Ancient Roman concrete, Viking code and other ancient mysteries that have been solved only today. The Russian is sure that he solved the code of the great Nostradamus I solved the ancient code

13.07.2023 This is interesting

The Christian faith is professed by a third of the world's population. But there are also a significant number of atheists. Many are looking for clear, not mythical evidence of the existence of the Almighty. There are also many who consider the Book of Books to be just a collection of ancient legends and metaphors that has survived time. Is it really?


The Russian mathematician Ivan Nikolaevich Panin (1855-1942) is considered an outstanding expert in the field of Bible study. He was known as a convinced agnostic, but, having identified a certain mathematical (numerical) pattern in the text of Holy Scripture, he neglected his career and settled with his wife on a small Canadian farm, where for more than 50 years he worked daily to constantly improve his theory.
The essence of Ivan Panin's discovery lies in the fact that in the original text of the Bible, consisting of the Old Testament (Hebrew) and the New Testament (Greek), the number 7 is encoded in every word and letter in an incomprehensible way, as, however, it is encoded in all of our universe. This is one of the so-called prime numbers, i.e., it is not divisible by any other whole number except itself and one.
So, it turns out that this is not a simple prime number at all, it is a kind of brick of the universe, the basis of everything and everyone! Here you don’t even have to talk about well-known proverbs and sayings like “One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon”, “Seven do not wait for one” or “Measure seven times, cut once”. Everything is much more precise, more complex and unshakable.
Recall, for example, that the lunar month is 28 days (7 x 4), white sunlight consists of 7 colors, the musical octave - of 7 full tones, the period of pregnancy in women lasts 280 days (7 x 40). We see the same thing in animals and birds.
And in general, experts know: a person usually remembers 7 concepts from the first reading. Even the fact that there were 7 wonders of the world, and the crow can perform simple arithmetic operations within the number 7, adds mysticism to this simple number.


All these and numerous other facts point to the existence of a certain pattern that is extremely important for a person, and also to the fact that the prime number 7 can serve as the key to revealing the secret of the Creator of the universe. The activities of I. N. Panin caused criticism, but he also has followers, such as Viktor Iosifovich Veinik and the American preacher Chuck Missler.
The first phrase of the Old Testament "In the beginning God created heaven and earth" has 7 Hebrew words, consisting of 28 (7 x 4) letters, and the first 3 words, naming the subject and predicate, have 14 (7 x 2) letters, the same number contain and the last 4 words (additions). The shortest word is located in the middle of the phrase, the number of letters in it and the word on the left is 7, the number of letters in the middle word and the word on the right is also 7.
In the New Testament, the first 17 verses of the first chapter (the Gospel of Matthew) tell of the genealogy of Christ. At the same time, the first 11 verses cover the period before the resettlement to Babylon, they contain 49 (7 x 7) vocabulary units of the Greek language, the number of letters in them is 266 (7 x 38), of which 140 are vowels (7 x 20), and consonants - 126 (7 x 18); the number of words beginning with a vowel is 28 (7 x 4), and with a consonant - 21 (7 x 3); the number of nouns is 42 (7 x 6), non-nouns - 7; proper names - 35 (7 x 5), they occur 63 times (7 x 9), of which male names - 28 (7 x 4), female - 7, male names occur 56 times (7 x 8).
Similar numerical patterns are embedded in the remaining verses of the genealogy, as well as in the entire text of the Bible. Amazingly, this principle is not violated anywhere - everything is a multiple of the number 7!
In ancient times, the Jews and Greeks expressed numbers using the letters of their alphabet. Incredibly, substituting these numbers for the corresponding letters in the biblical text produces similar results! For example, if in the three main nouns of the first phrase of the Old Testament (God, heaven, earth) the letters are replaced by numbers, then the sum is equal to 777 (7 x 111), the Hebrew verb “created” has a total numerical value of 203 (7 x 29).
It may seem incredible, but these three sevens frame the equally magical word "Jesus", which has a sum of 888, and the number of the beast, or antichrist, equal to 666! It is obtained if the Greek word for "beast" is denoted by the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.


