How to distinguish a boy from a girl in small hamsters. How to distinguish a boy hamster from a girl: all the signs.

16.10.2017 Animals

Small rodents do not have pronounced sexual characteristics. There are often cases when even sellers in pet stores, when selling an animal, call its gender with doubt: “It seems that this is a female” or “This one looks like a male.” But you must admit that it is much more pleasant to have a pet, knowing exactly who it is. How to distinguish a boy hamster from a girl - detailed instructions especially for you in our article.

Indirect signs of gender

In many animal species, males and females can be distinguished with the naked eye. The difference can be noticeable in body size and constitution, color, and behavior. How to distinguish a boy hamster from a girl, are there any noticeable signs? If your pet is a dwarf, it is not difficult to determine its gender. Males have longer fur than females. Usually this difference is obvious even in very small hamsters that are just 2-3 weeks old. All others do not have such obvious differences. The length and color of their fur can be identical in females and males. It is believed that boys are calmer than girls, but in fact, each animal has its own character. If your hamster is not a Djungarian, you need to examine its abdomen and genitals.

General rules for conducting an inspection

Most the right way How to distinguish a boy hamster from a girl hamster - examine his belly. It is advisable to start this procedure when the animal is at least 3-4 weeks old. It is good if the hamster has been living in your house for some time and is accustomed to being handled. Take the animal and, while supporting top part his body, carefully hang his lower legs and tail from your palm. In this position, the hamster will instinctively spread its hind legs, thereby opening the lower part of the body for inspection.

How to distinguish a boy hamster from a girl: subtleties of anatomical structure

Do not expect to find noticeable ones under the tail of the supposed male. The testicles are not noticeable in young individuals, in addition, all rodents have the unique ability to hide them in case of danger. But how can you tell a boy hamster from a girl? Pay attention to the distance between the anus and genital opening. In females it is minimal, but in males it can reach 1-1.5 cm. In addition, this delicate area in female hamsters is not covered with hair. On the underside of the female's body two rows of nipples are visible, and the male's abdomen is covered with a uniform coat of hair. Another sign of male hamsters is the presence of a bump on the belly, similar to a navel. In addition, males almost always have a slightly moist abdomen due to the active work of special glands. If during examination you cannot accurately identify all the described signs, most likely your pet is simply too small. Postpone sex determination to a later date and let the hamster grow up.

How does one determine the gender of an animal? You can choose a name for your pet, knowing exactly whether it is a boy or a girl. It is important to know the gender even if reproduction is planned. Try to remember how to distinguish a boy hamster from a girl at one month of age. Believe me, it will be easier for you to place offspring by naming the gender of each animal.

Hamsters are fairly unpretentious pets. They are cute, fluffy and funny. In addition, they do not require special care and feeding regimen. This is why many people prefer to have hamsters. There are many species of these animals. The most common are dwarf Djungarian hamsters and large Syrian ones. When purchasing a hamster in a store, the seller usually tells you its gender. However, sometimes the seller can make a mistake. If only one individual will live in a cage, then gender, as a rule, does not matter. However, if you plan to have several animals living in the same area, you must find out the gender of the animal you are purchasing. Firstly, so that there are no unwanted offspring, or so that same-sex animals do not fight for territory. It is easier to find out the sex of a hamster if it is an adult. However, there are several ways to find out the gender of any hamster.

You need to start examining the animal right in the store. This will allow you to compare it with other individuals and more accurately identify the result. No need to hurry. First you need to pet the animal and treat it with something tasty. You need to understand whether the hamster will bite your hand during examination. If the animal is friendly, you can begin the inspection. First you need to pay attention to the groin area. In males, especially sexually mature ones, testicles can be easily detected. In a female, if you palpate the tummy, you can find nipples. The female hamster has 3 pairs of nipples. However, these signs appear only in sexually mature individuals.

In small hamsters you need to pay attention to the genitals. If you look closely, you can see the anus under the tail. A little further, towards the stomach, you can see another opening - the urethra. So, in females these holes are very close to each other. In males, at a fairly large distance. If you are not sure, you can compare the individual you are purchasing with others. Such comparative analysis will help to more likely determine the sex of the hamster.

Even if the hamster is small, testicles begin to form. Therefore, carefully feel the groin area. If swelling is found there, then most likely this is a male.

If you are not 100% sure, then it is better to place the hamster in a separate cage. After a month, the animal’s sexual characteristics will become more pronounced. Then it will be much easier to determine the gender.

