Walkthrough of the game Call of Juarez the Cartel. Call of Juarez: The Cartel: Walkthrough

29.07.2019 Documentation

Call of Juarez: The Cartel

Difficulty - Medium
Character - Ben McCall

Let's watch the introductory video. We lean out of the car and start shooting back. It’s not at all necessary to do this, but you can still shoot a little and thereby get used to the controls and combat mechanics.

We go to the trunk and select a weapon. We can carry three copies at the same time - the main one and two pistols. At the moment, our level does not allow us to select powerful and accurate weapons. Having limited ourselves to what is open, we get into the car and go to the marijuana plantation. Driving the car is easy and pleasant. Gray dots on the screen will help you navigate. Finally, a tree blocks the path and, unfortunately, the enemies immediately notice us. The most important rules: 1) Do not come close to opponents; 2) Dodge grenades as quickly as possible. I would like to say that sometimes from a blast wave the hero falls for a few seconds and it becomes impossible to control him. And God forbid, the enemies will be nearby. Twin pistols are only effective at close range. For long distances, it is recommended to use the main weapon. We use cover more often and don’t run forward headlong, otherwise we’ll die instantly. To smoke enemies out of cover, we throw grenades. We also don’t neglect the help of our partners. Sometimes they are able to cover you in time and prevent you from being surrounded by enemies. Having dealt with everyone, there follows a long run, and then a video in which the further plan of action is discussed. We destroy the enemies and get to the tent in which the enemy is holed up. We install explosives in the designated contour. We quickly leave and similarly blow up another tent nearby. Next, we draw graffiti on the marked stones. Now you can return to the car. Focus mode is the ability to slow down time when the bar in the upper left corner is completely full. It is spent very quickly, only enough for a few kills. We clear the site, get into the car and go to the next field with marijuana. On the way we are attacked. Everything is scripted, so we just drive without crashing into anything. We leave the car when an obstacle appears in front of us and move along the river. Then we move through the forests with a fairly large number of enemies. We act slowly, but also without staying in one place. We blow up two tents and draw symbols. We receive a call from which we learn not very good details about one of our partners. We go to the forestry, simultaneously dealing with the gang members. Here we kill enemies on the other side of the fence. We open the gates and move towards the buildings. We clear the surrounding area and plant explosives. We run to the mansion. Hiding in the places indicated by the outline and running across at the command of our partners, we get to the house and kill the enemies holed up behind cover. We get inside, press ourselves against the wall next to the door and burst into the room. In concentration mode, we destroy the remaining ones. We select the grenade launcher from the box and ammunition for it from the box to the right. Let's wait until the arriving helicopter blows away the floor of the house. Now, using cover, we can easily destroy the helicopter at the moment when it briefly hangs in one position.

As usual, we choose equipment and get into the car. Two hours later, we leave and follow our partner. Having opened the gate, we move towards the alley and from there we get into the house. Having penetrated inside, we deal with the drug addicts hand-to-hand. We block blows if necessary. We go up to the second floor, where there are two more. Next, we search the rooms until we find a bag with money. You can also find special items that raise the hero's level. They are indicated by an eye instead of the usual gray circle. We draw gang signs on the walls and leave the house through the back door. The enemies began to pursue us, we destroy them along the way and try to keep up with our partners. Having run through the alleys, we defend ourselves in the house from different positions. Having cleared the area, we go outside. We hide behind the first shelter and, at the signal, run to the next one. We kill the opponents who have settled behind the cars. If possible, you can select more powerful weapons from the dead, such as an Uzi or a revolver. Next we head to the parking lot through the side streets. Here you can shoot at cars, thereby exploding them and causing colossal damage to enemies. We get into our car and hide from the gang by getting out onto the highway.

We select weapons and leave the house. We head to the brothel, where Dolores will meet us at the entrance and lead us to a table. We follow her, then begin to question the strippers. Not finding the person we need, we go up to the second floor. We talk to the bouncers and search the rooms in search of Tina. Unfortunately, everything goes wrong and you will have to fight with the guards. Having dealt with them, we go up to the next floor and, having found Tina, we talk to her. She points to Javier, who is currently in his office on the floor above. We rush inside and kill enemies in slow motion. We begin the pursuit of Javier. Everything is as usual - crowds of enemies, another slowdown, running from cover to cover. There are a lot of cars in the area, so we don’t hide behind them, but rather destroy them if the opponents are nearby. We use workshop premises to move through vehicle parks. All that remains is to catch up and interrogate Javier.

We choose equipment and get into the car. We go to the docks, ram the gate and drive inside until the gate is closed. We deal with the guards and activate the control panel in the booth on the right. After the video, we go after the police. We get to the port, leave the car and make our way through the containers to the place of the mess. We use the box on the left as cover and, at the signal, move to the enemy’s rear. We destroy them and move further to the warehouse. There are many enemies at the entrance and they can appear from around any corner. We act harmoniously with the team. Having got inside, we run to the other end of the building and go up the stairs. Two people are already waiting at the top. We pass through several rooms and get out. We run forward until we come across a sniper. It is best to wait out the destruction behind cover. Then we break through to the crane, climb the stairs and kill the sniper. We select a rifle and shoot the enemies below. We head to the next warehouse. Having cleared it and not finding the girls, we leave the building and continue to kill enemies on the other side of the fence. Let's move away when the explosion starts. After it we run to the next warehouse. We run through shelters, kill entrenched enemies and get inside the building. Having cleared the warehouse, we explode through the door. We continue to search for girls. They are literally in the next room, so we quickly deal with the enemies and free them.

We select equipment and get into the car. Having waylaid the gangster, we get close to him in a limited time. To do this, we must not crash into anything or slow down. After the video we go on the attack. We are trying to catch up with Alvarez. We get into the car and give chase. Soon we get into an accident and leave the car. Hiding behind a stone, we shoot back from enemies. Having finished with them, we transport the money to the blue van. Time is limited, so we kill those arriving only if necessary. After transferring the money, watch the video. We drag money to a new car. This time there is no timer, so we can calmly plan our actions. We move from one burning car to another. We throw in the money and get into the car. We hide from both the patrol and the gangsters.

We take the weapon and leave the apartment. We accompany Jess to the car. On the way we are ambushed and after some time we will be able to lean out of the window and conduct suppressive fire. A long firefight awaits us on the highway, in which the goal is to destroy approaching enemy vehicles. We use exclusively the main weapon. Having successfully turned off the highway and driven a couple of blocks, we get into an accident. The driver dies, and we move along the alleys on foot, killing opponents. We turn into the building when we are done with everyone. We protect Jess until one of our partners finds the car. Then we get into the car and leave.

We select equipment and leave the shelter. We head to the building, go inside and neutralize the thugs who are not allowing us to pass. We go upstairs and find ourselves at the party. We go out onto the roof, where we observe Jess. Some time later, Dunleavy approaches Jess and is killed. We rush in pursuit of Alvarez. We move along the roof, destroying enemies. This must be done very carefully, because the checkpoints are located far from each other. We find ourselves in a closed parking lot, then into an alley. We open the gate and run forward, destroying the warring gangs. A short run through the shelters. We enter the warehouse, it is advisable to climb up the stairs, because it will be easier to shoot from there. We get out through the red gate. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to find Jessica.

We choose equipment and begin the task. We go to Flaco's house. We penetrate the house and break into the apartment, which is located on the second floor. After a convincing conversation, we return to the car to eavesdrop on the conversation. We follow the car, without getting too close or moving away. We stop at the bar and go into the alley. We deal with the bouncers and get inside. We make our way through the crowd to the stairs. There were a couple more thugs on the second floor. After the cutscene, a shootout will begin. We move forward, destroying enemies. We break down the door on the floor above and shoot the guards in slow motion. A short run through cover and another door to break down. We shoot only at illuminated targets, otherwise you might hit civilians! We get out onto the roof and kill barely noticeable enemies on the hill. We are not in a hurry to go down into the alley; the easiest way to deal with the enemies is from the stairs. We run through the car park, you can use the car to crush enemies. Let's make another run for cover and then use the car again to catch up with Jesus. On the highway we do our best to dodge shots, especially grenade launchers and snipers. We swerve around and hide behind the traffic.