Panin was able to identify chain-like numerical patterns that run through all of Scripture and tie together its entire text. The results of the study led to an unequivocal conclusion: the numerical features found in the structure of the original biblical text could not have arisen by chance, the probability of this is zero, i.e. all the patterns found are the result of someone's plan.
However, they are present only in the canonical Bible, consisting of 66 books - 39 books of the Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament. But this idea is practically impossible to implement on an arbitrary alphabetic, vocabulary and grammatical material.
And the most amazing thing is that if you add or remove from the Bible not only a book, but even one (!) Word or one (!) Letter or change the order of words, then all the corresponding patterns and connections will be violated! The plan was to provide for the creation of appropriate alphabets and systems of the Hebrew and Greek languages, take into account the mental, educational, stylistic, age and other individual characteristics of each performer of the specified plan.
But it is known that the Bible was written for 1,600 years with a break of 400 years before the New Testament, and it is absolutely clear that the mind of the authors who wrote it, who lived in different eras, could not do this, since under such conditions the complexity of solving this problem increases to infinity.
But if a person cannot do this, it turns out that in such a simple and infinitely difficult way, the Almighty protected His Scripture from all kinds of errors, changes, inserts and cuts. God's copywriter, so to speak.

He devoted his whole life to mathematical analysis.

The Christian faith is professed by a third of the world's population. But there are also a significant number of atheists. Many are looking for clear, not mythical evidence of the existence of the Almighty. There are also many who consider the Book of Books to be just a collection of ancient legends and metaphors that has survived time. Is it really?


The Russian mathematician Ivan Nikolaevich Panin (1855-1942) is considered an outstanding expert in the field of Bible study. Panin was born in Russia, but at the age of 19 he was expelled from the country for his participation in revolutionary activities. He graduated from the mathematical department of the University of Berlin, then continued his studies at Harvard, becoming a Bachelor of Arts.

He was known as a convinced agnostic, but, having identified a certain mathematical (numerical) pattern in the text of Holy Scripture, he neglected his career and settled with his wife on a small Canadian farm, where for more than 50 years he worked daily to constantly improve his theory.

The essence of Ivan Panin's discovery lies in the fact that in the original text of the Bible, consisting of the Old Testament (Hebrew) and the New Testament (Greek), the number 7 is encoded in every word and letter in an incomprehensible way, as, however, it is encoded in all of our universe. This is one of the so-called prime numbers, i.e., it is not divisible by any other whole number except itself and one.

So, it turns out that this is not a simple prime number at all, it is a kind of brick of the universe, the basis of everything and everything! Here you don’t even have to talk about well-known proverbs and sayings like “One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon”, “Seven do not wait for one” or “Measure seven times, cut once”. Everything is much more precise, more complex and unshakable.

Recall, for example, that the lunar month is 28 days (7 x 4), white sunlight consists of 7 colors, the musical octave - of 7 full tones, the period of pregnancy in women lasts 280 days (7 x 40). We observe the same thing in animals and birds: in a mouse - 21 days (7 x 3), in hares and rats - 28 days (7 x 4), in a cat - 56 days (7 x 8), in a dog - 63 days (7 x 9), a lion - 98 days (7 x 14), a sheep - 147 days (7 x 21), a chicken - 21 days (7 x 3), a duck - 28 days (7 x 4) and etc.

And in general, experts know: a person usually remembers 7 concepts from the first reading. Even the fact that there were 7 wonders of the world, and the crow can perform simple arithmetic operations within the number 7, adds mysticism to this simple number. All these and other numerous facts point to the existence of some pattern that is extremely important for a person, and also to the fact that the prime number 7 can serve as the key to revealing the secret of the Creator of the universe.

The activities of I. N. Panin caused criticism, but he also has followers, such as Viktor Iosifovich Veinik and the American preacher Chuck Missler.


