Table of children's shoes in centimeters by age. Children's shoe sizes

28.04.2019 Style and fashion

Choosing shoes for a child is not always easy. It’s not enough to go to the store - it’s difficult for fidgets to endure shopping and try on a dozen pairs of shoes, answer many questions from mom and the sales assistant. Moreover, the interests of children and parents in such a difficult matter rarely coincide.

For the younger generation, it is quite obvious that the best (beautiful, comfortable, reliable) boots are shiny and with a butterfly (or an image of Spider-Man). And if a child has chosen a pair that for some reason the parents don’t like (and there can be many reasons - from the impracticality of the model to its cost), then it is almost impossible to switch the child’s attention to other shoes. This is where you start thinking about online shopping. Indeed, why not buy shoes for your child online? All that is required for this is to determine the correct shoe size. Experts at the Daughters-Sons store share how to do this.

How to determine your child's shoe size yourself

By fingerprint

The simplest, but no less effective method size determination. To do this, you need to smear the child’s foot with gouache, for example, or watercolor and quickly place the baby on a sheet of paper lying on a flat, hard surface. The resulting print is easy to measure.

Along the contour

The child is placed on a sheet of paper and the leg is traced with a well-sharpened pencil. It is important that the baby rests on the leg that you are tracing. The pencil is held perpendicular to the paper. Both legs should be outlined in this way, because... There may be a slight difference in the length of the left and right feet. The length along the insole will be the size from the most protruding point in the toe area to the most distant point of the heel in the resulting pattern.

Such a print can be cut out and carried with you - it is quite suitable for determining the size of shoes in order to buy them without trying them on.

Table 1. Size chart: correspondence of the child’s foot length in centimeters to the shoe size.
Foot length in cm Size
9,5 16
10 16,5
10,5 17
11 18
11,5 19
12 19,5
12,5 20
13 21
13,5 22
14 22,5
14,5 23
15 24
15,5 25
16 25,5
16,5 26
17 27
17,5 28
18 28,5
18,5 29
19 30
19,5 31
20 31,5
20,5 32
21 33
21,5 34
22 34,5
22,5 35
23 36
23,5 37

In Russia and the CIS countries, the size standard approved back in 1988 by GOST is still in effect.

Fitting shoes to feet

Happy are those parents whose babies have standard foot shapes. Whatever pair you try on will suit you! For such children, it costs nothing to buy high-quality, ideally fitting shoes.

But for kids with chubby or wide toes, as well as high insteps, it is more difficult to buy shoes, and it can be difficult to do without trying them on.

The easiest way to remotely select suitable shoes for a child with chubby feet is to choose a model with adjustable fullness. Velcro, laces and elastic rubber inserts can ensure a high-quality and comfortable fit of shoes on any foot.

The correct model is the one in which the leg fits freely, but does not dangle on the leg when fastened. Tight shoes interfere with normal blood supply to the leg and, accordingly, disrupt thermoregulation. The result is excessive sweating in summer and freezing in winter. Shoes that are too loose lead to chafing. In addition, unsuitable shoes have a noticeable effect on the child's gait.

If the baby suddenly begins to shuffle, often stumble, or clubfoot, the reason may lie in uncomfortable shoes.

In Asian countries, in order to keep a girl’s foot small and therefore feminine, the feet of three-year-old babies were tightly bandaged. Because The blood supply process was thus disrupted, the foot almost did not grow, maintaining its miniature size.

What is an instep support and why is it not found in winter shoes?

Shoemakers call an instep support a metal plate designed to support the arch of high-heeled shoes or intended for especially heavy people. Today, this word has spread as the name for the underfoot - the pad on the insole under the arch of the foot. Let’s not go against tradition and further in the article we will call the sub-supplier an instep support.

Initially, shoemakers installed instep supports in shoes for those who, by profession, had to spend the bulk of their working time on their feet. The pad provided support for the tired arch of the foot. “Laying down” on it, the muscles could rest a little. Thus, the person avoided severe fatigue at the end of the day and could work longer.

The instep support in children's shoes is a relatively recent invention, introduced, it seems, for the same reasons. If the pad is too hard, the baby’s foot will become lazy, which can lead to the development of flat feet.

There is no such pad in winter shoes, although it may not seem so. In fact, in shoes for cold weather, the insoles are made of fur or felt, and as a result of wear, under the influence of constant pressure (when a child steps on them), body heat and sweat, they are molded under the foot, and a kind of instep support appears.

Do children's shoes need arch support? Experts have different opinions. Some insist on it, and in expensive “correct” shoes, as a rule, it is there: a small, not very dense elevation on the inside of the insole. Others believe that for the natural healthy development of a child’s foot there is nothing better than walking barefoot, which means that the shoes should be such that movement in them is similar. Such shoes are considered to be sneakers and similar textile shoes and slippers with rubber soles: flexible, thin, without additional protrusions on the insole.

If you are buying for a child winter shoes, used ones, be sure to replace the insoles with new ones.