There are several tips to help make the examination safe for the animal. Firstly, you should not create a stressful situation for the animal. Remember that hamsters are very shy. If a hamster cannot be examined at a pet store, this should not be done forcibly. Secondly, all palpating should be done carefully and gently. Remember that if the hamster feels painful, it may bite the offender. After examining the animal, be sure to wash your hands with soap.

In fact, there is nothing difficult in identifying the sex of a hamster. The main thing is that the animal is healthy and friendly. Then, regardless of gender, the hamster will fit perfectly into the family.

The sex of a Syrian hamster affects many aspects of its life. You need to take this into account when purchasing. This is especially true if you are going to place several individuals in one cage, or are planning breeding. Gender also significantly influences the behavior of pets. Girls are usually more active than boys, who prefer a more passive pace of life. And you will have less trouble with a male. It has no problems with pregnancy and does not add extra mouths to you over time.

If you put a male and a female in the same cage and don’t know about it, then soon there may be a new addition to the cage. These cute creatures love to reproduce. Remember, you cannot place two or more females in one cage. The females simply won’t take root. If you plan to place several individuals in one house, make sure that they are all boys. Males easily get along with each other. Therefore, before purchasing, it is advisable to determine the sex of Syrian hamsters.

If our rodents are not yet 40 days old, you should not handle them, which means you should not check their gender either. If they are older than this period, then you can begin to examine the pet. To do this, you need to follow the steps described below.

The difference between a boy and a girl in hamsters

The Syrian hamster is a very good choice. Especially if we are talking about a boy. Although this species is relatively large in size, they require less care. Rodents take care of themselves, their appearance and skin. Therefore, when purchasing, you need to know how to determine the sex of a Syrian hamster. If you need less problems and care, then choose a boy. If you don't mind the fact that the cage will gradually fill up, or you like more nimble rodents, then you are better off buying a female.

Remember, the Syrian hamster should not bathe, this especially applies to his head.


Take your time and let the baby grow up at least a little. In very young hamsters, the sexual characteristics, although distinguishable, are so small that diagnosing them is simply inconvenient. Be patient and wait until your baby is at least 3 weeks old. At this age, gender can already be determined. First of all, the animal must be accustomed to being handled, since for the “looking at” procedure you will need to hold the hamster suspended for some time, which will not give him any joy if he is completely unaccustomed to this. As soon as you notice that the baby is no longer afraid of your hands and willingly climbs into your palm for communication, you can begin further actions.

Take the hamster in your hand and turn it over on your palm so that your thumb was located above the head and chest of the animal. Of course, your pet may not like this procedure very much; if everything is done correctly, the hamster will lie relatively still for some time and you will have time to see everything that is necessary. So, holding the front part of the jungarik, leave the back one hanging freely from the palm and, if necessary, gently support it with your other hand. You can examine the hamster by holding it suspended by the scruff of the neck, but this is less convenient, since it will spin around in every possible way and will not allow you to see itself.

Now look at the area under the ponytail. In Djungarian girls, the distance between the vagina and anus is very small and not covered with fur. But in boys there is a distance of about a centimeter between them and thick fur grows. Don't expect to see any distinct sexual organ - hamsters are too small in size for anything like this to be visible to the naked eye. But on the female’s abdomen two rows of nipples will clearly appear, and in representatives of the stronger sex the abdomen is completely flat, but you can notice a small “navel”.

If you decide to get a hamster, probably, in addition to issues of education and maintenance, you are interested in whether it is a male or a female. It seems difficult to determine the sex of such a small animal. Not every pet store seller can do this. However, it is quite possible.


To begin, grab the hamster by the scruff of the neck and lift it up. In this position, the animal will stretch out and spread its hind legs to the sides. This makes it much easier to see the floor. In females, the anal and vaginal openings are located closely. In males, on the contrary, the distance from the genitals to the anus is quite large. In addition, if the hamster is already a month old, then the testicles can already be distinguished.

You can determine the sex by the coat. In male longhaired Syrians hamsters the coat is longer than that of females. The hamster gentleman can boast of a chic fur coat, and for ladies, long hair appears only in the “skirt” and the fur behind the ears. Another characteristic feature, distinguishing the male - if you hold the hamster by the scruff of the neck, then the butt hangs down quite strongly.

