Biography of Psaki. “I was actually just reading” and other brilliant statements by Jen Psaki

27.07.2019 beauty

Jennifer Psaki is the star of the US State Department. Biography and “best” pearls of Psaki. Events in Ukraine, Snowden, etc. The film is compiled from stories posted on YouTube and containing broadcasts from well-known media (Channel 1, Russia 1, Channel 5, RT, NewsOnline, etc.)

Jennifer Psaki is a superstar of the State Department, the Internet and TV.

Jennifer Renee Psaki born in 1978. in Stamford, Connecticut - official representative of the US State Department, formerly official representative of US President Barack Obama.

Political career

The dogs gave me a pink hat. Near Lavrov and Kerry.

Psaki began her political career in 2001, while participating in the re-election campaign of Democratic candidates in Iowa. Psaki then became deputy press secretary for John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign. In 2005-2006, Psaki worked as communications director for Representative Joseph Crowley and as local press secretary for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC).

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Psaki served as a traveling press secretary for Senator Barack Obama. After Obama won the election, Psaki followed him to the White House as deputy press secretary and then became director on December 19, 2009. September 22, 2011 Psaki leaves government service and becomessenior vice president and managing director of public affairs at Global Strategy Group in Washington, D.C. .

In the 2012 elections Psaki returns to politics as Barack Obama's press secretary. On February 11, 2013, Psaki became the official representative of the US State Department. There are rumors that in the future she may take the position of White House Press Secretary.

Psaki - the ideological machine of the State Department and its critics

Psaki's speeches attract the attention of a huge audience from 190 countries. Russian and American media and Runet users often express doubts about Psaki’s competence and laugh at her. However, it is too early to laugh. The secret of her amazing success is in the “stupidity” that she “carries” from high stands. A woman is forgiven for her stupidity.And any superstar would envy such attention. Therefore, Psaki has become a real ideological machine of the US State Department, which constantly generates propaganda “pearls” that scatter throughout the world. And now it doesn’t matter what kind of information she disseminates. The important thing is that this information spreads around the world.

In discussions of events in the world and in eastern Ukraine, Psaki regularly refers to some sources from the Government of Ukraine, eyewitnesses from the scene and photographs from the Internet, but does not attempt to analyze the reliability of the information. If Psaki herself feels like she doesn't have an answer to a question, she says she'll figure it out in the office or simply moves on to the next question.

During a discussion of the attack on an arms depot in Slavyansk, Psaki blamed the deaths of civilians on supporters of federalization, but could not explain where such information came from.

During a press conference on referendums on self-determination in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine, Psaki spoke about “carousel mechanisms” for voting in eastern Ukraine, but could not explain what these “carousels” were.

Psaki was unable to explain the connection between the deployment of Ukrainian National Guard forces to the southeast of the country and Joe Biden's visits to Ukraine, so she ignored the question.

At one of the conferences, Jennifer Psaki presented as evidence of the presence of Russian troops in Ukraine photographs taken on the Internet of bearded men, “whose appearance indicates their connection with Russia. We have pointed this out publicly many times..."

In response to American sanctions In relation to the Russian space program, Rogozin proposed that the United States transport astronauts into orbit using a trampoline. Psaki was seriously puzzled by this question.

On June 10, Jen Psaki said at a briefing before reporters that she “has become the target of attacks from Russian propaganda” for supporting the Kyiv authorities.

To a journalist's remark that the United States is also engaged in propaganda on this issue, Psaki responded: “I think there is a significant difference between sending a message of unity in support of Ukraine - which we are doing and are proud of this campaign - and making personal and inaccurate attacks, which Russian propaganda was engaged in,”

To the remark that the American side also made harsh statements against the Russians, Psaki replied: “I don’t think we are equal in this. That's my opinion." And so as not to receive new “difficult” questions from Psaki immediately completed the briefing.

On June 13, Associated Press journalist Matthew Lee asked Psaki comment on information about the possible use of phosphorus bombs by Ukrainian troops in the vicinity of Slavyansk on the night of June 12. Question Psaki's regular opponentagain stumped Psaki. Matthew Lee noted that there are photos and videos indicating the use of this type of ammunition. Psaki asked the journalist hopefully: “Do you mean the use by the Russians?” The journalist clarified that the Ukrainian military. “I haven’t seen any relevant messages,” Psaki responded with disappointment.

