Freemasons in the Russian government. List of famous Freemasons

Various topics for discussion. Let's create a theme and get in touch!

  • May 22, 2012 (15:18, Tuesday)
  • Vladimir Sokolov

Dear RB-colleagues, the biathlon off-season has come. By tradition, at this time we raise a variety of topics. This time, Grigory Rufovich Kochesh, known to the RB-site from Novosibirsk (in the RB-world - just Grisha, but the person is older than me and when discussing such an important topic, it is inconvenient for me to refer to him by his child's name) literally imposed on me the topic of FREEMASONRY in Russia and the world. The topic is vast and does not quite fit into the framework of the RB theme, but be patient or close this page - I will understand you ...

For a long time I avoided delving into the Masonic theme, I didn’t want to, you know, once again be disappointed not only in the Russian authorities, but also in HUMANITY as a whole, but since Grigory Rufovich demands, I try to comply ... .. Excuse me in places ironic and playful tone but I can't...

Allow?! Then let's go...

According to some versions, we (humanity in general and our country in particular) are ruled by the WORLD MASONIC LODGE (and that, in turn, is probably controlled by an alien civilization or representatives of a parallel world?!).

It is this POWERFUL (NOMENCLATURAL, in our language) ORGANIZATION that imposes political leaders on us and assigns us - Russians - a very unenviable place on the world hierarchical ladder, seeking to reduce us to the level of Latin American and even African countries.

Is it so?! - I can neither prove nor disprove these considerations... Masons themselves tend to present themselves as the lambs of God, and the organization itself is almost angelic, designed to improve the human race and promote the development of peoples.

So what do the “good intentions” of this LODGE (secret and overt), which promotes Freemasonry - as “a moral and ethical teaching given in allegories and illustrated with symbols” lead to?! What has the movement of “freemasons” degenerated into by now? a veil of secrecy and look at the Internet, which "knows everything", as you know. But since it is impossible to grasp the immensity, let's see how Freemasonry relates to our Russian leaders. This topic is very relevant in our socio-political scenery .... Let's discuss together ....

So, livejournal and the like with significant cuts...
At the beginning

“We need to understand who the Masons are. Almost no one today knows this, even the modern members of secret societies themselves have ceased to understand the essence of their rites. These secret orders have their roots in the third millennium BC...

The merger of the peoples of the planet into a single ethnic group is a Masonic project developed at the end of the 18th century ... and which has become one of the most important components of the doctrine of globalization of the world. Globalization is, first of all, a well-thought-out policy in the sphere of managing the modern world and the peoples inhabiting it...

Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin are virginally ignorant of the economy. And this is the reason for such large losses from the global financial crisis. They are not aware in the least of the realities of the history of civilization and the evolution of ethnic groups and nations. This can cause the death of the Russian ethnic group, and as a result, the degradation of human civilization on planet Earth. The fact is that Russia has a mission, without which the rest of the peripheral worlds will degrade after a while - the record of history can go in the opposite direction.
In today's doctrines of Freemasonry, Russia was originally assigned a place in the "waiting room", and its random rulers - in the "human". Such, alas, is the prose of reality. But this is a very dangerous delusion of Masons.
Meanwhile, the restoration of the real course of the evolution of human civilization opens up completely different prospects for Russia. And all other peoples are given the opportunity to move to a different evolutionary level of the human psyche...
Today the doctrines of the evolution of world civilization have been formulated. In them, the main role is played not by ethnicity, not by a nation, but by a place on Earth. The use of new models in strategic planning leads to a new life for mankind, and not to death, as in the case of the use of archaic Masonic models. Unfortunately, Dmitry Medvedev seems to be the junior apprentice of a Masonic master who, in the modern world, is trying to build pyramids using five thousand years old technology.
This is a shame, because by chance he became the king of Russian civilization, and he should have corresponded to this post. Moreover, the surname "Med-ved-ev" has the Aryan root "to know." That is, to know……..”

This is the digression the Internet blogger makes, coupled with his subjective conclusions about the former Russian president and Masonic apprentice Dmitry Medvedev. I won't add anything from myself...

Masonic games of Putin. (part 1,

“The press avoids the issue of Putin's freemasonry. And left, and right, and even ultra-patriotic. Those who are closer to the Kremlin and the budget trough try to follow the general line, its every bend. Whoever is more daring occasionally reminds of the gebesh past of the President of the Russian Federation, but does not particularly persist. There are the most desperate, they write about Putin's connection with the Jewish lobby .. But on the subject of Freemasonry, the GDP is like a "taboo"!...

No wonder. Masons know how to keep their secrets. And the security guards are the secrets of their profession. Otherwise, they would be completely different organizations. It is hard not to notice, by the way, that even the KGB-FSB connections with the world freemasonry are somehow not mentioned in the press. About the connections of the KGB and the secret Masonic orders - only grains of scattered information. From which the picture does not emerge immediately.
Nevertheless. The strengths of these two organizations can easily turn into their weakest link. There are too many similarities between the KGB-FSB and Freemasonry. This applies to the principles of organization, and methods of activity, and - most importantly! - goals.
The goals of both, like any totalitarian organization, are complete dominance in society, the imposition of their own ideological doctrine, their own worldview. Through ideological dominance, political and economic power is achieved, financial and material benefits are obtained, but simply, the comfortable existence of the highest levels, leadership ...
Everyone still remembers V. Putin's entry into the political arena in the Russian Federation: an unknown KGB lieutenant colonel, who, as it were, went to the reserve (it is not known for what reason), gets a job at St. Petersburg University. Then, unexpectedly, according to the development of the democratic scenario of the early 90s, he suddenly finds himself surrounded by A. Sobchak, the then leader of St. Petersburg democracy. Unbeknownst to the outside eye, Putin becomes Sobchak's assistant, plays an important role in the mayor's office of the "northern capital", links the economy of St. Petersburg with Germany (in which Dresdner Bank plays a big role)
After the failure of A. Sobchak in the 1996 elections, Putin, with the help of A. Chubais and P. Borodin, moved to Moscow, where he held the positions of Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Head of the Control Department of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. Then, as if by magic, he quickly rises to the head of the KGB-FSB in 1998. As if he never went to any reserve, but only grew, grew and grew up the career ladder. From this chair, he soon moves to the chair of the country's prime minister. Finally, Yeltsin - bypassing his own Constitution! - Appoints him as successor and transfers all power.
The very jump of Putin from FSB director to prime minister is embarrassing. There is no leadership experience in any of the ministries, there is no leadership experience in any economic sector, there are no established political ties. And - to the prime ministers. Or maybe there are political ties, only they are invisible, hidden?
The next four years of Putin's rule showed that this is an extremely mediocre leader. Analysts and political scientists repeat one idea: Putin does not do what is expected of him and does not do what is expected. At the same time, it would be nice if the results of this "unpredictability" were visible in the improvement of the life of Russians and the effectiveness of public administration.
No, the real results of Putin's rule are extremely low. Corruption of all state structures of the Russian Federation, as it was under Yeltsin, is almost one hundred percent, and is kept at the same 100% in 2004. Crime is on the rise. The material-income stratification is becoming catastrophic in the Russian Federation. Twenty percent of the entire population is already chronically living below the poverty line, with no hope of breaking even into poverty. The poverty level is another 40% of the population. But the official poverty rate in Russia is the poverty rate in Sudan, where large areas are engulfed in famine.
Neither the announced industrial nor commercial growth reflects the real economic decline in the country. The middle class of entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation did not appear. There are big thieves and schemers, there is a million-strong army of state bureaucrats, and these two categories of the population are mutually communicating vessels, as they themselves declare with impudence. The so-called Yeltsin "reforms" under Putin only deepen the crisis and instill hopelessness in the absolute majority of Russian citizens. Artificially restrained inflation is gaining momentum again. Another was not foreseen, since the country's economy is terminally ill.
All this suggests that Putin's very "unpredictability" points to some outside force behind him. Someone inaudibly prompts, and if necessary, dictates to him what to do - not in the interests of the population of the Russian Federation, but in their own interests.
However, socio-political processes under Putin are clearing up. Freedom of the press and other types of media were completely subordinated to state authorities. Russian society is increasingly taking on a general humanist form, which does not prevent the Kremlin from waging war in the Caucasus, which periodically takes the form of genocide.
In the ideological-sacred respect, a general confessionality is introduced: all people are brothers, and God is the same for everyone, however, Putin himself does not believe in God, but "in man." The Russian Federation is increasingly beginning to resemble Latin American regimes: economically moderately underdeveloped, extremely stable politically, with a complete stupefaction and, as it were, a "zombification" of the population. In other words, someone seemed to have determined what place and level the Russian Federation should be in the world community, and Putin agreed.
There are vague allusions to a certain "think tank" in the KGB-FSB, and this seems closer to the truth, but not the truth itself. The Wall Street Journal, speaking of the "KGB regime in Moscow", claims that "almost 50% of high posts in Russian government structures are occupied by former KGB colleagues of Putin" and recalls his words five years ago that "there are no former officers KGB".
However, one cannot get rid of the feeling that someone more powerful and no less mysterious than the service of N. Patrushev determines the main outline of development, outlines plans. The add-on can only accept for execution. This is what the entire administrative pyramid is doing, including the KGB-FSB service, ministries, departments, military-political research institutes, political quasi-parties and quasi-associations, the completely spineless State Duma, the even more jelly-like Federation Council and local administrations.
Only the last degenerate will not understand that the fate of the elections is decided not by the electors and not even by money, but by those who are in charge in this super-secret society (and the societies associated with it into a single Masonic-elite superstructure).
The connections of Putin and his entourage with Masonic structures are bypassed by the press, hushed up, ignored. But this does not mean that these connections do not exist.

For example, everyone is amazed by the unsinkability of A. Chubais. The man most hated in the Russian Federation is calmly experiencing the "retirement" of his patron B. Yeltsin. It turns out that back in 1998 A. Chubais was invited to a meeting of the Bilderberg Club. No, he is not a full member, he was called, listened to, he was given instructions on what is expected of him. After that, Chubais is satisfied with a leading position in RAO UES, and Putin begins a meteoric rise. Coincidence? Does not look like it. In politics, coincidences are so rare that you should not rely on them.

Several years pass. The course of events gives us new surprises. For example, V. Putin can dismiss the entire Cabinet of Ministers, together with its leader, M. Kasyanov. But he cannot dismiss A. Chubais. Or doesn't want to. Why would it? Is it not because a person who was only once invited to a meeting of the Bilderberg Group is covered by an invisible but impenetrable "roof". And Putin is well aware of this "roof".

At one time, the whole country laughed at the speech samples of a certain Viktor Chernomyrdin, who served as prime minister under Yeltsin. Remember: you wanted the best, but it turned out as always.

