Convert FB2 file to Microsoft Word document. e-book and document converters Convert text files to fb2

16.07.2023 Society and culture

Many people like to read books, these can be both printed copies and those that are distributed electronically. Download an interesting work from the Internet and read it on your phone, tablet, laptop or computer. But it may happen that the book you need is distributed only in *.doc or *.docx format, and they may not be displayed correctly in the reader installed on the device. Therefore, there is a need to convert to another more suitable format.

The programs for reading books installed on the tablet, phone and all e-books perfectly understand the * .fb2 format. In it, text and pictures are displayed normally, as a result, it is convenient to read. And in this article, we will figure out how to convert Word to FB2. We will use both a special program and online converters designed for these purposes.

htmlDocs2fb2 converter program

This program is very convenient, simple and understandable. All that is required is to go to the official website of the developer and download it from there using the appropriate link.

After that, go to the Downloads folder on your computer, the downloaded archive will be there. To get the necessary files from it, an archiver must be installed on the computer, for example, WinZIP, 7ZIP. When you open the archive, extract everything from it to some folder. In the example, I created a new folder on the Desktop and named it after the program.

Go into it. There will be several files. We need the one opposite which in the column "Type" is indicated "Application". This, in fact, is the program we need. You do not need to install it, but simply run it by double-clicking on it.

This window will open. Here you need to add a Word document that we will convert. To do this, click on the open folder icon in the upper left corner.

Through Explorer, find the document, select it and click .

The path to the file you selected will be written in the program window. To get started, click on the "File" menu and select from the list.

In the next window, enter information about the book and the author, select a cover, check one of the suggested ones below, or enter your own title for the book. Look at the second tab "Document-info", and fill in the fields there. Then click "OK".

When the conversion is finished, the bottom area will show the path where the converted file was saved. By the way, it will also be archived.

By default, everything is saved on the C: drive in Documents. Open this folder and go to the archive.

Extract the book to any other location on your computer.

In the reading application, the book in FB2 is displayed as follows, but not all of the pictures have been saved.

Online conversion with Convertio

You can do everything without downloading any programs to your computer. You can use online converters, which you can easily find through the search.

One of them is Convertio. Follow the link to go to his page on the Internet: . You can upload a Word file here from your computer, Dropbox, Google Drive, or by pasting a link to it. I chose the first option.

Find the document, select it and click on the button.

When it loads and opposite its name appears "Prepared", click on the button "Convert".

After the process is over, download the converted document by clicking on the appropriate button opposite it. Or save it to one of the suggested cloud storages.

I pressed the button and the book opened directly on the Internet. To download it, again click on the save button, which is located in the address bar on the right.

The book opened in the reader looks like this. The pictures are in place and the text is easy to read.

Ebook online converter

I'll tell you about another online resource where you can convert Word to fb2 - this is Ebook. Go to the desired page using the link: . Among the many fields with menus and advertising, find the fields you need.

You can upload here either a document from a computer, or by inserting an email address, or by selecting it from one of the cloud storages. I chose the first option, so I click on the button "Choose file".

Find the one you need on your computer, and it will appear next to the button itself. A little lower, if desired, change the title and author. You don't need to change anything else and click "Convert".

After the process is completed, the converter will notify you, and the file will be automatically downloaded to your computer.

The book in FB2 looks like this. Everything is clear, and the pictures are preserved in place.


Today I will talk about a small (and "it weighs less than 1 MB") free program that allows you to convert text documents into a popular format for reading books - fb2.

So, meet - converter to fb2 program htmlDocs2fb2:

In today's article, you will learn about:

Installing htmlDocs2fb2.

With this item, everything is simple - download the converter from the link below, unpack it and you can use it. When you run the executable file (htmlDocs2fb2.exe), the program will launch for the first time and you will see the window shown in the first screenshot in this article.


The interface of htmlDocs2fb2 is very simple and clear, besides it is completely in Russian.

At the top there is a menu, several tabs and a small toolbar, the purpose of all this is a little lower.

Program functions and conversion to .

So, as I wrote earlier, at the top of the window there is a menu:

Consider the purpose of the tabs on a specific example.

Let's start with the settings.

Tab "General" - here we select the language (Russian or English).

Settings tab.

Here we set the title (title) of the document: show the title menu or not, set the default language.

Then we choose whether we will resize the images in the document during conversion (tick in the "Resize" item). If we change the size, then a little lower in the two form fields we set the desired width and height of the pictures.

After that, we set up the table conversion:

  • As it is.
  • Content only.
  • To raster (convert tables to a picture, in this case the table will be displayed exactly as in the original document, however, the size of the fb2 document will be larger than when one of the previous items was selected).

Select the option to display the table border:

  • As in the source.
  • visible.

