The social studies test for the whole school is electronic. Social Studies Printed Tests

15.07.2023 State

The test on the topic "Society" with answers (option 1, 2) is designed for students in grades 10-11. It consists of part A (25 questions) and part B (7 tasks). The test corresponds to the structure of the exam. It can be used both to test students' knowledge and to prepare for the exam.



Theme: "Society" В 1

A1 . A characteristic feature of an industrial society is

1) the widespread use of non-economic coercion to work

2) weakness and underdevelopment of democratic institutions

3) the predominance of collective consciousness over individual

4) the predominance of private ownership

A2 . Are the following statements about traditional society correct?

A. Respect for customs, norms that have developed over the centuries, the predominance of collective principles over private ones distinguish a traditional society. B. In a traditional society, the individual abilities of a person are highly valued, initiative and enterprise are encouraged.

A3. The process of familiarization with the values ​​of human society, knowledge of the world, accumulated by previous generations, is called

1) science 2) art 3) education 4) creativity

A4. . Are the following judgments about the ways and forms of social development correct?

A. In a traditional society, law as a regulator of social relations has not yet taken shape, its place was occupied by unwritten traditions and customs.

B. In the post-industrial society, the industrial revolution is being completed, mass production is being formed.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong

A5. . Are the following judgments about the process of globalization correct?

A. All global processes are the result of strengthening international contacts.

B. The development of mass communication makes the modern world whole.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong

A6. . Are the following judgments about social progress true?

A. Modern ideas about social progress confirm its inconsistency.

B. The concepts of "progress" and "regression" are conditional.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong

A7. Are the following judgments about the global problems of mankind correct?

A. Today there is a real threat to the survival of humanity as a biological species.

B. In order to survive, humanity must take seriously the preservation of the environment.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong

A8 .

A. “The last exploiting system, capitalism, as a result of the intensification of the class struggle, must inevitably be replaced by a socialist system, and then


B. "Capitalism is eternal and indestructible, because humanity has not come up with anything more perfect, corresponding to human nature."

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong

A9 . From the point of view of Marxism-Leninism, history was made under the influence of:

  1. higher unknowable forces 2) economic processes
  1. outstanding personalities - leaders, dictators, etc. 4) changes in the cultural life of societies

A10. The interaction of social groups, layers, classes, strata,

Nations, religious communities is carried out:

  1. in the economic sphere 2) in the political sphere 3) in the spiritual sphere 4) in the social sphere

A11. Ecology studies the impact of human activities:

  1. on the development of world religions
  2. to improve the household, life of people and ancient times
  3. on the surrounding nature, the relationship between nature and society
  4. to the cultural environment

A12. . Are the following statements correct?

A. "The natural environment surrounding a person recedes before the artificial environment, but in the end, a person needs more than the latter."

B. "For a modern person, an artificial environment can replace the natural environment."

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong

A13. Unlike nature, society

1) is a system 2) is in development

3) acts as a creator of culture 4) develops according to its own laws

A14 . The modern post-industrial society is characterized by the leading role

1) extractive industry 2) manufacturing industry

3)agriculture 4)information and information technology

A15. Are the following judgments about the process of globalization correct?

A. The development of mass communication makes the modern world whole.

B. All global problems are the result of economic integration.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong

A16 . A community of persons united by needs and interests that can be best satisfied only by joint efforts, joint activities, is called:

  1. conglomerate 2) society 3) system 4) queue

A17. A. Toynbee formulated the law:

1) unity and struggle of opposites 2) changes in socio-economic formations

  1. class struggle 4) "challenge - response"

1) A. Camus 2) D. Bell 3) O. Spengler 4) G. Plekhanov

A19 . What is the characteristic of a nation as an ethnic community?

1) national identity 2) federal state structure

3) the presence of a national army 4) separation of powers

A20 . Which of the following refers to a traditional society?

1) the predominance of routine technologies 2) the rapid development of industry

3) introduction of scientific achievements into production 4) intensive development of information technologies

A21. The essence of the problem of "North" and "South" is

1) depletion of natural resources 2) a gap in the level of economic development of the regions of the planet

3) the formation of a network of international terrorist organizations 4) the growth of cultural diversity

A22 . Are the following judgments about the interaction of spheres of public life correct?

A. The processes taking place in one area of ​​public life, as a rule, do not affect the processes taking place in its other areas.

