Besprozvannykh Alexey Sergeevich Ministry of Industry and Trade biography. Voronezh Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Besprozvannykh is urgently leaving for a promotion

11.07.2019 Career and Work

Former Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Voronezh Region Alexey Besprozvannykh, who about 1.5 years ago went to work at the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, received a new post - Deputy Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. This was reported by the press service of the ministry on Friday, November 24.

The order on the appointment of Alexey Besprozvannykh was signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on November 22.

Let us note that the new deputy minister has been working in the structure of the Ministry of Industry and Trade since mid-May 2016: until recently, he headed the department of regional industrial policy and project management of the ministry. His supervision included industrial development projects in the North Caucasus, Crimean and Far Eastern federal districts, as well as in the Kaliningrad region and Karelia. Before moving to Moscow, Alexey Besprozvannykh held a high position in the structure executive power Voronezh region: in the position of Deputy Prime Minister of the regional government, to which he was appointed in June 2013, the manager oversaw the areas of industry, transport and roads, entrepreneurship and trade, as well as communications and mass communications.

Alexey Besprozvannykh was born in 1979 in Leninogorsk (Kazakhstan). In 2002, he graduated with honors from the Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunov with a degree in Technology, Equipment and Automation of Mechanical Engineering Production, received a Master's degree in Engineering and Technology. In the same year, he received a diploma from the same university with a degree in Economics and Management at a Mechanical Engineering Enterprise. In 2009-2010 The manager completed the Executive MBA program at Skolkovo.

Alexey Besprozvannykh comes from the structures of AFK Sistema - the MTS company. In 2003, he headed the subscriber equipment sector at MTS-Barnaul CJSC. Then, for two years, from 2004-2005, he worked as the head of the regional management department of the MTS OJSC branch of the Siberia macroregion. Later, the manager became director for work with key clients, and in 2008 took the post of commercial director for work with the business market of MTS OJSC in the Siberia macroregion. From 2009 to 2012 worked in Voronezh - headed the branch of MTS OJSC in the region.

Let us note that Alexey Besprozvannykh is included in the reserve of management personnel under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. By the way, the mayor of Voronezh, Alexander Gusev, is on the same list - he has not left the list of “reservists” since December 2014, when such a document was drawn up for the first time. True, while his “neighbors” on the list are achieving ever new career heights, the head of the capital of the Black Earth Region remains in his post. However, there is less than a year left before the planned expiration of the mayor’s term of office - you see, by then a place in the same Ministry of Industry and Trade will become vacant...

Voronezh. 05/12/2016. website - Exclusive - For the first time in a long time, a Voronezh official was invited to Russian government: Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Voronezh Region Alexey Besprozvannykh has been appointed Director of the Department of Regional Industrial Policy of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia. Considering the ambitions of the young official, it is unlikely that there is no serious prospect there. When analyzing the results of the work of the Besprozvannaya departments supervised, it becomes clear why he was invited to Moscow. Voronezh officials learned to work correctly with the federal center and state corporations, which significantly increased subsidies and orders - up to 30 billion rubles in 2015. And all the projects started were implemented and completed, which doesn’t happen often. Abirega journalists tried to analyze the successes and failures of Alexey Besprozvannykh’s work over four years.

Landmark results

The most significant results of the industry under the supervision of Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Besprozvannykh can be considered the annual growth of industrial indicators, the reconstruction of the Voronezh airport, the renewal of almost a third of the passenger rolling stock, as well as the supervision of the governor’s project for the construction of a new tourist attraction in Voronezh - the Goto Predestination museum ship. .

It is interesting that, despite the fact that Alexey Besprozvannykh’s work occurred during the crisis years, the index of industrial production grew every year in the Voronezh region. From 2012 (when the Voronezh region became the first in Russia in terms of growth in the industrial production index) to 2015, the region’s industrial production increased 1.5 times.