We select ammunition and get into the car. After the video, we begin testing the weapon. We take the machine gun from the left box and, looking out the window, shoot the marked targets. Then we go to the opposite window and select a machine gun to the left. Similarly, we shoot the roofs of wooden houses. We return back to the first window and take the grenade launcher from the right box. We destroy three buildings. After the video, we begin killing living targets. We run forward after the members of Vito's gang. They also have weapons, but fortunately only single pistols. We'll have to go back to the saloon and help Duke. The tension is growing as the opponents have acquired powerful guns. We break through in a straight line, it is advisable to stay on one side and not go in the center. Enemies can be inside buildings, as well as on hills. When there is a right turn, first of all we kill the grenade launcher in the window of the distant house. Then we shoot at the van and explosive barrels. We penetrate into the saloon and hold the defense. This is not so difficult, considering that we have four assistants with us. When the passage opens, we run as fast as we can after our partners.

We take the weapon we like and enter the room. Having woken up from the shots, we take a sitting position so that they cannot hit us. The house will begin to be rammed and we must get out of it in a limited time. Let's just follow Eddie. Next we run to help Kim. We eliminate all opponents near the motel. Having freed Kim, we go in search of Jesus. We break forward, dealing with enemies, the easiest way is to destroy cars. This is followed by a run through the shelters. Let's also not forget the enemy in the attic. We break down the doors and kill everyone. There is another door ahead, behind which is Jesus. Having captured it, we find ourselves in the car. We drive forward, listening to the advice of our partners. The main thing is not to allow the enemies to overtake us. If this happens and your health is on the brink, you should slow down. As usual, we get into an accident and run after Jesus, shooting our opponents along the way. Towards the end, time will be limited, so don’t linger among the shelters.

We select the guns and get into the car. After the video, we quickly run to the trailer and from there we shoot the enemies surrounding us. The battle ahead is not only difficult, but long and painful. Don't go close to the window. It is better to stand further away so that the view is minimal, otherwise the entire stream of shots will be directed at us. We shoot the arriving helicopter with a machine gun, which lies in the trailer. When he flies away, we can approach Jess. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to save her, but she will have time to whisper that Eddie has the key.

Having equipped ourselves, we get into the car and drive down the slope. We stop at a farm. When the shooting starts, we kill the guard standing at the gate, shoot through the castle and get inside. The territory is well protected, so we do not disdain shelters. We get to the barn and enter it. We break through the door and destroy everyone inside. The barn is set on fire, thereby trapping us. We quickly shoot through the side door lock. Having got out, we have to run through the shelters, but before we do this, we will kill the enemies standing in the way. We penetrate the house and clear it. After waiting for our partners, we go down to the basement and break through the door. We find a secret tunnel leading to Mexico - to do this we simply move the cabinet three times. It is impossible to get confused if you follow your partners or simply navigate with the help of our guide in the form of a gray circle. There are a lot of enemies here, so keep your eyes peeled. Having reached the surface, we continue walking. Having reached the street, we try not to linger on the balcony, but it is better to immediately go downstairs. Directly below the balcony are cannons and ammunition. Machine gunners are quite tough opponents, we kill them with caution.

We select ammunition and approach the gate. At the cemetery, a massacre began between two groups. We try not to interfere and use weapons only when necessary. There are practically no normal shelters here, so you will have to kill quickly and slowly move forward. Ahead is a run through the shelters: having reached the first shelter, there will be a passage fenced off with wooden boards to the right, we destroy them and move on. There is very little left to the church. Let's deal with the guards nearby and break inside. There are also a lot of enemies inside, if you have a powerful pistol in your arsenal, then we try to shoot everyone before the slowdown ends. One shot for each will be enough. Next, we protect the church from waves of enemies and in the end we deal with the helicopter using the M60 machine gun, which lies inside the church.

We take the weapon from the bag and burst through the door. Having killed all the guards, we set off in pursuit of Mendoza. We chase him along the road, then turn left into a deserted area. Let's get ready to make a sharp left turn when a train blocks the path. We drive along until we overtake him, and we cut off right before the tunnel. After driving a little more, we leave the car and continue the pursuit. We move through the village, destroying Juan's guards. When you get to the market, you should be especially careful, because there are a lot of civilians here and the enemy can appear from behind any counter. At the exit from the market, a short run through the shelters and again we chase Mendoza in the car until we fall into another trap.

We select equipment and begin the task. We break through the door and move forward, destroying enemies. We get to the estate, first of all we kill those in the windows of the mansion. We try to outflank our enemies. We act in the same way in the house and in the courtyard. We carry out this routine work until we find ourselves in yet another yard. There is a ladder on the left, from there it is easiest to get to the machine gunner. Having dealt with everyone, we proceed to destroy the helicopter. As usual, we shoot from the M60 machine gun. When it explodes and lands in the pool, a door nearby will open. We go inside and watch the video. Before he can interrogate Juan, he is killed by a drone. He is trying to do the same thing to us, so we run back through the same door. Hiding under the roofs, we pursue Alvarez. We find ourselves in the basement, where there will be three doors, select the central one. All that remains is to catch up with Alvarez and make the decisive choice.

Hello dear users of the site. Today they will give out a walkthrough of the game in portions, of which there are fifteen chapters.

Chapter 1

Let's watch the video. You can start shooting back, or you don’t have to. But it’s better to shoot, and at the same time master the combat mechanics.

We choose a weapon. We take what we think is necessary and go to the marijuana fields. Let's focus on the points. Along the way you will meet a tree, but also more enemies. We kill them and move on. Let's watch the video. We extinguish the enemies and run to the tent. We plant a bomb there and place a bomb in another tent. So now we need to draw graffiti on the stones. We draw and return to the car. Now we have access to the concentration mode - ordinary slo -mo.

Spending is fast, so kill as many enemies as possible in this mode.

We eliminate the enemies and go to another field. There will be attacks along the way, but don't pay attention. We drive to the obstacle and walk along the river, from there through the forest. After shooting the enemies, we mine and blow up two tents. We draw graffiti. We listen to our partners and move on. We extinguish anyone who is not ours. We reach the gate and open it. We clear the area and mine the buildings. Let's go to the mansion. Now you need to get to the house, following the command of your partners. We eliminate the dissatisfied and take the grenade launcher, and at the same time the ammunition on the right. A helicopter arrives. We hide in shelters and destroy the helicopter with a grenade launcher.

Chapter 2

We select a weapon and get into the car. Two hours later, we get out of the car and follow our partner. We open the gate and run to the alley, and from there into the house. We beat the drug addicts and go to the second floor, where two more are holed up. We are looking for a bag with money in the rooms. We draw graffiti and leave through the back entrance. We run and keep up with our partners, killing our pursuers along the way. We run along the alleys and begin to defend ourselves in the house. After the fight, we go outside. Now you will have to run from cover to cover again on command. We kill everyone and run to the parking lot through the alleys. We clear the parking lot and get into the car. Now you need to break away from the pursuit by driving onto the highway.

Chapter 3

We gear up and go to the docks. We ram the gate and drive until the gate is closed. We extinguish all enemies and activate the remote control in the booth on the right. Let's watch the video. We go to the port and continue through the containers. From cover to cover - that's the only way to get through here. We eliminate the enemies and enter the warehouse. Now you need to break through to the other end of the warehouse and climb the stairs to the top, but this will be hampered by a strong concentration of enemies.