Despite extreme illiteracy and personal stupidity, V. Chernomyrdin suddenly turned out to be one of the richest people on the planet, having taken Gazprom, a multimillionaire, with whom Al Gore wanted to be friends.
The press openly declares that he is a Freemason! To which our famous speaker and multi-billionaire associated with the Mountains and the Hammers, replies: "But in Freemasonry I am not strong, I do not know whether to treat it well or badly." But when he says so, do not forget the Masonic permission: you can lie if you are asked about Freemasonry.
It is well known that A. Sobchak himself was a member of many Masonic lodges and organizations (Masonic club "Rotary", Masonic lodge "Magisterium" and Masonic association-lodge "Greater Europe"). His Freemasonry is unquestionable. And the very story of his "fall" in 1996, followed by his departure to Paris, and then his return and sudden death is very reminiscent of Masonic showdowns...

Putin, with the help of his colleague, career officer of the KGB-FSB V. Cherkezov, brings down V. Yakovlev. In place of that in 2003 is Valentina Matvienko. Has V. Yakovlev been dismissed? Pushed into a bearish corner? Is there a criminal case against him? Oh no. The promoter of Freemasons in St. Petersburg becomes ... Deputy Prime Minister of the federal government for housing and communal services, construction and transport. Putin, as it were, confirms the status of his colleague - the mason-mason will be the main builder of the Russian Federation.
Who turned out to be Sobchak-Yakovlev's successor as governor of "northern Palmyra"? It is known that in May 2002, V. Matvienko, then Deputy Prime Minister of the government, was given a solemn reception by the Yaroslavl Rotary Club, which, by the way, includes the mayor of Yaroslavl, the governor, the federal inspector of the Yaroslavl region and the speaker of the regional Duma. Matvienko's husband is one of the leading leaders of the pharmaceutical business in St. Petersburg, their son is the vice-president of the St. Petersburg Banking House financial group, which has close ties with Deutsche Bank and Dresdner Bank. Putin has a special relationship to the last - Dresdner Bank entered the Russian market (St. Petersburg region) with his help ...

External economic contacts, which ensured complete control of the West over the processes in the Russian Federation, should have been provided by people whom the Western "elite" knows. And Fradkov, and Primakov, and Putin are such figures. All three directly intersected on professional paths. By the way, in their political and economic views, all three are supporters of state capitalism. That is, such capitalism, in which the state controls the market, the authorities invent their own laws, the government squeezes juice from the people.
Like Aven, E. Primakov is a freemason known in all circles. His track record is not only impressive, but also reveals the internal connections of KP-GB-Masonry. Director of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations, party propagandist, head of the foreign intelligence service, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (1996), Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (1998), consultant of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, member of the Order of Malta, member of the Club of Rome ...

An average person who is not familiar with Masonic tricks, with such an abundance of lodges, groups, associations, clubs, associations, and even when pronouncing such big names, can simply fall into a trance. Is all this really the web of Freemasonry? Is Putin really weaving this web? Is there any system in this weaving?
Of course there is…”

For those who are interested, you can watch a wordy continuation about two more parts here:
Masonic games of Putin (part 2),
Masonic games of Putin (part 3).

Thus, we learn a lot of "new" about modern Russian elites, Russian Freemasonry and the supreme ruler of the country, V.V. Putin. Draw your own conclusions...

If you thought that the above is very "harsh" in relation to the newly elected (?) president of the country, then read a small sample of the following, which I considered possible to cite. The Internet is a terrible force (with an emphasis on the adjective) ...


Putin's successor Dmitry Medvedev is a Galachic Jew, his mother Yulia Veniaminovna, 100% Jewish, was a teacher of literature at the Herzen Pedagogical Institute, his wife Svetlana, nee Linnik, is also Jewish. As you know, among Jews, the nationality of children is determined by their mother, so we have a 100% Jewish Medvedev.
As also became known from the Stringer news publication, earlier Medvedev's biography differed from today's, namely this:

(The position of the President of the Russian Federation is the key to the wealth of Russia and a "roof" for Jewish theft)
The real name of "Medvedev Dmitry Anatolyevich" is MENAKHEM (DAVID) AARONOVICH MENDEL, according to his passport - Russian. JEW.
Born September 14, 1965 in Leningrad in a "simple" family, Russian according to his passport.
- FATHER, "Anatoly Afanasyevich Medvedev", professor, Russian by passport. His real name is MENDEL AARON ABRAMOVICH, according to his passport - Russian (JEW) ...

The horror is, the danger is that the Jews, adopting our language, our literary forms, OUTSIDE strenuously pretending to be Russian, trying in every possible way to Russify outwardly, remain the same Jews, put their Jewish content, their spirit into Russian forms, displace our spiritual values, our psychology, our morality, our Russian ideals.”
Israeli journalists are quite OPENLY WRITING ABOUT MEDVEDEV'S JEWRY.
The Jew, Mendel, in all the Russian media, which the Jews have quietly taken over, is presented as the Russian Medvedev ... "

So - backhand ... I do not share these "pearls", but ... If you do not hide, you will not hide, but the Internet will get you. It is difficult to be in the sight of the leaders and leaders of our time...

The last Internet excerpt is already to the question of FREEMASONRY and JEWRY and how these concepts are combined in the inflamed brains of anti-Semites of all stripes. Here, too, there is something to talk about ... But, I repeat, I cannot cover the immensity. I'll leave this topic to others...

Draw your own conclusions, RB colleagues. I am not going, like Grigory Rufovich, to put ready-made recipes for all occasions into your bright heads and give my complete opinion about the structure of our so imperfect world. This world is always in dynamics, it has its own dialectic of development...

And finally, I can’t deny myself the pleasure of “hooliganizing” - ironically and I want to go out with ...


Dear and almighty LODGE,

Accept me into your ranks, at least into your Russian nomenklatura BRANCH.

In case of a positive decision, I undertake to “honestly” cut and roll back, withdraw money offshore, place it in foreign banks, buy real estate abroad, educate children and grandchildren there, and keep the great Masonic SECRET.

As a more suitable option, I suggest that you replace your (our) 16-bit Mason GDP and 32-bit DAM with new more successful 4 and 8-bit Masons - business managers in Russia (nothing that I switched to a binary system bitness of Masons-officials?...). In this more preferable case, I undertake to benefit Russia, fight corruption, not lose my brains, keep money in a savings bank, restore the ruined economy of the country with my compatriots ... and, of course, wholeheartedly remain faithful to your Masonic organization, designed to make the world a better place, cleaner and smarter...

And the last sentence, since I am writing to you from a biathlon website, take our biathlon president and his entourage as a reward for e-strengthening LODGES. It is very rich and full of innovative ideas, so it can be of first-rate usefulness to you - Masons. And we will be patient and try to solve our biathlon problems ourselves without a freemason-oligarch ...
I stay

not a member of any party, not an official, not a bribe taker, not a nationalist, not an anti-Semite, but a modest Russian (Russian) scientist studying the structure of the microworld…. Everything is in order there - with atoms, nuclei, elementary particles and quarks ...

But the macroworld is in danger...

Sokolov V. E.

With respect to all RB colleagues. Thank you for your attention. Sorry for the length...



Hi Oleg!
I'm glad you showed interest in the subject raised. I don't hear from you often lately. It's always a pleasure to talk to you. I hope you're all right.
Thanks for the videos. And Chubais, they are Chubais in Africa too - rogues, "bugs", Freemasons... Shitties, in general... I apologize for the expression. But it is the most true in essence ... I don’t go into the personal life of this schemer, but I also heard a lot about his new marriage ...

Venerable elders in the Bilderberg club (about 370 people)... who are they...?! -
From Russia - invited ... Who? ... Yes, yes ... he is the most ... Chubais ...!

Not Prokhorov, not Kushchenko, namely, he, the “most red-haired” newlywed in Russia ...! website

And at the end of the topic - to its origins... ILLUMINATES and US dollars...

At you it is weak with orientation on sections? Study the sitemap and the purpose of the sections, and then start thinking before you write.

Actually, this is a biathlon site. Stop littering the pages. Blame on the mail of sexots ...

instead of words = video, as an illustration to what was said ...
Thousands of people again rallied against the policies of V. Putin in Moscow. Its roots should be sought in September last year, when Putin and Medvedev announced that they were switching places. And during the implementation of this idea in the December elections to the Duma and all subsequent ones, there were many questions about the purity of the elections. As a result, an active part of the population went to rallies. Released from the bottle in September last year, the "genie" has not been driven back. Even draconian repressions for the so-called violations at rallies, searches and arrests among their organizers and participants did not frighten them. The question is - why does V. Putin need such problems?
What, in fact, are the main demands of the "dissenting townspeople"? Fair elections were not even mentioned at first. Over the past ten years, vague dissatisfaction has been seen in relation to various kinds of reforms such as military or educational and the constant rise in prices for everything without exception. In the absence of prospects for finding a good job, hundreds of thousands of young people and competent professionals simply went to hell. They say, for example, that up to 30% of engineering and design personnel, refugees from Russia, are already working in American firms associated with aviation and rocket engine building.
Another reason for that vague dissatisfaction was the lack of any fairness in the distribution of national wealth, expressed in understandable to all monetary incomes of citizens. It is said that only five hundred Russian families own almost 80% of all national wealth. The income level of the richest exceeds the income of the poorest by 16 times. Moreover, this wealth, as a rule, was acquired not by honest labor, but by the banal theft of budget money or proximity to a big boss. First of all, to Putin himself. His former colleagues, neighbors in the country and training in the sports club became the heads of state-owned companies, dollar billionaires and owners of oil, insurance, financial, construction and many other businesses. Their children often hold senior positions in large state-owned banks.
But it seems that God is with them. After all, the state resources and enterprises that they became owners of overnight belong to Russian citizens. Unlike, say, the former people's democracies. There, the local industry, land, banks for pennies (but honestly) were given to the Germans, Americans and other new older brothers. Putin was dominated by a different principle - better your own Rotenberg than the American Rothschild. In addition, you can always take everything back to the state from your own people, like from Khodorkovsky. At the same time, they represent “strangers” as enemies who arrange intrigues around our Motherland.
But more and more events began to happen and negative trends were brewing, which could no longer be explained by the intrigues of external enemies. You can list at least those that were mentioned in "AN". This is the purposeful killing of the aviation industry, machine tool building, military medicine, the primitivization of primary and secondary education, the actual abolition of free healthcare and higher education. Next in line is the “monetization” of public services.
Therefore, the upcoming elections to the State Duma and presidential elections were expected more than ever. The active part of the population wanted change. At the same time, almost everyone understood that it was Putin, easier than others, who could become president. He became them. But the "Augean stables" remained the same. Monsters like Manturov and Serdyukov remained in the government. Or deputies of other monsters who moved from ministerial chairs to the Kremlin, and their deputies took their places. A couple of new people like Abyzov can cause nothing but bewilderment. What can we expect from this vice-premier who, being Chubais's deputy in RAO UES, has become a dollar billionaire on its ruins? For such people, power is just one form of business. There will be no selfless service to the Fatherland.
Therefore, the growth of the protest movement, the main leitmotif of which was the slogan “Down with crooks and thieves!” Putin himself could easily nullify by radically updating the government. It was enough to entrust the formation of the cabinet to an authoritative person, at least from the governor's corps, to call on ministers of professionals in the relevant industries and not to think that he was abandoning his own. They would quietly creep into foreign cracks to spend "acquired by overwork" in the government, and prayed to God that no one would remember them.
But so far, our president does not notice the obvious: how a white ribbon - a symbol of protest - is slowly entangling his power vertical, which has become an


