Best wishes and congratulations on the Annunciation. Congratulations on the Feast of the Annunciation to your beloved

29.06.2019 Computers

On April 7, all Orthodox Christians celebrate the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Annunciation is a Christian holiday that heralds the day when the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary and informed her about joyful event- about the future birth of Jesus Christ.

On this bright day, it is customary to accept best congratulations on the holiday, as well as to say words of joy, love and prosperity to your closest and dearest people. We have prepared for you a selection of SMS congratulations on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2017.

Congratulations on the Annunciation
And I wish you more good things.
Let the good, pure, eternal,
It will always be in your souls!

* * *
Happy Annunciation! Peace and sunshine
And harmony, happiness all around.
May you no longer have to grieve,
May joy suddenly come to you.
May God always remain in your heart,
Driving away melancholy and illness.

* * *
Good news is joy for souls,
And purity of thoughts is a reward.
Let the holiday give inspiration
And God's blessing!

* * *
I wish you a good mood,
On the day of the Holy Annunciation,
May the wealth increase
Let everything work out as it should.

* * *
Love, good luck, mood,
I wish you on the Annunciation,
I still wish you all the best,
And be liking miracles.

* * *
Good news on this day
It will fly around the Orthodox.
There is love and joy in her,
And the Lord protects us all!

* * *
Pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Let your heart be filled with goodness,
Let a smile shine on your face,
And along the way only good things will happen.
Don't be sad on Annunciation,
And let go of your grievances!

* * *
The willows are turning white, the sun is warming,
It’s light from good thoughts.
Let the world become a little kinder,
After all, the Annunciation has arrived!
* * *
I bring you good news,
About the fact that there is happiness in life.
Let goodness into your hearts
And give joy to your loved ones!

* * *
The Annunciation is a great holiday
I wish you happiness, warmth,
So that in a big, many-sided world
Faith was strong and main,
So that you never go down in your life,
So that love saves you from evil.

* * *
Good news - and a great miracle!
We all need to celebrate this day.
We will forget about our affairs together,
Let's throw off our burden of unresolved problems.
May happiness come to your home soon,
Let sadness leave your hearts forever.

* * *
Wonderful chime of the bells,
Let me remind everyone of one thing today:
Good news is flying over our world,
Warming everything on earth with love!

The name of the holiday comes from the fact that she will become the Mother of the Son of God.

The legend says that the Archangel Gabriel appeared to her at the moment when she was reading the book of the prophet Isaiah in the very place where the birth of the Messiah is spoken of.

The Feast of the Annunciation is celebrated every year on the same day.

Congratulations on the Annunciation in verse:

The sun was shining in the sky -
The Annunciation has arrived.
The bell is ringing,
He congratulates us all.

The Annunciation has come
Knocks on every house
I wish you only with warmth
Treat your neighbors.

On the Annunciation I wish you,
May life always be good!
So that the long-awaited news will be,
Full of good joy!

Holiday! Holiday! good news
Let it come to every home,
May an angel protect you
Protects you at night and during the day!

I wish you love on the Annunciation,
So that your dreams can easily come true,
Remember God more often in your prayers -
And he will hear you, just know that.

May the Annunciation, today,
Everything will be bright and holy
So that only by the grace of the Lord
The unrest turned into smoke.

SMS congratulations on the Annunciation in prose:

May the bright and pure holiday of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary envelop your home with warmth and grace. Pray especially sincerely today, Our Lady will definitely hear you and grant you health, prosperity and prosperity. Good luck and happiness to you!

Coming to every home, the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary makes us happy and once again reminds us of the love of God. So, on such a day, may the blessing of the Lord descend on every person, may our sins be forgiven, and our prayers heard.

We hasten to congratulate all Christians on this wonderful holiday - the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On this day many years ago, Archangel Gabriel announced the future birth of Jesus Christ. Let only good news come to every home that will fill people’s hearts with happiness and light.

Congratulations on the great Christian holiday - the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary! May everything in life bring spiritual satisfaction, tranquility, peace and harmony. Let your home be filled with comfort and prosperity. Let your thoughts and actions be pure. I wish you happiness, good news, goodness and love. May your faith be strong and unshakable!