We kill two people at the top and exit through the rooms. We run forward to the sniper. Now from cover to cover we reach the crane, climb up and neutralize the sniper.

We take out the rifle and destroy the enemies below. We go to another warehouse. We kill everyone and enter the warehouse. Hiding, we kill everyone and reach the doors. We enter and turn off the security. We free the hostage in another room.

Chapter 5

We get ready and get into the car. We must catch the enemy in a limited time. Let's watch the video. We run after Alvarez. We sit down and follow him. We get into an accident. We shoot the enemies and begin to drag the money into the van. There is little time, so you hurry up. Once you get over it, watch the video.

Now you have to carry money to another car, but now there is no limiter. So shoot the enemies and get into the car. You need to break away from the gangsters and the patrol. Having finished with this, we end the chapter.

Chapter 6

We gear up and go out. We begin to accompany Jess to the car.

We gear up and go to Flaco’s house. We enter and go to the second floor. After the conversation, we go to the car and eavesdrop on the conversation. Now we follow the car without attracting attention. We go into the alley, having previously stopped at a bar. We neutralize the guards and go inside. We go through the crowd to the top and neutralize the enemies there.

Let's watch the video. We shoot back from the enemies and go upstairs. We shoot at illuminated targets, since civilians cannot be killed. We go out onto the roof, shoot everyone and go down into the alley. We reach the car park and get into the car to crush the enemies, after which we follow Jesus. While driving, we drive in a zigzag, otherwise we will explode from grenade launcher shots.

Chapter 9

We select equipment and get into the car. Let's watch the video.

We begin testing weapons. We select a machine gun and shoot the marked targets.

Now we take a machine gun and shoot the roofs. Now we take the grenade launcher and destroy three buildings. Let's watch the video. We run after the gang, after which we will need to return and help Duke in the saloon. When we make our way to it, we need to stick to the houses and not go through the center. First of all, we kill those with a grenade launcher, and then everyone else. At the same time, blow up the van with explosives. We enter the saloon and hold the defense. We wait until the passage opens and run with our partners as fast as we can.

Chapter 10

We select a weapon and enter the room. We were attacked, so we sit down so as not to be hit. The house is starting to be destroyed, so you need to get out of it in a limited time. Now we follow Eddie, then we run to help Kim. We extinguish all enemies and find Kim, now we follow Jesus. We run forward and kill everyone we meet. We enter the house and clear it. We go through another door and catch Jesus, after which we immediately find ourselves in the car. We go and do things so that our opponents do not overtake us. We get into an accident and run after Jesus. There will be opponents along the way - we will take them out. Time will be limited towards the end, so hurry up.

We select a weapon and go down the slope. We stop at the farm and kill the guard when the shooting starts. We shoot at the castle and enter.

Here you have to move from cover to cover, otherwise they’ll shoot you and won’t even look. After the fight we enter the barn. The barn is set on fire - we shoot at the lock and run out through the side door. We run through cover, and then we extinguish the enemies.

We enter the house and carry out a cleanup. We go down to the basement and, together with our partners, go through the door. We move the cabinet three times and find a secret entrance to Mexico. We follow our partners through the tunnel and clear everything so that there are no surprises.

We come to the surface and go outside. There are a lot of machine gunners here, so we find a machine gun and eliminate everyone around the perimeter.

Chapter 13

We gear up and go to the gate. Let's see how the two groups fight. Let them shoot each other, and we will finish off the rest. Having pacified everyone, we run forward through the shelters. We run to the first one, from there into a passage with wooden boards. Now we need to fight to reach the church. We extinguish everyone around the perimeter and enter the church. Now we are clearing the church of adversaries. When everything calms down, we begin the defense of the church. At the end of the enemy attack, a helicopter will fly in.

We destroy it using the M60 machine gun.

Chapter 14

This walkthrough is designed for medium difficulty.
It all starts with watching the introductory video. Well, after that you have to get out of the car and shoot at enemies (although in principle this is not necessary, it will give you the opportunity to quickly get used to the mechanics of the game).

Chapter 1

The first thing you need to do after starting walkthroughs of Call of Juarez: Cartel and the first chapter is to go to the trunk of your car and choose three types of weapons - one main and two additional pistols. It is worth noting that at the moment, due to the fact that this is only the beginning of the game, you cannot choose a powerful weapon and have to be content with what you already have. Next, our hero needs to get into the car and drive to the marijuana plantation. As for the car, it would not be amiss to mention that it is simply a pleasure to drive - it responds well to key presses and turns very smoothly and gently. The destination is shown on the map as gray dots and upon reaching the next one, our hero is noticed by enemies and begins shelling. During the battle with enemies, in order to survive, you must adhere to several basic and fairly simple rules:

Do not get close to enemies.
Run away from grenades as quickly as possible.
As for grenades, we can say that the reaction speed to them must be very high, because the blast wave can incapacitate our brave policeman for several seconds, which is not good, especially in a battle with several opponents.

Dual pistols are not very good effective weapon and, as a rule, they can only be used at close range. To destroy opponents who are holed up in shelters at some distance, you can use your main weapons (rifles, machine guns) and grenades. Also, do not neglect shelters - by hiding behind them, you can very effectively shoot enemies, dodging flying grenades from time to time. The artificial intelligence of the partners is also very well developed in this version of the game - they can help out and cover at the most necessary moment, especially if our hero finds himself in a crowd of opponents.

After killing all the opponents, you need to run a little and watch a video in which further actions will be discussed. According to the plan, our hero and his colleague will have to get to the tent in which the enemies are holed up, plant explosives in the marked outline, blow it up and destroy the next tent in the same way. Next, we draw graffiti on the stones with marks and return to the car, where we learn that our hero acquires a new ability - concentration, thanks to which you can slow down time for the period indicated in the upper left corner of the screen. It is worth noting that this slowdown is spent very quickly and is only enough for a couple of kills.

Next, after clearing the site, we need to get into the car and proceed to the next hemp field. On the way, our brave cop is attacked by enemies, but since everything is scripted, we just have to drive straight and try not to crash into anything. When an obstacle appears on the road in front of us, we need to leave the car and proceed to the river, and then walk a little through the forest, simply teeming with enemies. With the “forest brothers” you need to act slowly and try not to stay in one place for a long time. Having reached the hemp field, you need to do everything the same as the first time, namely, destroy two tents and draw another graffiti on the stones.

After destroying the hemp field, our cell phone rings, and from the conversation we learn not very good information about one of our partners. We go to the forestry and along the way kill a couple of dozen more of our enemies and so we reach the gate, open it and move towards the buildings. Clearing the surroundings from enemies, we move towards the buildings, plant explosives in the indicated place and quickly run to the mansion. Hiding in the places indicated by the contours, you need to run over to your hidden partners and destroy several dozen enemies holed up in shelters. After entering the mansion, our hero will have to enter the house and, in concentration mode, destroy the remaining enemies. We pick up the grenade launcher from the box and the ammunition for it and wait for the helicopter to arrive, which in turn demolishes the floor of the house. Using spontaneously appeared shelters, you can very easily destroy a helicopter - you just need to wait for the moment when the flying machine hovers in one of its positions.

Chapter 2

Before starting the mission, we select equipment and get into the car again. About two hours later, when our hero and his companion reach their destination, we get out of the car and, following our partner, open the gate to the alley and from there we get into the house. Having penetrated into the middle of the house, we will have to fight several drug addicts hand-to-hand (during hand-to-hand combat with them, you can use blocks to repel blows). When we are finished with the first drugs, we go to the second floor, where the second “sweet couple” is already waiting for us. After killing them, we go around all the rooms and look for a bag with money. During the search, in these same rooms you can find quite a lot of different objects (they are marked with an eye) that can increase the level of our hero. We go further, draw a gang sign on the walls of the house and leave it through the back door.