Here is another evidence of the CONSCIOUS COLLAPSE OF YOUR COUNTRY - RUSSIA:

“I can’t understand the principle of selecting people in the government of the country”

Academician Genrikh Novozhilov: "The leaders of our industry are not specialists in the field they supervise"
"... We still had only on paper a whole plan for the development of wide-body aircraft, developed back in 1991 - there were not enough funds, nor, alas, even a design idea. The matter, in our opinion, necessary for the country, died out. And then, as a verdict on all our efforts, the statement of the then Minister of Industry Viktor Borisovich Khristenko that "we do not need wide-body aircraft" has ripened!
- But is Khristenko a great specialist in this matter ?!
- The tragedy of our aviation (and not only it) is that the majority of our industry leaders are not specialists in the area they supervise. By the way, this applies to all industries. I just can not understand the principle of selecting people in the government of the country. Ministerial posts are held by people - no matter how talented they are - far removed from the many idiosyncrasies and nuances of the industries they lead. They are far from understanding the specifics and technology.
For example, no one can formulate what army reform is. I am not a military man, although I was once a member of the Defense and State Security Committee of the last Supreme Soviet of the USSR. I am familiar with the structure of our army - I constantly attended the so-called hearings that the General Staff arranged for the designers. There, they brought us intelligibly, with maps, information about the entire structure of the Soviet army. And now I think that it was excellent. You can rearrange brigades and divisions, but why break the foundation? And such a foundation has always been military universities that trained qualified command personnel - today they have been liquidated. The Zhukovsky Military Engineering Academy has been destroyed! She was transferred to Voronezh, but all the professors and teachers thrown out of there remained in Moscow. I just refuse to understand! This academy was indeed a national pride and treasure of the country; unique methods were developed there, and there was an excellent laboratory base. And all this suddenly ceased to exist!

Banknotes in the firebox
– Do you have any recipes for overcoming the economic and industrial crisis?
– I carefully read the articles of Vladimir Putin. I'm not going to make critical remarks, but, for example, they talk about the fact that by 2020 25 million jobs will be created. Forgive me, but in order to create so many jobs, you need to draw up a real plan for the industrialization of Russia. It must be outlined where and for what purpose enterprises will be created, what they will do, build. And here it is impossible to hide behind reasoning about innovation. Innovations innovations strife. In electronics, for example, they can give results very quickly and serve both the development of science and technology and the provision of human needs. It is necessary to gather the learned minds before they finally run away - let them propose concrete plans. When we made an airplane or a space object, built a submarine, created something new in general, we didn’t think about so-called innovations at all! Previously, this was called without fuss "the introduction of new achievements in science and technology." There were a huge number of inventions in the process of the birth of the most complex technical units. Designer, worker, production engineer - only they can put into practice what has been developed by applied science.
But, if at the same time there is no plan for the new industrialization of the country, what kind of 25 million jobs can we talk about?! We must first understand what people will do, what they will produce. I'm trying to understand our politicians who promise manna from heaven. At one time, I had to seriously engage in party work, so I can confirm with full justification from my own experience that politics is indeed closely connected with the economy. For example, I know that aviation gasoline, which is so necessary for piston aircraft, is practically not produced in Russia today. They say that they buy it in Finland - one hundred rubles per liter. But after all, even Mendeleev noticed that burning oil in a furnace is the same as heating the furnace with banknotes. Or one more thing: is it right that we supply raw wood to China and Finland on a gigantic scale? Why not send at least some amount of money that we get from there to the creation of woodworking enterprises? To sell not raw wood, but a product - this would help, by the way, to create those same jobs.
It's time to think about the fact that we should live not only on oil and gas, but also on the products of their processing. The other side of the issue: you cannot enter the international market without satisfying the needs of your own country, without having the appropriate production facilities. When I sometimes sail along the Volga, I see how horrifying the state of the once-working factories is. Is this not a disregard for one's own wealth?

- And how do you assess the state of domestic small aviation?
She is in a deep crisis. Article 123 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that "everyone who is on the territory of the Russian Federation has the right to move freely." Alas, this right is not provided with an opportunity. In one of his speeches, Dmitry Medvedev recalled that there are 28 thousand settlements in the country, which can only be reached by plane or helicopter. And what? Small aviation today is completely killed, it has degraded and collapsed. Speaking about the capacity to revive small aircraft, Medvedev said something like this: “I think that there is no need to show off here. All means are good. There are samples that can be put into a series - let's put it. And produce at our aviation enterprises. If there are no such samples, then it is necessary to buy foreign ones, to lease foreign equipment. We won’t solve it in one year, but in ten, I think we can completely close the problem.” By the way, from January 1 of this year, subsidies from the federal budget for the purchase of aircraft for regional companies began: they are going to allocate 1.1 billion rubles for this, according to Deputy Transport Minister Valery Okulov. When I read this, I felt sad: when, in the end, will they remember the fate of people who are practically deprived of the opportunity to reach the central regions of the country? I even wanted to write an article “Why do they fly on new “silts” in Uzbekistan, and in Russia they fight on old “ans” ... This is all to the fact that when the Kremlin talks about buying foreign aircraft, I have only one question: what about the IL-114 we made?..

Meeting cooking
– ... I have seen several revolutions in my life. The first - back in 1960 in Cuba. I remember how I had to be present at the rally when we brought Fidel Castro there from New York on the Il-18. When I saw a crowded square named after Jose Marti in Havana, goosebumps ran up my back. Not only is the crowd huge, chanting “Venceremos!”, “Patria o muerte!”, but also the bomb exploded there. ...



Eremeich, well, what for, these Freemasons and corresponding fighters. Tell us better about the reactor - where, what, and why? It is possible in a personal.


Gambit. "Pay no attention to the Jewish goyim." Here it is soaked!

So what, Jews? Normal people. Prokhorov is even the president of the RRF. Pichler is a German Jew, Kushchenko is Ukrainian, Pak is Korean. Fine. Tie already))

Sokolov Vladimir Eremeevich,
Yes, everything is fine Sokolov, the blog turned out to be good. Pay no attention to the Jewish goyim.))
The information accumulated here makes us think about a lot, and it also becomes very clear what the Jewish Masons want from Russia ...

I am responding to your last unfriendly personal remark addressed to me.
People and nicknames change, blacklists change, but it seems I don’t confuse anything ... It was you who I answered already in the spirit that if you have a personal dislike for me, then it is unlikely that we will have a dialogue and it is better to disperse in different directions .. And it was during the discussion of that very LETTER and the consequences of it, when I showed "cowardice" and put my full name first (mind you, not a nickname) under this letter to the authorities in the "header" of that blog (in anticipation of a storm of "enthusiasm" in Belarus ).

As for my departure...
I posted this blog last Tuesday and for three days I had the honor to discuss this topic with my RB colleagues, I didn’t notice you there ... And I deserved the right to rest after three sleepless nights at the reactor (and this is true ...) and even warned the RB audience about his departure). You can congratulate me. The sacrifices were not in vain. Night experiments failed...

However, to prove something to you in this situation is rather ridiculous. Be healthy and be kinder. Well, "courage" you do not take, as I see ...
And in my "discussions" with Grisha, it is unlikely that you will be able to play the role of an independent arbiter...

Pork kebab is just super, I didn’t try it in vain. Yahweh doesn’t see yours anyway.))

Sokolov Vladimir Eremeevich,

That's for sure. The provocation was quite successful. More precisely, not a provocation, but the usual cowardice inherent in you personally. There is not enough courage to say what you think, so it's better to throw in a foul-smelling thread, and there will be enough wretched people to develop. Well, let's go to the dacha ... potatoes, pork kebab and talk about the fate of the country. Ugh! Grisha is more honest.

Wonderful RB colleagues,
my holidays and freedom from the Internet in nature dragged on until Tuesday morning. I am glad in the evening of the same day to find again my RB-friends and enemies, like-minded people and opponents in a place known and open for RB-grounds, I can’t imagine my virtual life without you.
Sorry if I led you to the reefs. I didn't want anything bad. I longed for communication on non-Pichler topics (how tired I was of them ...). The head should work, and not grow dull from the endless transfusion from empty to empty.
250 comments on my blog is a good stat. Everybody is alive. A small squabble is already the norm for RB. I apologize to everyone who was offended here - it's partly my fault.
You now know much more about Freemasonry than before. Now you will have a fairly long persistent rejection of this topic, but over time it will pass ... All the participants in the discussion did their best.
In order to avoid misunderstandings and reproaches - I inform you that I have not deleted a single word from the comments, not to mention themselves. Take my word for it.
And I repeat that I have a neutral and sustained position in relation to the iconic nation. I have never used swear words and inappropriate epithets either in their address or in anyone else's. He only “forced” the furious debaters to peace ...
And if one of you was misunderstood and interpreted by one of you, it’s not my fault, but your fantasies ...
With respect and tolerance for your opinions and speeches, my interlocutors. Many thanks to all participants. Suggest your topics for discussion on our website - there is a long summer ahead without our beloved biathlon.

PS. For everything that is written on the Internet, I do not bear personal responsibility. I didn’t set the task to please everyone, and it’s impossible ...

