What are the sins of eye diseases? Patristic attitude towards illness

23.07.2019 Computers

Orthodox clinic.

With the blessing of His Eminence
Vladimir and Suzdal


Sins and illnesses

Your sins are forgiven,” the Lord said to the paralytic. And then? Get up and walk! Not just once, but almost always, together with the healing of the sick, Christ forgives sin. Are there any connection between these two phenomena: illness of the soul - a sin that needs to be forgiven, and illness of the body that needs to be healed? Of course, the Apostle Paul in one of his epistle explains that precisely because people have corrupted their souls, stained their heavenly clothing with dirt, they have many sick people, and they sleep enough, that is, many die. In fact, almost all illnesses, even physical ones, are in direct connection with the illness of the soul and depend on it.

In our opinion, shared by many modern scientists, the source of our body is spiritual. There is an incomprehensible beginning. All physical illnesses arise from damage to this creative principle. While it pours out uncontrollably from the hidden places of nature, all physical damage is instantly repaired, all infections are paralyzed.

A healthy soul warns and protects its body, but as soon as it wavers in its connection with God, becomes tired, darkened, weakened, destructive forces immediately burst into a poorly defended fortress. It is natural, therefore, that before healing a sick person, Christ always mentions the causes of his illness, that the sick person himself introduced the disease into his body, infecting his soul with sin.

At the same time, the Lord wants to show with His word that under one condition, healing of the body is possible - precisely on the condition that a person returns spiritually to his source - to life with God.

And there is no doubt that when Christ says: your sins are forgiven, it is because the soul of the sick man, who asked for healing, was eager to meet God, that the sick man really condemned the sin that brought him to this bed of illness, and, therefore, deserved forgiveness, and at the same time with forgiveness, he not only deserved, but also necessarily had to receive from God the healing of a body sickened by the guilt of sin.

And from here, from this gospel thought, expressed more than once, as we said, in the Gospel, follows such definite advice for everyone seeking physical healing, for everyone suffering physically. The cause of illness is sin. Therefore, the treatment of any illness is, first of all, in the renunciation of sin living in a person - in the Sacraments of Confession and Communion - in the enlightenment and cleansing of the soul from damage and rust, which through the spirit have decomposed the body.

The best hygiene coincides with the hygiene of the spirit, and you can prevent illness of the body by taking care of the harmony and integrity of the soul.

And finally, so that relatives do not have to carry their weakened children to God on their beds, they must remember the Lord: look, he is sick, but I forgive his sin. He became ill in body because you did not save his soul from damage.

Priest P. Mirtov

Part one

Spiritual clinic

The Most Reverend Jeremiah the Hermit

First thirty

medical instructions

for the Spiritual clinic

Question. In what state is man today in his entire being?

Answer. At its most painful. “It happens,” says St. Tikhon in his Zadonskaya cell, “that a person falls into the hands of robbers and is exposed and greatly wounded by them. The entire human race suffered the same thing after departing from God, violating His holy commandments: it fell into the hands of the devil as into the robber's clothes, which revealed his holy and richly woven clothes, and he was unspeakably hurt...

The ulcers were so severe that no one could heal him...

It was necessary for the Creator Himself to come to His creation, wounded by the enemy, and to heal it Himself, which could not be healed by any other force. And he came, came in human form, to a wounded and half-dead man..."

Let us recognize our ulcers and wounds and sigh to Christ, that he may heal us.

Question. How can and should a person’s illness be called according to another comparison set, Tikhon of Zadonsky?

Answer. Illness and various sufferings from poisoning.

“It happens that a person is given poison from evil people,” St. Tikhon reflects in his Zadonsk solitude, “so from the ancient serpent, our enemy - the devil - sinful and deadly poison poured into our nature... The poison that is in a person is all his body infects; so this deadly poison has infected all our strength, mental and physical. Let us recognize and feel our fierce weakness hidden in our hearts, and let us turn to Christ, the Physician of our souls and bodies... He alone can heal us and heals us with faith. those who come to Him and sigh..."

Question. In what ailments and sufferings does the poison hidden in a person reveal itself?

Answer. The effect of the poison is such that from within - from the heart - come evil thoughts, adultery, fornication, murder, theft, extortion, malice, deceit, lewdness, an envious eye, blasphemy, pride, madness (Mark 7:21-23). Hence idolatry, sorcery, enmity, quarrels, envy, anger, strife, disagreements (temptations), heresies, hatred, murder, drunkenness, disorderly conduct and the like (Gal. 5:20-21). Hence arrogance, contempt of one’s neighbor, condemnation, slander, slander, abuse, revenge in deed and word, desire and search for one’s own glory and honor, hence flattery, deceit, cunning, lies, hypocrisy, shaming; hence the excessive concern about food and drink and meals; hence the fuss about changes in clothing, about building and decorating houses, about preparing carriages and horses, and so on.

Question. For the physically ill there are infirmaries (from Lazarus) or hospitals (Nozrez). Are there places and institutions for people with mental illness to treat them?

Answer. Eat. Just as a hospital is for the sick, so is the Holy Church for Christians who are spiritually sick. There is a doctor in the hospital who visits, looks at and treats patients; in the Church the Holy Physician is Christ, Who visits and heals Christians who are spiritually sick.

In the hospital, the doctor prohibits the patients from everything that interferes with the action of the medications given; in the Church, Holy Christ commands Christians to abstain from everything that interferes with their spiritual healing and eternal salvation... In the hospital, patients declare their illnesses to the doctor; Likewise, Christians need to declare their illnesses to Christ, the Heavenly Physician. Not every disease is healed in the hospital, because there are incurable diseases; This is not the case in the Holy Church. There is no mental illness that Christ would not and could not heal, if only the sick person himself wanted it - and diligently desired and sought healing from Christ, for all things are possible to Him, to Whose word and wave everything obeys, and to Whose will and word are deeds. ..

Question. How can you see that the soul is beginning to recover?

Answer. A sign of beginning physical recovery is a decrease in harmful juices in the body; and that the soul has begun to heal is evident from the fact that passions that are harmful to the soul begin to be pacified and subside: when pride, self-love, hatred, envy, anger, rage, love of glory, and carnal lust are less visible and effective; for just as harmful juices are in the body, so are sinful passions in the soul. Harmful juices torment the body and kill, and passions torment the soul and lead to eternal death.

Question. Is it always possible to quickly receive mental healing?

Answer. Not always. It happens that a weak person seeks healing from many doctors, but does not receive it, as we read in the Gospel about the bleeding woman. So a Christian, seeing his spiritual weakness, here and there seeks help, but does not receive it; He re-reads many books with considerable difficulty, but cannot be healed... Without a doubt, it is useful and necessary to read Christian books and learn from them: they enlighten the mind, dispose to prayer, encourage repentance; but they all point to Christ, they lead us to Christ. He alone, as the ever-present Light, enlightens the blind; as a Physician, he heals the sick; like Life, it raises the dead; as the Almighty restores the paralytic. Glory to Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen (from the works of Tikhon of Zadonsky).

A little laziness exposes us to great dangers.

Explaining this, Abba Dorotheos says: “I recently went to one brother and, finding him exhausted from illness, talked with him and learned that he had only been in a fever for seven days, and now another forty days have passed, and he still does not find strongholds for yourself... The same thing happens with the soul: someone sins a little, but how much time does he then spend, shedding his blood, until he corrects himself!

Question. Does the Word of God take spiritual healing from the material world?

Answer. Often, both in the Old and New Testaments.

Thus, the Lord Jesus Christ, wanting to heal us from the vain busyness of life, takes a wholesome word from the example of birds and flowers. Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap, nor gather into barns; and Otei, yours. The heavenly one feeds them (Matthew 6:26). This is how the Lord heals those who care too much in their souls about food and drink.

In the same way He heals the disease of excessive care about clothing: And why do you worry about clothes? Look at the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you that Solomon in all his glory did not dress like any of them. So do not worry and say, “What to eat?” Or what to drink? Or what to wear? Because the pagans seek all these things (Matt. 6:28-29, 31-32).

Question. How does the Lord heal spiritual arrogance, that is, the hope of succeeding in spiritual life on one’s own?

Answer. So. And which of you, by caring, can add even one cubit to his height? (Matt. 6:27). Let's think about what we need to do? Pray, pray and pray.

Question. Where does John the Baptist get his medicine against fearlessness and carelessness?

Answer. From the garden and from the threshing floor. Already the ax lies at the root of the trees: every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire (Luke 3:9). This is from the garden. His fork is in His hand, and He will clear His threshing floor and gather the wheat into His barn, and burn the chaff with unquenchable fire (Luke 3:17). This is a recipe from the threshing floor! Let us use it, fearless and carefree.

Question. Now it was read from the Gospel: One man had two sons; and he, approaching the first, said: son! Go today and work in my vineyard. But he answered: I don’t want to; and then, repenting, he left. And going up to the other, he said the same thing. This one said in response: I am going, sir, and did not go (Matthew 21:28-30).

For what mental illness is there a cure here?

Answer. From despair and despondency in the first example and from arrogance in the second.

Sinner! You can correct yourself and take the path of virtue like the first son: do not be discouraged.

Creator of truth! Do not be arrogant: you can stray from the path of righteousness if you do not try.

Question. What is the cure for absent-mindedness during prayer?

Answer. St. John Climacus wrote that just as the one who stands before the earthly king and, turning his face away from him, talks to his enemies, is hated by him, so God hates that prayer book who, while praying, is occupied with unclean thoughts. Remember this, pilgrim!

Question. Where can I find a cure for impatience?

Answer. In the field, in the farmer’s field, Saint Macarius of Egypt will show you his: “We have repeatedly cited,” he says, “the parable of a farmer who, having labored and put seeds in the ground, must still endure and wait for rain from above. And if a cloud does not appear and the winds will not blow, the farmer’s labor will not bring him any benefit, and the seed will lie empty.”

Apply this to the spiritual. If (a person) confines himself to his own doing and does not hope to accept something else, and the winds of the Holy Spirit do not blow on the soul, and a heavenly cloud does not appear and water the soul, then a person cannot bear worthy fruits to the Lord.

Let us pray for the influx of grace of the Holy Spirit.

Question. Where and what kind of medicine can be found in the visible world for spiritual laziness?

Answer. It is not hard. “Look,” says St. Demetrius of Rostov, “at the sun, at the moon, at the elements of heaven: they are constantly moving, never sleeping. Why are you lazy? Why are you sleeping? Go to the ant, oh lazy one, look and learn from him, seeing his work, and become wiser than him. Although no one forces him, he prepares food for himself for the whole year. Or go to the bee and see what a wise and diligent worker she is.”

This world is not designed for rest and sleep, but for work and achievement.

Question. I am sick, father, with insensibility:

give me a recipe for this terrible disease that binds all the strength of the soul.

Answer. Here is the ancient, excellent, tested first recipe for insensibility - this deadly illness, about the deliverance from which St. John Chrysostom himself prayed, and taught him to pray daily at four o’clock in the afternoon: “Lord, deliver me from all ignorance and oblivion, and cowardice, and petrified insensibility.”

Here, I say, is a recipe for insensibility: when the soul is insensible, brother, it is useful to frequently read the Divine Scripture and the touching words of the God-bearing fathers, remembering the Last Judgment of God, the exodus of the soul from the body and the terrible forces that meet it, with the participation of which it did evil in that short and miserable life.

The second recipe is the same: it is also useful to remember that we will have to appear before the Last and Righteous Judgment of Christ, and not only in deeds, but also in words and thoughts, give an answer before God, before all His Angels and in general before all creation .

The third recipe: it is also good (in case of insensibility) to remember the great sorrows of man, so that at least in this way the cruel and insensitive soul will soften and come to an awareness of its bad state (Abba Dorotheus).

Question. My patient has developed a new illness - coldness in love, and he asks for medical help: what should I advise him?

Answer. Instill this in him: you are exhausted in brotherly love because you accept thoughts of suspicion towards your neighbor and believe in your heart; this also happens to you because you do not want to endure anything against your will. So, first of all, you must, with God’s help, not believe your own opinion at all. Heal, Lord, our soul from every ailment, so that it will be capable of Your service both here and there (Abba Dorotheos).

Question. My patient asks for a cure for irritability: what should he do?

Answer. Teach him this. If one of the brethren annoys you or somehow saddens you, then you, according to the fathers, pray for him as someone who has shown you great benefit and as a doctor of your lust for power. In this way, your irritability will decrease, for, according to the holy fathers, love is the bridle of irritability (Abba Dorotheos).

Question. My patient grieves that he was not given something to console him from his brother who is serving him: what should I say to him?

Answer. Quietly tell him this fatherly word.

In the name of Jesus Christ, my brother, let us have nothing against our neighbor, for we must overcome and cover everything with love... And about bodily needs I will say that if someone is worthy of consolation, then God will instruct the Saracen* heart to show him mercy, according his need; if he is unworthy or it is not useful for him to be consoled when teaching him, then even if he created a new heaven and a new earth, he will not find peace. Grace be with you.

Question. My patient is oppressed by a certain thought, however, apparently a good one: he asks my advice, what should he answer?

Answer. First of all, we must tell him that we do not know the way of God's Providence and therefore must leave everything that concerns us to Him always, and especially now... Believing that this is true, leave every thought of your own, even if it is reasonable, and have hope in God, who can do incomparably more than what we ask or think about... Teach him to pray like this: Lord! Arrange this matter as you want and as You know... For the Providence of God does much beyond our reason and hope.

Question. My patient, although he feels sick, postpones treatment. How to reason with him?

Answer. By the way, explain this story to him. One elder was walking with his disciples in a place where various cypress trees grew: large and small. The elder said to one of his disciples: “Pull out this cypress tree.” That cypress was small, and the brother immediately pulled it out with one hand; then the elder showed him another one, much larger than the first, and said: “Tear this one out.” The brother swung it with both hands and with great difficulty pulled it out... Then the elder showed another, even larger one; but the brother, although he worked hard and sweated over it, could not, however, snatch it out. Then the elder ordered the other brother to get up and help; and in teaching about the urgent correction of the heart he said: “This is how passions are, brothers, while they are small, then if we wish, we can easily eradicate them. If we do not remove them, then they become stronger to the point that even with difficulty we cannot We can alone pluck them out of ourselves if we do not receive help from some saints who help us with their prayers to God, Whom we worship forever, having been cleansed, healed and sanctified by the grace of the Holy Spirit.”

Question. One brother needs treatment for lust: what should I teach him?

Answer. Teach him these significant words of St. Demetrius of Rostov: “A man is born carnally from a woman, but, again wordlessly uniting with her, dies in soul. Like salt is born from water and, touching the water again, dissolves and disappears: the same is true in relation to a woman.

The best worldly life according to the flesh cannot be compared with the pure angelic life... Cleaving to creation is death; to the Creator - life and eternal joy."

Let fasting and prayer be added to thinking about this, and your sick person will recover.

Question. One brother, talking with me, expressed to me his fear that he might fall ill with some evil habit due to the circumstances surrounding him? What should I tell him as a warning?

Answer. Let him learn and always remember this word of the wise: Before you speak, understand, and before illness, be healed (Sir. 18, 19). And as an explanation, read to him the following from Abba Dorotheus: “Let us try to preserve our conscience... Let us not trample on it in anything, even if it is small... From neglecting the small and essentially insignificant, we move on to neglecting the great. For if anyone will begin to say: what is the importance if I say this word? What is the importance if I look at this or that thing? From this he falls into a bad habit and begins to neglect the great and important? and trample upon one’s conscience, and thus one comes into danger of falling into insensibility, which is a deadly disease for the whole being.” May the Lord protect us from him.

Question. In the treatment of bodily diseases, the best medicines are those which, as doctors say, have a radical effect. When treating mental illnesses, what treatment can be called radical?

Answer. If we want to completely change and free ourselves from the world, says Abba Dorotheos, then we will learn to cut off our desires and thus, little by little, with God’s help, we will achieve dispassion... You can cut off ten of your desires in a short time. For example: suppose that someone, having walked a short distance, saw something, and his thought says to him: “Look there...”; but he answers the thought: “I don’t want to look,” and he cuts off his desire and does not look. Or he finds idle talkers among themselves, and his thought says to him: “Say such and such a word,” but he does not speak and cuts off his desire, etc. And, cutting off his will in this way, he gets used to cutting it off and, starting with small, achieves that in the great he cuts it off without difficulty and calmly; and, no matter what happens, he remains calm, as if his own desire has been fulfilled... and from dispassion he comes to dispassion... This is how radically and essentially the cutting off of one’s will works.

Question. My patient falls into forgetfulness about the future afterlife and carelessly dissipates: how can I get him out of this stupid forgetfulness?

Answer. And the same thing happens in mental illnesses as in physical illnesses. Just as physical illnesses sometimes go away with one glass of water, so mental illnesses sometimes disappear with one simple word. What could be more common than the words heard in houses, on the streets, and in the fields: we will go there too? St. Tikhon of Zadonsky, with these simple words, drives away the oblivion of death and instills saving mortal memory. “It happens,” St. Tikhon reflects in his Zadonsk cell, “that when people go to some place, or city, or to do some business, others say to their household or neighbors like this: “Your people went there or for such and such a thing." They answer them: "And we will go there." Christians! And for us these words - "and we will go there" - in the sense of our departure from the world, are suitable. Our brothers and ancestors have departed from this world and for this age we went: and we will go there. They left the world - we will leave them. They left their joys and treasures - we will also leave them. They left their relatives and friends, we will leave them too... Naked they departed from the world. Therefore, we too will depart naked... We will repent and prepare ourselves in advance for the hour of death..."

Question. My sick man, having not seen his recovery for a long time, is faint-hearted: what should I say to admonish him?

Answer. Read to him a passage from the twentieth conversation of St. Macarius of Egypt: “Man is so wounded that no one can heal him except the One Lord... Moses came, but could not give perfect healing. There were priests, gifts: sabbaths, new moons, ablutions, sacrifices, burnt offerings and all the rest the truth was accomplished according to the law: but the soul could not be healed and cleansed from the unclean current of evil thoughts until the Savior came, the true Doctor, who heals and gives Himself as an atoning sacrifice for the human race... But why have we not yet been healed of secret passions?.. For our unbelief, for our differences of opinion, for the fact that we do not love Him with all our hearts and do not truly believe in Him, we have not yet received spiritual healing..."

Oh my God! Heal us and we will be healed...

Here is a saving recipe taught to a certain young man by the Mother of the Lord Herself in Gethsemane.

The simple-hearted Dositheos, a disciple of the Monk Dorotheos, having reached St. city ​​of Jerusalem, came to Gethsemane, where there was an image of the Last Judgment. When the young man, stopping in front of this image, looked at it with attention, he saw an Honest Wife, dressed in purple, who stood next to him, and explained to him the torment of each of the condemned, and at the same time gave some instructions from Herself. The young man, hearing this, was amazed... and exclaimed: “Madam! What needs to be done to get rid of this torment?” She answered him: “Fast, do not eat meat and pray often.”

Having given him these three commandments, the Scarlet-Bearing Woman became invisible. It was the Most Holy Theotokos.

There is no better recipe for healing our long-term passions than this: fast and pray. It was taught by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself: this generation cannot emerge except through prayer and fasting (Mark 9:29).

Question. One of the brethren asks for medical benefits in case of despondency: what should I tell him?

Answer. If the spirit of despondency disturbs you, beloved, tell him on behalf of the great spiritual physician, Saint Ephraim the Syrian: do not fall, but pray to the Lord - and he will give you patience; and through prayer, sit down and gather your thoughts, and console your soul, like the one who said: Why are you depressed, my soul, and why are you troubled? Trust in God... (Ps. 41:6). And say: why are you negligent, my soul? We will not always live in this world. Imagine in your thoughts those who lived before you in the monastery in which you now live, and remember that, just as they left this age, so we, when God pleases, must move...

Despondency is that evil illness for which we only pray for deliverance from Lent (Lent) not only on Lent, but every day in evening prayer, crying out: Drive away demonic despondency far from me, Lord!

Saint Ephraim the Syrian, knowing the machinations of the enemy and our complicity, wrote this protective prescription for a monk: “It is harmful for a monk to share company with a woman, and do not approach a virgin at all, unless you have thoughts of the carnal. Avoid meeting them like a chamois.” runs away from the nets.

Question. My good brother, having thanked me for the above-mentioned protective remedy against carnal impurities, asks for a protective method to preserve himself in the purity he observes. What do you want me to teach him?

Answer. Tell him in the name and word of Saint Ephraim the Syrian: “Guard, brother, the integrity of your body... and for success in virtues and in Divine innocence, observe three rules: abstinence of the belly and tongue and bridling of the eye. And if you preserve the first, you will not preserve your eyes from wandering, you will not acquire lasting innocence. Just as a broken water pipe cannot retain water, so absent-minded vision will not retain a chaste mind... That is why someone gave a commandment to his eyes not to look at the beauty of a girl..."

A worthy example for any sick person: a brother fell ill one day and, forcing himself, worked; alone, in his cell, he begged the Lord with tears to grant him health. Then again he said to himself: “Woe to me, the careless one! My soul is sick every hour, and I have no concern for it, and when my body is a little upset, with tears I ask the Lord for healing... O Lord Jesus Christ! Heal my soul and body so as not to be a burden to my brethren."

Second thirty

medical instructions

for the Spiritual clinic

Question. An intelligent and conscientious doctor, when starting to treat any bodily ailment, first of all tries to find out the cause, the root, the beginning of it. And all our passions - these many types and many different diseases of the soul - have one initial cause and root. What is it about us?

Answer. Sin. If there were no sin, there would be no disease, no sorrow, no death in the world. That's why St. Tikhon of Zadonsk speaks about sin like this: “O sin - the unspeakable evil with which the Infinite and Most Good God is offended! Shameless betrayal is a sin with which we betray the Immortal and Righteous God! An incurable ulcer is a sin that hurts, torments and consumes our conscience. Mental leprosy - sin, which no one except the Only Begotten Son of God can heal. Sin is the worst evil of all evils!” “...Truly sin is worse than a demon,” as St. says. Chrysostom - For sin also made the demon a demon... truly it is better to walk naked than to walk burdened with sins. Oh, how great, terrible and incurable evil you love, sin-loving soul..."

Question. Just as in the human body, each organ suffers from a disease peculiar to it: the head, for example, its own; stomach - yours, etc.; so in the soul - every strength and ability has its own illness: the mind - one, the will - another. What is the name of the illness that possesses the will of a sinner?

Answer. An addiction, or habit, to sin, which comes from remaining in sin. It was so strong that, like a second nature, it attracted a person to what it was addicted to. Attachment is deeply rooted in the heart. It is with extreme difficulty that long-standing diseases in the body are cured. “A fierce struggle is required to overcome a habit...” says St. Augustine. “...You can move away from evil habits into this age. This is an unspeakable disaster!.. Have mercy, Lord.”

Question. How is the set in general? Tikhon Zadonsky describes a painful state of will

Answer. “Like a boat or a vessel on a river,” says St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, “so is a person in life: we see that the boat floats down the river by itself, and up the river, when it needs to float, it needs rowers or a sail with a fair wind. So But man, according to the flesh, according to whims and passions and according to his evil will, easily lives by himself, like a ship floating down a river by itself... But live against his evil will, subordinating it to the will of God, and fight and fight against passions and whims. For us to live in a Christian, pious manner is as inconvenient and impossible for us as it is for a ship without rowers and sails to sail against the rapids of a river... We demand God’s grace at every time, hour and minute.”

Question. What is a painful state of mind?

Answer. “All creation,” says St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, “the sky, the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth and its contents, show the glory of God, but the sinner, blinded by the majesty of His glory, does not feel and does not tremble. The city and the palace are their architect, art - its masters, a house - its owner is shown... This visible world is like a beautiful city, created not by hands, but by the word of God, and like wise art and a rich house in which we all live, God as Architect, Builder, Provider and he shows and proves his Master as if with a finger, but the sinner does not recognize this painful state of mind? his own, from whom he was created, from whom he is preserved, nourished, clothed, even a dog does not know his master, an ox knows his master, but a person gifted with reason does not know his Creator, Benefactor and Guardian!..

The human mind is so sick! His illness consists either in blindness and the inability to see and understand, or in the unfortunate ability to see and understand untruely, falsely, perversely and not at all in accordance with the cognizable object."

Question. My brother is suffering from some evil habit and, wanting to free himself from it, asks for help: what should he answer?

Answer. He must stand firmly against her, as against a domestic enemy, not succumb to her attraction, and call on the almighty help of the Son of God. For passion is like a dog. Just as a dog runs after us and chases us when we run away from him, and when we stand against him and chase him, he runs away from us, so passion chases the one who succumbs to it and listens to it; retreats from those who oppose her. Determination, diligence and work, with the help of God, can overcome everything; and although the ascetic will suffer a lot from fighting her, she will finally yield to him.

In church history we read that many robbers, fornicators, harlots and other sinners who turned to God, although they suffered a lot from their evil habits, finally, with the help of God, defeated them. Jesus Christ yesterday, and now, and forever, the Helper and Savior of those who turn, labor, strive and call upon Him... And, fighting against evil passion, let us remember the everywhere presence of God!

Question. The brother, sensing the painful state of his mind, asks for advice, what should he do?

1) Let the lamp of God listen to the words. For the word of God, like a spiritual light, drives away darkness and illuminates the eyes of the soul, reveals the vanity and deceitfulness of the world, and exposes our selfishness and sins.

2) Let him not act as the lustful heart wants, but as the word of God commands, although this is disgusting to the blind mind and unpleasant to the heart, imitating every reasonable patient who, wanting to be healed, takes bitter and unpleasant medicine.

3) The opposite is driven away by the opposite, somehow: cold - warmth, th

speech - with sweetness, darkness - with light, etc. So, if we want blindness from our intelligent eyes

remove, must follow the teachings and example of the life of Christ. Christ with holy teaching

and by His life there is a Path: we must adhere to Him, lest we get lost; there is Truth:

We must entrust ourselves to Him, lest we be deceived; there is a Belly: we must stick

Let us come to Him, that with Him, and in Him, and through Him we may come to life and live forever (set by Tikhon of Zadonsk).

Instill this in your brother and be saved.

Question. Someone asks me what is the most evil disease of the spirit. What should I answer him?

Answer. Tell him in the name and word of the Monk Dorotheus that the most terrible disease for a monk is pride. And two prides. The first pride is when someone reproaches a brother, when he condemns and dishonors him as if he were worthless; If someone does not come to his senses soon and does not try to correct himself, then little by little he comes to a second place of pride, so that he becomes proud against God Himself, and attributes his exploits and virtues to himself, and not to God.

Abba Dorotheos personally knew such a patient. “I know,” he says, “one who once came to such a pitiful state. At first, if one of the brethren said anything to him, he humiliated everyone and objected: what does such and such mean? There is no one worthy except Zosima and others such and such. Then he began to condemn them and say: there is no one worthy except Macarius. After a while he began to say: who is Macarius? But he soon began to condemn them too, saying: who is Vasily? And who is Gregory? There is no one worthy except Peter and Paul. I told him: “Truly, brother, you will soon begin to humiliate them too.” And after a while he began to say: Who is Peter and who is Paul? No one means anything except the Holy Trinity. Finally, he became proud against God Himself and lost his mind. This is the disease that the devil infected man with, as well as with many other diseases.”

Question. The same brother asked me how to prevent this terrible disease of the spirit - pride? Teach us what?

Answer. Humility. “First of all, we need humility,” it is said in the second teaching of Abba Dorotheus, “in order to be ready to say “forgive” to every word that you hear.” For with humility all the arrows of the enemy and adversary are reflected... You see how great the power of humility and what effect does the word forgive have... If a person had humbled himself from the very beginning, he would not have fallen; even after his fall, God gave him the opportunity to be pardoned and, asking him: “Why did you break the commandment?” so that he says: “Forgive.” But there is no humility! And where is the word forgive?.. Then God comes to the wife and says to her: “Why didn’t you keep the commandments?” at least you: forgive, but again does not hear the word forgive. And if forgiveness had been heard from the sinners of Adam and Eve and from the one who sinned before them, then there would be no hell, no sin, no death, no disease, no other disaster, no temptation, no tempter.

Question. Those who are sick in the body, according to the degree and strength of the disease, are in different states. In some the disease lives, in others it happens; some try to free themselves from illness, others carry it carelessly, etc. Isn’t it the same with mental illnesses?

Answer. Yes, same thing. And here is an explanation of this for you from Abba Dorotheus. “There are,” says Abba in the tenth lesson, “three states of the soul... A person either acts out of passion, or resists it, or eradicates it. But these three states have great breadth... Let’s take, for example, irritability - this a very creeping illness. Another, when he hears one word, grieves, but not because he was insulted, but because he did not endure the insult; another tries not to say anything offensive, but grieves that he is insulted; insult, and considers himself guilty, but also regrets the embarrassment of the one who insulted him... You see, how vast are the states of the soul! that is, passions."

Question. Physical illnesses end in death, but mental illnesses, that is, evil habits and passions, do not remain in the soul even after it leaves the body?

Answer. Yes, they stay and torture the soul there worse than here. Here is what Abba Dorotheos says about this: “While in the body, the soul receives relief from its passions and some consolation: a person eats, drinks, sleeps, talks, walks with his dear friends. When it leaves the body, it remains alone with its passions and therefore she is always tormented, occupied with them, she is scorched by their rebellion and tormented by them, so that she cannot remember God, for the very remembrance of God comforts the soul. “I will remember God and rejoice,” cries the Psalmist, but even this passions do not allow her.” “The holy father explains with an example that passions—these mental illnesses—will torment more viciously after death.

