Should I ask a man for money? How to ask a man for money? How to ask a man for money and gifts: phrases, examples

Correctly asking for gifts and money from a man is a real art that any woman can learn. Women are romantic people. They crave signs of attention from their other half in the form of pleasant surprises, chic bouquets and gold jewelry. Despite the fact that modern girls want to look more independent and wealthy, every woman has an instinct that requires care, material and moral help and support from a man. The science of asking for gifts and money will help any woman beautifully get what she wants.

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    3 common mistakes that women most often make:

    1. 1. Spend time waiting for the chosen one to guess what they want.
    2. 2. They are offended if the partner did not foresee the desire.
    3. 3. They demand gifts and make claims.

    All this can lead a couple to only one thing - to break. Over time, partners will lose love and trust in each other. That is why it is so important to know how to properly ask for gifts from a husband, boyfriend or lover so that he does not refuse.

    The Right Motivation

    Psychology offers a lot of ways to develop motivation in a man so that he generously gives gifts to his beloved woman.

    List of the most effective methods:

    1. 1. Stimulate with love.
    2. 2. Wait for the right mood.
    3. 3. Use psychology.
    4. 4. Gently and calmly ask.
    5. 5. Give compliments.
    6. 6. Gain confidence in yourself.
    7. 7. Give gifts to a life partner.

    Filled with love

    If a man has quivering feelings for his other half, then he himself expresses a desire to please her: he gives gifts and periodically brings flowers. A woman should fill her man. This is done through a special exercise:

    1. 1. The girl needs to raise and lower her hands up, while exhaling, ridding her mind of negative and destructive thoughts.
    2. 2. She must let love into her heart and imagine her chosen one next to her.
    3. 3. Then all positive energy should be directed to the man.

    The systematic implementation of this exercise will help motivate your partner and strengthen the relationship in a couple. Inspired, happy and filled with love, the gentleman will strive to fulfill any request and will literally try to get a star from the sky for his beautiful lady, who will only have to subtly hint at what she wants. The main thing is not to overestimate the social status of your man and his financial capabilities. After all, money is not as important as sincere relationships.

    Suitable mood

    Men are not telepaths. To guess what their companion is dreaming of is an impossible task for them. In addition, the representatives of the stronger sex are not always able to catch hints, they need specifics. Therefore, do not be embarrassed, it is best to tell about your desire in great detail. Then the probability of getting the desired thing will increase significantly. It is recommended not to delay until the last minute, but to announce your request in advance. It will take time for a man to find a dream gift.

    You should realistically assess the capabilities of your partner, otherwise he may develop an inferiority complex. It is also recommended to consider what mood the chosen one is in. No need to contact him after he got tired from work, or when he had a bad day. The best option is a relaxing romantic setting. Desire cannot be announced in an orderly tone.

    A man himself must make a decision and go shopping. It is important to be able to enjoy any gift and sign of attention. It is impossible to express dissatisfaction if the thing received is not at all what was expected. A man should see the joy on the face of his woman. Otherwise, over time, he will completely cease to present surprises if he constantly encounters claims and reproaches. It should be remembered: men please only those who know how to sincerely rejoice. A violent expression of positive emotions will serve as the best incentive for gifts in the future.

    The use of psychology

    There is a special category of men who, by their nature, are pathologically greedy. At the same time, the level of income and social status has absolutely nothing to do with it. But most often it happens that the chosen one simply does not have money in order to please his beloved. Such a representative of the stronger sex is not confident in himself and his abilities. There is another type of men who should only be hinted at, and they immediately embody the dream of their other half.

    You can tell your partner that a woman is judged by her husband's appearance. Any representative of the stronger sex likes it when his companion looks great and dresses with taste. It is important to appreciate any noble manifestations of a gentleman. Even if a box of chocolates or a plush toy were presented.

    The most important thing is to accustom a partner to the process of presenting gifts.