“The governing bodies of the RJC are the presidium, the board of directors and the public council. The leadership of the congress includes Vladimir Resin, Mikhail Fridman, Alexander Boroda, Evgenia Albats, Julius Gusman, Berl Lazar, Henry Reznik, Vladimir Solovyov, Gennady Khazanov, Mikhail Chlenov, Mikhail Berger, Matvey Ganapolsky, Mikhail Zhvanetsky and others. 1996-2001 Vladimir Gusinsky 2001-2003 Leonid Nevzlin 2003-2004 Evgeny Satanovsky 2004-2005 Vladimir Slutsker 2005-2009 Vyacheslav Kantor Since May 14, 2009 - Yuri Kanner
“With the election of Leonid Borisovich Nevzlin as President of the RJC, relations between KEROOR and the authorities have become more businesslike and constructive. Nevzlin helped us improve relations with the authorities, and his very election helped raise the morale of KEROOR. Now no one dares to interfere with our activities, at least openly. »
1. increase in the number of rabbinic cities! in the Russian Federation on 47.2016
2. Construction of synagogues and community centers 45.2016
3. Creation of youth clubs 120!.2011.
4. Create a military! Rabbinate of the Russian Federation! 1.2007
5. Establishment of boards of trustees at local communities 50.2007
6. Creation of councils of trustees at local communities 50.2008
7. Creation of councils of trustees at local communities 50.2009
8. Creation of councils of trustees at local communities 50.2010
9. Creation of new general education schools 25.2016
10. Creation of new Sunday schools 50.2011
11. Establishment of new human rights bureaus 5.2007
12. Establishment of new human rights bureaus 5.2008
13. Establishment of new human rights bureaus 5.2009
14. Establishment of new human rights bureaus 5.2010
15. Establishment of new human rights bureaus 5.2011
16. Establishment of a permanent lecture group on Judaism 1.2007
17. Opening of new regional lecture halls 25.2011
18. Establishment of an online store of Jewish literature at FJOR 1.2008
19. Completion of the census of the Jewish population of the country. 2011
20. Implementation of the program for the distribution of Jewish traditional literature and paraphernalia in Jewish families (“Torah and mezuzah - in every Jewish family”) 2008-2011.
21. Opening of new clubs (family, women's, hobby, etc.) 150 2007 – 2016
22. Opening of the Central Jewish Museum in Moscow 1 2010
23. Creation of a permanent Jewish (inter-confessional) program on CT and radio. 2008
24. Opening of new kosher shops and restaurants in cities with a Jewish population of 5,000 or more. 20 2016
25. Transition in the relationship "Central office - regional communities" to a new system of financing. 2007-2011

Head of the FEOR Board of Trustees - Roman Abramovich;

According to the census of the population of Russia, there are only 230 thousand Jews ...

Well, the Jews have the same servants shabes-goyim. Zverev Sergey Alexandrovich and Svetlana Vasilievna Mironyuk, they worked for the Jews.
Also in the internet there are these very shabes-goyim. And there are Jews and Jewish women themselves, they hate everything Russian so much that even Russian names are distorted. On the Internet, they cannot directly pass by, where they tell the truth, showing the worst side of the Jews. And therefore, they are trying in every possible way to transfer this topic to the other side, and if they fail, then simply turn it into jokes.

Jewishness is betrayed by the mother, and it does not matter who the father is.
so rather Abramovich crossed with male deer.))


Well, if only Abramovich's predecessor baptized deer))

In laugh! :-)) So we now have all of Chukotka solid Jews?

Let me remind you that in those days it was Gusinsky who introduced the weekly drinking of the blood of Christian babies into practice by the most significant employees of the Bridge. So, if not genes, then traditions were certainly passed on.

and Zverev worked for Gusinsky :)) I’ll say more, initially it was Zverev who worked for Gusinsky, and Svetlana was his secretary :))
In addition to Sergei and Svetlana, Gusinsky employed another 5 thousand people, and counting Most-Media, Most-Bank and Most-Development - and even more :)) Berezovsky, I think, the total number of employees was no less :)) And how many employees work in companies of other oligarchs of Jewish nationality! :)) Do you think that the nationality of patrons was transferred to them all in a mythical way? :-D

Vlad, of course, the best thing about the world Masonic mafia is written on its official website!

Guys, are you tired of pouring from empty to empty?
For your information, read the OFFICIAL website of the Masonic Lodge of Russia, perhaps then you will understand that the United Grand Lodge of Russia does not divide its members by nationality and religion, because. membership is faith in the Great Builder.

Read about membership, bylaws and goals, about the 12 principles of regularity.

Kings and dynasties remained, but the right to choose a religion for their people was taken away from them. Who took it? Vatican. Not Jews, but Catholics. Here, you understand, it turns out to be a squiggle with the origins of Western democracy :) The truth was not without side effects in the form of a split in the Western church, the emergence of Protestants, and, accordingly, religious massacre in Europe, which called into question the possibility of the further existence of Western European civilization. Well, then the "father" of Western liberalism and the apologist of Christianity Locke appeared, who promoted the idea of ​​tolerance to the masses. Truth warned his future followers in advance: do not extend tolerance to atheists. For anyone, but not for atheists. However, his descendants did not obey him, and as a result of the final triumph of tolerance in today's Protestant churches, even representatives of sexual minorities are crowned. Well, these are their problems, not ours :) As for our problems, at the moment there are two real threats to the existence of Russian society and the state. And these are not Masons at all, or anyone else, but something else:

a) demographics
b) corruption.

VM, I prefer not to choose devils. But to remove them altogether. And we will live without them.))
As for the rest, the Byzantine ideology was dominated by a common state, regardless of religions and nationality. This is the Roman-German ideology at the head or religion (Crusades of the Pope) or nationality (Fascism of Hitler and Mussolini).
By the way, the kings just remained in Europe and some parts of Asia. It is on the territory of the Byzantine ideology (internationalism) Russia, China, India, Brazil they are not.

Gambit: "..don't you think it's easier to really take someone out.."

No, it doesn't.
And why should someone and someone clean up? So that another - an unfamiliar player - sits in his vacant seat?

P.S. Of the two devils, choose the one you know better :)

And further. It seems to me that you underestimate the influence of religious organizations on the processes taking place in Rome and Byzantium. The Vatican had its own project, let's say, of the development of spiritual space :) directed against the power of kings, arrogating to themselves the right to "choose a religion for their people." And this project was successfully completed. There are no bones left of those kings of Europe already :)

In general, it is interesting, because the basis of many sciences and teachings was precisely Ancient Rome, and especially literature and art. The Roman Empire was divided into the Byzantine Empire (which was friendly and oriented towards all peoples and the whole World) and the West German Empire - count (which was more oriented towards the West, only towards Europe). And then someone set these great civilizations against each other. As a result, both self-destructed. And the attempt to restore Greece, the descendant of the Byzantine part, was destroyed in every possible way. Russia helped under Nicholas to restore the independence and the state of Greece (Byzantine ideology of the Roman Empire). But Nikolai paid the price for this, as we know from history.
And this someone lives to this day in the place where all the crusades went. And now they are still equipping themselves and going again. And again, Russia stands up to protect the interests of the Byzantine part of the ideology.
Everything in history repeats itself.
And what is interesting now is fighting against the main Byzantine idea - the progenitors of DEMOCRACY, under the slogan of supposedly DEMOCRACY. How did all sorts of people distort everything? Non-Jews?)) Sarkozy.

But in 41 and 45, again, consider there was a war of ideologies of the two branches of the Roman Empire - in the form of Fascism (Roman-German) and our internationalism (Byzantine).
And again, there were people from the other side with Jewish roots. By "our" I meant the Anglo-American side. Although even with us, after the revolution, they still freely remained those whom Stalin later, after 45, took up.
And again, as if all the Jews were destroyed there, and again, for some reason, there were more of them.
VM, don't you think it's easier to really remove someone who sticks sticks to the whole world all the time. Dividing and contrasting the Byzantine international and Western mono-national ideology and culture?

Gambit: “Maybe that's why the Jews have such an attitude towards Russia? They can't forget Rome. Here's something interesting."

You know, it's all as they say: lyrics :) So I would love to read the explanations of specialists in Byzantium for such a curious historical fact as the transfer of Crimea to Byzantium by the Jewish Khazaria, in exchange for the construction of defensive fortifications (fortresses) on the territory of the Khazar Khaganate. In the sense of explanations, why would the Khazars need it, it took the construction of about two dozen fortresses in the north of their state, huh? Well, the construction of Sarkel on the South-Eastern borders is understandable. The Khazars had a strained relationship with the Arabs, but why in the north?

And then such an interesting detail pops up, i.e. a mention of a certain Russian Kaganate that existed during the dominance of Byzantium in world politics, in parallel with the Khazar Kaganate. In general, the further into the forest (history), the more lyrics :)



There is nothing strange here. As I said below, the world is ruled by the Great Game, where the goals of one player, who currently holds the pot and hangs out the deck, conflict with the goal of everyone else playing this Big Game. So the Jews will not be allowed to perish, do not worry :) However, the Germans will not be allowed to perish either, as was the case after the conclusion of the Treaty of Versailles and the sharp activation of the Vatican in terms of indirect support for the Nazis.

Not everything is so simple, in our world around us, simplified in the imagination :) And for the world to be ruled from one center, this does not happen. The navel will be untied, for any "ruler" :)

Svetlana Mironyuk worked for Gusinsky.
Sergei Zverev worked for Berezovsky. (I hope you remember who was involved in the election of Yeltsin in the 96 most rigged elections in the history of Russia, when Zyuganov won)
Gusinsky and Berezovsky, of course, have nothing to do with Jews?
“In March 1996, during the Economic Forum in Davos, Berezovsky reconciled with Gusinsky, attracted Anatoly Chubais and agreed with influential businessmen to join forces to re-elect President Yeltsin”

It is only strange that after all the alleged "extermination" of the Jews, their number increased.
How is that? If they had been so driven and killed in antiquity, then they would have almost disappeared. Like the very same Greeks.

And then there's the question of Rome. Russia, as it were, is considered the same as the Third Rome, a lot of Byzantine symbols have passed into our culture. .
Maybe that's why such an attitude of the Jews towards Russia? Can't forget Rome?
Here is something else interesting.

dewdrop: “Interesting thought. Never thought about it before :-)

And the further you dig in this direction, the more interesting it will be :) In this scheme. At one time, Cleopatra's lover, a brilliant warrior and Herod's sidekick were involved in one person - Mark Antony and many others, but this is all lyrics :) But the specifics:

“The scope of construction in Jerusalem under Herod is grandiose. The Roman historian Pliny the Elder writes that under Herod, Jerusalem was the most famous and most brilliant of the capitals of the East. Herod enlarged and rebuilt the Second Temple, doubling its height. The temple was consecrated for the second time. Although the Temple was almost completely rebuilt, it was not called the Third Temple, but was still called the Second Temple. Herod doubled the area of ​​the Temple Mount, for which it became necessary to erect retaining walls. One of them, the western wall, has survived to this day - as the Wailing Wall. Herod really wanted the Jews to see him as one of their own. By the way, Herod himself had no right to enter the Temple - he was not a Jew. And yet the Jews hated Herod as a conductor of Roman power. A complete pragmatist, Herod, tried to connect two worlds - Rome and Judea.

Question: Where does the money come from, Zin? :) I mean, where does the people, whose territory is occupied by foreign troops, get the money to finance the grand scale of construction under Herod with their taxes? :)

I can tell you for sure that neither Sergei Zverev nor Svetlana Mironyuk are Jews :))


VM Thank you. Interesting idea. Never thought about it before :-)

Bjorn: "Jesus Christ is too deep, complex, multi-layered topic."