What are orthopedic shoes and where to buy them

As a rule, orthopedic shoes are made to order and sold in specialized institutions and stores. It must be sewn according to the measurements of the patient in need of correction.

In practice, this does not always happen, and conditionally orthopedic shoes are sold in the same way as regular ones, having a gradation only according to the length of the foot.

But experts believe that all shoes that are mass-produced, without taking into account individual characteristics, can only be preventive. Such shoes have a high hard heel, a massage or molded insole under the foot, and rigid fullness fasteners (laces or Velcro). Typically, preventative shoes are made for indoor use (change shoes) or for summer and off-season (sandals and light boots). A number of well-known manufacturers produce product lines labeled “orthopedic”. This means that such shoes are considered to be most effective for the normal formation of a child’s foot in daily wear.

Today, among orthopedists, massage therapists and pediatricians, the idea is becoming increasingly widespread that high orthopedic shoes with hard soles take over the functions of the muscles, and they do not become stronger, but completely lose their functionality. Their verdict: shoes should be of high quality and comfortable, and regular intense exercise and walking long distances will help strengthen your muscles.

Expert opinion

“Until the age of three, a child’s foot has weak outlines, and it is almost impossible to determine how correctly it is formed. After three years, the process proceeds at an accelerated pace, and in order to avoid improper development of the foot, the child should walk on uneven surfaces and massage mats; play barefoot on the playground and climb the Swedish stairs; run more on sand and pebbles.”

Specialist of the online store “Daughters and Sons”
Buchin Artem

Successful shoe shopping from a distance

Having determined the appropriate shoe size, be sure to specify the length of the insole and the fullness of the foot in the comments to the order. Many sellers are happy to accommodate the buyer halfway and check the selected size with the length of the foot, because... Size charts from different manufacturers may not be the same. Moreover, different models from the same manufacturer may have the same size markings and significant differences in insole length.

Very often, many mothers, in order to choose the right size in specific shoe brands (Pryg-Skok, Nike, Moya Bunny and others) and get a better price, prefer to try on shoes with their children in retail stores, and then order the desired model in a familiar online store .


You can buy suitable shoes for your baby without tedious shopping trips. The main thing is to correctly determine the length of the baby’s feet, and therefore the required shoe size.

If you doubt that you will get the fullness right, choose models with adjustable fullness with Velcro or laces.

Choose high-quality shoes for your baby, in which daily walks will be a joy for both mother and child. In addition, good sandals or boots will contribute to the correct formation of the foot.

The experts of the Daughters-Sons online store wish you a pleasant and correct shopping experience.

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Using the table provided, you can easily determine the shoe sizes for your child, so it will be useful for parents. In order to find out the size of the baby, you need to put his foot on paper and trace it along the contour with a pencil. At the same time, it is important to keep the pencil perpendicular to the paper so as not to increase the distance or cut off the corner. The accuracy of the result primarily depends on the accuracy and precision of tracing the foot. After you have outlined the foot, add another 5mm to the outline. Add a little more if you plan to buy winter boots. We advise you to also measure both legs, then you can count on more accurate results. Next, simply check them against the table for age and size.

The following shoe size chart will be faithful assistant in determining foot size for both children and adults. In order to use this table, you need to measure the length of your foot (you can do this using an ordinary ruler) and compare the results with the scale on the table. This fairly simple but accurate method allows you to choose the optimal and comfortable shoe size for you. The scale will also help you when choosing the size of summer shoes. And when choosing winter shoes, do not forget to add a couple of millimeters, taking into account the warm sock, as well as the fur that is used to insulate winter boots.

When ordering shoes online, or when choosing them in a store, you can rely on the data in the table. It shows how Russian and foreign sizes relate to each other. By checking your parameters with the data in the table, you can find out exactly what your Russian shoe size will be according to the standards of the USA, Europe or Australia. You will see your size, both in the usual centimeters and in inches. This size chart is divided into age groups: up to one year, from 1 year to 4 years, from 5 to 8 years and from 9 years. Therefore, the table presented will be especially useful for moms and dads. When buying foreign-made children's boots, boots and shoes, these tables will help you make the right choice.

For parents who are often faced with the problem of choosing and purchasing socks for their children, given the constant growth of their children's feet, we provide a table of children's shoe sizes and socks sizes from a domestic manufacturer. With this table, it will be much easier for parents to choose and purchase socks of the right size for their child, based on the measurement of the foot length. Mom and Dad will be able to determine the size of hosiery and the appropriate shoe size thanks to this measurement. Let us note once again that these data refer only to Russian-made products.

The following table of sizes will allow you to compare data on the size of men's, women's and children's shoes on different continents. For example, English size five women's shoes Corresponds to the usual Russian size 37. In Japan, a foot of this size corresponds to size 23. For those who order shoes abroad – who practice online shopping or shop while traveling around different countries, such a table will be especially useful. It is also convenient that in the table all sizes are presented in centimeters.