Question. Which one?

Answer. Next: let someone shut himself up in a dark cell and for at least three days he does not eat, drink, sleep, talk to anyone, sing psalms, pray and do not remember God at all, and then he will know that passions will work in him, but he is still in the body; but how much more, after leaving the body, when she surrenders to passions and remains alone with them, will she, the unfortunate one, endure? He explains the same terrible truth with another example taken from medical science.

Question. Tell me which one?

Answer. If someone has a bilious and thin body, is it not the thinness itself that inflames him, always worries him and makes his life miserable? Likewise, a passionate soul is always tormented by its evil habits, always having a bitter memory and painful impression of the passions that constantly burn and scorch it.

Question. And after death, everything earthly will be in our memory?

Answer. Yes, souls remember everything that was here, as the fathers say: words, deeds, and thoughts - and then they cannot forget anything from it. And in the psalm: On that day (all) his thoughts disappear (Ps. 145:4), - it speaks about the thoughts of this age, that is, about house, property, etc. And what the soul did regarding passion or virtue, all this will be remembered , and none of this perishes for her... We once talked about this with the great elder, and he said that the soul, upon leaving the body, remembers sins and retains passions; remembers the very type of sin, and the very place, and the very person with whom she sinned.

Question: What advice does the father give based on this?

Answer. Try to cultivate good thoughts in yourself here, so that you can find them there... Let us take care that we get rid of mental illnesses here, so as not to go there with them.

Question. What should we think about those who, having not healed their souls, wish to die?

Answer. “Whoever gives himself over to passions and prays to God to die quickly is like a man who asks a carpenter to quickly hew the bed of a sick person,” said one father. Someone sick asked another father: “Why does my soul desire death?” And the father answered: “Because you avoid sorrow and do not know that future sorrow is much more severe than this one.”

Question. We see that sometimes one breath of wind or a small something taken internally can cause a fatal illness: doesn’t the same thing happen to the soul?

Answer. Yes, one thought can remove a person from God, as soon as a person accepts it and submits to it... The eagle, which will be completely outside the net, but gets entangled in it with one claw, through this little thing all its strength is taken away, and the catcher can grab it, as soon as he wants. So it is with the soul: if you turn only one passionate thought into a skill, then the enemy, whenever he wants, catches it, because it is in his hands because of passion.

I found a spiritual pharmacy in an ancient book and am sharing it with you!

A certain man asked: is there such a potion that would heal mental illnesses? The doctor replied: yes, come and take the root of obedience and truth, the leaves of hope and patience, the flower of beauty, or purity, mental and physical, the fruit of good deeds and isolate it in a vessel of heartfelt contrition, sift it in a sieve of reasoning, pour water from tears of prayer and dissolve with the sorrow of repentance, then inflame yourself with Divine prayer, put yourself into the crucible of insignificance or humility, and, having salted yourself with the salt of brotherly love, open your generous hand to alms, and do it in secret. When all this is prepared through the fire of faith and grace, use it to your advantage, then you will be completely healthy. In every monastic monastery and in every cell of a novice and monk, this pharmacy should be open.

Here is a simple recipe from St. Ephraim the Syrian for curing eight diseases.

Eight thoughts that produce everything bad and from which our inner man becomes deeply and mortally ill are: gluttony, fornication, love of money, anger, untimely sadness, despondency, vanity, pride. They fight with every person. And you, child, if you want to overcome gluttony, love abstinence, have the fear of God - and you will win. If you want to defeat fornication, love vigil and thirst, always remember death and never talk to a woman - and you will win. If you want to overcome the love of money, love non-covetousness and wastefulness. If you want to overcome anger, acquire meekness and generosity and keep in mind how much evil the Jews did to our Lord Jesus Christ, and yet He was not angry with them and even prayed for them. If you want to overcome untimely sorrow, never grieve about the temporary; but if they insult you with a word, or bother you, or dishonor you, do not be sad, but, on the contrary, rejoice. Then only be sad when you sin; But even in this, observe moderation, so as not to fall into despair and perish. If you want to overcome despondency, do some handicraft for a while, or read, or pray often. If you want to overcome vanity, do not love praise, honors, good clothes, primacy, preference, but, on the contrary, love to be blamed and dishonored, making lies against you; and reproach yourself that you are more sinful than any man. If you want to overcome pride, whatever you do, do not say that it is done by yourself; But whether you fast, whether you spend time in vigil, whether you sleep on the bare ground or make a lot of prostrations, say that this is done with the help of God and with God’s protection, and not by your strength...

It couldn’t be simpler or more accessible than this recipe from St. Ephraim the Syrian for eight diseases. And to make it stronger and more effective, add this prayer: Lord and Master of my life, do not give me the spirit of idleness, despondency, covetousness and idle talk. Grant the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to Thy servant...

A healthy and kind tree is seen by its good fruits, and a healthy and well-ordered state of mind is known by its good deeds.

The fathers call them in the following order:

1) truth - delivers from death;

2) purity - leads to God;

3) love - where it is, God abides;

4) labor is an honor to the body and a benefit to the soul;

5) obedience is a holy and quick thing

the path to salvation;

6) humility - with thanksgiving, his and

Satan himself trembles;

7) abstinence;

8) reasoning;

9) non-judgment - higher than all virtues;

10) repentance is joy to God and the Angels;

11) prayer with fasting - union with God;

12) mercy is the work of God Himself.

Heal, Lord, my soul, yes

I flow and act as I do.

We see in gardens and fields that good fruits and useful plants are susceptible to diseases caused by worms, moisture and other influences. The same is true in spiritual activity: not only God’s eye, but also the human eye sees shortcomings in Christian and monastic virtues - weakness, a certain sickness and an admixture of impurity.

“Every good deed,” as St. Ephraim the Syrian says, “the hater of goodness—the demon—opposes a bad deed: alms are opposed by self-interest; asceticism—conceit; vigil—the accusation of drowsiness; prayer—laziness and absent-mindedness; non-acquisitiveness, stinginess; love—flattery; hospitality - coldness or gluttony. That is, just as unscrupulous goldsmiths and winemakers, for their own gain, mix copper or some other base metal with water, so in spiritual activity something happens, through the action of Satan or one’s own heart. similar."

Question. At. Doesn’t John Climacus talk about how and how the good deeds of a monk become infected and sick?

Answer. He speaks on the twenty-second step of his “Ladder.”

In spring, fruits and plants are worn away and undermined by a variety of worms; and during spiritual asceticism, manifold vanity corrupts, defiles and infects the monk’s virtues. Just as the sun shines equally on everyone, so vanity rejoices over all virtues. When, for example, I fast, at that time I become vain; When, in order to hide my fast from people, I allow myself food, then again I become vain about my prudence. Having put on light clothes, we overcome through love; Having changed into thin clothes, I become vain again. Will I talk? I have vanity. Do I want to remain silent? I surrender to him again. Wherever you turn this thorn, it will all turn up with its thorns.

Question. How and with what to treat the disease of vanity?

Answer. This will be discussed below; about treating each passion separately.

Here is a spiritual pharmacy from the works of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk.

Question. The young brother again needs healing from thoughts that are contrary to purity and chastity. What should I tell him?

Answer. Instill in him such advice and instruction from St. Tikhon of Zadonsk for a certain brother:

1) take great care of purity and chastity;

Know what the means are: eat and drink little, but fast

2) never be idle, but always

do something;

3) always remember that you walk before God

and He looks at you everywhere and sees your deeds,

words and thoughts;

4) when a bad thought comes, drive it away

from yourself and pray: “Lord Jesus Christ!

Help me, a sinner." Without prayer and help

Divine cabbage soup of chastity and other virtues

we cannot have;

5) eyes from looking at (beautiful) faces,

and take care of your ears from immodest and nasty words;

6) while standing in church, do not look around, but look at the ground and towards the holy altar, and raise your mind to God!

Here is a recipe for him from St. Tikhona from the Don.

From the spiritual pharmacy of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk is a cure for sadness.

Question. My brother is in sorrow, which is a serious illness of the soul: what do you order me to teach him as a consolation?

Answer. Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk consoled a certain brother and himself in this way: in the air it is sometimes gloomy, sometimes clear, sometimes stormy, sometimes quiet; and on the sea - sometimes silence, sometimes waves; so in us there is no change: sometimes we rejoice, sometimes we are sad, sometimes we are afraid, sometimes we hope (we hope)... When joy comes, we should expect sadness; If we fall into sadness, joy will come. Blessed is he who can steer the ship of his soul during storms and bad weather. Your own efforts are not enough here: you must ask for the help of the Ruler of all - God. God is our refuge and strength, our helper in sorrows. He is the hope of all on earth and sea. He is the same for me, poor man, and for you. The eyes of all trust in Him; and in my lamentable sorrows I will lift up my eyes to Him. He is a helper and protector to everyone, also to me and to you... My eyes are lifted up to You, who dwells in heaven...

Here's a recipe for sadness from the Don.

From the pharmacy of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk is a cure for despondency.

“Fierce is the passion of despondency,” says St. Tikhon. “I advise you to do the following to drive it away:

1) convince yourself and force yourself to pray and do every good deed, even though you don’t want to...

Seeing the work and effort, the Lord gives desire and zeal.

2) change your activities: then pray, then do something with your hands, then read a book, then

talk about your soul, about eternal salvation, about the shame of despondency and laziness, etc. The devil does not approach anyone more conveniently than a person living in idleness. Here his house is swept and decorated. Think about this and save yourself in Christ..."

This is what St. taught. Tikhon against despondency!

From the pharmacy of St. Tikhon of Zadonsky soothing medicine for a brother suffering from slander:

If you endure severe slander, accept my consolation according to my strength.

First. Without God nothing happens to us; That’s why a slanderous tongue attacks us with God’s permission. Be patient with what God sends.

Second. Take comfort in the fact that you are suffering falsely. A clear conscience is a great consolation... Let everyone blaspheme, as long as my conscience praises me.

Third. You have many comrades in this calamity: the saints of God have endured much slander, and now there are many who endure the same... O Jesus! Draw us after You and Your saints.

Fourth. Consider your conscience, have you hurt anyone with your tongue? If this was the case, then slander is punishable by slander; and therefore endure, giving thanks for the fact that your sin receives punishment here, and not there...

Here's a sedative from the Don.

From the medical treasury of St. Tikhon of Zadonsky's cure for forgetfulness.

Forgetfulness is an ailment as common to our minds as it is harmful. St. Tikhon extracts the cure for this illness from the simplest word, like some kind of essence from some simple plant. From what word? From the word look around. “We often hear,” the saint writes in his Zadonsk solitude, “that people say to people on various occasions: “Look around.” Christian and monk! You most need to say this word: look around. You have renounced Satan and his evil deeds; haven’t you turned again to him with your evil and corrupt life? Look around. You promised to work faithfully to Christ the Lord, who died and rose again for you, but instead, are you working for sin?.. Look around. We all must stand before the judgment of Christ - the judgment of God. , and not human - you too will appear. Do you remember this terrible day, and do you have a burning lamp and oil in a vessel, and are you preparing to meet the coming Judge? Look around... Look around, my soul, how you live, how you communicate. How you act, speak and think.

Among medical benefits, some are strengthening, others are cleansing, others are stimulating. St. Tikhon Zadonsky extracts a stimulating aid for a relaxed heart from ordinary words heard in ordinary affairs: what have you become? “It happens,” says the saint in his solitude, “that when people, having gathered for some task, work and work, and one of them, lazy, stands, then the other says to him: “What have you become?” So to the one who began, but to those who are weakening in the feat of piety, one can say as encouragement: Christians work in their work, repent with diligence, sigh for their sins; why have you become? Others are fighting against sin, the devil, the world and passions; knocking on the door of God’s mercy; why have you become? Others, having denied themselves and taken up their cross, follow Christ with patience, love, meekness and humility, and follow Him into eternal life, where they sing incessantly and sweetly: “Alleluia,” where sweet and blissful fellowship with the Angels... Why are you not in a hurry to go there, to a calm, peaceful and sweet place?”

Question. In external diseases, a plaster is very common and useful. There is a spiritual band-aid for mental illness. For example, a serious illness for the soul is grief and sadness. What kind of plaster can be used to cure this disease?

Answer. We will find it in the treasury of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk. “As a life-giving plaster,” says the hermit-priest, “to an ulcer or a bodily wound, then the sinful soul, with the fear of God’s judgment and the sorrow for sins, is the Gospel... Do not be afraid, sinful and repentant soul, believe only in the Gospel - and you will feel in your heart is its life-giving. Judge for yourself: for whose sake did Christ, the Son of God, come into the world? For the sake of sinners... Not so a father, not so a mother, they repent of their sick child, as the Merciful God repents of a sinner, in contrition of heart towards Him. sighing... Have a contrite heart, and the Gospel will be like a plaster for you.”

Among bodily diseases, the most terrible disease is pestilence. There is also a disease among moral diseases, like the pestilence. St. Tikhon explains it this way: “Like a pestilence in the body, so is a temptation in the soul. An ulcer begins in one person, then the whole house, and then the whole city or village and the whole country becomes infected and perishes from it; so temptation begins in one person, and then it passes over to many, for lust in the human heart, by sight and hearing, like fire by the wind, is stirred up and kindled to evil. and many; and everyone does this... Oh, temptation is a cruel evil! That is why Christ strictly forbade the giving of temptation (Matthew 18: 6-9).”

Question. What vice in particular is likened to a pestilence?

Answer. Slander. Just as a person infected with a pestilence is a slanderer. A person infected with a pestilence injures those who communicate with him and act carelessly; the slanderer harms the one who listens to his slander. From an infected person the contagious ulcer spreads to another, from another to a third, from a third to a fourth, and to everyone, if they are not careful; so it is with a slanderer: one hears slander and tells another, another says it to a third, and it happens that the whole country and the whole state hears and is damaged... Oh, truly it is better to fall a hundred times with your feet than with your tongue!

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk, looking at the flowing water, composed an excellent medicine for sadness, which he himself used during the first time of his hermitage, and teaches it to others.

“As fleeting water,” the solitary saint philosophizes, “that is our life and everything that happens in life. We see that the water in the river constantly flows and passes, and everything floating on top of the water, such as forest, rubbish and everything else - so our life passes by, and with it all prosperity and ill-being passes by. I was not there before - and here I am in the world, like other creatures; I am a youth - and that has passed away; I was a perfect and strong man - and now my hair is turning gray and I am exhausted from old age, but even that is passing, and I am approaching the end, and I will go on the path of all the earth. I am dying in order to live. Remember me, O Lord, in Thy Kingdom. I was healthy and sick;

I was honored... People revered and worshiped me; That time has passed, and I don’t see it... People praised and glorified me, they blasphemed and reviled me, and those who praised me also cursed me; and those who blasphemed also praised; time has passed, everything has passed; praise and blasphemy, glory and dishonor have passed... Such is the world! Such is his constancy!.. I lived in a rich house, I also lived in a hut: time passed - and this was no longer the case. I now live in a hut and cramped conditions - and this will not happen... I rode a chariot, I dressed in expensive clothes, I had servants; That time has passed, and now that time is gone. I had friends and acquaintances; Those days have passed, and they turned either into my enemies or into false brothers. What happens to me happens to everyone. Where is the time in which I was happy, healthy and cheerful, in which I was praised, glorified and revered, in which I rode in a chariot? That time has passed, and all my happiness and my consolation have passed with it! Where is the time in which you were unhappy, sick, grieved, reviled, dishonored? Those days are gone and all my sadness is gone. It will pass like flowing water, and everything that I am now experiencing, I endure, I feel. Why are you depressed, my soul, and why are you embarrassed? (Ps. 41:6)."

The worst disease is anger. “Nothing makes a person as mad as anger. There is nothing more shameless and impudent than anger,” says St. John Chrysostom.

Question. What is the beginning of this illness of the spirit?

Answer. “Anxiety,” says St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, “comes from immeasurable pride. A self-lover seeks his own self-interest in every way; and when he sees something as an obstacle to his desire, he is extremely embarrassed about it, saddened, and angry at the one who hinders him , and tries to bring his anger into the matter. For anger is nothing more than the desire for revenge... There is only one refuge from those who are evil - holy prayer and hope in God’s Providence, which rewards everyone in due time.”

Question. How to heal from anger?

Answer. Treatment for anger is the most difficult. “Such a thing is malice,” says St. John Chrysostom, “that it cannot be corrected by any word or deed, but always contains its poison within itself... The first and only way to prevent malice and be cured of it is urgent reconciliation with one’s neighbor, forgiveness of any sin to one’s neighbor and this prayer: Help, Lord, my brother, for whom I grieve or who grieves for me, and have mercy on me for his prayer.”

Question. My brother sometimes falls ill with lies and flattery: how can he be healed?

Answer. With this reasoning St. Tikhon of Zadonsk: “Lies and flattery are vices originating from the devil, he is the father of lies and all flattery. Woe to the place where flattery and lies have multiplied; no good can be there. Flatery and lies have introduced ungodly and vain oaths, in the most unimportant things, calling on the name of God: “For this is God,” “By God,” etc. There is nothing more harmful to society than deceitful and flattering people; but no matter how cunning they are, their cunning will be revealed, and then everyone, like lepers, will abhor them. "You will destroy those who speak lies; the Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and treacherous (Ps. 5:7)."

Question. In our sick, a new disease is seen: envy. What should I teach him to heal?

Answer. For the first time, teach him this reasoning. Envy is sadness about the goodness and well-being of one's neighbor. Tormenting passion! In other sins there is some kind of sweetness, albeit imaginary, but the envious person sins and suffers. The envious person does what the demon does not do: the demon envies only the person, not the demon, but the person envyes the person. Whoever despises this world and seeks heavenly blessings, this ulcer has no place (St. Tikhon of Zadonsk).

Question. Some bodily illnesses are sticky, but all mental illnesses are sticky. What precautions are required against the persistence of mental illnesses?

Answer. Removal from the evil, solitude. “Nothing harms a Christian, especially a young one, more than evil company,” says St. Tikhon of Zadonsk. “Just as communication with the good is a school in which a person learns Christian philosophy, that is, a God-fearing and holy life, without books, so communication with the evil is the cause of extreme corruption. Because vices, like resin, are sticky... They say that when healthy eyes look at sick ones, they themselves absorb the harm, but for them there is no benefit; Touching the resin will be blackened, and joining the proud will be true to him. So, until you know a person completely, do not trust anyone, otherwise you will fall into the abyss of destruction. It is better to live with animals than with evil people.”

Third thirty

medical instructions for a spiritual therapist

The Holy Church has different titles and ministries: it is like a ship in which believers sail through the sea of ​​life to their Heavenly Fatherland. She is Noah's ark, in which they are saved from the drowning of hell. She is a school in which we learn the secrets and destinies of the Kingdom of God. She is a field of many grains where our souls feed on God’s word. She is a purification, a sanctuary; she is a doctor, or a spiritual infirmary.

Question. Who is the helmsman, teacher, shepherd, purifier, educator, doctor in the Holy Church?

Answer. There is only one Ruler and Pilot - our Lord Jesus Christ. There is only one Mentor and Teacher - the Lord Jesus Christ. There is One Shepherd, One purifier of our souls - the Lord Jesus Christ. There is only one Doctor of our extremely sick nature - the Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to him forever! Our hope and hope is in Him.

But our Lord Jesus Christ, being the One and Only Ruler, Mentor, Shepherd, Doctor, deigned to make some of those who believe in Him share in these great titles and positions. The first associates of Christ's shepherd, teaching, government, His healing and life-giving power were His holy disciples and apostles; then - their closest successors and disciples - the apostles from the 70: Timothy, Titus, Clement, Dionysius and others. Next are the saints: Ignatius the God-Bearer, Basil the Great, John Chrysostom, Gregory the Theologian... And bishops, priests, primates and abbots of all centuries, to this day.

As those who are sick in soul and body, let us incline our thoughts to the subject of this book. The one and only Doctor and Healer of our souls is the Only Begotten Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ. For this purpose He became incarnate, for this purpose He lived on earth, teaching, working and traveling; For this reason he suffered, died and was resurrected - in order to heal suffering humanity. For this, He feeds us with His most pure Flesh and gives us His Blood to drink. But, like other parts of His great, limitless service to people, He has given and continues to give the healing part to the servants of His Church in varying degrees and measures. A servant of the Church of Christ is, by the grace given to him, a teacher, a leader, a shepherd, and a doctor.

In the “Ladder” of our venerable father John, leading to Heaven, the qualities of a servant of the Church of Christ as a leader, as a shepherd, teacher and doctor of the souls entrusted to him are briefly but significantly indicated. Listen, I'll let you know that St. John wrote in that part of the Ladder, which he called the Book to the Shepherd or Abbot.

Question. Who is the true shepherd? Who is the spiritual pilot? Who is the true teacher? And who is the doctor, according to the explanation of St. John?

Answer. The true shepherd is the one who, through his own efforts, with the assistance of grace and prayer, can recover the verbal sheep, which through their simplicity and carelessness perished, and can put them back on the straight path. A spiritual helmsman is one who, having received from God and acquired strength through his own labors, is able to extract the boat of the soul not only from anxiety, but also from the very abyss of sin. A true teacher is one who, having received a book full of wisdom, written by the finger of God, that is, through the action of the Highest Enlightenment, directly received from God Himself, has no need for other books.

Speaking about the spiritual doctor, St. John Climacus, firstly, sets out the concept of it; secondly, lists spiritual remedies and medical instruments; thirdly, he teaches healing compounds and recipes for various mental illnesses.

Question. What does St. say? John Climacus about a spiritual doctor?

Answer. A doctor is one who has a healthy soul and body and does not require any band-aids from others... The blessed quality in doctors is to not turn away from anything, and in abbots - to be dispassionate in everything. Thus, doctors, never turning away from anything, even if they feel a severe stench from the wound, nevertheless begin treatment, and the abbots can resurrect any soul, even if it seems to have already died in sins. Our good Lord, by the way, gave our nature such a property that a patient, seeing a doctor, calms down. “Have you too,” writes Saint Climacus to the abbot, whom he likens to a doctor, “have with you plasters, various techniques, powders, powders, drinks, a sponge, stomach-cleaning drops, veins, cauterizing agents, ointments, soporific potions , knife and bandages.

Question. What does the holy father mean by plaster and other listed medical items?

Answer. The patch is the treatment of external defects, that is, through bodily actions produced. What does reception mean? Healing of internal passions and the eruption of secret impurity. What - powder? A gnawing reproach that destroys all the rottenness of pride in a person. What is powder? A medicine that cleanses the smart eye, which is clogged with angry indignation. What - drink? This is a saddening reprimand, but after a while it brings healing. What is a vein? This, in a bodily illness, is a quick cutting and squeezing out of a rotten internal abscess; and in the spiritual sense, a severe and sudden action taken to save those mentally suffering can be called a vein. What is a sponge? After the section of a vein or the cutting off of any member, some kind, meek, gentle admonition and consolation from the doctor to a patient (with some evil inclination). What is a cauterizing agent? A humane punishment established by the Church for some time to bring about repentance. What - ointment? After cauterization and after any unpleasant healing - a comforting word. What is a sleeping potion? Some means by which the novice’s burden is lightened and, through calmness from novice labor, a kind of sleepless slumber and reverent blindness are induced, so as not to look at his good deeds. What is a bandage? That with which people who are pompous and weakened by vanity, through patience, are bound and held together, as if by some kind of bonds. Finally, what is a knife? Church law, by which a person who has died in his soul is cut off from the church community, like a rotten member, so that he does not infect other members.

Question. What rule does St. John Climacus instill for the use of these medical methods?

Answer. “And this,” he says, “is given by the abbot with many of his prayers, and, depending on the nature of each of the sick, let him have compassion and apply it to their illness... A spiritual doctor must get rid of all his passions, otherwise he will not will be able to use the above listed means..."

Question. How does St. John Climacus share spiritual healing?

Answer. For light and heavy.

“For those burdened with grave sins and prone to despair,” he says, “it is necessary to give medicines as light as possible, that is, to deal with them not harshly; the proud and highly intelligent require decisive medicine, that is, the strictest obedience” (chap. 6, 7).

Now let’s collect in the “Ladder” medicines corresponding to each disease separately.

Saint John Climacus heals this cruel illness of the soul at its root and in all its manifestations, interrogating it like some kind of demon: why is it born? What does it generate from itself? And who are her enemies?

Let anger, like a kind of tormentor, be bound by the bonds of meekness and, beaten by generosity and immaculate love, appear before the court of our mind and let it be asked: tell us, O mad and shameless anger, the name of your father and the evil that gave birth to you; also the names of your bad sons and daughters and your deadly enemies. To which he, answering us, says: I have many mothers and not one father. My mothers: vanity, love of money, gluttony, fornication; and my father is called arrogant. My daughters: memory of malice, hatred, enmity, slander. My enemies, with which I overcome, are lack of anger and meekness. My conqueror is called humility of mind (v. 8). And this prayer: “Help, Lord, my brother... And for his prayers, help me.” The first part of the prayer is love for the offender, and the second is humility before him.

Memory malice

The one who got rid of anger destroyed the memory-malice, tore out from the soul the nail pierced into it; for when the father is alive, there may still be childbearing... Let the evil-minded one be ashamed of the prayer prescribed to us by Jesus Christ: “Our Father...”, which, being in anger, we cannot read... The memory of the suffering of Christ can very successfully heal us by the example of the Savior’s long-suffering (v. 9). The prayer of one who is evil in memory, even if he raised a dead man, is unpleasant to God.


Question. What does St. John Climacus say about the origin and treatment of this disease?

Answer. “I heard,” he says, “from one reliable person who talked with me about silence, that excessive talking stems from two sources: either from bad and intemperate communication and habit, or, as more often happens with ascetics, from vanity, and sometimes from satiety... He who remembered the end of this life stopped his speech and, having acquired spiritual sobbing, turned away from much talking, like from fire, he who loved silence closed his lips" (v. 11).

Question. Where does this illness of the spirit come from and how is it destroyed?

Answer. “Fire is born from wood and stone,” says Saint John of the Climacus, “but from much talking and idle talk comes lies...

He who has acquired the fear of God is alienated from lies, having with him an impartial judge - his conscience... and the abundance of tears completely destroys it. A baby does not know a lie, nor does a kindly soul know it... He who is drunk with wine and involuntarily always tells the truth: just as he who is drunk with tears of tenderness can never lie” (v. 12).

Question: How does St. John Climacus depict laziness?

Answer, Laziness is relaxation of the soul, decrepitude of the mind, neglect of fasting labor, and hatred of one’s vow.

Question. By what and how is this disease eradicated and driven away, intolerable by society, but persistently abiding in silence until the end of life?

Answer. May this tormentor be locked in the shackles of remembering our falls, because he who mourns his sins does not know laziness. Laziness is beaten by the scourge of hard work and handicraft.

And in order for the treatment of laziness to be more effective and accurate, Saint John of the Climacus, as an experienced and prudent doctor, will find out in detail its origin, signs, varieties and what is pleasant and what is disgusting to it. Tell us, O relaxed passion, who is the evil father who gave birth to you? Who are your descendants? Who are your enemies and who are your friends?

As for the true novices,” she replies, “I don’t have a place with them where to lay my head; my place of residence is among the silent ones. There are many vices that invite me, including sometimes spiritual insensibility, sometimes lack of recollection of heavenly treasures, and sometimes excess of labor. My descendants and companions are often moving from place to place, disobeying their spiritual father, forgetting the Last Judgment and their vows. My opponents, with whom I am now bound, are psalmody and handicrafts. My enemy is thinking about death; and what mortifies me is prayer and the firm hope of receiving future benefits (v. 13).

An evil disease or, according to St. John Climacus, an evil tormentor - Gluttony

Let us also ask this enemy of ours, or, more fairly, the chief of all our evils, the chief of all our evils and the culprit of all passions, the cruel owner of all mortals; let us ask, from whom is he born, and who are his descendants, and who is his destroyer?

Tell us, O cruel owner of all mortals, who bought all earthly creatures at the price of satiety:

1) from which side did you find your entrance to us?

2) and what do you give birth to when you enter?

3) and how do you leave us?

“Why do you shower me with slander,” he answers, “being subordinate to me?”

1) Am I not connected to you by nature? My door through which I enter is the property of food and the reason for my dominance - the mental painlessness acquired over many years and the lack of memory of death.

2) What do you want to know are the names of my descendants? I will count them, and more sand will multiply. However, what are the names of my firstborn and dear children, listen.

My firstborn son is a fornicator; the second is the hardness of heart born from it; third - excessive sleep; and from here - a sea of ​​unclean thoughts... My daughters are laziness, verbosity, insolence, ridicule, vanity, contradiction, stiff-neckedness, stubbornness, insensibility and captivity of the spirit.

3) These are my exterminators.

The memory of past sins, although armed against me, does not defeat me.

Mortal memory is strongly at enmity with me. But there is no person who (with his own power) could destroy me completely. He who has within himself the Comforter of the Holy Spirit fights against me through Him; and this Comforter, having been asked by a man, does not allow me to use all his ferocity (v. 14).

From the answer of the demon of gluttony, you see, brother, how much courage is required to defeat him!


Question. What is this disease of our spirit?