The first phrase of the Old Testament "In the beginning God created heaven and earth" has 7 Hebrew words, consisting of 28 (7 x 4) letters, and the first 3 words, naming the subject and predicate, have 14 (7 x 2) letters, the same number contain and the last 4 words (additions). The shortest word is located in the middle of the phrase, the number of letters in it and the word on the left is 7, the number of letters in the middle word and the word on the right is also 7.

In the New Testament, the first 17 verses of the first chapter (the Gospel of Matthew) tell of the genealogy of Christ. At the same time, the first 11 verses cover the period before the resettlement to Babylon, they contain 49 (7 x 7) vocabulary units of the Greek language, the number of letters in them is 266 (7 x 38), of which 140 are vowels (7 x 20), and consonants - 126 (7 x 18);

the number of words beginning with a vowel is 28 (7 x 4), and with a consonant - 21 (7 x 3);

the number of nouns is 42 (7 x 6), non-nouns - 7;

proper names - 35 (7 x 5), they occur 63 times (7 x 9), of which male names - 28 (7 x 4), female - 7, male names occur 56 times (7 x 8).

Similar numerical patterns are embedded in the remaining verses of the genealogy, as well as in the entire text of the Bible. Amazingly, this principle is not violated anywhere - everything is a multiple of the number 7!

In ancient times, the Jews and Greeks expressed numbers using the letters of their alphabet. Incredibly, substituting these numbers for the corresponding letters in the biblical text produces similar results! For example, if in the three main nouns of the first phrase of the Old Testament (God, heaven, earth) the letters are replaced by numbers, then the sum is equal to 777 (7 x 111), the Hebrew verb “created” has a total numerical value of 203 (7 x 29).

It may seem incredible, but these three sevens frame the equally magical word "Jesus", which has a sum of 888, and the number of the beast, or antichrist, equal to 666! It is obtained if the Greek word for "beast" is denoted by the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.


Panin was able to identify chain-like numerical patterns that run through all of Scripture and tie together its entire text. The results of the study led to an unequivocal conclusion: the numerical features found in the structure of the original biblical text could not have arisen by chance, the probability of this is zero, i.e. all
discovered patterns are the result of someone's design.

However, they are present only in the canonical Bible, consisting of 66 books - 39 books of the Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament. But this idea is practically impossible to implement on an arbitrary alphabetic, vocabulary and grammatical material.

And the most amazing thing is that if you add or remove from the Bible not only a book, but even one (!) Word or one (!) Letter or change the order of words, then all the corresponding patterns and connections will be violated!

The plan was to provide for the creation of appropriate alphabets and systems of the Hebrew and Greek languages, take into account the mental, educational, stylistic, age and other individual characteristics of each performer of the specified plan.

But it is known that the Bible was written for 1,600 years with a break before the New Testament of 400 years, and it is quite clear that the mind of the authors who wrote it, who lived in different eras, could not do this, since under such conditions the complexity of solving this problem increases to infinity.

But if a person cannot do this, it turns out that in such a simple and infinitely difficult way, the Almighty protected His Scripture from all kinds of errors, changes, inserts and cuts. God's copywriter, so to speak.

There is a lot of pain and sorrow in life. Evil we are, too often we hit hardest those we love. The simplest commandment of Christ is “live in love!”, but oh, how difficult it is to fulfill it ...

Explosions in the heart, explosions in the world. He opened the Bible to read the psalms. And I remembered my old stuff. Back in January 2004, he wrote that scientists had deciphered the code hidden in the Bible. Found it today and re-read it. And it is necessary - the prophecy, which is given there, has come true. But I'm sorry it hit the mark...

"Bible code solved
Scientists have discovered a "biblical code" that allows you to predict the future. They found encrypted information in the Holy Scriptures about the terrorist attack in America, the catastrophe with the American ship in space, the outcome of the war in Iraq and the events that have yet to happen.
Grigory TELNOV

The legend that hidden information is encrypted in the Bible has existed since ancient times. But no one was able to "remove the seal".
The physicist Isaac Newton believed that the Bible was "a cryptogram composed by the Almighty." He learned Hebrew, which is the language of the Old Testament, and tried to decipher the cipher, but failed.