    Correct tone of request

    Sometimes the representatives of the stronger sex are busy with work or busy solving other problems, so they may not guess the desire of their woman the first time. In this case, psychologists advise to become a cute cat, curled up in a ball on the lap of its patron.

    Requests must be made in a firm but gentle manner. Offended, starting a quarrel and making a lot of claims, you can achieve only one thing - disgust. You need to ask for gifts in a good mood, using all the female tricks.


    In order for a man to have an incentive to present gifts to his woman, you must not forget to thank him for the pleasant little things. You should be proud of your partner. A representative of the fair sex, who tells her chosen one that she is lucky with him and boasts about the exploits of her husband in front of her mother and friends, makes her partner feel like a real hero.

    Not only ladies love compliments, guys love encouragement from their life partner. One has only to hint to a loved one that he is successful, reliable, decisive, courageous, witty, and he will begin to change for the better right before our eyes. Making compliments to a man, a woman inspires him, and he wants to repay her in the same way and give joy and pleasure.

    Self confidence

    An insecure woman believes that she is unworthy of gifts. A man is unlikely to express a desire to give something to such a companion. But a girl with the qualities of a leader, the representative of the stronger sex tries to please in any way.

    Before learning the art of asking for gifts and money, you need to develop confidence and love for yourself. There is no need to be afraid to ask your husband for something unusual, because difficulties are another powerful incentive. A woman must believe that she is worthy of luxurious gifts. This will raise her status in the eyes of her partner. Sexuality and femininity are the most powerful weapons in the arsenal of beautiful ladies, these qualities can strike even the most persistent man on the spot.

    Gifts for life partner

    It is not recommended to give the chosen one material gifts in return. Such behavior can ruin relationships and turn a partner into a gigolo. On holidays and memorable dates, it is best to present intangible surprises. It can be:

    • erotic dance;
    • walk in the park;
    • picnic in the bosom of nature;
    • Romantic dinner;
    • relaxing massage;
    • extreme and unusual sex.

    If a loved one has a sweet tooth or a true gourmet, you can bake a cake or cook a gourmet dish.

    How to ask a man

    The man needs to be asked. It is simply necessary for his personal growth. If the representative of the weaker sex does not ask her beloved for anything, she reduces his male potential. True men want to be needed and enjoy when they bring joy to their chosen one. The main female duty is to want something from a guy and ask him for it.

    If the lady does not want anything and is content with little, the chosen one gradually relaxes and ceases to make at least some effort in order to deliver positive emotions to her.

    The fair sex must forever say goodbye to the phrase: "I myself." Having asked a partner for something, it is recommended to be patient, and not go the next day to independently acquire the desired thing. It is necessary to periodically remind about your request - this is completely normal, because a man can simply forget.

    If a woman has been doing everything herself for a long time, it will be incredibly difficult for her to start asking her lover for something, but it is important to learn this. Without such a skill, harmonious relationships in a couple will not work. It is recommended to start with little things: ask to open a bottle of water, carry a heavy package, pour anti-freeze into the car, meet at the entrance, and the like. You need to train not only on your life partner. In order to perfect your skills, it is recommended to learn how to seek help even from unfamiliar representatives of the strong half of humanity.

    If a woman needs money, the easiest and most effective method is to simply approach and ask. It really works. After all, a man by nature is a breadwinner. You should discard stiffness and doubts, there is nothing shameful in such a sincere and direct request. If you remain silent all the time, the chosen one is unlikely to guess about the needs of his partner, which can cause irritation, anger and anger in her. When requesting, be sure to take into account the financial capabilities of a man. There is no need to demand too much, otherwise the partner will think that his woman is just a money hunter.

