Chinese calendar for the conception of a child for a year. Chinese lunar calendar for determining the sex of a child

15.10.2017 Relationship

The table of conception of the sex of the child in 2018 is one of the interesting and rather informative information, especially for future parents. Although, probably, any mothers and fathers will be happy with the birth of a daughter or son, but today it is very fashionable and relevant to plan the gender of the future baby, and many parents approach this issue quite seriously.

Today, you can find a wide variety of tables and methods, each of which has its own characteristics and peculiarities.

Moreover, each of these methods can rightfully be called effective, so if you decide to take the process of conception completely into your own hands, it's time to carefully and in detail study the features of each of them.

Gender by date - Chinese table.

This method of bull was invented relatively long ago by the ancient sages. According to them, the sex of the unborn child depends directly on the mother herself. To be more precise, then, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the age of the woman, at the time of conception, as well as the month. For example, if you want your daughter to be born and you are now 23 years old, then, based on the data in the table, it is best to do this in the spring, because the winter months are considered male time. In the event that the mother is 22 years old, then the situation is completely opposite. How to use this table correctly?

    1. The age of the expectant mother is indicated horizontally in the hovered table.

    2. The vertical indicates the month when you are planning the pregnancy itself.
    3. At the intersection of these values ​​​​is the gender of your unborn child.

Despite the fact that this method was invented in ancient China many years and centuries ago, it is still relevant and in demand at the present time, which means it actually works.

Japanese table.

Another rather interesting table that can be a good and serious competitor to the Chinese is the Japanese table. Today, representatives of the Countries of the Rising Sun have their own specific methodology, thanks to which it is easy and simple, and, most importantly, very reliable to determine the sex of the child and the right time of conception. What do you need for this? First of all, know the age of both parents and the time, that is, the month of the planned pregnancy. For example, if both parents were born in the month of November, then if they want a girl, then July is suitable for them, but if a boy, then November. How to use this table and graph correctly?

    1. Initially, you need to find the number at the intersection of the month of birth of both parents.
    2. Now we are looking for the resulting figure on the chart.
    3. The resulting figure will become the very time suitable for conception.

According to available statistics, the accuracy of determining the sex of an unborn child using this method has already been established, which ranges from 55 to 80%. Agree, quite good results and indicators.

British table.

British scientists have found that in order to determine and establish the gender of the unborn child as accurately and efficiently as possible, it is necessary to know a very simple but important pattern, which is the essence of this method. Everything is quite simple here, since men can count on the birth of a son if many men were born in his family before. At the same time, in order to confirm the effective operation of this method in reality, scientists had to do quite a serious job, or rather, analyze the family tree of 900 families whose ancestors lived back in 1600. As a result, it was established and proven that if there are a lot of men in the family, then the probability of having a boy is very high. Another question arises - why? From the data presented by scientists, it is described that the sperm of such men contains a large number of Y chromosomes, which are the same gene responsible for the birth of a boy.

American table.

American scientists also do not sit still, since quite recently they have established and revealed a completely sensational pattern. What is its essence? Men generally have no influence on the sex of the unborn child. According to their data and results, it is the female body that has the very unique properties to independently decide what gender the future baby will have. For example, it was found that during food shortages - a girl is born, during the war and immediately after it during the recovery period - boys. Scientists came to this conclusion after a long study of almost 300,000 women in China between 1929 and 1982. What explains this? Everything is simple, since it is the female body that can survive and adapt to absolutely any conditions, while the male one is simply beyond its strength. As a result, it turns out that the sex of the unborn baby directly depends only exclusively on external factors, and, therefore, no one from the outside can influence this process.

These are the most basic methods and ways to choose the sex of a child even before conception. Agree, it is very difficult to choose one thing from all the variety, so parents will actually have to work hard, and at the same time, in reality, check the effectiveness of the chosen method.

Expecting a newborn is the most wonderful time in the life of new parents. With the advent of a baby, almost everything changes in adults, and, of course, the child becomes the most important little man and the meaning of the future fate. But for most families, the question of the gender of the newborn becomes very relevant. In order to find out who will soon be born into the world - a boy or a little princess, you need to look into chinese sex determination calendar for 2018.

Since ancient times, the old Chinese used a special calendar to recognize the sex of a future newborn. Already in those days, there was confidence that such a method is accurate, and the probability of coincidence with a positive result is 97%. Currently, expectant parents are more likely to turn to ultrasound services to know who will be born soon - a boy or a girl. But also Chinese moon calendar determining the sex of the child be able to provide the most accurate information regarding this issue. Such a horoscope for determining the gender of the baby will help early dates pregnancy learn about the gender of the unborn child. In addition, the calendar will help future parents plan a favorable time for conception so that a child of the desired gender will be born soon.