B. Outstanding works of art can be created during periods of economic crisis and political upheaval.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong

A23 . Highlighting the main elements of society, their relationship and interaction, scientists characterize society as

1) system 2) part of nature 3) material world 4) civilization

A24 . The global problems of the modern world include

1) the emergence of new interstate associations 2) the completion of the industrial revolution

3) a significant gap between the levels of development of the regions of the planet 4) intensive development of science

A25. Are the following statements about different types of societies correct?

A. In an industrial society, the individual characteristics of a person are highly valued, initiative and enterprise are encouraged.

B. Respect for customs, norms that have developed over the centuries, the predominance of the collective principle over the private one distinguishes a post-industrial society from an industrial one.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong

Part B.


IN 1. Write down the word missing in the diagram




AT 2 . Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, are associated with the concept of "progress". Find and specify a term not related to the concept of "progress".

social reform; stagnation; social revolution; community development; modernization.


AT 3 . Establish a correspondence between the forms of social progress and their characteristic features: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column


AT 4. features of oriental civilization

  1. Withdrawal into the inner spiritual life
  2. The priority of the economy in solving social problems
  3. contemplative attitude towards nature
  4. Accelerated pace of life
  5. Severity of behavioral regulators
  6. Variety and rapid change of art styles


AT 5. Read the text below, each sentence of which is numbered. Determine what offers are: 1) actual character; 2 ) nature of value judgments

(A) Downplaying the danger of a new world war in modern conditions is unjustified. (B) Officially, there are about 70,000 nuclear weapons on Earth. (B) Calculations show that this arsenal is capable of completely destroying life on the planet. (D) We believe that an appeal to the world community with a call for disarmament is extremely necessary.


“______(1) modern scientists call the process of formation of a single humanity. There is an active development of the world economy and the world system _______ (2), common ideas about the optimal socio-political structure are being introduced, ______ is spreading (3). Globalization is _______ (4) a process that has both a positive and a negative impact on the development of modern humanity. On the one hand, the formation of ______ (5) society is taking place, on the other hand, economic disagreements between Western countries and the countries of the “third world” are aggravating, the problem of ______ (6) is aggravating. »


AT 7. Find in the list belowsocial phenomena. Write the numbers in ascending order.

  1. Emergence of the state
  2. Genetic predisposition of a person to certain diseases
  3. Creation of new drugs
  4. Formation of nations
  5. Human ability to sense perception of the world


Theme Society


Option 1







Test "Society" B 2

A1. Society in the broad sense of the word is called:

1) association of people by interests

2) residents of a particular country

3) a community of people existing on a certain historical stage

4) a set of forms of unification of people

A2 . Man influences nature

  1. Favorable 2) its influence has no consequences

3) both favorable and unfavorable 4) unfavorable

A3. Public relations do not include:

1) relations in the family 2) relations between the employee and the employer

3) the relationship between nature and society 4) the relationship between social groups and within them

A4 . The social sphere of society most directly depends on the level of:

1) economic development of the country 2) political development of the country

3) spirituality of society 4) development of interethnic relations

A. "Historically, society is primary, and the state is secondary."

B. "The state gives rise to society."

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong

A6 . Organization, regulation, management of the life of society is carried out in:

1) economic sphere 2) spiritual sphere 3) political sphere 4) social sphere

A7 . A characteristic feature of Western civilization is:

  1. low social mobility
  2. long-term preservation of traditional legal norms
  3. active introduction of new technologies
  4. weakness and underdevelopment of democratic values

A8 . A characteristic feature of evolution as a form of social development is:

  1. revolutionary nature of change
  2. spasmodicity
  3. violent methods
  4. gradualism

A9 . Among the global problems does not include:

  1. threat of nuclear war
  2. spread of drug addiction
  3. scarcity of natural resources
  4. atheism as opposition to religious ideology

A10. Demographic problems are generated by:

  1. arms race
  2. rivalry between the USSR and the USA
  3. rapid and uncontrolled population growth on the planet
  4. environmental pollution

A11 . Are the following statements about society correct?

A. Society, like nature, is a dynamic system, the individual elements of which interact with each other.

B. Society together with nature form the material world surrounding man.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong

A12 . A single, or generalizing, criterion of historical progress consists in:

  1. human evolution as a harmoniously developed personality
  2. improvement of morals
  3. development of science and reason
  4. the growth of the ideals of truth and justice

A13 . Which of the following definitions of history as reality is the deepest and most accurate?

  1. any sequence of events
  2. living memory of a society, people, social group
  3. past, long past
  4. essential dynamics of social development

A14 . Which of the following judgments about the relation "civilization - culture" are correct?

