Oriental makeup for brown eyes - Lebanese, Egyptian, Indian. Indian makeup: features, step-by-step instructions, photos and videos.

14.02.2018 beauty

Indian makeup will allow you to plunge into the world of mysterious oriental culture, play the role of a romantic beauty, and feel the mystery of ancient traditions. It is too bright for everyday use, but for a stylized evening or wedding it will definitely make an indelible impression on those around you.


Why do so many people like Indian-style makeup so much? It has a number of features that allow you to make even the most ordinary appearance bright and memorable.

To master the technique of applying it, you need to take into account the following nuances:

  1. The emphasis is simultaneously placed on both the eyes and the lips.
  2. The selected color palette must be carefully thought out so that the cosmetics on the face do not look vulgar.
  3. Flawless skin. The make-up will look perfect on the face of dark-skinned and tanned girls. Blondes can only be advised to use a solarium, self-tanning, or the use of a rich dark color foundation. Bronzer can also be a lifesaver.
  4. The obligatory application of a “bindi” on the forehead is a special point that symbolizes the third eye for an Indian woman.
  5. Rhinestones, sparkles, shimmer - all this is allowed to be actively used.

Despite the fact that most Indian women are brunettes, blondes can also use this makeup technique. True, the image will turn out to be somewhat contrasting and unusual. But if you take pastel, not very bright colors, and put on the appropriate jewelry, it can turn out to be very successful.

Choice of funds

You cannot make Indian makeup with a regular set of cosmetics for everyday use. Its colors are not as bright, and the effect is not as durable as required. Therefore, make sure that you have the appropriate tools in your hands in advance.

  • For skin

Your cosmetic bag should contain a dark foundation and powder with a tanning effect, as well as a bronzer. Blush is most often not used, but if such a need arises, peach, brown, apricot tones will fit well. Pink color undesirable.

For Indian eye makeup, you need to choose crumbly shadows with mother-of-pearl, and stick to the following palette:

  1. Stylists advise brunettes to choose terracotta, olive, peach, sand, silver, golden, pale pink, light blue and violet shades.
  2. Blondes are better off choosing green, yellow or purple.
  3. For green eyes: green, yellow, copper and coffee shades.
  4. For blue and gray: pink, lilac, silver shadows.
  5. For brown-eyed people: the choice of eyeshadow shades is unlimited.
  6. The eyeliner should be bright, deep black, and liquid. Mascara - lengthening, ultra-black.

For eyebrows you will need a dark brown or black pencil.

Indian style eye makeup option

  • Pomade

Red, purple, coral lipstick looks great. Choose pearlescent textures. If your lips are naturally thin and need to be given volume, draw their contour behind the natural line (more about this in our article, by). This task is also quite successfully solved by a drop of gloss applied to the center of the lips.

  • Bindi

A special point on the forehead (bindi) is painted red or black. Previously it was worn exclusively married women. Today, this ritual meaning has lost its relevance. Bindi is considered a full-fledged decoration and part of the make-up.

You can learn to draw it yourself, or you can use applied appliqués, which come in the form of not only a circle and an oval, but also a crescent and a triangle. Different shapes of the point can visually correct the oval of the face and distract attention from minor imperfections. For example, girls with big eyes should choose large round dots; for small eyes it is better to draw small ones.

They can also be decorated with stones and painted with patterns - this makes it easier to choose a bindi for different outfits.

  • Decorations

To make Indian makeup look complete, be sure to wear several bracelets and long but elegant earrings.

Step-by-step instruction

Detailed instructions and videos will help you do your makeup correctly. Don't worry if everything turns out less than perfect. This makeup has too many features for it to be successful the first time. Be patient, practice your skills - and the result will not keep you waiting.