Happy Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos! It was on this day that the Virgin Mary learned the good news that she would become the Mother of God and the mother of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Let this Holy holiday our souls are filled only with the best thoughts, so that each of us has our own good news in our lives.

The Annunciation is one of the permanent holidays. associated with a ban on doing anything on this day.

April 7 (March 25, old style) Orthodox Church celebrates one of the 12 main (twelfth) holidays - the day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Annunciation is a good day when the Archangel Gabriel brought the good news to the Virgin Mary about the coming birth of the Son God's Jesus Christ and that She was chosen to become the mother of the Son of God.

The Most Holy Virgin Mary was given to her elderly parents, the righteous Joachim and Anna (September 9) for their unceasing and tearful prayers. Upon reaching the age of 14, when, according to Jewish law, Her stay in the temple should have ended, Holy Mary was betrothed to the righteous eighty-year-old elder Joseph, a poor carpenter from the family of David, who was entrusted with guarding Her virginity.

Archangel Gabriel, sent by God, appeared to her and greeted her with the words: “Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with you; Blessed are You among women." (Luke 1:28)

And the Angel said to Her: “Do not be afraid, Mary, for You have found favor with God; and behold, you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a Son, and you will call His name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High...and His Kingdom will have no end. - Mary told the Angel; How will this happen when I don’t know my husband? The Angel answered Her: The Holy Spirit will come upon You, and the Power of the Most High will overshadow You; therefore the Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God... Then Mary said: Behold, the Servant of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word. And the Angel departed from Her” (Luke 1:28-38).

So in the depths Holy Virgin Mary arose the Blessed Fruit - the God-man Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, who took upon Himself the sins of the whole world.

If speak about folk traditions, then on the Feast of the Annunciation it was customary to release birds from their cages into the wild. In this regard, the bird markets were crowded before the holiday. Parents went there with their children to buy birds and release them on the holiday, after the Divine Liturgy.

For this day, figurines of larks were baked from Lenten dough, paper figurines of angels were cut out and glued in honor of the Archangel Gabriel.

The main signs of the Annunciation are associated with the prohibition of doing anything on this day. There is a proverb that on the Annunciation “a bird does not build a nest, a maiden does not braid her hair,” that is, any work is considered a sin.

It was also forbidden to light fires in huts on the Annunciation Day; it was believed that violating this ban would result in a fire.

The Annunciation, as a rule, falls during Lent, so on this day there are restrictions corresponding to the Lenten time. Social entertainment, fun, noisy holidays, watching comedies, etc. are not welcome. There is also a ban on sexual life (however, this applies only to married spouses, and even then, the church refrains from too intrusive interference in this intimate moment in the life of the flock).

In honor of the holiday, serious concessions are allowed in the diet. Meat and dairy products, as well as eggs, are still completely prohibited, but you can eat fish, and you are also allowed to drink a little wine.

Let us remind you that on April 9, the Orthodox people call the entry of the Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem " Palm Sunday", Great Easter in 2017 it is celebrated on April 16th.

Congratulations on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2017

On the Annunciation I wish you,

May life always be good!

So that the long-awaited news will be,

Full of good joy!

So that you can live with the Lord in your soul,

And with faith you succeeded,

AND Holy Mother of God Maria

To protect you from the evil world!

Happy Annunciation Day, I congratulate you,

May this wonderful day bring happiness.

I wish you good news,

Get rid of the burden of problems and worries.

May heaven help you in everything,

Body and spirit will always be healthy.

Your eyes will shine with bright joy,

And a rainy day will never come.

The Annunciation has come

It brought us smiles.

With this warm breeze

May good luck come to your home.

May your dreams come true,

And he will reward you with health.

We wish you well

May love always bloom.

The Annunciation has come

It brought joy to people.

May you be lucky too!

By actions and deeds

May the Lord reward everything,

And the sea will give you good luck,

May there be love and happiness

To make people happy.

I wish you love on the Annunciation,

So that your dreams can easily come true,

Remember God more often in your prayers -

And he will hear you, just know that.

Let good deeds be glorified

And warm words fly from my lips,

May your plans come true

Hope and luck, love!

Congratulations to you today

Happy Annunciation,

I wish only the best -

May the holiday bring happiness!

And incredible miracles,

And more warm days!