Key thai calendar for determining the sex of the child for 2018

At the heart of the calendar is a table that indicates the dates when conception occurred or should occur. Since few lovers know the exact and reliable date of conception, a certain month is taken as the basis for this information. Another important parameter for determining the sex of the unborn baby is the age of the mother, which is also entered at the head of the table.

Many are interested in the question of why the sex of a newborn child always depends on the age of the mother, because the father also takes a huge part in this matter. Indeed, according to medical factors, it is the man who is the successor of the family, and, accordingly, his chromosomes are responsible for the sex of the unborn baby. But even in ancient China, there was a belief that the life of her child, and all other important aspects of the fate of the baby, depended only on a woman, for this reason, data on the age of a woman are based on the Chinese calendar.

Future parents can always look into Chinese baby gender calendar 2018 table will accurately indicate all the necessary information. In my own way appearance this table represents a schema where the columns are months lunar year, but the lines are the immediate age of the mother of the unborn baby. For exact definition gender of your future baby, you need to bring the data of the table to one point and find out who the couple will soon be born - a beautiful daughter or a courageous son.

The table contains data on the age of the mother, its interval is the limit from 18 to 45 years. In China, this is the exact age range for women to have children.

To date, numerous Chinese baby gender calendar 2018 reviews disagree. Most often, such a calculation of the gender of the unborn child is used by lovers who want to "tell fortunes" for the future. If the result of the table coincides with reality, then the parents are incredibly happy and no longer doubt the accuracy of the Chinese "fortune telling". But discrepancies also occur, so it is not necessary to judge 100% accurate results.

Chinese experts assure that if there was a discrepancy between the positive results, then the matter lies in the incorrectness of the calculations, but not in the error of the table itself. It is important to determine that the age of a person in the East is calculated a little differently than in European countries. It is the date of conception that is considered a birthday in China, so there newborn babies are born as early as 9 months of age (the period a woman carries a baby in the womb). This rule applies to all important calculations, including the table for determining the sex of the unborn child.

In order to obtain reliably accurate information from the calendar for determining the sex of the child, it is necessary to add another 9 months to the actual age of the woman, and compare the already obtained value of the mother's age category in the table.

Many young couples dream of adding to their families, but at the same time they specifically want a boy or a girl. But how to do that? Today, there are a large number of folk methods that are in great demand and popularity, and some of them have already managed to establish themselves, only on the positive side. For example, the Chinese conception calendar for 2018 will be very useful and interesting for most couples. But, let's try to understand all the features and advantages of this technique ourselves.

A bit of history...

If we touch on the issue of history, then 700 years ago, an interesting find was discovered in a Chinese temple, which was located near Beijing. It was a calendar, thanks to which it was possible to find out the gender of the unborn child. To date, such an ancient calculator is in the Beijing Museum, so if you wish, everyone can get acquainted with its original.

If you believe the existing beliefs, it is thanks to this calendar that you can quite easily and simply find out the gender of the unborn child, or plan a pregnancy.

At the same time, according to the available statistics, its truthfulness and accuracy is 93%, and, you will agree, very good results.

At the same time, such a fact has now been established that even in ancient China, pundits believed that the sex of a baby directly depended on two very important facts and indicators. What is this? This, of course, is the age of the mother and the month of conception. At the same time, this table is currently relevant and in demand in Asian countries as never before, residents are still trying to use it.

Chinese table - how to use it?

If you want to know the gender of your unborn child even before the ultrasound, then it is enough to know exactly the moment and time of his conception. If you carefully consider the table, then it consists and includes 2 columns, each of which is characterized by its own information and a set of information. One column indicates the number of years a woman is of childbearing age, and the other is the month of conception. How to use these graphs? Everything is quite simple, a pregnant woman should add 1 year to her age. Further, knowing in which month, the child was conceived, find and see the place where the lines intersect. Let's look more clearly for example, it will be much more efficient and better. If a woman is already 25 years old, then we add another 1 year to her age, we get the number 26. It is this number “26” that we find in the table in the age column. Now we specify in which month the conception occurred. Let's take the month of March as an example. Further from the two graphs, or rather, their indicators, we draw lines until they intersect. In our case, these lines intersect at the letter "M". What does this mean? That's right, this woman will have a boy. In the event that you are only planning your pregnancy and want to calculate the sex of the child in advance, then the woman also adds 1 year to her age, and then carefully looks at the month in which you plan to conceive. Of course, many may notice that this technique is ordinary fortune-telling on coffee grounds, that is, guess or not. But you must admit that very often such folk methods are much more useful and effective than modern ones, so why not try and check their accuracy and veracity with your own example.

