What does proof mean? “Are these the real stats of the sword? Proof arrived in the mail

05.07.2019 State

Modern technologies change not only technology, but also culture and language. Computer slang, which emerged as the professional language of programmers and turned them into a mysterious caste, was adapted by Russian-speaking users. The need to quickly transmit information has made it very popular in everyday communication.

Proof - what is it?

With the advent of the Internet, Anglicisms occupy an increasingly strong position in the Russian language. For example, at present proof is slang, but hypothetically it can be assumed that one day a mathematics teacher in a lesson will give grades for proof of a theorem. If we consider in detail the question of what proofs are, we can note three variants of the meaning of this word:

  1. Proof is proof or confirmation of a statement or fact.
  2. Proof is a special technology for making medals and coins.
  3. Proof is a unit of measurement of alcohol strength, not used since 1980.

Pruflink - what is it?

If proof (English) is proof, then link (English) is link. Thus, a proof link is a link to a source that confirms the reliability of information or the reality of a fact. In disputes, unfounded statements cannot convince anyone, especially if we are talking about information that raises doubts. Opponents need confirmation, which they can check personally by clicking on the link.

A good prooflink must meet the following requirements:

  1. You need to refer to an authoritative source that does not raise doubts about the reliability of the published information. (Wiki sources do not meet such requirements, due to the fact that they open access to editing information to anyone.)
  2. A reference to scientific research, its methods and results will be impeccable.
  3. Not everyone knows what a photo proof is, although it is an ideal proof link - a link to a photo document. The same characteristics are shared by a proof video – a link to a report from the scene, and a proof pic – a link to an image.
  4. You should not refer to someone else’s “authoritative” opinion, since it is not such for everyone. In addition, information presented from the words of someone receives a subjective interpretation and loses objectivity.

What is proof on the Internet?

The Internet provides a lot of opportunities not only for obtaining information, but also for communicating on forums and social networks. Strangers enter into debate on various issues, passionately defending their own opinions. Often, arguing on the Internet is useless, and those arguing, as a rule, pursue goals known only to them.

  1. In scientific online disputes, divergent points of view stimulate the generation of new ideas, and proofs are evidence provided to establish the truth.
  2. The opponent's sincere interest in the information that interests him gives him a chance to express and prove his view of the problem. To do this, you need to have a good understanding of the controversial issue, know what proofs are, and use them wisely.
  3. Virtual reality is not predictable and can throw up a so-called “troll” as a debater, who, hiding behind anonymity, enjoys impunity. In this case, the dispute loses all meaning, because any arguments and proofs become a reason for provocations and insults.

What are proofs in games?

The slang expression “proof” has been used for quite some time on the Internet, especially on VKontakte and in ordinary communication among young people. There are even memes dedicated to this phrase, such as the meme “We need proofs, Billy!” Surely you have seen him. If not, take a look in the middle of this post.

Let's take a closer look at what proofs are and what it means.

It comes from English "proof" and is translated as “evidence.” Now this word is an integral part of network jargon. You can often come across phrases like: “I’m waiting for proof” or “send me a proof” in online game chats or in comments to posts.

In the social network VKontakte, as in any other social networks, the word proof will mean the same thing. It translates as "proof", "confirmation". The word is used for one sole purpose - to ask the interlocutor to provide evidence of what was said, usually in comments on VK.

If the user doubts something or does not trust the interlocutor, then he asks to provide him with “proofs”. This is a common occurrence online. Often such a request can be in the form of a meme picture, like this one.

By the way, if the interlocutor is asked to provide a link on the Internet as confirmation of his words, then it sounds something like this: “Where is the prooflink” or “Prooflink to the studio.” Such dialogues happen all the time on social networks.

Bet you didn't know that?

The word “proof” also has another meaning. This is a little known fact.

It turns out that the term is very popular among numismatists. It is used to denote special coins. These are usually rare coins that are produced by mints only to commemorate a special event.

The denomination is indicated on such coins, but they, as a rule, do not come into use due to their extremely high cost. Such proofs are sold in special plastic cases so that they are not damaged during transportation. Most often they are made from precious metals. Over the years, proofs only become more expensive.

If you have just recently begun to thoroughly explore the Internet, you have probably come across terms unknown to you more than once. And sometimes it’s quite difficult to understand what they mean. In this article we will talk about the meaning of the word “Proof” on the Internet.

Translated from English, proof is confirmation. Proof link is a link to the proof. Let's try to figure it out.

“Proof” or lying?

Imagine for a moment that you are reading an interesting article. Of course, the average person can, in principle, believe everything that is written in it. Well, what if you, for example, are a specialist in this field, and some facts give you doubts? So it is precisely to resolve this situation that proof exists. This word means that, at the request of readers or on their own initiative, the author is obliged to provide evidence of his correctness and the veracity of what he wrote. In other words, any information must be supported by something.

Of course, there is no guarantee that the prooflink will give you exactly the full information that will serve as evidence. Therefore, it’s up to you to believe the link or photo provided!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. In this section, I usually give explanations to those concepts that cause difficulties in their interpretation for novice users. They can be either special terms related to a specific field or activity (for example,), or related to communication on the Internet and are essentially slang ().