Let us recall that the old owner of the airport is the recently bankrupt Polet company, which itself did not develop the airport and prevented others from doing so, blocking the arrival of Boeing-737 class vessels in Voronezh, which significantly reduce the cost of air travel. Over the course of several years, the airport was completely reconstructed, and it was also possible to restore the control tracks to accommodate “large” aircraft. Investments in the development of the airport exceeded 1.5 billion rubles.

The museum ship "Goto Predestination" ("God's Providence") has become one of the main attractions of Voronezh. It is interesting both outside and inside. It’s a pity that the ship does not sail on the Voronezh Sea, which it is capable of. This is due to siltation in the reservoir. Alexey Besprozvannykh coordinated the work on the construction of a copy of the ship.


Voronezh officials took advantage of the situation in which everyone federal ministries results on import substitution were required, and state corporations needed these import substitutions like air due to sanctions. As a result, officials managed to organize work in such a way that Voronezh business, through the oil and gas cluster, received orders from Gazprom and Rosneft worth 20 billion rubles, and subsidies and other types of support and assistance from federal center in 2015 exceeded 11.5 billion rubles, which is four times higher than last year’s figures.

The largest projects supported by the federal authorities in the Voronezh region were the production of high-strength pipes at Liskimontazhkonstruktsiya CJSC (preferential lending for 1.4 billion rubles), the project for the construction of a procurement workshop at Gribanovsky Machine-Building Plant LLC and the construction of a flexible packaging production plant at LLC "Delta Pack".

As noted at the meeting, also with the support of the Industrial Development Fund in the Voronezh Region, projects are being implemented at Voronezhselmash (production of equipment for the production of animal feed, seed plants, a preferential loan of 500 million rubles) and LLC FPK Kosmos-Neft-Gaz (production of valves -control valves, a target loan of 120 million rubles was received).

In addition, with the participation of the Deputy Prime Minister, the Voronezh Center for Additive Technologies became the largest in the country and launched the production of 3D printers.

Among the significant successes is the solution to the long-term problem of the Semiluksky Refractory Plant. An ambitious woman came to the site Russian company Nika PetroTech, which built a new production facility worth 6.5 billion rubles to produce innovative refractories - proppants.

What did Mr. Besprozvannykh fail to do? The problem of long-term bankruptcy at the site of the Prominvest industrial park has not been resolved. Participants in the furniture cluster were not as successful as oil and gas workers.

Transport and communications

If you do not take the airport and air traffic, then the Voronezh region is one of the few regions of Russia where it was possible to preserve all routes of suburban railway traffic (about 100 routes) and the volume of transport work (about 10 million car-kilometers).

In the development of transport support, a team of officials managed to take an active part in the program of preferential supply of public transport using gas engine fuel. All this, together with the stimulation of the Voronezh city authorities to manage the route business, made it possible to update the rolling stock both in the city and in the region by 30%. The average age of the passenger vehicle fleet has decreased from 11 years to 6-7.

Between this and then

It’s probably not worth telling that a safe city system was deployed in Voronezh - “System-112”, the number of multifunctional centers was equal to the number of districts of the city and region, and in terms of the quality of work, Voronezh MFCs entered the top five in Russia.

As an elective, Alexey Besprozvannykh headed the regional hockey federation. Funding for the federation from budget sources was systematically declining, so it was possible to organize funding through sponsorship. Not everything, of course, was completely successful, but it was possible to keep Voronezh Buran in the major hockey league.

Director of HC “Buran” Sergei Tkachev, in a conversation with “Abireg”, expressed gratitude to the head of the regional hockey federation Alexey Besprozvannykh for the fact that “Buran” exists and has a future. “It was a bold move on his part to leave the team in the big leagues with so much debt. And look what happened: many teams withdrew from the championship due to problems with financing, while “Buran” stayed to play and performed well on the ice,” noted the director of the main hockey club in Voronezh.

Colleagues and industrialists

Businessmen and heads of industrial associations interviewed by Abireg responded very positively to working with Alexey Besprozvannykh.

So, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Cosmos-Oil-Gas Ivan Lachugin believes that Alexey Sergeevich united the work not only of enterprises of the oil and gas complex of the Voronezh region, but also in many other areas - communications, aviation and others. “And being all together in an industry cluster makes it easier to work in the market. He did a lot for our enterprise - Cosmos-Oil-Gas. Thanks to his assistance, we are promoting the scientific developments of our Voronezh State University. With his direct participation, we received assistance for development and the purchase of equipment worth several tens of millions of rubles. As deputy chairman of the regional government, he received great experience communication with representatives of Voronezh industry. I hope he will not forget the Voronezh region in the future. And it will help ensure that investments continue to flow into our region. An excellent shot for the ministry. Good luck to him in his new position!” - the businessman emphasized.

President of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Voronezh Region Alexander Andreev notes that Alexey Besprozvannykh has proven himself to be an effective manager, successfully resolving issues in the area of ​​improving the business climate in the region, attracting investment and creating new production facilities. According to Mr. Andreev, professional experience Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Voronezh Region will allow him to successfully solve the problems and tasks of the long-term development of the industrial complex on a national scale.

I agree with this assumption and President of the Union "Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Voronezh Region" Yuri Goncharov: “Alexey Besprozvannykh is certainly an active person. Working in the governor’s team since 2012, he has done a lot for the development of the region in the areas he oversees. I think that if promoted, Alexey Besprozvannykh will also be useful in the federal government.”

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Sodeistvie group Oleg Malyshev adds that the Besprozvanny have the ability to think strategically and tactically correctly set priorities, in resolving issues, quickly identify the essence and the right path to achieve the chosen goals. Which, of course, in interaction with him, captivates and allows him to fill the position that arises in power as a leader of change.

“A sufficient outlook, a wide range of management styles and behaviors, and communication styles allow him to act as an integrator in the development of common solutions and approaches. He has strategic thinking, which is simply necessary for a person at the level he occupied. And high learning ability, of course! He has above average learning ability. The man has revealed some of the potential in the Voronezh region, and the fact that he is moving on is great,” he noted.

The top manager of Nika PetroTech emphasized the official’s high efficiency and desire to work and take responsibility. The Ministry of Industry and Trade is updating its team and has the opportunity to implement ambitious tasks.

Call of the Uncalled

In a short conversation with Abireg, Alexey Besprozvannykh said that in his new position he would try to help the Voronezh region in the future. There are ideas on how to attract new funding to the region.

“Our team managed to achieve good results thanks to the active participation of Governor Alexei Gordeev. He has high authority and respect in the federal authorities, which helped us solve our problems easier. Alexey Gordeev sets ambitious goals and suggests how to implement them correctly. I thank the governor for inviting me to join my team, I learned a lot from him,” said Alesey Besprozvannykh.

Alexey Sergeevich Besprozvannykh (born 1979), former Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Voronezh Region, became Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade on November 22, 2017. The corresponding order No. 2584-r was signed by Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev. Immediately before his appointment, from May 2017, he served as director of a department of the Ministry.

As director of the department of regional industrial policy of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Alexey Besprozvannykh was involved in five regions: Crimea, North Caucasus, Far Eastern Federal District, Karelia and Kaliningrad region. Here he developed and supervised the development of industrial regimes: clusters, industrial parks and technology parks.

The new Deputy Minister of Industry was born in Kazakhstan, the first higher education in the field of engineering and technology received from Altai State University named after I.I. Polzunov, second – business – Executive MBA in Skolkovo. Before joining the government of the Voronezh region, he worked in business (MTS OJSC).

In the regional government he was remembered for his active work and the fact that. Given the needs of the digital economy, this should come in handy. He talks about himself: “My bad habit is good Czech beer. Taboo is a lie. Gadget – IPHone. Passion – team sports.”

It is known that in the Voronezh region A. Besprozvannykh found the necessary funding for him. “Now it’s easier to play hockey in the region than in the city - many sports and recreational complexes have been built in the regions, but in the city the situation is somewhat worse,” he explained.

