How to write emoticons on Instagram. How to put emoticons on Instagram

16.08.2023 Documentation

One of the current issues regarding Instagram today is the installation and use of emoticons on Instagram, as well as how to put them in comments and profiles.

Emoticons for Instagram

This is done using a special application. Installing it is not difficult, and it is a pleasure to use.

Emoticons act as a second or, more correctly, a new language for smartphone users, so don’t rush and install the first application you come across, but rather choose the most interesting one for yourself.

Many people prefer an application called "Emoji free" which is complete and completely free. But besides it, there are many other equally interesting applications.

How to put an emoticon on Instagram?

How to put an emoticon on Instagram

  • First of all, find and download the application. Which one, of course, is up to you to decide
  • Install it. At this point you will notice that it is installed as an additional language for the phone
  • If problems arise during installation, you will have to initialize the iPhone again
  • Emoticons can be used in comments, photo descriptions and on your profile. By the way, you cannot use them in the account name itself. This is only allowed for description
  • Using emoticons is also useful when chatting with people from different countries. Especially if you have little or no command of their language

It is worth saying that for iPhone 5, 5S, 6 and more, there is no need to download a keyboard with smiling faces. You can add a keyboard through the main settings - “Keyboard” - International keyboards.

How to install emoticons on Android?

Installing emoticons on Android

For phones with the Android system, the situation is no more complicated than with Apple products. To download, go to Google Play and find the desired application in the search.

To use the keyboard on Android, go to the languages ​​and input settings, and check the box next to the keyboard to make it work.

Video: #INSTAGRAM - How to write emoticons?

Unfortunately, Android does not have a special keyboard that will help you add funny faces. In this article you will learn how to install them on your phone and launch bright emoticons in the Instagram application. You can put them in any comments and use them in dialogues.

Additional keyboards

First, let's look at the most popular keyboards that can be installed on Android. To do this, go to Google Play and start looking for the following options:

  1. Emojidom. Provides emoticons in HD quality.
  2. Emoji Keyboard. The most popular keyboard.
  3. Go Keyboard. The same alternative option for Android.
  4. Kika Emoji Pro. Large selection of emoticons for every taste.

Note that all of these keyboards are installed on your phone absolutely free of charge. Simply find the application you need, click “Download” and then “Install”. These couple of clicks will take you literally two minutes. And very soon you will be able to put emoticons on Instagram.

Launching the Go Keyboard emoji keyboard

This application is considered the most popular and convenient for Android. Once we have downloaded and installed this keyboard, you can try to enable it on your phone.

How to download and install Kika Emoji Pro

This keyboard has become a real success among Android users. There is a huge selection of emoticons for every taste, they are bright and interesting. Moreover, this application is suitable for almost all versions of Android.

Once the application is downloaded, you need to click on the “Open” button. You will be immediately prompted to activate the keyboard for your phone. Here you will not need to go into the settings and try to set something manually. Just in the program window that opens, you will need to click on “Ok”, and the keyboard will start on its own.

Now all that remains is to go to Instagram and check the keyboard’s operation. You'll have to try writing a private message. You will immediately see a keyboard and a huge selection of emoticons. There will be not only different emotions, but also icons, drawings, and figures. You select the image you like and click on it. It will immediately appear in the body of the message before it is sent. So you can see how harmoniously the smiley fits into the text, and only then send it.

How to install any other emoji keyboard

Let's say you didn't like any of our options and you found another, unique and colorful keyboard with faces. We will also help you install it and use it for communication on Instagram.

When might problems arise?

Sometimes, even if you follow all the steps correctly, you still can’t add emoticons on Instagram. There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. Your version of Android may not be compatible with this or that program. To do this, you need not to give up, but try to download another application. You can even read on the forum which keyboards with emoticons are suitable for your Android. Then you can achieve a successful result faster.
  2. The app itself may not be working properly. If it was downloaded from an unverified site, then most likely it will not work or, even worse, contains viruses. It is better to remove such a keyboard immediately.
  3. Emojis may not be displayed if they are blocked by some third-party application on your phone. Perhaps this is a powerful antivirus program that is suspicious of the new keyboard. If you are confident in the quality of the application, temporarily disable your antivirus program and try running emoticons again.
  4. Before downloading the program, read other people's reviews. They often say whether the keyboard with emoticons is suitable for certain versions of Android. Users can also write their experiences and tell if they had any errors or problems with installation and operation. Perhaps it is from such reviews that you will find the answer to why emoticons are not displayed.

Instagram developers did not take into account in the client interface the ability to express emotions with emoticons, which have long become a kind of language of communication. However, third-party programs make up for the gap and allow you to express your feelings with funny pictures.

Go Keyboard

Installation and configuration

This free program replaces the phone's built-in keyboard with its own, with the ability not only to add emoticons, but also to choose a beautiful theme. You can also add additional input languages.

