Game Alice voice assistant. Alice: “What happened before?”

30.06.2019 Style and fashion

Games with Alice have gained wide popularity for their diversity, originality, and intellectuality. In the article we will look at how and what it plays.

Alice I'm bored - how to start playing with Alice Yandex

Entertainment options with an assistant from Yandex:

  • just to talk, to do this, activate the chat mode by saying, “Alice, let’s chat.” In this mode, quick answers will be given without sending to search pages. To turn off the mode, say “Stop chatting”;
  • ask interesting Secret commands, for example: tell a fairy tale, an anecdote, a toast, sing a song and get a quick answer... We discussed more in the article
  • to start the game say " Alice I'm bored" or " Alice Let's play". To end the game, say " Enough" or " Stop«.

Game 1: “Let's play Faster, Higher, Stronger”

In games, the conditions are simple and, often, familiar to us from childhood. In this game you need to speak or press buttons with the correct answer. The topics of the questions are records, science. For example, “Where is the magnetic field stronger: on Earth or on Venus?”

Game 2: "Let's play Guess the Song"

Everything is clear here too. You type or speak a line from a song in Russian and the assistant will sing the continuation. If her answer is not correct, then you can ask for another option.

Although there were cases when Alice was caught using obscene language. As they say, you can’t erase words from a song, but Alice was “taught” not to repeat bad things :)

Game 3: “Tell about This Day in History”

From the title it is clear that the theme of the game is history. Alice will tell you what happened that day different years. Informative. It turns out that Tchaikovsky was the first conductor at the opening of a concert hall in New York in 1891... See photo game 3.

Game 4: “Let’s play Find the odd one out”

Favorite childhood game. From the presented series of nouns, we find an inappropriate word. Just do not think that Alice is asking standard vegetables and fruits. Get ready to receive tricky questions that you need to think about how to answer :)

Game 5: "Let's play the Ball of Fate"

Game 6: “Let’s tell fortunes” or “Activate fortune telling from the book”

This is my favorite! Sometimes I take a book and choose a page and a line, and then you can only speculate and interpret. Alice made this process easier.

Game 7: “Let’s play Guess the Actor”

A game for real movie buffs. Here I can’t show good results :) Alisa makes a guess about the actor, says what films he starred in, what roles he played. The task is clear - guess the name. There are 5 attempts. If out of curiosity you immediately want to know the answer, she will continue to intrigue, but will not give the answer :) Are you patient and persistent or not?

Game 8: “Let's play Words” (“Find the words”)

When school was boring, we played with words. It seems like the student is writing, but what exactly is up to us :) We also play with Alice in turns, making small words out of big words. If you need to replace a word, then say “New word” or “I want to order a word.” Alisa is kind and likes to give advice. You can come up with a word yourself.

Game 9: “Let’s play I Believe or Don’t Believe”

A fun game based on facts. The round consists of 5 questions, naturally tricky ones.

Game 10: “Let's play Cities”

This is what we spent hours doing as children when we turned off the lights in the evening! 🙂 The long-awaited one is already built into Alice! Naturally there are tips.

Game 11: "Let's play What Happened Before"

A game for inventors. Topic: scientific and technological progress. It’s very symbolic, because Alice is part of it 😉 You need to guess what innovation happened earlier. Sometimes the answers are not at all obvious!

Game 12: “Let's play Fantastic Quest”

This is one of the new, advanced games. There is a virtual quest room. The main thing is that you can change the course of events yourself! With each move, figure out what the game hero should do. What will you do if you find yourself in a closed box?... I wonder if anyone can figure out how to win?..

Game 13: “Let's play Zoology”

This is a children's room easy game level. We provide answers to questions about animals.

Game 14: "Let's play gallows«

Who misses Yakubovich and the game “Field of Miracles”? Then this game is for you :) In a few attempts we guess the word.

Game 15: “Let’s play Guess the Animal”

Are you sure you know what sounds animals make? Then go ahead! Alice will be able to ask a difficult question :)

Game 16: “Let’s play Guess the Number”

A simple game. Alice guesses a number from 1 to 100.

Game 17: “Let's play Riddles”

Everything is clear here. We solve riddles. There are clues.

Game 18: "Let's play Wise Teacher"

or you can say “Let’s talk to the wise teacher” and receive wisdom from the Internet.

Game 19: “Alice, say a toast”

Not only a game, but also a helper for the holiday. Before you have time to come up with a toast, Alice will suggest a great toast for a friend!

Game 20: “Alice, sing”

And, of course, we can’t do without Alice’s creativity. She can perform a composition of her own production based on search queries. Sounds funny! .