Answer. Possessed by this disease, according to the description of St. John Climacus, he talks about healing the ulcer, but poisons his wound; says that he is sick, but he himself does not stop eating unhealthy food... He philosophizes about death, but lives as if immortal... He talks about abstinence, but is captivated by gluttony... He extols passionless people, but he himself is pathophobic for a torn shirt and does not blush to quarrel... He looks at the beauty of faces with voluptuousness, but talks about chastity... He always denounces himself, but does not want to come to his senses, not to mention - he cannot.

Question. Is there a worse degree of this disease?

Answer. Eat. As Saint John Climacus forced her to say this: “my allies (possessed by insensibility), looking at the bodies of the dead, laugh; standing in prayer, they become petrified, hard-hearted and blind. Approaching the Sacrament of Communion, they become insensitive and, while communing, This Gift is eaten as if it were simple bread.”

“When she uttered these words, I,” says Saint Climacus, “was amazed and asked: who is her parent? Who are her offspring? And who and what is she afraid of?

1) “I have more than one origin,” she answers, “my birth is mixed and gloomy; satiety strengthens me; Time increases me and makes me stronger because of my evil habit.

2) I am the mother of laughter, I am the food of sleep, I am the friend of satiety.

3) Stay vigilant in many ways, then perhaps I will give you a little. Delve into the reason from which I am born, and resist my mother, for I have more than one. Pray often at the bones of the dead (and even better, at the holy relics of Kyiv, if the Merciful Lord, His Most Blessed Mother and the saints deign to see them) and remember in your heart the indelible impression of them; for if you do not paint this image in your soul with the brush of fasting, then you will not defeat me forever.”

The disease of vanity and pride

The disease of vanity is severe. “A vain person,” as St. John Climacus says, “is a Christian idolater who outwardly honors God, but tries more to please people than God.”

Question. How to recover from it?

Answer. “Depending on the nature of the vice, different medicines must be used to cure it. When we seek glory, or when it is attributed to us from others without our participation, or when we begin to take any means to obtain it, we will immediately remember our previous tears (or better yet, about our past and present sins and weaknesses)" (v. 22).

The evil disease is vanity, and pride

even angrier.

Question. What is the beginning of pride and what does it consist of?

Answer. “The worm, growing hour by hour more and receiving wings, often rises high: also increased vanity gives birth to pride - the parent and perpetrator of all vices (v. 22). Starting from extreme vanity,” continues Saint John Climacus, “pride its middle is in the humiliation of one’s neighbor, in the shameless praise of one’s own works, in the desire for praise, in aversion from reproof, and its end in the denial of God’s help and a demonic disposition.”

Question. What are the products of vanity and pride and how can we cure them?

Answer. Let's listen to Saint John of the Ladder.

“I noticed,” he says, “that this reckless passion - pride - entered my heart, carried into it on the shoulders of its mother - vanity. Having tied both of them with bonds of obedience and wounded them with the scourge of humility, I forced them to explain to me what they were giving birth to. and what destroys them?..

And they, after receiving quite strong blows from me, told me this: “We give birth to everything that is contrary to humility... Our products are: anger, slander, grief, rage, cry, blasphemy, hypocrisy, hatred, envy, contradiction , willfulness, disobedience. But there is one means that takes away all our strength."

Question. Which?

Answer. If you sincerely humble yourself before God, you will despise us like some kind of cobweb. For vanity, as you yourself see, is the horse of pride on which it mounts; On the contrary, humility and self-condemnation will laugh at this horse and its rider, singing the sweet victory song: Let us give to the Lord, gloriously we will be glorified: the horse and rider will be thrown into the sea and the depth of humility.

Conclusion of a spiritual therapist

According to experience and according to the testimony of physicians, bodily illnesses are varied, varied and numerous. The mental illnesses and ailments from which the human race suffers, having fallen away from the Lord its God through the transgression of His commandments, are even more numerous and varied. Descriptions of them, as well as indications of all the means by which they are healed, cannot be contained in any book. So let us conclude this little book, adding some remarks about the development of diseases of our soul and the dependence of one disease on another.

Physical illnesses gradually enter a person and gradually form one or another ailment. Mental illnesses also have the same gradualness: they begin, intensify and turn into one passion or another. How do experienced spiritual doctors explain this gradualness?

“The holy and prudent fathers,” says Saint John Climacus, “explaining the course of the disease of the soul, they call something else imagination or the idea of ​​a thing; another thing is attention to the presented object; another thing is agreement and inclination of the will towards it; another thing is servility, when, that is, an object will take power over the soul; another - a fight with this object, a struggle, repression, and another, finally, a mental illness" (v. 16).

Question. What do the fathers call imagination?

Answer. A simple concept of a thing or some object that comes to mind.

Question. What do you mean by attention?

Answer. Conversation with the object that has appeared, either with passion, or without any partiality.

Question. What is consent called?

Answer. When the soul inclines with pleasure to the object presented to it.

Question. What is servility?

Answer. A violent attraction in our heart to a seen object or an inveterate attachment to it, which violates the well-being and peace of mind.

Question. What is called struggle?

Answer. An equivalent battle against an enemy, where the fighter voluntarily either wins or loses the victory and is defeated.

Question. Finally, what is called an illness of the soul?

Answer. Corruption, which has been nesting in our soul for a long time and chains it so much to it that it itself strives for it, willy-nilly.

Both physical illnesses and mental illnesses enter in different ways - from the outside and from the inside. About the latter, Saint John Climacus wrote that, according to some, passions enter the body through the thoughts of the heart; and according to others, evil thoughts are born from bodily feelings. “Whoever knows the power in this, let him instruct us in the Lord,” added Saint John Climacus to this. One way or another, there is no doubt that the body is the main nest and instrument of sin. That is why Saint John Climacus, “turning his soul to the flesh, calls out to it: tell me, O my dear wife and nature! Tell me, how can I be invulnerable from you? How can I avoid natural danger, if I promised to Christ to arm myself against you? ..

Question. What does the flesh answer to these questions?

Answer. I have a father in me - pride;

the external reason for my inflaming is excessive pleasing to me and not blocking the senses of sight, hearing, etc., and the internal movement of my wine comes from the relaxation that has taken possession of me... I, having conceived in myself, give birth to vices, and they, having been born from me, themselves give birth death of despair. If you recognize my and your extreme weakness, then you will tie my hands. If you stop gluttony and protect your feelings, you will tie my feet. If you adhere to obedience, then you will get rid of me. If you lack humility, you will cut off my head.

Question. Doctors know how diseases arise in our body and how one disease produces another. Is it possible to truly know how mental illnesses multiply? Which one from which one?

Answer. In response to this, we quote the following words from “The Ladder.” “I asked,” says Saint John Climacus, “the memorable fathers about the eight generations of sins and asked them to explain to me which vice comes from which of them. And they, kindly and benevolently teaching me, said that in reckless passions no order can be found and mind; but everything in them is disordered and unstable...

For example, untimely laughter is sometimes born from the demon of fornication, and sometimes from vanity, when someone internally boasts of himself without shame; sometimes - from luxury. Since sleeping a lot comes either from luxury, or from fasting, when, that is, those who fast are proud; sometimes from laziness, and sometimes from nature; verbosity sometimes comes from gluttony, sometimes from vanity. Laziness is sometimes due to luxury, sometimes due to lack of fear of God. Blasphemy is actually born from pride, often from condemning one’s neighbor for the same vice that one has, or from obscene demonic envy. Hard-heartedness - sometimes from satiety, sometimes from insensibility, sometimes from addiction; and addiction sometimes comes from fornication, sometimes from love of money or from gluttony, vanity and other reasons. Anger comes from pride and anger. Hypocrisy comes from pride and conceit.

Question. What does Saint John Climacus call the parent of all evil?

Answer. “The parent of all evil,” he says, “is luxury and malice. He who is possessed by them will not see God. If we abstain from luxury (luxury is any immoderation), and remain in malice, it will not benefit us at all.”

Question. How to protect yourself from the disease of anger?

Answer. It is a great victory for the main thought - to pray for the offending brother like this: Help, Lord, my brother (for example, John, Andrew, Peter) and for his prayers have mercy on me, a sinner. And prayer for a brother shows our love and goodwill for him; and calling his prayers to help us means our humility.

We find a sufficient explanation of what Saint John Climacus asked the fathers about and what they definitely did not dare to explain in the “Mirror of the Orthodox Confession” by St. Demetrius of Rostov. The saint, firstly, defines and divides the root disease of the soul, that is, sin, and, secondly, lists the main derivatives of the disease, showing what ailments arise from them.

Question. How a set is defined. Demetrius of Rostov is our root disease, that is, sin?

Answer. Sin is the unbridled desire of man and the devil, or sin is lawlessness, that is, a transgression of the law of God.

Question. How is this disease divided?

Answer. Mainly in the same way as bodily ailments, that is, mortal and non-mortal; into innate and voluntary.

Question. What are mortal and voluntary sins?

Answer. There are seven of them:

1) pride;

2) extortion;

4) envy;

5) gluttony and gluttony;

6) memory malice;

7) despondency.

Question. What ailments are born from the evil disease - pride?

Answer. Evil opinion of one's neighbor, condemnation, disobedience to the Church and its servants, dreamy praise, hypocrisy, strife, insolence, sedition, arrogant opinion, neglect of the commandments, remaining in evil, etc., manifested in one's actions, in one's gaze, in one's voice.

Question. What is born from covetousness?

Answer. Theft, flattery, lies, rebellion, violence, hardness of heart, inhumanity, envy, unbelief, insult to the poor and other people, stinginess.

Question. What are the offspring of fornication?

Answer. Blindness of mind, hatred of Divine objects, wickedness, despair, extravagance, laziness, enmity towards neighbors.

Question. What comes from envy?

Answer. Hatred, slander, neglect, seduction, murder.

Question. What about gluttony and gluttony?

Answer. Laziness towards piety, despondency, carnal lust, ugly laughter, self-indulgence, carelessness, reproach of one's neighbor, contempt, barbaric disposition.

Question. What about memory malice?

Answer. Envy, murder, revenge, vanity, madness.

Question. What about despondency?

Answer. Free relaxation, acknowledgment of sin, temptation, sadness, suspicion.

Our mental illnesses consist of such dependence on each other, as explained by St. Demetrius of Rostov, through whose prayers, Lord, heal our souls, possessed by one or another ailment, then by many, if not all, together.

Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed, and I will sing to You, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever: Alleluia!


We need to know the genealogy of our heart diseases, set forth by Saint Macarius of Egypt. “Know, beloved,” he says to his brethren, “that just as all the virtues rest on one another and are mutually interconnected and, as if in some sacred spiritual chain, depend on one another: prayer is from love, love is from joy, joy is from meekness, meekness from humility, humility from service, service from hope, hope from faith, faith from obedience, obedience from simplicity - and, on the other hand, vices are produced by one another.”

Question. How?

Answer. So: hatred - irritability, irritability - pride, pride - vanity, vanity - unbelief, unbelief - hard-heartedness, hard-heartedness - negligence, negligence - laziness, laziness - negligence, negligence - despondency, despondency - cowardice, cowardice - voluptuousness; and other vices - these diseases and ulcers of our soul - mutually depend on one another.

Master, Lord our God! Whoever is the only one who knows the ailment of my accursed soul and sows healing (how to heal it), heal me like a weight, for the sake of the multitude of Thy mercy and Thy bounty: since there is no plaster to apply to it from my deeds, lower than oil, lower than obligation. But You, who have come not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance, have mercy, be merciful, forgive them; tear away the manuscripts of my many and cold deeds and lead me on the right path: that by walking in Thy truth, I will be able to avoid the arrows of the evil one, and I will appear uncondemned before Thy terrible Throne, glorifying and chanting Thy Most Holy One and Thy Consubstantial Father and the Holy Spirit Name forever. Amen.

Part two

Holy Fathers about Disease

Health is a gift of God, but this gift is not always useful: like any suffering, illness has the power to cleanse us from spiritual filth, atone for sins, humble and soften our soul, make us come to our senses, realize our weakness and remember God. Therefore, both we and our children need diseases (St. Seraphim of Sarov).

We must thank the Lord for illnesses and temptations, for in them we are tested in love for the Lord, we become closer to Him, and this is the whole purpose of a Christian’s life - to march towards Christ, our Savior.

Illness is a cross, a good yoke that leads to eternal bliss. Therefore, be complacent in the midst of excitement, surrender yourself to the will of God, endure illness with joy and gratitude, knowing that the soul is healed by bodily illnesses.

We must seek consolation in illness and sorrow in Jesus Christ: otherwise we will seek consolation in vain.

The rank of one who is sick and giving thanks is great before God and is equal to one going through a desert life. Thank you, sick person, to the Lord, who has given you the closest means to salvation.

It happens that illness seizes to awaken a sleeping soul.

It is impossible that, when we follow the path of truth, we would not encounter sadness, the body would not become exhausted in illnesses and labors and remain unchanged, if only we love to live in virtue.

Just as medicine benefits the body, so does disease benefit the soul.

Illness is not a misfortune, but a lesson and a visit from God; sick St. Seraphim was visited by the Mother of God; and we, if we humbly endure illness, are visited by higher powers.

Illness relieves many spiritual passions; The Apostle Paul says: but even if our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day (2 Cor. 4:16).

Diseases are sometimes allowed to us because of our sins, and sometimes by the Grace of God, so that through them we may gain eternal bliss in heaven.

Illness is a school of humility, this is where you see that you are poor, and naked, and blind.

When you are bothered by inconveniences, or painful suffering, or something similar, then try not to lose from your memory the words of the Holy Scripture: Through many tribulations it is fitting for us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven (St. Ambrose of Optina).

In illness, before doing anything else, one must hasten to be cleansed of sins in the Sacrament of Repentance and in one’s conscience to be reconciled with God (St. Theophan the Recluse).

Most of our illnesses come from sins, so the best way to prevent and heal from them is not to sin.

It is a great feat to patiently endure illnesses and, among them, to sing songs of gratitude to God.

We are brought closer to God by sorrow, cramped conditions, illness, and labor. Do not grumble against them and do not be afraid of them.

Although illness torments your flesh, it saves your spirit (St. Tikhon of Zadonsk).

All the most severe sorrows and misfortunes are endured by people more easily than serious bodily illnesses. An undoubted expert in the matter of tormenting and tormenting people - Satan - testified in the face of God Himself that bodily illnesses are more unbearable than all other misfortunes and that a person who courageously and meekly endures other disasters can weaken in his patience and waver in his devotion to God, subjected to a serious illness.

If you have endured it here, you will not endure eternal torment in the next world, but, on the contrary, you will enjoy such bliss, before which present happiness is nothing.

Whoever does not have joy here and endures it patiently can fully hope that there, in the future life, he will receive great and unspeakable joy (St. Ambrose of Optina).

The elder inspired his sick friend: “We must pray more often: Lord! Give me patience here, and forgiveness there.”

The Lord sends illnesses for this reason, in order to remember death and from memory lead the sick person to finally become concerned with preparing for death.

It happens that God shields others with illness from a misfortune that would not have escaped them if they had been healthy.

He who gratefully endures bodily ailments and suffers various kinds of sorrow due to illness is not far from dispassion, and therefore joyfully awaits death, as the culprit of entry into eternal life (Blessed Dia-doh). A person cannot patiently endure sorrow if he does not have in his mind his death, endless torment and the joy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Lord heals many diseases through doctors and other means. But there are diseases, the cure of which is prohibited by the Lord, when he sees that illness is more necessary for salvation than health.

Illness for a person is the mercy of God. And if a Christian accepts what is sent by God for the benefit of his soul and complacently endures his painful condition, then he goes on the direct path to Paradise. At the sickbed there is threshing: the more blows, the more grains will be knocked out and the richer the grind. Then you need grain for the millstones, then flour for mixing the dough and leavening it, then in the form of bread for the oven and, finally, for the table of God (St. Theophan the Recluse).

Health and illness are in the hands of God; Providences are the means to salvation when both are used in the spirit of faith. But they lead to destruction when they are treated capriciously.

The All-Good Lord allows a person in this life various insults and embarrassments, illnesses, and so on, all this in order to cleanse the soul of sins and instill in eternal life.

When illness weighs us down, we do not need to grieve that due to pain and sores we cannot sing psalms with our lips. For illnesses and wounds serve to destroy lusts, and both fasting and prostrations are prescribed for us to overcome passions. If illness also expels these passions, then there is nothing to worry about.

Truly, through bodily illnesses the soul approaches God (St. Gregory the Theologian).

If illness seizes you, do not be discouraged and do not lose heart; but thank God that He intends to bring good to this disease (Abba Isaiah).

A certain elder was often exposed to illness. It happened that he did not get sick for one year; The elder was very sad about this and cried, saying: “My Lord has left me and has not visited me” (Ancient Patericon).

Those who are dangerously ill are attacked more strongly by the devil, knowing that he has little time.

In dangerous illnesses, take care first of clearing your conscience and the peace of your soul.

Thank God that you are on a good path: your illness is a great gift from God; Praise and give thanks for this and for everything day and night - and your soul will be saved (Elder Arseny of Athos).

Sick and poor - do not complain or grumble about your fate, about God and people, do not envy someone else’s happiness, beware of despondency and especially despair, submit completely to God’s Providence.

Illnesses reconcile us with God and bring us back into His love (St. John of Kronstadt).

Reflect on the fact that everything here is fleeting, but the future is eternal.

The sick person must console himself by reading the Divine Scripture and the suffering of the Savior.

The Lord accepts patience with illness instead of fasting and prayer.

When you are sick, do not force yourself to go to church, but lie under the blanket and say the Jesus Prayer (St. Anatoly of Optina).

Being weak, fulfill the prayer rule as best you can, even in ten steps. When your head is unwell, do not prostrate.

The main reason for cowardice and murmuring against God in days of suffering for many is a lack of faith in God and hope in His Divine Providence. A true Christian believes that everything that happens to us in life is done according to the will of God; that without the will of God not a hair from our head falls to the ground. If God sends him suffering and sorrow, then he sees in this either a punishment sent to him from God for his sins, or a test of faith and love for Him; and therefore, not only is he not faint-hearted and does not grumble against God for this, but, humbled under the strong hand of God, he also thanks God for not forgetting him; that, out of His mercy, God wants to replace eternal sorrows for him with temporary ones; struck by grief, he speaks to the prophet David: It is good for me (Lord), for Thou hast humbled me, that I may learn by Thy justification.

Treatment by hypnosis should be alien to the Christian faith: we do not see this either in the Holy Scriptures or in the teachings of our fathers. The use of hypnosis is a branch of sorcery.

He who is treated with the hope of God's help, and not of medicine and a doctor, does not sin.

The Lord created doctors and medicines. Treatment cannot be rejected (St. Theophan the Recluse).

During illness, everyone should think and say: “Who knows? Maybe in my illness the gates to eternity are opening for me?”

In diseases, care must be taken to cure them.

In illnesses, before doctors and medicines, use prayer and the Sacraments: Confession, Communion and Unction.

If you are sick, then invite an experienced doctor and use the remedies prescribed by him. For this purpose, so many beneficial plants arise from the earth. If you reject them out of pride, you will hasten your death and become a suicide.

Spiritual wealth lies in patience.

In illness, learn: humility, patience, complacency and thanksgiving to God (St. Theophan the Recluse).

Patience means to endure whatever happens generously: not to despair in illness, not to be unduly despondent in misfortunes, not to be sad in poverty and not to grumble about insults.

The more in this life we ​​suffer from illness, from persecution, the power of enemies or poverty, the more we will inherit rewards in the future life (Blessed Jerome).

In addition to prayer, you should have a spiritual interlocutor who distracts you from sorrow and despondency.

Don’t grieve too much about the fact that you can’t be in church due to illness, remembering the life of Pimen the Many-Sick: how he didn’t leave his cells and didn’t even want to get well.

The Lord sent you illness not in vain and not so much as a punishment for previous sins, but out of love for you, in order to tear you away from a sinful life and put you on the path of salvation. Thank God for this, who takes care of you (Hegumen Nikon).

However, during those hours during which there is a service in church, it is better not to lie down, but to sit on the bed, leaning, if infirmity overcomes, against the wall, and so pray intelligently and heartily, with full desire and cheerfulness of spirit (St. Theophan the Recluse) .

Under the pretext of illness and fatigue, do not abandon your prayerful home rule even for one day, as long as you have breath.

Lightening fasting for the weak is permissible according to church canon (Apostle, 69th canon) (St. Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow).

A person imbued with hope in God looks at the matter from a higher point of view and says to himself: “Now I can give people a good example of patience and be useful to them. I am ready to endure everything just to earn Heaven. God will arrange everything for my good. speaks with the prophet: The Lord is good to those who endure Him in the day of tribulation, and know those who fear Him (Nahum. 1, 7).

I'm very sorry that you are so relaxed. Be patient... This is the first virtue that you should now perform. The second is thanksgiving to God, who arranges everything for our good. Third - be complacent, seeing this mercy of the Heavenly Father towards you. This is good for sufferers. If they endure it complacently, without grumbling, condemnation, or anger, then they will participate in the rite of martyrdom.

That she is sick, writes St. Anatoly Optinsky, - it doesn’t matter: for sinful people this is cleansing; Just as fire cleanses iron from rust, so illness heals the soul.

It happens that some patients eat fasting food as medicine and then repent of this, that due to illness they violated the rules of the Holy Church about fasting. But everyone needs to look and act according to their own conscience and consciousness... It is better to choose from lean foods that are nutritious and digestible for your stomach.

Are you saying that you are sometimes weak and unhealthy? In this case, give yourself relaxation and rest, and when you feel healthy, then you can fast and stand in prayer (Archimandrite Barsanuphius, Alexander-Svirsky Monastery).

If in illness you sometimes become weak-hearted and lose heart, then do not despair, but resort to repentance, for the Lord allows you to humility.

If you have to indulge yourself due to illness, then that’s okay. And if under the pretext of illness, then it’s bad (St. Theophan the Recluse).

Suffering, if it embitters the sick person without transforming him or giving him a beneficial reaction (correction and thanksgiving), is only pure evil.

If you can’t go to church due to illness, then don’t go, just don’t complain.

Thank those who console you in illness and those who serve you in it and pray to God for them, even while lying down. The Lord accepts patience in illness instead of fasting and prayer.

Anyone recovering from an illness, especially a serious and dangerous one, must feel and say: “I have been granted reprieve from Above, so that I may repent and correct my life according to the commandments of Christ.”

Good for those who have illnesses and sorrows. They cleanse sins. But if, purified by God through illness and sorrow, we continue to sin, then we must be careful lest the mercy of the Lord, who thirsts for our repentance, be exhausted on us.

The best gratitude to God for recovery from illness is to serve Him the rest of your life in fulfillment of His commandments.

When you are sick, do not wish yourself to die - it is sinful.

Let the sick remember that they are being served for the sake of God, and let them not sadden the brethren who serve them with their unnecessary demands. However, even such people must be patiently endured, because through this a rich reward will be gained.

If you hear about a sick person, do not be lazy to visit him and serve him diligently, if there is no mental harm to you.

Do not forget to write letters of comfort to those who suffer for the faith of Christ and suffer in illness or are in prison and sorrow.

Help your sick neighbors, but do not think that you are doing good, but out of love and compassion.

If you are worthy to serve the sick, thank God for this, but not beyond your strength and not at the cost of losing your health.

Do not withhold from yourself what you have to console the weak, the needy, and the mourning.

Do it for the sick, the old, etc., but do not desire retribution for your activities.

Be ready to visit every person when he is in suffering, labor and sorrow.

Care for the sick with all patience and diligence, with heartfelt sympathy, comforting the sufferer with a kind, gentle, exhorting word or a short prayer. Seize favorable moments to read something Divine for the patient.

He who neglects the sick will not see the light; Whoever turns his face away from someone who mourns, his day will be darkened.

The sick person must be consoled with Divine Scripture and the suffering of the Savior.

When we see a sick person, we will not poorly explain to ourselves the cause of his illness, but we will try to console him.

One should not refuse to help the sick for fear of contracting their disease.

Visiting those lying on their beds who are sick and possessed by the sorrow of the flesh delivers from the demon of pride and fornication.

There must be prudence in visiting the sick.

There are seriously ill patients (after surgery, severely exhausted by illness, with an overworked nervous system, etc.) who are burdened by visits and suffer when people turn to them with questions, inquiries, and conversations in general. Therefore, before visiting a sick person, you need to first find out from your loved ones whether their visit will be pleasant for the sick person.

Visit the sick, may God visit you.

The sick person and those who serve him receive equal rewards (St. Pimen the Many-Sick).

Try to console the sick woman not so much with services as with a cheerful face.

Although it is a good deed to take care of the sick and visit them, one must have reason; where your spiritual structure is damaged, things will get by without you.

The Lord makes up for the lack of our good deeds either with illnesses or sorrows (St. Demetrius of Rostov).

Of everything that happens in earthly life, only one sin should grieve a Christian.

Anyone who sins and is not punished here is the same unfortunate person (St. John Chrysostom).

We have illnesses from sin, they weaken passions, and a person comes to his senses, and whoever endures illnesses with patience and thanksgiving is credited with them instead of heroic deeds and even more... At the same time, we must believe and hope that if the Lord God pleases If a person experiences illness, He will give him the strength of patience (St. Seraphim of Sarov).

Blessed Healer

It is not for nothing that our earthly life is called a lamentable vale: sinners suffer and cry here, and the righteous also suffer and cry. For non-believers, this is an unsolved riddle, an incomprehensible mystery; but for us, enlightened by the faith of Christ, there is no mystery, no riddle here. When the apostles saw a man born blind and asked the Lord: who sinned: this one, or his parents, because he was born blind? - The Lord, the Knower of the Heart, answered them: neither this one has sinned, nor his parents, but may the works of God be revealed in him (John 9:2-3). And He immediately performed His Divine work on him - He healed him.

So, sorrow and illness are not always sent to a person for his sins: there is sorrow and illness for the glory of God; may the works of God be revealed to the sorrowing righteous. And the Lord God, marvelous in His saints, reveals His marvelous deeds through His saints, and especially through the Most Holy of Holies - His Most Holy Mother.

Here is one instructive story about the healing of a sick righteous man.

There was one pious cleric named Vincent. He had the good custom, every time he entered or left the church, to kneel before the image of the Mother of God and say: “Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with you. Blessed is your womb that bore Christ, and the breasts that the Lord God, our Savior, sucked !" One day this reverent cleric fell seriously ill: his tongue rotted and he became unconscious from severe pain. But as soon as he came to his senses, he said his usual prayer in his mind - and at that very moment he saw a beautiful young man at the head of his bed: it was his Guardian Angel.

With compassion, the Angel of God looked at the sick man and prayerfully cried out: “O Most Merciful Lady! You know the pious feat of this sufferer; you know his zeal for You: every day he brings You the Archangel’s greeting... This is his tongue, accustomed to please the fruit of Your womb, all covered with ulcers; in unconsciousness from pain, he utters only insane verbs... O Most Merciful Lady! Turn Your gaze to this sufferer and have mercy on him!” So the Angel of God prayed for the sick man, and as soon as he said his prayer, the Mother of the Lord appeared in the heavenly light and, having healed the sick man with a drop of Her milk, became invisible... And the sick man got up from his wretched bed, went to church and began to sing in the choir along with other clerics. Everyone knew about his serious illness, everyone was amazed at his sudden healing, and when he told his vision, everyone glorified the Mother of Mercy, who healed Her singer. This miracle is depicted on the icon of the Mother of God, called the “Healer”.

How many of us, my brothers, are there such lucky ones who could say about themselves that they are completely healthy in both body and soul? Are there many who do not complain about bodily illnesses, but who among us is not sick in soul? We are all sick, if not in body, then in soul, heart, mind, and will! The only difference is that physical illness is not always our fault; sometimes the Lord allows such illness so that the glory of God may appear on the suffering righteous; and for spiritual illnesses, that is, for our sins, no one but us is to blame...

The whole world is a great infirmary, and every sinner is a seriously ill sufferer. What about the fact that some unfortunate person does not see his sins at all, does not think about them at all? This only shows that the illness of his soul is great and dangerous, that he is, so to speak, in spiritual unconsciousness. Only the gracious power of God can heal a soul infected with sin; but for this it is necessary for the sinner to come to his senses and come to his senses, to see his helpless situation and cry out to God for mercy, as the cleric Vincent cried out to the Mother of God. And to come to your senses means to see your sins, and when a person sees his sins, like the sand of the sea, this is the beginning of the health of the soul, as the holy fathers say. But how can we see our sins if we never look into the bright mirror of God’s commandments, if we never pray with the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian: grant me, Lord the King, to see my sins? How do we recognize our spiritual weakness if we don’t even try to fight our sinful habits, if we don’t want to force ourselves to even some small virtue?

Every day, the cleric Vincent knelt several times before the image of the Lady Theotokos, every day he blessed the Ever-Blessed Mother of God, and this virtue of his attracted the mercy of the Queen of Heaven to him in the sorrowful hour of his bodily suffering. And we - how will we attract God’s mercy to ourselves, how will we earn the compassion of the Guardian Angel - what will he, our vigilant intercessor, point out to the Mother of all who mourn, the Healer of all the sick, the most merciful Intercessor of all repentant sinners?.. Do we have at least one... Is there any good deed, even one virtue dear to God, that the Queen of Heaven and her Divine Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, would mercifully look upon? Of course, we need our good deeds, necessary, like a life-giving plaster on the wounds of the soul. It is not in vain that the holy fathers call the commandments of God life-giving: just begin to fulfill them as you should, without philosophizing, without being magnified, out of love for the Lord alone, and you yourself will see, you will feel in your heart that your soul is humbled, your heart is cleansed of passions and warmed with love to God and your neighbor, your whole being is renewed by the grace of the life-giving Spirit of God. This is the law of a grace-filled life.

