"A Terrible World" in N.V. Gogol's story "Nevsky Prospekt". Gogol "Nevsky Prospekt" - analysis What role does the description of Nevsky Prospekt play

17.07.2023 House and life

>Compositions based on the work Nevsky Prospekt

Petersburg image

N. V. Gogol spent a significant part of his life in St. Petersburg. He was only nineteen when he came to the big city to win the hearts of its inhabitants. Like any provincial, he expected real miracles from the capital, but a miracle did not happen. He worked from morning to night to earn his living, he was an artist, a writer, and a petty official. At first he idealized Petersburg, and then the hidden side of the beautiful city was revealed to him.

The little man has always had a hard time among careerists, hypocrites and sycophants. One of such timid, insecure and, as a result, unfortunate heroes was the young artist Piskarev, the hero of the story "Nevsky Prospekt". In it, the author fully depicted all the hardships and mental suffering of a romantic, amorous person. Walking along the Nevsky with his friend, the hero fell in love, and this feeling cost him his life.

In many St. Petersburg stories, Gogol turned precisely to the image of the city. As a rule, he painted him faceless, deceitful and full of lies. Society, he also painted inferior. They were fragments of phrases - hair, waist, mustaches, sideburns, thousands of hats, dresses, scarves. Such an idle and in many ways vulgar atmosphere enveloped St. Petersburg in the first half of the 19th century. Depicting Nevsky Prospekt at different times of the day, the author just wanted to emphasize the different social strata of the city.

At noon, the street turned into a "brilliant" shop window. At this time of day, the entire beau monde of St. Petersburg appeared on it in expensive dresses and uniforms. This went on until three in the afternoon. With all this, the author does not forget to warn that Nevsky Prospekt should not be trusted. Petersburg is also shown as a city of contrasts, in which some segments of the population live too idle, while others are too poor.

Throughout the work, one can catch a satirical tone that slips even in the most lyrical descriptions of the city in the evening. The image of the many-sided and changeable capital created by Gogol is original. No other writer was able to convey the capital's portraits and quirks so interestingly.

Tatyana Alekseevna KALGANOVA (1941) - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Public Education Workers of the Moscow Region; author of many works on the methodology of teaching literature at school.

Studying the story of N.V. Gogol "Nevsky Prospekt" in the 10th grade

Working materials for the teacher

From the history of the creation of the story

"Nevsky Prospekt" was first published in the collection "Arabesques" (1835), which was highly appreciated by V.G. Belinsky. Gogol began working on the story during the creation of Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka (around 1831). In his notebook, sketches of "Nevsky Prospekt" were preserved along with draft notes "The Night Before Christmas" and "Portrait".

Gogol's stories "Nevsky Prospekt", "Notes of a Madman", "Portrait" (1835), "The Nose" (1836), "The Overcoat" (1842) belong to the cycle of St. Petersburg stories. The writer himself did not combine them into a special cycle. All of them were written at different times, they do not have a common narrator or fictional publisher, but they entered Russian literature and culture as an artistic whole, as a cycle. This happened because the stories are united by a common theme (the life of St. Petersburg), problems (reflection of social contradictions), the similarity of the main character (“little man”), the integrity of the author’s position (satirical exposure of the vices of people and society).

Theme of the story

The main theme of the story is the life of St. Petersburg and the fate of the “little man” in the big city with its social contrasts, causing discord between ideas about the ideal and reality. Together with the main theme, the themes of people's indifference, the substitution of spirituality for mercantile interests, the venality of love, the harmful effects of drugs on a person are revealed.

The plot and composition of the story

Clarified during the conversation. Sample questions.

What role does the description of Nevsky Prospekt play at the beginning of the story?

What moment is the beginning of the action?

How is the fate of Piskarev?

How is the fate of Pirogov?

What role does the description of Nevsky Prospekt play in the finale of the story?

Gogol combines in the story the image of the general, typical aspects of the life of a big city with the fate of individual characters. The general picture of the life of St. Petersburg is revealed in the description of Nevsky Prospekt, as well as in the author's generalizations in the course of the story. Thus, the fate of the hero is given in the general movement of the life of the city.

The description of Nevsky Prospekt at the beginning of the story is an exposition. The unexpected exclamation of lieutenant Pirogov, addressed to Piskarev, their dialogue and following the beautiful strangers - the plot of the action with two contrasting outcomes. The story also ends with a description of Nevsky Prospekt and the author's reasoning about it, which is a compositional device containing both a generalization and a conclusion that reveals the idea of ​​the story.

Description of Nevsky Prospekt

Discussed during the conversation. Sample questions.

What role does Nevsky Prospekt play in the life of the city, how does the author feel about it?

How are the social contrasts and disunity of the city's inhabitants shown?

How is the discrepancy between the ostentatious side of the life of the nobility and its true essence revealed? What qualities of people does the author make fun of?

How does the demon motif appear in the description of the evening Nevsky Prospekt at the beginning of the story? How is it continued in the next story?

How are the descriptions of Nevsky Prospekt at the beginning of the story and at the end connected?