But, the Chinese table is not the only one that can help clarify and determine the gender of the unborn child, because the range of such methods is quite large and varied, so everyone can choose what suits them best. This list can include the Japanese table, British and American, each of which is characterized and peculiar to its own specific and specific features. Let's take a look at some of them.

conception tables.

  • First, the Japanese table. Many note that this table can also make quite good competition to the Chinese one. What are its features? First of all, you need to know the age of both parents and the time, that is, the month when the conception occurred. Now you need to figure out how to use the table correctly. So, in the beginning, you need to find the number at the intersection of the month of birth of both parents. We are looking for the found figure on the chart, since it is this figure that will become the very time suitable for conception. For example, if both parents were born in the same month, that is, November, then if they want a girl, then July is suitable for them, and if a boy, then November. According to available statistics, the effectiveness and accuracy of this technique ranges from 50 to 85%.
  • Secondly, the British table. According to experts, in order to know the gender of the unborn child, you need to know one simple pattern. If a man had a lot of representatives of the stronger sex in his family, then he will be the first to have a boy, and vice versa. This fact is proved by scientists from Britain.
  • Thirdly, the American table. These scientists and specialists have identified the following simple pattern. In their opinion, men have absolutely no influence on the sex of the child, since it is the female body that has those unique properties to independently decide who will be born.

As you can see, guessing the sex of a child even before an ultrasound today is absolutely no problem. But you must admit, is it so important, the main thing is that you will soon become a mom and dad and you have a long-awaited meeting with your baby ahead.

Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child for 2018- This is one of the methods that helps to predict the sex of the unborn baby. It was developed in ancient times for the king and queen, who really wanted a son - the heir to the throne. After helping to predict the gender of the royal family's baby, he became very popular among other people not only in China but all over the world. But for the application, it is necessary to adhere to some rules in the calculations, otherwise the result may be false.

Calendar Features

The calculations presented in the calendar table are closely related to the lunar cycles. The chronology each time is conducted from different dates after the Chinese New Year. And the course of the months is different from the generally accepted. Therefore, the calendar is created annually.

Some parents do not take into account this aspect, so they get confused in the calculations and get an unreliable result. When using a calendar, it is necessary to make calculations from the moment the moon cycle begins.

In the Chinese lunar calendar, determining the sex of a child 336 days. All days cause a certain beginning (female or male). At the same time, the Chinese believe that the day of conception of a child is the first day of his life. The calculations that are presented in the calendar are aimed at women from 18 to 45 years old. This period is reproductive, when a woman can give birth to a child.

For an accurate calculation, nine months must be added to the date of birth of the expectant mother - this date will be the first day of her life. You should not round the result to full years, because this increases the age by a couple of years.

Suppose that in May 2018 a woman plans to become pregnant. Her birthday is November 30, 1989, so she will be 29 years and 6 months old (a full 29 years old). To calculate this figure, you need to add 9 months to it, you get 30 years and 3 months (full 30 years). This difference leads to opposite results. Often these nuances are not taken into account, and the predictions are not accurate.


Before working with the calendar, it is necessary to determine the exact age of the mother. This can be done online Chinese calendar calculator for determining the sex of the child. It is only necessary to indicate two dates - the birth of the mother and the alleged conception. It is also very important to follow the sequence of actions when using the calculator:

  1. Enter the date of birth of the mother and the planned conception. Press the "Calculate lunar age" button.
  2. The calculator will determine the exact age of the woman and tell you whether a son or daughter will be born.
  3. Information about other months can be found in the calendar.

The calendar is working. This is confirmed by three-quarters of the coincidences.


The tablet was found in a crypt near Beijing over 700 years ago. The calculator helps to find out the age of the parents, and the calendar tells the time for conception, male or female. It shows the reproductive age future mother, months of the year, the letters D and M, denoting the sex of the baby.

Using the calendar is quite convenient.

The left column of the table lists ages from eighteen to forty-five. Above are the months of the year. The intersection of the columns determines which month will be a girl and which month will be a boy. For example, a girl will be born if at the age of eighteen you plan to conceive in January and March.

It is advisable to plan pregnancy in the middle of the desired month. The beginning and end of the month is characterized by a change in periods, which can affect the correctness of the calculations.

Calendar Accuracy

Science cannot explain the coincidence between the calendar and the sex of a newborn baby. But many couples who have used the calendar claim that the result was correct.

It is worth noting that the Chinese conception calendar was compiled a thousand years ago. Even then, people possessed some knowledge about celestial bodies, about the structure and functioning of organisms on Earth.

No one can tell what materials the sages were based on Ancient China when making a calendar. But judging by a large number coincidences, some aspects of the relationship between mother and child were taken into account in the calculation.