How buns are made. Very tasty buns with sugar. Butter dough for fluffy buns.

17.10.2018 Food and drink

“And here we are playing with buns,” said the cheerful and mischievous Carlson.

So, why don’t we indulge in them too?

Everyone loves sugar buns with adorable patterns!

And if someone says that they don’t love, then they are simply lying!

Or I’ve simply never eaten homemade buns with sugar, aromatic and incredibly tasty.

Shall we cook?

Buns with sugar - general principles of preparation

Buns are always made from yeast dough. It is kneaded with water, milk, kefir. Add sugar, salt, flour, butter. Sometimes they add eggs and sour cream. Yeast can be taken raw, but more and more often housewives use dry yeast.

Mix flour with baking powder and a pinch of salt. Set aside a small portion of the mixture. Otherwise, one makes a void, then little by little water pours in the middle. After each addition of water, knead the dough; The more it is mixed, the better! The dough should be so moist that it doesn't break apart once it's kneaded. If it is too wet add flour.

“Minimalist” dough made from water 1 kg wheat flour. 4 bouillon cubes with dried vegetables. The dough should have a soft and smooth consistency. If it is too wet, add flour. With Stockbrot dough, the finished pies are one inch thick and no larger than a pan. Place them in a greased pan to cook them. Once the underside is golden, you need to turn Bannock.

The dough should be allowed to rise at least once, preferably twice. This will make the finished buns fluffier, softer, and will prevent them from quickly becoming stale. After the first rise, knead the dough with your hands so that it falls. After the second, they put it on the table and form buns. The rising time depends on the quality of the yeast and the room temperature; it is always recommended to keep the dough warm.

After cooking, you can store the bread for one or two days. He gives a good breakfast in the morning! Chapati is a traditional bread from India. All you need is flour, salt and water to make this flat cake-shaped bread.

For 12 chapatis 250 g whole wheat flour salt about 200 ml water.

As always: mix well and knead for 5 minutes to obtain a soft and smooth paste. Cover the dough with a slightly dampened cloth and let it sit for 10 minutes. Toss them in flour and arrange them into thin circles. They are cooked without fat in a pan or on a hot stone. As soon as the chapati starts to swell, it needs to be turned over.

How to sculpt buns

1. Round a piece of dough and let it rest for 5 minutes. The rolling process will be easier.

2. Roll out a long strip of dough into a rectangle.

3. Lubricate with oil. You can use melted butter or vegetable oil, but odorless.

4. Roll it up.

5. Bend the roll in half and place it on the edge.

Still warm and matte with butter, they are too delicious! The same rule applies to all recipes: you can change them however you like! Of course, we never go out without a good trick to nibble around the fire, and during this time we prepared buns called "tikkupulla" in Finnish. Hiking with children in Lapland.

To make about 4-5 small buns you will need. 2.5 dl flour 1.5 teaspoon yeast 1 pinch salt 2 teaspoons sugar 1 teaspoon cardamom 1 pinch vanilla sugar 1 dl water. Tikkupulla - a mixture of flour, vanilla sugar, cardamom, salt, yeast.

6. Make a cut on the fold. Its length should not reach 1.5-2 centimeters to the free edges.

7. Unfold the edges and get a heart! Until the dough has risen, the bun can be adjusted.

The finished buns are laid out on a greased baking sheet. But the sheet can also be covered with a silicone mat or baking paper. Then the products are allowed to rise, brushed with egg, sprinkled with sugar and baked in the oven at 200 degrees.

Prepare the dough by mixing all the ingredients. Place everything in an airtight container except the water. Once around the heat, add water to the flour mixture. Mix until the hard paste sticks to your fingers. Take some flour with you to form buns into 20cm long and 3cm thick buns once you're there. The buns are ready, wrap them in long sticks of branches strong enough to cook them under the fire.

Give them 10 minutes to cook thoroughly. Once you are ready, you can remove the buns from the sticks and try them with a little jam. Don't place them too close to the fire, otherwise the surface will quickly burn and the inside will not be cooked.

Recipe 1: Buns with sugar from yeast dough with milk

A classic recipe for buns with sugar made from homemade yeast dough.


8 grams of yeast;

250 grams of milk;

80 grams of butter;

100 grams of sugar;

0.5 tsp. salt;

450 grams of flour;

For decoration you will need butter, granulated sugar and yolk.

One of the reasons why the bread you buy from bakeries is "more developed, light and colorful than what you typically make at home and" professional bakers add malt to most mixtures. The malt serves to feed the yeast, which consequently improves the bread. Since many white lovers struggle to find malt for homemade bread, many recipes replace malt with sugar.