  1. Thoroughly cleanse the skin with milk and tonic, moisturize with cream.
  2. cover up flaws and defects.
  3. Apply foundation. For dark skin it is selected tone on tone. Blondes should prefer self-tanning cream. At the same time, do not forget to apply the foundation to your neck so as not to blur the sharp transitions of shades.
  4. Eyebrows must be thick, dark and long. Their shape is adjusted with shadows or pencil. It is very important to draw all the missing hairs so that they are not too thin and sparse.
  5. Indian eye makeup is of great importance, in which a horizontal technique is used when applying shadows.
  6. Cover the entire surface of the upper eyelids with light shadows (you can take peach ones). For darker ones, draw a fold and connect it to the outer corner.
  7. Using liquid black eyeliner or a soft pencil, draw arrows along the growth of the eyelashes on both eyelids. Connect them at the outer corner, slightly lift the tail.
  8. Apply lengthening black mascara in 3 layers to make your eyes as expressive as possible.
  9. Carefully outline the borders of the lips. Apply brightly colored lipstick.
  10. Draw or stick a bindi.

You only have to try Indian makeup once - and all the others will simply pale in comparison to it. Mystery and mystery oriental women, ancient traditions, the brightness of natural colors, stylistic decorations - all this will make your image irresistible at any themed party dedicated to this Wonderland, as many rightfully call it.

Indian makeup can turn a woman into an exotic flower. He exudes feminine vibes that attract men on a reflex level. But you need to choose the time and place where you can appear in this image. Of course, for Everyday life Indian style makeup is not suitable, but for a photo shoot, an Indy style party or a wedding ceremony somewhere in Goa it is just right.

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Photo gallery: Birds of Paradise: Indian Makeup Lessons

Secrets of creating Indian makeup

The whole trick of Indian makeup is that it should be bright. We have all learned the rule, introduced into our consciousness by European makeup artists, that in makeup we should focus on one thing: either the eyes or the lips. But Indian beauties highlight both.

This way they emphasize their beauty. And it is worth noting that this does not look vulgar at all, because Indian women have dark skin and hair, large eyes and lips. With such “potential” when creating makeup, there is room to roam. This is why Indian-style makeup is recommended for dark-skinned brunettes.

However, blondes can also try on the Indian look, you just need to choose the colors very carefully. It should be remembered that our Slavic facial features are noticeably different from characteristic features Indian girls. But even with our “makings” you can do Indian makeup (a photo with domestic stars will demonstrate this to you), which will not be inferior to the original.

How to do Indian makeup yourself if you don’t have your own staff of makeup artists and stylists like Vera Brezhneva? Just remember the rules for creating this makeup.

Rule #1

The eyes should be the most expressive! Indian eye makeup involves the use of eyeliner (at a minimum), as well as a wide palette of shadows (as a maximum). Very often, a second arrow is drawn on top along the outline of the eyelid, which visually increases the shape of the eyes. Using a contour, you need to give your eyes an almond shape, even if yours is not almond-shaped. The photo shows several options for how to do Indian makeup step by step.

Rule #2

The eyebrows on the faces of Indian girls are clearly defined and have a semicircular shape (there should be no kinks, points, “spreads,” etc.). Use traditional black for eyebrows or brown if you are blonde or fair-haired.

Rule #3

Skin tone should be uniform throughout the entire face. Use a foundation with a tan tint. You should not highlight certain areas (cheekbones, cheeks, etc.). All Indian women are naturally chubby, and therefore all the lines of your face should be soft and rounded if you decide to do Indian makeup. If you still want to use blush, then it should be bronze shades, not pink.

Rule #4

When you paint your lips, use a pencil. The lip contour should be clearly defined and match the color of the lipstick. Lipstick can be matte or pearlescent. Please note: high-gloss gloss makes lips look fuller. If your hair is naturally quite plump, cover it with matte lipstick so that your makeup doesn’t look tacky.

Rule #5

Don't forget about the bindi (forehead dot)! Not a single Indian woman can do without it; it protects a woman from the evil eye. Traditionally, the bindi is round in shape and red in color, but now there are different variations of it - in the shape of a flower or a geometric shape. You are also not limited in your choice of color. Experiment!

Rule #6

Without signature jewelry, your Indian look will not be complete. As a rule, they are massive, symmetrical and richly decorated with stones. Literally, an Indian girl is hung from head to toe with earrings in her ears and nostrils, in her navel, bracelets on her arms and legs, all kinds of chains, necklaces, head jewelry (mangtika or tikka).