    Useful phrases

    When the fair sex does not know how to ask a partner for what she wants, the following phrases can come to the rescue:

    1. 1. “I want …”, and then you need to voice a clearly articulated desire.
    2. 2. “What a beautiful ring (or something else)! ". A casually uttered enthusiastic phrase in a jewelry store will help hint to a guy that a woman wants to receive as a gift for the next holiday.
    3. 3. "I have always dreamed of ...".
    4. 4. "I would be glad (happy) to receive for my birthday ...".
    5. 5. "A trip to ... will make me the happiest woman on the planet."

    After getting what you want, it is important not to forget to express joyful emotions and thank your man for bringing his fantasies to life.

    Gifts from representatives of different zodiac signs

    If you focus on the zodiac sign of a man, you can get what you want even easier:

    1. 1. Aries. The most proven way to get gifts from this man is to ask not from the position of “I want”, but from the position of “must”. This is a very practical sign of the zodiac and such a gentleman does not intend to throw money down the drain, but if his companion needs something, he simply cannot refuse.
    2. 2. Taurus. This is a hardworking and zealous man protecting his material values. You should not ask the representative of this sign about the amount of his income. Taurus needs to show that the woman herself is able to satisfy her needs. Then he will understand that his companion is not nearby for the purpose of material enrichment, and he will have a desire to pamper his chosen one.
    3. 3. Gemini. Such a man will be struck on the spot and stimulated to give his lady even more surprises with the phrase: “Darling, you have a unique talent for predicting desires”
    4. 4. Cancer. Representatives of this sign appreciate the manifestation of care for their humble person. If the chosen one prepares her favorite dish and says: “I take care of you with pleasure,” then Cancer will have a desire to please her in return.
    5. 5. Lev. From such men, the fair sex can get gifts by taking care of herself and feeling like a truly chic woman. Lions love praise, so if a girl wants to receive signs of attention from a man, she needs to repay him with the same coin.
    6. 6. Virgo. These men are the most greedy of all. Such a gentleman cannot voice his material desires; female commercialism has a repulsive effect on him. To get what you want from a gentleman, you need not show him a thirst for pleasure, but subtly hint at your life's difficulties.
    7. 7. Scales. They have a natural desire to look well-groomed and presentable, so a man born under this sign can be offered a joint visit to a beauty salon or shopping, and then he will definitely want to thank his companion with a chic new thing.
    8. 8. Scorpio. Representatives of this sign can not stand the competition. Such a man should make a hint that the fair sex has more contenders, but only for the role of a protector, and not a lover. Then the instinct of the conqueror will wake up in him, and he will make every effort to pleasantly surprise his woman. Thanking Scorpio is necessary, expressing great joy and appreciation.
    9. 9. Sagittarius. Such a man never spares money for his other half if he is in a serious relationship. Representatives of this zodiac sign love travel and do not refuse anything to their beloved woman, feeling reciprocity.
    10. 10. Capricorn. He prefers to save money rather than spend it, so you need to ask such men for gifts that correspond to common goals and interests. The chosen one will not be spent on useless trinkets.
    11. 11. Aquarius. These men love to surprise, they do not skimp on money and carefully think over any surprise, even if it's just a greeting card. You can ask Aquarius anything you want. He will not be able to offend his beloved woman with a refusal.
    12. 12. Pisces. These men want to look wealthy in the eyes of their companion, even if the situation is quite different. If the representative of the stronger sex has money, he will not stint on a gift. A woman who demonstrates unearthly love and devotion to her partner is more likely to achieve her desires from Pisces. The infantile egoist and brawler is unlikely to receive anything from a representative of this zodiac sign.

    And some secrets...

    I looked at my husband in fascination, and he did not take his admiring eyes off his mistress. He acted like a lovesick jerk...

    The Internet is a place where people from different parts of the world interact with each other every day. They communicate, read the news, work and just relax. The World Wide Web is recognized as the best way to disseminate information. Sometimes they try to ask for money here. Communities are being created on the Internet to help raise funds for those in need. Someone just distributes the finances he has. Next, we will talk about how to properly ask for money for certain needs on the World Wide Web. What difficulties can you face? How to avoid them? Is it really worth it to use this method? Answers to all this and more are posted below.