The author begins the story with solemnly upbeat phrases about Nevsky Prospekt and notes that this is “universal communication of St. all the best works of man." At the same time, Nevsky Prospekt is a mirror of the capital, which reflects its life, it is the personification of the whole of St. Petersburg with its striking contrasts.

Literary critics believe that the description of Nevsky Prospekt at the beginning of the story is a kind of “physiological” sketch of St. Petersburg. Its image at different times of the day allows the author to characterize the social structure of the city. First of all, he singles out ordinary working people, on whom all life rests, and for them Nevsky Prospekt is not an end, "it only serves as a means."

Ordinary people are opposed to the nobility, for which Nevsky Prospekt is the goal - this is a place where you can show yourself. The story about the “pedagogical” Nevsky Prospekt with “tutors of all nations” and their pupils, as well as about the nobles and officials walking along the avenue, is permeated with irony.

Showing the falsity of Nevsky Prospekt, the wrong side of life hiding behind its front view, its tragic side, exposing the emptiness of the inner world of those walking on it, their hypocrisy, the author uses ironic pathos. This is emphasized by the fact that instead of people, the details of their appearance or clothing act: “Here you will find a wonderful mustache, indescribable with no pen, no brush<...>Thousands of varieties of hats, dresses, scarves<...>Here you will find such waists that even you have never dreamed of.<...>And what kind of long sleeves will you meet.

The description of the prospectus is given in a realistic way, at the same time, the story of the changes on Nevsky Prospekt is preceded by the phrase: “What a quick phantasmagoria is happening on it in just one day.” Illusory, deceitfulness of the evening Nevsky Prospekt is explained not only by twilight, the bizarre light of lanterns and lamps, but also by the action of an unconscious, mysterious force that affects a person: “At this time, some kind of goal is felt, or, better, something similar to a goal that - something extremely unaccountable; everyone's steps accelerate and become generally very uneven. Long shadows flicker along the walls of the pavement and almost reach the Police Bridge with their heads. So the description of Nevsky Prospekt includes fantasy and the motif of a demon.

The experiences and actions of the hero are explained, it would seem, by his psychological state, however, they can also be perceived as the actions of a demon: “... The beauty looked around, and it seemed to him as if a slight smile flashed on her lips. He trembled all over and could not believe his eyes.<...>The pavement rushed under him, the carriages with galloping horses seemed to be motionless, the bridge stretched and broke on its arch, the house stood with its roof down, the booth fell towards him, and the sentinel's halberd, together with the golden words of the signboard and the painted scissors, seemed to shine on his very eyelashes. eye. And all this produced one look, one turn of a pretty head. Not hearing, not seeing, not listening, he rushed along the light traces of beautiful legs ... "

Piskarev's fantastic dream can also be explained in two ways: “The unusual diversity of faces led him into complete confusion; it seemed to him that some demon had crumbled the whole world into many different pieces and all these pieces were senselessly, uselessly mixed together.

At the end of the story, the motive of the demon manifests itself openly: according to the author, the source of lies and falsity of the incomprehensible game with the fates of people is the demon: “Oh, don’t believe this Nevsky Prospekt!<...>Everything is a lie, everything is a dream, everything is not what it seems!<...>He lies at all times, this Nevsky Prospekt, but most of all, when the night in a condensed mass falls on him and separates the white and pale-yellow walls of houses, when the whole city turns into thunder and brilliance, myriads of carriages fall from bridges, postilions shout and jump on horses and when the demon himself lights the lamps only to show everything in a fake way.

Artist Piskarev

Sample questions for discussion.

Why did Piskarev go after the girl? How does the author convey his feelings?

Who was the girl? Why did Piskarev run away from the “disgusting orphanage”?

How does the girl's appearance change?

Why did Piskarev prefer real life to illusions? Could illusions replace real life for him?

How did Piskarev die, why is he wrong in his crazy act?

Piskarev is a young man, an artist, belongs to the people of art, and this is his unusualness. The author says that he belongs to the "class" of artists, to the "strange class", thus emphasizing the typical nature of the hero.

Like other young artists of St. Petersburg, the author characterizes Piskarev as a poor man, living in a small room, content with what he has, but striving for wealth. This is a “quiet, timid, modest, childishly simple-hearted, who carried a spark of talent in himself, perhaps with time it flared up widely and brightly,” a person. The hero's surname emphasizes his commonness, reminiscent of the type of "little man" in literature.

Piskarev believes in the harmony of goodness and beauty, pure, sincere love, lofty ideals. He followed the stranger only because he saw in her the ideal of beauty and purity, she reminded him of "Perugin's Bianca". But the beautiful stranger turned out to be a prostitute, and Piskarev tragically experiences the collapse of his ideals. The charm of beauty and innocence turned out to be a hoax. The merciless reality destroyed his dreams, and the artist fled from a disgusting orphanage, where he was brought by a seventeen-year-old beauty, whose beauty, which did not have time to fade from depravity, was not combined with a smile full of “some pathetic impudence”, all she said was “ stupid and vulgar<...>as if, together with purity, it leaves the mind of a person.

The author, sharing Piskarev's shocked feeling, writes with bitterness: “... A woman, this beauty of the world, the crown of creation, turned into some strange ambiguous creature, where she, along with the purity of her soul, lost everything feminine and disgustingly appropriated the tricks and impudence of a man and has already ceased to be that weak, that beautiful and so different being from us.”

