UmClouds: mastery of the mind. Direct position of the Page of Swords card

25.06.2019 Jurisprudence

Page of the Clouds: Mind

Don't be cunning and calculating. Don't try to be smart; The smarter you are, the more unhappy you will be. One can establish a connection with existence only through innocence, childlike innocence.

The mind will mislead you again and again. We need to stop being smart. This is what Jesus means when he says, “Unless you become like little children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” He says you have to drop your mind. Don't be cunning and calculating. Don't try to be smart; The smarter you are, the more unhappy you will be. One can establish a connection with existence only through innocence, childlike innocence. Knowledge will not help, only innocence.

Live from a state of ignorance, never live from a state of knowledge.

A knowledgeable person is closed person; and you all became knowledgeable. You've read a lot of books scriptures, you have studied in church, in college, in university, you have accumulated a lot of knowledge. Now you are living with accumulated knowledge, which is completely borrowed - it is not rooted in you. It is a heap of rubbish, but you persist in sitting on it. It naturally feeds your ego. The higher your pile of knowledge, the higher the peak you sit on. You constantly flaunt your degrees, you throw your knowledge around, you make others feel like they don't know as much as you do.

How fewer people know, the more persistently they prove that they know. A stupid person is a person who stubbornly defends everything he has borrowed. He is very zealous in defending his Christianity, his Hinduism and the like. The less people know, the more stubborn they are. Stubbornness is a sign of a stupid person. It's closed. He may be a great pandit, a great scholar, but that does not matter; it's closed. He is surrounded by a solid wall of his knowledge - there is not a single crack left through which existence could penetrate to him. His heart became unapproachable. He lives surrounded by a wall; he protected himself from people. This wall is built of knowledge - it is very thin, the bricks are almost invisible.

The more you understand, the less you think you know. When understanding begins to grow, knowledge disappears. The more understanding you become, the less knowledgeable you are. The lower limit of knowledge is absolute ignorance, innocence, childlike purity.

Socrates is right when he says: “I know only that I know nothing.” Remember: spiritual perception opens only when you drop all principles. This is the basic message of Zen. Get rid of principles. Do not limit yourself to philosophy and fabrications, no matter how clever they may be. Remember one thing: until you have experienced something, it is not worth keeping. Throw it away.

Do not collect garbage or unnecessary luggage. Based on the example of thousands of people, I have observed the following: they are completely in vain carrying incredibly heavy psychological baggage. They collect everything that comes their way. They read newspapers and clear out all the trash. They talk to people and pick up all sorts of nonsense from them. They constantly collect everything they can find. And no wonder if they start to stink!

Just look at the thoughts in your mind! One day just sit down, close the doors and write down for half an hour what comes into your mind and you will see what I mean... Just write down all your thoughts for half an hour and you will be surprised at what happens in your mind. It remains in the background of consciousness, it is always there, it surrounds you like a cloud. With this cloud you cannot know reality, you cannot achieve spiritual perception.

We need to get rid of this cloud. And it will disappear as soon as you decide to do so. Remember: it is not the cloud that clings to you, but you to the cloud.

The Jack of Swords, like other jacks, represents a certain chance or opportunity that opens up to us, an external driving impulse. The Jack of the suit of Swords, therefore, often means clarification, clarification of the situation, some kind of fresh stream, thanks to which the true meaning of what is happening is suddenly revealed to us, and even the most confusing matter becomes simple and understandable. Most often, however, this occurs through conflict, scandal or harsh conversation, which the Jack of Swords can indicate. Therefore, it should be taken as a warning, prepare for the inevitable fight, or not delay it, so that the conflict will finally serve to clarify the essence of the matter.


In connection with our work, we will have to prepare for conflicts, showdowns, tension, and possibly sharp controversy. The card can mean a reprimand from superiors (unfair), and the emergence of rivalry between colleagues, or disagreements with a business partner. Or a feeling of danger due to a risky task. Therefore, in principle, it may mean the beginning of the end of our current activities, although it may be some kind of “fresh stream”, or even a hurricane, which will refresh the atmosphere at your work and bring clarity to the current situation.


We may find ourselves drawn into disputes, polemics, heated discussions that will greatly shake our previous beliefs and views, in short, we will be criticized. Whether this will be a cruel blow for us or a useful lesson, a reason to reconsider our views, depends on our willingness to learn from our mistakes. But you can find out only by checking other cards in the layout.

