10 most dangerous creatures. The most dangerous animals on the planet in photographs

04.09.2018 Animals

Most of us love animals. What could be better than visiting the zoo or watching a wildlife movie on TV with the family? However, there are animals that pose a serious threat to people and it is better to avoid such “little brothers” on the tenth road. Fortunately, most of these animals live in tropical latitudes.

The ferret is the world's smallest predator and also a ferocious hunter. Weighing just a few grams and measuring about 20 centimeters, a ferret is capable of killing a rabbit up to five times its size. The animal grabs the neck of its victim and drains its blood from the jugular vein. In general, a ferret can kill any bird, amphibian, or small mammal you encounter. The same brutality is used in territorial defense.

Slashes resemble rats, but they are actually related to hedgehogs. They have an incredibly high metabolism, which gives them extraordinary high level. Slashes must eat constantly to sustain themselves, and they will desperately attack prey twice their size, including rats, fish and frogs. Shredders can inflict venom when they bite, but usually kill by breaking the base of the skull. They are extremely dangerous to any approaching animal.

At the same time, the greatest danger is not sharks or tigers, but much smaller creatures. We have compiled a list of animals that you should fear the most. These are truly the most dangerous animals in the world, many of which kill thousands every year. human lives.

Opens ten deadliest animals in the world elephant. This animal looks very peaceful in a zoo enclosure, but in the wild it is African and Indian elephant It's better not to come close. These animals have a huge body mass and can easily trample a person. You won't be able to escape: an elephant can move at a speed of 40 km/h. Elephants that have been driven out of the herd are especially dangerous; they are usually very aggressive and will attack anything. Every year, several hundred people die from elephant attacks.

Like the miniature bear, the gobbler or croak is the largest member of the gopher family. This iron-clawed beast is known to possess an almost demonic ferocity proportional to its size. The animal distinguishes itself from the public enemy by its absolute lack of fear when hunting. Attacks on humans are devastating and can be fatal, but fortunately this reclusive killer rarely finds us. Fortunately, because it feeds on wild cats, and even calls tolerate territorial disputes.

Mamba Negra, about 4 meters long, is considered one of the most ferocious snakes on the planet. Even worse, it can be found in a variety of environments throughout its vast African range, including swamps, prairies and even villages. Unlike many animals that simply have an anger problem, mambas are driven by an extreme form of fear-based aggression. Excessive nervousness, the slightest idea that your escape route is compromised, can provoke an attack of unprecedented brutality.

Another very dangerous African animal. The problem is the rhino's weak vision: it attacks any moving target without even determining whether it is dangerous for it. You won't be able to run away from a rhinoceros: it can move at speeds of more than 40 km/h.

As if that weren't enough, with a speed of 20 km per hour, the black mamba is also one of the fastest snakes in the world. The bull shark, not the great white shark or tiger shark, takes the title. The bull shark is blessed with an extremely aggressive personality and is indeed considered by scientists to be the most ferocious fish on the planet. Its penchant for attacking people in shallow water has resulted in numerous deaths and may be responsible for a number of mysterious disappearances. It has the strongest bite of all sharks with a force of up to 000 newtons.

Even more alarming, the shark can adapt to fresh water and has appeared in a number of rivers and lakes in warmer areas and even in flooded streets. Fierce red eyes, dark gray feathers and huge claws knock down the large fangs and add to their fearsome appearance. His extremely territorial behavior is dangerous. If a person seems to be a threat to the nest of the state, he will attack, tearing his scalp. In some regions the bird is at risk of extinction due to persecution and loss of habitat, but they are very skilled at self-defense.

A lion can kill a person very easily and very quickly. But, as a rule, lions do not hunt people. Although, there are tragic exceptions. For example, the famous man-eating lions from Tsavo, who killed more than a hundred people building a railway in the depths of the African continent. And only nine months later these animals were killed. Recently in Zambia (1991) a lion killed nine people. It is known about an entire pride of lions that lived in the area of ​​Lake Tanganyika and over three generations killed and ate from 1,500 to 2,000 people, so lions are considered one of the most dangerous animals in the world.

Curiosity: Azoreans often start eating large prey, such as ducks. The wolf has been a key element in a series of widely exaggerated legends that prove its supposed ferocity throughout history. To knock out large prey, like elk, wolves attack the group, causing the victim to bleed. Virtually nothing and no one stands a chance against the package. Wolves can begin to feed themselves even before the prey dies. Humans are not their preferred food, but they are also not completely protected from the wolf.