Piskarev is unable to bear the fact that the beauty of a woman who gives the world a new life can be an object of trade, because this is a desecration of beauty, love and humanity. He was seized by a feeling of “tearing pity,” the author notes, and explains: “Indeed, pity never takes possession of us so strongly as at the sight of beauty touched by the putrefactive breath of depravity. Let even ugliness be friends with him, but beauty, tender beauty ... it merges in our thoughts with only one purity and purity.

Being in a strong psychological stress, Piskarev has a dream in which his beauty appears as a secular lady, trying to explain her visit to the shelter with her secret. The dream inspired Piskarev with hope, which was destroyed by the cruel and vulgar side of life: “The desired image appeared to him almost every day, always in a position opposite to reality, because his thoughts were completely pure, like the thoughts of a child.” Therefore, he tries artificially, taking the drug, to go into the world of dreams and illusions. However, dreams and illusions cannot replace real life.

The dream of quiet happiness in a village house, of a modest life secured by one's own labor, is rejected by the fallen beauty. “How can you! she interrupted with an expression of some contempt. “I am not a laundress or a seamstress to do work.” Assessing the situation, the author says: “These words expressed the whole low, despicable life, a life full of emptiness and idleness, faithful companions of debauchery.” And then, in the author’s reflections on the beauty, the motive of the demon again arises: “... She was, by some terrible will of the infernal spirit, eager to destroy the harmony of life, thrown with laughter into its abyss.” During the time that the artist did not see the girl, she changed for the worse - sleepless nights of debauchery, drunkenness were reflected on her face.

The poor artist could not survive, in the words of the author, "the eternal strife of dreams with materiality." He could not stand the confrontation with the harsh reality, the drug completely destroyed his psyche, deprived him of the opportunity to do work, to resist fate. Piskarev commits suicide. He is wrong in this crazy act: the Christian religion considers life the greatest blessing, and suicide the greatest sin. Also, from the point of view of secular morality, depriving oneself of life is unacceptable - this is a passive form of resolving life's contradictions, because an active person can always find a way out of the most difficult, seemingly insoluble situations.

Lieutenant Pirogov

Sample questions for discussion.

Why did Pirogov go after the blonde?

Where did Pirogov go after the beauty, who did she turn out to be?

Why is Pirogov courting a married lady?

What is ridiculed in the image of Schiller?

How does the story of Pirogov end?

What is ridiculed in the image of Pirogov, how does the author do it?

What is the point of comparing the images of Piskarev and Pirogov?

About Lieutenant Pirogov, the author says that officers like him make up “some kind of middle class in St. Petersburg”, emphasizing the typical nature of the hero. Talking about these officers, the author, of course, also characterizes Pirogov.

In their circle they are considered educated people, because they know how to entertain women, they like to talk about literature: “they praise Bulgarin, Pushkin and Grech and speak with contempt and witty barbs about A.A. Orlov”, that is, they put Pushkin and Bulgarin on a par, the author ironically notes. They go to the theater to show themselves. Their life goal is to "curry to the rank of colonel", to achieve a secure position. They usually "marry a merchant's daughter who can play the piano, with a hundred thousand or so cash and a bunch of well-married relatives."

Describing Pirogov, the author talks about his talents, in fact, reveals such features of him as careerism, narrow-mindedness, arrogance, self-confident vulgarity, the desire to imitate what is in vogue among the select public.

Love for Pirogov is just an interesting adventure, an “affair” that can be boasted to friends. The lieutenant, not at all embarrassed, rather vulgarly takes care of the wife of the craftsman Schiller and is sure that "his courtesy and brilliant rank give him the full right to her attention." He does not bother himself with thoughts about life's problems, he strives for pleasures.

Pirogov's honor and dignity were tested by the "section" that Schiller subjected him to. Quickly forgetting his insult, he discovered a complete lack of human dignity: “I spent the evening with pleasure and distinguished myself in the mazurka so much that I delighted not only the ladies, but even the gentlemen.”

The images of Pirogov and Piskarev are associated with opposite moral principles in the characters' characters. The comic image of Pirogov is opposed to the tragic image of Piskarev. “Piskarev and Pirogov - what a contrast! Both of them began on the same day, at the same hour, the persecution of their beauties, and how different were the consequences of these persecutions for both of them! Oh, what meaning is hidden in this contrast! And what effect does this contrast produce!” - wrote V.G. Belinsky.

Schiller, tinsmith

The images of German artisans - tinsmith Schiller, shoemaker Hoffmann, carpenter Kunz - complete the social picture of St. Petersburg. Schiller is the embodiment of commercialism. The accumulation of money is the goal of this artisan's life, therefore, strict calculation, limiting himself in everything, suppressing sincere human feelings determine his behavior. At the same time, jealousy awakens a sense of dignity in Schiller, and he, being in a drunken state, not thinking about the consequences at that moment, along with his friends, whipped Pirogov.

In the draft version, the hero's surname was Palitrin.

This refers to the painting by the artist Perugino (1446-1524), Raphael's teacher.