Personal relationships and love

Here, the Jack of Swords means a conflict initiated by your partner, or an exacerbation of long-standing disagreements that threatens to destroy your union. This can be expressed in a sudden cooling of partners who recently loved each other so much, in a stream of reproaches, in disappointment that has been accumulating for a long time, in the splashing out of old grievances or simply some everyday little things that have reached a certain “critical mass.” It is clear that such a surge of accumulated emotions can greatly aggravate the situation and even lead to a breakup. However, the Jack of Swords can also mean an opportunity to re-strengthen the alliance through a cleansing conflict.

Inner meaning

A very young man or woman who has not yet reached maturity, but otherwise has all the qualities of face cards. The Page of Swords Tarot does not have the power and authority of other figure cards, but can be just as unpleasant: he has all the makings of an overly curious, malicious and malicious personality.

Like his symbolic parents and like the Knight, the Page of Swords can be attractive in his own way - lively, confident, active. But this young man is a master of innuendo, behind-the-scenes intrigue and caustic remarks.
Page - “stuck” - a person who has joined power in the hope of merging with it or pretending to be connected with it. He (or she) can feign friendship as long as it suits his interests. Being a partner in any enterprise, he will let the Questioner down either intentionally or through carelessness and laziness. If the Tarot card Page of Swords does not represent a person, then be prepared for bad news, malicious gossip, betrayal and treachery.



Princess of Swords

Main meaning: Daughter of air altars. Young intellectual. A smart and knowledgeable rebel. Wit. Clarity. Mental renewal. Provocation. Anxiety. Nonsense.

Profession: Conflicts at work. Fight for position. Showdown. Open insubordination.

Consciousness: Critique of outdated stereotypes.

Personal relationships: Difference of opinion. Hostile atmosphere. Controversy. Intrigue.

Advice: Clarify the situation calmly and decisively.

Warning: Attack “against the wind”, caustic criticism.

General Meaning: Like any princess, the Daughter of the Air (storm clouds) indicates an excess of pure energy, capable of both negative and positive influence. The card can talk about a quarrel or an approaching conflict, or, conversely, about resolving the conflict thanks to a conversation that clarifies the situation, in which objectivity and an analytical mind help put everything in its place.

The Princess of Swords represents the earthly part of Air, the fixation of the volatile, the materialization of Ideas, the influence of Heaven on Earth. She shares the characteristics of Minerva and Artemis, even with a hint of Valkyrie. To some extent, she symbolizes the wrath of the Gods and is depicted wearing a helmet decorated with the snake-headed Medusa. She stands in front of the empty altar, as if about to take revenge for his neglect, and points down with her sword. Her home, the skies and clouds, seem angry. The character of this Princess is tough and vengeful. Its logic is destructive. She is adamant and aggressive, in material matters she has practical wisdom and subtlety, and manages them intelligently and deftly, especially when they are contradictory. Resolves contradictions very skillfully. In a bad elemental environment, these qualities dissipate; The princess acts incoherently and all her talents add up to an example of low cunning, not understanding the means. In the I Ching, the earthly part of Air is represented by hexagram 18, Gu. It means "trouble" and is truly the most unlucky symbol in the entire book. All subtle qualities of Air are suppressed, oppressed, strangled. People denoted by this hexagram are slow-witted, constantly worried, unable to withstand any responsibility, especially in family matters. One or both parents usually had the same problems. It is difficult to understand the commentary on trait 6, which "shows us one who serves neither king nor prince, but, high in spirit, prefers to follow his own inclinations." It is explained this way: the Princess as such, being the “throne of the Spirit,” is always free to throw everything overboard, “to blow it to heaven.” Such an action could be attributed to the above characteristics in a good elemental environment. Such people are extremely rare; and, quite naturally, they often appear as “children of failure.” However, they made the right choice and will receive their reward in due course.


Aleister Crowley "BOOK OF THOTH"

Description of the lasso

This happens when we forget that the mind is meant to be a servant and begin to allow it to rule our lives. The head is full of mechanisms, the mouth speaks pompously and incoherently, and the entire surrounding atmosphere is polluted by this factory of arguments and opinions. “But wait,” you say, “The mind is what made us human, it is the source of progress, of all great truths.” If you believe this, try an experiment: go into your room, turn on the tape recorder and say what's on your mind. If you actually let it happen without any censorship or editing, you'll be amazed at the amount of garbage you spew.

Straight position

The Page of the Clouds tells you that someone, somewhere, is caught in a "head trap." Look around and make sure it's not you.

