E 955 food additive. Sweetener sucralose: is food additive e955 harmful?

24.07.2023 Internet

Technological functions Sweetener, flavor and aroma enhancer.

Synonyms 4,1',6'-Trichlorogalactosucrose, TGS; English trichlorogalactosucrose, TGS, sucralose; German Trichlorogalactosucrose, Sucralose, Chlorzucker, TGS; fr. trichlorogalactosucrose, TGS, sucralose.

CAS 56038-13-2.

chemical name 1,6-Dichloro-1,6-dideoxy-p-B-fructofuranosyl-4-chloro-4-deoc-CH-a-D-galactopyranoside.

Empirical Formula C 12 H 19 O 8 Cl 3.

Mol. m. 397,64.

Organoleptic properties Odorless white crystals with an intense sweet taste, about 600 times sweeter than sucrose.

Physicochemical characteristics T pl 130°C (b/w); 36.5°C (pentahydrate). Resistant to heat and hydrolysis. Chorus. sol. in water, alcohols; cf. sol. in esters; insoluble in fatty solvents.

Receipt Chlorination of sucrose with sulfuryl chloride, followed by isolation of isomers and other chlorination products. Impurities: chlorinated mono- and disaccharides, solvent residues.



Water (according to Fisher),%, not more than

sulfate ash, %, no more

Specific rotation [a], 20 (10% water

rr), deg.

pH value

Endurance Spanish

Chlorinated monosaccharides

Endurance Spanish

Other chlorinated disaccharides

Triphenylphosphine oxide, mg/kg

No more than 150

Methanol, %, no more.

As/heavy, met., mg/kg, no more

Metabolism and toxicity Absorbed slightly. The glycosidic bond can be cleaved in the small intestine; chlorine-containing hexoses are rapidly excreted through the kidneys unchanged or in the form of glucuronides; other metabolites have not yet been found.

Hygiene standards ADI 15 mg/kg body weight per day. Codex: Food approved in Canada and Australia. In the Russian Federation, it is allowed as a sweetener in sweet and sour fruit and vegetable preserves, in sweet and sour preserves from fish, fish marinades, crustaceans and mollusks in an amount of up to 150 mg / kg; in soft drinks based on flavorings, fruit juices, dairy products without added sugar or with a reduced calorie content in an amount up to 300 mg/kg; in water-based, grain, fruit, vegetable, milk, egg, fat-based flavored desserts without added sugar or with reduced calorie content, in ice cream, popsicles without added sugar or with reduced calorie content in the amount of up to 400 mg/kg; in canned fruits without added sugar or with a reduced calorie content, in jams, preserves, marmalade with a reduced calorie content, in fruit and vegetable processing products with a reduced calorie content in an amount of up to 450 mg/kg; in rich bakery and flour confectionery products in the amount of up to 800 mg/kg; in confectionery products with reduced caloric content or without added sugar: sandwiches with filling based on cocoa, dairy products, dried fruits, fat in an amount up to 1 g/kg; in confectionery products with reduced calorie content or without the addition of sugar based on starch, cocoa, dried fruits in an amount of up to 1.5 g/kg; in chewing gum without added sugar in an amount up to 5 g / kg (clause 3.15.7 SanPiN

Application Very intense sweetener, sweetness lasts a long time; the sweetness profile is similar to that of sugar. The problems of cariogenicity and insulin dependence at the low dosages used are of no importance. In an acidic environment (pH< 3) очень медленно (десятые доли процента в год) расщепляется на два моносахарида: 1,6-дихлорфруктозу и 4-хлоргалактозу, при этом сладость снижается, но посторонних привкусов не появля­ется. Применяется как индивидуально, так и в смесях с другими подсластителями для подслащивания напитков, молочных про­дуктов, кондитерских изделий, жевательной резинки, а также в качестве столового подсластителя для напосредственной прода­жи населению. В очень низкой дозировке, как и большинство ин­тенсивных подсластителей, проявляет свойства усилителя вкуса и аромата.

Other applications: pharmaceuticals.

Commodity forms Substance of food grade, b / w and pentahydrate or concentrated solutions.