And yet: any crime leaves its financial footprint. If you are interested in the topic of multi-level relationships between Jews and Romans or representatives of local authorities and Roman governors, you should pay especially close attention to the complex monetary system operating in Judea at that time, as well as to one very curious historical fact mentioned in the Bible, in small letters on the last page titled "Currency in the New Testament":

“By weight (!) And value, the denarius was equal to the Greek drachma or 1/4 shekel, but during the Savior’s earthly life it had less value. On the front side of the coin, the reigning emperor was depicted. The denarius was the daily wage of the Roman soldier, as the drachma was the daily wage of the Athenian soldiers. He also made the usual day wages for the workers. Denarius was equal to the universal tax, which the Jews were obliged to pay to the Romans.

And there would be nothing special in this situation, if not for another historical fact. The trick is that Judea was the only Roman province that the Romans allowed to mint their money. Can you imagine the prospects of Jewish counterfeiters exchanging two silver coins of the same weight with an undervalued rate in relation to one another? :)

No, it is beyond the powers of the Jews themselves to play such tricks without the participation of governors and Roman military commanders (in whose units there were also Greeks who receive their drachmas for serving Rome). A joint Judeo-Roman enterprise was clearly set up here to “shoe Caesar” :) Apparently, this is why Pontius Pilate spoke about Jesus: if he rises, then I will forbid the minting of my image on coins (which, by the way, Pontius Pilate did).

Well, the numerous sectarians in the humanities are engaged in the fact that they suck their “evidence of the perversion of the teachings of Christ” out of their finger, they say Paul destroyed Rome ... yeah .. there was someone before Paul to destroy the walls of the “eternal city” :)

There really is a lot of muddy stuff in there.
Well, there are no facts, for example, at least one about the so-called priests. And they really are fictional.
Here are the facts about Jews and Freemasons at least somehow described in history.
Yes, and something there is very strongly fenced off Jews from everything they have done. Suspicious.

And more about Moscow News.
"The newspaper is published by the Vremya Publishing House in cooperation with RIA Novosti and using the agency's technological and information base."
RIA News. Svetlana Vasilievna Mironyuk. Editor-in-Chief of RIA Novosti.
“From 1992 to 2000, she worked at CJSC Media-Most as Deputy Head of the Department for Information, Analytical Support and Public Relations.” “Media-Most is Vladimir Gusinsky’s media group that existed in 1993-2001”
- Zverev Sergey Alexandrovich husband of Svetlana Mironyuk.
“Boris Yeltsin's decree on the appointment of Sergei Zverev as deputy head of the presidential administration for relations with the State Duma, political parties, public associations and religious organizations elevated the authoritative PR specialist to the rank of public politicians. Before that, Zverev was known in a narrow circle as a promoter of the Most group, Gazprom OJSC and a shadow activist of the 1996 presidential election campaign.
Strange is RIA Novosti. Which Rossiyskaya Gazeta reprinted. From the link that Nicholas gave..
Who knows what kind of person Sergey Alexandrovich Zverev is?

Norther, the volume is large ... I missed the theater ... education is important ...

Bjorn, if this is "Games of the Gods" (12-episode film), then there is too much fiction. Mastered only 2 series about the theater.

Bjorn, Found.

Gambit, film GAMES OF THE GODS

Thank you.
By the way, I have never come across this material. Where is he from?
Drop the site.

"A freemason in Russia is more than a freemason." First of all, he is the “sun of Russian poetry”, an invincible commander, a classic of Russian literature, the creator of the “History of the Russian State”, the head of the Provisional Government, and only in the second, and sometimes third, a freemason.

Alexander Pushkin

"On May 4, I was admitted to the Freemasons," wrote Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in 1821 in his diary. The lodge, which the poet entered, was called "Ovid" and was located in Chisinau. The members of this lodge acted surprisingly openly. There is evidence that, when consecrating the Bulgarian Archimandrite Ephraim as a brother, he was blindfolded and led through the yard to the basement. The Bulgarians, crowding in the square, immediately rushed to save their archimandrite, deciding that he was being led to a dungeon. However, there is no evidence that the same was done with Pushkin. And what kind of freemason Alexander Sergeevich? In his papers, unfilled account books of the lodge were preserved, on which the poet wrote ... poems. Until 1823, he used them as his draft notebooks (the so-called notebooks 836, 834, 835)! The Kishinev lodge was never legally formalized, and it is not known when Pushkin left it - most likely, this happened by itself, when a year and two months after Pushkin was accepted into the order, Emperor Alexander I closed all the Masonic lodges by his decree. Nevertheless, before the funeral, Vyazemsky put a glove into the poet’s coffin as a sign of recognition as his brother in bed ...

Alexander Suvorov

In the department of manuscripts of the Russian State Library you can find a description of the handwritten book - the minutes of the meetings of the Masonic lodges of St. Andrew and the Three Crowns in Königsberg for 1760-1768. In this book, in particular, there is a mention of the famous commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. In the early 1760s, the Russian military took an active part in the work of the Königsberg lodges. One of the most active Russian members of the Königsberg lodge "Zu den Drei Kronen" ("To the Three Crowns") - he recommended at least 6 new members for initiation - was Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Suvorov, "oberstleutennnt Alexander von Suworow". By the way, his father was in the same box. Suvorov himself was initiated into Freemasons and passed three degrees (reaching the degree of master) in St. Petersburg in the lodge "Aux Trois Etoiles" ("Three Stars"). It is believed that this happened at the end of the reign of Elizabeth. At this time, Freemasonry had not yet become fashionable, and Alexander Vasilyevich was one of the first "free masons". On January 27, 1761, he was promoted to the Scottish Master in the already mentioned lodge "Zu den Drei Kronen". He was a member of this lodge until his departure from Konigsberg at the beginning of 1762.

Nikolai Karamzin

Freemasonry saved Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, perhaps, from the fate of Eugene Onegin: at the age of eighteen he served in one of the best guards regiments, and then went to Simbirsk to shine in society. The famous freemason and writer Turgenev noticed a gifted young man and involved him in the Rosicrucian Order. He settled him in a house that belonged to the lodge, and forced him to delve into science, to develop his writing abilities. Young Karamzin worked and talked a lot with Freemasons, during which time he began to write poetry and prose, but after four years he became disillusioned with Freemasonry. However, in 1792 he criticized the actions of the authorities when they defeated the Moscow Masonic organization and imprisoned the former teacher Karamzin Novikov in a fortress. Despite the fact that Karamzin himself was under the suspicion of Catherine as a student of the Masons, he published the ode "To Mercy", in which his rejection of the actions of the empress is unambiguously read.

Alexander Griboyedov

It was not enough for the diplomat and writer Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov to be a member of the most numerous Masonic lodge of St. Petersburg "United Friends". He wanted to improve it, his letters and notes have been preserved about this. To be called, according to the project of Griboedov, this lodge was supposed to be “Good”. Instead of the official French language, the language of all its affairs was to be Russian, despite the fact that there were many foreigners in it. And this goal - the goal of enlightening Russia, spreading Russian letters - the members of the lodge should have seen as their first task. Griboedov was convinced that the forces expended on the pomp and gloomy solemnity of meetings, on ritualism, could be used with great intelligence. Griboyedov's projects show the seriousness of his attitude towards membership in the Masonic organization and, of course, his ambition and some idealism. By the way, he was not the only Freemason-diplomat, and connections among Freemasons contributed a lot to his diplomatic career. Unlike Karamzin or Chaadaev, Griboyedov never left the Masonic lodge - at least not with papers and a manifesto.

Petr Chaadaev

When Pyotr Yakovlevich Chaadaev left Freemasonry, he had one of the highest degrees of initiation into the order - the eighth degree of the “Secret White Brothers of the Lodge of John” out of nine possible. The reasons why Chaadaev left the lodge are in tune with those lamented by Griboedov, a member of the same United Friends lodge: rituals for its own sake, spectacular rituals, empty talk about intentions instead of actions. True, this is only part of the letter written by Chaadaev to leave the lodge, the second part has been lost, but experts do not deny that it will “emerge”, as is typical of Masonic documents. Biographers of Chaadaev emphasize his leadership traits and believe that between the lines of this letter one can read “I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve ...”. Chaadaev is one of the brightest characters among Freemasons and Decembrists.

Alexander Kerensky

One of the most prominent representatives of Freemasonry of the 20th century is Alexander Kerensky. After two years in the Masonic Lodge, Kerensky even entered the leadership of this secret organization, and only Nikolai Nekrasov, the General Secretary of the Masonic Lodge, a member of the Cadet Party, was higher in rank at that time. However, already in 1916, by a majority of votes at the next congress of the Masonic Lodge "The Great East of the Peoples of Russia", Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky was elected General Secretary instead of Nekrasov. Skillfully using his new secret position, Alexander Kerensky throughout 1916 actively increased his influence on the sidelines of Russian politics, which led to the rapid rise of his political career, which the whole world watched in 1917. Kerensky even wrote about his membership in the lodge after versions about the fault of the Masonic lodges in the revolution and the "collapse of Russia" became popular.

Dedicated to the memory of Metropolitan John (Snychev) of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, who blessed my work in studying the subversive anti-Russian activities of Masonic organizations.


In order to understand modern Freemasonry, firstly, it is extremely important to understand that today's forms of activity of this criminal community are very different from traditional ideas about it. Today's Mason seldom puts on his mantle. The usual Masonic ritual in our time fades into the background. Most of the "Masonic work" is no longer carried out in traditional Masonic lodges, but in various closed Masonic-type organizations - clubs "Rotary", "Pen", "Magisterium", "humanitarian" orders of the Eagle or Constantine the Great, etc. Masonic ritual , which for centuries served as a camouflage for the political intrigues of freemasons, lost its significance to a large extent in the second half of the 20th century. In conditions when in all countries of the Western world people came to power who were no longer embarrassed to admit their membership in Masonic organizations, the need for a Masonic ritual disappeared. Freemasonry is turning into a secret political trade union, a kind of international, uniting in its ranks unscrupulous politicians, financial swindlers, crooks of all stripes, putting profit and unlimited power over people above all else. At the head of this secret international are the Jewish leaders. Like the CPSU in the USSR, Freemasonry in the West is the backbone of the political system. All major political decisions are prepared and made in the quiet of closed organizations. In "democratic elections" the public is allowed to choose from several candidates presented by the Masonic behind the scenes. It is these candidates who are provided with informational support for television and newspapers, which are almost all controlled by the same behind the scenes. The people in this political system are just extras in the hands of political schemers. It is this system of power formation that has been introduced in our country since the late 1980s.