Meaning of the card

Here's the situation in your head: I see bicycle handlebars, pedals and strange things collected from everywhere. The head is so small... there is no room to live in it! And this garbage keeps moving in your head - it keeps you busy. Just think about what kind of thoughts are in your mind. One day just sit down, close the doors and write down what comes into your head for half an hour and you will understand what I mean and you will be surprised what goes on in your mind. It stays in the background, it's always there, it surrounds you like a cloud. With this cloud you cannot know reality, you can achieve spiritual perception. This cloud must be cast aside. And it will disappear if only you decide to do so. Remember that you are the one clinging to it - you are not interested in the cloud. (Osho)

This happens when we forget that the mind is meant to be a servant and begin to allow it to rule our lives. The head is full of mechanisms, the mouth speaks pompously and incoherently, and the entire surrounding atmosphere is polluted by this factory of arguments and opinions. “But wait,” you say, “The mind is what made us human, it is the source of progress, of all great truths.” If you believe this, try an experiment: go into your room, turn on the tape recorder and say what's on your mind. If you actually let it happen without any censorship or editing, you'll be amazed at the amount of garbage you spew.
The Page of the Clouds tells you that someone, somewhere, is caught in a “head trap.” Look around and make sure it's not you.

Here's the situation in your head: I see bicycle handlebars, pedals and strange things collected from everywhere. The head is so small... there is no room to live in it! And this garbage keeps moving in your head - it keeps you busy. Just think about what kind of thoughts are in your mind. One day just sit down, close the doors and write down what comes into your head for half an hour and you will understand what I mean and you will be surprised what goes on in your mind. It stays in the background, it's always there, it surrounds you like a cloud. With this cloud you cannot know reality, you can achieve spiritual perception. This cloud must be cast aside. And it will disappear if only you decide to do so. Remember that you are the one clinging to it - you are not interested in the cloud.

Here's the situation in your head: I see bicycle handlebars, pedals and strange things collected from everywhere. The head is so small... there is no room to live in it! And this garbage goes on moving in your head, it goes on turning and turning - and it keeps you busy.

Just think about what kind of thoughts are in your mind. One day, just sit down, close the doors and write down what comes into your head for half an hour. Then you will understand what I mean and you will be surprised at what is going on in your mind. It remains in the background, it is always there, it surrounds you like a cloud. With this cloud you cannot know reality, you cannot achieve spiritual perception.

This cloud should be left. And it will disappear only if you decide to do so. Remember, you are the one clinging to it. The cloud is not interested in you.

A comment

This happens when we forget that the mind is meant to be a servant and begin to allow it to rule our lives. The head is full of mechanisms, the mouth speaks pompously and incoherently - and now the whole surrounding atmosphere is polluted by this factory of arguments and opinions.

“But wait! - you say. “The mind is what made us human, it is the source of all progress, all great truths.” If you believe this, try an experiment: go into your room, close the door, turn on the tape recorder and allow yourself to say whatever is on your mind. If you really let it all come out without any censorship or editing, you'll be amazed at the amount of garbage you spew.

The Page of the Clouds tells you that someone, somewhere, is caught in a "mind trap." Look around and make sure it's not you.

← Struggle, Clouds: mastery of the mind to the deck

Here's the situation in your head: I see bicycle handlebars, pedals and strange things collected from everywhere. The head is so small... there is no room to live in it! And this garbage goes on moving in your head, it goes on turning and turning - and it keeps you busy.
Think about what thoughts are in your mind. One day, just sit down, close the doors and write down what comes into your head for half an hour. Then you will understand what is meant and you will be surprised at what happens in your mind. It remains in the background, it is always there, it surrounds you like a cloud. With this cloud you cannot know reality, you cannot achieve spiritual perception.
This cloud should be thrown away. And it will disappear only if you decide to do so. Remember, you are the one clinging to it. The cloud is not interested in you yourself.

A comment

This happens when we forget that the mind is meant to be a servant and begin to allow it to rule our lives. The head is filled with mechanisms, the mouth speaks pompously and incoherently - and now the entire surrounding atmosphere is polluted by this factory of arguments and opinions.
“But wait! - you say. The mind is what made us human, it is the source of all progress, all great truths.” If you believe this, try an experiment: go into your room, close the door, turn on the tape recorder and allow yourself to say whatever is on your mind. If you really let it all flow out without any censorship or editing, you'll be amazed at the amount of garbage you'll spew out.
The Page of the Clouds tells you that someone is caught in a "mind trap." Look around and make sure it's not you.