Jokes about Psaki (as stated by the dog jokes)

On the Internet for a short time A series of comic videos and jokes on the topic “As Psaki stated” has already appeared, for example:

Jennifer Psaki: If Belarus invades Ukraine, the US 6th Fleet will be immediately deployed to the shores of Belarus.

Journalist: But Belarus has no access to the sea.

Jennifer Psaki: The State Department is not embarrassed by this.

The United States reported categorical disagreement with the so-called “victory” of the Russian team in the match at the World Hockey Championship. This was stated by US State Department spokesperson Jennifer Psaki: “This match had nothing to do with real hockey. In the 21st century, you can’t play hockey as if it’s the 20th century. The imperial ambitions of the Russian team are clearly demonstrated in the very methods of playing the game, as it was in the worst years of the USSR: the dirty puck carousel that the Russian team staged against the US team and the blocking of democratic pucks into their own goal is an attempt to revise the existing status quo and a threat pan-European security."

At the same time, Jennifer Psaki, when asked by a journalist, clarified that she does not know what a carousel is, but it is written so in her text and she is sure that it is something terrible and incompatible with universal human values: “We have no doubt that Russia is behind all this . This is evidenced by Putin’s recent participation in a match of the so-called “Night Hockey League”, where he personally scored 6 goals into the opponent’s goal. Now his whole bloody plan becomes obvious, all of this was planned by Russia from the very beginning.”

She also stated that President Obama expressed deep concern about the results of the game and stated that "Russia is now not only on the wrong side of history, but also on the wrong side of geography, physics and physical culture."

She also said that economic sanctions would be immediately imposed against the players of the Russian national team: “We, together with our European partners around the world, have decided to introduce immediate, extensive economic sanctions against those directly involved in the incident. Russia will pay dearly for this. We have made a difficult decision: all discount cards of Russian national team players in European and American sports store chains Reebok, Nike, Adidas will be frozen until the next seasonal sales.

Jennifer Renee "Jen" Psaki is a spokeswoman for the US State Department and formerly a spokesman for US President Barack Obama.
Thanks to regular speeches on events in Ukraine, as well as unexpected comments and frequent reservations, the representative of the diplomatic department gained popularity in Russia.
At the latest daily news conferences held by the US State Department, department spokeswoman Jen Psaki, who has quickly gained internet fame for her comments and statements, was replaced by Marie Harf. But, apparently, Psaki will be quoted for a long time.
Jen Psaki gained fame almost immediately after the crisis in Ukraine began, and a “stupidity and incompetence rating scale” was even named after her.

I offer the most interesting sayings and quotes from Jen Psaki.

About Victoria Nuland's past

“You all know Victoria well and are probably aware that when she was 23 years old, she lived on board a Russian ship for 8 months and may have learned certain vocabulary there.”

Psaki, answering a clarifying question, suggested that Nuland could have learned Russian profanity on board this fishing vessel.

Journalists noted that the Deputy Secretary of State swore in English, without using expressions in Russian.

“Okay, I was joking,” Psaki said, and she herself laughed at her “joke.” But for some reason the media did not share her joy.

About the shores of Belarus

"If Belarus invades Ukraine, the US 6th Fleet will be immediately transferred to the shores of Belarus."

On gas supplies from Europe to Russia

Structure of Gazprom natural gas supplies

"We want Ukraine to have access to additional volumes of gas if they are needed. As you all know, natural gas is transported via a gas pipeline from Western Europe through Ukraine to Russia."

True, Jen Psaki quickly corrected her mistake.

But the statement of the official representative of the State Department quickly spread across the Internet.

About "election carousels"

"We do not recognize the results of the referendum that took place in Donetsk and Lugansk. There were reports of election carousels, pre-filled ballots, children voting and voting for absentees."

When asked by Associated Press correspondent Matthew Lee what an “election carousel” is, Psaki admitted that she was just reading the text and did not know what it meant. But she promised to check with her colleagues.

The journalist clarified that we are not talking about children riding on a carousel, she replied: “I think not, they have their own technology there.”

About Ukraine's gas debt

When asked about Russia’s demands to pay for gas supplied to Ukraine, and that payment for goods supplied is the basis of normal commodity-money relations, Jen expressed her point of view:

"I understand what they are saying. But if you consider the agreements that have been made between countries in the past and what is happening now, it is obvious that this is no longer just a business dispute."