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The theme of Nevsky Prospekt opens the first of the St. Petersburg stories. Its pages, dedicated to the main street of the city, play the role of a prologue to the whole cycle. N.V. Gogol affectionately calls this avenue the beauty of the capital. But this beauty is very deceptive and brought happiness to few people. Here we see a kind of ironic hymn to Nevsky Prospekt, which is simply an exhibition of human prosperity in life, where “it smells of one festivities”, where “greed and self-interest” flourishes and a quick “phantasmagoria takes place in just one day”. The capital of noble Russia, of which Nevsky Prospekt is a reflection, from the outside is an exhibition of luxury, fashionable splendor and pomp, dazzling a poor dreamer like Piskarev. But behind the brilliant facade of the noble monarchy lies a deep social decline. Glitter and beauty, captivating intoxication and bustle of metropolitan life - a deception, under the cover of which lies the perversion of all human values, passions and concepts - this is the final conclusion of the satirist.

It is no coincidence that the story opens with a description of Nevsky Prospekt and the whole motley string of people of different ages and conditions changing on it. The panorama of Nevsky Prospekt, the pictures of his life at different hours - from morning to evening - allow N.V. Gogol to give a kind of physiological "section" of St. Petersburg. The handsome prospect strikes the imagination with thousands of varieties of “hats, dresses, scarves”, a thousand “incomprehensible characters”. In the multicolored walking or hurrying crowd, the life of the entire huge city is reflected, as in a mirror. However, the beauty of the bustling avenue is ghostly and deceptive. In the morning it "smells of hot bread" and "the beggars gather at the doors of the candy stores." A dray cab driver is dragging the "poor man's red coffin." In the evening, "the watchman ... climbs ... to light a lantern" and the houses begin to "flicker with a deceptive light." If daylight dims the character of the avenue, if the people who flicker on it during the day overshadow the city's own image, then in the evening it is on its own: "comes to life and begins to stir." People are not so visible at dusk and at night - their shadows are more distinct: "long shadows flicker along the walls and the pavement and almost reach the Police Bridge with their heads."

N.V. Gogol presents the image of St. Petersburg through the eyes of local artists: “land of snows”, “everything is wet, smooth, even, gray, foggy”, “quiet art”, “small room”, “bare walls”, “beggar old woman” , “dust”, “walls stained with paints, with a dissolved window through which the pale Neva and poor fishermen in red shirts flicker”, “gray muddy color” ...

And the artists themselves are not like the Italians, who are proud and ardent, like Italy itself. These are St. Petersburg painters - meek, shy. For Piskarev, there is no magic light of the night Nevsky Prospekt. His path is illuminated by the deceptive light of a lonely street lamp. N.V. Gogol characterizes the room where Piskarev ends up as "a disgusting orphanage, where a miserable depravity, generated by the tinsel education and the terrible crowding of the capital, founded his dwelling." It is an "unpleasant mess, ... bare walls and windows" are covered with gray cobwebs. The inhabitants of this dwelling amaze with the "wornness" of their faces.

The city itself turns into mystical visions in his experiences, which confirms the absurdity of the world, which has lost its meaning, has lost the spiritual vertical that organizes it. “The pavement rushed under it, carriages with galloping horses seemed to be motionless, the bridge stretched and broke on its arch, the house stood with its roof down, the booth fell towards it ...” The city seems to be alive. He seems to gradually absorb the artist, losing touch with a real, measured, dreamless life.

“Oh, do not believe this Nevsky Prospekt! I always wrap my cloak tightly around myself and try not to look at all the objects I meet. Everything is a deceit, everything is a dream, everything is not what it seems! .. everything breathes deceit. He lies at all times, this Nevsky Prospekt, but most of all when the night in a condensed mass falls on him and separates the white and pale-yellow walls of houses, when the whole city turns into thunder and brilliance, myriads of carriages fall from bridges, postilions shout and jump on horses, and when the demon himself lights the lamps in order to show everything not in its present form, ” exclaims N.V. Gogol. This phrase can be considered the leitmotif of all Petersburg stories. The picture of the everyday life of Nevsky Prospekt is not only a place for the development of the history of Piskarev and Pirogov. It serves as a kind of introduction to all stories and allows the writer from the very beginning to highlight the theme of St. Petersburg, which is central to the entire cycle, closely connected with the theme of the present and future of Russia. V. Belinsky wrote: “Piskarev and Pirogov - what a contrast!.. Oh, what meaning is hidden in this contrast! And what effect does this contrast produce! Piskarev and Pirogov, one in the grave, the other contented and happy, even after unsuccessful red tape and terrible beatings!” Such is Petersburg, the city of "crosses and stars": the best perish, the vulgar and narrow-minded flourish.

The heroes here exist on the border of the real and the fantastic: life with a strong dream - and death in the end; inability to fight for a dream - and a calm continuation of later life; life with an idea - or without it; desired and actual.

Both Piskarev and Pirogov are trying to make different in purpose, but essentially the same flights to the desired destination and fall - from a greater or lesser height. But from a height - “everything is not what it seems”: the one who was mistaken for an ideal beauty turned out to be a girl of easy virtue, the one about whom she immediately thought badly turned out to be an ordinary woman.