The second thing that is important to note for understanding modern Masonic power is that the Judeo-Masonic structures today are not a monolith, but consist of a number of clans that are at war with each other for power and money. Even in the so-called world government - the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Club - there is an ongoing struggle between the Judeo-Masonic clans, orders of various rituals and regional centers of power. This struggle is vividly illustrated by today's events in Russia, where supporters of the Order of Malta and American Freemasonry (Yeltsin, Berezovsky, Abramovich), "B'nai B'rith" and Jewish Freemasonry (Gusinsky, Friedman, Khodorkovsky, Yavlinsky), the Great East of France and European Freemasonry (Luzhkov, Primakov, Yakovlev). All these three branches of the Judeo-Masonic power bring grief and destruction to our people, all of them are focused on the dismemberment of Russia and the genocide of its people.

In today's Russia there are more than 500 Masonic lodges and organizations of the Masonic type (not including occult organizations and branches of the Church of Satan). Their activities are strictly secret, closed. Most of them are not registered with the authorities, observing conspiracy and Masonic secrecy. The actual Masonic lodges that perform the traditional rituals of freemasons make up no more than a third of the above number.

The Scottish ritual lodges are considered the most "solid" part of Russian Freemasonry, most of them are organized by the masters of the Grand Lodge of France. The activities of these lodges are carried out according to old documents, observing the full continuity of the Masonic establishment of the 18th-20th centuries. By 1998, such old Russian lodges of the Scottish ritual as "Astrea", "Hermes", "Northern Lights" and others were renewed, new lodges were organized - "Pushkin", "Novikov", etc. They use ritual documents " Scottish Rita" lodge "Astrea" XVIII and the emigrant lodge "Astrea" of the 20-30s of the XX century.

The Grand Orient of France has resumed the activities of Masonic lodges in Russia, oriented towards militant Russophobia and atheism, and above all the Free Russia Lodge, which, according to our information, unites, in particular, several State Duma deputies, officers of the General Staff and the FSB.

In the system of national German Freemasonry, the Russian Masonic lodge "Great Light of the North" is being recreated, working according to the ritual documents of the emigrant Masonic lodge of the same name.

According to some reports, several lodges of American Freemasonry (York ritual) appear in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Attempts are being made to root the Order of the Shriners on Russian soil.

In addition to the rituals listed above, recognized in the Masonic world, such "self-made" Masonic lodges (like the "Russian National Lodge") are created that are not recognized by real freemasons.

In general, according to our tentative estimates, the number of members of all Masonic lodges in Russia is at least two thousand people.

A much larger number of members (at least 10 thousand) are in the so-called white Freemasonry - Masonic-type organizations that do not use the traditional rituals of freemasons, but accept Masonic principles of life and are usually led by real Masons. The first place here is occupied by members of the Rotary clubs (there are several dozen of them in Russia). Quite characteristic of "White Freemasonry" are such organizations as the Order of the Eagle, the clubs "Magisterium", "Reform", "Interaction", "International Russian Club", the Soros Foundation. Figures of "white Freemasonry" consider themselves "chosen people" (elite), which has special rights to rule over other people. The subversive anti-Christian, anti-Russian work of these organizations is strictly closed and secret.

There are enough myths and conjectures around the most closed society in the world, but not all of them correspond to reality. It is believed, for example, that the Freemasons almost completely regulate all international politics, although in fact the brotherhood does not discuss religious and political issues. At the same time, many state and public men, cultural figures, famous personalities are members of the lodges.

Who are modern Freemasons

A secret organization of freemasons arose on June 24, 1717 in England. Four societies that at that time were in the capital of Great Britain were named after the names of the pubs in which the participants of the movement gathered: “Apple”, “Goose and a baking sheet”, “Crown”, “Grape brush”. It was on June 24, 1717 that they united into a single Grand Lodge of London. Freemasons consider their goals to be the improvement of themselves and the world around, charity, but all over the world they are considered almost religious fanatics. But in fact, "freemasons" avoid talking about religion and politics.

Freemasonry as a whole and individual representatives of the organization do not hide. Any member of the Lodge is free to claim membership of the secret fraternity, but it is forbidden to disclose who else is in the ranks of the movement. It is believed that "freemasons" rule the world. The theory is based on the fact that in many states the members of the organization are influential personalities, politicians and public figures. The reliability of this assumption remains controversial, because it has no documentary evidence.

Representatives of a closed society

Famous Masons of the world are outstanding writers, philosophers, architects, statesmen and public figures who influenced the course of world history. True, it is possible to talk about the belonging of some figures to a secret society only with a certain degree of probability, given the secrecy of such data. Among the most famous Freemasons, one can list George Washington (the first US president joined the Friedrichsburg Lodge in 1752), Voltaire (French philosopher and writer initiated in the Nine Sisters Lodge, Paris), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Austrian composer joined the lodge " For good" in 1784).

The list of representatives of the secret brotherhood includes artists, philosophers and public figures, heads of state. The strength of Freemasonry is that the organization includes people of various strata, positions, so Freemasonry has the ability to influence all areas of life. Among the famous people-Masons mention such personalities:

  1. Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, creator of the famous Statue of Liberty, one of the first members of Alsac-Lorraine.
  2. German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
  3. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, English writer and physician, creator of the image of Sherlock Holmes and author of The History of Spiritualism.
  4. Sculptor and painter Gutson Borglum.
  5. Joseph Brant, the first Indian Freemason to make history.
  6. Dr. Joseph Ignace Guillotin, physician, member of the French government.
  7. Brilliant civil engineer Gustave Eiffel
  8. Scottish poet Robert Burns.
  9. Austrian composer Franz Joseph Haydn.
  10. Eduard Beneš, President of Czechoslovakia (1935).
  11. N. Arendt, chief physician of the Russian corps in France, personal physician of Emperor Nikolai Romanov.
  12. Giusepe Garibaldi, "Italian George Washington", who was sentenced to death in his homeland and fled first to Latin America and then to the United States.
  13. the most influential of the leaders of the war for the independence of the Spanish colonies.
  14. Alexander Griboedov, diplomat, author of the comedy "Woe from Wit".
  15. A close friend of A. Pushkin, official of the Department of Foreign Affairs Anton Delvig.
  16. Mustafa Kemal Pasha (Ataturk), founder of modern Turkey, politician.
  17. American illusionist Harry Houdini.
  18. Famous zoologist, author of many works on biology Alfred Brehm.
  19. Napoleon Bonaparte and four of his brothers, including Joseph Bonaparte, King of Naples and Spain.
  20. French sculptor Jean Antoine Houdon.
  21. Joseph Rudyard Kipling, English poet and writer, who became the first Englishman to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

The great Austrian composer, author of more than six hundred works, joined the Masonic order in Vienna in 1784. He was initiated into the second degree of the lodge, and soon became a master mason. One of the famous legends says that Mozart in the opera The Magic Flute inadvertently told about the secrets of the Masons, for which he was killed. It is not known how true this is, but to this day Masons treat this work of art with great attention. When the Master's aria from Mozart's The Magic Flute sounds at the Vienna Opera, several dozen listeners in the hall get up from their seats.

One of the leaders of the national liberation movement in Italy and an active fighter for the independence of the republics of South America, already in his youth, was a member of an organization associated with the Freemasons. In Brazil in 1844 he became a member of the Shelter of Valor lodge, then moved to the Friends of the Fatherland in Uruguay. While in the United States, he Giuseppe Garibaldi participated in the work of the Tompkins fraternity.

The English poet and writer became the first Englishman to receive the Alfred Nobel Prize for Literature, having been initiated into the Hope and Perseverance lodge in India two decades earlier. For several years he was a secretary, reached the level of a master, and in the UK he became an influential member of the "Author's Lodge" and one of the founders of the "Builders of the cities of silence" in France.

He was initiated into Freemasonry in 1780, eight years later received a master's degree. Goethe wrote many Masonic hymns and poems. One of the best examples of Masonic literature is considered to be his novels about Wilhelm Meister. Almost until his death, Goethe remained the "intellectual center of the lodge."

List of famous Freemasons of Russia

The Russian Masonic Society has always been associated with the Western one, without being an independent organization. Professor M. Kovalevsky contributed to the active spread of the brotherhood in Russia. Under his leadership, in 1901, the Russian Higher School of Social Sciences was opened in Paris under the guidance of the Cosmos Lodge. The goal (other than educational) is to prepare future participants in the struggle for the "liberation of Russia" in exclusively Masonic traditions. Other famous Masons of Russia:

  1. Alexander Suvorov, one of the first Russian Freemasons, who became a member of a secret brotherhood during the Seven Years' War.
  2. Nikolai Novikov, publisher of the magazines "Purse", "Truten" and "Painter", in which he criticized the courtiers, landowners and judges, joined the lodge "Astrea" in St. Petersburg in 1775.
  3. Commander Mikhail Kutuzov was initiated into the lodge "To the Three Keys" in Bavaria.
  4. the grandson of Peter the Great's batman, the son of the richest landowner, translated the works of radical French enlighteners for the Masonic Lodge.
  5. An aristocrat, philosopher and publicist was admitted to the Freemasons in 1826, received the eighth degree of initiation out of nine possible.
  6. Statesman Mikhail Speransky, son of a parish priest from the Russian hinterland.
  7. Alexander Pushkin, who was literally surrounded by Freemasons (many of his friends, father, uncles were in the secret lodge), but was careless about membership in the fraternity, wrote poetry at meetings.
  8. One of the leaders of the Decembrists, Pavel Pestel, received the fifth degree of education.
  9. A secret diplomat who was an intermediate link between the Masons in Moscow and the heir to the throne, Pavel, Vasily Bazhenov.
  10. Alexander Bestuzhev, participant in the uprising on Senate Square, critic, writer.
  11. Religious painter, outstanding portrait painter Vladimir Borovikovsky, one of the most mystical intellectuals of Alexander's time.
  12. Not proven: Peter the Great may have been a Freemason. There is a version that it was he (together with his associates Patrick Gordon and Franz Lefort) who founded the Russian Lodge.

The famous freemason Kutuzov believed that membership in a serious secret organization could divert his attention from women and wine. He became a member of several lodges, was initiated into the seventh degree, received the original award and his own motto. Kutuzov was buried in the Kazan Cathedral, built some time before this sad event by another famous freemason-architect - A. Voronikhin.

Alexander Pushkin was admitted to the Masonic lodge in 1821, which he wrote about in his diary. The brotherhood gathered in Chisinau, where he was exiled. Soon the box was closed, and before that, Pushkin, who was not an exemplary Freemason, only managed to grow a nail on the thumb of his right hand - a distinctive sign of belonging to a secret society. In 1830, the writer distanced himself from the Freemasons and stopped attending meetings. Some biographers believe that members of the organization took revenge on Pushkin by using Dantes, a member of a lodge abroad, for provocations. There is also a version that during the funeral of Alexander Pushkin, another famous mason, Turgenev, threw a glove into the grave - a sign of brotherhood.