So, whether you hurt in body, whether you hurt in soul, if you want to be healed of your ailments, then go yourself towards the grace of God calling you: not only ask in prayer, but also seek, and push through the door of God’s mercy with good deeds, especially with deeds of mercy to your neighbor, and believe that these doors will open for you and you will receive the desired healing...

The Holy Church offers you her grace-filled healings, and you try to use them as you should; she will absolve you in the Sacrament of Repentance, by the power given to her by Christ, from your sins - and you absolve your enemy by forgiveness and reconciliation with him and wash your soul with tears of repentance; She will nourish you in the Sacrament of Communion with immortal food - the Body and Blood of Christ, and you prepare yourself for this heavenly meal - with fasting and prayer, in the name of Christ you yourself feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, comfort the sick, visit the prisoner in prison. The Holy Church will offer the Sacrament of the Blessing of Anointing for the healing of your bodily ailments, and you yourself find an opportunity to heal the grieving soul of a helpless orphan, replace his father and mother, do for him what you can: after all, even lying on his sick bed, you can - really, you can - do acts of mercy to your neighbor, if the Lord has blessed you with earthly blessings! Just do it humbly, in the name of God’s commandment, do it, if possible, secretly; You yourself seek God’s mercy, so show mercy to your neighbor, and God will not deny you His mercy. This is what it means to meet the all-healing grace of God.

So, force yourself, my brother, to do the good that you can. The Lord will see your work, look at the humble compulsion with which you force yourself to do good in His name, look at your spiritual poverty, and - whether your body hurts or your soul suffers - He will heal you with His grace. Remember that if you do this, then your Guardian Angel and all the saints of God, especially our most merciful Intercessor, the Most Holy Theotokos, will not leave you with their prayers and intercession with the Lord God. Amen.

Part three

Advice from a medical practitioner

1. Reflections of a believing doctor

(From the work of S. Apraksin)

To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace (Rom. 8:6).

Fasting and prayer are the means to salvation.

Fasting primarily consists of abstaining from certain foods; from this definition it already follows that it is associated with the exercise of the will. Just as muscles weaken from inactivity, so the will weakens even more if a person does not exercise it.

The life of a person living in contentment, satisfying every carnal desire, usually leads to the fact that he then has difficulty resisting various temptations - his will weakens. And vice versa, need, constant denial of carnal desires make a person stronger and strengthen the will.

Refusal of a certain type of food - fasting - in the narrow sense of the word is a similar incentive. Concerns that eating meatless foods may harm your health do not stand up to scientific scrutiny. As the experience of ascetics who ate a minimum of food shows, with a plant-based diet we can easily supply the body with everything it needs to maintain strength.

The usual feeling of hunger when switching to a lean diet - for someone who is accustomed to eating meat - is nothing more than a feeling of lack of a familiar pathogen, similar to what happens in a smoker weaning off tobacco, or in an alcoholic without vodka. Usually this feeling goes away after some time.

But if the meaning of fasting were only limited to food restriction, then it would be easy to replace it with some other exercise in abstinence, but the fact of the matter is that this means in its very essence contains one feature. By strengthening the will through abstinence, fasting helps improve brain function. At the same time, fasting enlightens the mind, and makes the sphere of feelings more receptive to everything positive.

Thus, we come to the question of the difference in the influence of plant and animal foods on the human body in general and in particular on the function of the nervous system and brain.

I will try to prove, firstly, that the activity of the brain depends to some extent on the substances that nourish the brain cells, and secondly, that life, and partly scientific observations, testify in favor of plant foods.

We find proof of the first position in the study of the phenomena of chronic alcoholism. This study shows that the constant presence of alcohol in a person’s blood causes sharp changes in the spiritual sphere in the sense of a decrease in moral sense, a greater inclination towards everything bad, a weakening of the will and, finally, cognitive abilities, and all these changes in the mental sphere occur before they have time to develop organic changes in organs - heart, blood vessels, liver, nervous system, kidneys.

But they will ask, what is the difference between eating plant and animal foods, if the chemical composition of both is almost the same: the same proteins, fats, carbohydrates - just in a different combination? But the similarity is only apparent. In addition to the three main substances (proteins, carbohydrates and fats), animal foods also contain many so-called extractive substances that are not found in plant foods, or at least not in such quantities. Who does not know the stimulating effect of meat broth, which contains very few nutrients in the literal sense of the word? The harmful effects of these substances, similar to the effects of alcohol, are also known on some diseased organs, for example, on the kidneys when they are inflamed.

This, so to speak, is general reasoning and everyday observations, but here is what the Viennese physiologists Lichtenfals and Fröhlich say about the effect of meat on the human body:

“Meat, especially bovine meat, produces, like alcoholic drinks, artificial stimulation, in most cases short-lived, followed by a decrease in the vital activity of the body.”

It is in this physiological difference between plant and animal foods that we must look for the main meaning of bodily fasting. Abstinence from meat, combined with moderation in food, improves all functions of the body, enlightens the mind, makes the senses more receptive and strengthens the will. The great fathers of the Church never neglected this means, but before each significant act they imposed fasting on themselves, thereby recognizing its effectiveness for the enlightenment of spiritual powers.

The experience of the holy fathers testifies in favor of this. Constant fasting helped ascetics live to a ripe old age and maintain extraordinary clarity of thought, purity of soul and firmness of will until the end of their lives.

Finally, recently, in medical science, voices have begun to be heard more and more that ordinary nutrition, especially meat, is the cause of many painful conditions and, first of all, has a harmful effect on the nervous system, on the function of the brain, then on the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and ultimately leads to various diseases in which, as observation and everyday experience show, the mental sphere is rarely in balance and purity. Thus, for the soul, fasting is a crucible that cleanses the heart, enlightens the mind and strengthens the will, while for the body it is a safety valve that prevents excessive accumulation in the blood of harmful products of incomplete oxidation of protein substances during normal abundant nutrition. Fasting prevents the development of many diseases and premature death.

About prayer

And whatever you ask in prayer with faith, you will receive (Matthew 21, 22)

Prayer is an even more powerful means that enlightens and strengthens the spiritual sphere of a person and thereby contributes to salvation.

Anyone who prays knows how difficult it can be to pray, and this difficulty is not physical, but purely spiritual. Anyone who has analyzed himself, his soul to any extent, could not, of course, fail to notice that a person is composed, as it were, of two halves, of two principles, which are in constant antagonism with each other. This is clearly depicted by the Apostle Paul in the Epistle to the Romans:

For if you live according to the flesh, you will die, but if you put to death the deeds of the flesh in the Spirit, you will live (Rom. 8:13).

These two opposing principles that make up human nature—spiritual and sinful, good and evil—seem nowhere to be felt or realized with such clarity as during prayer.

Try to pray every day at least twice a day, for at least half an hour, and you will see how often you will have a strong reluctance to fulfill your intention. But now you have overcome this reluctance, take up prayer and begin to pray. Suddenly you notice that a whole phrase, sometimes a whole half of a prayer slipped past your consciousness, which at that time was occupied with completely different thoughts that had nothing to do with prayer, you try to concentrate your attention more - and after a few minutes the same thing happens again, and only under In the end, after many efforts it is possible (and sometimes not possible) to continue the prayer with attention and concentration. It is this internal struggle that constitutes the above-mentioned difficulty of prayer, but in it lies the source of strengthening.

From this it follows that if anyone wants to derive all the benefits from prayer, then he must pray every day, and not only then, as some modern intellectuals think, when the mood for prayer appears.

Let no one think that I am reducing the entire meaning of prayer to purely external influence. No, its main meaning is spiritual, which will be discussed below, but I just want to note that all the means indicated by the Holy Church for the salvation of man, in addition to the spiritual meaning, have many side effects, but very important for man, good effects on the body and spirit. In addition to stimulating the will, prayer has a tremendous influence on consciousness and thought. Each prayer has a certain content, very serious and deep. We will especially enrich ourselves spiritually if we add to prayer the daily reading of the Gospel, the Apostle, the Lives of the Saints and the Psalter.

Their content embraces the deepest philosophical questions, questions about man, about his being, moral questions, vital questions and other important questions. Reading prayers every day, we, who previously thought only about earthly, everyday things, involuntarily begin to think about other, more sublime objects: about God, about human infirmities, about the superiority of the highest spiritual qualities over what the world worships, and little by little we comprehend great truths Orthodox faith.

Prayer has an even greater impact on a person’s feelings. Most prayers are imbued with a strong feeling - a feeling of reverence for the omnipotence, greatness, goodness and mercy of God, a feeling of tenderness or a feeling of contrition for the weakness and sinfulness of man, a feeling of repentance. These feelings, by virtue of psychological law, are involuntarily transmitted to those praying, evoking in them, to a greater or lesser extent, the same feelings that were in the soul of the saint who composed the prayer.

And who would deny the enormous importance of feelings in human nature? To feel the greatness of the Orthodox faith, to feel the strength, power and goodness of God, to feel one’s human insignificance, one’s weakness and damnation - this is much more important for the spiritual rebirth of a person than the most intense and lengthy reflections on this issue. Here one minute of true repentance is worth entire decades of cold reflection. Feeling awakens consciousness and strengthens faith (after all, our unbelief is based mainly on thoughtlessness).

Of course, another path is possible, where thought is in the foreground, but the first path is certainly encountered in life more often and leads faster and more accurately to the goal. In this sense, some canons are especially instructive, which are highly artistic, spiritual poetic works imbued with strong feelings. Only to understand their full depth is it necessary to master the Church Slavonic language in which they are written. Otherwise, all their beauty is hidden. Translation is already prose, sometimes clumsy, which cannot evoke the feelings evoked by the original.

Public prayer in church is even more important in this regard. Here the Holy Church called upon, so to speak, everything possible to help a weak person - all five senses. The vaults of the temple seem to seclude you from everything earthly; the faces of saints, filled with meekness, love, and spiritual nobility, look at you from all sides. The clergy proclaim and read spiritual verses filled with inspiration, feelings and poetic images; the choir, in harmonious singing, offers its prayers to God. In such an environment, you will involuntarily forget everything earthly for a while and surrender to higher thoughts and feelings - spiritual joy, tenderness, contrition. As is known from Russian history, even the ambassadors of Prince Vladimir, rude pagans, during the service in the St. Sophia Cathedral in Constantinople were imbued with such a feeling that they did not know where they were - in heaven or on earth.

But the main meaning of prayer is spiritual. During prayer and especially in the Sacraments of the Church, the grace of God descends on a person - a special power, without which even the strongest cannot be saved, overcome human passions and lusts. This is the power that made it possible for weak natures to achieve the crown of martyrs, renounce everything earthly and become great ascetics. Saint John Chrysostom testified that prayer is the queen of virtues.

The effect of fasting and prayer on a person’s entire being is great. But both are not the goal, but a means to salvation, a means to weaken the action of the evil principle located in us, indicated by the Wise God and the Holy Church to the weak and damned humanity.

We must remember that before entering the sermon, Jesus Christ endured a forty-day fast, thereby setting an example for us and pointing out the importance of fasting for enlightenment and strengthening a person’s spiritual strength.

What is the purpose of true fasting? The goal is to abstain from vice and to excel in virtue, that is, in spiritual fasting. This post requires great strength; here we have to fight not so much with the lusts of the flesh, but with passions - pride, envy, malice, acquisitiveness and others. He who cannot abstain from certain foods or force himself to pray will not be able to overcome these passions, he will deceive himself and others, but vicious passions will remain with him. The struggle is difficult, but here every success, every, even small, victory is a source of great and true happiness!

Toiling and burdened, disappointed, cowardly and weak, how close to us is the longed-for peace of the soul! It is within us, only covered by the veil of our lack of faith and sinfulness. Let us turn to Christ and learn from Him to relate to all the misfortunes of this temporary life, to all suffering - with meekness, humility, hope and submission to the will of His Almighty Father.

In this way, we will gain peace for our souls; moreover, we will then understand that everything that seemed to us like a yoke and a heavy burden is, in essence, a source of great bliss and true happiness.

The fruit of the spirit is: love, joy, peace (Gal. 5:22), as the apostle says, and after the resurrection - eternal life, eternal bliss.

The influence of fasting and prayer on the human body

And when Jesus entered the house, His disciples asked Him privately: Why could we not drive him out? And he said to them: this generation cannot come out except through prayer and fasting (Mark 9:28-29).

In previous chapters, we examined the significance of fasting and prayer in the matter of moral improvement - their significance for the human soul; Here we will examine the question of the meaning of fasting and prayer for the human body and try to prove that these means can be used to prevent and cure certain diseases.

Our century, as we know, is characterized by a strong development of nervous disorders - from simple nervous imbalance to severe mental illness. The reason for this sad phenomenon is usually seen mainly in the difficult conditions of modern existence created by civilization, in the intense “struggle for existence.” This explanation seems too one-sided.

I believe that one of the main reasons for the increasing nervousness of the modern generation is not so much the severity of the external conditions of existence, but rather a different attitude towards the life of modern humanity. And in former times there were sometimes very difficult living conditions for entire centuries, if not for all, then at least for a significant part of people.

Let us take, for example, the times of persecution of Christians, when not only a person’s property and other life benefits, but also his life itself were not guaranteed against the most severe tyranny, and yet the severity of external conditions did not lead to the consequences that we are witnessing at the present time. And even now, if we take a closer look at life, we will see that the largest percentage of nervous diseases falls on the share of the more affluent part of society, while the less affluent strata, enduring daily need, not knowing almost any earthly goods, are more balanced in nervous terms and healthier. Compare, for example, our exhausted, faint-hearted urban intelligentsia with the villagers.

What helped and is helping people not to get nervous disorders, but to bravely endure all the hardships of life and not only not to weaken in spirit because of this, but to become even more spiritually strong and healthy, sometimes even capable of heroic deeds?

A deep faith in God and the presence in the soul of the strengthening grace of God helps, and at the same time an Orthodox outlook on life and the correct attitude towards the misfortunes of earthly existence.

A true Orthodox Christian looks at earthly existence as a short period of common existence, given to man by God not in order to enjoy all the joys here as much as possible, but so that, by accepting with thanksgiving everything that God sends to everyone’s share, he can prepare himself and make himself worthy. the blessings of another, afterlife, where there is no illness, no sadness, no sighing, but endless life.

Such a person looks at earthly misfortunes as a test sent by God for correction, looks with the hope that, due to the goodness and mercy of the Creator, the trials will certainly be followed by bright days, if not in this life, then in the future. A Christian is even afraid of too much happiness, because he knows that it is temporary and sometimes leads to vice.

“Here is grief, there is nothing to grieve about,” says the Russian proverb. Even death itself does not seem terrible, for a believer looks at it only as a transition to another life, followed by a general resurrection.

The word is true: if we died with Him, we will also live with Him; if we endure, then we will reign with Him; if we deny, He will deny us, says the Apostle Paul (2 Tim. 2:11-12).

If only none of you suffers as a murderer, or a thief, or a villain, or as someone who encroaches on someone else’s property; and if you are a Christian, then do not be ashamed, but glorify God for such a fate, teaches the Apostle Peter (1 Pet. 4: 15-16).

Christians in ancient times had such a view of life, and the best part of believers still have such a view of life. Look with what philosophical calm they die. It is from this patient worldview that a person draws spiritual strength; this look serves as a comforter, a mentor, and a healer of mental illnesses. This is the cause of mental health. If, due to human weakness, grumbling, despondency or melancholy, these first sources of nervous disorder, appear for a while, then a true believer runs to God, goes to church to pray, and prayer strengthens his wavering faith in the mercy and goodness of God and returns him to his former vigor again. spirit.

This is not how the modern intellectual and “semi-intellectual”, infected with unbelief, views life and approaches it.

“There is no God,” a sixth-grade student categorically declares, having read popular articles about Darwinism, positivism and black magic.

“Life is given for pleasure,” philosophizes an 18-year-old girl who cut her hair as a sign of independence and equality with a man and has already managed to taste various kinds of “earthly pleasures” in quantities that are exorbitant for her age.

“I will not allow myself to be hurt,” one hears at every step as evidence that the principle of Christian forgiveness is very poorly developed in modern society, that meekness and humility are placed below pride and self-love, which are no longer considered the greatest of sins and vices, but a necessary attribute of every “decent” person.

“I can’t, I can’t and I can’t,” constantly repeats the modern weak-hearted young lady, who has reached the point of complete inability to understand that the remedy against her eternal “I can’t” is in herself, in her will and mind, and not in those bubbles, of which she drank several hundred and which, perhaps, further upset her health. Entering life with such views, modern man is very soon forced to become disillusioned with everything.

Lack of faith in God and in the afterlife makes our existence devoid of any meaning.

"What am I living for?" - Yesterday's schoolboy asks himself dissatisfiedly. And, unable, due to his godless upbringing, to give an answer to it, he plunges into vice, or becomes despondent, or commits a “stupid” life by suicide.

Looking at life as pleasure quickly leads to disappointment, partly due to the fact that sometimes earthly pleasures are associated with great suffering, often even with very prickly thorns, and most importantly, due to the fact that it is not at all in our power to enjoy pleasures: you want to enjoy , and life gives you only bitterness and blows, you want to be rich, but, achieving wealth, you lose your health, you want to love, but they don’t love you, or inexorable death suddenly brings your loved one to an untimely grave, or for some other reason you are losing it. Thus, pleasure turns into misfortune, and nothing remains in the soul of a deprived person - only disappointment and an overwhelming spiritual emptiness.

The principle “I will not allow you to hurt my ambition” leads to eternal struggle, eternal clashes, destroys friendship and love, and in the end forever deprives a person of peace of mind, and then of health in general.

Thus, we see that the modern anti-Christian view of life can only give a semblance, a ghost of happiness and leads to inevitable disappointment, followed by irritation, despondency, melancholy, ultimately leading to a nervous breakdown, starting from simple, which occurs at every step imbalance and nervousness up to and including severe mental illness.

Poor man! Instead of telling him: “Think about the reasons for your nervousness, fill your spiritual emptiness with faith and trust in God, develop a different attitude towards life with all its sorrows and joys,” they say to him: “You are sick, go and get treatment.” And so the unfortunate person runs or goes to the doctors - they seek salvation from his mental illness. Here the issue is resolved, for the most part, very simply: the word “neurasthenia” is pronounced, a comprehensive word, although it does not express anything specific (and the patient thinks that they understand his illness), and the usual treatment begins with rubdowns, douses, and strong drugs are administered inside according to the latest system in large doses. And what? The result is sometimes deterioration, sometimes temporary improvement, and then again the same thing, the same hysteria, imbalance. At least from my 10 years of practice, I do not know a single case where this formulaic treatment gave lasting positive results - only some symptoms were eliminated. Even expensive treatment at resorts only provides temporary relief while a person lives in an artificial environment and does not come into contact with life. But you can’t live like that, a person eventually has to leave the resort, enter a normal life, but the attitude towards it remains the same, the soul is also not filled with anything, and now the old story begins again - irritation, despondency and other nervous symptoms.

This usually takes several years (and sometimes the whole life) until a completely exhausted person understands that the nervous “I can’t” is only a relative “I can’t,” which, under the influence of various factors, is easily transformed by the person himself into “I can.” In fact, if you suffer from heart disease, then under no circumstances can you climb a high mountain without shortness of breath; if you have severe gastritis, then after eating rough, irritating food you will vomit, no matter where you are, no matter what you do. This “I can’t” is absolute; but something completely different - a nervous “I can’t.”

The most irritable person, caught during a family scene, for example, by a stranger, an unfamiliar person, quickly restrains himself and turns “I can’t” into “I can.” He who does not tolerate objections from his subordinates due to nervousness portrays himself as a meek lamb when his superiors make their way through him. In a word, various kinds of influences: shame in front of people, fear for one’s official position, passionate love and other factors - easily turn the nervous “I can’t” into “I can.” This means that we always have that lever within ourselves that we are ready to use to turn ourselves over, we just have to want to use it and not let it go.

And so, when a person, exhausted by eternal treatment and all the other unpleasant consequences of his illness, understands this, understands that the remedy against nervousness is in himself, and not in those numerous vials that he previously emptied in abundance and without benefit, only then, having abandoned all treatment, he will finally achieve, with the help of God, little by little, either complete, or at least a relative, but lasting recovery.

“This is all very good,” they will tell me, “but where can I get faith if it is not in my heart?”

Yes, you just have to look at what the unbelief is based on. On thoughtlessness and infatuation with seductive human theories. But a theory, by its very definition, is not an immutable truth, but only an assumption of the human mind that explains a certain group of phenomena.

Years will pass, new thinkers will appear, discover, or rather, pay attention to new facts, and the old theory will dissipate like smoke, giving way to a new human assumption. We can find a thousand examples in the history of science of how a well-known theory, which satisfied human minds for a very long time, over the centuries not only gave way to other, sometimes directly opposite views, but also fell into complete oblivion.

This especially applies to the theories of biological sciences, the dogmas themselves, the main provisions of which often allow for double interpretation and, in any case, are far from being clear and obvious, for example, mathematical axioms.

Let us take, for example, Darwin's theory, which has seduced so many and is still seducing us. Darwinists say: we have discovered two great factors in nature - the law of the struggle for existence and the law of natural selection, which shed light on the mystery of the universe and, in any case, naturally and simply explain all the beauty and amazing purposefulness of the visible world, which forced the former man to see in everything This is some kind of miracle and bow before it. But is it? Have you explained the two main great miracles - the emergence of matter and the emergence of life?

You don’t even touch on the first question, accepting matter as something eternally existing.

As for the second miracle - the appearance of life, here again we do not find an answer in your theory. The insurmountable gulf separating the living world from the inanimate world has not become any less profound due to Darwin's theory. You have not found the transition from matter to life. What does a lump of dead protein have in common with a living, organized cell? There, in the first, there is eternal peace, here there is life, eternal movement.

Forgive us for the involuntary digression, and let us move on again to the question we posed: where do we get faith if it is not in our hearts, how can we cultivate a Christian outlook and attitude towards life?

The fact that faith in us is very weak, that our attitude to life is the most impossible, of course, is most to blame for our upbringing, but every adult can re-educate himself and develop a correct Christian outlook on life if he uses the means indicated for this by the Holy Church .

Of these means, the most important is prayer. There are few non-believers at all, more people of little faith; It is with this grain of faith that you begin to pray, and you will soon feel that this grain is beginning to break through; after some time it will already sprout, from which over time a mighty tree will grow. Under the shade of this tree it will be easy and pleasant to rest from the heavy heat of human passions and from the storm of everyday weather, and in due time you will reap the fruit.

Just start praying, and faith will come to you on its own, and if it was weak, it will strengthen and little by little, gradually, your attitude towards life will change. Prayer will distract you, at least for a while, from ordinary everyday thoughts and interests, attract your mind to heavenly things, make you involuntarily think about things that you hardly thought about before, make you feel a lot and, with the help of God’s grace, change your previous way of thinking and root faith and the pursuit of the Christian ideal.

Healing from a serious and sad spiritual illness in its consequences - lack of faith, prayer, combined with strict obedience to the church charter, can greatly help us with bodily ailments. We have seen how useful prayer, combined with trust and faith in God, is in certain nervous conditions, which are based on spiritual emptiness and weakness of will.

Currently, in such cases, medicine is increasingly beginning to resort to treatment, which consists of moving away from the home environment, from the family, to a special medical institution for a more or less long time, from four to six months.

The main points in this treatment are:

1) The mental impact of a doctor who, when visiting a patient every day, tries, so to speak, to re-educate him, to create in him a different view of the disease and a different attitude towards life.

2) The need to submit to a certain hospital regime, which is a moment that stimulates the weakened will. The result is better than from the usual above-mentioned template, but, unfortunately, fragile: four to six months of the doctor’s influence is usually not enough to re-educate the patient: the attitude towards life, views on it remain the same, and upon returning to the previous environment there is little again. Little by little the same nervousness, imbalance, mental and physical relaxation develops. In addition, this method is available to few.

Faith, trust in God (with the fear of angering God) can have a mental impact on a person better than any doctor or mentor, influencing his will the more noticeably, the more strongly these feelings are developed in a person’s soul. And in subordination to the charter that establishes. Holy Church, for every believer there is a completely sufficient source for constant, daily, hourly stimulation of the weakened will of neurasthenics.

And indeed, life shows us numerous examples when a nervous person, who has been treated for several years without any result, quickly achieves a complete, or at least relative, but lasting recovery after he turns to God and begins to live according to the rules of the Holy Church. I, at least, know several such examples, and I think that everyone else knows a lot of them. And for other nervous ailments, the importance of the above factors is important.

Let us take, for example, the notorious brain fatigue, which modern medicine assigns a prominent place among other causes of modern nervousness. It turns out that intense work in itself rarely causes persistent nervous illness, but is dangerous only when combined with human vice and passions.

Here's what doctors say about this.

“With neurasthenia, predominantly cerebral, the main role is played by mental fatigue, especially if it is combined with mental excitement. We therefore see that the exhaustion of the nervous system, which is the essence of neurasthenia, is caused mainly by the mental work of people, accompanied by worries and fears, for example, the mental strain of a politician who is constantly agitated by the passionate struggle of parties, the efforts of the minds of those artists, scientists and entrepreneurs whose tireless ambition impels them to keep up with the competition.”

It follows that faith and the resulting attitude towards life, wealth, fame, ambition, etc. is also a powerful preventive remedy here.

Turning now from nervous imbalance, neurasthenia, hysteria and the like to organic diseases, such as diseases of the lungs, heart, stomach, liver, we will see that every such difficult patient is for the most part at the same time a neurasthenic. Most of the complaints and symptoms of such patients, ranging from a depressed mental mood, are caused not by the disease itself, but by the mental state that the disease produces in a person. A sympathetic attitude and a skillfully spoken word of consolation quickly eliminate a number of symptoms that torment the patient. Trust in God, a view of death as a transition only to another, perhaps a better life, and other religious views are the best consolation, the best medical remedy for every such, often incurable, patient.

Yes, in the quiet refuge of Christ, with a heart defect, with any other illness, you can feel better and live longer than with a healthy heart and lungs, forever rushing along the world’s sea, troubled by human passions!

The possibility of healing not only mental but also physical illnesses through prayer is evidenced by many facts of church history. Dr. E. Laurent published a book entitled “Medicine of the Soul,” in which he proves from a scientific point of view that prayer is a great healing remedy for all diseases - both nervous and physical.

Enough has already been said about the influence of prayer on mood, especially public prayer in church.

So, summarizing everything that has been said, we come to the following conclusion.

One of the important reasons for modern almost universal nervousness is lack of faith. To successfully combat nervousness, you must first fulfill two requirements: strengthen faith in God and cultivate a Christian attitude towards life in a person’s soul.

The best preventive measure is to educate the younger generation on strict religious and moral principles. The main task of education (in the family and school) should be the desire to instill in the child’s soul the fear of God and true love for God.

When the disease has developed, the best remedy is prayer. It is necessary to pray every day in the morning and evening, reading the morning and evening rules, at least in a somewhat abbreviated form, with attention, trying to delve into the meaning of each word.

In addition, read daily those selected passages from the Gospel and the Apostle that are read on the corresponding day at the church service. Do not neglect public worship, but visit the temple of God, at least on holidays and Sundays (all-night vigil and mass), choosing the temple where the service is more beautiful, and most importantly, where they read legibly and serve without haste.

Observe fasts and all other institutions of the Holy Church, remembering that they were created by the Fathers of the Church, who understood human nature much better than the most outstanding sages. By all other means: reflection, soul-saving conversation, reading the Lives of saints, the works of the great fathers of the Church - try to strengthen your faith and develop an Orthodox Christian attitude to life.


(From the work of psychotherapist Nikolai Aleksandrovich Laish)

For indulging his passions and his flesh, for the pleasure he receives, a person pays cruelly, sacrificing, first of all, his own health.

The price to pay for gluttony is obesity, diseases of the liver, gall bladder, stomach, pancreas, atherosclerosis...

The price to pay for voluptuousness is diabetes, allergies, dysbacteriosis, dental and intestinal diseases...

The price to pay for addiction to alcohol is alcoholism, personality degradation, psychosis, degeneration.

The price to pay for fornication is sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, gynecological diseases, infertility, prostatitis, urethritis, impotence.

The price to pay for love of money and envy is neuropsychic disorders.

Payback for anger (anger) - hypertension, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, strokes, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, neurasthenia, psychopathy, epilepsy.

Payback for despondency (self-pity) is depressive neuroses and psychoses, kidney disease, weakened immune system, cancer.

The price to pay for despair (a feeling of hopelessness) is suicidal syndrome, suicide.

The price to pay for vanity, which is usually accompanied by anger, is diseases of the cardiovascular system and neuropsychic diseases (neuroses, manic states).

The price to pay for pride is psychopathy, schizophrenia, discogenic radiculitis, osteochondrosis and other spinal diseases.

The emotional experiences generated by passionate aspirations are those negative factors that produce the destruction of the organism - the bearer of these passions. This is the natural and inevitable retribution for committing a sin. The soul is to blame, but the body suffers. However, so does the soul when it comes to mental suffering. To curb passion, it is necessary to acquire the opposite inclination of the soul - virtue.