The attempts of the Russian mathematician Elius Solomon turned out to be more fruitful. Three hundred years ago, he did what only a computer could do. Elia memorized the first five books of the Bible, analyzed each letter and found amazing patterns. The signs, combined in a certain sequence, formed words that Elia considered the key to the upcoming events. The conclusion was sensational:
“Everything that was, is and will happen until the end of time is contained in the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. Not only in a general sense, but including the smallest details of the life of every person, everything that happens to him, from his birth to death, is exactly the same about every animal and beast that exists, about a plant and about all living things, as well as about the inanimate.
Elia Solomon was not understood by contemporaries - the calculation methods were so complex that few could comprehend them at that time.

Russian mathematician Ivan Panin (he died in the USA in 1942) was the first to calculate the Bible using the achievements of modern science. He proved that the original biblical texts are dictated by God, including every word, every letter, and even every dash.
The essence of the discovery lies in the fact that the original text of the Bible, consisting of the Old Testament, dictated in Hebrew, and the New Testament, dictated in Greek, contains special numerical patterns. They are such that every word and every letter in the Bible has its definite place assigned to it. Panin proved that according to the theory of probability it follows that such numerical singularities cannot arise by chance. Since the Bible was written for 1600 years, Panin concluded that the Holy Scriptures were the fruit of a single plan and that God controlled the “collective of authors” who lived in different centuries and in different countries.

Russian physicist Academician Viktor Veinik developed Panin's theory by testing his conclusions with the help of computer technology. They shocked him so much that he, who had considered himself an atheist all his life, believed in God. Shortly before his death, Academician Veinik conducted a series of experiments in which he proved that the biblical teaching about the creation of the world does not contradict modern physics.

On the eve of World War II, Rabbi Mikhail Weissmandl from Slovakia decided to visually see the numerical patterns of the Holy Scriptures. The priest wrote out all 304805 letters of the Torah (it includes the first books of the Old Testament) into tables. And he singled out words that occur at regular intervals of letters. Having omitted 50 letters in the book of Genesis, then another 50, and then three more groups of 50, he received the word "Torah". This pattern also manifested itself in the books “Exodus”, “Numbers”, “Deuteronomy.” The pattern became visible.
The Second World War raised the art of deciphering to a new level. Having dabbled in German ciphers, mathematicians from different countries again took up the Bible. Her texts were run through a computer, catching hidden patterns and trying to understand them.

The greatest success in deciphering the Bible was achieved in Israel. The mathematician Elia Rips proposed that meaningful code words cluster around scattered words in plain text.
- The difference between the Bible code and the usual ciphers that are used in intelligence is that it is a "statistical phenomenon," Rips said. - The code appears in places where the probability of random occurrence of such patterns is extremely small.

Rips proceeded from the method used by the codebreakers of all the intelligence services in the world. He tried to capture the patterns and order of their appearance by analyzing the statistical data of the location and combination of signs.
To begin with, Rips decided to "pump" the first two chapters of the Book of Genesis. It is believed that these texts were dictated to Moses by God himself.

To unravel the "cipher from the Lord," Rips looked for places in the text that contain a hint of the phenomena taking place in the present. He selected several such localized groups. Then he searched again through the chapters, finding hidden occurrences of the same words. And I found that they are grouped around keywords.

Rips concluded that this feature had nothing to do with grammatical rules. There are no mechanical processes in any language of the world that could cause such a degree of grouping. Bible tests were compared with randomly selected literary works. The phenomenon of the secret code was inherent only in Holy Scripture.

Rips began by instructing the computer to select every 2nd letter, then every 3rd, every 4th, and so on. The computer gave out information in the form of words, the combination of which was amazing: "Hitler - Auschwitz", "Shakespeare - Macbeth - Hamlet", "Edison - electricity - light bulb", "Wright brothers - airplane" ...