After leaving the house, our heroes begin to be pursued by bandits - we deal with them along the way, not forgetting to follow our partners. After running several blocks along the alleys, we run into a house, where we set up something like a fortified bastion, which must be carefully protected. Having cleared the area of ​​the enemy, we go out into the street and immediately hide behind the first illuminated shelter, and after the signal we run over to the next one. From cover we deal with the enemies hiding behind the car, and, if possible, we select their weapons, since they will be useful to us in the future. We follow the alley to the parking lot - enemies are waiting for us there again, but we can destroy them simply in batches, simply by shooting at the parked cars. Finally, we get to our car, get into it and drive out onto the highway, thus breaking away from the bandit’s “tail”.

Chapter 3

As in previous chapters, we first choose a weapon for the mission. Having selected a suitable arsenal, we go to the brothel, where Dolores is already waiting for us, who should accompany our hero to the table. Following our guide, we interview strippers, and as a result, not finding the person we are interested in, we go up to the second floor. There we need to talk to the guards and search all the rooms for the presence of a certain Tina in them. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) everything starts to go wrong and we have to engage in battle with the guards, having dealt with them, we will need to go up to the floor above. On the top floor we still find Tina and from a conversation with her we learn that we need a certain Javier, whose office, by a happy coincidence, is located on the floor above. Of course, we have no choice but to go up to the floor and break into his office, killing all the enemies in slowdown mode. After the reprisal, the pursuit of Javier begins, which is accompanied by enemy shelling and explosions of parked cars. To go through the car parks, we use workshops and, having overtaken Javier, we interrogate him.

Chapter 4

Again we select equipment and get into the car. Now our path lies to the docks - we ram the gate and drive inside, where forbidden doors and a bunch of enemies await us again. After killing all the guards and opening the door using the remote control located in the guard's booth, watch the video and follow the policeman. We get to our destination, get out of the car and head on foot through a bunch of containers to the place we need, where our enemies are already waiting for us. You can deal with them secretly - to do this, you need to use the box as cover, go behind enemy lines and destroy them all. We go further to the warehouse - there are many opponents waiting for our hero who are literally “climbing” out of any crevice. To deal with these enemies, you need to cooperate with the team, and after that you will still need to get inside the warehouse, go to the other end of the building and climb the stairs to the second floor, where they are already waiting for us.

Next, we pass through several rooms, get out and run forward until we “bump into” a sniper. the most the best option will wait out the destruction behind cover, after which you can safely break through to the crane, climb the stairs to the top and kill the annoying sniper. We select his rifle and methodically shoot the enemies who are trying to reach our hero from below.

After killing the next batch of enemies, we will need to go to the next warehouse, having cleared it and not finding girls in it, we must continue our path and go outside. Now you should move away, because the main character can be hit by a blast wave, and then head to the next building, simultaneously taking cover and shooting back from enemies. Having entered the next warehouse, we clear it and continue the search for the girls - they are in the next room and all that needs to be done to free them is simply to destroy all the enemies.

Chapter 5

This chapter, like all previous ones, begins with the choice of ammunition and the next trip. This time we have to chase a certain gangster without crashing or reducing speed. During the pursuit, we will be shown a video, after which we will immediately need to go on the attack. Of course, Alvarez runs away, our hero follows him and soon gets into an accident and leaves the car. We are attacked by enemies and in order to protect ourselves from them we need to hide behind a stone, and only after dealing with them transport the money to the blue van.

It is worth noting that the mission time is limited, and therefore the enemies that appear should be killed only when necessary. Having transported all the money to the car, watch the video again and drag the capital to the new car. This time there is no longer a timer, and therefore you can calmly and judiciously perform all the necessary actions, in particular, moving from one burning car to another and running away from the gang and the police.

Chapter 6

We take our weapons and leave the apartment. We need to escort Jesse to the car and while driving in it, our heroes are ambushed and try to break away from it, simultaneously firing at enemies from the window.

On the highway, a rather long shootout awaits us, the purpose of which is to destroy maximum quantity appearing enemy vehicles (it is best to use only the main weapon for these purposes - it is more powerful). After the shootout, our heroes successfully turn off the highway and just as successfully get into an accident - the driver, of course, dies, and we have a long walk ahead of us in the Peshkarus with the destruction of enemies along the way.

After several shootouts, we turn into the building and protect Jess until our partner finds a suitable car in which to escape.

Chapter 7

We select the necessary equipment for our hero and leave the shelter. We immediately head inside the building, where we neutralize several bullies who do not allow us to pass. We go up the stairs and find ourselves at the party, from where we go to the roof, where we watch Jess. A couple of minutes later, Dunleavy approaches Jess and is immediately killed. Our hero will have to immediately rush in pursuit of Alvarez - to do this, you need to move along the roofs, while killing enemies. You should be very careful when getting into fights, since checkpoints are located at a fairly large distance from each other and the probability of death is quite high.

After a couple of serious shootouts, we find ourselves in a closed parking lot, and then in an alley, where we have to open the gate and quickly run forward, destroying enemies along the way. A couple of small runs from cover to cover, and now we are entering the warehouse, where we will need to climb up the stairs and fire at the enemies from there. After killing his enemies, our hero needs to go out into the street through the red gate and try to find Jessica there (by the way, we will never be able to find the girl).

Chapter 8

As always, we choose equipment and begin the task. This time we need to proceed to Flaco's house, penetrate it and blow up the apartment, which is located on the second floor. After a convincing conversation, our hero needs to return to the car to eavesdrop on the conversation. Next, we need to chase the car, while trying not to get too close to it and not to move too far away. We stop not far from the bar and go along the alley, simultaneously dealing with several bouncers. We make our way through the crowd to the stairs, climbing up which we kill a couple more enemies and watch the video. After the video, the real carnage begins, in which our hero will have to move forward, scattering enemies left and right.

On the floor above, the main character will need to break down the door on the floor above and shoot the guards in slow motion. We continue our running and find ourselves in front of another closed door, which you can break out, and then destroy a couple more enemies, but only those that are highlighted by an indicator, because if you get carried away you can easily hurt civilians.

Afterwards, we go up to the roof and kill the enemies who are on a hill and who are not very clearly visible. Do not rush to go down the alley, because it is much easier to destroy opponents while on the stairs. Ahead of our hero lies another run, shelters and another car in which to catch up with Jesus. During the pursuit, you need to be very careful and dodge shots on the highway, especially from a grenade launcher and a sniper rifle, swerving from side to side and hiding behind traffic.

Chapter 9

We choose ammunition for our hero, get into the car and go on the next mission, the essence of which is to test weapons. First you need to select a machine gun and shoot the marked targets by simply looking out the window. Afterwards, our hero will need to take a machine gun from the opposite wall and, looking out the window, shoot the roofs wooden house. Again we go to the first window and take a grenade launcher, from which we will destroy three buildings.

After watching the video, our hero will need to kill a couple of living people - these will be members of the Vito gang. These gangsters also have weapons, but only pistols, and therefore killing them will not be difficult.

Next, we will have to return to the saloon and help Duke. From this moment on, you should be more careful, since the enemies have more serious weapons - you shouldn’t break through directly, because the best option is to stick to one side of the road, and not to go in the center. It is worth noting that enemies can also attack from buildings and hills - they can create quite a lot of problems. When turning right, you must first attack the grenade launcher who will appear in the window of the distant house, and only then shoot at the van with the explosive cargo. Next, our hero will have to penetrate the saloon and hold back the defenses - this is not so difficult, because there will also be four partners with us there. After opening the passage, our hero will have to run as fast as he can after his partners.