Some words can be used in both the first and second cases. Today's post is about one of them. I will try to convey to you, what is proof in its different variations.

What does proof mean?

Various applications of the concept proof, which came from the English language, are due to the fact that it has several meanings at once, one of which when translated into Russian is “proof”.

This is precisely the meaning that users who communicate on the Internet have in mind: on social networks (for example, VKontakte), on forums, in chats. If your interlocutor approaches you with a request (or even a demand) to provide proof, then he expects you to confirm what was said.

Since the matter takes place online, the form of such evidence can be prooflink(link to the page with the required information) or proof peak(same kind of image). Of course, the more authoritative the resource on which the page or picture is located, the more trust your words will have. By the way, on the Internet, including VK, memes related to this are often used, the most famous of which is “Where are the proofs, Billy? We need proofs."

If we turn to other areas of application of this term, then, first of all, we should note numismatics, where collectors use the word “proof” to designate rare coins that are distinguished by a special mintage. Typically, such coins are issued in limited quantities for an exceptional event, such as an anniversary.

Well, the last thing that can be mentioned is that “proof” in some English-speaking countries is used as a unit of measurement for the strength of alcoholic beverages (this is another meaning of this word). For example, in the USA, 50% alcohol content in a drink corresponds to 100 proof. As a companion to this article, watch this short video.

As is often (almost always) the case in English, the word proof has several meanings. Having come to us, it has become part of the slang of Internet users, and is used most often in this context. So, you can often see expressions in chat like: “Send me a proof!” What is this? The slang of the inhabitants of the World Wide Web is full of anglicisms, and by analogy with “fool proof”, often used in technology, this concept can be interpreted as the desire to protect yourself from poor-quality information. It happens that they use it to defend their opinion.

Is it possible to say about proofs that this is a list of used literature?

When a student or researcher writes a diploma, article or dissertation, a mandatory requirement for the design of this work is the presence of it. It is located on a separate sheet (and sometimes several pages) in a place clearly specified by the standards of the educational institution (usually at the end, before the table of contents). “Why is this necessary?!” - young students are surprised, who have not yet realized that at the university they are taught mainly not disciplines, but the ability to work with literature. To create something of your own and write a high-quality qualification or scientific paper, you need to read a lot. The books listed in the list of used literature are the same proofs. What kind of engineer is this who didn’t pick up a reference book? What kind of philologist will turn out to be a student who has “torn” a term paper from someone else’s ready-made critical article? Let’s keep quiet about the doctor...

Evidence and durability

The reliability of information can be judged by many signs, direct or indirect. Of course, it is impossible to say about proofs that these are immutable evidence of the ultimate truth; such things simply do not exist. But they can and should be urgently asked and even demanded in cases where a truly serious and fundamental issue is being discussed. To any controversial remark, no matter how unpleasant it may be for your opponent, you can expect the question in response: “How can you prove it?” And if there is nothing to prove, then the entire polemic with “iron” arguments turns into an empty shaking of electronic impulses of the World Wide Web, which is of no use. Therefore, you should not enter into a heated discussion without preparing proof confirming your position. The meaning of the word - “resistant” (for example, bulletproof - bulletproof) is very appropriate here. It is not for nothing that there is an expression “to defend”, which applies not only to military positions, but also to one’s own views.

Prooflinks and fakes

You can write anything today. But this is not the problem of the modern information world, but the fact that any rumors, lies and even complete nonsense have every chance of becoming the object of attention of the world community. Such permissiveness only seems to go unpunished; in fact, it is sometimes possible to punish the distributor of deliberately false information. Prosecution for malicious distortion of reality, as in the case of a printed publication, occurs strictly according to the law.

If there is a proof link in the text, then legal and moral guilt formally transfers to the original source; but those who repeat lies without careful verification or for other reasons are also worthy of all censure.

Thus, photographs and videos used to illustrate certain events may not be related to the material, but rather borrowed from chronicles of past years. This method of misleading a mass audience has a name - “fake”. Modern search engines identify the similarity of published materials, automatically finding the original source.


Unscrupulous Internet operators often try to attract attention to an advertising site using catchy headlines, adding hyperlinks as confirmation, which are psychologically perceived as proof. Almost everyone has experienced what this means in practice, as well as what such “tricks” look like. Having seen a photo of his favorite artist and read a large headline that he has great grief, that the whole country sympathizes with him because of his doom, the gullible reader clicks on the link and... learns a lot of new things. He is told which online store sells the best fur-lined bras and a completely unique remedy for baldness. However, the law is respected, and somewhere on the side you can read a short article about how the mentioned actor dented the bumper of his car, and is now doomed to repair it.

Another meaning of the word “proof”

This term is also used by numismatists, denoting special coins issued by mints specifically for a certain date or in honor of a special event. They indicate the denomination at which they were initially sold, but they do not enter everyday circulation due to their high cost. It happens that individual proofs are made with the assistance of highly qualified jewelers, bringing their appearance to perfection. As a rule, these special money are even sold in special plastic cases so that they are not damaged during transportation. Like any other collectible, proof coins increase in value as they age, but must remain in pristine condition to influence the quote. Precious metals (gold, platinum, and less commonly silver) are often used in production.