This organism breaks down the sugars found in flour and turns them into carbon dioxide, which is a gas. The carbon dioxide is then trapped in the dough, and when it expands in volume during leavening and then during cooking, it lifts the bread and creates an internal flush.


1. Prepare the dough in advance, at least 2 hours in advance. It should rise well. Place 2 tablespoons of sugar in warm milk, add yeast and leave to activate for 15 minutes.

2. Add a pinch of salt, the rest of the sugar, add melted butter.

3. Sift the flour into a bowl and make a well in the center.

And here the main process is explained in the worst case. In order to get good light and honeycomb bread, the proteins in the flour must develop well to create more or less strong ones to trap carbon dioxide, generated by yeast during. By adding sugar to the dough, it provides more nutrition to the yeast, which then reproduces better and generates more carbon dioxide.

Sugar will improve baking at home Bread

After 10 minutes, the left bottle was filled to the brim with carbon dioxide bubbles.

  • AND balloon was beautifully swollen.
  • Only an hour later the right bottle's balloon was inflated, but much less.
Vittorio and Angelo - creators and curators of the site, blog with simple recipes to make bread at home. Born in Genoa and brought up in the family bakery, with his video tutorial Vittorio teaches the ropes for all white art lovers and passionate to make bread at home, like one of the best Italian bakeries.

4. Pour in the yeast mixture, add vanilla and knead the dough.

5. Cover the bowl with a towel and leave warm for 1.5-2 hours. The dough should rise twice, after the first rise it needs to be kneaded.

6. Form buns. The process is described above.

7. Place on a greased or lined baking sheet. Do not forget that the products will increase in size, leave a distance between them.

The life of fire cannot be said a priori. . In this case, granulated sugar can help, even simple snacks in flour, but what we can return the best result is definitely malt, because in addition to what sugar does is “fix” our gluten structure to ensure that we have better carbon dioxide and therefore development.

Conclusion: Sugar adds a little but helps, but malt is essential if you want a good result. I wish you a happy Easter while remaining available to share other experiments, tips, etc. Both with you and your passionate community.

8. Leave the buns warm for another half hour.

9. Grease with yolk, sprinkle with sugar and bake until golden brown at 200 degrees.

Recipe 2: Buns with sugar from yeast dough on water

If there is no milk, then yeast dough You can also cook it with water. It is also suitable for buns with sugar, but to make it tasty, you need to add something.

However, you do a test: take a nut of fresh yeast, divide it into two parts, add one salt to the other and sugar as in the same amount of water. Melt both wells until they are creamy and then make 2 doughs each with 500g flour. Leave them in the bowl and watch how much they double. Do you think this is wrong? . Polenta Taranya.

Preparation: Place a bowl of salted water on the fire, once it starts to boil, pour the flour into the ground, mixing it vigorously with a stick to prevent lumps. After cooking, add butter and cheese, cut into small pieces. Take it, let everything melt and serve very hot.


280 ml water;

500 grams of flour;

8 grams of yeast;

50 ml oil;

40 grams of sugar;

A pinch of salt;

2 tablespoons of sour cream or cream.

Egg, butter and sugar for decoration.


1. As usual, in warm liquid dilute the yeast and add granulated sugar. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes.

Preparation: Place 0.75 liters tomato paste with nuts and a pinch of salt to cook for 20 minutes; Remove from heat and add kitchen cloth. Mix on maximum speed for 2 or 3 minutes, adding a finger of water and stirring in the handles.

Variations: Instead of vodka, you can use the same amount of gin or sparkling wine, depending on your taste. Preparation: Mix sugar, eggs, flour and yeast with milk, add a piece of apple. Place the mixture in enough large saucepan to keep the cake low; add other chopped apples, lemon zest and a little melted butter to the surface.

2. Add eggs beaten with salt, pour in oil, add sour cream and prepare the dough with flour. Sour cream will help get rid of the emptiness in the taste and make the products better. You can add condensed milk instead, but in this case it is better to reduce the amount of sugar.

3. Leave the dough covered in a warm place and let it rise twice.

4. Roll out pieces of dough and make buns.

Ingredients: 3 g flour 2 g sugar 2 whole eggs 1 g melted butter 1 kg apple recipe in Marsala 1 dose of yeast 1 sugar for garnish. Preparation: In a bowl, add sugar and eggs, then add flour and yeast. Peel the sliced ​​apples and dip them in Marsala. Place the mixture in a baking dish, garnish with apple slices and pour the melted butter and sugar aside. Bake and cook for 140 minutes for 40 minutes.