The idea of ​​the story "Nevsky Prospekt" lies in the eternal discord between dreams and reality. It's amazing how incomprehensibly fate plays with people.

Nevsky Prospekt is not just a place where the action unfolds, it is a hero who changes his appearance at different times of the day. Comparison of the initial and final parts of the story “Nevsky Prospekt” makes one think about this: if the “beautiful street” of the capital, which “makes everything” for St. Petersburg, “lies at all times”, then what about the whole city? A special role in the St. Petersburg works of the writer is played by the time of twilight. It is in the false and alluring light of the lamps that everything is somehow distorted or, on the contrary, acquires true qualities. Defining the city of Gogol with adjectives, most often they use precisely those that are associated with its mirage: mysterious, unstable, variable, changing, doubling, unsteady, deceptive, and so on. This demonic image embodies the spirit of N.V. Gogol's Petersburg.

Piskarev is one of the main characters in Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's story "Nevsky Prospekt", a young and modest artist living in St. Petersburg. Just like any other St. Petersburg artist, he is quiet, timid, childishly simple-hearted, overly kind and naive, but with passion and love for his work. Moreover, unlike many other artists who mechanically perform their work, Piskarev is not without a “spark of talent”, which, according to Gogol, can eventually flare up widely and brightly, bringing him fame and fame. However, so far the young man lives rather modestly and is not rich. Even his very name refers us to the "little man", quite popular in Russian classical literature.

We get to know Piskarev when he walks along with his friend and patron Lieutenant Pirogov along the main street of St. Petersburg - Nevsky Prospekt. Young people are discussing two young ladies passing by them and, after some deliberation, decide to split up and follow the one they like.

Pirogov follows a young blonde who he likes, confident in advance of his success. The modest Piskarev decides to overcome his doubts and catch up with the brunette, who captured his gaze with her beautiful eyes, only after the persuasion of his companion. With every minute of the pursuit of a stranger, the artist's heart begins to beat faster. Still not knowing her, Piskarev already endows the mysterious beauty with many qualities and, as is typical for people of his nature, gradually leaves the real world into the world of his own dreams. But the dreams of a young man are not destined to come true, because at the end of his journey he finds himself in a brothel, where his young beauty leads him.

Unable to withstand the fall from the height of his own dreams and expectations, the meek artist escapes from the ill-fated apartment where he ended up, following the once “pure and immaculate” creature in his eyes. Faced with a cruel reality, Piskarev's sensitive and tender soul is in turmoil. Falling asleep in a state of complete devastation, Piskarev sees a dream in which everything that happened turns out to be untrue, and his mysterious muse is not who she is in reality. After this dream, the young man makes every effort to return to that wonderful fictional world again. However, in an attempt to escape from reality, Piskarev loses not only the feeling of this very reality, but also his health - his face becomes terribly pale, his cheeks are sunken, and his own appearance only causes him sympathy. All this pushes Piskarev to a fatal decision for him: he intends to "save" his muse and help her "escape from debauchery." And then a turning point happens - he learns that his muse is not only happy with her depraved and vulgar life, she also laughs at the unfortunate romantic.

After that, Piskarev finally loses his mind and runs away from the girl, whose name he never found out. No one knows about the events that happened to him afterwards. He is found dead in his own apartment. Unable to cope with his feelings, distraught and finally losing his mind, he committed suicide. This is how a quiet, modest, stupidly kind young artist passed away. No one noticed the death of one "little man", no one wept for him. Having completely surrendered to love and pure, immaculate passion, to his own dreams and illusions, Piskarev loses everything.

Probably, it is through his image and the fate of this sensual and sincere nature that Gogol wants to show us that often creative people, people with a “flame” in their hearts, are doomed to a tragic fate. No matter how kind and philanthropic Piskarev was, the qualities that helped him create and create his paintings (namely, passion and sincere, often excessive sensuality) eventually ruined him.

The composition of the artist Piskarev

The protagonist of the story "Nevsky Prospekt" Piskarev. This is a poor artist who does not live in the best conditions, far from the world of rich people.

He sees the good in people. When Piskarev, walking along the avenue, meets a beautiful girl, he cannot think badly of her. But when he finds out that she works in a brothel, he can't believe his eyes. This upsets him very much. He cannot imagine this beautiful face, hair, hands in debauchery and drunkenness.

The subtlety of Piskarev's soul is emphasized by his dreams, in which he, as if in reality, sees this girl, but in a beautiful way. Either she appears as the hostess of a beautiful ball, or she lives in the village, becoming his wife. He so desires repetitions of these dreams, where everything is pure and beautiful, that he even begins to take opium.

Piskarev is noble. He decides to marry the girl and offer her an honest, hardworking life. He goes to the den. This girl opens the door to him, saying that only in the morning she came home and was terribly drunk. These words cut Piskarev's ear, he wants her to be completely numb.

The girl, after listening to his proposal, refuses an honest life, which finally breaks Piskarev's heart. For his pure, decent soul, this was a terrible blow. The artist returns to his home and kills himself. He cuts his own throat, choosing short physical torments over eternal mental torments. He is such a lonely man that his corpse is found only a few days later.