Select the font (the icon with three dots to the right of the inscription "Font", under the choice of the border display option).

And, finally, at will we change the “other” settings: “save links” and “pack in zip”.

After we have finished working with the settings, we can proceed directly to converting the file.

Select a file to convert. The following file formats are supported: html, htm, shtml, doc, docx, rtf.

I selected a saved page of this site.

Customize the title page of the book:

We save the fb2 file to the computer's hard drive.

In the fb2 tab, you will see something like this:

When testing the program, I found a problem with the Cyrillic alphabet. If after conversion you will see something like this:

It is solved simply. Go to the "Source" tab, select all the text in the window (Ctrl + A or right mouse button -> select all) and click on the "convert to ANSI" button.

After that, again press "F9" or the green triangle on the toolbar and repeat the steps described above.

My review of the program.

The program successfully copes with the conversion of text files, but I did not like how it works with web pages, although perhaps I did something wrong and you will not have problems with this.

Many people are concerned about the problem of how to transfer their lectures or simple documents made in Word to their favorite smartphone or tablet, where either FBReader or CoolReader or some other convenient FB2 reader has been installed for a long time.

I tried and tested a program with a simple name doc2fb. (With) e-books

Doc2fb - a very small program designed for converting. doc, .txt and .rtf files in fb2 format for readers. The program works on PC (Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7) and PDA. Provides the ability to work in batch mode. Interface language - Russian. ( you can download below)

In order for the application to work, MS Word 2003 must be installed on the PC (this is at least). There must also be javascript with a version of at least 5 (it is included with IE), everything went smoothly on my Mozilla and Opera

Word vector pictures, for example, WMF, are not included in the final file. Raster images, which differ from the JPEG format, are converted to PNG. (proof below)

Here is my example. Sample text in Word

And this is what it looks like on Android

Well, the program itself

In the "Folder" line, click on the button with the ">>" image, and then select the folder that contains the necessary DOC files. After that, the "convert" button becomes active.

Doc2fb is a small program designed to convert .doc, .txt and .rtf files to fb2 format for readers. The program works on PC (Windows 2000/XP/Vista) and PDA. Provides the ability to work in batch mode. Interface language - Russian.

In order for the application to work, MS Word 2003 must be installed on the PC (this is at least). Javascript must also be available with a version of at least 5 (it is included with IE).

The utility itself is an XSL script and a shell - an HTA application (this is an application that is executed by the browser, in fact, this is a script.)

The program has a simple and intuitive interface. It immediately catches your eye that the program is designed for batch conversion: you can select not a specific file, but only a folder.

The utility is able to highlight chapters and subchapters, format text (italic and bold), links and footnotes, and can also add pictures (for example, the first one as a cover).

Word vector pictures, for example, WMF, are not included in the final file. Raster images, which differ from the JPEG format, are converted to PNG.

The utility menu consists of 3 items: "Files", "Settings" and "Info".

The "Files" item is designed to call the main working page of the shell (it is active immediately after launch). In the "Folder" line, click on the button with the ">>" image, and then select the folder that contains the necessary DOC files. After that, the "convert" button becomes active.

Click on it and voila, the files are quickly converted to FB2.

The progress of the operation will be displayed in the "Log" area, located under the "convert" button.

The settings of the Doc2fb program are very few.

Namely: "Show MS Word during conversion", "Close doc2fb after conversion", and "Delete empty lines" - the purpose of these options is clear without any explanation.

"Replace Line-break with Paragraph-break" - replaces forced line break codes with paragraph ending codes.

What is a forced line break? With this function, the current line breaks, and the text continues on the next line. Suppose that, for example, the paragraph style includes an indent before the first line. To avoid indentation before a short line of text (for example, in writing an address, or in a poem), you need to start a new line each time, and instead of pressing the ENTER key, you just need to insert a forced line break.

“Define footnotes as”, as well as “Define explanations as” - MS Word, before converting to FB2, converts those described by regular expressions () into footnotes and explanations.

“Save changes as document version” - when converting, changes are made to the document. If this option is enabled, these changes will be saved in the document as an edit version.

The scourge of the software tools described above is excessive independence, which manifested itself here as well. Indented verses are defined as citations, and two-line headings are automatically made into two sections, and so on.

In order to help the program find the elements, you can additionally mark up the document. dot-file with the corresponding styles can be found on the page of the author of the program.

In general, the program fully meets its purpose. Despite some self-will, it allows you to quickly convert a fairly large number of files.

Download Doc2fb for free:

FB2 is a popular format for storing e-books. Applications for viewing such documents, for the most part, are cross-platform, available on both stationary and mobile operating systems. Actually, the demand for this format is dictated by the abundance of programs intended not only for viewing it (more details below).