Chapter 10

We take our favorite weapon and enter the room. We wake up from the shots and immediately sit down, because this way the enemies won’t be able to hit us. Next, the house will be rammed and our hero will have to get out of it as quickly as possible, because time is limited. In order to get out, you just need to follow Eddie to Kid's aid.

Having reached our destination, we kill all nearby opponents, shooting at the cars. Next, we run through the shelters, kill the enemy in the attic, break into the door and destroy everyone in the room. Ahead of us awaits another door, behind which Jesus sat. We grab it and immediately find ourselves in the car. We drive on, carefully listening to the advice of our partners. It is worth noting that when driving along the highway, you should not allow enemies to overtake you, because if this happens and your health is on the brink, then the best option would be to simply slow down a little.

As one would expect, the logical conclusion of the trip is an accident after which our hero goes in pursuit of Jesus, shooting his enemies in the process.

Chapter 11

We select a weapon to our liking and get into the car. We watch the video, after which we immediately run to the trailer, from where we shoot the enemies attacking us. It is worth noting that the battle will not be too difficult - it’s enough just not to come close to the window and fight from a certain distance so that the view is minimal and the enemy’s bullets do not fly at our hero. After the usual enemies, a helicopter will arrive, which can only be destroyed with the help of a machine gun lying in the trailer. When the winged car flies away, our hero will still be able to approach Jess, but he will not be able to save her. But, nevertheless, she manages to whisper in our hero’s ear that Eddie has the key.

Chapter 12

Having fully equipped ourselves, we get into the car and go down the slope all the way to the farm. At the moment the shooting starts, you will need to kill the guard standing at the gate, shoot through the lock and get inside the building. It is worth noting that the territory of the complex is quite well protected, and therefore you should not neglect various shelters. We follow to the barn and go into it, simultaneously destroying all the enemies inside. But the barn is set on fire, and our hero finds himself in a trap, from which he can only get out by shooting through the lock in the side door.

Having got out of the burning barn, we need to run a little through the shelters, kill all the enemies and penetrate the house, simultaneously clearing it of enemies. After waiting for our partners to arrive, we go down to the basement and break through the door - there, by moving the closet, you can find a tunnel leading directly to Mexico. There are a lot of enemies in this tunnel, and therefore you need to be very careful until you climb up. Once outside, it is best not to linger on the balcony, but to go down, because there are weapons and ammunition right underneath it.

Chapter 13

We take the weapon and approach the gate. A real massacre between factions is already underway at the cemetery. It is worth noting that it is best not to interfere in the course of events and use weapons only as a last resort. There are practically no normal shelters in this location, so you need to move slowly and kill very quickly. Next, our hero will have to run from cover to cover all the way to the passage on the right, which will be fenced with a destroyable wooden fence.

There are literally a couple of steps left to the church - you just need to deal with the guards and break through inside, destroying all the enemies, of which there are not so few. Next, you will need to clear the church and destroy the helicopter with the M60 machine gun, which can be taken inside the church.

Chapter 14

We take the weapon from the bag and burst through the door. Having destroyed the guards, we go after Mendoza - we follow him along the road, turn left into the wasteland. You should be prepared for the fact that the passage will be blocked by trains and you will need to make a sharp turn to the left. We drive along the train until we overtake it, and then we cut it off right in front of the tunnel and, having driven a little more, we leave the car and pursue Mendoza on foot.

We move forward, simultaneously destroying all the guards, and so we get to the market, where you should be very careful, since there are a lot of civilians in this location, and the enemy can mix with them. At the exit from the market, we will have a short run from shelter to shelter, a pursuit of Mendez in a car and another trap.

Chapter 15

We take ammunition and begin the mission. First, we break through the door and move forward, simultaneously destroying everyone in our path. In this way we reach the estate and kill the enemies, the ones who shoot from the windows. To more effectively shoot enemies, it is worth going around them from the flanks - in a similar way, you need to act in the house and in the courtyard. We move further and find ourselves in another courtyard, where we deal with all the enemies and shoot down a helicopter with the help of the M60, the one that falls straight into the pool. Close to the place of destruction, a door opens, entering which the cutscene begins. Our hero fails to question Juan, because he is immediately killed by a drone and wants to do the same to us. Therefore, our hero flees, and then, running out of the door, continues to pursue Alvarez all the way to the basement, where he hid.

This completes the walkthrough of Call of Juarez: The Cartel, for which I congratulate you.

Difficulty – Medium
Character – Ben McCall

Let's watch the introductory video. We lean out of the car and start shooting back. It’s not at all necessary to do this, but you can still shoot a little and thereby get used to the controls and combat mechanics.

Chapter 1.

We go to the trunk and select a weapon. We can carry three copies at the same time - the main one and two pistols. At the moment, our level does not allow us to select powerful and accurate weapons. Having limited ourselves to what is open, we get into the car and go to the marijuana plantation. Driving the car is easy and pleasant. Gray dots on the screen will help you navigate. Finally, a tree blocks the path and, unfortunately, the enemies immediately notice us. The most important rules: 1) Do not come close to opponents; 2) Dodge grenades as quickly as possible. I would like to say that sometimes from a blast wave the hero falls for a few seconds and it becomes impossible to control him. And God forbid, the enemies will be nearby. Twin pistols are only effective at close range. For long distances, it is recommended to use the main weapon. We use cover more often and don’t run forward headlong, otherwise we’ll die instantly. To smoke enemies out of hiding, we throw grenades. We also don’t neglect the help of our partners. Sometimes they are able to cover you in time and prevent you from being surrounded by enemies. Having dealt with everyone, there follows a long run, and then a video in which the further plan of action is discussed. We destroy the enemies and get to the tent in which the enemy is holed up. We install explosives in the designated contour. We quickly leave and similarly blow up another tent nearby. Next, we draw graffiti on the marked stones. Now you can return to the car. Focus mode is the ability to slow down time when the bar in the upper left corner is completely filled. It is spent very quickly, only enough for a few kills. We clear the site, get into the car and go to the next field with marijuana. On the way we are attacked. Everything is scripted, so we just drive without crashing into anything. We leave the car when an obstacle appears in front of us and move along the river. Then we move through the forests with a fairly large number of enemies. We act slowly, but also without staying in one place. We blow up two tents and draw symbols. We receive a call from which we learn not very good details about one of our partners. We go to the forestry, simultaneously dealing with the gang members. Here we kill enemies on the other side of the fence. We open the gates and move towards the buildings. We clear the surrounding area and plant explosives. We run to the mansion. Hiding in the places indicated by the outline and running across at the command of our partners, we get to the house and kill the enemies holed up behind cover. We get inside, press ourselves against the wall next to the door and burst into the room. In concentration mode, we destroy the remaining ones. We select the grenade launcher from the box and ammunition for it from the box to the right. Let's wait until the arriving helicopter blows away the floor of the house. Now, using cover, we can easily destroy the helicopter at the moment when it briefly hangs in one position.

Chapter 2.

As usual, we choose equipment and get into the car. Two hours later, we leave and follow our partner. Having opened the gate, we move towards the alley and from there we get into the house. Having penetrated inside, we deal with the drug addicts hand-to-hand. We block blows if necessary. We go up to the second floor, where there are two more. Next, we search the rooms until we find a bag with money. You can also find special items that raise the hero's level. They are indicated by an eye instead of the usual gray circle. We draw gang signs on the walls and leave the house through the back door. The enemies began to pursue us, we destroy them along the way and try to keep up with our partners. Having run through the alleys, we defend ourselves in the house from different positions. Having cleared the area, we go outside. We hide behind the first shelter and, at the signal, run to the next one. We kill the opponents who have settled behind the cars. If possible, you can select more powerful weapons from the dead, such as an Uzi or a revolver. Next we head to the parking lot through the side streets. Here you can shoot at cars, thereby exploding them and causing colossal damage to enemies. We get into our car and hide from the gang by getting out onto the highway.