Preparation: Cut the grapes in half and remove the seeds, put them in a container with sugar for one night, add lemon juice and cook for about two hours, checking the density in the saucer from time to time, until it reaches consistency. The jam is not too tight. Store in sterilized jars and eat with cheeses.

5. Place on a prepared baking sheet, let rise, grease, sprinkle with sugar and bake.

Recipe 3: Buns with sugar from kefir dough

Kefir dough has the advantage of being prepared a little faster. And all thanks to the content contained in dairy product acid that accelerates fermentation. At the same time, the baked goods turn out to be quite decent.

Ingredients: 200 g dark chocolate 100 g butter 150 g velvet sugar 4 eggs 1 tablespoon potato starch. Preparation: Melt the chocolate and butter in the microwave for 3 or 4 minutes. At the same time, separate the eggs and set the red ones using an electric mixer, gradually adding the icing sugar. Pour the whipped whites into the cream obtained by mixing with a spoon. Pour into a baking dish and bake for 20 minutes at 180°.

When it's cool, rub it with a little sugar. Sponge cake. Directions: Add the lightly cooked rice to the dark chocolate and cocoa and stir vigorously to melt it all. Beat the eggs and add to the cooled rice, which has included pine nuts, raisins, small candies, two types of sugar and liqueur. Meanwhile you start making the macarons Mixing the egg yolks and sugar with the egg yolks, which we will combine with the split reds, butter dissolved in the bain marie, yeast and grated lemon zest.


0.2 l kefir;

3 tablespoons of oil;

4 spoons of sugar;

3 cups flour;

1 tsp. yeast;


1. Beat the egg with sugar, kefir and butter. Add a little salt for taste. Separately sift the flour, add vanilla and dry yeast to it. We combine everything together, making an elastic, but not very tough dough.

Then combine the flour and work until you have a dough with good consistency. Which, after finishing it with a roller to make it into a thin sheet, lick the molds even along the edges, going about one centimeter in height. At this stage, the stuffing extends to the height of the edges of the bakery. They make “bribes”. The piece of pasta over the edge of the pan should be divided into sides with a knife, and each piece that will result from this operation should be shaped with your fingers until you get little pyramids around the cake.

2. We put it in a bag or just cover it. Let it sit for an hour until it is fully cooked.

3. Making buns.

4. And we walk along standard scheme: Place on a baking sheet, let rise a little, grease and sprinkle. Bake until golden brown.

Recipe 4: Buns with sugar and poppy seeds

Poppy buns, and even with sugar. A dream for any sweet tooth. Shall we cook? The dough will be kneaded with water, but you can also add some milk to it. The products are molded a little differently; poppy seeds and sugar are placed inside.

Place two or three pasta pastes on the filling to form a geometric pattern and cook in the oven at 180° for one and a half hours. From this country it spread to neighboring countries, to Pisa and to the provinces north of the Arno River. Even today, it is the custom to bring home baked goods to the bakery in the village, and the gift becomes a small, aggressive race to see who makes the best cake.

Ingredients: 4 walnuts 1 handful of cranberries raisins 2 spoons of apricot jam 1 tablespoons of grated bread. Preparation: Peel the apples and cut them into cubes, add nuts, raisins, cinnamon, jam and finally grated bread, mix it all. Spread the pie on the shelf, pierce it with a fork, pass the dough and next to the cross. Make cuts on the pasta. Serve with cream or cream with little to no liquid.


380 ml water;

700 grams of flour;

80 grams of butter;

2 spoons of sugar;

10 grams of yeast;

A pinch of salt.

Butter, poppy seeds and sugar for finishing.


1. Knead the dough in warm water. Add sugar and salt, yeast and butter, add flour. After thoroughly kneading, place in a warm place to rise.

Spaghetti with ricotta and almond cream. Preparation: Place the ricotta curd cheese with almonds, salt, one of the peppers and parsley, washed and dried. Thin the ingredients with 4 or 5 tablespoons of oil and beat until you get a soft cream. Cook the pasta, combine the cream and serve.

Preparation: Chop the onions into the mixer and then fry them with a little oil, turning them golden. Mix onion with ricotta cheese, grated Parmesan cheese, eggs, salt, pepper, nutmeg. Spread the dough, make a little on the board, stick it with a fork and pour the mixture.