    Reasons for begging

    Asking people for money via the Internet in the modern world is not difficult. The main thing is to remember that the success of "begging" depends in general on how the request is presented.

    Why do people ask for money? The reasons may be different. Eg:

    • illness of a relative;
    • the need to provide urgent costly assistance to children;
    • layoffs at work;
    • divorce;
    • being a victim of a major theft of money;
    • crisis in the country;
    • the bankruptcy of the bank in which the person's funds were kept.

    These are the main serious reasons why beggars appear on the Web (let's call them that). Sometimes people ask for money on the World Wide Web:

    • because too lazy to work;
    • for the purpose of fraud;
    • because of the inability to manage the family budget.

    Asking for money online is really easy. The main thing is that the reason is serious. Then the chances of success will increase significantly. It's just that so few people distribute their hard-earned money.

    Charity on the Web

    It's hard to believe, but today quite a lot of foreigners are involved in charity work. Wealthy people give away money just like that. You can take advantage of this.

    What to do? We'll have to search the web for famous rich people who give away money. They can simply send out offers with cherished transactions or publish data on the “treasures” they left behind on social networks. The last technique is used by a rich man from San Francisco. He hides the money in different places, then informs people about it and watches what happens.

    Well-known rich people like Bill Gates also do charity work. Usually they transfer money to various funds. But you can try to write to them personally. It is possible that your story will touch the rich man and he will donate some of his money for certain needs.

    Important: such a technique is almost unrealistic in Russia. This fact must be taken into account.

    Where can you beg

    Where can I ask for money online for free? There is no single answer to this question and there cannot be. The World Wide Web is currently replete with various resources. And with their help people engage in begging.

    Where can I ask for money online? Here are the most popular methods for bringing ideas to life:

    • appeal to various funds (for example, charity);
    • creating posts on social networks;
    • leaving requests on various thematic forums;
    • writing ads on electronic ad platforms on the Web;
    • using email newsletters;
    • begging in messengers.

    Today on the Web you can find not only sites and groups of charitable foundations, but also communities in which people just donate things and clothes. Therefore, users do not always have to beg.

    Your own website is the key to success

    How to ask for money online? If you think about it, this is not an easy task. After all, many may not trust information from the World Wide Web. So you have to be well prepared.

    The user can create a separate site. It is customary to indicate detailed information about yourself and a request for a money transfer. It also specifies the details by which transactions can be carried out.

    Usually this option is just help with virtual begging. Users who have separate pages with requests are more readily believed. Most often, users ask for funds through social networks.

    What may be required

    Anyone can ask people for money over the Internet. But requests are not always answered. More and more users are ignoring beggars. There are reasons for this, but we will talk about them later.

    Before engaging in virtual begging, a person will have to prepare. This is the only way to increase your chances of success.

    What will be needed to accomplish the task? Ideally this is:

    • a well-developed (preferably heartbreaking) story that made the need for money;
    • "live" profiles in social networks;
    • details of the accounts to which it is proposed to transfer money;
    • a site with a detailed history of the applicant (recommended).

    In addition, scans and photographs of various documents will be useful. Eg:

    • medical opinion;
    • passports;
    • court decision.

    Everything that can prove and confirm the fact of real need is a trump card in the applicant's sleeve. After all, it is possible that the funds are really needed.

    Contact information is half the success

    Asking for money from the rich on the Internet, as practice shows, is problematic. Especially in Russia. Therefore, most often they ask for help from ordinary citizens. Whoever can, he will allocate as much. This is a fairly common occurrence.

    If you want to inspire confidence in the audience, it is recommended to indicate the contact details of the person in messages and posts. The more of them, the better. The main thing is that the asker can respond to the contacts left. And so that information about him can be easily verified.