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It is quite possible that a native of the Voronezh regional government will become the Deputy Federal Minister of Industry and Trade. On Tuesday, May 10, Governor Alexey Gordeev signed an order to dismiss Deputy Prime Minister of the Voronezh Region Government Alexey Besprozvannykh. Alexey Besprozvannykh will leave his post on May 12, and with a rare motivation for Voronezh - “in connection with a promotion.”

Alexey Besprozvannykh goes to work at the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

According to the observation of regional government workers, rumors about the departure of Besprozvannykh have been circulating almost since his appointment in August 2012. This was a very unusual figure for the Voronezh bureaucracy: almost indecently young (born in 1979), an outsider in every sense - from another region and even industry - from the MTS system. And a technocrat of the newest generation, who preferred gadgets to any papers. Wi-Fi manager, in the unkind but apt expression of one journalist. They said that Voronezh was a transit place for the Besprozvannyh, and that he was about to be “taken to Moscow.”

In principle, the predictors turned out to be right - only Alexey Besprozvannykh worked for almost four years and earned a reputation as an intelligent worker. Moreover, industry is a difficult topic for Voronezh, and the position of its curator is almost a firing squad. But Besprozvannykh conscientiously delved into all the intricacies of the processes, sensitively responded to federal trends - and ultimately earned a reputation as a successful manager, which gives him a ticket to at least the head of a ministry department or even deputy minister. And he also fit in with the team - he worked a lot, even studied social activities(he headed the council for countering information terrorism) - there was no time left for intrigue.

But the hope that new connections and opportunities will be used by him to lobby the interests of the Voronezh region is small - after all, Besprozvannykh was and in many ways remained a non-local official, a “Muscovite.”

Regarding the “successor,” rumors in the regional government were divided into three approximately equal probabilities. The first is that his place will be taken by the head of the department of communications and mass communications Artem Verkhovtsev, also a native of MTS. The second is that, as is increasingly the case in the regional administration, the vacant position will be filled for a long time and tediously through competition.

Finally, the third version: the position of the relevant deputy prime minister will be reduced altogether and the “orphaned bloc” will be transferred to his colleague Maxim Uvaidov. And the block is serious - industry, entrepreneurship, communications and mass communications, transport and roads. In the latter case, Uvaidov's influence will increase greatly.

And even very strongly - if another rumor comes true: about the impending resignation of Vice-Governor Andrei Revkov.

Ministry or department: Ministry of Industry and Trade

Job title: Deputy Minister

Age: 39

Place of birth: Kazakhstan

Income for 2017: RUB 3,412,153.


Born on August 23, 1979 in Leninogorsk (Kazakhstan). Graduated with honors from Altai State Technical University with a degree in technology, equipment and automation of machine-building production, received a master's degree in engineering and technology (2002); at the same university he graduated with honors from a second higher education degree in economics and management at a mechanical engineering enterprise. In 2008, he studied under the Mini MBA program, Academy of Business Ernst & Young, in 2010, he studied under the Executive MBA program at Skolkovo.

Since 2002, a specialist from the ERP Systems Implementation Bureau worked at the CIT Center of Byte Soft LLC (Barnaul). In 2003-2004 - head of the subscriber equipment sector of CJSC Mobile TeleSystems - Barnaul. Since 2004 - Head of the Sales and Subscriber Service Department of the Department for Work with Partners of MTS OJSC, Siberia Municipality (Novosibirsk). In 2005-2008, he headed the department for working with key clients in this company, and then was the commercial director for working with the business market of the branch of MTS OJSC MR Siberia. From 2009 to 2012 - director of the branch of MTS OJSC in the Voronezh region. From 2012 to 2016 - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Voronezh Region. Since 2016, he has been Director of the Department of Regional Industrial Policy and Project Management of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Since 2017 - Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

He is part of the reserve of management personnel under the patronage of the president. He enjoys hockey, skiing and swimming. Married, two sons.