She promised to further look into the issue when she returned to the office.

About the visits of US representatives to Ukraine

Notable was the reaction of a State Department official to the question that the Ukrainian authorities were sending troops to Eastern Ukraine immediately after the visit of senior US representatives to Kyiv:

"I think you are simply repeating the words of Foreign Minister Lavrov."

But when asked to give an answer, Psaki suggested moving on to the next question.

About Babai's photographs

Another gem was related to the discussion of the State Department’s evidence regarding the presence of Russian military personnel in eastern Ukraine. As evidence, Psaki cited photographs of a militiaman from Slavyansk nicknamed Babai:

"These photographs went around all the world's media. They were on Twitter, and they are in the public domain. In the photographs we see that these people, judging by external signs, are clearly related to Russia."

Journalists were left perplexed and tried to develop the topic by asking Psaki whether all US government intelligence now depends on photographs on the Internet. But her answer did not clarify the situation:

"These pictures are from open sources. Draw your own conclusions."

Churkin doesn't know where Jen Psaki went

Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Vitaly Churkin does not know “where has gone” the official representative of the US State Department Jennifer Psaki.

“I don’t know,” Churkin answered a question on the Rossiya 24 TV channel.
He expressed hope that Psaki would “reappear.” “It was always very interesting for me to listen to her,” said the Russian diplomat.

Jennifer Psaki denies reports of her dismissal

US State Department spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki denied information about her dismissal on her Twitter page.

According to her, she "still remains here, like a strong, democratic Ukraine"

At the latest daily news conferences held by the US State Department, department spokeswoman Jen Psaki, who has quickly gained internet fame for her comments and statements, was replaced by Marie Harf. But, apparently, Psaki will be quoted for a long time.

Jen Psaki gained fame almost immediately after the crisis in Ukraine began, and a “stupidity and incompetence rating scale” was even named after her. The first episode that brought worldwide fame was Psaki’s clumsy comment after Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland’s leaked conversation with Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt about forming a government in the country. Then Nuland spoke obscenely about European Union. But there are much more comments from a US foreign policy representative that deserve attention. And most of them are like jokes.

About Victoria Nuland's past

“You all know Victoria well and are probably aware that when she was 23 years old, she lived on board a Russian ship for 8 months and may have learned certain vocabulary there.”

Psaki, answering a clarifying question, suggested that Nuland could have learned Russian profanity on board this fishing vessel.

Journalists noted that the Deputy Secretary of State swore in English, without using expressions in Russian.

“Okay, I was joking,” Psaki said, and she herself laughed at her “joke.” But for some reason the media did not share her joy.

The status of superpower and planetary gendarme, in our eyes firmly associated with America, is just a recent historical innovation. Until the middle of the 20th century, or rather the Second World War, no one considered the United States to be a global political force. Their decisive role in the First World War seemed rather an exception to the rule, which seemed to be confirmed by the failure in the Senate to ratify the League of Nations treaty. In the 20-30s, conservatism of thinking did not allow us to see in the defeat of the Kaiser’s Germany a prototype of future changes. Isolationism seemed to be the credo of American foreign policy. And I needed another one World War so that the secret becomes clear.

About the shores of Belarus

"If Belarus invades Ukraine, the US 6th Fleet will be immediately transferred to the shores of Belarus."

And it doesn’t matter that Belarus does not have access to the sea shores.

On gas supplies from Europe to Russia

"We want Ukraine to have access to additional volumes of gas if they are needed. As you all know, natural gas is transported via a gas pipeline from Western Europe through Ukraine to Russia."

True, Jen Psaki quickly corrected her mistake.

But the statement of the official representative of the State Department quickly spread across the Internet.

About "election carousels"

"We do not recognize the results of the referendum that took place in Donetsk and Lugansk. There were reports of election carousels, pre-filled ballots, children voting and voting for absentees."

When asked by Associated Press correspondent Matthew Lee what an “election carousel” is, Psaki admitted that she was just reading the text and did not know what it meant. But she promised to check with her colleagues.

The journalist clarified that we are not talking about children riding on a carousel, she replied: “I think not, they have their own technology there.”

About Ukraine's gas debt

When asked about Russia’s demands to pay for gas supplied to Ukraine, and that payment for goods supplied is the basis of normal commodity-money relations, Jen expressed her point of view: “I understand what they are saying. But if you consider the agreements that were concluded between countries in the past, and what is happening now, it is obvious that this is no longer just a business dispute."