    Posts and requests with a minimum of information about someone in need of help are skeptical. This is normal. After all, no one wants to be deceived. It is for this reason that it is recommended to indicate in the messages:

    • F. I. O. of a person;
    • passport data;
    • residence permit (desirable);
    • phone number;
    • addresses of pages in social networks;
    • email.

    In this combination, the request will be perceived as real. But this is not yet a guarantee of success. Whether the labors will bear fruit, no one knows. It all depends on how much people will trust the petitioner.

    How to write a story

    We found out where to ask for money on the Internet. Usually, users engage in begging through social networks and in charitable groups. These resources allow you to convey information to a larger audience of people.

    As already mentioned, a huge role in this case is played by the history of serious expenses. The more detailed it is, the higher the chances of success.

    History needs to be well written. It is necessary to be convincing and plausible to describe the circumstances. It is necessary to take into account everything that can play into the hands of the asker. For example, to describe a difficult childhood, because of which the girl married "the wrong" person, just to escape from her parents' house. Or long-term pregnancy planning, which ultimately turned into the birth of a sick child. The main thing is not to lie.

    If the reason is fictitious (this also happens), you will first have to sit down and paint a sentimental story in detail on paper. Only in this way will a person be able to convince users of the plausibility of the story, and even then not always. As a rule, modern users do not even believe real stories if they are difficult to confirm. Say, documents or other materials.

    Long-term registration on the site

    How to ask people for money online? The next piece of advice is a long stay on one or another virtual resource. "Fresh" pages and accounts on forums/social networks may hint at fraud and deceit.

    That is why it is better for begging users to use their old active pages. If there are several profiles - indicate this in the ad.

    People who have recently registered on the site (if it is not a specialized resource for those in need) and asking for money, other inhabitants of the service are clearly distrustful. And this is quite normal.

    Brief instruction

    How to ask for money online? We have studied the main points that each user may encounter. But how to act so as not to get confused?

    Let's assume the money is really needed. Then the preparation of a detailed story about what is happening will take a minimum of time. This is the key point. After all, if there is a narration of a real picture, the user will be able to convince the audience of his need.

    To successfully ask for money on the Internet, a person will have to:

    1. Select the resources on which the post will be published. It is advisable not to neglect groups It is recommended that you first visit the relevant organizations in person. If the fund can be convinced of its difficult situation, it will itself begin to publish requests for help on the Web.
    2. Register on selected sites. It is recommended to do this in advance. And choose for this social networks in which the user works constantly.
    3. Imagine and write a story about what is happening. The more details, the better.
    4. Be sure to indicate the exact amount of donations. If money is needed for current expenses (life after a difficult divorce with a newborn child, for example), it is better to ask for help not only with money, but also with food / things.
    5. Specify contact details.
    6. Attach photographs of the applicant and any evidence of need.
    7. Distribute the ad and wait for the result.

    As practice shows, if you enlist the support of charitable organizations, you can hope for success. Especially if there is a need for expensive treatment of the child. People donate money to babies more and more often.

    Advantages of admission

    Begging online has both pros and cons. Let's talk about the good first. We found out how you can ask for money on the Internet. Among the advantages of this approach are:

    • large audience coverage;
    • you can enlist the support of charitable foundations;
    • people will transfer as much money as they can;
    • the ability to quickly raise funds for certain needs;
    • donations are collected from strangers, for this there will be no shame in front of relatives;
    • providing assistance not only with money (for example, clothes, food, shoes).

    However, everything is not as simple as it seems. Online begging is becoming more and more common. Therefore, this approach is sometimes presented in a negative light.

    Negative sides

    How to ask people for money on the Internet, figured it out. And with the positive aspects of this action too.

    Why does this approach have disadvantages? And what exactly? The negative aspects of begging on the Web include:

    • a huge number of beggars;
    • lack of real reasons for help;
    • an increase in the number of scammers.

    It is because of the last point that people do not always succeed. Many simply condemn online begging. But if you confirm your difficult life circumstances, it will be much easier to raise money.