Professor Rips and his colleague Doron Witztum described the mathematical model of the code. They outlined it in the report "Equidistant letter sequence in the book" Genesis "" The essence of the discovery is that the hidden information is included in the text of the book "Genesis" in the form of an equidistant letter sequence and that the probability of its random occurrence is almost negligible.

The report was sent to the editors of the leading American mathematical journal "Statistical Science". At first they took her for a prank. Before publishing, they sent it to experts for verification three times.

Harold Gens, a cryptographer for the US National Security Agency, was initially more than skeptical of Rips' discovery. However, he decided to repeat his experiment. And he was shocked - the text written thousands of years ago contained information about events that had happened recently or had not happened yet!

In an excerpt from the book "Genesis", Gens deciphered the concepts - "Man on the Moon", "Spaceship -
Apollo 11 and the date of the landing of the first man on the moon - July 20, 1969. In another passage of Genesis, the name of the city of Hiroshima in Japan and the year in which the atomic bomb fell on it were encrypted. Gens found in the Bible
even a prediction about the death of Princess Diana, with the key order of the deciphered words being “Car accident, photographer, lady Di”.

Rips' discovery was a sensation. Here is how Professor Vladislav Malakhovskiy, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, commented on his “Life”:
- The fact that all numbers and signs in the Bible have a higher meaning is beyond doubt. Saint Ignatius Brenchaninov wrote about this. But the most surprising thing is that even the mathematical laws present in the text of the Holy Scriptures allow us to interpret the future in many ways. God always leaves us freedom of choice. It's always easier to find warnings in hindsight.

After the September 11 terrorist attack in America, a message was found in the Bible about an attack on skyscrapers using aircraft. The Bible also predicted the outcome of the war in Iraq.

However, scientists are trying, based on the Bible, to predict the coming events in the world, at least in general terms. Russia has a favorable prognosis - the strengthening of political positions, a stable situation within the country. But the United States and Israel, according to Rips's calculations, are waiting for unpleasant prospects. A new surge of terrorism is expected there. It will peak in 2006."

For almost 500 years, people from different countries have been interested in the encrypted prophecies of Michel Nostradamus. Books by different authors about the deciphering of quatrains are published, but among them you will not find two identical decipherments of all quatrains.

This conclusion at one time surprised me, as one of the co-authors, and Viktor Georgievich Grozov, the author of future books on this topic. At the beginning, questions arose: who is to blame?, what to do?, where to start? Naturally, from a thorough study of the French language, the answer suggested itself.

Conclusion one

For an accurate translation of quatrains from old French into modern Russian, it is not necessary to study French.

Second conclusion

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To decipher quatrains, obviously, somewhere there must be ciphers, keys, some kind of scheme or auxiliary table for placing all quatrains in their original state in view of their deliberate, non-sequential location in centuries, judging by the events described in them.

Through lengthy deductions and mathematical calculations, Viktor Georgievich Grozov for the first time discovered a single cipher table of the sequence of quatrains encrypted in quatrains for any centurion of the prophecies of M. Nostradamus. (Further - Table). The table presented in this article was discovered in July 1999. Quatrain No. 72, centurion 10 in this case, as an occasion for reflection and personal opinion. Who is engaged in deciphering quatrains one by one, counting each quatrain as a separate event (against the evidence), the table is not needed, because quatrains can be “successfully” deciphered for centuries, tying them to different historical events.

The table contributed to the deciphering of all quatrains from 07/10/1999 to 05/20/2004 through the titanic work of Grozov V.G. and the help of co-authors. Were involved: the Bible, the Koran, the Vedic predictions of India, the history of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Astronomy, Astrology, Mathematics and Physics. Prophecies of the prophets: Zarathustra, Daniel, Jesus Christ, John the Theologian, Mohammed, Omar Khayyam and Nostradamus. Translations of the prophecies of other prophets from foreign languages.