Mortality is less common in North America and more common in Russia. Just as the gray wolf remains the wild version of our domestic dogs, the wild boars that our pigs gave us pose a strong and sometimes contrasting threat to a domestic animal. Boars are found throughout Europe and western Asia, living in a variety of forest and agricultural habitats. Although our habit of eating pigs leads us to consider them tuskers, the boar is a hunter in its own right and can even knock over deer.

Adult grizzly bears are not able to climb a tree in case of danger, as smaller black bears do. Therefore, they choose a different tactic: they defend their territory and attack the attacker. Usually these creatures avoid contact with people, but if you enter bear territory or the animal thinks that you are encroaching on its food, beware, it may attack you. Even more dangerous is the mother bear who protects her cubs. In such cases, the bear may attack and this threatens the person with death.

These animals often caused people to flee with their bad temper and tendency to attack in a furious whirlwind of sharp teeth. Although the human race boasts of having the most advanced brain of any species on Earth, when it comes to strength, size and speed, we all fall short.

In addition, some animals are so poisonous that a bite is enough to kill dozens of people. Most animals have some kind of predatory or defensive system. Venomous creatures use this feature to capture prey without becoming it. Some use prey to transfer the toxin, while others produce it from the skin. Therefore, it is possible to separate passive killers from assets. Then meet the 10 most poisonous animals in the world.

One of the most dangerous marine species animals for humans. They pose a deadly threat to divers, surfers and people in distress at sea. A shark is nature's killing mechanism. If a person is attacked, the latter has very little chance of saving himself.

Don't be fooled by the beautiful face of this fish. In fact, it is the second most venomous vertebrate in the world and can be found in every tropical sea on the planet. Although it contains enough toxin to kill even humans, it serves as a delicacy called fugu in Japan and bok ear in Korea. However, the fish produces a quick and violent death by suffocation - it must be very brave to taste these dishes.

Tetrodotoxin, present in the animal's skin, is a hundred times stronger than cyanide and can cause numbness of the tongue and lips, fainting, vomiting, heart acceleration, difficulty breathing and muscle paralysis. Most of the fatalities reported from the fish occur in Japan, so only specialized cooks can prepare fugu.

This animal has a very bad reputation, especially after the release of Peter Benchley's book Jaws and its subsequent film adaptation. We can also add that there are four species in total that attack people. Since 1990, there have been 139 recorded great white shark attacks on people, 29 of which ended tragically. The white shark lives in all southern seas, including the Mediterranean Sea. This animal has a fantastic sense of blood. True, it can be noted that people kill several million sharks of different species every year.

This species of frog is the brightest and most venous of all vertebrates found in Central and South America. To give you an idea of ​​the pet's power, its venom is capable of killing up to 20 adult humans and 20,000 rats with two micrograms to quickly end your life.

As already mentioned, the golden dart frog is the most dangerous among them. They acquire the animal toxin by eating a wide range of wild insect arthropods. If you think that the worst spiders in the world were in Australia, you are very mistaken. Our armillary is included in the record books as the most dangerous on the planet. Unlike the others, she didn't weave a cute web to take the food.

A very dangerous animal that can easily kill a person. The crocodile attacks quickly and the victim simply does not have time to defend itself and react to the attack. The most dangerous are the saltwater crocodile and the Nile crocodile. These animals kill hundreds of people every year in Africa and Southeast Asia. The marsh crocodile, American alligator, American crocodile and black caiman are less deadly but also pose a danger to humans.

In fact, she goes after the prey and gets food on her hand - and is so bold that she doesn't even forgive people. With just 6 micrograms of arachnid neurotoxin, you can kill a mouse. They are also dangerous because they are placed in places hidden inside homes, clothing, shoes and cars.

However, they are more common in the Amazon and in congested cities in Brazil. An interesting fact is that in addition to causing severe pain, banana panic poison causes priapism, a type of intense and uncomfortable erection that can last for hours and cause impotence.

This massive animal is one of the most dangerous in Africa. The hippopotamus is very aggressive towards people; it often attacks people, and does this for no apparent reason. Its slowness is very deceptive: an angry hippopotamus is very fast and can easily catch up with a person. A hippopotamus attack in water is especially dangerous: they easily overturn boats and chase people.

The Inland Taipan is the most venomous snake in the world, found mainly in Australia. Its toxin is 200 times stronger than any other creature of its kind. With one stinger it can kill as many as 100 adults. Despite the danger, she is very shy and usually hides under rocks and sand dunes in the desert. Due to its nature, there are no known deaths caused by it. However, keep in mind that your neurotoxin can kill you in less than an hour.