Alexander Radishchev

No one could have thought that the son of a wealthy landowner and the grandson of Peter the Great's batman, having accumulated ideas forbidden by censorship, would begin to propagate them in Russia. But Alexander Radishchev, having gone to study in Leipzig, made friends with the Masons. For five years he was a member of the lodge, translating the works of French enlighteners for Nikolai Novikov, the founder of the lodge of strict obedience in Moscow. In 1790, the well-known freemason Radishchev printed more than six hundred copies of Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Empress Catherine considered the writer "a rebel worse than Pugachev", so he was arrested and imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress. The court sentenced the Mason to death, but the punishment was replaced by exile in Siberia. Then Emperor Pavel returned Alexander Radishchev to Moscow.

Notable modern Freemasons

Are there Masons in the modern world? Well-known Russian Freemasons have invariably influenced historical events, which is why even today it is believed that representatives of the secret brotherhood completely control world politics. But little is known about the representatives of the organization, because they do not seek publicity. A well-known Moscow lawyer, an expert on Freemasonry, claims that today in Moscow alone there are 5-6 lodges, the number of each of which does not exceed several hundred people. By the way, the main Soviet symbol - a five-pointed red star - was taken by the Bolsheviks from the Masons. This is an ancient symbol that is part of the second level of Masonic lodges.

The lists of the most famous Masons of our time were published by the scandalous historian Platonov. He claims that the Masons are Luzhkov, Abramovich, Berezovsky, Gaidar (his involvement in the lodges is officially denied by the Masons themselves), Nemtsov, banker Aven, Kasparov, Khodorkovsky, Govorukhin, human rights activists Alekseeva and Kovalev. It is only known for certain that after the revolution, all Russian lodges moved abroad, but returned to Russia in 1992. The rest of the lists should be treated with a great deal of healthy irony. In fact, it is not possible to reveal the lists of famous Masons of our time.

The word "mason" brings up many associations - the heroes of "War and Peace", secret brotherhoods and rituals, the interests of cynical world elites. However, this is not just a veil of the XIX century - Masonic lodges are as real today as they were then. Moreover, they still influence politics. About whether there are still Masons left and what goals they pursue, the writer, founder of the magazine "Russian House" Yuri Vorobyevsky spoke in the program "Radio Kuzichev".

Freemasonry - anti-religion?

Anatoly Kuzichev: Let's talk about this surprisingly popular and completely incomprehensible and underestimated concept. What is Freemasonry, who are Freemasons?

Yuri Vorobyevsky: You are absolutely right. This is really the antithesis of Orthodoxy. The fact is that we have such a strange system. You say this in the presence of some well-educated, nice, normal priest or someone from the Orthodox audience about this - and immediately your interlocutor has a sore throat that tries to turn into a sarcastic smile, a nervous tic arises, people climb right under the table. And, for example, on Athos, where I often visit, and in Greece - a completely different attitude.
Quite recently, a book by Archimandrite Epiphanius was published in Greece, which we have already translated into Russian, called Freemasonry in the Light of Truth. She speaks of Freemasonry as an anti-religion. Cult, object of worship, a kind of supreme being.

A.K.:Anti-religion or an independent, new religion? Or another religion?

Yu.V.: We can say that yes, it is a different religion. This is precisely a religion with all the signs, as this learned archimandrite points out.

A.K.: So Freemasonry is a religion? New, with other creeds, with a different meaning, apparently. From a different perspective.

Yu.V.: Freemasonry is a religion with a huge number of stolen symbols, including Orthodox ones. For example, the 33rd degree in Freemasonry has a double-headed eagle as its symbol. The 30th degree is the rider who conquers the serpent.

A.K.: What's the degree?

Yu.V.: Hierarchy system.

A.K.: And, the hierarchical system - it is measured in degrees ...

Yu.V.: Moreover, you know, there are places where the entrance is a ruble, and the exit is ten. At the first stages, a person is told that you are entering the sweetest community of brothers. Male order. What's bad? Well, there are a lot of them. And then they start calling...

What masons lure people?

A.K.: Tell me, Yuri Yuryevich, this is very important. Let's say someone comes up to me. The famous freemason Bogdanov, who even ran for the presidency of the Russian Federation. And he will say: "Anatoly Alexandrovich, there is a proposal." I tell him: "Interesting." "Join our ranks." I say: "Whose one of ours?" He says: "Listen, the most ancient order, male."

And I ask: “Well, what’s the point? I understand what my faith, my religion, my Orthodoxy gives me. I understand what my job, full-time, on a TV channel gives me. I'll ask him. What will he answer me, I wonder?

Yu.V.: There is a certain material qualification. If you are rich enough, they will come to you. If they haven't come yet, they will. If you are influential, promising, of course, it can be.

When I became interested in this topic in the early 1990s, I also had a good broadcast, prime time on Channel One. I had copyright programs. And so, using my journalistic opportunities, I ended up in a Moscow apartment. A lovely couple, husband and wife, and in the future, in the near future, he will become the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Russia. She will receive initiation in Paris, in the women's box.

A.K.: Are names allowed or not? Or awkward?

Yu.V.: I think you can already say, because already the former. Georgy Borisovich Dergachev. And his wife, Olga Sergeevna Gornostaeva, who just recently reposed as an Orthodox person, you can pray for her. Thanks to the fact that she understood where she ended up, she handed me her documents, her diaries, which later turned into a book. There is also a movie on the subject. The book is called The Fifth Angel Sounded. Without false modesty, this is probably the only book about modern Freemasonry in Russia and in the world that is documentary.

A.K.: Yuri Yuryevich, but what does Freemasonry offer?

Yu.V.: Freemasonry offers international solidarity links. Every person is offered success.

A.K.: Ah. This is the religion of success. If you say that it is a religion, it is a religion of success.

Yu.V.: Pride is encouraged. If a businessman, they will tell you, and this is actually the case. You come to any major city, take a Masonic directory, dial the phone and say the right words there: "I am brother such and such." And you will be helped. If you, say, a retired lieutenant colonel, did not finish your service, did not become a general. You join a knightly order, a military, one might say, knightly order. And after a certain number of years, you are no longer just a general, you are a Kadosh Knight or someone else. These are such magnificent names in Freemasonry, in fact, they are sometimes funny. Here is the Knight Kadosh - in Hebrew "kadosh" means "holy." Imagine, a person says: "Very nice, I'm a saint." They shake hands with him and say: "And I am the prince of the East, it is very pleasant."


Yu.V.: Nice, but a little funny.

A.K.: Modernism is simple. Now, Yuri Yuryevich, about some famous Russian Freemasons.

About Freemasonry in Russia


Alexander Pushkin. Joined the Freemasons in 1821. But it is unlikely that his attitude to the secret organization can be called serious - among the poet's papers, the account books of the Masonic lodge were found, which he filled with his poems.

Commander Alexander Suvorov was one of the very first Freemasons in St. Petersburg. In the capital's lodge "Three Stars" he reached the degree of Master. And Suvorov brought his passion for the organization of freemasons from Koenigsberg.

"Eternally green laurel" - such a Masonic name was M Ikhail Kutuzov. He had the highest degrees of initiation and participated in the meetings of lodges in St. Petersburg, Frankfurt and Berlin.
The historian and writer Nikolai Karamzin was a member of the Masonic lodge for only four years. However, he stood up for the former brothers during the arrest of members of the order in Moscow.

Philosopher and Decembrist Petr Chaadaev wore the eighth degree of initiation into the order out of nine possible. He was a member of the St. Petersburg lodge, but left it, disappointed in meaningless rituals and empty talk.

Alexander Griboyedov took participation in the order seriously. The goal of the lodge, the writer and diplomat saw the enlightenment of Russia.

Participant in the collapse of the Russian Empire Alexander Kerensky was a member of the leadership of the paramasonic organization "Great East of the peoples of Russia".

A.K.: Indeed, some amazing names. Okay, Kerensky, okay, even Karamzin - but Suvorov, Pushkin, Kutuzov, Griboyedov ...

Yu.V.: Yes, this is the same clip that is prepared, that shoots ... And people of spiritual, ideal motivations. Of course, not all of us are businessmen, and not all of us are pragmatists. There are humanities students, candidates of sciences and aspiring writers. Of course, when a person is told that you are in the same company with Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Karamzin ... Good company, right?

A.K.: Also with Suvorov, Kutuzov, Griboyedov.

Yu.V.: By the way, the Bogdanov you mentioned, as I remember, simply said in his election slogan: "I represent an organization whose members are..." - and their enumeration begins.
As for Suvorov, I had a special investigation - it's all wrong. He was in Koenigsberg when his dad was the governor-general of the new Russian region, let's say. He was simply sent by his father to the box, to probe. And in the Masonic books it remains that he was present at the meeting of the lodge. And off we go.

A.K.: Didn't he become a Master?

Yu.V.: No, as far as I know.

Yu.V.: This, of course, is the desire of the Masons - to rake up everything that is possible for themselves. Although, in fact, there are already a lot of people. Indeed, the 18th-19th centuries are such a craze.

A.K.: What about the craze? Enlightenment, mystery and terrible conspiracies? This is terribly interesting...

Yu.V.: And all at the same time. Everything we are talking about now reminds me of a plot from the life of Macarius the Great. He is walking in the desert and he meets the devil. The devil is all hung with some kind of bubbles. The saint asks the devil: "Where are you going?" - "I'm going to the brethren." - "And what are you carrying?" - "For every taste".

For every taste. Indeed, the order has a very long experience, centuries-old. Therefore, for every taste. A retired officer, a promising businessman.

And it does influence. Once I came to Athos, to my good old friend, hieroschemamonk, who was our intelligence agent in Afghanistan, then he was a big businessman, he had factories abroad. Now he, in a shabby cassock, in sandals on his bare feet, says: "Listen, bring me your book about Masons." I answer him: "Father, why do you need this "Fifth Angel" here on Athos?" - “Yes, you know,” he says, “I still have businessmen friends in Bulgaria. When they became rich, they came to them and said: “Guys, do you understand what we are? We are international solidarity, business." "Well, yes, we'll think about it," they answered. They thought somehow sluggishly. Six months pass, they come again, they say: "Guys, you probably didn't understand our conversation. Bulgaria is a very small country. And cut off your oxygen, using international…” And the guys start to get nervous, they say: “How is it, we are still Orthodox people…” - “Ah, that. Yes you! We will introduce you to both priests and bishops.” Bluff? I won’t comment on this moment now.

A.K.: No, you comment, this is fundamentally important, in fact. Your version: bluff?

Yu.V.: You know, Comrade Brzezinski called Russian Orthodoxy the main enemy of America. Remember this quote?

A.K.: Yes, we remember.

Yu.V.: Speaking in terms of war, "the main enemy." Agents are sent into the camp of the enemy.