3. Post from a point of view


(From the work of Antonina Vladimirovna Osipova)

According to dietary regulations, Orthodox fasts can be divided into five categories:

The strictest fast: any food is prohibited, only water is allowed (in allergology and medicine this corresponds to the concept of complete fasting).

Fasting with “dry eating”: uncooked plant foods are allowed without the use of vegetable oil (in medicine, this is close to the concept of a strictly vegetarian diet in the form of raw food, but is not equivalent to the latter, since on the days of such fasting they eat bread).

Fasting “with cooking”: it is allowed to eat plant foods that have been subjected to heat cooking, but without vegetable oil (this type of nutrition in medicine almost completely corresponds to strict vegetarianism).

The post “with cooking with oil” corresponds to the previous one, but it is allowed to use vegetable oil in its natural form and for cooking food from plant products.

Fasting “with eating fish”, when plant foods in any culinary preparation are supplemented with fish and fish products, as well as vegetable oil.

In addition to the indicated instructions, the church charter on fasting stipulates days for eating a single meal.

The considered nutritional prescriptions allow us to outline the range of products that make up lean food. These are grains (bread, cereals), legumes, vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, edible wild plants, nuts, spices, honey, vegetable oils, fish and fish products. The concept of “meat food” includes meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, animal fats, eggs, as well as products containing them (confectionery with the addition of milk or eggs).

The distinction between fasting and fasting tables, isolating some foods from others and preventing them from mixing on fasting days ultimately leads to a simplification of the entire diet (this is very close to the medical principles of separate nutrition).

In the Orthodox calendar, about two hundred days during the year are fast days; Moreover, in the past, the majority of the population complied with dietary regulations during the period of fasting. Hence the abundance of mushroom and fish dishes in ancient cuisine, the tendency to use various plant materials: grains (porridge), legumes (peas, beans), vegetables (cabbage, turnips, radishes, cucumbers, etc.), herbs (nettle, quinoa, etc.), forest berries. Many now-forgotten dishes were made, for example, from peas: broken and grated peas, pea cheese (hard-beaten small peas with vegetable oil), noodles made from pea flour, pies with peas and much more.

Hemp, nut, poppy, and olive oils were used as vegetable oils; In the middle of the 19th century, sunflower appeared.

The number of fasting days during the year exceeds the number of fasting days. And since most fasting days allow only plant foods to be consumed, it becomes clear why in the old days Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians did not consider meat the basis of their diet, unlike our contemporaries, who evaluate the quality of food according to the availability and range of meat and sausage products with their food additives, preservatives, dyes and similar chemicals.

In general, for healthy able-bodied people, the optimal diet is a mixed diet with extensive use of fresh vegetables, fruits and various vegetarian dishes, as well as very moderate consumption of meat and dairy products. Strict observance of fasts can in no way harm human health, and this is confirmed by the centuries-old experience of millions of Orthodox Christians.

Christians' strict observance of fasts and fasting days is much more than food rules. Fasting for Christ's sake is a way of life that protects a person from all types of devilish attacks. ...This generation, - our Lord Jesus Christ said to His disciples, speaking about the expulsion of evil spirits, - is driven out only by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21).


1. Spiritual medicine collected from the world, or

Spiritual clinic of the Most Reverend Jeremiah From

hermit Moscow, 1897.

3. Laysha NA. Passion as a leading motive

human life. Minsk - Moscow. "A new book",

4. Fasting from the point of view of an allergist. From

works by Osinova A.N. Minsk - Moscow. "New book

5. Bykov VL. "Quiet shelters for rest

giving soul", Moscow, 1913.

Compiled by Vladimir Zobern

Scanned from the book “ORTHODOX HEALING BOOK”

publishing house of the Vladimir diocese

project "Orthodox Icon"

-- [ Page 1 ] --

A.I. Pechenkin

Second edition,

corrected and expanded

Pechenkin A.I.

Sins are diseases. – Ryazan: Publisher

Sitnikov, 2010. – 152 p.

ISBN 978-5-902420-39-2

Works used in cover design

A.I. Pechenkina.

Any disease is nothing more than the presence

the presence in the human body of destructive energy, which he himself generated and created.

You must be able to recognize your sinful act in the past by illness and understand the whole mechanism of turning sin into a particular disease.

This book will help you understand what sinful acts cause certain diseases to appear in a person, reveals the causes and consequences of their appearance and introduces methods of healing from them.

BBK ISBN 978-5-902420-39- © Pechenkin A.I., text, “Whoever makes persistent efforts to ascend to the pinnacle of perfection never ascends to it alone, but always leads behind him like a valiant leader, countless army."

St. Teresa of Avila CAUSES OF OUR DISEASES Throughout the history of mankind, people wanted to be happy, and one of the components of this state is health. But as long as humanity has existed, it has been trying to recover from illnesses using various methods. To solve this problem, humanity spares neither money nor time, trying to find out what the cause of various diseases lies.

This collection will help you understand for what actions a person develops certain diseases.

And if he understands this, he will realize that it is not someone who sends evil or illness, but a person acquires all this himself through his own deeds.

If a person wants to be healthy and not depend on official medicine, although this is very difficult, then a person must, is forced to resort to knowledge of the true causes of his illness, and therefore, understand his actions, which subsequently cause this or that disease in the body.

Let's try to figure it out: why does a person get sick? And for this we will establish cause-and-effect relationships.

The Bible says that the Lord created with thought and word. “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Gen.

1:26). That is why every person creates his life with thought and word. And if the thoughts of God the Creator descend into matter and are realized in various forms, then human thoughts always materialize: both good and evil are materialized. What energies a person creates in his actions, both on the mental level and also on the physical level, is what he will receive in the future, both in this earthly life and in the next incarnation.

Thought is material and has energy, and if a person gives birth to evil both in thoughts and in deeds, then he thereby concentrates within himself one or another negative energy, which, like a poison, having gained a certain potential, turns into a disease. This is how thoughts manifest themselves, and as Jesus said: “For there is nothing hidden that will not be made manifest, nor hidden that will not be made known and revealed” (Luke 8: 17), or as we now say: confirmed by practice .

Therefore, negative emotions such as anger, hatred, envy, resentment, malice - everything comes back to the person, like a boomerang to the one who released it. Truly, what goes around comes around. The energies of evil return to man in the form of diseases. Therefore, any disease of one or another organ or part of the body, any mental illness is nothing more than the presence in a person of destructive energy, which the person himself created. Therefore, there is no need to desire, do not send curses, malice, or anger to anyone, because thoughts (desires) return. For whoever gave birth to them must transform them into goodness, going through torment and suffering and illness.

From an energetic point of view, evil can be represented as enveloping a person in a sinful shell, and psychics say that such a person’s aura is dark and dirty. The more evil he generates in thoughts and deeds, the larger in volume this shell creates. This evil, like a vacuum, entering the flesh (astral body), begins to crucify the life energy of the flesh (astral body) (commit crucifixion). The energies of the life of the flesh begin to stretch to fill the shell, causing the vital threads of the flesh to break, figuratively speaking, and the person feels pain in one or another part of the body or in an organ, gets sick, suffers and suffers.

In man there abides, as we say, a spark of God, but through his sinful acts, to put it in figurative language, man creates a shell around his heart that closes the streams of light coming from the Lord God, streams of awareness of the truth, so he does not see the radiance of God in himself. harsh light, and begins to sin even more.

When a person finds himself in a negative situation, from pain, suffering and torment, his sinful shell cracks, and he spiritually begins to see clearly.

An insight arises in him for a moment, allowing him to recognize his sin. The light of God, escaping from his heart through a crack in the shell, reveals to him why he suffers and is tormented. But the person himself does not yet see the cause-and-effect relationships that led him to this torment. From sight the man exclaims: “Lord, help!”

And the Lord helps a person get out of a negative situation. But a person thinks that he himself found a way out and quickly forgets about God, since suffering has disappeared. A hole or crack in the shell is covered with new sinful acts, and the person again finds himself in the darkness of his life. The following negative situation shakes a person, and out of torment and pain he is forced to cry out: “Lord, help!” This is how a child learns through bitter experience. It is a pity that a person begins to believe in the Lord God when he finds himself in the throes of death or clinical death, or when a miracle is performed on him. For example, a man was very sick, and the man of God simply touched him and gave the sick man a miraculous healing.

Or a person was blind and became sighted, was lame and began to walk, was dumb and began to speak.

How to recover, get rid of the disease? How should one live, what should one do in order to influence not only the effect, but also the cause?

The law of God says: everything was born from God, everything is supported by Him, and everything returns to Him through human flesh. This means that prayer to the Lord God the All-Good will attract to a person the energies of life, the subtle divine energies of Love, which can fill this volume of negative energies, and then the pain will gradually disappear. With this luminous thread of golden energy of life, a person seems to mend the hole-darkness (vacuum of evil) on the body-clothing, and then the pain gradually subsides, and the disease goes away. Therefore, if a person remains in the prayer of love for God, then grace descends on him, which helps transform destructive energies into good.

Jesus Christ said: “The Heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him” (Luke 11:13).

Therefore, through a loving prayer of gratitude to the Lord God Almighty, the Spirit of Truth descends on a person, and the Spirit of Truth contains the Spirit of Joy, Bliss, Illumination and Enlightenment.

When a person says: “Lord, Thank You!” - then when thinking about the Almighty God, a tunnel is created through which the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, descending from God, penetrates into man. But as soon as a person stops thinking about God, the tunnel, the channel of communication with God is blocked, and thought builds a new channel, tuning in to what the person is thinking about. What a person connects to through a word-thought, he connects to himself. Therefore, in order to find happiness, joy, and health, a person must always thank the Lord God Almighty for everything.

When a person thanks God in prayer and repents, the Holy Spirit helps him to learn the truth, to gain his sight, so that he realizes what led him to this illness or to this grief. Many Christians, when sick, say: “God is testing me...” They are wrong. God never tests anyone through illness, pain or misfortune. God, through the Holy Spirit, opens hearts and makes one aware of sinful acts as the cause of illnesses and troubles, and that in this life everyone pays for the sinful acts of a past life as a karmic entity. And if the disease cannot leave the flesh so quickly, it means that karmic sinful energies feed this disease. In this case, a person must learn to acquire patience, humility, meekness and, most importantly, do not forget to express gratitude to the Lord God in living, loving prayer, so that the energies of divine joy, the energies of life, in which this disease will dissolve, penetrate into him. Therefore, if a person learns to create a living prayer of gratitude and love to the Lord God Almighty, then God, through the Spirit of Truth, will reveal and show him everything, and show him the path to happiness and joy and health.

Only after the prayer of thanksgiving to God does the prayer of repentance begin. Repentance is different from repentance. The repentance that was taught, although it cleanses the soul, a person does not know how negative energies penetrate into him, giving rise to certain diseases. During such repentance, a person allows into himself various energies from the egregor of Repentance. And this egregor was created by humanity, not God. Through this egregor the energies of sadness, despondency, humiliation flow in... And when a person falls ill after such repentance, he thinks that God sent the disease to him as a sign of purification. It is not God who sends diseases, but man who attracts them with his sins. God heals with the energies of the Holy Spirit, which can only be acquired through prayer of gratitude. This prayer should be like a living conversation of Love for God, then pain or illness dissolves in the divine energies of All-Love and a miracle of healing occurs.

Many people have the wrong idea that God tests faith through this or that illness, misfortune, or grief. God never tests, because only the blind can test faith in someone. And God is All-Knowing, All-Seeing, All-Existing... God knows which person has which faith. God dwells in man, He prays in him for his spiritual insight, as if saying: “Be humble, meek, patient, merciful, non-judgmental... For the path to My All-Blissful Kingdom lies through the acquisition of these qualities and other paths no to Me..."

The first who through his practice showed the true path to the Kingdom of God is Jesus Christ.

The Son of God, being in human flesh, for now: it is not man who must humiliate and destroy himself, but Satan himself must do this through the state, if according to karma this is destined to happen. There is no need to destroy yourself under the guise of righteousness, as religious people often do.

When a person is born on Earth, his physical body contains both positive, vital energies - from God, and negative, destructive energies - from the devil.

It is the devil in man who allows everything to be done for his own pleasure, and the Lord God is Pleasure itself, therefore God only reveals to man his earthly thoughts and deeds and what kind of torment and suffering the latter can lead a person to. The coarse energies of the devil are closer and more similar, but it is difficult for a person to reach the subtle energies of God, which, although they are everywhere, always and in everything. For example, in order to have spiritual vision, to see with the third eye, you need to do certain spiritual work.

Therefore, a person would rather begin to destroy, that is, work for the devil, than to gain spiritual vision and create, that is, work for God.

A person will think about his actions in the event that they make him feel bad. But if a person does something sinful, and nothing bad falls on him as a result, then he simply does not think about his sin. But through sinful acts a person creates illnesses for himself.

Jesus Christ taught us correctly:

“It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth defiles a person” (Matthew 15:11). And what comes out is what is in our heart. But there are many sins in the heart. And if a person has made a mistake, committed this or that evil, then one must immediately turn to the Lord God with a prayer of thanksgiving and repentance. If the energies of evil are not layered with prayers to God, then evil, gaining strength, begins to act and induce a person to commit new evil or some sinful deeds. Prayer to God, layering evil, extinguishes the power of evil, reduces the effect of this evil on a person. This means that the more a person remains in loving prayer to the All-Good God, the less the activity of evil becomes, which dissolves in the energies of Love. This is how constant work must take place in a person if he wants to be happy and healthy, and enter the world of grace, joy, happiness and pleasure.

Jesus Christ said: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all this will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).

Diseases can be both complex and simple. And simple ones are like a signal, a warning that a person is doing something wrong. For example, he accidentally hit himself or was hit, say, on the head. Perhaps he thinks the wrong thing, gives birth to sinful thoughts, or says something sinful to another person... Or, for example, he stumbled...

Apparently, he physically or mentally once tripped up another so that he would fail either in creativity, or in work, or in his career...

Thus, any embitterment is the birth of dislike, that is, an embittered person, through his actions on the mental, mental (emotional) and material levels, opens energy channels through which various destructive energies penetrate his body. And the latter precisely undermine a person’s health in different places of his body, in different parts of the physical body.

If a person hides his bitterness within himself, then his illnesses will manifest themselves covertly until their quantitative potential moves to a new qualitative level in order to become obvious and allow themselves to be discovered. For, as Jesus Christ taught, there is nothing hidden that will not become apparent.

Epidemics (mass diseases) arise from mass anger. Let's take, for example, executions, which previously were always carried out publicly, when the ruler, the top government incited the masses to show anger at a person sentenced to death by beheading or hanging, or quartering, or crucifixion, etc. When a murderer, a thief, a criminal was executed in squares where many people gathered, people, wishing him death, generated embitterment in themselves. And since this was a mass phenomenon, this crowd of people generated on the invisible plane above them the egres of the mountains of evil, which gradually transformed into one or another mass disease: cholera, smallpox, plague, typhoid, influenza, AIDS and others. A crowd that creates a certain mood of mass anger gives rise to one or another egregor of evil, which after some time will fall on the creators in the form of epidemics. That is, this or that mass disease will mow down and kill only those people who have accumulated within themselves this mortal potential of bitterness.

Mass anger gives rise to such a mass disease, before which official medicine gives in and for some time becomes powerless. For example, a disease such as AIDS is generated by the egregor of evil that the person himself, society itself, humanity itself accumulated during their sexual activities both during this earthly life, as well as during previous reincarnations on earth. That is why children also die from various mass diseases, because in them from past incarnations there remains that mortal potential of embitterment that they have accumulated in themselves. Everyone receives what he himself generated both in this life and in past incarnations. No one suffers innocently.

Many mass diseases will renew and reappear only at another energy turn, because human societies do not stand still, but continue their development. Likewise, mass diseases that have existed for a long time undergo renewal with each new round in the development of human society. This is clearly observed in such a mass disease as influenza, and each influenza has its own virus.

Apparently, such a mass disease as leprosy can also have its own names and show its strength in our time, and medicine will again show powerlessness in the face of this disease. And the more dangerous this disease is for society, the more disdainfully society will treat people with it, and the latter will become outcasts. And leper colonies will appear again. To prevent this contagious disease from spreading, the corpses will be burned. After all, the word “leprosy” itself can be deciphered as “to show vice, sin, lack of love.” And depending on where on the body this leprosy will manifest itself and in which person, it will already be clear why the person is sinful. If leprosy manifests itself on the face, then the person is sinful as a teacher of spirituality, knowledge, and religiosity;

if in the hands, then the person is guilty of theft;

if on your feet, you are sinful in establishing yourself in your career and sexuality.

Yes, you must be able to see how, through illness, you can recognize in reverse order your sinful act in the past. If a person is with the Holy Spirit, then this is easy to do, and then one can understand the whole mechanism of the transformation of sin into this or that disease. And the Holy Spirit can be found through the Thanksgiving Prayer of Love for God.

When a person thanks God for giving food, clothing, shoes... then true repentance awakens. And he says to God: “God, I thank You for guiding me on the path of truth, always supporting me with the energies of life, always allowing me to receive and experience this or that pleasure. You, Lord, reveal to me my own sins, with which I destroy myself, from which certain diseases arise in me. You, God, are my Healer! And I thank you for this!..” This is how a person moves along his life path towards the Kingdom of God. We must remember that man is always a co-creator with God if he wants to enter the Kingdom of God. But if someone has a desire to work for the devil, then he will receive something devilish and sinful for himself, for which he will have to drink suffering and torment. And when a person is with God, divine grace, joy, and bliss bloom in him.

If a miracle of healing occurred thanks to psychics, then do the diseases return?

When a person suffers for a long time, he prays to the Lord for his healing and thanks to this he gains a certain potential of good energies. And the latter bring the sick person to one or another healer, or the healer himself comes to the sick person, as Jesus Christ did when he came to the pool at the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem, where he healed a man who had been sick for 38 years. Then Jesus met him in the temple and said to him: “Behold, you are healed;

“Sin no more, lest anything worse happen to you.” By this, Christ wanted to show that when a person begins to live without God, and we speak without a prayer of gratitude to God, then illnesses can return, since the person will again sin and generate destructive energies. In order not to find yourself in a similar situation again with your illness, you must not sin, but live with God.

Healing occurs through similar energies.

The healer takes away painful energies from the patient and gives healing energies. If the healer has strong healing energy, then he dissolves the painful energies taken from the patient. If the healer is weak in energy, then he becomes ill with the disease of the patient.

Kind and warm-hearted people suffer from diseases of those they love. Children under seven years old suffer from diseases of their parents of the opposite sex, or the disease comes from the sinful acts of their parents at work and in the family. Although we must remember that every person - small and adult - suffers from his own illnesses, which are hidden in him due to his sinful karma. We simply acquire parents and loved ones in our own image and likeness and through karmic sinful developments. Therefore, if a child (boy) is sick, this does not mean that the mother is to blame for her sinful acts. It’s just that through one or another illness of the child, the mother is shown one or another of her sinful acts. And the child had these sinful acts in a past incarnation, for which he is now worried. Everyone works off their sinful karmic deeds through one illness or another, pain, torment: I carry everything that is mine with me, and no one carries anything that belongs to others.

If a person wants to be healthy, then he must acquire the Holy Spirit in himself, for only He knows all the karmic sinful acts of man and how to transform them into all-love.

You must remember that you do not need to fight the disease, but you need to accept it as it has befallen you, and in this illness give birth to a living, loving prayer of Thanksgiving and repentance to God with inner joy in your heart.

Do not blame the cause of your illness on anyone, but look for the reason in yourself, without holding a grudge against anyone and without judging anyone for anything. We must be humble, meek, patient, forgiving everyone everything, and constantly remember the saying of Jesus Christ and try to put it into practice in life: love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, pray for those who beat and persecute you.

If a person learns to address any questions (requests) to God, and he will always receive an answer according to his karma through inner insight, through a book, through a person...

Thank the Lord God Almighty always and for everything, and the Holy Spirit will help you understand and understand, find light to happiness and health, find the Path to the Kingdom of God.

Different parts of the body perform different functions, and since destructive, negative energies often arise in human actions, they lead to the occurrence of diseases.

For example, thoughts are born in the head and their negativity, and a certain number of them lead to head diseases. Legs enable a person to walk, stand, with his hands a person does something, takes, destroys, and this is also the cause of their diseases. Each organ and part of the body performs specific functions. A person’s work and profession often determine illness, since in this case, consciously or unconsciously, a person acts sinfully. The table makes it possible to understand what may be the cause of such diseases:

Head Head diseases can be associated with such professions both in this life and in past incarnations, such as teacher, boss, leader, educator, head of government;

Diseases of the back of the head are associated with unrighteous deeds committed either out of ignorance or out of learning;

Forehead diseases - with the work of a teacher, negative spirituality;

Diseases of the nose are associated with sinfulness in sexuality and blocking someone’s life channels;

Mouth diseases - associated with eating and sinful conversations.

Hands Hand diseases are associated with professions in which a set of negative energies occurs through the hands, such as in the military, thieves, salesmen, and diplomats.

Diseases of the hands are caused by minor sins;

Elbow disease is associated with moderate severity of sins.

Shoulder diseases - with major grave sins.

Trunk Diseases of the trunk are associated with all kinds of professions in which exchange, buying and selling take place.

Diseases of the upper body - occur from the birth of negative emotional, spiritual energies;

Diseases of the middle part of the body - associated with anger, envy;

Diseases of the lower body - with sex, coldness, neglect.

Legs Leg diseases affect people who have had and still have to establish themselves a lot. These are government officials, leaders, ministers, educators, and teachers.

Foot disease - gives rise to minor to medium sins;

Diseases of the lower leg - caused by the average severity of sinful acts; Diseases of the thigh - caused by a greater severity of unrighteous acts;

Amputation is associated with a grave sin (murder...) May God help you!

And Abortion is Karmic. A clear manifestation of dislike associated with the interruption of creativity in the creation of one’s brainchild, either alone with someone or with a group of people. The mother who commits an abortion was, in her previous incarnation, the bearer of the idea of ​​creating something, which never had to be fully implemented in practice, because it was destroyed at a certain stage of creativity as unnecessary due to new information that negated the first. Abortion is influenced by selfishness, vanity, drugs (wine, smoking, pills, herbs), fear, fear, physical violence against someone associated with death and many other sinful acts related to sexuality.

Abscess (abscess, abscess) Stinging ridicule of any person, long-term hidden grievances. Temperature abscesses from outbursts of anger, malice. External (skin) abscesses - containment of caustic malice, anger with subsequent outburst under the current circumstances. For additional information about the connection with a part of the body: head, arms, torso, legs, see the table below. Internal (in organs) abscesses - hiding your anger towards someone from other people, and privately being sarcastic and pouring out anger at this person.

Agoraphobia (panic attacks) Anxiety, fear of space, open space, crowds. The person is petty, stingy, dogmatic, a “lonely owner”, in a past incarnation he suffered violently from a crowd, etc.

Vitamin deficiency (vitamin deficiency) Due to taking tablets (antibiotics, sulfa drugs and other drugs), all kinds of medicinal herbs in large quantities and other drugs such as Herbolife;

due to helminthiasis (various helminthic diseases);

due to excessive stress, both mental and physical;

and also because of all kinds of insults, grief, envy, stinginess, greed;

did not give something to someone, was too tight, etc.

Addison's disease (bronze disease) Suppression of caustic petty anger, angry outbursts. This person has inner arrogance and self-abasement.

Perhaps, in a past incarnation, this person was an aggressor who had dark spots in his life (serious sins), the head of executive bodies such as the police, police, military organizations, etc. Moreover, some sins are related to sexuality.

Adenoids (proliferation of nasopharyngeal tonsils) In a previous incarnation, more often in old age, this person mentally suppressed his pupils, students, possibly on sexual grounds. Such a teacher was internally offended, angry that he could not do what he wanted, so he punished his ward, not giving him a normal life (air), perhaps locking them in closets.

Prostate adenoma (benign tumor in the prostate) Sexual suppressed anger, anger at a partner with whom sexual intercourse did not work out.

Manifestation of arrogance and selfishness in sexual matters. During sexual intercourse, he thinks only about his own satisfaction, disdainfully treating his partner (partner), has sadistic tendencies, is cold-blooded, dogmatic, a hidden usurper. In a previous incarnation, he may have prohibited sexual relationships with other people (his wards) or imposed sexual prohibitions on himself.

Adnexitis (inflammation of the uterine appendages) All kinds of outbursts of anger, malice, anger based on sexuality, sometimes with sarcastic outbursts. The appearance of arrogance and selfishness.

Perhaps in the past incarnation, suppression of your employees, using them as sexual partners, not allowing them to create and implement new ideas at work.

Cutting off employee initiatives and reluctance to have children leads to operations to remove the uterine appendages.

Removal of the right appendage is associated with reluctance to have children (negative attitude towards children on sexual grounds due to selfishness, selfishness, and other factors).

Removal of the left appendage is associated with work, career, suppression of creativity among employees in joint work to create something new, adherence to old methods and dogmas;

dismissal of employees who hinder career advancement, and other factors.

Alcoholism A karmic tail associated with the desire to obtain various pleasures without thanking the Lord God of the All-Good for this. In the process of these acts, various sins are born, which, gaining in number, are transformed into one or another mental tension, which, under the current circumstances, begins to act cyclically, impulsively on a person, preventing him from living a normal, happy life. A person tries to relieve this suffocating tension with alcohol, and becomes a slave to alcohol. Karma from various human sins can be family, professional (in service, career), public and state. These karmas influence a person to drink alcohol.

Allergy Karmic tail associated with various sins born during meals. The place where an allergy appears on the body indicates one or another sin. For example, an allergy to pollen, odor, manifested in suffocation, bronchial asthma, indicates that this person in the past incarnation did not give food to his workers, starving them in closed dark rooms.

If an allergy manifests itself on the hands in the form of a rash, spots, etc., then this person has sinned a lot with his hands, for example, stealing food. On the body, the person was greedy, which is why food most often spoiled and wasted. On his feet - he established himself, sold food, committing various sins. On the face - he sinned in the distribution of food, being a leader.

There are a wide variety of sins, so I won’t list them.

Sore throat Anger, hot temper, embitterment associated with the search and intake of spiritual, material food and with various sexual problems both at home and at work, in society, and other factors, that is, sinful acts.

In adults, there is a lack of desire to live for business reasons (aggression towards the boss).

Children have aggression against their parents (they pry into the spiritual secrets of children), lack of desire to go to school, or one of the parents does not want to live (temporary hopelessness).

Aneurysm (limited expansion of blood vessels) Manifestation of anger, resentment, envy while giving your love to someone (arterial aneurysm) or while receiving love from someone (venous aneurysm), that is, a hidden manifestation of dislike on the emotional and mental level.

Anemia (anemia) Karmic manifestation associated with pressure, the killing of living souls;

drinking blood both on a mental and physical level.

Appendicitis Karmic tail associated with sinful acts committed during obtaining and eating food and with sexual manifestations, such as greed, malice, anger, murder, sarcasticity, suppression and others.

Arachnoiditis (inflammation of the arachnoid membrane of the brain or spinal cord) Karmic, associated with the position of the manager of a particular enterprise, plant, concern;

the position of minister, head of the CIA, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FBI, chief in the mafia. All sins associated with these professions affect this disease.

Arthritis (inflammatory process of the joints) All kinds of sinful acts of a person who plays the role of a conductor, a link between two people, between a family and a school, a director and a team, two firms, factories, enterprises, factories, etc.

If hands - he took something for himself for his own selfish, selfish purposes, it is connected either with a career or with sexuality.

If legs - approved either by career or sexuality. Hidden anger, a feeling of “bitterness.” Gluttony (gluttony), indignation, resentment, non-forgiveness.

Arthrosis (chronic joint disease) See arthritis. This includes the professional qualities of a person associated with such sins as excessive selfishness, vanity, greed, arrogance, neglect, suppression of others, dogmatism and much more.

Ascariasis (helminthic disease of roundworms) A person lives at the expense of others, taking advantage of their benefits, food, both material and spiritual, destroying their intentions, goals, actions, and well-being with his sinful acts.

Astigmatism (optical defect of the eye...) Associated with karma, that is, in a past incarnation a person was a teacher of a certain rank, he led his students without knowing the truth nearby (practical activity) and in the future. This activity of the teacher is associated with a religious orientation - the worship of pagan gods, and with an atheistic orientation.

Asthma Suppression, restriction, destruction of other living beings, including humans, application of dogmas and strict laws both in the past incarnation and in this life;

manifestation of a strong dislike for someone, and sexual manifestations are hidden in this. Perhaps a manifestation of strong love is the suppression of the object of love, making him a slave of his love.

Unfulfilled lust for power;

What I can do, I also demand from others.

In children - aggression towards close relatives, towards the relationship of close relatives to each other and the suppression of this aggression in themselves (a shift in the immune-nervous system is a moral and ethical reason).

Asthmatics See Asthma. Narrow views, limitations.

Atherosclerosis (vasoconstriction) Manifestation of callousness, stinginess, greed, dislike, vanity, selfishness, bitterness, dogmatism, suppression at emotional and spiritual levels in all human professions. Thinking is aimed at the material interests of life.

B Balanitis, Balanoposthitis (inflammation of the skin of the glans penis and foreskin due to phimosis) Sloppiness, neglect in sexual relationships, also associated with prohibitions, restrictions, suppression, manifestation of temper, anger, greed, causticity.

Bartholinitis (inflammation of the large glands of the vaginal vestibule) Sexual disputes, conversations associated with condemnation, causticism, hot temper, bitterness, neglect, sloppiness, greed;

and also with inappropriately disclosing problems to anyone regarding sexual matters.