Chapter 3.

We select weapons and leave the house. We head to the brothel, where Dolores will meet us at the entrance and lead us to a table. We follow her, then begin to question the strippers. Not finding the person we need, we go up to the second floor. We talk to the bouncers and search the rooms in search of Tina. Unfortunately, everything goes wrong and you will have to fight with the guards. Having dealt with them, we go up to the next floor and, having found Tina, we talk to her. She points to Javier, who is currently in his office on the floor above. We rush inside and kill enemies in slow motion. We begin the pursuit of Javier. Everything is as usual - crowds of enemies, another slowdown, running from cover to cover. There are a lot of cars in the area, so we don’t hide behind them, but rather destroy them if the opponents are nearby. We use workshop premises to move through vehicle parks. All that remains is to catch up and interrogate Javier.

Chapter 4.

We choose equipment and get into the car. We go to the docks, ram the gate and drive inside until the gate is closed. We deal with the guards and activate the control panel in the booth on the right. After the video, we go after the police. We get to the port, leave the car and make our way through the containers to the place of the mess. We use the box on the left as cover and, at the signal, move to the enemy’s rear. We destroy them and move further to the warehouse. There are many enemies at the entrance and they can appear from around any corner. We act harmoniously with the team. Having got inside, we run to the other end of the building and go up the stairs. Two people are already waiting at the top. We pass through several rooms and get out. We run forward until we come across a sniper. It is best to wait out the destruction behind cover. Then we break through to the crane, climb the stairs and kill the sniper. We select a rifle and shoot the enemies below. We head to the next warehouse. Having cleared it and not finding the girls, we leave the building and continue to kill enemies on the other side of the fence. Let's move away when the explosion starts. After it we run to the next warehouse. We run through shelters, kill entrenched enemies and get inside the building. Having cleared the warehouse, we explode through the door. We continue to search for girls. They are literally in the next room, so we quickly deal with the enemies and free them.

Chapter 5.

We select equipment and get into the car. Having waylaid the gangster, we get close to him in a limited time. To do this, we must not crash into anything or slow down. After the video we go on the attack. We are trying to catch up with Alvarez. We get into the car and give chase. Soon we get into an accident and leave the car. Hiding behind a stone, we shoot back from enemies. Having finished with them, we transport the money to the blue van. Time is limited, so we kill those arriving only if necessary. After transferring the money, watch the video. We drag money to a new car. This time there is no timer, so we can calmly plan our actions. We move from one burning car to another. We throw in the money and get into the car. We hide from both the patrol and the gangsters.

Chapter 6.

We take the weapon and leave the apartment. We accompany Jess to the car. On the way we are ambushed and after some time we will be able to lean out of the window and conduct suppressive fire. A long firefight awaits us on the highway, in which the goal is to destroy approaching enemy vehicles. We use exclusively the main weapon. Having successfully turned off the highway and driven a couple of blocks, we get into an accident. The driver dies, and we move along the alleys on foot, killing opponents. We turn into the building when we are done with everyone. We protect Jess until one of our partners finds the car. Then we get into the car and leave.

Chapter 7.

We select equipment and leave the shelter. We head to the building, go inside and neutralize the thugs who are not allowing us to pass. We go upstairs and find ourselves at the party. We go out onto the roof, where we observe Jess. Some time later, Dunleavy approaches Jess and is killed. We rush in pursuit of Alvarez. We move along the roof, destroying enemies. This must be done very carefully, because the checkpoints are located far from each other. We find ourselves in a closed parking lot, then into an alley. We open the gate and run forward, destroying the warring gangs. A short run through the shelters. We enter the warehouse, it is advisable to climb up the stairs, because it will be easier to shoot from there. We get out through the red gate. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to find Jessica.

Chapter 8.

We choose equipment and begin the task. We go to Flaco's house. We penetrate the house and break into the apartment, which is located on the second floor. After a convincing conversation, we return to the car to eavesdrop on the conversation. We follow the car, without getting too close or moving away. We stop at the bar and go into the alley. We deal with the bouncers and get inside. We make our way through the crowd to the stairs. On the second floor we “lull” a couple more thugs. After the cutscene, a shootout will begin. We move forward, destroying enemies. We break down the door on the floor above and shoot the guards in slow motion. A short run through cover and another door to break down. We shoot only at illuminated targets, otherwise you might hit civilians! We get out onto the roof and kill barely noticeable enemies on the hill. We are not in a hurry to go down into the alley; the easiest way to deal with the enemies is from the stairs. We run through the car park, you can use the car to crush enemies. Let's make another run for cover and then use the car again to catch up with Jesus. On the highway we do our best to dodge shots, especially grenade launchers and snipers. We swerve around and hide behind the traffic.

Chapter 9.

We select ammunition and get into the car. After the video, we begin testing the weapon. We take the machine gun from the left box and, looking out the window, shoot the marked targets. Then we go to the opposite window and select a machine gun to the left. Similarly, we shoot the roofs of wooden houses. We return back to the first window and take the grenade launcher from the right box. We destroy three buildings. After the video, we begin killing living targets. We run forward after the members of Vito's gang. They also have weapons, but fortunately only single pistols. We'll have to go back to the saloon and help Duke. The tension is growing as the opponents have acquired powerful guns. We break through in a straight line, it is advisable to stay on one side and not go in the center. Enemies can be inside buildings, as well as on hills. When there is a right turn, first of all we kill the grenade launcher in the window of the distant house. Then we shoot at the van and explosive barrels. We penetrate into the saloon and hold the defense. This is not so difficult, considering that we have four assistants with us. When the passage opens, we run as fast as we can after our partners.

Chapter 10.

We take the weapon we like and enter the room. Having woken up from the shots, we take a sitting position so that they cannot hit us. The house will begin to be rammed and we must get out of it in a limited time. Let's just follow Eddie. Next we run to help Kim. We eliminate all opponents near the motel. Having freed Kim, we go in search of Jesus. We break forward, dealing with enemies, the easiest way is to destroy cars. This is followed by a run through the shelters. Let's also not forget the enemy in the attic. We break down the doors and kill everyone. There is another door ahead, behind which is Jesus. Having captured it, we find ourselves in the car. We drive forward, listening to the advice of our partners. The main thing is not to allow the enemies to overtake us. If this happens and your health is on the brink, you should slow down. As usual, we get into an accident and run after Jesus, shooting our opponents along the way. Towards the end, time will be limited, so don’t linger among the shelters.

Chapter 11.

We select the guns and get into the car. After the video, we quickly run to the trailer and from there we shoot the enemies surrounding us. The battle ahead is not only difficult, but long and painful. Don't go close to the window. It is better to stand further away so that the view is minimal, otherwise the entire stream of shots will be directed at us. We shoot the arriving helicopter with a machine gun, which lies in the trailer. When he flies away, we can approach Jess. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to save her, but she will have time to whisper that Eddie has the key.

Chapter 12.

Having equipped ourselves, we get into the car and drive down the slope. We stop at a farm. When the shooting starts, we kill the guard standing at the gate, shoot through the castle and get inside. The territory is well protected, so we do not disdain shelters. We get to the barn and enter it. We break through the door and destroy everyone inside. The barn is set on fire, thereby trapping us. We quickly shoot through the side door lock. Having got out, we have to run through the shelters, but before we do this, we will kill the enemies standing in the way. We penetrate the house and clear it. After waiting for our partners, we go down to the basement and break through the door. We find a secret tunnel leading to Mexico - to do this we simply move the cabinet three times. It is impossible to get confused if you follow your partners or simply navigate with the help of our guide in the form of a gray circle. There are a lot of enemies here, so keep your eyes peeled. Having reached the surface, we continue walking. Having reached the street, we try not to linger on the balcony, but it is better to immediately go downstairs. Directly below the balcony are cannons and ammunition. Machine gunners are quite tough opponents, we kill them with caution.