2. We sort out the poppy seeds.

3. Take out the risen dough and divide it into pieces.

4. Roll out the ribbons, grease, sprinkle with sugar and poppy seeds. We roll the rolls and cut the buns.

5. Place on a baking sheet, let rise and bake until done.

Recipe 5: Quick dough buns with sugar and raisins

A recipe for wonderful buns with raisins, which are prepared from quick dough with yeast. Its peculiarity is the addition of both yeast and cultivator.


1 glass of milk;

400 grams of flour;

1 glass of oil;

3 spoons of sugar;

11 grams of yeast;

10 grams of baking powder;

You will also need 150 grams of raisins, an egg, butter and a little sugar.


1. Combine salt and sugar, add milk and butter. Lightly heat the mixture until warm.

2. Add yeast and stir. Add the flour in which the baking powder is mixed. Knead the bun dough and leave for just 30 minutes.

3. Cut into pieces, round and let sit on the table for another 5 minutes.

4. Pour warm water over the raisins and let the dried grapes swell. Dry with a towel.

5. Roll out the koloboks into ribbons, grease with oil, sprinkle with raisins. We twist it.

6. Cut and unwrap the buns and place them on a baking sheet.

7. Before baking, brush with beaten egg and lightly sprinkle with granulated sugar.

Recipe 6: Buns with sugar and cinnamon

Cinnamon gives baked goods a special aroma and taste. So, why not add it to the buns? Knead the dough according to any recipe, yeast.


1 kg of dough;

2 spoons of cinnamon;

2-3 tablespoons of oil.


1. Divide the dough into pieces of 100 grams, you get 10 buns. Round it up and let it rise a little on the table.

2. Roll out an elongated rectangle, grease with butter and sprinkle with a pinch of sugar, sprinkle cinnamon on it.

3. Twist the roll, cut the bun and let it rise on a baking sheet.

4. Break the egg into a bowl, beat with a fork, grease the buns with and lightly sprinkle granulated sugar on top, you don’t need much.

5. Bake and enjoy the incredibly aromatic pastries.

A lot of sugar is not very good. The dough will be heavy, flaky and not airy. And if there is a lot of sugar on the bun itself, then it will not fry well and will be ugly. There should be moderation in everything, follow the recipe!

Flavoring additives are often added to sugar to decorate buns. But you can put vanilla, cinnamon and essences in the oil for lubrication. The baked goods will be even more aromatic, and the smell will come from within.

It is not necessary to sculpt buns in the shape of hearts. They can also be made in the shape of roses. To do this, the prepared roll is completely cut through one edge and the strips are laid in a circle in the form of petals.

You should not make the buns too small, especially if they are not prepared for one day. The larger the baked goods, the longer they stay fresh. And small buns are easy to dry out and they go stale much faster.

Buns can be made not only sweet! From pie dough you can make buns with garlic, aromatic spices, paprika and surprise your household.

In winter, for some reason, you especially want the house to smell like fresh baked goods, so in winter period I bake something in the oven much more often than usual. Today I will share with you a recipe for the most delicious yeast buns with sugar.

Homemade buns with sugar from yeast dough: recipe with photos step by step

To prepare them you will need the following ingredients:

  • milk - 1.5 cups;
  • wheat flour - 4-4.5 cups;
  • sugar;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • vanillin - 2 g;
  • live yeast - 30 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • baking paper.

Step-by-step photo recipe on how to make homemade buns with sugar from yeast dough in the oven:

Approximate cooking time is 2 hours, taking into account the dough approach.

The resulting dough yields an average of 18-22 buns, depending on their size.

First of all, prepare the dough. Heat the milk; it should be warm, but not hot. Add yeast to it and stir until it dissolves.

Then 3 tablespoons of sugar.

A packet of vanillin or vanilla sugar.

And finally 2 tablespoons sunflower oil and mix everything thoroughly.

The flour must be sifted and added to the resulting mixture. The amount of flour can vary, it all depends on its qualities. Knead everything until you get a soft and elastic dough. It shouldn't turn out tight!

Place the dough in warm place for 30-40 minutes, it should double in volume. Divide the finished dough into small pieces, which we roll into stripes like this.

Sprinkle each strip of dough with sugar.

The tube must be folded in half, and the unfolded edges must be fastened well.

Now use a knife to make a small cut.

All that remains is to open the dough left and right.

We do this with all the dough. Place the buns on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, grease them well with beaten egg and place in the oven for 20-25 minutes, the time may depend on the power of your oven.

25 minutes have passed, and the freshest buns are ready. They are incredibly flavorful, crispy and very tender. Be sure to try baking them!

Bon appetit!