Today, few people can resist sweets. Therefore, there are many examples of sweet teeth who suffer from obesity or suffer from diabetes. Sugar can destroy the intestinal microbiocenosis, which leads to dysbacteriosis and impaired immune system. Sweets destroy tooth enamel and dental caries. That is why scientists set out to find sweeteners that will not differ in taste, but do less harm than sugar. In 1976, scientists Leslie Hugh and Shashikantom Phadnis accidentally discovered the sweet taste of sucralose, which later became a popular sweetener. Sucralose is known today to the whole world as a food additive under the number E955. However, is it safe and harmless to humans? You should find out the following about E955 (sucralose): the effect on the human body - is a food additive harm or benefit?

Sucralose is the safest sweetener that tastes just like real sugar. Such a food additive is obtained from sugar by treating sucrose with chlorine. Thus, the total calorie content of the product is reduced. Outwardly, E955 looks like small white crystals with a very sweet taste, which is several times the sweetness of sugar. The food additive is resistant to heat treatment, does not dissolve in fatty substances. In the food industry, sucralose is used as a sweetener in chewing gum, gummies, soft drinks, sauces, and marinades.

To date, scientists have established that sucralose is an absolutely safe food supplement. It is non-toxic, non-carcinogenic and is not absorbed by the human body. Only 15% of sucralose is absorbed by the human body, but within a day the entire substance is completely removed from it. That is why contraindications for pregnant women and children have not been established. There is no scientific evidence of side effects on the nervous and reproductive systems. However, like any other product, E955 should not be abused. When buying products, it is worth checking the composition and quantity of food additives. Experts recommend purchasing the E955 sweetener in tablets, as they are the most accurate by weight.

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A group of food additives with codes E900 and further up to E999 are called anti-flamings.

These are chemicals that prevent the formation of foam in food production or significantly reduce its occurrence.

But the additives included in this group can have not only antifoaming properties, but also be used for:

  • prevent rapid evaporation of moisture from the product;
  • giving better elasticity to the dough;
  • sweetening the product;
  • prevent oxidation;
  • ejection of foam from the can.

Each additive with the letter "E" and a digital code has its own name.


This substance is called Acesulfame Potassium or Acesulfame. It is a synthetic sweetener.

Its use is not limited to food production, acesulfame is used in pharmaceutical production, in the production of dietary supplements, toothpastes, powders and mouthwashes.

The sweetener is resistant to heat treatment and is used in products with a long shelf life.

Widely used to add to low-calorie food products.

E950 (acesulfame potassium) is added to:

Reference: used in combination with other sweeteners for a more natural taste.

Thus, E950 allows you to make the taste of the product more attractive.

Chemical origin of acesulfame potassium

The sweetener was discovered in the 60s of the 20th century by a German chemist. It is a white, odorless crystalline powder.

Its sweet taste exceeds that of sugar and aspartame many times over.

The substance dissolves rapidly in water, melting point 225°C. It is resistant to pasteurization and hydrolysis. Chemical formula C4H4KNO4S.

But what harm can E950 do to the body?

Action on the human body

Acesulfame is a safe substance, which do not harm the body and are allowed in many countries.

It does not break down, once it enters the stomach with food, it exits almost unchanged through the kidneys.

E950 does not lead to caries and does not affect the formation or growth of tumors in the body. The maximum allowable rate that can be consumed per day by a person is 15 mg per 1 kg of body weight.


This substance called Aspartame and also known as Acesulfame refers to sweeteners.

It is 150-200 times sweeter than sugar and has a low calorie content.

This does not affect food calories, as it is added in an extremely small amount.

E951 does not withstand heat, is included in not only products, for example, is contained in cough lozenges.

Aspartame is also sold as an independent sugar substitute, it can be called Shugafri, Slastilin.

It is used to sweeten food in diabetic diseases.

Products that may contain E951:

  • sweets and confectionery;
  • non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks, cocktails;
  • chewing gum;
  • yoghurts and sweet dairy products;
  • vitamins.

A complete list of food products, pharmaceuticals and other manufactured goods will be several thousand items.

Chemical origin of aspartame

Anti-flaming E951 was invented in the 20th century by an American chemist. It was obtained as an intermediate product in the preparation of the gastrin substance.