A. Civilization - adaptation to the conditions of the natural environment; culture is the creative attitude of man to the world and to himself.

B. Civilization is a being; culture to a greater extent - due (duty to be a man).

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong

A15. Are the following statements correct?

Unification (bringing to uniformity) of civilization is unacceptable, because (indicate the deepest justification):

A. This is hindered by the existing socio-political barriers, state sovereignties.

B. Civilizational diversity is as necessary for the stability and development of human society as genetic diversity is for nature.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong

A16 . Issues of power, the state are resolved in:

1) economic sphere 2) spiritual sphere 3) social sphere 4) political sphere

A17. The concept of "development", "interaction of elements" characterizes society as:

1) dynamic system

2) part of nature

3) the entire surrounding material world

4) interaction of people in social groups

A18 . An example of the influence of natural factors on the development of society is:

  1. the emergence of the first centers of civilization in the river valleys
  2. construction of the Egyptian pyramids
  3. collapse of Charlemagne's empire
  4. unification of lands around Moscow

A19. Natural conditions of Russia:

  1. were favorable for farming
  2. allowed to carefully cultivate the land
  3. required extreme effort
  4. had little effect on people's lives

A20. Are the judgments correct?

The geopolitical position of Russia was

A. Favorable for the development of the country.

B. Unfavorable, hindered the development of the economy, socialand political institutions.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong

A21. The emergence of private ownership of the means of production led to increased stratification of society. The connection of what aspects of the life of society was manifested in this phenomenon?

1) production, distribution, consumption and spiritual sphere 2) economics and politics

3) economics and social relations 4) economics and culture

A22. Which of the following characteristics characterizes a traditional society?

1) striving for progress 2) "continuity", smoothness of the historical process

3) high social mobility 4) the desire to maximize the use of nature for their own purposes

A23. In the transition from a traditional society to an industrial one:

1) the individual obeyed society 2) the role of customs in regulating social relations increased

3) non-economic coercion has increased 4) social mobility has increased

A24. Are the following judgments about the relationship between the spheres of society correct?

A. The decline in production causes a decline in the standard of living of the majority of the population.

B. Political power can contribute to the successful economic development of a country.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong

A 25 . The emergence of transnational corporations in modern society, the development of international trade is a manifestation of the trend

  1. modernization 2) globalization 3) democratization 4) informatization

Part B.

IN 1. Fill in the missing word in the following sentence:

"... the environment is the nature that surrounds a person and on which his existence largely depends."

Answer: _____________________________________________

AT 2 . Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, are associated with the concept of "traditional society". Find and specify a term not related to the concept of "traditional society".

Manual labor; estates; individual work; automation; monarchy.


AT 3 . Establish a correspondence between the types of society and their main features: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


AT 4 . Find in the list belowcharacteristic features of a traditional society. Write the numbers in ascending order.

  1. Predominant development of heavy industry
  2. Slow pace of social development
  3. Rigid, hierarchical structure of society
  4. Development of the system of social division of labor
  5. High social mobility of the population
  6. The predominance of the agricultural sector in the economy


AT 5 . Read the text below, each sentence of which is numbered. Determine what offers are: 1) actual character; 2) nature of value judgments

(A) Globalization, according to a number of authors, in order to achieve its goals, must destroy traditional foundations, traditional sociality, traditional culture. (B) We believe that this is a kind of post-social unification of people, and in this sense it is difficult to talk about any links between globalization and culture as such. (C) Globalization replaces culture proper with its civilizational simulator - industrially produced mass culture. (D) It seems that globalization does not imply any interest in the problems of human culture and spirituality.


AT 6 . Read the text below with a number of words missing. Choose from the list below the words to be inserted in place of the releases. There are more words in the list than you need.

“The characterization of society as ______ (1) involves the study of its internal structure. Its main elements are _______ (2) social life and social institutions. Allocate economic, social, political and spiritual spheres. All of them are closely interconnected, as they support the necessary ______ (3) of society. _______ (4) in each of the areas solve important social problems. They ensure the production and distribution of various types of ________ (5) as well as the management of the joint ________ (6) people.”


AT 7 .Find in the list belowfeatures of western civilization. Write the numbers in ascending order.

  1. Consumer attitude towards nature
  2. Respect for traditions and laws
  3. Reliance on life experience, observations and intuition
  4. Variety of norms of social behavior
  5. Development of fundamental scientific theories
  6. Conservatism



natural or environmental





Solve social studies test online!