Photo review of the most common Indian makeup mistakes

Our compatriots who try to implement the makeup of Indian girls on their own often make common mistakes.

Mistake #1

Asymmetry. Among Indian women, symmetry is manifested in everything: in hairstyle, in makeup, in jewelry. The girl in the photo below parted her hair on the side and ruined all her efforts in creating an Indian look. The traditional Indian head decoration looks ridiculous because it does not divide the hair into two equal halves, as it should be.

Mistake #2

Pale lips. Indian makeup does not tolerate paleness and blurriness: everything should be bright and clear. The girl in the photo below made her lips light pink, depriving her makeup of an oriental setting.

Mistake #3

Excessive application of blush and highlighting of cheekbones. Undoubtedly, all the girls in the photo below are beautiful, but they forgot that in Indian makeup everything should be “rounded”. And even if your natural face shape is square or long, it can still be rounded with the right makeup. But in in this case the wrong Indian makeup is presented: the cheekbones should not stand out, otherwise it is already Russian-Indian makeup (in other words, a vinaigrette).

Mistake #4

“Broken” eyebrow line. Let's say it again, the makeup of Indian girls is smooth lines in everything. This rule also applies to eyebrows.

The photo below shows all the errors together. This includes general pallor, scattered eyebrows, transparent gloss on the lips, too dark areas of the cheekbones, and almost imperceptible arrows in the eyes. Needless to say, this image turned out unsuccessful.

We hope that our work on mistakes will not allow you to make mistakes when creating your own makeup in the Indian style.

How to do Indian makeup, video tutorials

This kind of makeup is done for Indian women on a special occasion - a wedding. Maybe you'd like to connect too family ties somewhere in an exotic place under palm trees with Hindu temples in the background? If so, then this video will come in handy for you.

And with this makeup you can safely go on stage at a dance competition or appear at a themed party.

A calmer Indian style makeup in peach shades is also suitable for blondes. This color scheme will be in harmony with their natural shades.

Everyone watched Indian films, if not entirely, then at least sporadically. They glorify the beauty of the Indian woman, which is conveyed through national dress, dance and make-up. Indian makeup is very bright, the eyes and lips are emphasized at the same time, a large palette of shadows is used in a single color scheme, and there are also clear lines of eyeliner.

European girls can also try on the unusually beautiful image of an Indian movie star; you just need to take the necessary set of decorative cosmetics and work a little. Mysterious Indian makeup can be used for a themed dance, a costume party or an original photo shoot. A thorough knowledge of theory, a little practice and you will be ready to conduct a master class for all your friends.

Features of the appearance of an Indian girl

Indian makeup is so mesmerizing that even celebrities actively use it. Celebrities often appear at public events and performances wearing Indian sari and a distinctive dot on their forehead. In addition, a holistic image requires the following details:

  • Dark skin. The complexion should be tanned, so Indian makeup is not suitable for girls with pale skin.

Self-tanning and foundation can only partially solve the problem, because in addition to the face they will also have to be applied to the neck, top part back, décolleté and all exposed areas of the body. A wide range of work for a makeup artist.

Girls with gray and blue Eye makeup in the Indian style can also be done, but you will have to put in more effort and choose a less saturated color scheme.

To ensure that the image of a Bollywood star is holistic and harmonious, you should carefully select decorative cosmetics. Eye shadow, powder, lipstick - this is a single ensemble that is used to emphasize the main advantages of a woman.

Set of cosmetics for Indian makeup

Evening out the tone of the face, which is the initial stage of any make-up, should also be done for Indian makeup. Indian actresses always have matte and velvety skin; there should be no pronounced shine on the face. However, not just any foundation and powder will do.

To convey the image of an Indian dance performer, you need to prepare:

  • bronze-colored foundation;
  • bronze-colored powder;
  • eyebrow pencil dark brown or black;
  • shades of green, yellow, copper and coffee shades for green eyes;
  • owners of blue and gray eyes are recommended to create an oriental look using pink, lilac and silver eyeshadow;
  • for brown eyes there are no restrictions in the choice of shadows;
  • black or brown eyeliner;
  • black mascara;
  • lipstick of rich color - red, pink, raspberry, dark beige.

