Rhythmic gymnastics for children Chertanovskaya. Joint and back gymnastics

28.06.2020 Documentation

Some health problems are associated with pathology of the spinal column, which contains the spinal cord, which controls the functioning of internal organs. With spinal pathology, compression of the spinal nerves occurs, as a result of which the body as a whole may suffer. This is why it is so important to take care of the health of your spine. Massage and other types of external therapeutic interventions are also useful, but can only eliminate symptoms and provide temporary relief.

In the classes you will learn how to perform, which will systematically affect the body as a whole and help eliminate the cause of the problem.

In kung fu, the force of a blow is directly related to the stretching of the tendons. Accordingly, stretching muscles and tendons, as an essential component of kung fu training, is a significant step on the path to health.

The purpose of the classes joint gymnastics is to improve mobility and increase the range of motion of joints, stretch muscles and ligaments, strengthen the muscular corset of the body, and thus improve the overall physical health of the practitioner. Also, one of the main tasks is to consciously work with one’s own body, the ability to listen and hear it. Through awareness comes the ability to control the body without tension and any negative traumatic consequences.

The lesson begins with warming up the body, followed by a series of exercises to open the joints, after which we move on to stretching the muscles and ligaments. The classes also include exercises for static loads and strengthening the muscle corset. Much attention in the lesson is paid to working with the spine. The final part is the implementation of the taijiquan complex (Yang 24 forms), aimed at improving the functioning of the lower back.

This lesson is suitable for people with any level of training and will be useful both for those who go to regular kung fu and taijiquan groups, which will undoubtedly improve the quality of the complexes, and for those who want to keep their body in good physical shape. The exercise has a pronounced therapeutic effect and is a good prevention against diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Result of the lessons:

  • formation of correct posture,
  • relief from back pain,
  • improved mobility of all joints of the body,
  • healing of the spine during diseases and after injuries,
  • no headaches,
  • better concentration,
  • proper blood supply to the heart, pelvic organs and normalization of blood pressure.

The exercise has a pronounced therapeutic effect and is a good prevention against diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


Review from Marina

My daughter and I express our gratitude to coaches Vladimir Zrelov and Pavel Zrelov for interesting training! Individual approach, regardless of how many people in the group are studying at the same time. Both Vladimir and Pavel are kind, calm, attentive trainers. My daughter is ready to study every day! Thank you very much for the great job!
And in general, we really like the European Gymnastics Center - cool equipment, the ability to register online for classes at a time convenient for us, and not tied to a specific time, a large number of centers throughout Moscow! Super! We are very pleased!


The first "Coming into Force" competition! We are still very far from reaching the ranks, but the children (especially the adults) tried! Thanks to our EUROPEGYM (Lokomotiv) for the excellent organization of the competition, for the festive, exciting, positive atmosphere! It was especially interesting to watch the older children (in particular my daughter), with what struggle, awareness and responsibility they approached the tests, which was unexpected for me. The results of the eldest child pleased me very much (47th place out of 134 children in the age group 7-11 years old)! The younger one, of course, had more fun and failed half of the tests, but what can you take from a little, hooligan-butted man who’s not even 4 yet! But the best part is that absolutely all the children received medals, balls and rubber bracelets “Coming into Strength”, so the end of the competition was truly festive, joyful and bright! Many thanks to our coaches Konstantin Pavlov (coaches his daughter - age 7-11 years) and Alexander Smirnov (coaches his son - age 3-5). Everyone deserves an award! It's a pity that in big sport only 3 medals!


Review from Maria

My daughter and I have been studying in a 1.5-3 year old group for several months. An excellent center, I am glad that all the equipment is in excellent condition and clean. Special thanks to our coach Gareev Radmir. He is wonderful, with a very attentive, calm and friendly approach to children. The lesson program is varied and intense. The child really looks forward to the lessons and is very happy. Thank you very much to Radmir for his attitude and work!


Review from Julia

We study at the center with the whole family: parents in the 18+ group at the same time as children in the 5-7 group. Every time we go to class it’s like it’s a holiday. This center is just a godsend for us: 1) Family subscription, 2) you can start training at any level of training - everyone is given essentially an individual task. I started with zero preparation. 3) Simultaneous training for the whole family - no one gets bored in the corner. 4) flexible lesson schedule - you can go to your age group on any day, to any trainer. 5) I especially want to note the discipline in the classroom. The trainers are smiling, polite, but consistent.
Over the course of six months, the children became noticeably stronger and fitter. If in the youth sports school they train with the capable and focus on the strong, then here they train with everyone and rejoice in overcoming themselves even in small things. Thank you for making sports a joy!


Review from Olga

I would like to thank the wonderful coach Radmir Gareev! Thanks to a well-structured training process, the son happily goes to classes, and then, with no less joy and pride, upon returning from training, he declares: “I worked out well today!” The son became more interested in a sports lifestyle, which immediately affected his physical development. Both children and parents are very pleased with the results of the classes! Thank you very much!


Review from Olga

My son has been going to a group led by Dmitry Kalyuzhny since September. The child studies with great pleasure and does not want to go to classes with anyone else. The result was visible within a month. The perfect combination of discipline and the ability to understand and communicate with children. Thank you very much for your professionalism.

Acrobatics is a gymnastic sport. It straightens your posture, creates a beautiful waist, allows you to maintain body flexibility, and also maintains your shape, which is especially important for girls and women. This sport is also for men: jumps, rolls, somersaults, training of athletes and fighters. The acrobatics section is available to everyone, especially since the classes are conducted under the guidance of professionals.

Acrobatics near Chertanovskaya metro station: sports institutions (schools, clubs) near Chertanovskaya metro station

The list of acrobatic organizations, sections, sports schools, clubs is displayed in full in this catalog of sports organizations in the area of ​​the Chertanovskaya metro station

Thanks to the Sport Map website, you can choose the necessary acrobatic school, section near the Chertanovskaya metro station, according to your needs and criteria. We provide you with detailed addresses of the best acrobatic sections, their photographs and real reviews, as well as the prices of a monthly subscription and the possibility of online registration for acrobatics training.