If you have a Djungarian hamster, determining the sex is easier. Place the animal in your palm, tummy up. Hold the head with your thumb. In the male, the distance between the anus and genitals is large and covered with fur. And in the middle between them you will see a lump that looks like a small hernia or sore. In females this distance is small, without fur. On the abdomen you can see 2 rows of papillae.

The male and female are not very different in character. Perhaps the female is a little more affectionate towards her owner. In addition, she is more clean as a woman. He litters less in his cage and takes better care of his own fur. But if you decide to have a couple hamsters, then think about it - why? The idea that a hamster will be bored alone is a myth. On the contrary, as they grow older, hamsters will fight for territory and food. Fights cannot be avoided. It does not matter whether same-sex hamsters sit in the same cage or not. Females are even more conflicted.

If you decide to buy a pair hamsters for breeding, do not forget that you can keep them in the same cage only during mating. Then you need to place the animals in different cages.

Unlike many of their counterparts, Djungarian hamsters are perfectly tamed; they recognize their owners, sense their mood, and can help with household chores by sitting on their shoulders.


In order for the dwarf to get used to you, it is important that your biological rhythms coincide. Since rodents are nocturnal animals, you must first transfer them to a diurnal lifestyle. This will make it easier to communicate with them later, when they begin to be active during the day and sleep at night. To switch from night mode, keep the lamp on until the morning next to the cage. You can also leave the radio running. At first, hamsters will become confused about when to sleep and when to stay awake, but over time they will change their daily routine.

Djungarians have a gentler disposition than other breeds of hamsters. In order for them to get used to you, first let them get used to the new conditions, start communicating with the hamster when he wakes up and crawls out of the house. Try to stop

Of course you can just ask the seller at the pet store. But sellers can make mistakes, and some deliberately pass off females as males. And if you received a hamster as a gift or through an acquaintance, there will be no one to ask, as in the situation when your hamster is: you will have to determine the sex of her offspring yourself.

Please note that It is possible to determine the sex of a hamster only when the animal reaches four weeks of age: In small cubs the difference between females and males is invisible. In addition, to determine the sex, you will need to hold the hamster in your arms, and it is better not to do this with cubs.

The most reliable way to determine the sex of a hamster is to look at distance between the genitals (urethra) and anus. To do this, you need to lift the hamster by the scruff of the neck so that it stretches out and spreads its hind legs. Please note that this must be done carefully so as not to cause discomfort to your pet.

However, many hamsters, if lifted by the scruff of the neck, experience discomfort and begin to squirm. Therefore, it is better to do it a little differently: carefully grab the hamster with your fingers under the front legs and place it belly up on your palm. The head and upper part of the body of the hamster lying on the palm should be carefully held with the thumb of the same hand, and the back part should hang freely (it can be very carefully supported by the thumb and forefinger of the other hand).

In females the distance between the vagina and the anus is about 3 mm (both openings are located almost closely). Distance between penis and anus in males several times larger - approximately 1-1.5 cm.

In males, the location of the genital organs is usually covered with thick hair; in females, the hair in this area is sparse or even absent altogether. Sometimes on females’ bellies you can see nipples arranged in two rows. A Male dwarf hamsters may have a visible gland in the center of their abdomen, resembling a navel, with secretions from which they mark their territory. In females it is usually invisible. In Syrian hamsters you don’t have to look for a gland on the stomach; they have two glands located on the sides of their back.

Also You can distinguish a male from a female by the presence of testicles. In males that have reached the age of four weeks, the scrotum is usually clearly visible at the base of the tail. However, this method of determining the sex of hamsters cannot be called 100% reliable, since in some males the gonads may remain inside the abdominal cavity (so-called cryptorchidism), in addition, in dwarf breeds of hamsters the testicles are hardly noticeable.

A very unreliable way to determine the sex of a hamster is by behavior. It is believed that males are quieter, calmer and friendlier, while females are more active and aggressive. But each animal has its own character, and besides, the behavior of your pet can be influenced by various factors (health status, living conditions, etc.), so we would not recommend trying to determine the sex of a hamster by its behavior, it is very easy to in this case make a mistake.

It's important to remember one thing: It is highly undesirable to keep both same-sex and opposite-sex hamsters together. Hamsters are solitary, territorial animals, so two hamsters in the same cage are likely to start fighting and may harm each other. And if the hamsters are of different sexes, during estrus the female will most likely become pregnant. Be honest: are you ready to bother with her numerous offspring?