She promised to further look into the issue when she returned to the office.

Familiar Russian adversaries, former American ambassadors Denis Corboy, William Courtney and Kenneth Yalowitz, discuss what the United States and the West should do in “Responding to Russia.” Critically assessing the actions of President Putin and the Federation Council, they pointed out that “Russia’s aggression in Crimea” repeats the invasion of Georgia in 2008 and violates the post-Cold War order that guaranteed sovereignty and independence to Russia’s neighbors. Now neighbors - even NATO members in Central and Eastern Europe - feel less protected. Tougher measures from the West are needed, they note former ambassadors, because – the stakes are high. They don’t talk much about democracy, so you can guess that “high stakes” means maintaining the new pro-Western government in Kyiv.

About the visits of US representatives to Ukraine

Notable was the reaction of a State Department official to the question that the Ukrainian authorities were sending troops to Eastern Ukraine immediately after the visit of senior US representatives to Kyiv: “I think you are simply repeating the words of Foreign Minister Lavrov.”

But when asked to give an answer, Psaki suggested moving on to the next question.

About Babai's photographs

Another gem was related to the discussion of the State Department’s evidence regarding the presence of Russian military personnel in eastern Ukraine. As evidence, Psaki cited photographs showing a militiaman from Slavyansk nicknamed Babai: “These photographs went around all the world media. They were on Twitter, and they are in the public domain. In the photographs we see that these people, judging by external signs are clearly related to Russia."

Journalists were left perplexed and tried to develop the topic by asking Psaki whether all US government intelligence now depends on photographs on the Internet. But her answer did not clarify the situation: “These pictures are from open sources. Draw your own conclusions.”

In May 2014, US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki, commenting on the referendums held in eastern Ukraine, said that the United States does not recognize their results because they were “conducted with serious violations.” Among the violations that, according to the US State Department, allegedly took place, Psaki named the so-called “carousels.” When asked to explain what it was, she embarrassedly said that it was written on her piece of paper.

To a journalist's remark that the United States was making harsh remarks about Russia on Twitter, Psaki responded: "I think there is a significant difference between sending a message of unity in support of Ukraine - which we do and are proud of this campaign - and personal and inaccurate attacks carried out by Russian propaganda." "I don't think we're equal in this. That's my opinion."

Jen Psaki, when asked by a journalist about the introduction of new sanctions against Russia, “Will Barack Obama sign the law?” answered: “Yes, just yesterday.”

At a regular briefing, journalists asked official representative Jen Psaki to comment on the information about the presence of military personnel on Ukrainian territory. “There are no US or NATO troops in Ukraine. In my understanding, these rumors are not true,” she said.

“I think it will not surprise you that our concern primarily concerns political prisoners, who are largely being held by pro-Russian separatists and Russians,” a State Department spokeswoman said in response to a request to clarify the number of prisoners held by all sides in the conflict. In response to the question whether Washington's calls for the release of prisoners also apply to the Ukrainian authorities, whether the United States has “concerns” in connection with the prisoners held by the Ukrainian authorities.

When asked about coup d'etat which happened in Kyiv last year. Psaki emphasized, "...I wasn't going to go into history here, but since you gave me the opportunity - as you know, the former leader of Ukraine left of his own free will."

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

The speaker of the US State Department is pregnant - this news has become the main news in Russia today. Why?

US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki has become perhaps the most mythologized character in Russian state media. But few people really know about her. We will fill this gap.

1. Psaki is Greek on her father’s side. and her mother is part Polish. She was born in Stamford (Connecticut) on December 1, 1978 in the family of a psychotherapist and a builder.

At his wedding with his mother.

2. How Russian propaganda made a scapegoat out of Psaki.

Psaki became a forced meme (Forced meme - from the English forced meme - a meme that arose thanks to a targeted PR campaign using technical means and often paid mentions on the Internet) for state media in Russia.

And since all Russian TV is state-owned, and the majority of Russians watch it, it has become very popular in Russia. Some joke that she could perform in the Russian Federation on tour, collecting full houses.

In fact, Psaki is the brainchild of Kremlin bots. This is also evidenced by the almost empty thematic VKontakte groups. In addition, the rhetoric and style of commentators is too reminiscent.

