An easy way to break a leg. To breake a hand. Advice needed

27.07.2018 Health

There are a wide variety of situations in life, and sometimes even such a thought as breaking a finger seems to be a way out of it. Of course, you shouldn't do this for sick leave at school. And in general, if it is possible to avoid this, do everything possible. Health, however, is no joke.

Fracture theory

Our task is to understand how to break a finger or toe with minimal damage. The bones of the finger, as you yourself understand, are very thin and small, and therefore it will be extremely difficult to break them. When you break an arm or leg, the bone is long and large, and there is room for a crack. In the case of a finger or, moreover, a toe, everything is much more complicated.

In order to break the finger bone without damaging the joints, the blow must be targeted and accurate. The blow should be struck with a pointed object. So it will be exactly in the middle of the bone. But in this case, the risk of cutting off your finger is extremely high - and this is no longer the effect that we strive to achieve.

As for how to break a toe, things are even more complicated. The bones there are very tiny, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to break the phalanx. Moreover, for subsequent proper fusion, fixation of the entire foot will be required. If you break one toe, the whole leg will have to be cast.

Fracture practice

Now let's move on to ways to break a finger without pain, if possible. And yes, this is quite possible - if you are under anesthesia. Because in all other cases the pain will be hellish.

  1. Grasp the door frame with your hand or place your finger on a sharp part of it. Then ask someone to slam the door as hard as they can. We warn you again: the pain will be simply unbearable. But the result is one hundred percent. True, you are unlikely to get off with just one finger. With this method, you will most likely tear your tendon and will never be able to bend your finger in the future.
  2. Hit your finger perpendicularly with some heavy and large object. It is unlikely that there will be a fracture, but your finger will be knocked out of the socket and you will need medical attention. Most likely, a cast will also be applied when the joint is set in place.
  3. This method is also suitable for the toe. To do this, you need to relax your foot and hit him with all your strength with something large from the butt. Another option is to kick the joint, but in such a way that the bevel falls on the finger that you want to break. Be prepared to walk with your foot in a cast, because it is impossible to put a toe in a cast.

These are the most typical types of fractures. Now let's figure out how to tell if your finger is broken after your efforts.

  1. Color. Place in some container cold water and put your hand there. If the finger turns blue, the blood flow has worsened, which means a fracture is possible. If, on the contrary, it turns red or the color has not changed, then it is simply a dislocation.
  2. Performance. Try moving your finger or bending it. If at the same time you experience severe pain and this cannot be done, congratulations, you have broken your finger.
  3. Move your finger with your hand. Do you hear a crunch? Try to feel your finger, you may feel fragmentation.

But only a surgeon or radiologist will tell you the most accurate diagnosis after a thorough examination. Therefore, if you have broken your finger, go to the hospital immediately to at least minimize the consequences of such damage.

The editors of Sovetclub strongly do not recommend repeating further actions, because the consequences can be disastrous - serious harm to health. The article is for informational purposes only. The desire to deliberately break one's finger can be called wild. Unfortunately, there are those who want it. Some want to get a deferment from the army or just take a break from work, others demonstrate their heroism.

Breaking the finger of a young, healthy man is not so easy. It's more complicated than . The bones of the fingers are small, it is very easy to damage the joint. The blow should land in the middle of the bone. Breaking a toe is even more difficult - the bones there are smaller. The recovery period after a broken toe is long. A cast is placed on the entire foot - you will be limited in movement for almost a month.

The easiest way to break a finger is to jam it in the door frame. You don’t even need to look for tools—there are enough doors in any apartment. Place your finger on the corner of the jamb and close the door to make sure the blow hits the middle of the bone and not the joint. Slam the door forcefully. It’s good if there is an assistant in such a matter. It’s difficult to do this yourself, and you need to break your finger with one blow. Stock up on painkillers, because the pain will be very severe. A glass of vodka is a bad pain reliever. Sick leave for an injury sustained while intoxicated is not fully paid. With this method, there is a risk of tearing the tendon and damaging other fingers.

The cabinet door is lighter compared to the door leaf. You may get injured, but this method does not provide a 100% guarantee of a fracture. Another way is to hit hard heavy object

. Place your fingers on two bars so that the middle of the bone is between them. Hit perpendicularly with a hammer or pry bar. The blow with a hammer will be more accurate. With any method, there is a possibility of completely crushing the bone. It will be difficult for doctors to restore it. If you miss, the impact will be on the joint, and you can permanently cripple your finger. To check if a bone is really broken, dip your finger in a glass of cold water

. Redness indicates that you have a sprain. If the skin is blue, it is most likely a fracture. Bend your finger. Are you experiencing severe pain, but your finger cannot bend? So the finger is broken. Go to the emergency room. Come up with a plausible story - after all, at work you will have to write an explanation under what circumstances you were injured.

Harming one's health cannot be justified by any purpose. Even the mother-in-law's upcoming renovation is a disrespectful reason. All fractures remind themselves years later. When the weather changes, your bones will ache. The finger will remain crooked for life. Better take care of your fingers - this wonderful tool that nature has endowed us with.

Not repeating is dangerous!

December 17th, 2015 , 04:00 pm

One day. I was traveling from Syktyvkar to Yekaterinburg. It was during the bitter winter after the New Year holidays. I was driving IZH 2126 (Oda). The temperature outside was approaching minus 40, but somehow this didn’t bother me much. The car did not let us down and the stove coped with its task. This was not the first trip.

But this time everything went wrong. Periodically there was a snowstorm and apparently snow getting into the radiator gradually began to clog it. As a result, the car overheated and stalled in the middle of a deserted highway. In the evening.

I sat in the car for as long as possible and tried to start it, but nothing worked and the interior cooled down. I was wearing a warm sweater and jacket, but on my feet were work boots, not very warm socks and unlined trousers.

Getting out of the car, I put a red plastic bag on the door and put a note in it with approximately the following text: “Date. Time. I left in the direction of Kazan on foot, if you see this note, pick me up on the road.”

I stood between two villages, each about 40-50 kilometers away. And I ran. I ran about 5 kilometers according to the sensations and realized that I almost couldn’t feel my legs anymore. On one side there is a dense forest, on the other there is a sparse forest with clearings.

And suddenly in one clearing I see a trailer. After several attempts, the frozen door gave way and I got inside. There was a kerosene stove, a bundle of firewood and some canned goods with rags. I didn't find any matches. And I remembered that I had a lighter in the glove compartment. Grabbing firewood, he ran back to the car.

It was already quite bad and sick from the cold when I reached the car. He climbed inside, tore off the wood chips and lit a small fire right in the cabin, using the same piece of paper that he left in the bag with the recording. Having opened the back door, I managed to make a fire under the bottom, which was constantly blowing away and I had to cover it with seat covers and rubber mats. It was almost impossible to warm up, but my legs and arms thawed a little.

At that moment a truck drove by and saw me. He stopped and, without further ado, took the rope. They dragged me to Kirov. Along the way, I think I passed out several times. Because he was driving in his frozen trachoma. In the city I was immediately hospitalized and offered to amputate my legs. They were frozen. I signed a waiver.

As a result, after many days of pumping out abscesses and removing dead skin on my own, I saved my legs. Although not with all fingers. After that, I had to walk in special funny boots for another half a year.

And then one day I was taking out the trash in these boots. The local blue began to laugh at me. I walked up to one and punched him without a word. Yes, he hit me so hard that he broke his hand. And then he walked around in a cast paired with funny boots.