Good afternoon dear friends. Despite the summer days, many are still preparing for the second or third wave exams. Many apply to universities. So it's fair to say that summer days aren't exactly rest days. There is this truth of life: “Do today what others do not want - tomorrow you will live in a way that others cannot!”. I always stick to it ... well, about it somehow later, so as not to miss subscribe to new content !

Today I invite you to decide social studies test online! The test was compiled by me from tasks from various sources in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and provided with small remarks for the correct answer. This test covers most of the topics of the social studies course. The assignments were compiled only in part A, it seems to be quite enough for training orientation skills in the course material.

Of course, if you have any difficulty in solving this social studies test online, I highly recommend that you turn to my articles on the topic “State and Law”: there you will find material on, the structure of state authorities of the Russian Federation , materials on various ... Other articles on social science can be found on the page "Contents". Also don't forget about my free course. Plus you can visit best articles site site.

If you cannot find the answers to this social studies online test look for information in other sources. However, never solve a test directly using the Internet: you won't remember anything. Remember the main principle of preparing for the exam: first we study the material and only then we solve the tests!

In order not to miss the tests that I will publish later, I recommend subscribe to new articles site site !

Description: tests were compiled for textbooks edited by Bogolyubov, Gorodetskaya. Designed for teachers and students in grades 8-11. Tests have tasks of different levels of complexity, designed for the average student. Author: Zhdanova Elena Borisovna, teacher of history and social studies at the Biysk comprehensive school - boarding school No. 3.
Economics as a science, economic development, market relations
Screening test, grade 11

1. Give a detailed definition of the concept of "economy"
(an economic system that ensures the satisfaction of people's needs through the creation and use of the necessary goods of life; the science of the economy, how it is run and managed)
2. Which of the options voices the main questions of the economy?
A) employment, trade, market economy
B) what, how and for whom to produce
C) limited resources and economic choice
3. What concept is hidden behind the definition: “This is a part of economic science that studies economic relations between individual business entities”?
A) microeconomics B) macroeconomics C) world economy
4. Problems of unemployment, poverty and economic growth are the subject of research
A) microeconomics B) macroeconomics C) world economy
5. What word is missing in the diagram of the process of converting objects of nature into commodities
Resources → production → …………………….(distribution) → consumption
6. What word defines the volume of goods and services created per unit of cost?
A) exchange B) supply C) productivity
7. What is the gross national product?
A) the sum of the market prices of all final products created during the year both domestically and abroad
B) the sum of the market prices of all final products created during the year in the country
C) the economic growth of the country, taking into account the level of inflation and the standard of living of the nation
8. Increasing GDP by expanding the use of resources is called
A) strong growth
B) extensive growth
B) accelerating economic development
9. From the list, indicate the first, most important factor in intensive growth
A) qualification of employees
B) rational distribution of resources
C) scientific and technological progress
D) economies of scale
10. What phase is missing in the economic cycle chain?
Economic recovery → recession →………………….(depression) → recovery
11. Who is the author of the statement: “The poorest is the one who does not know how to use what he has”
A) P. Buast, French lexicographer
B) L. Peter, American writer
C) L. Erhard, German statesman
12. List at least three changes that have taken place in Russia as a result of reforms in the transition to a modern market economy
(commercial banks, commodity exchanges, the securities market have appeared, the private sector has grown in the economy, privatization has been carried out, the shortage of consumer goods has been eliminated, competition is developing, free economic activity)
Key: 2-b, 3-a, 4-b, 6-c, 7-a, 8-b, 9-c, 11-a

Test work in social science. Grade 11. Economics (§ 1-5)
1. What is the name of the part of economic science that studies economic relations between individual economic entities (consumers, employees, firms), their activities and impact on the national economy?
A) economic theory B) macroeconomics C) microeconomics
2. What is not the subject of study of the world (international) economy?
A) international trade in goods and services
B) the functioning of individual markets and industries
C) exchange in the field of science and technology
3. An economic transaction in which one person transfers a thing, a product to another, receiving money or another thing in return is called
A) trade B) exchange C) production
4. What is the sum of the market prices of all final products created by the producers of a given country during the year, both domestically and abroad, called?
A) gross national product
B) gross domestic product
B) state budget
5. The economic cycle includes the following stages: economic recovery → economic recession (recession) → recovery. What phase is missing in the circuit?

