How to break your own arm. Learn more about how to break a finger or toe. How to cripple your own toe

23.08.2018 Health

The editors of Sovetclub strongly do not recommend repeating further actions, because the consequences can be disastrous - serious harm to health! The article is for informational purposes only. There are no hopeless situations in life. But sometimes it happens that you have to make sacrifices. And some life problems cannot be resolved without harm to health. Given this fact, many are interested in the question of how one can break an arm.

Heavy object on your finger

Fractures and wrist fractures happen when there is extreme pressure on the two bones in your forearm near your wrist. Most Most times, a broken wrist occurs due to an accident such as a fall or sports injury. However, there are many painful ways you can break your own wrist. Each is associated with significant pain and significant medical costs. If you really need to, here's how you can break your wrist with minimal risk.

What state will your break be in?

The most common cause of a broken wrist is when the radius bone breaks from a fall. However, many of them occur in those who also have difficulty listening, maintaining balance, or if you are a woman going through menopause or older age.

First of all, it is necessary to consider pain relief. It is important to remember that it is unlikely that you can get a strong painkiller in a pharmacy without a prescription. And if we are talking about an injection, then it is almost impossible to do it at home without the help of an experienced healthcare worker. Therefore, it is better to find a person in advance who could help in this matter. The injection will last about 60 minutes.

After half an hour, to get a fracture, you should hit a hard object with moderate force. It is important not to overdo it, as fracture in several places is guaranteed.

If you managed to find a specialist, the injection was given and the hand became numb, then you can begin to mutilate yourself. You can hit with your free hand or with improvised objects. As an alternative, you can ask the same medical friend to do everything for you, if he agrees to take such a step. After all, who, if not a medical worker, would know how to quickly break an arm.

When your wrist experiences extreme force during a falling ladder or car accident, the bones will break. Most of the time the tear will be in the ball bearing like joint, while others can actually destroy the bone. Another type of tear is called a compound break, which occurs when the bone has a large enough shear during the break that it goes through the skin. This leaves you vulnerable to infection, as well as pain and swelling from the break.

How to break a wrist as intended

Most wrist splashes are accidents; however, some may occur on purpose. No matter how your wrist breaks, it will be painful and will keep you out of action for at least 6 weeks. There are also many other health problems that can arise if you do not receive proper treatment.

This method is the most loyal and gentle of all and is based on cunning. To do this, you should buy plaster and several packs of bandages at any pharmacy. When the plaster gets wet in the water, you need to very carefully apply it to your hand, and wrap it all beautifully with a bandage on top. As for X-ray images, they can be purchased from a traumatologist. At first glance, the fracture is obvious and, most likely, no one will go into details.

Before deciding to break your arm, it is recommended to think about whether it is worth the purpose for which it is being undertaken. It is better not to engage in self-harm under any circumstances, as the consequences can be very unpredictable.

Not repeating is dangerous!

How to mutilate your own toe?

If you really want to break your wrist with a purpose, The best way- place your wrist in a vice with your palm facing away from you. Then use your full weight to fall to your knees and force the bone to break. Make sure you're not using your dominant hand and climb onto an object that's about four feet off the floor. Step away from this object, making sure to land on your hand. This may lead to other injuries. You may want to make sure you have a cushion for other parts of your body to land on.

Quite rare, but nevertheless, some people have the need to break their arm. This, of course, is a very drastic measure, but what can you do? As they say, it happens. Someone will say that breaking your arm yourself at home is as easy as shelling pears. You can use doors, a stick, a jamb, or even a sink for this. Perhaps this is true. Another thing is how to break an arm with minimal pain. In any case, it will not be completely pain-free, since even the administration of painkillers itself can be very unpleasant and even painful.

This option is very stupid and can actually kill you. It is highly recommended that you do not try this action. You can also try to break your wrist by twisting your arm backwards. Place the back of your hand on the floor with your fingers facing you. Then lift your entire weight with that arm. Keep in mind that this may or may not work and you risk damaging the joint.

Another way to break a wrist is to use a hammer. You can do this by placing your hand and arm on your side on top of a flat surface. Your thumb will face the ceiling. Raise the hammer above your wrist and let it fall with maximum force.