Anyone who has ever purchased shoes from the UK, Germany or any other country may have encountered the problem of discrepancy between the labeling of foreign and domestic shoes. It can be even more difficult for those who want to choose shoes for their baby. In this case, parents can take care of the purchase in advance by determining the shoe sizes for the toddler, focusing on both foreign and domestic manufacturers. The table of shoe sizes for children will just help you understand the size ratio. The table shows the group certification and the corresponding system for measuring shoe size in the United States of America, as well as the bar-mass and metric systems for measuring feet in centimeters.

Shoe size chart for children from 1 to 5 years old

To choose the right shoes for a newborn, use the table that has an age limit of up to one year.

Choosing the right size of children's shoes is extremely important. Children's feet are constantly growing. Up to 18 months - especially fast. The main task of caring parents is to be attentive to changes in foot size.

In order to correctly determine the size of children's shoes, it is necessary to correctly measure the baby's foot. This can be done in several ways. A great option to take your child with you on a shopping trip. However, parents are also familiar with the other side of the coin: hours-long shopping trips are very tiring for kids and their mothers and fathers. The situation may worsen and weather conditions(frost, heat, rain, etc.). That is why modern parents actively use the services of online catalogs of children's shoes today: quickly, profitably and very conveniently.

1. You need to measure your foot size exclusively in a position where the child is standing and resting his entire weight on his foot.

2. It is advisable to measure your foot size in the afternoon. In the evening. It is in the evening that the size of the feet is maximum.

3. When determining the size of your feet, and therefore shoes, you need to measure both legs. If there is a slight difference, naturally choose the larger size.

Child's foot size. 4 ways to measure a child's foot.

Method number 1. Learning to measure the contours of the foot. This method of measuring the size of a child’s foot is considered one of the most popular and effective, because it allows you to measure several parameters at once: the length and width of the child’s foot, because when buying shoes you need to take into account not only the first indicator (length), but also the second (width), in order The chosen shoes were not narrow. You will need a blank sheet of paper and a pencil. Place your baby barefoot on the sheet and carefully trace his foot. The pencil must be held strictly vertically. Otherwise, you risk either cutting the corner or increasing the distance, which will consequently lead to incorrect results. Make sure that the pencil is as close to your foot as possible. To the resulting contour of the leg (or rather, to its length), add an allowance (about 5 mm), which will not allow the shoes to be butted. If you're shopping for winter boots, don't forget to consider wool socks.

Method No. 2. The next way to measure a child’s foot is no less simple, but is very popular with kids of different ages. Wet your baby's feet. Place your child's wet feet again on a clean sheet of paper. Trace the remaining wet marks. If everything is done carefully, you will not only get the required length and width measurements, but you will also have an idea of ​​the nature of the child’s foot - an undeniable advantage when choosing children's shoes. In addition, they will tell you about the child’s height (whether he is tall or short). Moreover, this method of measuring the foot will help determine the presence/absence of flat feet in the baby. Based on the data obtained, you will be able to select a special orthopedic insole and an appropriate instep support.

Method number 4. Among other methods of measuring the foot, one can highlight the stichmass system, which for some reason is not used as often in Russia as, say, in Europe. The shoe size is determined by the length of the insole in pieces, 1 piece = 2/3 cm. Below is the correspondence table. In addition, very recently special devices have appeared on the Russian market that help determine the foot size of children of any age as accurately as possible, as well as the internal space of shoes. It is recommended to monitor changes in foot size every three months (for children aged 1 to 3 years), every four months (up to 6 years) and every five months (up to 10 years). Statistics show that about 98% of children are born with healthy legs. Many foot diseases occur during adolescence, and one of the reasons for this is improperly selected shoes. When deciding at what age to buy a child’s first shoes, some parents suggest that the child should be put on shoes at the moment when he stands on his feet near the support. Parents explain this point of view by the fact that when learning to walk, the child will place the foot correctly, without standing on tiptoes. However, orthopedists recommend waiting a little longer (the only exception is children with musculoskeletal disorders, who need special therapeutic shoes, often custom-made). Orthopedists and pediatricians advise buying shoes when the baby learns to walk, adding that, if possible, it is better for the child to walk barefoot at home. And, nevertheless, if the floors in the apartment are cold, it is better to forget about walking barefoot and buy special house shoes.

Children's shoe sizes. Table.

By measuring the child's foot size in centimeters, we can determine the shoe size. Shoe sizes are given in the weight system.

Table of correspondence between shoe sizes metric (M) and mass (W) systems:

M, cm Sh
9,5 16
10 16,5
10,5 17,5
11 18
11,5 19
12 19,5
12,5 20
13 21
13,5 22
14 22,5
M, cm Sh
14,5 23
15 24
15,5 25
16 25,5
16,5 26
17 27
17,5 28
18 28,5
18,5 29
19 30
M, cm Sh
19,5 31
20 31,5
20,5 32
21 33
21,5 34
22 34,5
22,5 35
23 36
23,5 37
24 37,5