Most of An online campaign around Psaki’s meme was posted by pro-Kremlin blogger and former State Duma deputy Konstantin Rykov.

3. Psaki’s husband, Gregory Metcher, is the Deputy Chief of Staff of the American government.

From an article in the Washington Post, we learned that the spouses met under rather amusing circumstances. In 2006, Psaki worked as a representative in the US House of Congress and organized an event in which her future husband participated.

He called her to ask how to get to the desired location, but received the wrong answer from Jen and went in a completely different direction.

“I wasn’t even offended, on the contrary, I was very intrigued. Why did she let me get lost? This woman is charming,” Gregory said. Psaki admitted that the future “husband did not look offended or puzzled after the prank.” We can assume that the main man in the life of the ex-State Department representative was attracted by the beads, which over her long career became an integral accessory of her style.

And so the romance between the future State Department representative and the economist began. Almost four years passed until the lovers decided to get married.

4. In principle, press secretaries always have enough ill-wishers, since they take the rap for their bosses.

US Secretary of State John Kerry congratulates Jen Psaki on her first State Department briefing on board the plane.

5. Lavrov gave Psaki a pink soldier’s earflap with cockade.

In the photo from right to left: Head of the State Department of Keria, head of the information department of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharchenko (i.e., Psaki’s direct colleague. After Psaki became popular in Russia, Maria began to appear frequently in the Russian media), Jen Psaki, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov.

6. Since Psaki doesn’t make verbal gaffes often enough, her Russian “fans” use their imagination.

One of the bloggers composed the following statement on her behalf: “In the event of an invasion of Belarus into the territory of Ukraine, the US 6th Fleet will be immediately transferred to the shores of Belarus.” Nearby there are pictures: mustachioed barge haulers pulling a warship across a wheat field, and a submarine in the tall grass.

Arik Toler mentions in his article another recent Internet fake - “Psaki’s comment” regarding the victory of the Russian hockey team over the US team: “This match had nothing to do with real hockey. In the 21st century you cannot play hockey as if it were the 20th century. The imperial ambitions of the Russian team are clearly demonstrated in the very methods of playing the game, as was the case in the worst years of the USSR.”

On June 17, on the air of Channel One as part of the Politics program, presenter Alexander Gordon cited a non-existent statement by Jen Psaki: she allegedly refused to acknowledge the presence of Ukrainian refugees in the Rostov region, and in response to a clarifying question from Associated Press correspondent Matt Lee about who was coming from the territory Ukraine, replied: “These are just tourists. For example, they say that in the Rostov mountains there is wonderful healing mountain air.”

The Slon correspondent contacted Matt Lee, who said that there was no such dialogue between him and the State Department press secretary at any of the briefings. On his Twitter account, he explained that he never discussed refugees or the landscape features in the Rostov region with Psaki.

And any news about Pskaki causes an inadequate reaction in the Russian media.

Dogs in one boot caused a stir in the Russian media

On July 30, a number of Russian media reported that Jen Psaki spoke to the public wearing only one boot. However, not all publications considered it necessary to explain that Psaki was wearing a special medical boot due to a leg injury.

7. Next question...

At State Department press conferences, a media representative can ask anything. Through journalists, officials must explain to the public why this or that decision is being made in the Middle East, Libya, Afghanistan or in relation to Russia. In essence, the press secretary must take the rap for the entire American foreign policy. Catching an official with incompetence is a nice thing.

It should be noted that there is nothing like this in Russia. No one speaks to the foreign press explaining their policies. Isolated cases (abroad) of such explanations cover the reaction of Psaki’s entire long-term activity.

And what kind, there would be enough for 50 memes like Psaki for the American press. If only there weren’t a lot of them, just like the state media in the case of Psaki, they were interested in what was happening inside Russia.

8. Associated Press correspondent Matt Lee is Psaki's main troll in Washington.

The Associated Press's Lee plays the role of the tenacious journalist at State Department briefings, wringing a quotation out of the official to find fault with. This is how the relationship between journalists and officials in the United States works.

There is nothing like this in Russia: no such briefings, no such journalists.

9. On NTV there is a program “Dogs for the Night”. In the USA, even about the existence of Minister Lavrov, a dozen specialists know.

10. How she reacts to the use of her estate in Russian propaganda.

A State Department spokeswoman gave an interview to Voice of America.

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