Insanity Long-term suppression of anger and irritation, and other factors.

Leucorrhoea (light vaginal discharge) Manifestations of boringness, foul language, minor irritability, spitting on someone, picking on (washing up) someone for one’s own selfish purposes, petty sarcastic reproaches to a friend and many other minor sins associated with sexual topic, sexual problems.

White-bloodedness Nationalism, unloving, karmic: the destruction of someone under a righteous mask.

Belmo (leukoma) Karmic sinful act associated with teaching. That is, a person, being a teacher in a previous incarnation, showed anger, malice, vindictiveness, dogmatism, intimidation, did not allow creative students to develop freely, and clouded the minds of other people with his religious everyday philosophy.

Infertility is associated with sinful karma. In a past life, this man suppressed and destroyed creative manifestation in people in self-realization in various areas of existence. It is also associated with sexual manifestations. Either this woman in her previous incarnation was a monk, a hermit, a saint, and with her prohibitions on sexuality, she imposed an energetic ban on childbearing. Or she has worked off her family’s karma. Other factors are also possible.

Insomnia is associated with a wide variety of sinful acts, most often it is intrusion into someone else’s personal life and disruption of someone’s quiet life;

creating fuss, excitement, tension around yourself that interferes with other people.

Rabies is promoted by such sinful acts as the manifestation of rage, anger, malice, malice, constant snapping, verbal “biting”, manifestations of various kinds of dislike both towards people and towards fauna and flora;

destruction, killing something living and a person with thoughts, words and physically. That is, this is a person who lives by the instincts of a predatory animal.

Blennorea (a purulent disease of the mucous membrane (conjunctiva of the eye) Karmic, associated with the activities of the conductor of the teacher’s teachings. In this case, such sins are committed as condemnation, causticity, sloppiness, hidden bitterness, indignation, dogmatism and creating obstacles for others in the knowledge of this or that teachings.

Blepharitis inflammation of the edge of the eyelids) See Blennorea.

Only this person—the conductor of the teachings of this or that teacher—shows such qualities as tediousness, petty temper on various existential issues, and irritability.

Myopia How a teacher, mentor, leader reveals incorrect information to their wards relatives and friends (of any age) (see.

Astigmatism) about the future and for the period of immediate development and improvement.

Warts Energy blocking of channels through which this or that energy circulates in the human body for such karmic sins as murder, suppression, strangulation (mental), dogmatism, manifested in all existential situations.

Bronchial asthma See Asthma. Perhaps in a past incarnation he played the role of a teacher, energetically suppressed his students and charges, shouted and spewed out this or that blasphemy.

Brucellosis (damage to the nervous and cardiovascular systems and the osteoarticular apparatus) A variety of sins that a person commits in everyday life, associated with agricultural (livestock) activities.

Either a person fights for rights, strives for a goal, committing sins, meddling in other people’s affairs. We must remember that one sinful act causes one disease or another, but an increase in this sin in quantity causes another more complex and painful disease and leads to diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system.

Typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever are associated with the sinful karmic essence of a person in such acts as killing people and animals because of the search for food;

manifestation of anger, cruelty, violence, greed and other sinful acts.

Bulimia (insatiable appetite) Fear, anxiety.

Bursitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the joints) See Arthritis.

Associated with anger, bitterness, causticity, murder, theft (if on the hands), with assertion (if on the legs), dogmatism, hot temper.

In Varicose Veins A person takes on a lot, does not manage to accomplish anything and does not accomplish anything, loves to assert himself, to be proud, to be conceited;

work not completed, leaves an imprint on the activity of the veins and disrupts their functioning.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia See Vascular dystonia. Aggression towards people and other various sinful acts associated with the inhibition of life processes in the family, society, and state.

Sexually transmitted diseases A sinful act during sexual relations. These people are irritable and see only bad things in every word and action of other people.

Chickenpox Karmic. Most often, in the past incarnation in old age, a person was quick-tempered, angry, flighty, agitated, sarcastic in words, and under various circumstances boasted of this ability to others.

Virilism (masculine women) In a past incarnation, this woman was a pronounced man with animal instincts.

Vitiligo (dog) (white spots on the skin) Self-identification from the group on professional grounds as an extraordinary person, manifestation of one’s vanity in petty existential structures, selfish, boasting, putting oneself on display as a positive person hiding one’s flaws. Unresolved situations or conflicts in a person’s life and mental stress also lead to this disease.

Ectopic pregnancy Karmic, perhaps, is associated with the act of a person when he drives his daughter-in-law, who has just become pregnant, out into the street, being himself in the form of a husband, father, mother, etc. Or, as a teacher, he drove away his talented student with his incipient ideas. Or in this life, being a woman, she wished grief, misfortune, difficulties, curses on another family, a pregnant woman. And all these sins must arise on the basis of sexual relationships, both explicit and implicit.

Autonomic nervous system See sympathetic nervous system.

Dropsy of the testicle Karmic. Perhaps this male person in a previous incarnation was a sex education teacher, possessing a vague teaching on this issue, with his own prohibitions, boundaries of behavior, and showed his pout, pompousness, and anger.

Pneumonia See Lungs. Various short tempers, aggression towards people, relatives and friends;

suppressing them with your career, power, strength, energy.

Manifestation of dislike for people both through anger, malice, and through composure, callousness, unkindness, causticism, as well as the manifestation of dogmatism and prohibitions.

Vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the external genital organs and vagina) See Bartholinitis and Beli. Sinful acts associated with sexual problems, manifested in tediousness, impatience, various grievances, outbursts of bitterness, anger and angry manifestations. This person adheres to strict, dogmatic, forbidden guidelines in sex education, promoting “righteous purity.”

Lice Most often occur in people - energy vampires who create fuss and confusion around themselves and take advantage of this by teasing, “biting”

the words of those around them, and get drunk on their energy. Lice can appear during fasting (purging).

Dislocations Arise as congenital (karmic) due to the fact that this person (child) in a previous incarnation distorted someone’s personal life, being a teacher, mentor, educator, leader;

or as acquired due to sinful acts: acting as a guide, he broke, distorted someone else’s personal life, forcing the subordinate to be unclean (dislocations in the hands) and confirmed in various sins (dislocations in the legs) both in career and sexuality;

or pathological, combining both karmic and acquired sins.

Miscarriage See Abortion.

Prolapse of the uterus, vagina. Sexual assertion, selfishness, a greedy person, takes on a lot, which is why he cannot withstand these loads and collapses. Perhaps this person suppressed sex education for young souls, using destructive methods, sports activities, or excessively stuck out her maternal dignity, while destroying some dogmas with her dogmatic attitudes and prohibitions.

G Sinusitis Associated with the activities of a teacher, educator, mentor both in this life and in the past incarnation, manifesting such sins as greed, stinginess, selfish acquisitiveness in a career, pressure on the creative essence of his ward, student;

acts on everyone from behind the scenes, condemns others with rotten (bad) words behind their backs, secretly;

dogmatic, introduces prohibitions and other sinful acts.

Hallucinations This man was greedy, selfish in his knowledge of the occult, esoteric sciences and the path of the yogi, with both hidden and obvious manifestations of egoism and vanity, finding a one-sided path in one teaching or another.

Gangrene A clear manifestation of dislike not only for others, but also for oneself. As karmic, illness is associated with sins such as murder:

starved someone, did not give food, vividly used prohibitions, by nature - callous, putrid, treacherous, sarcastic, sarcastic.

If in his hands, then this man used his hands to beat someone a lot, strangle him, take away food and much more.

If on his feet, he kicked someone painfully with his feet, suppressed a person he didn’t like until he was fired, destroyed, while occupying some kind of post.

And other sinful acts.

Gastritis Minor quarrels, grievances, discontent, outbursts of anger, envy;

despondency, gluttony, drunkenness, ignorance, insulting others, condemnation, sarcasm. See stomach.

Gastroenterocolitis See Gastritis. In conversations, this person is sarcastic, makes unpleasant jokes and sexual themes. Shows greed, callousness, takes advantage of someone else's grief in small things.

Helminths (worms) See Trichocephalosis. Rotten nature, lives at the expense of others, parasite, sarcastic, energy vampire, sloppy, scattered, greedy, hides food and it spoils, stingy, stingy, etc.

Hematoma A person traumatized someone's soul by committing various sins. If on the head, then as a teacher, educator, leader, director. If in hand, then as a merchant, banker, money changer, thief. If on the body, then the professions are very different. If on your feet, then as a director, manager, mafia, policeman, judge, prosecutor.

Hemorrhagic diathesis (hemorrhages in different organs) See Hematoma. Various bullying of anyone, openly or covertly.

Hemorrhoids A person shows greed, takes on a lot of work, pushes, but does not have time to complete it;

loves to bully others, does not allow other colleagues to advance in their careers, interferes in every possible way, and impedes the creative growth of others. Self-righteous, selfish, cynical, mean-spirited, mentally traumatizing the opponent, etc.

Hemophilia Karmic. This person has corrupted many living souls in a past life, perhaps as a surgeon, an assassin, or as an energy vampire working with large audiences.

Viral hepatitis (Botkin's disease, yellow fever) Failure to fulfill those responsibilities (functions) that a person takes upon himself.

See Liver.

Herpes – (rash on the skin and mucous membranes of grouped blisters) Manifestation of coldness, callousness towards others. An upstart, he likes to point out the shortcomings of others. Selfish, vain, petty, clingy, etc.

Gigantism A clear manifestation of selfishness, vanity, greed, pompousness, grandiosity, one-sidedness, excessiveness, etc. in the past incarnation.

Hidradenitis is a purulent inflammation of the sweat glands. (Bitch's udder) Excessive maternal care (as if by the sweat of her brow) with a sarcastic educational tone.

He hid his anger, malice, irritation, greed.

Gynecology Dislike for husband (man), “fornication”, sexual intercourse “dry”, complaints against a man.

Hypervitaminosis Excessive consumption of various “healthy foods” (hidden greed), pills, vitamins, or stuffing another person (children) with it.

A person is associated with the food trade and commits various sins: deception, overweighting, under-delivery, etc.

Hypertension (high blood pressure) Fear, anxiety, pride, aggression - “I do everything alone”;

demanding back what was taken from him;

creates tense situations around himself, inflates circumstances;

there is no relaxation (overflow of energy from the heart meridian - it does not go into the stomach), etc.

reasons (sinful acts). A person suppresses other human souls with his dogmatic attitudes and prohibitions, being a teacher, educator, leader...

Hypotomia (low blood pressure) A person is weak-willed, relaxed, slack, scattered about various small matters (hidden greed), shows laziness in certain actions, undermines the created social structure with his indifference, being a teacher, educator, leader...

Glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure) As a leader, educator, teacher, mentor, he taught his students by shouting, anger, and swearing;

hot-tempered, he suppressed the psyche of the students, bringing them to different levels of despair, manifesting clearly and implicitly selfishness, vanity, etc.

Deaf-mute In a past life he committed suicide by hanging. He talked a lot, spewed blasphemy against people and God, listened to gossip and dirty, vile talk. The sixth and fifth chakras are blocked energetically for killing people with vile words.

Deafness Listened to teachings aimed at destruction, and various cynical, obscene stories, listened to rock music (metal) sounding at full power through speakers or headphones. And other factors.

Abscess See Abscess.

Pustular skin diseases Various sins committed during the reception, preparation, distribution of food and when selling food products, while being angry, sarcastic, swearing, greedy, petty, quick-tempered, “prickly”, etc. For more information about the connection with the body area, see the table.

Headaches Vanity in everything, selfishness and greed, aggression towards people, humans (if not related to the intestines), intervenes as an educator, mentor, teacher in other personal lives, loves to correct, moralize those who have made a mistake, made a mistake, without them asking for help.

Headaches are associated with the heart, liver, kidneys (adrenal glands), and intestines.

Dizziness, vomiting (bloody) Strong attacks of anger, moralizing someone, inflating his everyday, spiritual philosophy, interfering, interfering, blocking someone’s energy channels with a thought, word, deed.

Gonorrhea See Sexually transmitted diseases. During sexual relationships, he shows indifference, causticity, malice, irritability, intolerance and much more.

Hump ​​A clear manifestation of selfishness, vanity, a bad, mocking attitude towards parents, a strong distortion of other people’s life paths, malice, greed;

did something mean to someone, openly mocked others, laughed at someone, hit and beat someone. He did all this in his previous incarnation, and in this incarnation echoes of sinful acts may appear.

Throat, neck, chest Blasphemy, lies, foul language (even to oneself);

he led someone in the wrong direction, pointed someone out in the wrong direction, separated himself from the team as an upstart.

Throat, dysfunction of the thyroid gland Anger, desire for revenge, excessive or insufficient emotionality;

“don’t get into my soul”;

likes to scold, accuse, desecrate, humiliate someone in a team, at meetings.

The fifth (throat) chakra has poor energy.

Sinfulness Leads to despondency, gloominess, depression, suicide and much more.

Breast Loss of a loved one (from the chest).

Flu Anger, anger, envy, malice, deception, irritability, cursing at all levels, the desire to suppress someone, selfish pushing oneself out of the team, the desire to interfere and interfere in someone else's personal life and much more.

Angina pectoris (angina pectoris) He pinched, dominated someone, energetically strangled others (mentally pressed), prevented someone from growing creatively, used prohibitions, showed dogmatism and dislike for others, was greedy, stingy, pushed and hurried others in this or that way. in another matter, etc.

Hernia A person pushed himself forward in a team, in society, took on different norms and loads and failed to cope;

squeezed someone down the career ladder, career, got in the way, became a burden, attracted.

Sinful acts related to food and sexuality.

For children it is karmic and is connected with their parents.

D Farsightedness Greed, which includes the desire to know the future, and all the karmic deeds associated with this.

Colorblindness (color blindness) Pessimist, builds his life in shades of gray;

perhaps in a previous incarnation he was a guard, or spent his life in a dungeon or prison;

He put everyone under the same brush.

Depression Mentally suppressed others, dominated someone, set limits, prohibitions, interfered, interfered, accumulated anger, envy, hatred and other sinful acts.

Diabetes (sugar) Karmic. The influence of parents’ strong energy on children, sexual self-doubt;

perhaps in a previous incarnation - a nurse who gave injections in a bad mood, or, as one of the employees of kindergartens, orphanages, camps, he took sweets for himself;

dominated others, liked to tease others in conversations

interlocutor or someone, hurt others, killed with words, destroyed someone, and was also associated with sinful sexuality.

Dysentery He poured “dirt” (bad words) on someone with sarcastic overtones, was uncontrollable, hot-tempered, greedy in food, hoarded it, causing the food to spoil, persistently sought injustice in relation to someone, upset the entire established system in the team, in society and much more. Sinned in sexual acts.

Amebic dysentery See Dysentery. He was sarcastic a lot when it was connected with food, products and sex.

Vascular dystonia Being a conductor of executive work between someone and someone, he committed various sins.

See Vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Diphtheria Karmic, because in the past incarnation a person did not give food to someone, squeezed, dominated, did not give life to someone, mentally suffocated, spoke poorly and spoke poorly about others, capricious, nervous, etc.

Duodenitis (inflammation of the duodenal mucosa) A person sins in all 12 directions according to sinful manifestations in the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

See Stomach, Liver, Bile, Pancreas, Intestines.

F Jaundice See Hepatitis. Liver.

Stomach A person has a bad feeling in the mouth, smell.

Cunning, resentment, anger, greed (to have everything), bitterness in everything, acquisitiveness, envy;

demands laws, but does not fulfill them, does not observe them;

the desire for power over other people or for independence;

pessimism, dejection, downtroddenness, bad mood and much more.

Bile Bile, anger at one’s own and others’ strong anxiety, complaints against the person under care, irritability, spoils someone’s mood or the work they have begun. Envious, accumulates all the bad things associated with him by other people.

Gallbladder and liver Connected to the head, eyes, and intestines.

Gallstone disease See Bile. He secretly interfered with the lives and work of others, condemned and threw “dirt” at others.

Belly Sinful acts related to food and sexuality, career.

3 Intestinal volvulus (intestinal obstruction) A person weaves various intrigues in matters of nutrition and sexuality, deliberately confuses the course of events in which he himself was a participant, interferes with the lives of others, does not give passage in the service to young, talented people, accumulates “dirt” so that pour it on someone.

In children it’s like karmic for the same reasons.

Urinary retention Prevents others from living due to sexual problems;

bad matchmaker, sinful Don Juan, “dirty” seducer. Hurts others in love matters, selfish, tough, callous, selfish, etc.

Zaeda (skin disease in the corners of the mouth, cracks) While eating, he talked badly about someone, interfered with someone’s problem with food (cooking something), inadvertently intruded and ruined a piece of someone’s life at one time or another .

Stuttering From fright. Energetically bad throat chakra. Karmic, that is, in the past incarnation a person frightened, intimidated others, spoke blasphemous words, swore, scolded, shouted, was arrogant, was proud, gave the wrong knowledge to people (about the path to God and other things), exalted himself, became vain.

Bad breath Due to diseases of the gums, teeth, nasopharynx, esophagus, stomach, lungs.

Used bad language.

Constipation Greed in food, acquisitiveness, dryness towards others, is somewhat reminiscent of Gogol's Plyushkin. Interferes with the natural flow of life processes to other people, family and society.

Goiter See Throat. Thyroid. Thyroid gland dysfunction.

An outburst of one’s anger, hatred, temper, aggressiveness, pushing oneself forward as a leader.

Itching An itchy, boring person, interfering, petty, scrupulous. If on the head - as an educator, mentor, teacher. If on hand as a trading and creative person. If on the body - sinfulness in society (household construction), everyday life. If you are on your feet, you are established as a leader.

And Heartburn Petty grievances, snapping, increased excitability, while eating, condemns (burns with words) another.

Impotence (sexual impotence) Both karmic and acquired as a result of abundant Don Juanism (in a bad sense) or a strong prohibition on sexuality (yogis, hermits, monks, saints), or as a teacher, educator, with his prohibitions on sexuality, prevented the development of the younger generation.

Stroke (apoplexy, brain stroke) How a thinker, engineer, designer, teacher, philosopher, writer, musician destroyed the existential-philosophical attitudes of other people with his dogmas, prohibitions, mental pain, short temper, anger, bitterness, suppression, prevented progress on the creative career ladder and other sinful acts.

Myocardial infarction See Atherosclerosis.

Killing the life of another person with words, anger, suppression, release of negative emotions, strict prohibitions;

destroyer of family hearths.

Hypochondria (fear for one's health) Attributes to himself diseases that do not exist in his body. Resentment (touchy about every little thing). He looks for the cause of his grief in other people around him. He showed greed, suppressed, found fault with everyone over various trifles;

ran away from difficulties, hiding behind illness;

scrupulous, impatient, loves to quarrel, imaginary, nervous, etc.

Curvature of the spine (lateral, S-shaped - scoliosis) Damage, curse, return of bad karma.

a) (ahead - lordosis) Energy stab in the back, believed bad gossip addressed to you from your acquaintances, relatives, friends;

b) (behind - kyphosis) Energy blow from the front. Received an energetic blow from the director, boss, manager, parents;

resisted energetic violence, internally disagreed with parents, boss, etc.

c) (hump) See Hump. Karmic. Huge egoistic achievements in a past life; in all likelihood, he was an arrogant, cynical, vain leader...

Hysteria Various kinds of disagreement with given circumstances, situations, relationships with this or that person... or categorical rejection of them out of ignorance, spiritual blindness, as well as a gradual set of certain sinful acts in words and thoughts. And to all this you can add all kinds of grievances, grief, selfish acquisitions, doubts, deceptions and much more.

Coronary heart disease Manifestations of various types of dislike associated with emotional experiences and actions towards someone or something.

This person interfered, impeded, suppressed the development of love relationships in other people towards someone or something. And also laziness, greed, vanity, self-interest, hypocrisy.

This disease is promoted by hypertension (see.

Hypertension) and diabetes (see Diabetes) and other factors (see Heart).

Sciatica See Sciatica.

Carbuncle is promoted by vitamin deficiency (see Avitaminosis), diabetes (see Diabetes), etc. (see Abscess). From caustic bitterness, angry outbursts, curses related to food, from vanity, oppression of someone, did not give advancement, is dogmatic in sinful acts, in some ways a usurper, etc.

Cardiosclerosis See Cardiovascular disease.

See Heart.

Dental caries undermined the material foundations of other people, most often in family relationships (bottom row tooth), causing annoying pain, mentally destroying them or being sarcastic to them. And if the tooth in the top row hurts, the person was being sarcastic and hurting the teachers;

and as karmic - he was a boss (of any rank) and destroyed the positive principle of his subordinates, employees, slaves... and other factors.

Castration Karmic. The teacher of sexuality (tan trist) gave the wrong knowledge, or used it for selfish purposes, active Don Juanism;

how an obstetrician prevented childbearing... perhaps something else.

Dwarf growth Karmic. In the previous incarnation - a high-ranking boss, a minister, a diplomat, a banker, a general with arrogant, selfish habits, a miser, greedy, callous, tight-fisted, angry, angry, dogmatic (in a bad sense), did not allow people to move up the career ladder with good intentions, etc.

Cataract (clouding of the lens of the eye) Karmic. In the previous incarnation - a teacher who does not know the true direction of his teaching with a sinful emotional orientation. A teacher in all spheres of society and the state system. Other factors are also possible.

Cough A person who swears a lot, screams, speaks in a raised voice, barks, swears, blasphemes in certain circumstances and situations (verbal mess).

See bronchial asthma.

Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye) Overseer, assistant teacher, manager;

doorman, security guard... exhibiting sinful acts in his official place, who made others cry, interfered with the acquisition of certain teachings, information for the benefit of society and the good of people.

See Belmo.

Kyphosis See Curvature of the spine.

Skin (skin diseases) All kinds of fears. Apparently, he intimidated someone in a past life and in this one;

does not like to listen to lectures;

as well as a wide variety of sinful acts related to food and sexuality.

Colic (sharp pain in the abdominal cavity) Melancholy, all kinds of sarcastic remarks, causing pain to someone while eating, related to food and sexuality;

resentment, envy, caustic snapping, manifestation of displeasure.

Colitis (inflammation of the colon, acute and chronic) From constant use of antibiotics and laxatives. Sinful acts related to food and sexuality, arrogance and vanity;

poisoned someone's soul with deeds and words.

Intestines Selfish self-confidence, vain self-love, self-satisfaction, fear of action, general complaints, resentments, grief, sinful sexuality, etc.

Cyst Irritability, holding a constant grudge against someone, interfered with life processes in a particular organization, profession (in the family, society);

being a boss, he stuck himself out, secretly committed sinful acts, etc.

Coma Karmic. Associated with the accumulation of energies of suppression on the verge of death, interfered with the creative process in any profession, being the boss of another.

Shell shock Beat, struck someone with a word, mentally and physically, having any profession, etc.

Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the eyelids and eyeball) Sinful acts on the emotional, mental plane, “showing off”, making others cry, hot-tempered, irritable, etc., being a mentor in various fields of knowledge.

Coronary insufficiency See Atherosclerosis. The appearance of dislike for vital aspects in a particular profession.

Measles Karmic. In a previous incarnation, in his older years he showed short temper, irritability, energetically suppressed and strangled someone;

sins associated with the throat chakra and sexuality.

Tongue-tied Sins associated with the throat chakra, giving the wrong direction in life to others, swearing, swearing, etc.

Urticaria Psychic sinful energies associated with food and sexuality, both in the past incarnation in old age and in this life;

hot temper, impatience, boringness, etc.

Rubella See Urticaria. He suppressed someone mentally and verbally, and prevented others from developing freely.

Cretinism Karmic. A judge, a teacher... who condemned people, showed his disdain for them, most often under the guise of a righteous person, and other factors.

Torticollis Karmic. A one-sided teacher, leader, boss, director, minister... a clear manifestation of selfishness, vanity, etc.

Cryptorchidism (absence of one or two testicles in the scrotum) Karmic. A clear manifestation of greed, stinginess in the field of trade and food and depraved sexual manifestations. Perhaps he was castrated in previous incarnations.

Hemorrhages (accumulation of blood in tissues) A ​​person commits sins on an emotional level and does not perform repentance and cleansing prayers to God for a long time.

Bleeding All kinds of sins on the emotional and physical level;

hot-tempered, unbalanced, assertive, uncontrollable, etc.

Hemoptysis Spewed blasphemy, swear words at people, etc.

factors of sinful acts.

Croup (inflammation of the larynx and narrowing of its light) Karmic. In a previous incarnation, in old age, he was a teacher, an overseer...

shouted, swore at people, energetically suppressing them, and other factors.

Croupous pneumonia See Pneumonia. He disintegrated the social structure, being a director, boss, leader, teacher..., suppressed, pinched his charges with his temper, anger, psychologically and other factors.

Q fever (fever affecting the lungs) See Croupous pneumonia.

Associated with sinful acts towards animals;

secret pest of animals and people, etc.

Night blindness Mental sinful acts associated with the teaching of earthly life and other factors.

L Laryngitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx) A person who speaks various abusive, castigating, humiliating words to others, is hot-tempered, greedy, stingy, etc.

Left-handedness If in men, it is a manifestation of feminine active characteristics (karmic).

For women, it’s the other way around (karmic).

Light love stress in strong-willed natures, when morality is not satisfactory;

from anxiety, talkativeness, lack of reliability and constant worry about others;

sees no way out, futile reaction, suppression of other people.

See Pleurisy.

Lungs (tuberculosis) Great optimists under a righteous mask suppress others;

fantastic plans, rape or fear of him.

Karmic - teachers, designers, discoverers, scientists.

Lungs (fire in them) Deep sadness, short temper, anger;

suppression of these feelings in oneself without God;

was a boss, a leader.

Leukemia (tumor diseases of the hematopoietic system - blood cancer) Karmic. Blasphemy, atheism, murder itself by bleeding;

puts a lot of pressure on himself and does not fulfill it;

oppression, internal rebellious temper;

destroyed and suppressed others. He destroyed houses, drove people out to starve to death, and much more.

Leishmaniasis (damage to the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs) Karmic. In a previous incarnation he was a shaman, sorcerer, healer;

committed acts of causing damage, death, damage through love affairs;

prostitution, showing off one’s appearance, etc.

Leprosy (leprosy) Karmic. He took what belonged to others, both openly and secretly, and under a righteous mask;

asserted, was vain;

anger, malice, envy, manifestation of dislike, accuser of sinful people, dogmatist of religious views, sarcastic;

all kinds of sins under a righteous mask, sexual sinfulness, suppressed others, kicked people out of the house, did not give someone food, clothing, etc.;

was a ruler, banker, merchant..., deceived others, etc.

Leptospirosis (acute infectious diseases of the liver, kidneys, capillaries, central nervous system) See Liver. Kidneys. Leprosy. Nervous system.

Lymph Suspiciousness.

Lymphadenitis Karmic. Perhaps in past incarnations he was an orderly, a doctor in sanitary and epidemiological stations, dispensaries and committed sinful acts in the selfish acquisition of something, the desire for profit;

secretive, hot-tempered, harboring resentment;

perhaps prosecutors, judges, lawyers, police, police... and the sinful acts associated with these professions.

Fever Hot temper, aggression, envy, resentment, dogmaticity, greed, prevented someone from solving life problems.

Ringworm rosea Karmic. Sinfulness is associated with food and sexuality, someone was interfered with in family and everyday problems, someone was deprived of certain joys, etc.

Tinea versicolor See Psoriasis.

False croup See Croup.

False joint Karmic. The person may have had the profession of a thief, a boss;

leader of anti-government organizations, etc.

Lordosis See Curvature of the spine.

Radiation sickness Karmic. A teacher who gives on a spiritual level a sinful, destructive path in life, perhaps a doctor, a prosecutor, a critic... with his own sinful acts.

Lumbago (lumbago, acute pain in the lumbar region) Selfishness, vanity, pride, atheism, self-love (selfish);

leaders from small to large in all professions;

hot temper, anger, gloating, often criticizes, etc.

Giardiasis (a disease of the small intestine, sometimes the gall bladder from Giardia) Karmic. Sinfulness associated with food and sexuality in a previous incarnation in old age, or during this life;

M Malaria Hot temper, anger, envy, bitterness, arrogance, selfishness;

prevented someone from solving life problems, hindered, did not allow other factors to develop.

Manic-depressive psychosis (circular psychosis) All kinds of sinful acts at the intellectual and mental level in all professions: from the boss to the director and various teachers;

karmic, etc.

Insanity Karmic. Associated with all professions of man as a teacher;

greedy, selfish, vain, selfish;

perhaps in the past incarnation he was a policeman, a policeman, a soldier by profession (a boss, starting with minor ranks).

Mastitis (inflammation of the mammary glands) Karmic. In past incarnations it is associated with serving food to people, close acquaintances...

At the same time, various sinful acts were committed: hot temper, envy, self-interest, greed, causticism, etc.

Mastoiditis See Otitis.

Mastopathy (lumps in the mammary glands) See Mastitis. Overprotection of children (children's feasting of maternal energy), sinful acts in the sexual sphere, neglect of other people, stinginess, callousness, dogmatism, etc.

Uterine bleeding Inattention to others, neglect, negligent attitude, hot temper, envy, condemnation, “throwing dirt”

on other people, lack of restraint, lack of punctuality, etc.

Meningitis (inflammation of the meninges) Karmic. Teacher-organizer, hot-tempered, angry, envious;

those. sinful acts in all areas of life, etc.