6. Which of the following is not a factor of production?
A) capital B) entrepreneurial ability C) employee salaries
7. What is the name of the form of the market for goods sold in large quantities, as a rule, according to samples?
A) currency exchange B) commodity exchange C) labor exchange
8. A security securing the right of its owner to receive from the issuer (issuer) its face value or other property equivalent within the prescribed period.
A) stock B) contract C) bond
9. In recent years, international organizations have recognized Russia as a country with what type of economy?
A) command B) market C) traditional
10. What is the name of the income that an entrepreneur receives by renting out land?
A) dividends B) interest C) rent
11. The costs of the entrepreneur for materials, energy, labor services belong to which category of costs?
A) external B) internal C) unforeseen
12. What is the name of the difference between the company's total revenue and economic costs?
A) production costs B) income factors C) economic profit
13. What is the name of the direct tax from the firm?
A) value added tax
B) income tax
B) income tax
14. What is the value added tax rate established in Russia in 2004?
A) 10% B) 15% C) 18%
15. The authorized capital of this form of organization of a legal entity must be at least 100 wages, the capital is divided into shares, and the participants bear the risk only within the value of the contributions made, the number of participants is from 1 to 50.
A) partnership
B) limited liability company
C) joint stock company
Key: 1-c, 2-b, 3-b, 4-a, 5-depression, 6-c, 7-b, 8-c, 9-b, 10-c, 11-a, 12-c, 13-b, 14-c, 15-b
Grade 9, social studies
Screening test on the topic: "Politics", Grade 9

1. What is the name of the state in which the rights of man and citizen are ensured, state power is limited by law?
A) democratic B) liberal C) legal
2. Which of the French thinkers formulated the principle of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial?
A) C. Montesquieu B) Voltaire C) D. Diderot
3. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the executive power in the country belongs to:
A) the Federal Assembly
B) the Government of the Russian Federation
B) the President of the Russian Federation
4. What phrase defines a skeptical, indifferent, sometimes negative attitude towards law?
A) legal denial
B) legal nihilism
B) legal ignorance
5. What does the word "association" mean in Latin?
A) society B) party C) association
6. What do you think is the answer to the question “What, in your opinion, is necessary for democracy to be established in Russia and civil society to form?” was the most popular?
A) it is necessary that the authorities take into account the interests of citizens
B) people need to be delivered from material need
C) people need to feel their involvement in what is happening in the country, and responsibility for it
7. Russia in the form of government is a republic. What type?
A) presidential B) mixed C) parliamentary
8. What political regime does this list of features belong to? High centralization of power, non-interference in private life, no loyalty to the regime, limited and controlled pluralism, insignificant role of parliament, opposition under the control of power, freedom of economic activity is preserved.
A) authoritarian B) totalitarian C) democratic
9. Various associations and public organizations are emerging in civil society. Specify those that relate to the social sphere.
A) unions of entrepreneurs, farmers, peasant cooperatives, associations of bankers
B) family, consumer protection societies, youth organizations, insurance funds, sports societies
C) unions of cultural figures, pedagogical societies, communities of scientists, religious associations
10. Do you agree with the following statement: local governments are not included in the system of state authorities. Bodies and officials of self-government are elected by the local population, only they are controlled and accountable.
A) correct B) incorrect
11. What is the age limit set in Russia for participation in elections to the State Duma?
A) 18 years old B) 21 years old C) 35 years old
12. The exercise of freedom of speech imposes a special responsibility. In what case can one be held liable for what has been said?
A) if false information is spread
B) if slander sounds
C) if there is war propaganda
D) A, B, C are correct
13. In December 2011, elections to the State Duma were held, as a result of which representatives of 4 parties appeared in the Duma: United Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and the Liberal Democratic Party. Name the fourth party whose members are represented in the Duma.
(Fair Russia)
Key: 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-b, 5-c, 6-b, 7-b, 8-a, 9-b, 10-a, 11-b, 12-d, 13- Fair Russia,

Grade 11, current control
Screening test on the topic "Religious organizations and modern approaches to understanding law"