Indian makeup is done without using blush, and if there is an extreme need for them, choose peach, apricot, and brown ones. The pink color of blush is extremely undesirable.

Indian look and makeup

Everyday Indian Makeup

Classic Indian makeup is very bright and belongs more to the evening, but there is also a “light” version - makeup in a romantic and mysterious style.

A detailed master class demonstrates the stages of transformation:

  1. Apply foundation to your face.
  2. Use powder to correct the T-shaped zone (forehead, nose, chin).
  3. Use eyelid primer.
  4. Fill your eyebrows with taupe gel or eyeshadow.
  5. Apply light white-pink shadows to the surface of the moving eyelid.

This master class is made using pearlescent shadows.

The image of an Indian woman that such a master class helps to create is suitable for a date, an important event or a holiday. If you need something more colorful, you should turn your attention to Indian wedding makeup.

April 2, Alexandra Bondareva

Women in India are mysterious and shy. Ask them about their beauty secrets and they will laugh in response. How to get closer to the eastern secret? How to do Indian makeup that matches the original as closely as possible?

Issues of Relevance

Being a fashionable make-up, Indian makeup is not suitable for daily use. A bright image looks good at parties and masquerades, themed events and as a surprise for a loved one. You can easily organize a holiday yourself, you just need to show a little imagination and master the technique.

For blondes, Indian makeup is a definite taboo. Characteristic make-up looks organic only on a woman of a certain type. It requires brown almond or round eyes, light skin and blue-black hair. What if you want to try this kind of makeup? Then find a wig somewhere and read on.

Basic Techniques

  • Equal highlighting of lips and eyes. If in everyday life we ​​try to focus on one thing, then makeup in the Indian style requires double work.
  • Eastern girls have dark skin, so you will have to choose a foundation in the same range. It is acceptable to use a self-tanner or visit a solarium first to make your makeup look more natural. Don’t forget that other exposed parts of the body – neck, décolleté, shoulders, arms – should also have a characteristic color. Brown eyes and a bronzed face alone are not enough to create the image of an Indian beauty.
  • Cheekbones are highlighted by applying blush. Golden powder with a shimmering effect will look good on any type of appearance. The only color that Indian makeup does not accept in this area is pink.

The lips are outlined. When choosing lipstick, you can take any liberties, except for experimenting with nondescript shades. This makeup allows the contour to not match the tone of the lipstick. The shine will add a richness to the lips that is so characteristic of an Indian woman. The upper lip is painted so that the volume matches the lower one.

Correcting eyebrows

This part must be clearly defined. You can draw with a brown or black pencil. Should I put an end to it? Decide yourself. Bindi is applied with red clay, if you follow traditions. Today, even for the most Indian woman, it is commonplace to buy special stickers that will make her makeup look more like the real thing. Among them there are those that allow you to create patterns above the eyebrows.

Create an expressive look

No Indian style makeup is complete without this. Achieving this effect is not that difficult. These rules will help you cope with the task easily.

  • Carefully draw the lash line on the lower and upper eyelids. Use liquid eyeliner or a good quality charcoal pencil.
  • The thickness of the arrow is selected according to the type of eyes. If they are set close together, the line should go from the middle, be thin and thicken towards the outer edge. If it’s wide, it’s solid, or it can be thick.
  • It is imperative that the end of the arrow goes beyond and goes to the temples.
  • This type of makeup often involves dividing the upper eyelid into halves, one of which is covered with shading, and the other with a bright shade. The bottom one is completely highlighted in rich color.
  • Additional volume is achieved by applying light shadows to the area under the eyebrows. You can even use completely white ones and with mother of pearl. For a party or themed event, it is better to use black, purple, deep blue or brown. Choose which color suits your brown eyes best.

If you suddenly want to play the role of a real Indian beauty, try drawing patterns on your hands with henna - mehndi. If all these preparations are dedicated to your loved one, do not forget to prepare an oriental dinner.

As you can see, creating Indian makeup is not that difficult. Before going out, it is still recommended to practice and experiment with the application technique.