IMPORTANT: in the human body, aspartame breaks down into methanol and amino acids.

Unlike E951, it does not contain a bitter aftertaste.

Let's quickly dissolve in water and alcohol. Chemical formula C14H18N2O5.

The melting point of aspartame is about 250°C, subjected to this process, the sweetener loses its properties and decomposes.

Action on a person

Despite the fact that methanol, which is formed during the breakdown of aspartame, is a toxic substance, it is safe in small doses.

A dosage of 34 mg per 1 kg of human weight per day of aspartame has no effect on the body.

Methanol is found in many fruits and, for example, natural fruit juice contains more methanol than an aspartame drink.

Several hundred toxicological studies and the conclusions of authoritative world organizations provide clear information that the sweetener aspartame is safe for everyone, including children, diabetics and pregnant women.

REFERENCE: it has been established that a person with a body weight of 80 kg will not be harmed by E951 in an amount of up to 260 tablets per day.


E952 has the following names: cyclamic acid sodium salt, cyclamic acid, sodium cyclamate. Like the previous ones, it refers to sweeteners, it is about 40 times sweeter than sugar.

Antiflaming quickly dissolves in water, is used in the manufacture of:

  • sweet confectionery,
  • ice cream;
  • low-alcohol drinks and carbonated soft drinks.

Food additive E952 is able to reduce the calorie content of dishes, and therefore is used in the confectionery industry.

Chemical properties

Sodium cyclamate has the chemical formula C6H12NNaO3S, it is a colorless crystalline substance with a sugary taste. Melting point 265 degrees Celsius.

Additive E952 is resistant to high temperatures and freezing. The sweetener entered the market in the middle of the 20th century.

Impact on the human body

Registered Safe Daily Dose, in which E952 does not harm the body - 10-11 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

In the 60-70s of the 20th century it was banned in some countries.

Studies have shown that it can influence the formation of malignant tumors in animals.

By 1980, E952 was again allowed to be sold in some countries, since clinical studies did not reveal harm to the human body, if not to exceed the maximum permitted dose.

Currently, the substance is prohibited in the Russian Federation, USA, Japan, Canada.

IMPORTANT: in humans, cyclamic acid can be converted into metabolites that lead to abnormal development of embryos, therefore it is prohibited in early pregnancy.


It was widely used in the food industry, namely in the production of diabetic products. She called saccharin. Now its use has been reduced and replaced with other better sugar substitutes.

This synthetic sweetener is used in:

  • confectionery;
  • bakery products;
  • various drinks;
  • canned food, except for meat;
  • toothpaste;
  • animal feed.

Due to the pronounced metallic taste of saccharin, it is not used in its pure form, but in combination with other antiflaming agents.

Chemical properties

E954 is one of the oldest additives, it was the first as a sweetener.

The sweetener was discovered in the 19th century, named Saccharin and then patented. It is colorless crystals with a melting point of about 230°C. Saccharin is poorly soluble in water and alcohol.

Chemical formula C7H5NO3S. 400 times sweeter than sucrose, the sweetener does not break down when cooked and has an unlimited shelf life in beverages and other products.

Impact on human health

The substance has been approved by the World Health Organization and allowed in many countries, including Russia.

Does E954 harm?

At a dosage of 5 mg per 1 kg of human body weight, no effects have been identified.

In the 60-70s, the substance was banned, as malignant tumors appeared in animals.

But subsequently allowed with a certain rate, since the dosage for animals was equal to their own weight.

However, for some groups of people, the use of saccharin should be limited, namely: for infants, children and pregnant women.

Reference: In 2015, American scientists found that saccharin can resist the development of an existing tumor, as it is able to deactivate carbonic anhydrase IX in cancer cells.


This supplement is the newest sugar substitute, sweetener and called sucralose. It is widely used in those products of various industries that previously contained sucrose:

  • Dessert;
  • canned food;
  • jam and jam;
  • beverages;
  • flour products;
  • confectionery;
  • pharmaceutical products and cosmetic products.

This substance is about 600 times sweeter than sucrose and 3 times sweeter than aspartame.

Chemical properties

The food supplement E955 was discovered in 1976 in London. Chemical formula C12H19Cl3O8. The sweetener melts at 125°C.