1. In what year was the Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations” adopted?
A) 1995 B) 1997 C) 1999
2. What percentage of the total number of believers in Russia are Orthodox Christians?
A) 50% B) 65% C) 75%
3. Where is the state registration of religious organizations in Russia?
A) in the judiciary
B) in local governments
B) at the tax office
4. On what basis does the state have the authority to suspend the activities of religious associations or liquidate religious organizations?
A) if the goals and objectives of the organization are contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation
B) if the charter does not comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation
C) if the organization violates public safety and public order
5. What are the specific rights of a religious organization?
A) a religious organization can carry out entrepreneurial activities
B) a religious organization may establish and maintain religious buildings, structures and other places intended for worship, prayer and religious meetings
C) religious organizations can own property abroad, and also have the right to establish international relations
6. What law do lawyers call positive?
A) positive, existing as a documentary reality
B) natural law
C) decision of the dispute in favor of the plaintiff
7. When was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted?
A) 1915 B) 1948 C) 1975
8. What is the highest value of law?
A) freedom B) justice C) man
9. Legislative initiative involves further submission of the bill to which body?
A) Federation Council B) State Duma C) Government of the Russian Federation
10. How long does it take for a bill to be considered by the Federation Council?
A) 14 days B) 1 month C) 21 days
Key: 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-c, 5-b, 6-a, 7-b, 8-c, 9-b, 10-a
Grade 8, social studies
current control. Verification test (§ 4-6)

1. In paragraph 6, an interesting fact was cited from the biography of Janusz Korczak. And what did this famous Pole do?
A) he was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland
b) he was a teacher and pediatrician
C) he was the organizer of the anti-fascist movement in Poland
2. What word defines a person's internal self-control?
A) honor B) will C) conscience
3. What are the names of all the objective duties that a person needs to fulfill in life?
A) public debt
B) moral duty
B) personal responsibility
4. To whom does this statement belong: “Man is given not only life once, but also conscience”?
A) M. Gorky B) D. Likhachev C) A. Solzhenitsyn
5. What, according to the authors of the textbook, is the uniqueness of Russian culture?
A) in a large number of active museums
B) the culture is multinational
C) Russian culture is able to borrow the best in world culture
6. Moral value, which expresses a feeling of love for the Fatherland, concern for its interests and readiness to protect from enemies
A) citizenship B) patriotism C) fearlessness
7. Morality - what is it?
A) values ​​recognized by a person as important and significant
B) special spiritual rules governing human behavior
C) recognition of the dignity and self-worth of the individual
8. What does the word "culture" mean in literal translation from Latin?
A) "cultivation, tillage"
B) "education and upbringing"
C) "an individual who creates masterpieces"
9. What, according to social scientists, is the main manifestation of love expressed?
A) selfless service
B) the ability to understand another person
C) in the desire to sacrifice everything for the sake of love
10. Do you agree with the opinion: “Many specialists in modern culture speak bitterly about the dominance of cruelty, violence, criminal romance, sex on TV screens, cinemas and in book and magazine production. All these "works" do not contribute to the development of spirituality. Did some people take the absence of censorship as a signal to open all the "gateways" to vulgarity and low tastes?
A) yes B) no
11. List the qualities of a truly intelligent person. What should it be?
Key: 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-c, 5-b, 6-b, 7-b, 8-a, 9-a, 10-a

Social studies, 8th grade. Verification work
1. Indicate a group of examples that illustrates the material needs of a person
A) work, education, health care
B) reading books, going to the theater, traveling
C) food, clothing, shelter
D) love, respect, leadership, self-respect
2. Complete the thought with a logically correct option: "People's needs ..."
A) limited B) unlimited
C) depend on the level of income D) impossible to satisfy
3. What is one of the main economic problems of modern society?
A) limited resources B) lack of cash
C) lagging behind in development of many countries D) lack of savings in life
4. The means of satisfying human needs that are available to society in limited quantities are commonly called:
A) consumer goods B) means of consumption
C) money savings D) economic benefits
5. Do you agree with the statement: “Economics shows how society makes rational choices in the face of limited resources to meet the needs of people”
A) correct B) incorrect
6. Which phrase from the proposed ones is inaccurate?
A) all religions on the territory of our country are equal
B) the state guarantees all believers the opportunity to freely practice their worship
C) in modern Russia, the church is part of state governing structures
D) Russian legislation provides equal access for representatives of all religions to education
7. Which of the named religions does not belong to the world?
A) Buddhism B) Confucianism C) Christianity D) Islam
8. Albert Einstein was a famous scientist in the field of:
A) physics B) chemistry C) biology D) mathematics
9. Which emperor, by his decree of February 8, 1724, established the Russian Academy of Sciences?
A) Alexei Mikhailovich B) Catherine II C) Peter I D) Nicholas I
10. A student who completed 9 classes received:
A) primary education B) general basic education
C) secondary (complete) general education
D) initial vocational education
11. What word defines the process of acquiring knowledge about the world, familiarization with culture, the values ​​of the Fatherland, world civilization?
A) science B) education C) education D) experience
12. What is considered the "golden rule of morality"?
A) “Any crime must be punished”
b) love your neighbor as yourself
C) "own shirt closer to the body"
D) Do not do to others what you do not want to do to yourself.
Key: 1-c, 2-b, 3-a, 4-d, 5-a, 6-d, 7-b, 8-a, 9-c, 10-b, 11-c, 12-d

