We optimize and optimize everything, but they still survive and survive. Why can't the opposition, like United Russia?

23.08.2019 Education

Instead of a football match, the channel broadcast a hockey match, which most likely has a lower audience. Who now has the right to show the main games?

Spartak players Ilya Kutepov, Lokomotiv Antonio Eder and Spartak Denis Glushakov (from left to right) in the Russian Football Championship match between the teams Lokomotiv (Moscow) and Spartak (Moscow). Photo: Sergey Savostyanov/TASS

The most inexplicable thing is that Match TV did not broadcast the game. At this time, fans of the KHL were welcomed there - the Gagarin Cup playoffs, CSKA - Spartak. It’s also extremely interesting, especially since we are Olympic champions in hockey. But no one, even the most crazy fan of ice battles, can prove that the football super battle in the east of Moscow is less significant. And the television audience for this event is, of course, higher.

But the point is not at all in the ratings, the situation is serious, and the listener should know about it. From now on, the channel will broadcast the best matches on the “Our Football” satellite channel. The reason is the low financial return even from top fights. New policy Federal broadcaster is associated with a change in management, which will officially head the holding on March 19. Some super matches will still be shown at “Match”, for example the Zenit meetings, which is more than understandable if you remember who owns the sixth button.

It is interesting to look at the TV rights agreement that was changed in connection with this, because since the summer the contract between the RFPL and the brainchild of Gazprom-Media needs to be signed again. By the way, the Premier League, as its president Sergei Pryadkin says, is completely dissatisfied with revenues from television - the annual amount does not exceed 20 million euros, which is only 3.5% of the RFPL's revenues.

Of course, we don’t have the Bundesliga, where together with broadcast rights in other countries we get 2.1 billion euros. But the current situation suits neither the clubs nor Match TV. Therefore, as always, the consumer will be at the extreme.

As for the central meeting of the tour, both Loko and Spartak showed very average level football with good dedication. Yuri Palych's men started to become more active, but Massimo Carrera moved Promes to the center, closer to Luis Adrian, and left the flanks to be torn to pieces by the full-backs. And the game leveled out. Referee Mikhail Vilkov did not dare show two red cards to Spartak players Eshchenko and Luis Adrian. The goalkeepers did a great job. And after the whistle, the head coach of the “railroad” team, Yuri Semin, explained why he was satisfied with the outcome of the confrontation with the main pursuer:

Yuri Semin head coach of FC Lokomotiv“In terms of strategy, this is a very good result. Firstly, we did not let Spartak closer to us, but the game could have ended either in a victory for Spartak or for us. There were two moments. But very heavy weather. Of course, the snow got in the way, but except for Moscow there are no fields anywhere.”

The leader's attackers Ari and Farfan are injured. And the snowfall was really serious. In the second half, the staff of the Russian Railways Arena had to clear the penalty area right during the match, the markings were so swept away. Fighting draw - 0:0.

Dynamo interrupted Ufa's five-match home winning streak: the result was 1:1 in the capital of Bashkortostan. Kirill Panchenko sat on the bench; he has not yet gotten into shape after surgery.

"Tosno" flew to Far East and defeated SKA-Khabarovsk with a score of 1:0. In the second half, referee Galimov did not award a penalty against the visitors, although the St. Petersburg defender played with his hand. Anzhi saved the home match with Rubin - 1:1, and the richest team in the country, Zenit, was unable to break the resistance of Amkar - 0:0.

CSKA dealt with Ural at the VEB Arena with great difficulty - Dzagoev scored the only goal in the 59th minute, but lost Mario Fernandez. The Russian Brazilian injured his hamstring and was out for a month. Cherchesov has no creative defenders left at all: Vasin, Dzhikia, and now Fernandez.

Krasnodar beat Rostov at home - 3:1. This was Valery Karpin's first match at the helm of the Don team. And the table - Loko has 46 points and a comfortable seven-point lead over their pursuers. In addition, there are many of them, they will interfere with each other. Krasnodar scored 39 points. 38 each big three: Spartak, Zenit and CSKA. It was in this sequence that they were located, according to the indicators, in personal meetings.

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Pavel Grudinin will sit in the State Duma. Hello to Vladimir Putin and the United Russia party.

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State Duma deputy detained for a bribe of three billion rubles

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Olga Tukhanina. Russian politicians have switched to Aesopian language, calling robbery reform

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It all started with Lenin

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Economic news: pipe, breakthroughs and more. 03/14/2019

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Neuromir-TV. Betrayal of the "people's leaders" of the NPSR

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Russia will demand compensation from Ukraine for Crimea

Yes I want to. Really want to. And I think more than half of our population wanted to. To correct our IRROCORABLE stupidity. I was happy in the USSR, it was my childhood and my youth. Yes, he rebelled, listened to rock music, laughed at Brezhnev, who was barely moving his jaw, and relished telling anecdotes like “Why does the cannon fire for the third time? Brezhnev is being greeted. And what about the first...

About the usefulness of patriotic repost

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Why does Putin meet with oligarchs but not with the poor?

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Red Island. On the 70th anniversary of the Jeju massacre - What is happening in Omsk today?

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FSB and Novaya Gazeta: Write with your elite little hands that you lied to the FSB

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The fierce professional Russophobe Ganapolsky, who throws mud at Russia every day, is paid from the funds of a state Russian company.