And Nostradamus created quatrains-prophecies after studying the prophecies of past prophets. Prophets from century to century pass on their encrypted knowledge to each other, each time refining them. During their lifetime, their teachings were not perceived by many. Their lives were short and often threatened with death. It was. Unfortunately, it will. In 2381 a new prophet will be born, a follower of Jesus Christ. To him there will be a pilgrimage of believers from different countries. After 9 years of imprisonment in an underground prison, in April 2430, his death will come. Centuria No. 2, quatrains No. 27,8,74 and 75. Centuria No. 3, quatrain No. 38 and others.

Table confirmed:

1. Events described in different quatrains - parts of one event, are deliberately placed randomly in centuries, but the serial numbers of all quatrains increase, which allows the table to be used. Selecting the numbers of quatrains along the horizontal line, in the table we get a chronological, semantic series (group) of quatrains for deciphering and describing the predicted events, including up to 20 quatrains.

For an example from already deciphered quatrains, several sequences of events in quatrains according to the table:

The beginning of the Second and similar World War: centuria No. 2, quatrains No. 41,76,10,30,42,77,11,31,43,78,12,32,44,79,13,45,80 and 14.

America's Anger and Irritation Against the Peace Treaty between Russia and China: c. No. 5, room No. 70 and 4.

Beginning of the Fourth World War: c. No. 1, room No. 49,53,66 and 68.

Terrorist act. An attempt on the life of the Pope: c. No. 6, room No. 25,37,72,6,26,38 and 73.

Military march of Muslims from Africa through the states of Western Europe: c. No. 5, room No. 66,68,2,22,34,50,54, and 57.

Forty-two years France will be under the yoke of Islamic conquerors: c. No. 3, room No. 32,44,79,13,45,80,14,46,81,15,47 and 82.

Life in the arks - anti-flood structures: c. No. 10, room No. 8,28,40,75,92,9 and 41.

Meeting of our astronauts with people on another planet: c. No. 9, room No. 65,69,71,5 and 25.

A written message of a past civilization addressed to our civilization has been found: c. No. 8, room No. 29.

The sequence of quatrains according to the table is also confirmed by the events described in more than 20 articles on the Internet.

2. With the use of the table, it became possible, by the first quatrain, in the group of quatrains, to determine the time of the completion of the predicted events in years, often in months, sometimes in days of the month. Subsequent quatrains in groups describe the place and course of the event, special signs of past and future historical figures, their violent or natural death.

The beginning and end of peaceful or military periods of life in different countries and much more over 9 thousand years. Of these, 1240 years before the Ice Age (Ice World Flood) of the past civilization, 7021 years of the present civilization, and 800 years of new life following our civilization on planet Earth, after the next Great Flood. For 9 thousand years, previously encrypted clear time cycles of recurring events were discovered, which are so necessary in our time for long-term forecasting and prospects for self-preservation.

The upcoming Mixed World Flood is the most complex, insidious and tragic compared to the previous World Floods - Water and Glacial. The complex of long-term anti-flood underground structures, according to the Bible, the Ark, in which Noah escaped with his family and every creature in pairs, was built according to the Bible for 600 years. This complex was built by people of the past civilization with a great delay, that is, in 3197, if it was built in comparison with our civilization. 3797-600=3197. Where 3797 is the beginning of the flood.

The construction of Noah's Ark was started 1179 years later than the present time (3197-2018). Now it is clear why Noah alone barely escaped with his family and every creature in pairs. The rest of the people did not have time to build Arks for the mass salvation of people in 600 years. There were good reasons. Minerals at that time were already running out. On the surface of the earth, the antediluvian elements began to rage more often: hurricane winds, earthquakes, heavy rains, large hail, floods, a sharp change in temperature from heat to cold beyond 80 degrees Celsius, various curable and incurable diseases.

The prophets sacrificed their lives to bring this truth to the people of the 21st century, to inform that if we start building the Arks at the beginning of the 21st century, then everyone will have the opportunity to be saved. Nostradamus has more than 60 quatrains about this, based on the experience of saving people of past civilizations, described in ancient books that he burned, betrayed, as he wrote, "Volcano" because of the threat of death to him.

Vladimir Bocharov

An international team of researchers has refuted the idea that the earliest written use of a zero to fill a place (as in the number 101, for example) should be considered a manuscript from Bakhshali, an ancient Indian mathematical textbook.