Topic 1. Society

Test 1. What is a society

Part 1

    Separated from nature, but closely connected with it, a part of the world, which includes ways of interacting people and forms of their unification, is called

    1. state




    Relationships between people that are established in the process of their joint practical and spiritual activities are called

    1. public




    Which of the following positions Not related to public relations?

    interaction between two people

    relationship between countries

    relationship between a citizen of the Russian Federation and a district court

    Christmas tree decoration

    Which of the following statements refers to nature and not to society?

    the center of this concept is a person

    exists and develops according to its own, independent of the will of man, laws

    based on a specific production method

    includes ways people interact

    Which of the namedNot refers to the concept of "social institution"

Part 2

    The totality of material and spiritual values, as well as the ways of their creation, application and transfer, created by mankind in the process of social development, is called .

    Karl Marx wrote: "The concept of society makes sense, obviously, only if it is in one way or another opposed to a simple sum of people." What essential component of the concept of society does he thereby emphasize?

Answer: .

    A set of interconnected elements, representing a certain holistic formation, is called .

    Mark the features related to the concept of "social group". Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

    stable group of people

    performs specific social functions

    is built on the basis of certain ideal norms and rules of behavior

    does not have certain standards of behavior

Answer: .

    Note the signs that are characteristic of all types of social norms. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

    are general rules of conduct

    has some degree of obligation.

    their execution is ensured and protected by the state

    aimed at streamlining social relations

Answer: .

Part 1

    The ability of a social system to include new parts, new social formations, phenomena and processes into a single whole is the ability to

    1. socialization




    The process of adapting an organism to its environment is called

    1. adaptation




    Elements of social and cultural heritage, transmitted from generation to generation and preserved in certain societies, classes and social groups for a long time, are called

    1. civilization



    The process of streamlining, formalization and standardization is called

    1. institutionalization




    The main element of society is


    social group

    politic system

Part 2

    Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, characterize the concept of "social norms".

Permission, morality, society, prohibition, traditions, law.

Find and indicate a term that refers to another concept.

Answer: .

    Insert the missing concept: “Historically established forms of organization of joint activities, regulated by norms, traditions, customs and aimed at meeting the fundamental needs of society, are called .

    Find in the list below the concepts that characterize the main types of human activity. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

    a game


  1. thinking

Answer: .

    Find in the list below the concepts related to the political institutions of society. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.



    trade unions

Answer: .

Test 9. Science. Education

Part 1

    Which of the following concepts was given such a definition: “Observation, classification, description, experimental research and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena”?

    1. practice


    Which of the definitions Not belongs to the definition of science

    area of ​​human activity that develops objective knowledge about the world

    observation, classification, description, experimental research and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena

    system of views, concepts and ideas about the world around

    a form of social consciousness representing a historically established system of ordered knowledge, the truth of which is checked and constantly refined in the course of social practice.

    The level of knowledge that deals primarily with the facts that form the basis of any science, as well as with the laws that are established as a result of generalizations and systematization of the results of observations, is called

    theoretical knowledge

    empirical knowledge

    intellectual knowledge

    experimental knowledge

    Experimental natural science arose

    1. in the X century.

      in the 15th century

      in the 17th century

      in the 19th century

    Empirical knowledge cannot be obtained through



    mathematical modeling

Part 2

    Fill in the missing words: "Observations of a pure, devoid component simply does not exist. All observations, especially experimental ones, are made in the light of one or another » ( K. Popper)

    Fill in the missing word: "Under I mean the scientific achievements recognized by all, which throughout the whole time give the scientific community a model of setting and their solutions" ( T. Kuhn).

    Establish a correspondence between scientific paradigms and their authors: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) geocentric model of the world

1) A. Einstein

B) Mechanics

2) C. Linnaeus

IN) plant classification

3) C. Darwin

G) evolutionary theory

4) I. Newton

D) theory of relativity

5) Claudia Ptolemy

    Insert the phrase: “The development of science is a consistent transition from one paradigm to another through "(T. Kuhn).

    What word is missing? “The strength of science is in its generalizations, in the fact that behind the random, chaotic, it finds and explores objective , without the knowledge of which a conscious, purposeful practical activity is impossible.

Test 10. Morality. Religion

Part 1

    Are the following statements about morality correct?