Meningococcus See Meningitis. Usurper, sexual sinfulness, etc.

Meniscus Selfishness, vanity, sinful assertion in all professions, persistence, delving into the sins of people he does not want, money changers demanding a lawsuit from others for minor offenses, etc.

Meniere's disease (painful change in the inner ear) Karmic. I listened to this or that sinful teacher and did as he said, while committing sins, confusing others, and other factors.

Flatulence (gas in the intestines) Committing various sins in a mild form, from sluggishness, from speed, from ignorance;

rushing about, fussy, curious, greedy, acquisitive in the field of food and sexuality, etc.

Metroendometritis (inflammation of the uterus, muscle and mucous layer) Sinfulness associated with the sexual sphere, dogmatism, hot temper;

interfered with someone hidden, secretly in education, nutrition, related to sexual problems;

disrupted the activity schedule of others and other factors;


Migraine Karmic. A bad teacher in the past incarnated in one profession or another;

all kinds of sins in all spheres of human life, especially in sexuality.

Microsporia (a contagious fungal skin disease) Karmic. On the head is a teacher who has a negative attitude towards his activities;

petty, meticulous, sarcastic, arguing over various matters;

punished, deprived other people (children, students) of life activities, etc.

Myxedema (decrease or loss of thyroid function) Karmic. Suppressed, destroyed, interfered with and inhibited the development of life processes in other people;

selfish, vain, sinful sexual manifestations;

deceived and lied to others, humiliated others and much more.

Tonsils See tonsillitis.

Myositis (inflammation of skeletal muscles) Takes on heavy loads, interferes with others, all kinds of sinful acts in this direction;

vanity, irritability, dogmatism, etc. The sinfulness of secret professions.

Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) Manifestations of dislike for others in the sphere of existence of the emotional and spiritual plane and, at the same time, committing certain sinful acts while being a leader.

See Heart.

Fibroids See Tumors. Irritability.

Callus Dry, callous, pressed and dominated someone, hindered, asserted, slowed down and interfered with someone’s actions, dogmatism, etc.

Brain Perverted attitude towards work and any activity.

Sputum Spitting on someone, being sarcastic;

dominated, interfered with someone, squeezed someone, etc.

Mammary gland See Breast.

Protrusion, selfishness, sinful sexuality, sinful acts in the distribution of food, perverted maternal instinct and other sinful acts.

Infectious mononucleosis See Sore throat. Karmic. The gradual accumulation of various sins in all areas of human activity.

Bladder See Cystitis.

Urolithiasis See Kidneys.

Dogmatism, suppression of someone and one’s own bitterness;

threw “stones into someone else’s garden”, committed sins secretly, or under a righteous mask;

committed sins in the water supply, nutrition and sexuality, etc.

Mutagenesis Interfered with and changed by violent means the actions of other people and animals;

Other factors are also possible.

N Obsessive states Greed under a righteous mask, tediousness, forced himself with something, often frightened someone;

I really wanted something, but I couldn’t realize it or get it for my pleasure and I was very offended because of this;


Adrenal glands See Endocrine system. Excessive ambition, desire for independence, feeling of unforgiveness, anger, negative emotions, desire for power over other people, ambitious, vain, selfish, loves honor, bitterness, sexual sins.

Drug addiction Karmic. He abused alcohol, drinks, smoking, herbs, and pills;

he did ungodly deeds, a glutton;

a spiritual person who has jumped over certain material developments;

interfered with and forbade another to receive certain material pleasures, etc.

Boil See abscess. For additional information, see the table.

Hereditary diseases Karmic. With moderate sins.

Runny nose Cleansing from petty aggression when ashamed;

sexual inaccuracies, told obscene jokes, spit on someone under a righteous mask;

interfered, prevented me from doing something in small ways;

coldness, dislike for others, etc.

Runny nose, flu Lack of self-esteem, manifestation of dislike.

See Runny nose.

Neuralgia Karmic. Deceptions, slander, lies;

abuse of alcohol, drug addiction, smoking and related sins;

angry, touchy, held a grudge against someone;

mentally dominated someone;

being a supplier, leader, guide, interfered with, obstructed vital means of support, etc.

Neurasthenia Karmic. Hot-tempered, envious, jealous, cunning, deceiver, liar, dogmatic, stubborn;

constantly dissatisfied with something, insecure, changeable, complainer, prevented someone from doing something, suppressed his emotions, pessimist, etc.

Neuritis Various sins associated with the supply for life processes in society and for people. A deceiver, a liar, a terrorist, disrupted the rhythm of life of the team, society, a usurper and much more.

Neuroses See Neurasthenia. Greed, stinginess, slackness, uncleanliness in words, actions, “a thorn in the team,” etc.

Urinary incontinence Karmic. Associated with sexuality, cultism, greed;

unrestrained, hasty, wants to be a leader, deceived;

despised someone, mocked others;

as a leader, a teacher dominated someone;

spoke poorly about family and society, criticized, etc.

Premature baby From the child’s side – karmic;

curiosity, haste, did not complete the task, greed to have something else, unbalanced, deceived, promised a lot, etc.

On the mother’s side - neglect, unloving, inability to keep a promised word, deception;

greed to want a lot, not finishing things, haste, fussiness, hecticness, etc.

Neurodermatitis (skin disease) Karmic. Boringness, talkativeness, protesting, unrestrained;

damaged public buildings and structures;

sinful acts as a parent in the areas of nutrition and sexuality.

For additional information, see the table.

See Neuroses.

Intestinal obstruction A usurper in matters of food and sexuality, he made tricks, traps, traps for someone, put restrictions on someone, forced someone to starve, that is, punished someone with food, etc.

Nephritis (kidney disease) See Kidneys.

Right Leg – self-affirmation, pride, vanity and careerism.

Left – self-affirmation in sexuality.

For women it’s the opposite.

Nails All kinds of sins related to moral standards (ethics), aesthetics (disregard for beauty) and other factors.

Nose Sinful acts related to education, sexuality, intemperance, blasphemy. Straight nose - straightforward, righteous...

Concave - deceptive, cunning... Upside down - goes too far in business...

Nosebleed Dominated someone, did not give someone shelter for the night;

beat and hit someone in a family-blood relationship;

took something that belonged to others, stole from the family, from relatives, from society. and etc.

Nasopharynx Various sins in the field of food, sexuality;

being a guide in all areas of everyday life, in all professions, etc.

About Baldness Karmic. As a leader, ruler, minister, director, teacher... blocked energy channels at the intellectual level;

prohibited something (printing, literature, painting, TV);

as a religious figure he also put prohibitions on others;

selfishness, selfishness, vanity;

suppression of all those who surround him, persistent;

bullied others while moving up his career, etc.

Fainting Transformation of all kinds of sins associated with suppressing the life activity of another person in different spheres of his activity, most often mentally, killing him on the invisible plane, bringing him short-term death, etc.

Shortness of breath Greed, grabbed something else, blocked the vital channels of others;

took on a lot and couldn’t cope, hasty, unrestrained, and other factors.

Obesity Greed, money-grubbing, hoarding, both spiritual and material;

the desire for esoteric knowledge, selfishness, vanity, anxiety, fear, self-doubt, etc.

Burns Hot temper, anger, intense passions, showing off, intolerance, caused mental pain to others.

The location of the burn on the body provides additional information.

Ozena (fetid runny nose) See Runny nose. Karmic. He secretly did evil that bulged out;

a miser whose everything rots and disappears;

has base animal instincts, etc.

Chilliness Manifestation of unloving, coldness towards others, etc.

The Holy Gospel tells us about many miracles that our Lord Jesus Christ performed throughout His earthly life. But the miracle that we heard about in today’s Gospel has a special character, which is why, by the way, it is read twice a year: once - in Lent and then again - on one of the Sundays (no longer during Lent) .

In this miracle we see how a person's faith gives him strength, courage and determination to achieve his goal, even when faced with undoubted obstacles.

One man fell ill with a disease that in the Gospel is called paralysis (in our language - paralysis), and his friends decided at all costs to bring him to the Divine Wonderworker, whose fame was already thundering throughout Palestine. But when his friends brought him to the house where the Lord was teaching, it turned out that there was no way to approach Him, because He was surrounded by a mass of people. They had a heavy burden - they carried their sick friend in a portable bed or on a stretcher and saw that they could not get to Him.

And then they did not stop at a completely unusual means: climbing onto a flat roof made of tiles, they dismantled it; Perhaps the owners of the house did not experience much pleasure seeing this, but they did their job and in such an extraordinary way ensured that the portable bed on which the paralytic lay was lowered directly to the feet of the Savior.

But how edifying is the further narration of this miracle! The Evangelist says that the Savior, “seeing their faith,” says to the paralytic: “...your sins are forgiven you” (Luke 5:20). Notice the words “their faith”; it does not say “his faith,” that is, the most relaxed one. Perhaps the words “I believe them” also applied to him, but maybe not, because paralysis could lead him to complete relaxation of both mental and physical strength. His own faith might have wavered, perhaps he did not have firm faith, but the Lord sees “their faith,” those who brought this patient and have already proven their faith with their determination and perseverance.

Seeing their faith, the Lord turns to the sick man, but does not immediately tell him “get up,” but says to him: “Son, your sins are forgiven you.” With this, the Lord immediately gives us a lesson that we need to look, as they say, at the root of the matter and before healing a person’s body, we need to heal his soul. Illness, directly or indirectly, is always the result of sin. If people did not sin, they would not get sick. And so the Lord shows us how this root is healed, and first heals the soul from sin, from sinful illness.

But then there was an unexpected “reaction” to the words of the Savior. When He said: “...your sins are forgiven,” then among those around Him at that time were His enemies, the scribes and Pharisees, who from this incident were not slow to draw for themselves a reason for condemnation and reproach. They began to think that He was blaspheming by forgiving sins, since who can forgive sins except God alone, and they did not suspect that they were right in this case, because He who forgave sins was precisely God incarnate.

Then the Lord showed them that He saw their thoughts and said: “What do you think in your hearts? Tell me, what is easier, in your opinion, to say: your sins are forgiven or get up, take up your bed and go?” (Luke 5:24) Essentially, the first is more difficult to say. For, indeed, only God or His servant, who has the power and right to do so from Him, can forgive sins. To say “take up your bed and walk” means to act in the order of our ordinary life. But this is essentially.

And from the outside - as the scribes and Pharisees and many of the people thought - of course, it is more difficult to say the second. Because it’s easy to say “your sins are forgiven,” but who can check whether they were forgiven or not? He said and said... But if you tell a sick person “take up your bed and go,” and he doesn’t get up and walk, then it won’t turn out well. Therefore, from a human point of view, judging by appearance, it is more difficult to say the latter.

Here is the Lord: “... so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins... I say to you,” He addresses the paralytic, “get up, take up your bed and go to your house” (Luke 5:24) (that is, so that you know that I have the power that you talk about and which belongs only to God, I am doing before your eyes what is much more difficult from your point of view - healing the paralytic).

But I want to repeat once again what you and I must always remember: you need to heal a sick person from the basics.

That is why believers, when they become seriously ill and when there is talk around them about inviting a doctor, or perhaps convening a council, say: “First call a minister of the Church, he will strengthen me with the Sacraments of the Church - confession, reception of the Holy Mysteries and unction (or consecration of oil - a Sacrament specially designated for healing). And when my soul is freed from the burden of sin, then heal my body too.” This is how you should always do it.

But we, confessors, have often had to encounter sad cases when a person is seriously and dangerously ill, he is in danger of death, and those around him and his relatives do not invite the priest to him, saying: “We are afraid to frighten him.”

Is it possible to be guided by such considerations when a person, perhaps, is very close to the end of his life? How to deprive him of the main thing - what is necessary for the departing soul? No! They don’t invite a minister of the Church! They say: “We are afraid to scare you.”

And by the way, you need to keep in mind that a person who realizes that his illness can end in death looks at everything completely differently - he has a different perception. I, a sinner, had to give communion to many hundreds, and maybe thousands of sick people over the long years of my priesthood, and I don’t remember a single case where a sick person was afraid. On the contrary, the sick always joyfully meet the minister of the Church, who brings them grace-filled strengthening and sanctification.

This is the first and most important thing that needs to be done for the patient, and then do everything else, that is, heal him with earthly medicines. But first of all, it is necessary to heal his immortal soul. Amen.

Disease and death entered human life as a result of the Fall. Before this, the person was not sick and did not know death. Likewise, in the life of the next century there will be no illnesses and old age. A person will be forever young, happy, full of creative forces. But it is there, in eternal life. And here, on this sinful earth...


Experiencing pain and suffering, a person begins to understand how imperfect and fragile he is in this world and that sooner or later he will have to leave here.

Man is spirit, soul and body. And this hierarchy is reflected in all his life activities, including various kinds of diseases that visit his life. Illnesses in the spiritual field necessarily affect the psyche and somatics of a person.

By violating God's commandment, a person disrupts the integrity of his body, as if turning on the mechanism of internal self-destruction. And the pain that arises here is often a signal that not everything is in order with us, that we have lost our way.

For example, in the case of alcoholism and drug addiction. The horror and intensity of the suffering of these unfortunates literally forces them to look for a way out. Often the search itself is painful, and this is due to the fact that a person searches as if in the dark, groping, stumbling, falling and getting up again. When this way out of the impasse, from the desperate situation is found, then a person can no longer be ungrateful to the pain and suffering that prompted him to active action, forced him to tirelessly knock on the doors of God’s mercy. “Seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7), the Holy Gospel teaches us, and everyone who sincerely seeks will not be abandoned. It turns out that it is simply useful for an alcoholic and a drug addict, it is literally necessary to feel pain and remember the pangs of a hangover and withdrawal symptoms - they can stop him from breakdowns, remind him of future eternal torment.

Due to their occurrence, all existing diseases can be divided into two groups:
1. Diseases arising due to violation of the natural laws of nature.
2. Diseases arising due to violation of the spiritual laws of the Universe.

The first group includes diseases caused, for example, by poor nutrition, hypothermia or overheating, overwork, etc.

The second group includes diseases caused by violation of God's commandments.

While medical care can be quite successful in treating natural diseases, diseases resulting from sinful actions cannot be treated medically.

Here is what St. Basil the Great writes about this: “ Diseases arise from material principles, and here the art of medicine is useful; There are illnesses as punishment for sins, and here patience and repentance are needed; There are illnesses to fight and overthrow the evil one, like Job, and as an example to the impatient, like Lazarus, and saints endure illnesses, showing everyone humility and the limit of the human nature common to all. So, do not rely on medical art without grace and do not reject it out of your stubbornness, but ask God for knowledge of the reasons for punishment, and then deliverance from weakness, enduring sections, cauterizations, bitter medicines and all the healing of punishments».

« The cause of illness is sin, one’s own will, and not any necessity"- said the Monk Ephraim the Syrian. And at the same time, according to the words of the holy Apostle Peter, illness often leads a person away from sins: “ Christ suffered for us in the flesh, then arm yourself with the same thought; for he who suffers in the flesh ceases to sin, so that the rest of the time in the flesh he may no longer live according to human lusts, but according to the will of God"(1 Peter 4:1-2).

According to Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh, there are very fragile souls that the world around them can break and cripple. God protects such a soul with a veil of madness or some kind of alienation or misunderstanding. The soul matures in the silence of its inner world and enters eternity mature, mature. And sometimes this “cover” is removed, and the person recovers.

Disease, according to the thoughts of the saints, does not allow passions to arise: « Every illness preserves our spirit from rottenness and spiritual corruption and does not allow passions, like spiritual worms, to arise in us"- writes Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk. " I saw those who were seriously suffering, who, through physical illness, as if by some kind of penance, got rid of spiritual passion“, points out John Climacus.

Illness brings the sick person closer to God through prayer: « ", exhorts Saint Nile of Sinai. The torment of the sick also moves his neighbor to compassion and prayer.

Illness is often attributed to the patient sufferer instead of heroism: « Whoever endures an illness with patience and gratitude is credited with it instead of a feat and even more", stated Saint Seraphim of Sarov. Illness has the power to soften hearts and make one aware of one’s weakness.. Sometimes it is only when we ourselves are seriously ill, in a state of helplessness and suffering, that we fully begin to appreciate human complicity and care. " Saint Athanasius the Great, coming to Saint Niphon, who was lying on his deathbed, and sitting down next to him, asked him: “Father! Is there any benefit from illness? Saint Niphon answered: “Just as gold, kindled by fire, is cleansed from rust, so a person suffering from illness is cleansed from his sins.”».

That is, a disease, if treated correctly, can bring considerable benefit to a person.

So, based on the above, we can draw the following conclusions.

The Lord allows people to suffer from illness and sorrow:

1. For sins: for their redemption, for changing a vicious lifestyle, realizing this viciousness and understanding that earthly life is a short moment, behind which there is eternity, and what it will be like for you depends on your earthly life.

2. Often for the sins of the parents children get sick ( so that grief crushes their crazy life, makes them think and change). In these cases, no matter how cruel it may seem to the modern secularist ( that is, indifferent to religion) a person brought up in the spirit of humanism ( a spirit that deifies the body and places its needs and desires above all else), but the words ring true: such people need illness to save their souls! For, first of all, the Lord cares about the salvation of man’s eternal soul, and for this man must become a new being, the way he was intended by God, for which he must change, cleanse himself of passions and vices. God and the commandments of Christ should be at the head of life, and not temporary, transitory health, well-being, abundance of food and clothing. All this is the golden calf, for which the ancient Jews often exchanged their Eternal God, just as many modern Christians betray Christ.

3. Due to the child’s special calling in life.

4. Often to cultivate our humility and patience, so necessary for eternal life.

5. To prevent evil and disastrous actions. There is a parable about the Lord. One day Jesus Christ was walking with his disciples along the road, and they saw a man legless from birth begging for alms by the road, and the disciples asked why he had no legs? Christ replied: “ If he had legs, he would cross the entire earth with fire and sword.».

6. Often, to save us from a big one with a small nuisance. For if in this situation we had remained healthy and acted as usual, some greater misfortune could have happened to us, but by tearing us out of the normal course of life through illness, the Lord saves us from it.


Now let's talk about possible ways of healing from diseases that appear for spiritual reasons, and about the forces by which they are accomplished. First, let's look at this type of healing: healing by divine power, which, like insight, given to a person with a purified heart, completely devoted to Christ, mostly an ascetic and ascetic. Such, for example, are the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, the unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, the holy martyr Cyprian, the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, etc.

Take a look at their lives. They treated the soul first and only then the body. For the soul is an eternal thing, much more valuable than a temporary, transitory body.

And the people they healed had their lives changed, their faith strengthened, their souls cleansed of passions. So, if we look at the healings that were performed by the power of God, we will see that. In this case, first of all, the moral causes of the disease, if any, were eliminated. In the Gospel of Matthew, in the case of the healing of the “paralytic” (sick) by our Lord Jesus Christ, we see that before he was told: “ Your sins are forgiven you,” and then “get up and walk.”"(Matthew 9:5).

One can also cite many cases of healings of the sick that took place near the relics and clothes of saints. Here is one case from personal practice: a mitten that belonged to St. John of Kronstadt was put on the hand of a completely paralyzed patient, V., after a prayer service I had performed. Immediately after this, the patient began to move the fingers of her paralyzed hand and was soon able to walk. The attending physicians were amazed at such a quick healing.

So, The Christian attitude towards illness is:
- in humble acceptance of the will of God;
- in the awareness of one’s sinfulness and the sins for which the disease was tolerated;
- in repentance and changing lifestyle.

It is very important to confess cleanly and often, not to have serious sins in your soul, since sins are the very window through which the unclean spirit affects our soul and body. Periodic communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ fills our hearts with Divine grace and heals mental and physical ailments. In the Sacrament of Anointing (unction), forgotten sins are forgiven, soul and body are healed. Holy water and prosphora, taken in the morning on an empty stomach, also sanctify our nature. Bathing in holy springs and anointing with blessed oil taken from miraculous icons are very beneficial. Frequent reading of the Gospel and Psalms enlightens our soul and drives away the pathogenic influences of fallen spirits.

Prayer, fasting, almsgiving and other virtues propitiate the Lord, and He sends us healing from illnesses. If we go to doctors, then we need to ask for God’s blessing for treatment and trust them to treat the body, not the soul. You cannot trust your soul to anyone except God.

Having received a miraculous healing from an illness, many did not pay attention to God’s good deed and their duty to be grateful for the good deed, began to lead a sinful life, turned the gift of God to their own detriment, became alienated from God, and lost salvation. For this reason, miraculous healings are very rare, although carnal wisdom greatly respects them and would very much like them. " You ask and do not receive, because you ask not for good, but so that you can use it for your lusts."(James 4:3).

Spiritual reason teaches that illnesses and other sorrows that God sends to man are sent out of God’s special mercy as bitter healing treatments for the sick; they contribute to our salvation, our eternal well-being much more surely than miraculous healings.

In addition, many diseases arise as a result of the influence of unclean spirits, and the results of these demonic attacks are very similar to natural disease.

From the Gospel narrative it is known that the crumpled woman had a spirit of infirmity (Luke 13:11-16). She was not possessed, but her illness came from the action of an unclean spirit. In this case, any medical art becomes powerless. That’s why Saint Basil the Great says: “ Just as the art of medicine should not be neglected at all, it is also inappropriate to place all hope in it alone." For such diseases are healed only by the power of God, by expelling the spirit of malice. This happens as a result of the correct spiritual life of the sick person, and if necessary, then a lecture performed by a cleric who has been specially blessed for this by the clergy.

Many Holy Fathers wrote about the correct attitude towards illness. And many of them came to a paradoxical conclusion for a secular person. They recommended rejoicing in illness. This is how the holy righteous John of Kronstadt explains it: “ My brother! Take sincere advice from me: endure your illness generously and not only do not be discouraged, but on the contrary, if you can, rejoice in your illness. What is there to be happy about, you ask, when it breaks far and wide? Rejoice that the Lord has punished you with temporary punishment, “for the Lord punishes whomever he loves, and smites every son whom he receives” (Heb. 12:6). Rejoice that you bear the cross of illness and, therefore, walk the narrow and sorrowful path leading to the Kingdom of Heaven».

The saints prayed during illnesses like this: “ I thank You, Lord, for everything that You deigned to send me for admonition and correction. Lord, glory to You for everything that is happening to me! Thy holy will be done. Do not deprive me of Your mercy! Make this illness a cleansing of my sins!»

According to the teachings of the Holy Fathers, to those who endure an illness with patience and gratitude, it is credited instead of a feat and even more. For a little suffering in earthly life, a person will receive a great reward in eternal life. If you don't deal with pain spiritually, it can become bitter. If you take it as medicine from the hand of God, then the person receives Divine consolation and will be counted among the martyrs.

« “God is faithful,” encourages the Apostle Paul, “who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but when you are tempted will also give you the way of escape, so that you can endure it.”"(1 Cor. 10:13).

When a person does not complain, but gives thanks for suffering, he is awarded great glory and is equal to the ascetic desert. But if illness is a very common phenomenon, then the ascetic feats of desert dwellers are the lot of a few.

At the same time, the Holy Scripture testifies that “the health and well-being of the body is more valuable than any gold, and a strong body is better than countless riches; There is no wealth better than physical health. Better is death than a sorrowful life or a constantly continuing illness” (Sir.30:15-17). The Lord protects a truly believing and repentant person from illness. " If you obey the voice of the Lord your God, the Bible instructs, and do what is right in His sight, and listen to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, then I will not bring upon you any of the diseases that I brought upon Egypt."(Exodus 15:26). The Lord gave this general promise not only in relation to the “Egyptian plagues.” He promised to remove all infirmity from believers, to deliver them “from the destructive plague... the plague that walks in darkness, the plague that devastates at midday” (Ps. 91:3,6). In the Slavic translation of this psalm it is written absolutely unambiguously: “ Evil will not come to you, and wound will not approach your body, as His Angel commanded you, keep you in all your ways"(Ps.90:10-11). The wisdom of God saves those who serve her from troubles (in the Slavic text - “deliver from illnesses”) (Wisdom Sol. 10:9). As already mentioned, health is the original norm of human existence, and illness is the result of the Fall. Therefore, one can and should desire health, but at the same time an appropriate Christian attitude must be developed towards illness.

« My son!.. pray to the Lord, and He will heal you, the biblical sage teaches. - Leave your sinful life and correct your hands, and cleanse your heart from all sin... And give place to the doctor, for the Lord created him too, and let him not move away from you, for he is needed... Whoever sins before Him who created him, let him fall into the hands of a doctor !” (Sir.38:9-10,12,15). The Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church also wrote about the need for treatment. “I was saddened by your illness,” wrote Saint Nektarios of Aegina to his spiritual daughter. - You caught a cold because of the dampness in your cell, since it was impossible to repair it with meager funds. Why didn't you write to me? I would send money... No need to freeze anymore, don’t endanger your life... Illness hinders the spiritual growth of those who have not achieved perfection. You need health for spiritual work. Anyone who is imperfect and who goes out to battle will be defeated, know this, if he is not healthy, for he will lack that moral strength that strengthens the perfect. For the imperfect, health is a chariot that carries a fighter to the victorious end of the battle. That is why I advise you to be reasonable, know the limits in everything and avoid excesses... Let P. together with A. take you to the doctor to make sure that your cold has not left any consequences. You should heed his instructions. Being in good health will help you grow spiritually, otherwise your efforts will be in vain».

« You don’t have to undergo treatment in the expectation that God will heal, said St. Theophan the Recluse, but this is very brave. You don’t have to undergo treatment to exercise patience and devotion to the will of God, but this is very high, and at the same time every “oh!” will be blamed, but only grateful joy is appropriate" So, Neither healing nor resorting to the services of doctors is forbidden for a Christian. However, one must avoid the danger of placing all hope of recovery on doctors, medications and medical procedures. The Holy Scriptures criticize the Israeli king Asa, who “in his illness sought not the Lord, but doctors” (2 Chron. 16:12).

A Christian must remember that whether he is healed miraculously or through doctors and medicines, healing in any case comes from the Lord. Therefore, according to the words of the Optina elder Macarius, “in medicines and treatment one must surrender to the will of God. He is strong both to reason with a doctor and to give strength to medicine.” And accordingly, spiritual means should be placed at the forefront of treatment: “ When you are sick, use prayer before doctors and medicines.", teaches Neil of Sinai.


Man is a holistic being. Consciousness and body, soul and spirit are indivisible parts of a single system. To achieve complete healing, you cannot treat only the symptoms of the disease, you need to treat the whole person. It is necessary to determine what disorders at the spiritual, mental and physical level led to the onset of the disease. Therefore, with The most important thing for a sick person is reconciliation with God, restoration of correct spiritual life. The second stage of recovery is the acquisition of spiritual integrity, mental balance, peace with oneself, and awareness of responsibility for one’s illness. In the Holy Scriptures we find a number of indications of the connection between passions and illnesses: “ Jealousy and anger shorten the days, but care brings old age prematurely."(Sir.30:26); " Do not indulge in sadness in your soul and do not torment yourself with your suspiciousness; the joy of the heart is a person’s life, and the joy of a husband is a long life... Comfort your heart and remove sadness from yourself, for sadness has killed many, but there is no benefit in it"(Sir. 30:22-25).


According to the patristic concept, the center of a person’s spiritual life is the heart. This is what the Gospel says about this: “ For from within, from the human heart, come evil thoughts, adultery, fornication, murder, theft, covetousness, malice, deceit, lasciviousness, the envious eye... All this evil comes from within and defiles a person"(Mark 7:21-23). The Psalter says this: “ Sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; You will not despise a broken and humble heart, O God."(Ps. 50:19). The heart is the feeling part of the soul and is considered by the Holy Fathers as the center of a person’s spiritual life. " The heart here is not meant to be natural, but allegorically, as the inner human state, disposition and inclinations». « A heart poisoned by sin does not cease to give birth from itself, from its damaged nature, sinful sensations and thoughts."- writes Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov. Therefore, “the whole strength of Christian life lies in the correction and renewal of the heart,” accomplished through repentance.

Also, many foreign psychologists believe that the heart is closely connected with the area of ​​feelings. In traditional cultures, the heart was seen as a symbol of love, the center of human vitality. The heart beats with joy, contracts with pain, people take many things to heart... It is customary to talk about coldness of heart, heartlessness, kindness. The heart reacts to emotional shocks by changing its rhythm.

We must understand that the heart is probably the most sensitive organ in the body. Our existence depends on its steady rhythmic activity. When this rhythm changes even for a moment, for example when the heart stops or jumps, we experience anxiety about the very essence of our life.

I will briefly repeat the Orthodox point of view on the relationship between passions and heart disease.

Payback for anger (anger)- hypertension, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, strokes, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, neurasthenia, psychopathy, epilepsy.

Payback for vanity, which is usually accompanied by anger, are diseases of the cardiovascular system and neuropsychic diseases (neuroses, manic states).