Try, play and who knows, maybe you will be the one to beat Alice! 🙂

Didn't find the answer? Write in feedback or in the comments and we will help!

“Alice” is still a very young voice assistant (launched on October 10, 2017). But the brainchild of the Russian IT giant Yandex is developing by leaps and bounds. In particular, the developers of “Alice” taught her to play several simple games at once that will help her have fun and useful time. And here they are:

In contact with

How to play games with Alice?

The Yandex voice assistant called “Alice” is available in the Yandex application for iOS devices (requires iOS version 9 or higher) and gadgets running Android (from version 4.3 and later).

If you say the command: "let's play hangman", Alice will launch the Hangman game, the essence of which is to guess the word in a certain number of attempts.

Using the command: "let's play Guess the Animal", a game is called in which you will need to guess the animal by the sound it makes.

In this game, Alice will try to guess the number you have chosen from 1 to 100.

If you want to solve riddles, say "let's play riddles".

Team "let's play Faster, Higher, Stronger" launches a game in which Alice will test the user's knowledge in various areas. The voice assistant asks questions with two answer options.

It couldn’t be easier to choose a suitable toast for an upcoming event – ​​just say the command: "Alice, say a toast" and choose a topic.

Alice: “Guess the song”

User says: "Alice, let's play Guess the Song", and says the first words of the verse. The assistant will immediately pick it up (if, of course, he understands what kind of composition we are talking about).

Alice: "This Day in History"

Alice: “Find the odd one out”

if you have Small child– now you know how to entertain him, and at the same time develop logic! Let him tell "Alice, let's play Find the Extra One"– and the game will automatically start to find the extra detail in the phrase.

Alice: "Ball of Destiny"

And this game will come in handy if you don’t know what decision to make (in other words, you need to “point your finger at the sky”). Tell "Alice, let's play the Ball of Fate"- and you will receive an answer... and you will immediately understand whether it suits you or not :).

Alice: “Guess the actor”

And this team causes another exciting game from the category of “we need to kill time.” You will need to answer five questions about a famous person.

Alice: "Words"

We play with words as in childhood - we take one big word and make many small ones out of it. To start this game, say "Alice, let's play word game".

Alice: “I believe it or not”

What you see on the screen in front of you is true or false? At first glance, it’s very simple... but how exciting! Activator command for this game: “Alice, let’s play “Believe it or not”.

Alice: "Cities"

And one more fun comes from our distant childhood. Everything is as always - you say, for example, “Minsk”, and your opponent needs to find a city starting with the letter “k”.

Alice: “What happened before?”

Or, to put it another way, what came first? Adjustable wrench or paper clip? Phone or camera? Be sure to try this mini-game - great way open the mind!

Alice: "Fantastic quest"

The star hulk is in trouble, and you are his last chance for salvation. To start the game, just say "Alice, let's play a quest".

In November 2017, games appeared in the Yandex voice assistant. Some of them can be very useful for developing logic and broadening their horizons, especially in children. In the summer of 2018, it will go on sale with built-in Alice. It will also be possible to run games with a voice assistant.

How to play with Alice

In order to turn on the game, you first need to activate Yandex inside the Yandex application as usual (by clicking on the purple circle or using your voice using the command “Listen, Alice”); and say the name of the game you want to play, for example, “Let's play words.” Games with Alice are good way have a fun and educational time.

You can exit the game mode using the “Enough” or “Stop” command.

Football game

  • Run the skill soccer game
  • Let's play a football game

A new game that was released specifically for the 2018 FIFA World Cup taking place in Russia. In this game, Alice asks you a question and gives you several answer options, of which only one is correct, you need to guess this correct answer.


  • Let's play hangman

A game in which you have to guess the word by letter.

  • Let's play Guess the Animal
  • Let's play Guess the Animal

A game in which Alice lets you listen to animal sounds, and you try to recognize them.

Guess the number

  • Let's play Guess the number
  • Let's play Guess the number

A game in which Alice guesses a number from 1 to 100 that you wish for her.


  • Let's play Riddles
  • Let's play Riddles
  • Guess the Riddles

A game in which Alice asks you riddles that you must guess. You can also ask Alice a riddle yourself by saying “Guess the Riddles” and she will try to guess it.

Faster, higher, stronger

  • Let's play Faster, Higher, Stronger
  • Let's play Faster, Higher, Stronger

A game that appeared for the winter Olympic Games 2018 in South Korea in the city of Pyeongchang. Alice asks you a question and gives you two answer options, and you must choose the correct one.