Go to Play Market and enter “Emoji Keyboard” in the search bar. Select the application of the same name from the list and tap “Install” on its page. Accept the requested permissions.

Once Go Keyboard is installed, click Open or launch the program from the desktop icon. Tap “Ok” in the information message box, assuring that the application will not collect information about you.

Select "Tick Go Keyboard". Click "Ok" again on the warning message. Check "Go Keyboard 2015" and click the gear icon to return to settings.

The second step is to switch to the installed keyboard. Select "Go Keyboard 2015" - it will be used by default.

Finally, click on the “Language” button to select any of the offered languages. Check the boxes and click “Ok”.

Using emoticons

Log in to Instagram using your login details. Open any post and tap Add Comment. Click on the smiley face icon. Choose any face by scrolling down the list.

Post a mini-image from the sections marked with colorless icons on the scroll bar. You can also select a traditional emoji from the symbols in the bottom menu on the right. Click on the arrow to insert an emoticon or picture.

Possible problems: On some devices, the system may freeze after deleting the application. Wait a while and then press and hold the power button until the device turns on.

Choosing themes for Go Keyboard

You can replace the faceless Go Keyboard with a beautiful one. To do this, you need to select and install a theme. Click on the shirt icon in the application interface. You will be taken to the Themes page.

Select the design you like and tap its thumbnail. Click "Get Free". You will be redirected to Play Market. Tap Install and accept the permissions. Open the application.

After analyzing compatibility with the device, an advertising window will appear. Close it and click "Set Active". In the installed themes section, tap new.

Exit Play Market and go to Instagram. When you open a comment, you will see a beautiful keyboard design that is pleasant to use. You can download new themes from Go Keyboard when you get tired of the old one.

Go Keyboard Settings

Click on the Go icon and select Settings. Here you can change fonts and input sounds, add new languages, specify the keyboard height, and much more. Customize Go Keyboard to your liking for the most comfortable experience.

Note: On some devices, emoticons are displayed in black and white instead of color, or squares appear instead. In this case, search for “Emoji” in the Play Market and install another similar program.

Owners of iPhone version 3.0 and higher may have the Emoji keyboard pre-installed. To activate it, go to settings: “General” – “Keyboard” – “International keyboards” – “New”. Connect Emoji and it will appear in active layouts.

Lucky - their devices support the display of emoticons in all applications, including Instagram. You can also insert emoticons into your messages directly through the standard keyboard. To do this, you do not have to download additional utilities from the application store.

Owners of smartphones running the Android operating system must first perform some operations to install additional applications. In this article you will learn how to add and place emoticons on Instagram on Android.

Why don't standard emoticons work?

You might be wondering why the built-in emojis in the Android keyboard cannot be used in the Instagram app. It allows you to use them in SMS messages, in the VKontakte application and many others, but the photo service does not provide such a function. However, don't despair. By installing just one program, you can add an emoji function to the standard keyboard. This is exactly what we will tell you about next.

Where to download emoticons on Instagram on Android?

It is worth noting that there is no separate software created specifically for the Instagram application. You need to download one of the proposed options on the Play Market to your device:

  • Go KeyBoard;
  • Emoji Keyboard;
  • CrazyCorn;
  • Smileys and icons HD.

You can also choose less popular options - they are all practically no different from each other. Let's look at how to install and put emoticons on Instagram on Android in more detail.

Installation instructions

Go to the Play Market service and follow the instructions provided:

  • In the search bar, enter one of the names listed above. You can also simply write the word “emoji” and choose the keyboard option you like;
  • Open the program page and click the “Install” button;
  • For the software to work correctly, set the keyboard and output method to standard in the phone settings;
  • Now you will have more than 800 emoticons of different themes at your disposal!

How to put an emoticon on Instagram on Android?

Open the Instagram app on Android and go to the field to write a comment or describe the post. A new panel with keys will open in front of you. In addition to the standard layout, there is a face at the top. Click once on it. You will see a huge selection of icons:

  • Standard yellow faces;
  • Flags of various countries;
  • Letters and signs.

By switching in the top horizontal menu, you choose between emoticons, GIFs, stickers and more. The program is constantly updated, as can be seen from the offers to download new sets of stickers or GIFs.

Now you know how to make and write emoticons on Instagram on Android. This article describes an example of installing and using the most popular software called Go KeyBoard. The process of installing and using other keyboard utilities is no different from that described in the article.

On social networks, expressing your emotions using special characters has become a trend. “Emojis” have long been the universal language of communication for most Instagram users. Often, one emoticon can replace an entire sentence or text. Despite this popularity, the app developers did not take into account the needs of their community members to add mood icons to a post or comment. However, there is such an opportunity, and further we will tell you how to put emoticons on Instagram and where to get these pictures.

Why don't standard emoticons work?