Chapter 13.

We select ammunition and approach the gate. At the cemetery, a massacre began between two groups. We try not to interfere and use weapons only when necessary. There are practically no normal shelters here, so you will have to kill quickly and slowly move forward. Ahead is a run through the shelters: having reached the first shelter, there will be a passage fenced off with wooden boards to the right, we destroy them and move on. There is very little left to the church. Let's deal with the guards nearby and break inside. There are also a lot of enemies inside, if you have a powerful pistol in your arsenal, then we try to shoot everyone before the slowdown ends. One shot for each will be enough. Next, we protect the church from waves of enemies and in the end we deal with the helicopter using the M60 machine gun, which lies inside the church.

Chapter 14.

We take the weapon from the bag and burst through the door. Having killed all the guards, we set off in pursuit of Mendoza. We chase him along the road, then turn left into a deserted area. Let's get ready to make a sharp left turn when a train blocks the path. We drive along until we overtake him, and we cut off right before the tunnel. After driving a little more, we leave the car and continue the pursuit. We move through the village, destroying Juan's guards. When you get to the market, you should be especially careful, because there are a lot of civilians here and the enemy can appear from behind any counter. At the exit from the market, a short run through the shelters and again we chase Mendoza in the car until we fall into another trap.

Chapter 15.

We select equipment and begin the task. We break through the door and move forward, destroying enemies. We get to the estate, first of all we kill those in the windows of the mansion. We try to outflank our enemies. We act in the same way in the house and in the courtyard. We carry out this routine work until we find ourselves in yet another yard. There is a ladder on the left, from there it is easiest to get to the machine gunner. Having dealt with everyone, we proceed to destroy the helicopter. As usual, we shoot from the M60 machine gun. When it explodes and lands in the pool, a door nearby will open. We go inside and watch the video. Before he can interrogate Juan, he is killed by a drone. He is trying to do the same thing to us, so we run back through the same door. Hiding under the roofs, we pursue Alvarez. We find ourselves in the basement, where there will be three doors, select the central one. All that remains is to catch up with Alvarez and make the decisive choice.

Let's watch the introductory video. We lean out of the car and start shooting back. It’s not at all necessary to do this, but you can still shoot a little and thereby get used to the controls and combat mechanics.

Chapter 1.

We go to the trunk and select a weapon. We can carry three copies at the same time - the main one and two pistols. At the moment, our level does not allow us to select powerful and accurate weapons. Having limited ourselves to what is open, we get into the car and go to the marijuana plantation. Driving the car is easy and pleasant. Gray dots on the screen will help you navigate. Finally, a tree blocks the path and, unfortunately, the enemies immediately notice us. The most important rules: 1) Do not come close to opponents; 2) Dodge grenades as quickly as possible. I would like to say that sometimes from a blast wave the hero falls for a few seconds and it becomes impossible to control him. And God forbid, the enemies will be nearby. Twin pistols are only effective at close range. For long distances, it is recommended to use the main weapon. We use cover more often and don’t run forward headlong, otherwise we’ll die instantly. To smoke enemies out of hiding, we throw grenades. We also don’t neglect the help of our partners. Sometimes they are able to cover you in time and prevent you from being surrounded by enemies. Having dealt with everyone, there follows a long run, and then a video in which the further plan of action is discussed. We destroy the enemies and get to the tent in which the enemy is holed up. We install explosives in the designated contour. We quickly leave and similarly blow up another tent nearby. Next, we draw graffiti on the marked stones. Now you can return to the car. Focus mode is the ability to slow down time when the bar in the upper left corner is completely filled. It is spent very quickly, only enough for a few kills. We clear the site, get into the car and go to the next field with marijuana. On the way we are attacked. Everything is scripted, so we just drive without crashing into anything. We leave the car when an obstacle appears in front of us and move along the river. Then we move through the forests with a fairly large number of enemies. We act slowly, but also without staying in one place. We blow up two tents and draw symbols. We receive a call from which we learn not very good details about one of our partners. We go to the forestry, simultaneously dealing with the gang members. Here we kill enemies on the other side of the fence. We open the gates and move towards the buildings. We clear the surrounding area and plant explosives. We run to the mansion. Hiding in the places indicated by the outline and running across at the command of our partners, we get to the house and kill the enemies holed up behind cover. We get inside, press ourselves against the wall next to the door and burst into the room. In concentration mode, we destroy the remaining ones. We select the grenade launcher from the box and ammunition for it from the box to the right. Let's wait until the arriving helicopter blows away the floor of the house. Now, using cover, we can easily destroy the helicopter at the moment when it briefly hangs in one position.

Chapter 2.

As usual, we choose equipment and get into the car. Two hours later, we leave and follow our partner. Having opened the gate, we move towards the alley and from there we get into the house. Having penetrated inside, we deal with the drug addicts hand-to-hand. We block blows if necessary. We go up to the second floor, where there are two more. Next, we search the rooms until we find a bag with money. You can also find special items that raise the hero's level. They are indicated by an eye instead of the usual gray circle. We draw gang signs on the walls and leave the house through the back door. The enemies began to pursue us, we destroy them along the way and try to keep up with our partners. Having run through the alleys, we defend ourselves in the house from different positions. Having cleared the area, we go outside. We hide behind the first shelter and, at the signal, run to the next one. We kill the opponents who have settled behind the cars. If possible, you can select more powerful weapons from the dead, such as an Uzi or a revolver. Next we head to the parking lot through the side streets. Here you can shoot at cars, thereby exploding them and causing colossal damage to enemies. We get into our car and hide from the gang by getting out onto the highway.

Chapter 3.

We select weapons and leave the house. We head to the brothel, where Dolores will meet us at the entrance and lead us to a table. We follow her, then begin to question the strippers. Not finding the person we need, we go up to the second floor. We talk to the bouncers and search the rooms in search of Tina. Unfortunately, everything goes wrong and you will have to fight with the guards. Having dealt with them, we go up to the next floor and, having found Tina, we talk to her. She points to Javier, who is currently in his office on the floor above. We rush inside and kill enemies in slow motion. We begin the pursuit of Javier. Everything is as usual - crowds of enemies, another slowdown, running from cover to cover. There are a lot of cars in the area, so we don’t hide behind them, but rather destroy them if the opponents are nearby. We use workshop premises to move through vehicle parks. All that remains is to catch up and interrogate Javier.

Chapter 4.

We choose equipment and get into the car. We go to the docks, ram the gate and drive inside until the gate is closed. We deal with the guards and activate the control panel in the booth on the right. After the video, we go after the police. We get to the port, leave the car and make our way through the containers to the place of the mess. We use the box on the left as cover and, at the signal, move to the enemy’s rear. We destroy them and move further to the warehouse. There are many enemies at the entrance and they can appear from around any corner. We act harmoniously with the team. Having got inside, we run to the other end of the building and go up the stairs. Two people are already waiting at the top. We pass through several rooms and get out. We run forward until we come across a sniper. It is best to wait out the destruction behind cover. Then we break through to the crane, climb the stairs and kill the sniper. We select a rifle and shoot the enemies below. We head to the next warehouse. Having cleared it and not finding the girls, we leave the building and continue to kill enemies on the other side of the fence. Let's move away when the explosion starts. After it we run to the next warehouse. We run through shelters, kill entrenched enemies and get inside the building. Having cleared the warehouse, we explode through the door. We continue to search for girls. They are literally in the next room, so we quickly deal with the enemies and free them.

Chapter 5.