With the help of the main character, the author shows how a person can be deceived. Don't trust appearances. A beautiful girl can turn out to be a whore who is completely satisfied with her life in a brothel. The poor artist, dressed in a coat stained with colors, turns out to be so honest and noble that the discrepancy between the real and the imaginary kills his soul.

Option 3

Piskarev is one of the characters in the story "Nevsky Prospekt", the author of which is Gogol. By profession, this hero is an ordinary artist who earns a penny for his bread. His friend is Mr. Pirogov. Piskarev has long created for himself his own world of imagination, in which he remains for a long time. From it, he occasionally goes into the real world of everyday problems.

This poor artist is very different from the Italians, who stand out for their pride and wealth. And also the opportunity to show off your work of art to others. He is completely different from them, so he has the highest degree of shyness and modesty. However, in the depths of his soul, a spark of that talent flutters, which is ready to break out at any moment and turn into a real flame. His financial situation is very poor, but he is quite satisfied with what he earns from his work. The very name of the hero emphasizes the fact that he belongs to the lowest ranks in literature.

A friend of Piskarev, that is, Pirogov, has a rather strong sense of arrogance and pride. Pirogov is directly opposite to Piskarev. It happened that they somehow met together and went for a walk along Nevsky Prospekt. While walking, they spotted two females who seemed to them very attractive. The friends agreed that each of them should choose a woman for himself and follow her. But their goals were by no means the same. On the contrary, they differed greatly. Pirogov followed the attractive blonde. He was going to get her at any cost. And Piskarev followed the Brunette in order to achieve pure and sincere love. I had this feeling unexpectedly, when meeting this person. But he was very disappointed, because he learned the sad news for him. It turns out that a young and beautiful girl worked in a brothel. The cruel world has made the final blow to the poor artist. He closed himself in his imaginary world forever. Soon he began to take a drug called opium.

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  • The idea and the first sketches of Nevsky Prospekt were made by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol in 1831. In 1833-1834 he worked on the work, and already in 1835 the story was published.

    Petersburg played a big role in the writer's work, because he lived for quite a long time in the capital.

    Petersburg in "Nevsky Prospekt" is special - it is illusory and deceitful. All luxury, immersed in the brilliance of lights, seeming beautiful and jubilant, in fact, turns out to be indifferent, empty, and even stupid.

    The soullessness of the city and ugliness is shown in the life examples of two comrades, Pirogov and Piskarev, who are very different, both in terms of character and type of activity, but, ironically, they are friends.

    Nevsky Prospekt itself is like a cheerful masquerade mask, put on in order to hide all the ugliness of the existing order, where everything is veiled and hidden, and the cold sheen of luxury does not allow one to find either truth or protection.

    This work does not look comedic, although it could not have done without humor. Behind the outward ordinariness of the situations described, Nikolai Vasilievich showed social deviations from generally accepted norms, painting them in satirical colors. The grotesque has always been a strong point of the writer, and "Nevsky" was no exception.

    Main characters

    Thousands of inhabitants during the day pass along the avenue. From this crowd, the author snatched random passers-by. They will be discussed in the story.

    Lieutenant Pirogov - a self-satisfied and arrogant impudent, belonging to some middle class of society, who considered himself a learned and well-mannered person. Nature rewarded him with peculiar talents. He reads poetry, blows smoke rings, knows how to tell jokes.

    Despite the officer's uniform, all the manners of the lieutenant are petty-bourgeois. That passion for the elegant, and the patronage of the artist Piskarev, is due to the desire to receive his portrait from him. He is not ready for a desperate act. This is a vulgar, vulgar and cowardly type.

    The officer thinks that his rank gives him the full right to attention from women, sincerely believing that he cannot be denied anything.

    The artist Piskarev is a shy, timid, subtle romantic. Despite fearfulness, the soul of a young man is ready for open and deep feelings, those feelings that can turn into a flame from a small spark. From the same small spark, his talent, which has not yet been fully appreciated, can flare up.

    As a person close to art, he looks for the Muse in a woman, admires her and idolizes her. Gogol compares his falling in love with a prostitute with a pearl, first found and then irretrievably lost.

    The young man is not so spoiled that even knowing who the subject of his interests is, he is looking for excuses for her. In his dreams, he seeks and finds confirmation of the girl's clean morality. But this is only a dream, and the reality is much tougher.

    Gogol did not take pity on his character even before his death, leaving him completely alone, showing the reader all the futility of his life. The artist could not prove himself either as a representative of art or as a moral rescuer. His works were not appreciated, he died abandoned by everyone and forgotten by everyone.

    women in the poem

    The writer told two different fates of young and pretty women, without endowing any of them with intelligence, as if emphasizing that on Nevsky there is more female stupidity than rationality and chastity.


    The sweetest creature, the subject of the charm of a romantic artist. This is a girl of seventeen years old, with an angelic white face touched by a blush, framed by agate hair, falling in interesting curls from under a hat, with a voice like the strings of a harp. And in this sweet girl, in whom there is still so much left of her childhood, there turned out to be a fallen woman.

    But it is not enough for Gogol to show that the lovely appearance and inner content of the girl are complete dissonance. He dug deeper into the core of the problem. The writer seems to give the heroine a chance for a “correct” life and sends an artist in love to her, who is not easily ready to help - he wants to get married.