    Where can I ask for money online for free? The answer to this question has been brought to our attention. Now everyone knows how to cope with such a task.

    We have studied the key points of the process. It is advisable not to ask for money without a real need. After all, fraud is a criminal offence. And modern users can at any time "bite" the deceiver. Anyone can ask for money online from foreigners or locals!

    In the life of every person there are times when a loan of money from friends or relatives is necessary. Sometimes it is morally difficult to do this, and it is especially difficult to live with the realization that a “debt” hangs on you.

    How to borrow money correctly so that you are not painfully ashamed? And how to tactfully negotiate with those who help us?

    Start with the main

    If you understand that you just need money and you can’t avoid a loan, get down to business energetically. When you call your friends, don't mislead them by asking, "How are you?" or offering to meet for no reason. It’s better to say directly: “I have business with you. Can you lend me some money?" Do not use language like “Could you...”, “Would you mind borrowing?” - they immediately provoke a refusal. In general, it is better not to contact people who, as you know, are mean. Choose a borrower not on the principle of “rich”, but on the basis of the wording “not stingy”. Sometimes it's easier to ask from a person with limited means, who may well enter into your position.

    Set deadlines

    Do you know how to ask for money so that anyone would be happy to borrow you? You need to immediately name the dates when you can repay the debt. The request may sound like this: “Loan me a thousand rubles until Monday”, “Lend me five hundred rubles until the fifth day”, and so on. Then it is immediately clear to a person that you are not carelessly approaching the issue of a loan, but you are counting when you can repay. This characterizes you in a good way. Another trick: explain the seriousness of your plans, what you borrow. For example, you urgently need to buy boots for your child, you need to repair a washing machine. The person you care about doesn't care. After all, he gives you money that he could already spend on himself. Suspicions that you will spend them on nonsense are undesirable.

    Tell me about your plans

    Well, you borrowed money, spent it, and now you have only one task - to return it on time. Alas, the psychology of a person is such that he often considers borrowed money as some kind of "crazy". When the time comes to give them away, something becomes a pity. And why? Yes, because we do not treat borrowed money as our own. And that's the only way to treat them! Immediately, having borrowed a certain amount, deduct it from your future salary. Then it will not be so difficult for you to part with money later.

    The second point is to give on time. It is very important! If you violate the agreements, then no one will borrow you later, no matter how much you promise to “pay back from your salary”. So if you suspect that you will not have time to return it on time, inform the person EARLY and apologize. If he can't wait, reborrow. It is very important!

    Give beautifully

    When we need to intercept money, we are ready to go for them anywhere and at any hour. But often, when repaying a debt, people begin to set conditions for the one from whom they borrowed. Today I can’t, but let’s you drive up there and so on.

    Without exaggeration, we call it an ugly act. The best way to show gratitude to the person who helped you out is to give him the money on time, having arrived at the right time, at the appointed hour, and also say thank you. Aerobatics, if you have improved your financial situation, add some trifle to the envelope. For example, a box of chocolates. Then the person will understand that it is pleasant to deal with you and, most importantly, you can be trusted.

    Give and take no more!

    No matter how you observe the etiquette of the loan, it is still unpleasant. How to make it so that you no longer have to borrow? The answer is simple: you only need to spend what you have, and not a ruble more! If you run out of money, you simply stop spending it, switching to hay and straw. True, it is advisable to track in advance when the money began to run out so that you do not have to borrow for bread. It is clear that you cannot live without food, without paying for transport, for the phone. But it is quite possible to save on a gift to a loved one if you are not with money. Or even on new winter boots, if the old ones have not fallen apart yet. It's better than going into debt.

    How to save money?

    If you suddenly find that you have the last thousand left in your wallet, there must be some kind of stash. Take care of this in advance. As soon as you receive your salary, break the whole amount into small parts - for household, for vacation, just in case, etc. Sometimes a five hundred hidden somewhere can save the day. In addition, when starting a new stash, you kind of get a signal that there is less money and you need to be careful. When they lie in a large heap, it seems that there is no end to them, and therefore a person can spend money.