The FB2 format is extremely easy to read, both on a large computer screen and on much smaller displays of smartphones or tablets. And yet, sometimes users need to convert an FB2 file to a Microsoft Word document, whether it is an outdated DOC or a DOCX that replaced it. We will tell you how to do this in this article.

As it turned out, finding a suitable program for converting FB2 to Word is not so easy. They exist and there are quite a few of them, but most of them are either simply useless or even unsafe. And if some converters simply do not cope with the task, others will also pollute your computer or laptop with a bunch of unnecessary software from a well-known domestic corporation that is so eager to get everyone hooked on their services.

Since everything is not so simple with converter programs, it would be better to bypass this method altogether, especially since it is not the only one. If you know a good program with which you can convert FB2 to DOC or DOCX, write about it in the comments.

Using Online Resources for Converting

On the boundless expanses of the Internet, there are quite a few resources with which you can convert one format to another. Some of them allow you to convert FB2 to Word as well. So that you do not look for a suitable site for a long time, we found it, or rather them, for you. You just have to choose the one that you like more.

Consider the process of converting online using the example of the Convertio resource.

1. Upload an FB2 document to the site. To do this, this online converter offers several methods:

  • Specify the path to the folder on the computer;
  • Upload a file from Dropbox or Google Drive cloud storage;
  • Specify a link to the document on the Internet.

Note: If you are not registered on this site, the maximum file size that can be uploaded cannot exceed 100 MB. Actually, in most cases this will be enough.

2. Make sure that FB2 is selected in the first window with the format, in the second select the appropriate format for the Word text document that you want to end up with. It can be DOC or DOCX.

3. Now you can convert the file, just click on the red virtual button "Convert".

4. Download the converted file to your computer by clicking the green button "Download", or save it to cloud storage.

Now you can open the saved file in Microsoft Word, however, all the text will most likely be written together. Therefore, you will need to edit the formatting. For greater convenience, we recommend placing two windows side by side on the screen - FB2-reader and Word, and then proceed to split the text into fragments, paragraphs, etc. Our guide will help you cope with this task.

Some tricks in working with the FB2 format

The FB2 format is a kind of XML document that has a lot in common with common HTML. The latter, by the way, can be opened not only in a browser or a specialized editor, but also in Microsoft Word. Knowing this, you can quite simply translate FB2 into Word.

1. Open the folder containing the FB2 document you want to convert.

2. Click on it with the left mouse button once and rename, or rather, change the specified format from FB2 to HTML. Confirm your intentions by clicking "Yes" in a popup window.

Note: If you cannot change the file extension, but can only rename it, follow these steps:

3. Now open the renamed HTML document. It will be displayed in a browser tab.

4. Highlight page content by clicking "CTRL+A", and copy it using the keys "CTRL+C".

Note: In some browsers, the text from such pages is not copied. If you encounter the same problem, simply open the HTML file in another web browser.

5. The entire contents of the FB2 document, more precisely, already HTML, is now in the clipboard, from where you can (even need) paste it into the Word.

Launch MS Word and click "CTRL+V" to paste the copied text.

Unlike the previous method (online converter), converting FB2 to HTML with subsequent insertion into Word preserves the text break into paragraphs. And yet, if necessary, you can always change the formatting of the text manually, making the text more readable.

Opening FB2 in Word directly

The methods described above have certain disadvantages:

  • text formatting may change during conversion;
  • images, tables, and other graphical data that may be contained in such a file will be lost;
  • tags may appear in the converted file, fortunately, they are easy to remove.

Opening FB2 in Word directly is not without drawbacks, but this method is in fact the simplest and most convenient.

1. Open Microsoft Word and select the command in it "Open other documents"(if the latest files you worked with are shown, which is relevant for the latest versions of the program) or go to the menu "File" and press "Open" there.

2. In the explorer window that opens, select "All files" and specify the path to the document in FB2 format. Click on it and click open.

3. The file will open in a new window in Protected View. If you need to change it, click the button "Allow editing".

You can learn more about what Protected View is and how to disable the limited functionality of a document in our article.

Note: XML elements included in the FB2 file will be removed

Thus, we have opened an FB2 document in Word. All that remains is to work on formatting and, if necessary (most likely yes), remove tags from it. To do this, press the keys "CTRL+ALT+X".

1. Go to the menu "File" and select command "Save as".

2. In the drop-down menu located under the line with the file name, select the DOCX extension. If necessary, you can also rename the document..

3. Specify the save path and click "Save".

That's all, now you know how you can convert an FB2 file into a Word document. Choose the method that is convenient for you. By the way, reverse conversion is also possible, that is, a DOC or DOCX document can be converted to FB2. How to do this is described in our material.