Deathwort is found in North Africa and the Middle East. It is considered the most dangerous among creatures of its kind, since it is very aggressive and its venom can kill a person or even put him in a coma stage. Your neurotoxin is a cocktail that causes severe and unbearable pain, fever, seizure, paralysis, coma and even death.

This very dangerous and poisonous creature deserves third place in the rating. the most dangerous animals in the world. There are a large number of species of scorpions, all of them are poisonous, but only 25 species of these animals have poison that can cause death in humans. Most of them live in southern latitudes. Often crawls into human homes. Thousands of people become victims of scorpions every year.

In general, deathbirds have a yellow coloration and can reach almost 13 centimeters. Fortunately, a bug bite is unlikely to end the healthy life of an adult. However, children, the elderly and those with heart problems are among the most susceptible group.

This rock-like fish is one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. It is present mainly in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. In addition, the toxin causes shocks, paralysis and necrosis of the affected tissue. If left untreated, a person affected by the stone may die. The animal's venom is stored in the form of a goose spine, which protects its body and chases away predators. In general, they are not violent, but because of their appearance many people step on and are exposed.


The snake takes an honorable second place on our list the most dangerous animals in the world. Although not all snakes are poisonous and dangerous, many of them can harm or even kill a person. There are 450 species of venomous snakes on our planet, the bite of 250 of which can lead to death. Most of of them lives in southern latitudes. The only one positive thing is that snakes rarely attack without reason. Usually, a person carelessly steps on a snake and the animal attacks.

It is a special species of the cone family, found mainly in the Indian Ocean. With just a tiny drop of poison injected into the creature, it is possible to kill 20 adults. However, it usually only uses the trick to capture its prey. The peptide found in the marble cone causes severe pain and irritation. Without immediate medical attention, the venom causes serious health problems. Currently, 30 people have died after coming into contact with the snail.

However, its toxin is so powerful that it can kill 26 adults in minutes, and there is no antidote! Its color is usually yellow, but in aggressive mode it changes to blue. Mainly found in Japan and Australia, the blue-ringed octopus can produce two types of venom that are expelled by saliva. One is used to capture prey and the other is tetrodotoxin, which immediately causes muscle weakness, dizziness, respiratory arrest and death.

These insects themselves are not so much dangerous as they are unpleasant. The danger comes from diseases transmitted by mosquitoes. Millions of people around the world die from these diseases every year. This list includes such dangerous diseases as yellow fever, dengue fever, malaria, tularemia and many others. Developing countries located near the equator are especially affected by mosquito-borne diseases.

This snake is the longest venomous snake in the world, which is found mainly in Asia. Its toxin is so strong that within a few hours it can kill an African elephant. Unlike others, the snake can inject five times more toxin with one bite.

This makes it even more dangerous and harmful. Although its venom is not as harmful as other snakes, it can kill 20 people in one shot due to large quantities, used during an attack. This cute jellyfish is the most dangerous creature in the world, found mainly in the region of Australia and Asia. It is estimated that at least 100 people die every year due to this killer little animal, thereby reaching an incredible 567 deaths since then.

Every year, mosquitoes infect about 700 million people on the planet with various diseases and are responsible for 2 million deaths. So, it is the mosquito that is for humans the most dangerous and deadliest animal on the planet.


The fauna world is not always friendly. There are species of animals that pose a mortal danger to humans. Scientists, by compiling statistics regarding human deaths from animal bites, decided to present a list of the most dangerous ones. In our rating, we have collected the ten most unfriendly representatives of the fauna world.

10. Spotted poison dart frog

Sometimes the most dangerous animal in the world can be no more than five centimeters in size. This species of frog lives in the forests of Costa Rica and Brazil. Two types of color of poisonous frogs have been recorded: blue and yellow. A small amount of spotted dart frog poison can kill more than 15 people, or two adult elephants! There have been cases where people died just from touching a frog. And such a beautiful frog, at first glance. It is interesting that frogs cease to be poisonous when they are in captivity. This may happen due to the fact that their diet does not contain insects that replenish the reserves of the toxic substance. Thus, after some time, even such a dangerous frog can become an ideal pet.