    10 percent of income should be set aside every month so that you never have problems with money. You need to put this money in a place where it is not easy to get it. For example, you can open a bank account.

    Today I will touch on a very sensitive topic for all people. how to ask for money.

    Why did I even get excited about the topic of how to ask for money?

    The thing is that I terribly dislike asking anyone for anything, especially money, and when I have to, I just feel disgusting. It turns out that asking for money is an uncomfortable thing for many people, but some have learned to do it and practice it very successfully.

    I was always amazed how some women easily ask for money from a man and he also likes it.

    But the patterns and stereotypes of behavior prevented me from begging for money myself, until I received such a task in coaching from Igor Kurpas "Capital in 30 days". The task is very simple: Ask for any amount of money without offering anything in return from relatives, acquaintances or strangers"

    There is nothing to do, I go to ask. The first thoughts on where to ask for money led me to the simplest option, to ask my mother. Despite the fact that she never refused anything and always gave money just like that herself, I stood in a stopper how to ask your mom for money

    As a result, she just called and said, as it is, they say I need to ask you for money, just like that, give me as much as you can. She agreed and 2000 rubles appeared in my "bowl of wealth".

    Then I got the idea to install a charity bowl in my shop, I didn’t bother with the inscriptions and simply called it “charity”.

    By the end of the day, I realized that I needed to either talk about what I needed to give to charity, or make the bowl more visible.

    Another idea came up to ask for money on the Internet, in connection with this, the details of help were posted on this blog, and a request was sent to the entire contact list of VKontakte, Facebook, classmates and my world. There is also a site on the Internet to ask for money, I posted my request on 3 sites.

    Whom to ask for money?

    Looking at my mobile phone, I drew attention to the list of contacts, there are neither many nor few, but as many as 400 numbers. Of course, I didn’t call everyone and ask for money, because the reason is probably not good enough, but in case of serious difficulties, I think I’ll go for it. Although I did make a few calls, which brought me 500 rubles.

    How to ask for money

    Everyone knows that there are professional beggars. This is a whole industry in the subway, in underpasses, in traffic jams, in electric trains, etc., and they themselves get little from this, maybe they will give them food and provide an overnight stay, otherwise it’s all a masquerade with carnival costumes, children, crutches and wheelchairs. The most amazing thing about this is that many people understand this whole masquerade, but still give money. "WHY?"

    Because every person is kind at heart and wants to help another, and even realizing that this money will be taken away from him, people still give as much as they can.

    And what do these beggars do in particular, but in principle, nothing. They look piercingly into your eyes, as if looking into the depths of your soul and repeat the same text in a plaintive, exhausted voice.

    Ask the rich for money.

    I found a whole article on the Internet with detailed instructions on how to ask the rich for money. It turns out that you need to find their postal addresses and write them a letter with your request. I don’t know if they will give money for a down payment for investments, but the sick and infirm are more likely to receive money.

    Actually, I do charity work. So it is necessary to return 10% of the amount of my income to the world, and when I become indecently rich, I will build a charitable fund to help the hopelessly ill and a fund to help start-up entrepreneurs and investors.

    Tell us in the comments how you ask for money?

    How to ask a man? How to ask a man? How to ask for gifts from a man? How to ask a man for money? Here are the answers that your man is unlikely to voice out loud. Pay attention.

    Let's start with statements that unsuccessful men do not understand:

    Ask a man catastrophically necessary for the growth of the man himself .

    Men want to be needed! Men want to give gifts.

    A woman is obliged to want and ask a man.

    Why want? When a girl does not want anything, is content with little - a man concludes that everything is fine anyway. Why strive for more?

    Why ask? Because the man is not a psychic. I write and smile. I repeat: a man is not a psychic (even if sometimes he managed to guess women's thoughts and desires).