    This is where social vice is revealed in its full immoral light. The girl does not want to change anything in her life. She is satisfied with the depravity in which she will undoubtedly wallow.


    The light creature, fluttering in front of the lieutenant, initially seemed inaccessible, and her stupidity was a special charm. The writer notices that all her mental defects were somehow especially attractive.

    This woman is not devoid of morality, but her limitations are pathological and ridiculed by the author on every occasion.

    Heroes of the second plan

    Each character in the work performs a specific mission, revealing the inhabitants of Nevsky Prospekt from different angles.

    Schiller- this is a perfect German, as the author calls him. At the age of twenty, he clearly defined his own priorities and did not make any concessions to himself. The tinsmith set a goal for himself - to collect a capital of fifty thousand in ten years, and went towards his goal. At the exact time, rise, lunch, and drinking only on Sunday, and then closing with comrades in a separate room. He was true to his word.

    He had a clear order in his personal life. For example, he kissed his wife no more than twice a day, except Sunday. Yes, on Sunday I allowed myself.

    But the phlegmatic character does not make him a weakling. Audacity also manifests itself - he dares to name the price for his work, increasing it several times. Decisiveness is also revealed - having caught Pirogov with his wife, the German did not give him a descent, despite the fact that there was an officer in front of him.

    Hoffmann and Kunz are friends of the tinsmith Schiller. Despite Sunday drinking, the Germans are not slackers. Hoffmann shoemaker, Kunz carpenter. These artisans live in their diaspora, stick together, come to each other's aid.

    The Germans showed themselves to be a fairly well-coordinated team during the massacre of the lover of other people's wives, Pirogov. This does not honor them, but speaks of collective cohesion.

    The smell of the festivities spreads along Nevsky Prospekt. This is a place of meetings, entertainment, acquaintances. You can forget all your affairs when you are on the avenue.

    In the morning, the aroma of freshly baked bread spreads everywhere. And the beggars expect to get yesterday's pastries from the confectionery. The men are in a hurry to work and you can hear swearing. The boys are running, the employees are in a hurry. Store owners are just waking up.

    At twelve o'clock, Nevsky Prospekt turns into a pedagogical zone. It is filled with foreign tutors with their pupils. By two o'clock the parents of these pupils, and officials on special assignments, appear. Everyone has something to talk about, something to discuss. At this time, everything here is filled with decency, because everyone was preparing to go out onto the Nevsky: they dressed up, combed their hair, and doused themselves with perfume.

    But already at three o'clock a new change is the time of officials in uniforms, in whose heads there is eternal jumble. And at four everything is empty. Until the evening, everyone here is visible at a glance.

    Evening comes and again everything “begins to stir”. Now on Nevsky it is tempting. Secretaries and secretaries go out for a walk, for the most part unmarried.

    Two friends are walking around here. They look at pretty women, and begin to express delight to each other. As a result, the friends parted ways. Pirogov almost forced the artist to follow the brunette, while he himself went after the blonde.

    Piskarev's fatal adventure

    With trepidation, the young man went after a pretty girl in a colorful cloak. He was in such a hurry that he knocked down people walking by, and this was completely unusual for his timid nature.

    When the girl looked at him, the artist almost went blind from such beauty. And although the look was angry, Piskarev found it charming. When the girl smiled, the ground just vanished from under his feet. Now he did not go, he flew after her.

    Here is a four-story house, where a stranger, putting her finger to her lips, ordering him to be quiet, dragged him along. An indefinite need for love attracted the artist, and he ran up to the fourth floor after the beauty.

    The young man accepted the invitation without hesitation. And in the room where he ended up, there were other girls. But his stranger was out of competition. Youth and freshness distinguished her from other women.

    The surroundings were not tidied up, and laughter came from the next room. And only then did Piskarev realize that he was in a disgusting orphanage, but simply in a brothel. Yes, and his beauty began to speak. Nonsense flew out of her mouth, and it seemed to the artist that, along with the depravity, the mind left this sweet little head. The unfortunate Piskarev rushed out.

    The incident so struck the young man that he could not compare the girlish beauty with the depravity in which he found it. For a long time he sat motionless, and already sleep began to overcome him, when suddenly a knock on the door made him start.

    It was a lackey who brought an invitation from the mistress. And although the artist had doubts, he went to a reception organized in the best traditions. Everything here was luxurious. Piskarev was taken aback.

    But then he saw her: the best, charming, brilliant. And then I noticed that he himself had not changed clothes. He arrived in a working frock coat, stained with paints, what an embarrassment.

    The desire to touch a beautiful stranger makes you forget about everything in the world. There was an explanation, and the stranger confirmed her non-participation in the brothel. And then the artist lost sight of her, and, running from room to room, looked everywhere. Then Piskarev woke up - he dreamed it all.

    The romantic agrees to see his beloved even in a dream, but he no longer dreams of her. Every day the artist falls asleep with the thought of seeing his stranger, but no, he does not dream. The man lost his temper. To restore his condition and fight insomnia, he got hold of opium.