And only pleasant events,

The most devoted friends!

I congratulate you on the Annunciation,

May life bring you all the best!

I wish you happiness, health, good luck,

May you be extremely lucky at work

May the Annunciation come

And it will bring you health,

May the Lord bless you

Let him reward you for everything.

Always live cheerfully

So that trouble does not come to your house,

So that boredom is alien to you,

And joy was able to find you!

Congratulations on the bright Annunciation,

May the Mother of God protect you.

I wish you to be in good health forever,

And forget the pain of defeat and resentment.

Let miracles illuminate your soul,

There will be no bad news.

Let your heart contain tons of happiness,

And the house will be full of friends.

Good news has come to us all -

There is such a special holiday,

What is called the Annunciation,

May luck smile on you.

Congratulations on this day,

May everything be wonderful during the day,

Good luck and kindness to you,

And in a life of eternal beauty.

Bright holiday of the Annunciation

He has already come to visit us!

May your life be fun

To suddenly find happiness,

Let your wishes come true

And miracles will happen!

Let your heart be joyful,

And let your eyes shine!

Happy wonderful Annunciation


Let life be interesting!

Your dream will come true!

Happy Annunciation today
Congratulations Christians,
We wish them to be
There are fewer wounds on their hearts,
Let there be more in their lives
Happiness and good news,
Great joy and success
Let them come to them quickly!

Everyone's heart is warm today,
Only goodness rules everywhere,
And in the skies it is light and bright,
After all, the Annunciation has arrived!

Hurray, dance, rejoice people!
May happiness come to your homes,
Love, fun, laughter - in the hearts.
Let the Earth glow with happiness!

Happy Annunciation to you
I want to congratulate you.
And put it with prayer
Wax candle.

Let it burn and not go out,
Let the prayer sound.
And from evil and resentment
The Lord will protect us.

Good news Archangel Gabriel
Brought to Mary, in honor of this event
The Day of the Annunciation has arrived today.
And I wish you revelation in your soul

All the good qualities that the Lord commanded
Purchase for future salvation:
Humility, love, - and so that the flesh
The shower did not interfere with the transformation.

Warm prayers, mercy in the hearts,
And treat loved ones with understanding.
Let there be no end to joy,
Let faith in you live with its living breath.

The good news came to Mary,
On this day I sincerely wish everyone,
So that your life is happy,
I congratulate you on the Annunciation!

Let your soul be filled with light,
And the Lord will answer your prayers,
Let today with the dawn
Good will return to you a hundredfold!

Good news Gabriel
Brought to the Virgin Mary -
She should be the Mother of God
Mother of the Messiah.

Let's glorify the Mother of God
We are a holy prayer,
Mother's tears
The life of Christ is washed away.

On Annunciation I wish
Good happy news,
Holy Mother of God,
Protect us, your children.

Today is the brightest day,
Celebrates the Christian world,
Thank you Mother of God
We speak for Christ!

Congratulations, I wish you
You love, warmth, kindness,
I wish you grace,
To bloom in your heart!

We glorify the Holy Mother of God,
The Archangel brought her good news.
Announced the conception of a son
And he asked me to believe in a miracle.

Congratulations on your holiday,
May your life be happy.
Live by God's laws
In faith, in obedience, in love!

The gracious news came from Heaven:
The planet is now waiting for the Savior.
There will be Light and Miracles ahead,
Renewal of the Holy Testament.

The gracious news is flying to your home today:
Open all the windows and doors!
May this Message sanctify your entire life
And it will cleanse your soul and heart!

He brought the good news to Mary
An angel descended from heaven.
And this holiday is not the first time
We are also waiting for good miracles.

I wish you as much as possible
Success and good news,
Spring and joy last longer,
Let there be a sea of ​​clear days.

It is worth noting that the Annunciation is a Christian holiday on which, as the Bible says, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary and told the then simple and innocent girl the Good News - Mary was to become the mother of the Son of God.

On the Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God, first of all, you need to congratulate your family, relatives and friends, as well as colleagues, friends and acquaintances. On the feast of the Holy Mother of God, we must say words of joy, love and prosperity to our closest and dearest people.

During the rapid development of technological progress, you can congratulate people who are far away by sending them a short congratulatory SMS.