As noted above, the function of adding emoticons on Instagram (as well as the “bank” of symbolic icons itself) is not provided. In addition, the operating system itself imposes quite serious restrictions on the use of emoticons. There are two ways out:

  • to express emotions and mood, use symbolic pictures, the family of which, by the way, has grown to incredible sizes.
  • install a special application that will subsequently allow you to easily use almost any emoticons for Instagram.

There are a huge number of such applications on the market, and below we will give detailed instructions on how to install and use one of them.

How to set and insert special characters?

All symbolic emoticons can be divided into several categories:

  • Classic ones are created using a combination of colons, brackets, and punctuation marks. For example, 🙂 – smile; 😀 – laughter; 🙁 – sadness; etc.;
  • Icons from Unicode symbols. PC owners can easily create pictures themselves using characters from the Unicode table;

  • Asian ones are a type of classic emoticons, but made in a vertical display in relation to the text. For example: (=^.^=);
  • Mathematical emoticons are formed from fragments of mathematical formulas. Quite specific and not very common icons among ordinary Insta users, but very popular pictures among representatives of science, etc.

Developers of applications for mobile devices keep up with the times and offer a lot of utilities with the Unicode character table. The “Symbols” utility is very popular among owners of Apple devices, which can be downloaded from the link. This program is a kind of draft for notes with a virtual keyboard. The utility allows you to enter Unicode icons in most popular social networks, use symbols in SMS and everywhere in iOS.

For gadgets on the Android OS there is a good Unicode application - Character encoding. The operating principle of the utilities is simple: find the desired symbol, copy it to the clipboard, and paste it into the text field.

How to put emoticons on Instagram?

Today, communication using the graphic language Emoji, which came from Japan, is more popular. Emoji emoticons are used in most operating systems. For ease of use, software developers have compiled them into separate software, which you need to download and install on your smartphone from the application store for your platform.

There are two main options for using Emoji on Instagram:

  1. Using a special application.
  2. By inserting a special code tied to a specific image.

To correctly insert the emoji code into the Instagram text field you need to:

  • select the image you like;
  • copy the alphanumeric code to the clipboard;
  • paste into the required location in the text entry field.

Where can I get Emoji codes? You can download picture codes from the pages of our portal. For example, a large list of pictures and instructions for installing them are posted in another.

Why don't the installed emoticons work?

Sometimes users encounter the problem that codes are not displayed as Emoji pictures. If the smiley is not displayed or is displayed incorrectly, you should do the following:

  • try refreshing the page several times;
  • you have an old version of Insta that needs to be updated;
  • This emoticon simply does not work on your device.

And don’t forget that each code must be enclosed in “;” symbols, otherwise. The picture will not be displayed.

Where to download emoticons on Instagram on Android?

Insta developers did not bother to create special software for Android devices. That is why you need to search for and download the necessary programs in the Play Market application store. Today, among the most popular utilities (and, by and large, keyboards that replace the standard one with their own) are:

  • Go KeyBoard;
  • Emoji Keyboard.

You can also select other options by typing the word emoji in the Play Market search bar. Let's look at how to add emoticons to Instagram after installing the Go KeyBoard program

How to put emoticons on Instagram? In fact, everything is quite prosaic: in order to place an emoticon on Insta on a device running Android OS, you need to:

  • Open Instagram on your smartphone (tablet).
  • Go to a text field, for example to add a comment.
  • At the top of the new keyboard panel, click on the icon with the image of a funny face.
  • To add an emoticon, click on the selected picture.

How to put emoticons on Instagram on iPhone and iPad?

Note! Owners of iOS mobile devices do not need to install additional applications with the Emoji function. You just need to add the Emoji keyboard to Settings.

To enable Emoji on iPhone you need:

  • open the settings section and go to the “Basic” tab;

  • go to the “Keyboard” subsection and open the “Keyboards” item.

To add a keyboard to Emoji, you need to tap on the “new keyboards” item and select Emoji from the list.

Now, to add a graphic emoticon, you just need to change the keyboard layout. This is done by long touching the globe icon. Next, the system will offer an additional menu in which you need to select Emoji.

In order to insert an Emoji into the text, you need to tap on the selected picture. We should not forget that all emoticons are divided into categories, the sections of which are located in the bottom line of the window with icons.

Put emoticons on PC

You won’t be able to use graphic images in the web version of Insta, as you can, for example, on a smartphone. The easiest option is to copy the icon you like to the clipboard and paste it into the text field. Where are such emoticons located - on the pages of online services, for example This resource provides a huge number of pictures from various thematic categories.

As a conclusion

In this publication, we told you how to put emoticons on Instagram, where to get them and how to add them correctly to the text. Emoticons are a very interesting way to express your feelings and emotions. Beautifully designed text attracts the attention of existing social network users. And proven online integrated promotion services will help you attract new followers to your page: , . We hope that this publication helped you understand the use of emoticons and their application on Instagram.