We select equipment and get into the car. Having waylaid the gangster, we get close to him in a limited time. To do this, we must not crash into anything or slow down. After the video we go on the attack. We are trying to catch up with Alvarez. We get into the car and give chase. Soon we get into an accident and leave the car. Hiding behind a stone, we shoot back from enemies. Having finished with them, we transport the money to the blue van. Time is limited, so we kill those arriving only if necessary. After transferring the money, watch the video. We drag money to a new car. This time there is no timer, so we can calmly plan our actions. We move from one burning car to another. We throw in the money and get into the car. We hide from both the patrol and the gangsters.

Chapter 6.

We take the weapon and leave the apartment. We accompany Jess to the car. On the way we are ambushed and after some time we will be able to lean out of the window and conduct suppressive fire. A long firefight awaits us on the highway, in which the goal is to destroy approaching enemy vehicles. We use exclusively the main weapon. Having successfully turned off the highway and driven a couple of blocks, we get into an accident. The driver dies, and we move along the alleys on foot, killing opponents. We turn into the building when we are done with everyone. We protect Jess until one of our partners finds the car. Then we get into the car and leave.

Chapter 7.

We select equipment and leave the shelter. We head to the building, go inside and neutralize the thugs who are not allowing us to pass. We go upstairs and find ourselves at the party. We go out onto the roof, where we observe Jess. Some time later, Dunleavy approaches Jess and is killed. We rush in pursuit of Alvarez. We move along the roof, destroying enemies. This must be done very carefully, because the checkpoints are located far from each other. We find ourselves in a closed parking lot, then into an alley. We open the gate and run forward, destroying the warring gangs. A short run through the shelters. We enter the warehouse, it is advisable to climb up the stairs, because it will be easier to shoot from there. We get out through the red gate. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to find Jessica.

Chapter 8.

We choose equipment and begin the task. We go to Flaco's house. We penetrate the house and break into the apartment, which is located on the second floor. After a convincing conversation, we return to the car to eavesdrop on the conversation. We follow the car, without getting too close or moving away. We stop at the bar and go into the alley. We deal with the bouncers and get inside. We make our way through the crowd to the stairs. On the second floor we “lull” a couple more thugs. After the cutscene, a shootout will begin. We move forward, destroying enemies. We break down the door on the floor above and shoot the guards in slow motion. A short run through cover and another door to break down. We shoot only at illuminated targets, otherwise you might hit civilians! We get out onto the roof and kill barely noticeable enemies on the hill. We are not in a hurry to go down into the alley; the easiest way to deal with the enemies is from the stairs. We run through the car park, you can use the car to crush enemies. Let's make another run for cover and then use the car again to catch up with Jesus. On the highway we do our best to dodge shots, especially grenade launchers and snipers. We swerve around and hide behind the traffic.

Chapter 9.

We select ammunition and get into the car. After the video, we begin testing the weapon. We take the machine gun from the left box and, looking out the window, shoot the marked targets. Then we go to the opposite window and select a machine gun to the left. Similarly, we shoot the roofs of wooden houses. We return back to the first window and take the grenade launcher from the right box. We destroy three buildings. After the video, we begin killing living targets. We run forward after the members of Vito's gang. They also have weapons, but fortunately only single pistols. We'll have to go back to the saloon and help Duke. The tension is growing as the opponents have acquired powerful guns. We break through in a straight line, it is advisable to stay on one side and not go in the center. Enemies can be inside buildings, as well as on hills. When there is a right turn, first of all we kill the grenade launcher in the window of the distant house. Then we shoot at the van and explosive barrels. We penetrate into the saloon and hold the defense. This is not so difficult, considering that we have four assistants with us. When the passage opens, we run as fast as we can after our partners.

Chapter 10.

We take the weapon we like and enter the room. Having woken up from the shots, we take a sitting position so that they cannot hit us. The house will begin to be rammed and we must get out of it in a limited time. Let's just follow Eddie. Next we run to help Kim. We eliminate all opponents near the motel. Having freed Kim, we go in search of Jesus. We break forward, dealing with enemies, the easiest way is to destroy cars. This is followed by a run through the shelters. Let's also not forget the enemy in the attic. We break down the doors and kill everyone. There is another door ahead, behind which is Jesus. Having captured it, we find ourselves in the car. We drive forward, listening to the advice of our partners. The main thing is not to allow the enemies to overtake us. If this happens and your health is on the brink, you should slow down. As usual, we get into an accident and run after Jesus, shooting our opponents along the way. Towards the end, time will be limited, so don’t linger among the shelters.

Chapter 11.

We select the guns and get into the car. After the video, we quickly run to the trailer and from there we shoot the enemies surrounding us. The battle ahead is not only difficult, but long and painful. Don't go close to the window. It is better to stand further away so that the view is minimal, otherwise the entire stream of shots will be directed at us. We shoot the arriving helicopter with a machine gun, which lies in the trailer. When he flies away, we can approach Jess. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to save her, but she will have time to whisper that Eddie has the key.

Chapter 12.

Having equipped ourselves, we get into the car and drive down the slope. We stop at a farm. When the shooting starts, we kill the guard standing at the gate, shoot through the castle and get inside. The territory is well protected, so we do not disdain shelters. We get to the barn and enter it. We break through the door and destroy everyone inside. The barn is set on fire, thereby trapping us. We quickly shoot through the side door lock. Having got out, we have to run through the shelters, but before we do this, we will kill the enemies standing in the way. We penetrate the house and clear it. After waiting for our partners, we go down to the basement and break through the door. We find a secret tunnel leading to Mexico - to do this we simply move the cabinet three times. It is impossible to get confused if you follow your partners or simply navigate with the help of our guide in the form of a gray circle. There are a lot of enemies here, so keep your eyes peeled. Having reached the surface, we continue walking. Having reached the street, we try not to linger on the balcony, but it is better to immediately go downstairs. Directly below the balcony are cannons and ammunition. Machine gunners are quite tough opponents, we kill them with caution.

Chapter 13.

We select ammunition and approach the gate. At the cemetery, a massacre began between two groups. We try not to interfere and use weapons only when necessary. There are practically no normal shelters here, so you will have to kill quickly and slowly move forward. Ahead is a run through the shelters: having reached the first shelter, there will be a passage fenced off with wooden boards to the right, we destroy them and move on. There is very little left to the church. Let's deal with the guards nearby and break inside. There are also a lot of enemies inside, if you have a powerful pistol in your arsenal, then we try to shoot everyone before the slowdown ends. One shot for each will be enough. Next, we protect the church from waves of enemies and in the end we deal with the helicopter using the M60 machine gun, which lies inside the church.

Chapter 14.

We take the weapon from the bag and burst through the door. Having killed all the guards, we set off in pursuit of Mendoza. We chase him along the road, then turn left into a deserted area. Let's get ready to make a sharp left turn when a train blocks the path. We drive along until we overtake him, and we cut off right before the tunnel. After driving a little more, we leave the car and continue the pursuit. We move through the village, destroying Juan's guards. When you get to the market, you should be especially careful, because there are a lot of civilians here and the enemy can appear from behind any counter. At the exit from the market, a short run through the shelters and again we chase Mendoza in the car until we fall into another trap.

Chapter 15.

We select equipment and begin the task. We break through the door and move forward, destroying enemies. We get to the estate, first of all we kill those in the windows of the mansion. We try to outflank our enemies. We act in the same way in the house and in the courtyard. We carry out this routine work until we find ourselves in yet another yard. There is a ladder on the left, from there it is easiest to get to the machine gunner. Having dealt with everyone, we proceed to destroy the helicopter. As usual, we shoot from the M60 machine gun. When it explodes and lands in the pool, a door nearby will open. We go inside and watch the video. Before he can interrogate Juan, he is killed by a drone. He is trying to do the same thing to us, so we run back through the same door. Hiding under the roofs, we pursue Alvarez. We find ourselves in the basement, where there will be three doors, select the central one. All that remains is to catch up with Alvarez and make the decisive choice.