A.K.: Always.

Yu.V.: So I was at first shocked by his words. Bluff, no bluff? Then I thought: well ... It's unpleasant to go into this topic, to be honest. But I brought him this book. Because these guys are confused, all the cards are knocked out of their hands.

This archimandrite, he wrote: "Look what happens in these rituals. At a certain stage of the initiation there some master of ceremonies says when they knock on the box: "Who are you, what do you want?" - We are the children of Darkness, we want to enter and receive Light". Imagine if these are Orthodox baptized people!

Does the secret come out?

A.K.: In general, Masonic lodges are secret organizations?

Yu.V.: You know, as the Freemasons themselves say, this is not a secret organization, it is an organization that has secrets.

A.K.: Is there a reference book of Russian Freemasons? View by name...

Yu.V.: Yes, you know, there is Serkov's handbook.

A.K.: G where to find it?

Yu.V.: Well, I think the circulation has passed.

A.K.: And on the Internet, you think?

Yu.V.: Probably you can.

A.K.:Directory of Russian Freemasons. But modern ones are mostly not indicated.

Yu.V.: But we know many, they have already given interviews.

A.K.: For example? Except Bogdanov.

Yu.V.: Dergachev, for example. Earlier, when Dergachev was the Grand Master, he said: "Only, please, in no case should my name be mentioned anywhere, this is not accepted with us." Now, apparently, things are getting easier. They ask another question. Names of famous politicians. They say to me: "Listen, you are there with the 33rd sign ..."

A.K.: I’ve been carefully and for a very long time summing up to this ...

Yu.V.: When they begin to call names, I say: "My friends, if I cannot show the document, what can I say." But I do know one thing. That back in the early 1990s, in the system of the Scottish rite (a powerful world Masonic rite), the Aurora lodge was created in Moscow for English-speaking foreigners working here. Then, as far as I know, some Russian VIPs, recognizable people, began to enter this box.

A.K.: AND from the Russian media elite, you hint...

Yu.V.: No, from the most diverse Russian elite, including the political one.
But there is another point. The fact is that in the Russian tradition, it is still not customary for a serious famous person to talk about this, in contrast to the American tradition. Everyone knows that Washington, the founder of the United States, was a Freemason. Great doer.

A.K.: We even know what architectural design Washington was built on. Don't know this story? Fantastically interesting story.

Yu.V.: Yes Yes. Masonic architecture.

Here in Russia they hide information about the Aurora Lodge...

A.K.: Why?

Yu.V.: Yes, painfully unpleasant historical things. See. "The golden age" of Catherine, the "golden age" of freemasonry. Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov and his company were arrested at the very moment when Catherine realized that the craze was intensifying, and a huge number of nobles close to her, the military and not only, it turns out, swear allegiance not only to her, the Empress, but also to that Grand Master, which is located in Prussia. In Prussia, with which terrible relations, it almost came to war. In modern terms, it smacks of high treason. The first wave of anti-Masonic state acts.
The second peak moment is the gentlemen of the Decembrists. Everyone had connections with some Masonic, para-Masonic organizations, almost everyone.

A.K.: Pyotr Chaadaev was remembered, for example ...

Yu.V.: And most importantly, where all the threads led. The threads led, in particular, to Italy. Such was the initiatory name of Nubia, a very famous Mason. Everything went from there. From the Grand Lodge of England, of course.

Well, the February Revolution. The remarkable Orthodox publicist, Archbishop Nikon Rozhdestvensky, wrote a lot about the dangers of freemasonry before the revolution. And once he wrote: “One well-known bishop came up to me and said: “Vladyka, well, why are you writing all about these Masons? Who saw them at all, where are they? And do they exist at all?" These questions are also often asked to me.

And now several years have passed after this conversation - and suddenly the Provisional Government, where 99 percent are mythical, non-existent Freemasons, gets power in a vast country.

A.K.: D but, led by a very specific Freemason Alexander Kerensky.

Yu.A.: And Nikon Rozhdestvensky was not just killed - he was cut off his head. And this is a ritual Masonic moment.

Masonic symbols

Reference: Symbols around. Columns. A gate for the initiate and an exit to the light for the seeker.

Columns of the Jerusalem Temple. The symbolic columns are reminiscent of obelisks inscribed with hieroglyphs that towered in front of Egyptian temples.

Steps. Steps can be depicted between the columns of the temple, which symbolize trials and purification by the elements upon receiving Masonic initiation.

Mosaic floor. The columns are followed by a mosaic floor with alternating white and black cells in a checkerboard pattern. The symbolism of alternation suggests that in the realm of our feelings everything is balanced with strict precision.

Cutter and hammer. To implement his work, the student is given tools - a chisel representing the established thought, a decision made, and a hammer - the will that puts them into action.

Stone. A rough stone is placed next to one column, and a cubic stone on the other. Symbolically, the Masonic work is to improve the creations of nature by hewing a rough stone.

Hammer of the Venerable Master. The hammer is used by the venerable Master of the lodge, the first guardian of the lodge and the second guardian of the lodge when performing ritual work.

Plumb. Used by masons to check the verticality of walls. For the Mason, the plumb line is a symbol of truth. Truth not as an abstract logical concept, but truth as the rightness of words and deeds before God and society. The level is used by masons to check the horizontalness of surfaces. Used by freemasons as a symbol of equality between people.

Compass and square. In this emblem, the compass depicts the vault of heaven, and the square - the earth. The compass, combined with a square, is perhaps the most common of all Masonic emblems, symbols and signs.

Book of the Sacred Law. One of the three main lights of free masons. This is the main book of the religion professed by the brothers present in the meeting of the lodge. The radiant delta is the most important symbol of the Masonic temple.

All-seeing eye. A triangle with an eye placed inside it, a sign of enlightenment or the principle of consciousness.

A.K.: From the enumeration of symbols, many more questions immediately arise than understanding.

Yu.V.: The topic is interesting.

A.K.: We immediately recall the coat of arms of the GDR.

Yu.V.: Yes, hammer.

A.K.: Hammer. With this one, what is it called...

A.K.: And then we remember the dollar with this shining eye in the triangle. And then ... Whatever we remember. And we think: "Oh my God."

Yu.V.: And you know, each of these symbols, offhand, has the most important meaning for our today's conversation. Look, these two pillars, Jachin and Boaz, are at the entrance to the temple.
In addition, it is an ancient Gnostic sign of the equivalence of good and evil. If good and evil are equal, then there is no Truth, Truth with a capital letter. If this is so, then there are no, in fact, criteria of morality, ethics. And there is a purely Masonic theme in this regard called "ethics in time." What was unethical yesterday is ethical today.
We now already know about euthanasia for a child in Belgium. The so-called Overton windows.

A.K.: What was unacceptable suddenly becomes acceptable at first, and then mainstream.

Yu.V.: Purely Masonic, by the way, the topic.

A.K.: Yes? How interesting, listen. But still: all these signs and symbols, either on the coat of arms of the GDR, or on the dollar sign - is it all an accident?

Yu.V.: Well, sorry, Freemasonry just created the United States of America.

A.K.: And then? Disappeared from the base?

Yu.V.: And now, of course, the most influential. Although sometimes they say: "Well, Freemasonry was popular in the 19th century, now it's already a museum ..."

How many Masons and where are they?

A.K.: So, Masons are among us, there are many of them. Another thing is that they mostly do not appear ...

Yu.V.: A little.

A.K.: A little? How do you rate their numbers?

Yu.V.: Well, I think that in Russia there are several hundred Freemasons of the regular rite, that is, correct Masons.

A.K.: But on the other hand, these are all people, if I understand their logic correctly, of the highest echelon.

Yu.V.: Not all, of course, not all. If we talk about America, then this is a Masonic state.

Why, indeed, wherever America appears, war, revolution, chaos begin everywhere.

There is a purely Masonic formula - it is, in fact, at the head of all documents, as we wrote earlier: "Proletarians of all countries, unite!" And it says: "Order out of chaos." That is, it is necessary first to create chaos so that the tormented peoples they said to the world: yes, how much is possible, wars, revolutions and everything else, immorality.

A.K.: And here I am - all in white ...

Yu.V.: Yes, and then someone comes out - all in white. In the language of Orthodox eschatology, we know who it is.

A.K.: Yes, listen, how interesting.

Yu.V.: And the project is Masonic. Devilish, of course.

A.K.: On the one hand, the conclusion is very simple, just shockingly simple. Yes, indeed, there is such a structure, like many others. Really powerful - many people join it, following the lead of their own pride, the religion of success. Moreover, they deliver what they promise. Like any deal with this power, it is successful at a certain stage. But for you and me, it's terrible. This is Satanism and devilry - that's all.

Yu.V.: Quite right. We talked about change. About betraying your state. About betraying God. About the betrayal of human nature itself. I appeal to our Orthodox patriotic audience. I would like to say: my friends, with God's help, we will remain faithful.

A.K.:It's better not to say. I will thank, of course, Yuri Yuryevich, the author of the book "The Fifth Angel Has Trumped"? And a postscript about the dollar...


let's look at the dollar.

Let's start with its front side: we immediately pay attention to the coat of arms of the US Department of the Treasury.

Then we move to the number 1 at the top right. From behind the inner upper left corner of the shield, an owl peeks out behind the number - a symbol of the satanic Bohemian club, registered in the Bohemian grove.

Next, we see a pyramid, on top of which is the all-seeing eye, at the base of the pyramid are the same Roman numerals. We add them up - and we get the number 666. Under the pyramid is the slogan: "Novus Ordo Seclorum". Literally means "New Order of the Ages". But it is more correct, especially today, - the "New World Order", about which the elites of the world so often speak.

Let's draw the pyramid to the Jewish star. The angles point to the letters, forming the word "mason". Above the pyramid we see "Annuit Coeptis" - "He contributed to our undertakings", or "Start Time". "He" is the architect (eye). According to other sources, it translates as "God blesses our deeds."

13 leaves on an olive branch in an eagle's paw. 13 olives per branch. 13 lines and stripes. 13 arrows in the paw of an eagle. 13 five-pointed stars above the eagle's head. 13 letters in "E Pluribrus Unum". 13 stones in a pyramid. 13 letters in "Annuit Coeptis". In the center of the bill is a large letter N - the 13th in a row in the ancient Greek alphabet. 13 is the mystical number of Satan.

Fold the dollar in half. Here is the great double-sided seal of the United States. Priests on one side, Freemasons on the other.

Here is such an interesting gang, and the goal of this gang is simple - to make us a worldwide cosmopolitan herd without clan and tribe. The goal of the Freemasons is written on a ribbon in the eagle's beak on the right. Of course, this Latin is translated in such a way that the people are not afraid: "Unity in diversity." But in fact - "One people out of many." And the width of the dollar, by the way, is 66.6 millimeters.