Continuing the topic of how you can break an arm, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the issue of pain relief. So, first you need to give a conduction anesthesia with bivuvacaine or marcaine into the central nerve under the armpit. It is worth immediately noting that only a physician can administer such an injection. It is simply unrealistic for a person far from medicine to hit a nerve on his own. Moreover, wrong actions can lead to very disastrous consequences. Once the above agents are administered, the nerve will be “killed” for about an hour. Although everything, of course, depends on the dose and the individual person. This type of anesthesia will eliminate the appearance of pain in the bones. However, this is not enough. So that you do not feel pain in the flesh and muscles, you need to give a couple of injections of lidocaine directly into the arm itself. High-quality anesthesia is the only adequate assistant in how to break an arm without pain. Alcohol, cold and other banal methods in this situation are ineffective.

Breaking a finger with a heavy object

You'll know these options have worked when you experience excruciating pain and your wrist begins to swell. When you break your wrist, it will begin to swell over the next five to ten minutes. Any injury to your wrist can seriously damage your joint and you may never be able to use it again.

Remember that it takes about five pounds of force to break a bone. If you don't use enough, it will only cause pain. However, the use is too large quantity or using more extreme methods may cause damage to other parts of your body.


After the nerves in the arm have been blocked using drugs, it must be placed in a vice. You need to clamp your limb tightly in the wrist area so that the radial bones are as static as possible. After this, hit your elbow hard with your free hand so that your arm breaks. This must be done sharply. If you can’t do it yourself, turn to a friend, or even better, to a doctor you know who knows how to quickly break an arm. The main thing is that the latter does not honor the Hippocratic oath.

Complications Disorders Disorders

Any damage you cause to your body, whether intentional or not, can lead to lasting consequences that you don't want. It is very dangerous to try to break bones yourself. Doctors may do this to help them heal properly, but in reality the damage itself may cause more permanent damage than intended. It's best not to try to break bones yourself.

We fall and break

When you sprain your wrist, there are many symptoms that can occur. Here are some of the immediate symptoms.

  • Shooting pain when trying to use your arm.
  • Swelling and bruising in and around the wrist.
  • Tenderness all around and in close proximity.
  • When a bone is severely broken, there may be deformity.
  • Your arm will feel numb and weak.
Your broken wrist may even lead to disability, osteoarthritis, or damage to surrounding nerves and blood vessels.

At the moment of impact, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise there will be an open fracture. Although, this may be exactly the type of injury you are looking for. Who knows you? However, it is worth understanding that an open fracture entails surgery and the need to install staples, plates and other orthopedic devices. And in general, the consequences of open fractures can be very dire.

How is the broken wrist torn?

Whether you've been trying to learn how to break your wrist, or you've accidentally done something that could have broken it, it's important that you seek medical help immediately. Without proper medical care, it may not heal properly and you may lose range of motion and grip strength.

In some cases, your doctor may need to re-break the wrist so it can be reset properly. Once it is cleared, your doctor will recommend that you use painkillers to relieve the pain. You will also need to keep your wrist in a splint until the swelling goes down, then the wrist will be affected. The adduction will generally last for six to eight weeks and may even need to be replaced if the tear is severe enough. Although you have a throw, you will likely receive regular x-rays to ensure your wrist is healing properly. This is a very painful experience. . Other steps to care for a broken wrist at home include:

Further actions

Continuing the topic of how to painlessly break an arm, it should be noted that before breaking a limb, you must definitely call an ambulance or a taxi. This safety measure will be relevant in case of an open fracture and bleeding. Moreover, even if everything goes well and you get the expected closed fracture, one way or another, you will have to go for an x-ray. So the cost of a taxi is justified in any case.

Most of the time, these treatment options will help the wrist heal properly; however, it sometimes happens that a broken wrist may require surgery to be properly treated. This may be determined on your first visit, or several weeks after you receive the cast if it is not healing properly.

A hand fracture is a break in one of the bones in your child's hand, including the bones in the wrist and fingers and those that connect the wrist to the fingers. An arm fracture can be caused by twisting or bending of the arm; otherwise, it may be caused by a fall, crush injury, or sports injury.

One more thing - do not tell doctors that you broke your arm on purpose if you do not want to register with a mental hospital. Just come up with a plausible, adequate version in advance of how you broke your arm.