Short SMS congratulations on the Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God in 2017.

Blooming with the rays of the sun,
The beautiful spring has arrived.
Good news was given to Mary,
That she was chosen by God.

On a spring day, the Holy Virgin
Heavenly angel visited
A divine miracle came true
What did Gabriel say?

And the Annunciation is celebrated
In the spring, all the people again and again,
And in everyone's heart there is a saint
Spring, and faith, and love.

The Annunciation is coming to us
And it will bring health to everyone,
Holy Virgin, protect
All of us on the path of life!
May the Lord bless you
He will reward for good,
Forgive us for our sins
On such a good day, at such a bright hour!

The Annunciation has come
It brought joy to people.
May you be lucky too!
By actions and deeds

May the Lord reward everything,
And the sea will give you good luck,
May there be love and happiness
To make people happy.

Happy Annunciation to you!
We have wishes -
We wish you not to get sick,
Happy Holy Day to you.

May you always be lucky in everything,
Never be sad
Whatever it is, go ahead!
Good luck awaits ahead.

Annunciation is here
There is a miracle holiday in the world,
Orthodox him
They love, know, most of all.

Good news for you
I probably have:
After all, I wish you well,
Congratulations on your wonderful day!

I wish you luck on this holiday,
And be in a good mood
And celebrate the Annunciation,
It is a worthy holiday to celebrate.

So that you go through life exactly,
May all your dreams come true,
I didn’t know sorrows and separations,
And there was a reliable friend nearby.

Happy Annunciation, my friend,
Everything around is blooming
Bright light all over the earth
Illuminated on this day.

I wish only good things
So that love always exists
Be healthy, get rich,
You can do everything in this life.

Short SMS congratulations to my husband on the Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God in 2017.

The Annunciation has arrived
And my heart felt warm.
My beloved, be happy
Forget about all the bad things.

And there is no need to be sad
We must live and prosper.
Be the happiest you
Let your dreams come true!

The Annunciation has arrived
And my heart felt warm.
You, my love, be happy
Forget about all the bad things.

And there is no need to be discouraged -
We must live and prosper.
Be the happiest you
Let your dreams come true!

This is a huge Christian holiday.
Thousands of churches are already celebrating.
Today I wish my husband happiness,
And poison - only devoted friends.

Today I wish you a lot of joy,
May the Annunciation bring success,
Everything will come true - I know that for sure,
Only for those who move forward!

Short SMS congratulations to my wife on the Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God in 2017.

The Annunciation is near,
There is no need to be sad on this day,
He brings us good news,
And for you, wife, this:

You will always be beautiful
The sweetest and happiest
Everything will work out, you know
Never be discouraged!

Short SMS congratulations to sister and brother on the Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God in 2017.

I congratulate my sister with all my heart
I am with the Great Annunciation,
May great success come
And happiness will have many faces.
I want to wish you good luck,
And never know any worries,
Love, hope and believe!
May the Lord take away troubles.

Congratulations on the Annunciation,
And I wish you, sister,
Good understanding of people -
After all, then everything will be great!

May good luck come to you
And all the best things happen
Believe in yourself, don't be sad at all,
And don’t know about problems in fate!

My beloved brother, dear,
I pray to God for you.
Let him come with you,
Let him not let you feel sadness.

May it be at the Annunciation, now,
All bad things will go away forever,
Be happy every day and hour,
A dear and close person!

Short SMS congratulations to mom on the Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God in 2017.

The Annunciation has come
Brought good news -
Mommy will be lucky
Happiness will be found along the way.

Congratulations to mom again,
I wish you a lot of happiness.
Good and holy holiday
May it give you peace!

Mommy, the good news has arrived!
An amazing holiday is coming,
I want you to be happy
And let success rule your life!

Only the best for you - in everything,
May your wishes come true!
Our cozy home will be bright,
Joy! Mutual understanding!

Short SMS congratulations to father on the Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God in 2017.

I want to tell my dad from the bottom of my heart:
We will celebrate a special holiday -
Today the Annunciation has arrived,
And a bird knocked on our window.
May you, dad, be lucky every moment,
Let hope settle in your heart,
May perfect happiness find you,
And there will be loving faces nearby!