9. Mosquitoes

Almost all people dislike spiders. A strange body, curved legs and disproportionate, most often black eyes are not the most attractive-looking insect. For most people, spiders are the ones that simply spin webs and eat smaller insects. However, this is by no means the case. There are predators among spiders. One of these predatory insects is the Black Widow. One gram of this spider's substance is enough to kill ten healthy people. Black Widow venom is much more dangerous than rattlesnake venom. This spider has a black, round body with red spots - a sign that the spider is already sexually mature, which means that its venom contains more toxic substances than other animals. The black widow lives in the steppes and deserts of Central Asia. During cold periods, spiders hide in warm basements or rooms. Therefore, the maximum opportunity to meet a person occurs precisely in the cold season. In order to save yourself from the consequences of a Black Widow bite, you need to cauterize the bite site. An adult dies as a result of a bite from this insect within seven days, a child – within five.

7. Sea wasp

The sea wasp is a small jellyfish with many long tentacles. The jellyfish lives off the northern coast of Australia. The insidiousness of this dangerous animal lies in the fact that it is practically invisible in the water. The sea wasp does not attack on its own; it waits for the inhabitants living on the bottom to swim closer to it. It does not simply attack a person, but any careless movement can lead to a fatal jellyfish sting. Typically, animals bite once. The sea wasp attacks its prey several times, resulting in excessive intoxication of the body with poison. The Australian jellyfish is the most dangerous water representative. After a shark attack, people managed to stay alive. As a result of a Sea Wasp sting, not a single case has been recorded in which a person survived. To date, medicine has not yet developed an antidote for the bite of the Australian jellyfish.

6. Egyptian cobra

The image of a snake has always had a negative and dangerous meaning. However, like the representatives of the reptile class themselves, they are far from being man’s best friends. An Egyptian snake bite can kill a person in just a couple of hours. As a result, paralysis occurs and the victim dies from suffocation. A mature elephant has been recorded dying from an Egyptian snake bite within 3 hours. A dangerous reptile lives in the area South Africa. This snake can attack a person suddenly, even if he is at a distance from it. Most often, victims are unable to escape, since the Egyptian snake is capable of spraying venom over a distance of more than two meters. Despite the danger of snakes, people often use them for street shows. For example, supposedly “snake charmers” catch them, remove their teeth and use them as circus animals. The statistics of deaths from Egyptian cobra bites is growing rapidly.

5. Piranhas

One of the most dangerous fish are piranhas. Fifth place in our ranking of the most dangerous animals belongs to these ferocious and ruthless fish. Many people know the case when predatory fish claimed the lives of 300 people. People tried to escape from the sinking ship, but another danger awaited them. The peculiarity of piranhas is that these aquatic predators always stay in large schools, which reduces the prey’s chances of escape. Piranhas have many razor-sharp teeth. Bloodthirsty fish are able to smell the victim from a great distance. They have a highly developed sense of smell.

4. African elephant

In fourth place in our Top 10 most dangerous animals is the African elephant. Every year this animal kills at least 500 people. There have been cases where elephants have inflicted life-threatening injuries on humans with their sharp tusks, and there have also been cases where an elephant literally trampled a victim. During the mating season, you should be especially wary of elephants. After all, testosterone levels increase more than 50 times. Zoologists claim that the aggressive behavior of elephants provoked the cruel attitude of people towards these animals. However, the elephant does not have to spend a lot of energy on the offender. It is enough just to lie down to rest without noticing him.

3. Scorpio Leyurus

The idea that a scorpion's sting causes temporary pain does not apply to the Leius scorpion. Its bite causes unbearable pain to the victim, further paralyzes it, causes fever and death. This type of scorpion is widespread in North Africa and the Middle East. The number of victims from scorpion bites exceeds the number of victims from snake attacks.

2. Bear

People usually associate bears with a soft, plush toy that doesn’t mind dancing in the circus on roller skates. But do not forget that the bear is a strong and very ferocious animal. He has no enemies, no obstacles in his path. His victims rarely manage to escape, because even if they try to escape, it is useless. The bear, despite its impressive weight, is capable of speeds of up to 65 km per hour! A bear rarely attacks people, but if a person falls into its clutches, the chances of salvation are minimal. It is estimated that on average a bear kills about 10 people every year.

1. Leo

Our top ten most dangerous animals in the world are headed by the king of beasts - the lion. It will not be difficult for the most dangerous representative of the feline family to cope with a large victim. It is very rare that a lion fails to catch up with its target. After all, its speed can reach 50 km per hour. Lions don't hunt people. But recently a lion was caught in Kenya and killed almost 300 people. Also, in Tsavo, hundreds of people were killed who were building a railway on African territory. Sometimes lions kill entire prides en masse. For example, predators living near Lake Tanganyika killed 1500-2000 people. It's no wonder why lions are among the world's most dangerous animals.

This was the Top 10 most dangerous animals. When traveling, be vigilant, perhaps one of the participants in our rating is lurking somewhere nearby.