  • Let's play I Believe - I Don't Believe
  • Let's play I Believe - I Don't Believe
  • Normal mode
  • Sports

Alice names a fact and you have to guess whether it is true or false. Use the commands “Believe” or “Do not believe”, Alice says the correct answer and offers the next fact. Each round has 5 questions. Especially for the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympics, a sports mode was added to the “Believe it or not” game, which can be selected immediately after starting the game.

  • Let's play Guess the song

You tell Alice a line from a song, and she tries to guess it and continue the text. Something like the Shazam app, but not for music, but for words.

We noticed that Alice is still not good at guessing songs in a foreign language, but sometimes she manages to correctly guess a song in a language similar to Russian - for example, Ukrainian.

  • Tell us about this day in history

Alice talks about historical events that happened today, for example on November 20th. Alice names one event at a time, to find out about another you need to say “Next” or “Next event”.

  • Let's play Find the odd one out

A game for children to develop logic. Alice names several words, from which you need to choose the odd one out - a word that does not fit the meaning of the other words.

  • Let's play Ball of Fate

A game of predictions, a humorous way to predict the future. You ask Alice a question, and she randomly answers with one of the answer options.

A similar game of magic ball can be seen in many films and TV series, for example, “Route 60.”

  • Let's tell your fortune
  • Activate fortune telling by book

Alice tells fortunes for you from a book; now there are 2 books available to choose from: “The Master and Margarita” or “Aphorisms”. You ask a question, give the page and line number, and Alice reads a passage from the book.

  • Let's play Guess the Actor

In the game you need to guess the famous actor based on his roles. Alice gives clues until you give the correct answer. If you don’t guess after 5 clues, Alice will tell you the name.

  • Let's play words
  • Let's play words

You and Alice take turns making small words from the letters of the big word. If you don't like the word suggested by Alice, you can guess your own. You can also ask Alice for a hint.

  • Let's play cities
  • Let's play cities
  • Give me a hint

You tell Alice a city, and she responds with a city whose name begins with the last letter of yours. After which you must name the city starting with the last letter of Alice's city, and so on. You can ask for a hint.

  • Let's play what happened before
  • Let's play what happened before

Alice names two inventions or discoveries, and you try to guess which one was made first. After your answer, Alice gives the correct answer and provides short background information.

Not long ago, Yandex introduced us to its voice assistant named Alice. For those who missed this news, I’ll tell you briefly. Alice is the Russian answer to voice assistants such as Google Assistant from Google, Siri from Apple and Cortana from Microsoft. It will help you cope with various everyday tasks. For example, Alice can tell you where it’s best to eat or buy groceries depending on your location, how to get the most convenient route, and much more. In order to take advantage of its help, you just need to install the Yandex application on your smartphone, launch it and say: “Hello Alice.”

Alice is based on a neural network and is able to maintain a dialogue improvising depending on the topic. But Yandex decided not to stop there and taught her to play games. Yes, that's right, you heard right.

The following games are currently available:

1. Guess the song- you must say or sing a line from a song, and Alice will try to guess it. To start the game, say: Alice, let's play “Guess the Song.”

2. This day in history– ask Alice about today and she will give you a lot interesting facts that you probably didn't know about. First, say: Alice, tell us about this day in history.

3. Find the odd one out- a game for children that develops logic. The game asks you to look at the image and name out loud the item that is superfluous. To start the game, say: Alice, let's play “Find the odd one out.”

4. Ball of fate– Ask a question and get an answer like “yes”, “no”, “maybe”, etc. To start the game, say: Alice, let's play "Ball of Fate."

5. Fortune telling– Alice will answer your question with the help of books. To start the game, say: Alice, let's tell your fortune.

6. Guess the actor- Alice will tell facts about some actor, and you must guess him. To start the game, say: Alice, let's play “Guess the Actor.”

7. Words- create your own short words from one big word, thereby gaining points. To start the game, say: Alice, let's play “Words.”

8. I believe - I don’t believe- Guess whether Alice is telling you truth or fiction. To start the game, say: Alice, let's play “Believe it or not.”

9. Cities- remember this old game on knowledge of cities? The essence of the game is that each participant, in turn, names a city whose name begins with the letter that ends with the name of the city of the previous participant. To start the game, say: Alice, let's play cities.

10. What happened before- What was invented first: the elevator or safety matches? To start the game, say: Alice, let's play “What Happened Before.”

11. Fantastic quest is a text quest with detective elements, in which you need to help a space traveler figure out what is happening to him. Alice will describe what is happening in the game, and you must say what your character should do. To start the game, say: Alice, let's play a quest.

12. Zoology- a children's game in which Alice will ask questions from the animal world. To start the game, say: Alice, let's play Zoology.