Sucralose is made from ordinary sugar, but is subjected to special processing in order to reduce calorie content.

The additive is highly soluble in water, highly stable during heat treatment, and can retain its properties in products for 10-12 months.

Human impact

The established dose of sucralose is 15 mg per 1 kg of human body weight.

The substance is excreted from the body unchanged by the kidneys.

Only 15% of sucralose is absorbed, which is then excreted during the day with urine.

The sweetener does not affect the human body, has no calories and does not cause tooth decay.

Sucralose does not penetrate the brain, does not cross the placental barrier during pregnancy, and does not pass into breast milk when breastfeeding.

After a large number of studies, the use of E955 was approved by the WHO and the US Food and Drink Control Commission.

Reference: E955 is considered the safest type of sweetener at the moment and is allowed in Canada, Australia, Russia, and European countries.

Chemical food additives, which are included in many foods consumed by humans, for the most part, can cause harm only if their recommended dosage is exceeded.

Since such substances are most often found in canned foods, fast foods and carbonated drinks, it is worth limiting their consumption to reduce possible harm to the body.

E-955 Sucralose (trichlorogalactosucrose) - food additive, sweetener.


Sucrolose is a relatively new synthetic, calorie-free sugar substitute. It is a white crystalline substance without a specific odor with an intense sweet taste, similar to sugar, but sweeter than it is 600 times, and also 2 times sweeter than saccharin and 4 times aspartame. It is highly soluble in water and alcohols, moderately soluble in esters, and insoluble in fats. Unlike aspratam, sucralose has high stability at high temperatures and a wide range of pH balance, so it is used in long-term storage products, while maintaining its taste characteristics. In industrial form, sucralose is obtained by chlorination of sucrose with sulfuryl chloride, followed by the isolation of isomers and other chlorination products.


Food supplement E-955 used in food production as a sugar substitute, sweetener in many countries, including it is permitted in the Russian Federation, the EU, Canada and Australia. In the Russian Federation, it is allowed as a sweetener in the following product groups:

  • in sweet and sour fruit and vegetable preserves, in sweet and sour preserves from fish, fish marinades, crustaceans and mollusks in the amount of up to 150 mg/kg;
  • in soft drinks based on flavorings, fruit juices, dairy products without added sugar or with a reduced calorie content in an amount up to 300 mg/kg;
  • in water-based, grain, fruit, vegetable, milk, egg, fat-based flavored desserts without added sugar or with reduced calorie content, in ice cream, popsicles without added sugar or with reduced calorie content in the amount of up to 400 mg/kg;
  • in canned fruits without added sugar or with a reduced calorie content, in jams, preserves, marmalade with a reduced calorie content, in fruit and vegetable processing products with a reduced calorie content in an amount of up to 450 mg/kg;
  • in rich bakery and flour confectionery products in the amount of up to 800 mg/kg;
  • in confectionery products with reduced caloric content or without added sugar: sandwiches with filling based on cocoa, dairy products, dried fruits, fat in an amount up to 1 g/kg;
  • in confectionery products with reduced calorie content or without added sugar based on starch, cocoa, dried fruits in an amount up to 1.5 g/kg;
  • in chewing gum without added sugar in an amount up to 5 g/kg. And also sucralose is actively used in pharmaceuticals, in solid and liquid dietary supplements.

    Impact on the human body:

    The maximum allowable daily dose of sucralose is set at 15 mg of the substance per 1 kg of body weight. Entering the human body, food additive E-955 practically unchanged, it is excreted from it with urine during the day. Without lingering in the human body, it does not enter the brain and cannot cross the placental barrier in pregnant women or penetrate into mother's milk. This sweetener does not interact with other nutrients and does not promote insulin release, so it is safe for diabetics. It has no calories and does not cause dental caries. If the maximum allowable dose of daily consumption of sucrolose is exceeded, there is a high probability of skin irritation (itching, rash, swelling), disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, heart palpitations, respiratory symptoms (shortness of breath, runny nose, cough), itching in the eyes. For now E-955 considered the safest synthetic sweetener based on numerous studies conducted on laboratory mice and rats. And sucralose Biodegradable and non-toxic to fish and aquatic life.