The article was published in the journal History of Science in South Asia.

Some fragments of this writing were dated to the 3rd century, in connection with which the Oxford scholars who conducted the analysis stated that the idea of ​​zero dates back to Indian culture. However, according to the authors of the new work, the text itself was written much later - around the 10th century AD.

In 1881, a villager dug up darkened birch leaves with inscriptions near the village of Bakhshali (50 kilometers from the city of Peshawar in modern Pakistan). These lands belonged to British India at that time, so the find was transferred to the British authorities, and in 1902 it was acquired by the Bodleian Library of Oxford.

The 70-page manuscript was quickly recognized as an ancient textbook on mathematics. It is written in Śāradā, a written language that originated around the 8th century AD. The text of the book follows a certain logical sequence: first, the rule (sutra) is stated, and then examples (udaharana), which include problems with solution and proof. Interestingly, the tutorial uses zero, which is shown as a large dot. It denotes both the absence of the value of the discharge, and the unknown (modern x).

For a long time, the manuscript from Bakhshali was considered one of the contenders for the role of the "keeper" of the oldest recorded zero known. In September of this year, scientists from the Oxford laboratory were thought to have closed this issue.

So, the researchers conducted a radiocarbon analysis of three pages - 16, 17 and 33 - which gave unexpected results. One fragment was dated 224-383 AD, the second - 680-779 (which coincided with the generally accepted dating), and the third - 885-993. According to British researchers, the original text was created between the 3rd and 4th centuries, after which it was rewritten several times.

Based on this, historians have stated that the Bakhshali manuscript contains the oldest written zero, and they especially noted that the zero cannot be considered real, since it is not fully used in mathematical operations. The article was published on the library website and received publicity in the media, but was not reviewed in scientific journals.

The authors of the new article dispute the findings of the Oxford scientists. They point to a large number of inconsistencies in the final dating of the text, as well as in explaining the discrepancy in the age of the manuscript fragments. In particular, an international team of researchers argues that the date of creation of the document should be considered the upper limit - that is, the 9th-10th century. This is indicated not only by the language of the manuscript, but also by the absence of a noticeable difference in the handwriting on pages 16 and 17. In addition, it begs the question why the textbook was rewritten for so many centuries in a row and did not undergo any changes. Moreover, from the point of view of language, the researchers note, the text also retained its integrity.

According to the researchers, the difference in dates could be due to the special processing of the sheets - a similar discrepancy was observed in the case of the Tibetan manuscript. In addition, the author of the textbook could have used old birch bark (especially since scientists took fragments without ink for analysis).

In addition, the authors found errors in the interpretation of zero in the manuscript. They believe that it is used in the textbook as an independent number. In their conclusions, historians proceed from the fact that the manuscript describes complex mathematical operations, for example, multiplying the fraction 108625/65600 by 59425/49200 with the result 6455040625/3227520000. According to scientists, the ancient Indians had to have an idea about zero in order to solve such problems. In addition, the text mentions the operation of adding to zero ("adding one to zero"), which scientists say disproves the Oxford authors' claim.

The researchers conclude their article with a reference to the Bodleian Library. They talk about the importance of publishing through peer-reviewed journals, where experts can evaluate the material and point out inaccuracies in the work. Historians do not put an end to the question of the age of the text, but they speak of the need for a more detailed study of the manuscript from Bakhshali by experts and the dating of the fragment with ink.

The first rules for arithmetic operations with zero were established by Brahmagupta, an Indian mathematician and astronomer who lived from about 598 to 670 AD. He created rules for arithmetic operations with zero known to everyone: 1 + 0 = 1, 1-0 = 1, 1 × 0 = 0. However, the symbol "sunya" ("emptiness") was used in Indian texts before.

As the portal "Znayu" reported, near Irkutsk during the expedition, who lived in these places about 50 thousand years ago. Experts suggest that they have found the remains of the oldest species of Homo sapiens in Eurasia.