    The opium helped. The stranger began to come into the dreams of a lover. Once he dreamed that a beautiful woman became his wife. When he woke up, he thought. Maybe the girl was forced to become a prostitute, maybe she wants to break out of this bosom of debauchery. So I'll help her! I will accomplish a feat - I will marry.

    The hero goes to a brothel. She opened the door. A young prostitute does not hesitate to tell that only in the morning, completely drunk, she got home, and asks why he disappeared last time.

    The discouraged artist did his propaganda work about how bad it was to be a nocturnal butterfly and tried to paint a lovely life with an ordinary hard worker like him.

    Strangely and surprisingly, the girl reacted to the sermon. She doesn't need anything! The lover understood that her life is debauchery, emptiness and idleness. He rushed out.

    The distraught artist, having returned home, locked himself up and did not let anyone in. A week later they broke down the door and found the unfortunate man with his throat cut. The razor was next to him.

    Only the drunken watchman wept over the dead man. Even his patron, Pirogov, did not come, busy with his own affairs.

    Pirogov's adventure

    Meanwhile, the lieutenant had no time to be bored. After parting with Piskarev, he went for the blonde and saw her off until he found out the address - it was an apartment-workshop. The well-known tinsmith Schiller ran here.

    The room the woman fluttered into after passing through the workshop was tidy. There, Pirogov came across the owner with his shoemaker friend Hoffmann. The Germans were drunk and were thinking about how to cut off Schiller's nose. After all, because of the big nose, a lot of tobacco is consumed, and this is expensive.

    The reception given to the lieutenant was the most impartial, he was sent out. And although Pirogov was offended and left, in the morning he appeared and began to flirt with the blonde. He found a reason, and began to order his spurs from Schiller. Even the inflated price and deadlines did not scare him away.

    Although the German woman had a clear rebuff, Pirogov decided not to retreat from courtship. She became even more interesting to him. He had a reason to come here - to learn how spurs are made, and he came every day. Having received his order, the lieutenant praised the spurs so much that Schiller became proud of himself and changed his anger to mercy. Now the German agreed to make a frame for the dagger.

    Leaving the workshop, the lieutenant allowed himself to kiss the blonde right on the lips, and right in front of her husband. Such an act aroused in the German something similar to jealousy. And Pirogov was already boasting to the officers that he was having an affair with a pretty married German woman.

    One day, a stupid blonde told the lieutenant that on Sundays her husband was not at home, he met with friends. And next Sunday, the officer decided to take advantage of this. He came to Schiller's house.

    Pirogov was very respectful and amiable. He did not scare the girl, he joked pleasantly and offered to dance. A big hunter for dancing, the blonde gladly accepted such an offer. In the dance, the lieutenant could not resist and rushed to kiss the woman. The German woman began to scream, but the man could not stop.

    However, we had to stop. The blonde's husband appeared on the threshold, along with his friends. And although all the artisans were absolutely drunk, their anger and indignation were very real. Pirogov could not fight off three drunken hard workers, the Germans asked him. He was stripped and whipped.

    Initially, the offended officer decided to complain to the general, to the main headquarters, and even to the state council, so that the German artisans would be punished. But he quickly calmed down, going to the pastry shop on the way. He ate two pies, read the newspaper, and his anger let go.

    And after walking along Nevsky Prospekt, having come to visit the ruler of the control board, having danced and distinguished himself in the mazurka, he completely calmed down.

    Analysis of the work

    Events do not take the reader to another time, but describe the current period, that is, the twenties and thirties of the XIX century. There were no social networks then, and in a certain sense, the avenue is the network where you can meet anyone, learn anything, gossip.

    The genius of Nikolai Vasilyevich's work lies in the fact that he showed Nevsky Prospekt as an exhibition of people. And in this living, moving and breathing exhibition there is a place for completely different exhibits. The writer did not choose the best exhibits. On the contrary, he seemed to wander along the Nevsky, noticing everyone. And then he accidentally stopped at two comrades - Piskarev and Pirogov.

    To that aroma of intelligence, which is revealed from the first lines of the story, the scent of ugly reality is gradually mixed in. Reality is not as illusory as the artist paints it in his romantic dreams. Fate is not favorable to him, sending love to a prostitute. And all his attempts to find solutions are in vain.

    It was not in vain that Gogol chose a speaking surname for his hero - Piskarev. All the calls of the artist are like a squeak. He cannot convey his feelings and good intentions to his beloved, and when he receives a refusal from a beautiful woman, he cannot cope with the life situation at all. Before the current problem, the guy turned out to be defenseless, and death, as a way out of the situation, looks like a theater of the absurd.

    The surname of the lieutenant - Pirogov also speaks of a complete concentration on the physiological side of life. The outlook, limited by spiritual and immoral desires, is the main problem of an officer.

    To the theme of unrequited love, Gogol skillfully tied the theme of the loneliness of big cities. After all, if someone were near the unfortunate artist, perhaps he would have survived. But in the huge city there was no person who would lend a helping hand at the time of the lover's spiritual crisis. Even on the last journey to see off the unfortunate no one came.

    At the end of the story, Nikolai Vasilyevich is no longer so optimistic. And if from the first line the author declared: “There is nothing better than Nevsky Prospekt”, at the end of the work he sadly concludes: “He lies at all times, this Nevsky Prospekt.”