Stanislav SMAGIN A minute of laughter The diaspora of ex-Russian liberal journalists in Ukraine is diverse and vibrant, even if this vibrant diversity is often frankly psychiatric in nature. However, Pan Matvey Ganapolsky manages to stand out against the general Muzhdababchenkovsky background. At the same time, unlike most of his comrades in the ward, he is not entirely Russian, but “who...

With Venediktov, “Echo of Moscow” is mired in scandals, lies and fakes

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Gref named main problem Russia The head of Sberbank, German Gref, answered the question about what problems are the main ones in modern Russia. At the “Leaders of Russia” forum, journalists asked him to name the three main difficulties. Gref replied that the state suffers most from the lack of an effective public administration system...

The most important letter in the name "MBH Media"!

In the photo inside you will see the creation of MBH Media. This is kind of funny. As they write on the website of the Russia Today TV channel, in the description, for stupid people like me, this is a copy of a popular “comic book”. I quote: “This comic, which tells the story of how a man refused to have sexual relations with a woman because of the photographs on her bedside table, first appeared in 2017 in the Thai...

Why can’t the opposition, like United Russia?

Still, the ice has broken. The truth is not for everyone, some people just can’t get to the already banal, probably after the case of Countess de Leroy Merlin, truism - now they will have to answer for the market. And no matter how cool and exceptional you think you are, no matter how crazy you are, they will get you. True, this, which is especially annoying, does not in any way apply to our opposition...

TV presenter Sergei Brilev was expelled from the public council under the Russian Ministry of Defense

TV presenter Sergei Brilev was expelled from the Public Council under the Russian Ministry of Defense. The radio station “Moscow Speaks” reported this on Thursday, March 14. As the Ministry of Defense explained to the radio station, the corresponding decision was signed by the head of the department, Sergei Shoigu, on January 28. At the same time, Brilev said that no one notified him of his expulsion from the council. “I didn’t submit...

About Maidan.

You can find Mr. Steshin’s speech online. This is a man who has been to many Maidans. Risking, by the way, his life. He says the right things. But here's the thing. You don't have to go anywhere. The conclusions are approximately the same. So, what is Maidan? " Color revolution"? This is the st...

Do citizens of the Russian Federation understand everything about those in power, their environment and methods of working with the wrong population in the controlled territory?

Can the police touch Jews? Video material about attempts to picket the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Perm Territory: Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=27&v=XkYqAH1tzlY The applicant in the well-known Perm “case of 6 Jewish millions” was a Russian citizen and Israel Vladimir Varlenovich Kleiner. It turned out that Kleiner himself is an open Russophobe who fiercely hates...


The main weapon that kills the soul. The main essence of this weapon is simple, it is the substitution of values. After seeing the basis of degeneration technology, you will be warned. And as they say, forewarned means forearmed. Reports of criminal chronicles, telling us about another abomination that is not typical for healthy person, have become a symbol of our time.&n...

We optimize and optimize everything, but they still survive and survive...

“Reductions, demotions to cleaners, shortage of ambulances”: doctors went on strike for the “young technocrat.” Employees of four hospitals in the Novgorod region - Moshenskaya, Okulovskaya, Borovichi Central District Hospital and Pankovskaya medical outpatient clinic - are planning a strike. They are protesting against the reduction of departments, the liquidation of ambulance teams, the transfer of "nurses to...

Novaya Gazeta once again came to the defense of Memorial drug dealer Titiev

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Thieves are afraid of those robbed: who is emigrating from Russia today

The Internet publication The Insider published an article with a telling headline: “Putin’s exodus: why the most educated Russians are leaving the country, a study by the Atlantic Council.” This council, in turn, in its report “Putin’s Exodus: A New Brain Drain” assures that “human capital is leaving Russia.” During the Putin years, about 2 million people emigrated to the West...

Match TV did not broadcast the main match of the 21st round of the Russian Championship between Lokomotiv and Spartak. But he offered users an alternative - fill out a form on the website and watch the match for free or watch it for money on the paid channel “Our Football”. Ok, they have the right. But again something went wrong. The free broadcast was not entirely free. And not really a broadcast. Yes, and paid too.

Match TV users were asked to fill out a form (indicate their name, e-mail, date of birth, and also choose a convenient platform for watching the match), in exchange for which they promised to send an access code.

During the break, people complained about the disruption of the broadcast.

Even those who took the second path did not have a picture. That is, he paid money.

After the break, Match TV announced that it had opened the broadcast to everyone. But he did it strangely. At first I attributed this to technical problems.

But then the tweet disappeared and a few seconds later appeared in a new edition. Without “technical problems”, but with the phrase about “numerous user requests”.

What was it?

Match TV PR Director Levan Matua did not answer Sports.ru on Sunday evening either by phone or via messenger.

A few hours after the game, the channel issued a press release in which there was not a word about a technical failure. But there are many exciting numbers.

“More than half a million fans watched the meeting between the Lokomotiv and Spartak clubs,” the release says. – On March 4, the central match of the 21st round of the Russian Premier League took place between the Moscow teams Lokomotiv and Spartak. More than half a million fans watched the match on the GPM Match digital resources.

GPM Match organized a free broadcast of the game for all fans on its resources matchtv.ru and sportbox.ru. More than 500 thousand people watched the match between Moscow clubs on digital resources. In addition, more than 200 thousand subscribers of the Our Football TV channel watched the match in HD quality.

GPM Match did everything possible so that fans could enjoy the teams’ games on legal resources and gain access to high-quality sports broadcasts and additional information about the match and teams.

During the broadcast of the match between Lokomotiv and Spartak, the first responder services of GPM Match stopped the broadcast of more than 15 thousand illegal streams.”