fact, if you remove the bread and put the filling on a plate, you get a complete dish.

Turandot Restaurant by Chef Dmitry Eremeev

Fried shrimp topped with a spicy wasabi sauce, garnished with a cloud of rice noodles and flying fish roe. According to Dmitry Eremeev, this dish is interesting because it has an unusual taste due to a new combination of ingredients used: wasabi is mixed with condensed milk, spices are added - this way a sauce is obtained. The spicy-spicy taste and dense texture of the sauce are ideal for shrimp.

Restaurant ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ from the owner Aleksey Karolidis

The reason is that, firstly, this is the very first association with Greek cuisine. And secondly, because our Horyatiki is rightfully called the most delicious in Moscow: fresh tomatoes, crispy cucumbers, bell peppers, red onions - all this can be easily bought in every store, but 3 ingredients are in no way irreplaceable: cold Greek olive oil pressed, Greek Kalamata olives and, of course, Feta cheese. For 3 years we have sold more than 30 thousand servings.

15/17 BAR & GRILL by Chef Vladimir Bozhavets

Chef Vladimir Bogozhavets brought a special blender from Jordan to make especially tender hummus. Its peculiarity is that the powerful rotating mechanism is placed behind the engine. Those. the mechanism itself does not heat up the mass of chickpeas during operation, which is extremely important for obtaining the right taste. Here you can try traditional Lebanese hummus with olive oil and pine nuts, as well as hummus with charcoal-grilled champignons, chicken hearts, spicy shrimp and fried squid. Each appetizer is served as a compliment with freshly baked homemade bread - churek, bagel with sesame or poppy seeds.

AQ Kitchen by Chef Adrian Quetglas

Dim Sum is handmade here at AQ Kitchen: whole shrimp, marinated sweet and sour kohlrabi, savory hayashi wakame salad, nameko mushrooms, garlic, ginger, chili, mango marmalade and halibut roe together cause a real "explosion" for the taste buds.