    How to ask a man

    “I myself” - eradicate this phrase from your vocabulary and life.

    After being asked to buy a new dress, the girl went and bought it herself, without waiting, and at the same time making an offended face. Who got better from this? Decide on your position.

    Or ask a man, and he does. Or don't ask and do it yourself. Which option is closer to women's happiness (and men's too)?

    Reminding a man of a request is normal.

    Promising and successful men are not perfect. They don't lie on the couch waiting for a miracle. Such men act, make mistakes, achieve new results in their work. All this is accompanied by ups and downs, euphoria and stress. Behind all this, we can simply forget about the request.

    Asking is not the same as demanding.

    How does a little girl who loves her daddy (and daddy loves her) ask for something? Gently, positively, without ultimatums, not afraid to show their weakness.

    A harsh tone, demands, ultimatums - act destructively on a man (no matter how guilty he is in the situation).


    How to ask a man correctly, we tell on

    If you are used to doing everything yourself, and now you want to start asking a man. This . Not the fact that it will immediately turn out the way you want.

    Just learn. Even on trifles. Even with unfamiliar or unfamiliar men. Ask to open a bottle of water, ask at the gym to show you how to do the exercise correctly, ask for help carrying a heavy package.

    Most likely, you will be surprised how willingly men will respond to women's requests.

    Thank you.

    Girls need to learn this too. Should not be taken for granted. How many times have I seen a man come with flowers, give to a girl, and she, with an ordinary face, barely says “thank you” under her breath.

    Or do you think a man sees a woman’s not particularly pleased face and thinks: “Yeah, I gave flowers, but this didn’t please her. ABOUT! I’ll go buy her a fur coat, maybe then she’ll at least smile? In reality, everything is exactly the opposite.

    The ability to thank and rejoice even in small things contributes to the desire of a man to take care of a woman even more. Is that what you want?

    Advanced level

    Have you mastered the levels of female development described above for a long time and now you want specific techniques? Fine.

    How to ask a man for gifts

    Yesterday a good friend called me. Once upon a time, she did everything herself. Career success, catchy sexy image. She believed that there were only weak men around and so few worthy of her, a strong woman.

    Then suddenly I realized. Such thoughts, beliefs, actions do not lead to women's happiness. She began to change, to learn to be a real woman. If you look at her old photos and the current ones, these are two different girls. I admire and charge, like a man, from her feminine energy.

    And yesterday, in a telephone conversation, she asked:

    I am dating a man. We are fine. But I don’t know how to ask for a gift (a service in a beauty salon). I hinted to him, he said that he would solve everything. But now time goes by and nothing. What if you go and buy this service for yourself, otherwise you really want to.

    What would you advise her?

    Little Girl Technique

    At a live meeting during communication, make a little thoughtful face. To ask him: “What happened?”.

    And in response, she will say softly, a little childishly: “I am so angry with myself ... I really want the X service in the beauty salon, I asked you to help with this. You probably don’t have time for this, but I really want [X’s service], so I’m angry with myself. After all, I so want to be even more beautiful for you. ” And shut up.

    What do you think will happen?

    Woman don't blame the man in forgetfulness or postponing the execution of the request. She as if he blames himself for their emotions about their female whims.

    What does the man feel at this moment? In short, a burning desire fulfill the request of his woman right now.

    How to ask a man for money

    1. Just ask. Verbally. Not mentally. And oh god it works. If it doesn't work, then go to step 2 a little later.

    2. “Little Girl Technique”

    3. If he still doesn’t give money, then ask how you can help him earn this money (after all, female energy is an incredible force when used correctly)

    What is important to take away from this article?

    Asking a man is okay.

    Asking a man is necessary.

    Asking a man is important (both for a woman and for a man).

    Learn, try, make mistakes, but do not turn off the path called Femininity.

    Write in the comments your questions on the topic - how to ask a man, and I will try to answer.

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