A. Morality, like law, is a social regulator.

B. Violation of moral standards is subject to state sanctions.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both statements are wrong

    Morality Not performs a social function

    1. regulatory

      law enforcement

      value orientation


    What type of worldview are the sources of the Bible, Talmud and Koran?

    scientific outlook

    religious outlook

    ordinary worldview

    official doctrine

    The conscious need of a person to act in accordance with their value orientations is called

    1. persuasion


    Choose the correct statement.

    beliefs are inherent in a person with any type of worldview

    beliefs are inherent only to a person with a scientific type of worldview

    beliefs are inherent only to a person with an ordinary type of worldview

    beliefs are inherent in a person only with a religious type of worldview

Part 2

    Insert the missing word: " - practical philosophy, applied science. One studies not in order to know what virtue (morality) is, but in order to become virtuous (moral).”

    Insert the missing word: “The spiritual and practical situation of self-determination of the individual in relation to any principles, decisions and actions is called moral ».

    Establish a correspondence between concepts and their definitions: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) axiology

1) the view that moral criteria are relative and depend on the circumstances, time, or people who apply them

B) eudemonism

2) doctrine of values

IN) nihilism

3) one of the directions in ethics that arose in ancient philosophy and is represented by the names of Democritus, Socrates and Aristotle. The main motive in human behavior is the pursuit of happiness.

G) relativism

4) negation of all positive ideals and of any command of morality in general

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

    The ethical theory of Epicurus, where good is defined as that which brings people pleasure or deliverance from suffering, and evil as that which leads to suffering, is called .

    Fill in the missing word: “Friedrich Nietzsche believed that - energetic, purposeful, aristocratic, but good and respectable only because of vital weakness.

Topic 1. Society

Test 1. What is a society

Part 1



Part 2



culture< или>culture

Public relations

system< или>system

Test 2. Society as a complex dynamic system

Part 1



Part 2



social institutions

Test 9. Science. Education

Part 1



Part 2



Theoretical/ Theory


scientific revolution

Test 10. Morality. Religion

Part 1



Part 2



Ethics / Ethics

  1. Constant practice is needed.
    • Pay special attention demo version Unified State Examination in Social Studies 2020. A demo from FIPI will help you understand the structure of the ticket, understand the requirements. guide you on what topics to study.
    • prepared for the solution 10 training options with answers. They are developed by teachers on the basis of a demo version.
    • The more tests are solved, the higher the preparedness will be, since the memorization mechanism is triggered. Don't be lazy to work on the bugs. Solve online tests every week until you make mistakes. Registered users on the site can track the statistics of solved tests.
  2. Manage your time correctly to solve practice tests in order to get the maximum number of points.
    • Tasks 1-3 and 10 are solved in 1-4 minutes;
    • Tasks 4-9 and 11-28 are given from 2 to 8 minutes;
    • Tasks 29 - 45 minutes.
  3. Work with text
    • To perform typical tasks 21-24, skills in working with textual information are important. When training to solve USE tests in social studies online, pay attention to tasks that require not only extracting and reproducing the essence from the information canvas, but also interpretation, your own understanding of what is said or written, and the involvement of social science knowledge in the formulation.
    • Task No. 29 (essay) includes 5 alternative tasks focused on writing an essay on one of 5 topics. Topics are statements by famous public figures, as well as representatives of politics, science and culture. The task is traditionally considered the most difficult in CIMs.
    • Helpful Hint: to write a high-quality essay, you must be able to reveal the meaning of a judgment (statements, quotes), draw on the studied provisions of the social sciences, draw your own conclusions and concretize with vivid examples.

Converting points to grades

  • 0-41 points - "unsatisfactory";
  • 42-54 points - "triples";
  • 55-66 points - "good";
  • 67 points and above - "excellent".

The minimum is 42 and the maximum is 100.

The USE test in social studies consists of:

  • Part 1- out of 20 tasks, with a short answer in the form of a word, a few words or numbers. Half of the tasks belong to the basic level, the other part to the advanced level. The first part is estimated at 35 primary points.
  • Part 2- from 9 tasks, with a detailed answer. Tasks 21 and 22 are basic, and from 23 to 29 - with increased complexity and is estimated at 30 points. See with a detailed answer in social studies.


  • In 2019, the exam in social studies is given 235 minutes (3 hours 55 minutes).
  • It is forbidden to take foreign objects (cribs, smartphones, headphones, smart watches, etc.).
  • On the last day before the exam, repeat the material covered, review the solved options again.