Coronary thrombosis and angina pectoris are increasingly causes of suffering for those people possessed by obsessive states and heightened remorse, who are entrusted with great responsibility (medics, lawyers and industrial administrators) - they, according to A. Lowen, are almost occupational diseases. The causes of heart disease are also:

1) fear that I will be accused of not loving;

2) feeling of loneliness and fear. Constant feeling that “I have shortcomings, “I don’t do enough,” “I will never achieve success”;

3) expulsion of joy from the heart for the sake of money, or a career, or something else;

4) lack of love, as well as emotional isolation. The heart reacts to emotional shocks by changing its rhythm. Heart disorders occur due to inattention to one's own feelings. A person who considers himself unworthy of love, who does not believe in the possibility of love, or who forbids himself to show his love for other people, will certainly encounter manifestations of cardiovascular diseases. Finding contact with your true feelings, with the voice of your own heart, greatly eases the burden of heart disease, over time leading to partial or complete recovery;

5) ambitious, goal-oriented workaholics are more likely to experience stress, and their risk of high blood pressure and heart disease increases;

7) a tendency to excessive intellectualization combined with isolation and emotional impoverishment;

8) suppressed feelings of anger.

Heart disease often occurs as a result of a lack of love and security, as well as from emotional closeness. Heart disorders occur due to inattention to one's own feelings. A person who forbids himself to show his love for other people will certainly encounter manifestations of cardiovascular diseases. Learning to get in touch with your true feelings, with the voice of your own heart, greatly eases the burden of heart disease, eventually leading to partial or complete recovery. Orthodoxy always calls for sincerity, openness, and spontaneity in expressing one’s feelings. " Be like children", says Jesus Christ (Matthew 18:3). And children, as long as they are not spoiled by improper upbringing, are always sincere and whole. When they feel bad, they cry, when they are happy, they laugh, love and talk openly about everything. This turns out to be necessary to maintain mental and physical health. You can’t push your feelings and emotions inside. They do not disappear, but according to the law of conservation of energy, they rush into the subconscious, from where they have a destructive effect on the person as a whole. One may ask: what to do with negative emotions? Shouldn't they be overcome? Of course, we need to work with them. At the same time, we must remember that hidden, for example, anger, envy or lust have a destructive effect on the sinner’s body. You need to get rid of them. How? For example, by heartfelt prayer and repentance before God. It is good to bow to the ground and read prayers of repentance loudly. To improve your body health, you can do hard housework or sports. Fast walking or jogging until you sweat, for men - shadow boxing or sports games help remove negative energy. Any kind of creative activity, playing musical instruments or singing will also be useful in this situation. It's all for the body and soul. But we must begin, as we have already said, with spiritual work. If you do not repent of your sins and existing passions, do not resist and overcome them, everything else becomes useless. Since the root of illness, sorrow and misfortune will remain untouched. And temptation will constantly repeat itself, taking possession of a person and destroying him.


Psychosomatic reasons. Interruptions in the functioning of the heart indicate that you have lost your own rhythm of life and an alien rhythm that is not typical for you is imposed on you. You are in a hurry, hurrying, fussing somewhere. Anxiety and fear take over your soul and begin to control your feelings.

The path to healing lies in a change in activity. You need to start doing in life what you are really interested in, what brings you joy and satisfaction. Find time to be alone with yourself, calm your feelings, stay in prayer longer.


Hypertension (high blood pressure)

A person with high blood pressure may appear friendly and reserved on the surface, but it is easy to discover that these surface traits are reactive formations aimed at suppressing aggressive impulses. That is, external goodwill is not sincere, but superficial, covering up internal aggressiveness. The latter, having no external outlet, bombards the cardiovascular system with accumulated energy, causing an increase in pressure. Hypertensive patients who are chronically ready to fight have dysfunction of the circulatory system. They suppress free expression of hostility towards other people out of a desire to be loved. Their hostile emotions seethe but have no outlet. In their youth they can be bullies, but as they get older they notice that they alienate people with their behavior and begin to suppress their own emotions. If they do not have repentance, prayer, or a directed struggle against their passion, then self-destruction will continue more and more intensely. Unresolved, including old, emotional problems can also cause high blood pressure. It is imperative to find them out, perhaps resorting to the help of a psychologist, bring them out, experience them, rethink them and thus resolve them.

Hypotension (low blood pressure)

Psychosomatic reasons. Often this is despondency or a defeatist mood: “Nothing will work out anyway,” as well as a lack of faith in oneself, in God’s help, in one’s strengths and capabilities. A person suffering from hypotension often tries to avoid conflict situations and evade responsibility.

The path of healing. It is necessary to live an active life, set realistic goals and achieve them, learning to overcome obstacles and possible conflicts. We must remember that despondency is a mortal sin. "", said the Apostle Paul (Phil. 4:13). And every believer should make this statement his credo. The Lord is omnipotent. And if He is love incarnate, and I am His beloved child, what is impossible for me? The Lord provides for every person: “ And a hair from your head will not disappear"- said Jesus Christ in the Holy Gospel (Luke 21:18). Therefore, there is no place for despondency in the life of a believer. And if one is found, it means there is a demonic attack, which should be resisted through prayer, confession, reading the Holy Scriptures, and communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Hypotension can also be caused by a lack of love in childhood. If a child did not receive enough maternal love, was lonely, spiritually and emotionally abandoned, at the bodily level this can be expressed in hypotension. Again, a full spiritual life, saturated with love, when a person knows how to give and receive love, is the fundamental basis for healing from this disease. Physically, sports, massage, active recreation are useful - everything that will make life more eventful and fulfilling.


Dr. Flander Dunbar of New York Presbyterian Hospital was convinced that certain diseases affected people with certain personality types. People of the “gastroulcer type” may outwardly appear ambitious, strong-willed and persistent, but underneath this they hide weak will and character. That is, a person, violating his natural nature, adopts a style of behavior that is not typical for him. He wants to appear to be something other than what he really is. And he constantly forces himself to do this. This emotional discomfort and the experiences associated with them, even if driven into the subconscious, give rise to disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract at the bodily level. Complete healing is possible only with awareness and repentance of one’s sinful tendencies (pride, vanity, conceit), humbly accepting oneself as one is, and in natural, sincere behavior expressing true emotions and feelings.

Stomach problems: ulcerative colitis, constipation, according to psychotherapists, are a consequence of being “stuck” in the past and unwillingness to take responsibility for the present. The stomach reacts sensitively to our problems, fears, hatred, aggressiveness and worries. Suppressing these feelings, unwillingness to admit them to yourself, an attempt to ignore and forget them, rather than comprehend, realize and resolve them, can cause various gastric disorders. Prolonged irritation, manifested in a state of stress, leads to gastritis.

Often people suffering from stomach diseases try to prove to others that they are indispensable, experience envy, and are characterized by a constant feeling of anxiety and hypochondria.

People with peptic ulcer disease are characterized by restlessness, irritability, increased efficiency and a heightened sense of duty. They are characterized by low self-esteem, accompanied by excessive vulnerability, shyness, touchiness, self-doubt, and at the same time increased demands on themselves, pride, and suspiciousness. It is noticed that these people strive to do much more than they can. They are characterized by emotional overcoming difficulties combined with strong internal anxiety. Such people constantly control themselves and their loved ones. Rejection of the surrounding reality and hostility to anything in this world, constant fears, and an increased sense of disgust can also lead to peptic ulcer disease. The path to healing lies in strengthening faith in God and trust in Him. It is necessary to learn to endure, forgive and love, enjoy life more and not focus on its negative manifestations, cultivate positive emotions, love and calmness.

Nausea, vomiting

Psychosomatic reasons. There is something in the patient’s life that he does not accept, does not digest, and from which he wants to free himself. It is characterized by intransigence, a categorical reluctance to accept one or another state of affairs, and subconscious fears.

The path of healing.

It is necessary to accept everything that happens as God’s Providence, to draw positive lessons from everything, to learn to assimilate new ideas, to fulfill God’s commandment about love for enemies.

Psychosomatic reasons. Motion sickness in transport (sea sickness)

The disease is based on subconscious fears, horror of the unknown, and fear of travel.

The path of healing.

Constipation indicates an excess of accumulated feelings and experiences that a person cannot or does not want to part with. Their reasons are as follows:

1) reluctance to part with outdated ways of thinking; getting stuck in the past; sometimes sarcastic;

2) accumulated emotional worries and experiences that a person does not want to part with, cannot or does not want to get rid of them, making room for new emotions;

3) sometimes constipation is the result of stinginess and greed.

The path of healing.

Let go of your past. Throw out old things from your home and make room for new ones. Work on the psychological attitude: “I’m getting rid of the old and making room for the new.” Remember God's Providence for you, His love and care. Accept everything that happens as if from the hand of God. In confession, talk through the thoughts and experiences that torment you. Overcome the love of money, develop in yourself non-covetousness and love for your neighbors.


Flatulence is often a consequence of constriction, fear and unrealized ideas, the inability to “digest” the growing mass of events and information. The path to healing is to develop calmness and consistency in actions.

Learn to set goals for yourself and achieve them. Make a plan and act, but don't get carried away with the little things.


Its causes include animal fear, horror, restlessness, as well as constant dissatisfaction and complaints.

The path of healing is to strengthen faith in God and His good Providence for every person, regular confession and communion, and the development of humility in oneself.

Diarrhea, colitis Psychosomatic reasons

manifest themselves in strong fear and anxiety, a feeling of the unreliability of this world.

The path to healing: when fear sets in, pray to God and the Mother of God. Read Psalm 90 many times. Learn to trust in God. Bring fears and worries to confession as manifestations of sin.


Heartburn, an excess of gastric juice, indicates repressed aggressiveness, as well as various kinds of fears. The solution to the problem at the psychosomatic level is seen to be the transformation of the forces of suppressed aggression into an active life position, as well as creativity and those ways of overcoming aggression that were indicated above.


The cause of this disease may be the mental sphere of a person. A layer of old experiences, sinful daydreaming, thinking about past grievances and failures, a kind of trampling in the viscous quagmire of the past - all this can contribute to the development of this disease. We must remember that our mental sphere is constantly exposed to violent influence from the demonic world. And if we are not sober, that is, we uncontrollably accept all the thoughts that come to us, then we find ourselves defenseless against the destructive influence of fallen spirits. You need to constantly cultivate good thoughts in yourself, and drive away evil ones with prayer and repentance in confession.

Hemorrhoids, abscess, fistula, cracks

Diarrhea, colitis manifest themselves in difficulties in getting rid of the old and unnecessary in life. Anger, fear, anger, guilt about some past events. The pain of loss, unpleasant emotions driven into the subconscious.

The path of healing.

Calm and painless getting rid of the old. Work on the attitude: “What comes out of my body is something that I don’t need and that bothers me. This is how things that interfere and hold back spiritual development leave my life.” It is necessary to develop trust in the good Providence of God.


The kidneys symbolize the ability to free ourselves from what can poison our lives. The causes of kidney disease are psychosomatic. They are based on a combination of such negative emotions as harsh criticism, condemnation, anger, anger, resentment and hatred with strong disappointment and a feeling of failure, as well as low self-esteem, seeing oneself as an eternal loser, a feeling of shame, fear of the future, despondency and unwillingness to live in this world.

The path of healing.

Controlling your thoughts, overcoming fear and anger, increasing self-esteem, developing patience, humility and love for others. Kidney stones, colic

Psychosomatic reasons:

aggressive emotions driven into the subconscious, anger, fears, disappointments. Renal colic is a consequence of irritation, impatience and dissatisfaction with the environment and people.

Diarrhea, colitis The path of healing is in the development of humility and patience, trust in God and His good Providence.

Urinary tract inflammation, urethritis, cystitis

consist of irritation and anger towards the opposite sex, anxiety and restlessness.

Diarrhea, colitis:
Path of Healing. Trust in God, the ability to forgive, endure and love.

The path of healing.

We must accept everything that happens as a condition for our salvation, as a medicine sent by God Himself. We must realize: “I can do all things through the Lord who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13). Psychological work to increase your internal self-esteem.

Psychosomatic reasons. Adrenal diseases

Depressed mood; an overabundance of destructive ideas; disregard for oneself; sense of anxiety; acute emotional hunger; self-flagellation.

The path of healing.

Psychosomatic reasons. It is necessary to cultivate a creative spirit within oneself, to develop the ability to love and sacrifice oneself for the sake of one’s neighbor. Regularly participate in church services and actively contribute to works of mercy. Be realistic, tune in to positive thoughts and emotions.


Acute rejection of people, events, situations; anger and feelings of hopelessness; loss of joy of life.

The path of healing.

Developing love, patience and compassion for people; trust in God in everything and life according to the commandments of God. DIABETES There are two types of diabetes. In both cases, the blood sugar level is elevated, but in one case insulin administration is necessary, because. it is not produced in the body, but in others it is enough to use sugar-lowering substances. In the latter case, it may be caused by atherosclerosis. Diabetes most often occurs in older people who accumulate a lot of negative emotions in their subconscious: grief, melancholy, resentment towards life. They get the impression that there is nothing good (sweet) left in life; they experience a severe lack of joy. Diabetes is terrible for its complications: glaucoma, cataracts, sclerosis, narrowing of blood vessels in the extremities, especially the legs. Often the patient dies from these complications. The basis of these diseases is a lack of joy.

The path to healing lies in faith in God as the source of life, joy and love; in trusting in Him; thanksgiving for everything; in repentance for all past sins. It is necessary to remember and implement the words of the Apostle Paul: “

Always be happy. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks for everything The basis for eye problems can be a reluctance to see something, a rejection of the world around us as it is, as well as the accumulation of negative emotions in the soul: hatred, aggression, anger, anger. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and if the indicated sinful passions are alive in the soul, then they cloud the internal and then external vision. To overcome this tendency, we must remember God's Providence for every person and for the entire existing world. Everything that the Lord has allowed can play a positive role for our salvation if we perceive it correctly. The sinfulness of other people should be perceived with pity, love and compassion. By committing a sinful act, they destroy themselves first of all, moving away from God and surrendering to the power of demons. An Orthodox Christian should not turn away and hate, but endure and pray for them. With this attitude, the cause of psychosomatic illness will disappear. At the same time, people often say: “I hate you,” “my eyes wouldn’t see you,” “I can’t see you,” etc. Pride and stubbornness prevent such people from noticing the good in the world around them. Mistaking demonic thoughts for their own, they see the world in a black light, through the eyes of fallen spirits. Naturally, with such a vision, their vision is destroyed. It is necessary to cultivate good thoughts in yourself, without accepting demonic ones, to live in communion with God, and psychosomatic reasons will be removed.

Dry eyes

Dry eyes (conjunctivitis, keratitis) can be caused by our evil gaze; reluctance to look at the world with love; sinful attitude: “I would rather die than forgive.” Sometimes the reason can be gloating. The stronger the negative emotions (anger, hatred, resentment), the stronger the inflammation of the eyes. According to the “boomerang law,” aggression comes back and hits its source in the eyes. Accordingly, healing from this disease occurs along with the eradication of sinful actions and attitudes, repentance in confession, development of kindness, the ability to forgive and benevolence towards everyone around you.


Psychosomatic reasons. Most likely, you look at the world with evil eyes. Inside yourself, you cultivate anger towards someone.

The path of healing.

It is necessary to reconsider your attitude towards a hated person or circumstances. Learn to forgive, tolerate and love. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and their condition largely depends on thoughts. Learn to accept good thoughts and drive away evil ones.

Psychosomatic reasons. One-sided view of things. Strabismus that occurs in childhood reflects certain parental behavior. Most likely, they are in deep conflict and act contrary to each other. For a child, parents are the two most important people in the world. And the conflict between them literally tears the child’s soul in half, which can also manifest itself in eye diseases.

The path of healing.

Reconciliation of parents and immediate relatives, like-mindedness of father and mother, their love and attention to the child.


Psychosomatic reasons. With this disease, intraocular pressure increases and severe pain appears in the eyeball. It becomes difficult for the patient to look at the world with open eyes.

A person’s subconscious is pressed by some old grievances against people, fate, circumstances. Heartache and unwillingness to forgive are always present. Glaucoma signals to a person that he is subjecting himself to strong internal pressure, bombarding his nervous system with negative feelings from the subconscious.

The path of healing.

You need to learn to forgive and accept the world as it is. In prayer, turn your feelings and thoughts to God, ask Him for help and intercession. Don't be afraid to express your positive emotions. Wash your eyes with holy water several times a day, ask the Mother of God and the saints for help. We can recommend light physical activity, long walks in the fresh air, taking air and water baths, and some breathing exercises.

Psychosomatic reasons. Cataract

Most often occurs in older people.

Lack of hope for a happy future, gloomy views of the future, anticipation of old age, illness, death. This is how self-programming for suffering in old age occurs.

The path of healing.

Belief in God and immortal life. Understanding that God is love and will reward everyone who chooses the path of light with joy and happiness. The realization that there is a need and its own charm at every age. Asthenia may be the result of past unsuccessful endeavors. Having been defeated several times, a person labels himself a loser and in advance gives up the idea of ​​​​the possible success of his intentions. As a result, low self-esteem dominates his entire life.

Here you need to increase your self-esteem. We need to remember our successes and successful endeavors. Connect them with the upcoming activity and tell yourself: “As it worked out for me then, so it will work out today.” And after praying to God, start your own business. To avoid self-confidence, which can also be a cause of failure, a person must constantly remember that he is neither better nor worse than others, but like everyone else. And if others succeeded, then he will succeed too.


Cancer has long been considered a disease beyond individual control, irreversible and incurable. Cancer strikes without warning, and the patient seems to have little control over the course or outcome of the disease. Recently, there have been several well-publicized attempts in scientific circles to change this perception. According to the modern theory of this disease, cancer cells are constantly being produced in every body. The immune system successfully resists, flushing them out of the body, until one or another factor reduces the body's resistance, causing susceptibility to cancer. Much evidence suggests that stress reduces resistance to disease by affecting the immune system and hormonal balance.

According to the psychosomatic theory, cancer is generated by unforgiven grievances, excessive fixation on some loss, hatred, loss of the meaning of life. Hidden grievances of the past, anger and malice, hatred and the desire for revenge literally devour the body. This is a deep internal conflict. The place of manifestation of the disease also depends on spiritual reasons. For example, damage to the genital organs indicates that our femininity or masculinity is affected. Damage to the digestive tract is associated with rejection of events and unwillingness to forgive; respiratory organs - with deep disappointment in life.

Path of Healing. To avoid this disease, you just need to live according to Christian commandments, be able to endure, forgive and love. Jesus Christ Himself commanded this in the prayer to God the Father, which He gave to people. “And forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors.” Just as the Lord forgave everyone everything and even prayed for His crucifiers, so He commanded His followers to do the same. For healing, a complete change of one’s worldview to a Christian one is necessary. You need to take responsibility for your life, illness and health. Determine the meaning of your life and rid your consciousness of everything alien. Try to enjoy life more.


Nervousness often manifests itself as a state of internal restlessness - urges and impulses for disorderly activity due to chaotic emotional outbursts. A person is aware of the need for change, but does not understand what exactly he should change. Being nervous, he experiences internal pressure, constantly feeling that reality is not what he would like. He either rushes about in search of solutions to problems, or painfully adapts his requests to reality. Most often this happens because a person has not gained faith in God and has not rebuilt his entire life in accordance with God’s commandments. Nervousness can also arise due to a discrepancy between what is desired and what is actual.

In this case, the person should calm down and analyze the reasons for his nervous state. Having found out, take spiritual and emotional actions to overcome them.


Let us now consider the main types of psychopathy and their moral reasons, indicated by Academician D.A. Avdeev.

1. Excitable psychopaths, epileptoids: the cause is pride, passion of anger, malice, intolerance, rage.

2. Hysterics: the reason is pride, the passion of vanity. Common signs are the desire for external effect, posturing, capriciousness, egocentrism.

3. Schizoids: the reason is the passion of pride, emotional coldness, alienation, lack of contact, lack of love, preoccupation with oneself.

4. Unstable psychopaths: the reason is the passion of pride and anger. Extremely strong criminal orientation, lack of any mercy.

5. Cycloids: the reason is pride, despondency, vanity. (Change of phases - increasingly shorter than the phase of euphoria and longer than the phase of depression. Lack of moral guidelines, their replacement by moods.)

A serious mental illness that darkens the mind and will frees one from responsibility for one’s actions. People suffering from Down syndrome, mental retardation, autism, schizophrenia and similar diseases are judged differently by God than those who are mentally healthy. And what is forgiven first will not be forgiven second. Therefore, one of the ways to save the soul that the Heavenly Father chooses is a congenital pathology of the brain, which limits or completely deprives one of legal capacity. Elder Paisius the Svyatogorets speaks very categorically on this matter: mentally underdeveloped children are saved. " Without much difficulty they go to heaven. If parents look at this matter in this way, spiritually, then they themselves will benefit and will have a spiritual reward. " In one of the letters of St. Theophan the Recluse there is a remarkable phrase about feeble-minded people: “».

Idiots! Yes, they are idiots only for us, and not for themselves and not for God. Their spirit grows in its own way. It may happen that we, the wise, will turn out to be worse than idiots

Psychosomatic reasons. Epilepsy, seizures, convulsions, spasms

Often these diseases are caused by severe mental stress, which can be generated by causeless panic fear, persecution mania, a feeling of strong internal struggle, and a desire to commit violence. A person inflates himself so much with “his” thoughts that the body at times refuses to listen to him and makes disorderly movements. During a seizure, consciousness is partially or completely lost. This once again emphasizes that the causes of the disease are hidden in the subconscious and external influences. Often, but not always, these attacks are the result of obsession and demonic possession. Epilepsy is often discovered during adolescence, just as puberty begins. This is the so-called crisis of adolescence, when children have minimal control over emotions and thoughts. Patients are often characterized by a high level of subconscious aggression towards the outside world and other people. This aggression can be expressed in hatred, contempt, jealousy. All this testifies to the deep spiritual defeat of such people.

The path of healing.

Psychosomatic reasons. A common cause of the disease is parents’ rejection of their child for who he is, their lack of trust in him and lack of love. Perhaps the mother of such a baby had abortions in the past, or the parents considered the pregnancy untimely and unwanted. Perhaps, after the birth of a child, parents were visited by thoughts that the worries that had arisen were preventing them from being realized in life, moving up the career ladder, or arranging their personal life. Often the cause of a child’s illness is resentment, mutual claims, and lack of love for each other among his mother and father.

The path of healing.

When parents change their behavior and begin to truly love the child and each other, the child calms down and relaxes. Prayer for the child, giving him communion in Church, teaching him holy water, spiritual reading and prayer helps a lot.

Psychosomatic reasons. Insomnia

Fears, anxiety, struggle for a “place in the sun,” vanity, strong emotional experiences. All this makes it difficult to relax, calm down and disconnect from the worries of the day. A bad conscience and feelings of guilt can also contribute to the formation of insomnia.

The path of healing.

It is necessary to change the approach to solving emerging problems. Learn to trust yourself, other people and, most importantly, God. Trust in His good Providence, transferring oneself completely into His hands makes a person free from fear. You need to cleanse your soul with repentance, make peace with your neighbors, and your sleep will improve.


Asthma Asthma and lung problems are caused by the inability (or unwillingness) to live independently, as well as a lack of living space. Asthma, convulsively holding back the air currents entering from the outside world, testifies to the fear of frankness, sincerity, and the need to accept the new that every day brings. The skill of accepting God’s Providence in sad and joyful circumstances of life, trusting God and, as a result, gaining trust in people are an important psychological component that contributes to recovery..

We will only list

some typical causes of asthma

1. Inability to breathe for one's own benefit. Feeling depressed. Holding back sobs. Fear of life. Reluctance to be in a certain place.

4. Compared to healthy people, asthmatics express more negative emotions, are more likely to be angry, offended, harbor grudges and seek revenge.

5. Suppressed sexual desires and at the same time mental immersion in them. On a spiritual level, repentance for impure desires and thoughts is necessary here. When they attack, it is necessary to read the Gospel, Psalter or the Theotokos rule (read “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” 12 or 33 times). It is also necessary to channel sexual energy into creative channels.

6. Asthma in children is most often caused by fear of life, strong unmotivated fear, reluctance to “be here and now,” and self-blame.

Pulmonary diseases

Their psychosomatic reasons- depression, sadness, fear of taking life as it is. Patients often consider themselves unworthy to live a full life and have very low self-esteem. The lungs are also a symbolic ability to take and give life. Those who smoke a lot usually deny life. They hide their feelings of inferiority.


Psychosomatic reasons. Depression, excessive sadness, despondency, severe melancholy, originating in subconscious aggression aimed at the world and people, life and fate. Lack of a full life and meaning of existence, fear of breathing deeply.

The path of healing.

Finding faith and spiritual meaning in life. The ability to forgive and seek God’s Providence in everything. Develop patience and humility in yourself. Constant reading of the New Testament. Full Confession and Communion.


Often its cause is a nervous atmosphere in the family, continuous arguments and shouting. To overcome this disease, it is necessary to establish correct family relationships and achieve a peaceful, spiritual atmosphere in the family.

Runny nose Psychosomatic reasons

Psychosomatic reasons. may be: the body’s request for help, internal crying; self-perception that you are a victim; lack of recognition of one's own worth in this life.

Feeling of loneliness, abandonment; the desire to attract the attention of others: “Look at me! Listen to me!" On the other hand, cough acts as a kind of brake. A cough can interrupt an emerging conflict and help shift the negative emphasis of the conversation.

The path of healing.

Psychosomatic reasons. In the first case, you need to learn to express your feelings in a dignified way, not to push emotions inside, especially positive ones. Be able to correctly analyze negative feelings.

The path of healing.

Faith in God, trust in His good Providence. The fight against the love of money. Regular reading of the Gospel and Psalms, frequent confession.


Often its causes are stubborn resistance to current events, rejection of them, as well as constant tension and fierce persistence. Refusal to see the good, constant pessimism.


It is often generated by maximalism, hardness of heart, iron will, lack of flexibility and fear that not everything will go according to plan. Psychosomatic roots

sclerosis and its varieties are often hidden in a lack of joy. Learn to rejoice - and your blood vessels will be cleansed! Metabolism largely depends on a person’s emotional mood.

Rejection of the surrounding reality and hatred of what is happening, constant tension - all these processes negatively affect the condition of blood vessels and often lead to atherosclerosis. Often people with vascular sclerosis are very stubborn. They stubbornly refuse to notice the good in life, constantly insisting that this world is bad, and life is hard and unbearable. This state arises from lack of faith and demonic influence on the individual. “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in everything,” the Apostle Paul teaches us. If we live in a world without God, without hope, without the help of God’s grace, then our lot is sorrow, sadness and illness. Only having found the highest meaning of life, fulfilling the commandments of God, do we feel the joy of the presence of God in our hearts and receive grace through the church sacraments.

To change a destructive mental state, you must learn to perceive the world and events as they are. If I believe in God, then I know that He is looking out for me. Therefore, everything that happens to me happens according to God’s Providence and is aimed at my good. For example, in order to acquire the necessary virtues or overcome pathological passions, I learn to change not the world, but my attitude towards current events. I try to promote the triumph of good with my prayers and righteous behavior. Reading the Holy Scriptures and especially the Gospel greatly helps in acquiring such a dispensation. You need to learn to enjoy life, see its positive sides and thank God for everything.


It is generated by a sense of one’s own vulnerability, the need for love, chronic pessimism, and resentment. Rheumatism is a disease acquired from constant criticism of oneself and others. Patients with rheumatism usually attract people who constantly criticize them. They have a curse - their desire to constantly be “perfection”, and with any people, in any situation. In Orthodoxy, this sin is called man-pleasing, based on vanity.

Treatment of the disease should begin with overcoming these sins.

Rheumatoid arthritis

The reason for its occurrence may be an overly critical attitude towards ourselves during various life dramas, which we often create for ourselves, not noticing the joy that surrounds us. First of all, this is the sin of despondency, excessive self-examination, and low self-esteem.


Psychosomatic reasons. Often this disease is caused by being in a situation you hate, fear and anxiety for the future, disapproval of people around you, and often self-disapproval. Trying for some time not to notice the feeling of overload and oppression, a person builds up a feeling of constant dissatisfaction with himself, which finds no way out and forces him to “swallow resentment” every day, mostly far-fetched. One of the causes of this disease is the wrong direction in life.

The path of healing.

Think about whether you have chosen the right profession. Does it allow you to unleash your creative potential or does it hinder your development? Work should provide not only money, but also the joy of creativity and the opportunity for self-improvement. The way out of this situation is either to come to terms with the circumstances and try to accept them, or to change your life at once. The spiritual path is the acquisition of humility, the calm acceptance of what the Lord sends. Pray for help and for those around you.

Psychosomatic reasons. THROMBOSIS

A stop in internal development, clinging to some dogmas that are outdated for you and, possibly, false principles.

The path of healing.

Psychosomatic reasons. Spiritual development and self-improvement.


Strong subconscious fear of the future, lack of confidence in one’s abilities, worry about one’s financial situation, hidden grievances.

The path of healing.

Trust in God and His good Providence. Repentance for lack of faith. Warming up your faith in the Lord.


The way to overcome. You need to determine where exactly (work, money, relationships, love, faith, prayer) life does not bring joy. Having discovered existing problems, begin to solve them. The most important thing is to find living communication with God, the source of joy and happiness.


Psychosomatic reasons. Joy leaves your life, replaced by old grievances, mistrust, hatred, and anger driven into the subconscious.

The way to overcome. It is necessary to forgive all insults, learn to endure, forgive and love; remember that God is love, light and joy. Thank God for everything as often as possible, drive away unkind thoughts.


Many experts consider them a warning that one should refocus on the most important thing in life - love and joy. The Holy Scriptures, Christ Himself, and many saints of God call for this.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes, mononucleosis

Psychosomatic reasons. This disease signals that love and joy are leaving a person’s life. Most often it occurs in children. In this case, the reason is rooted in the relationship between the parents, their constant irritation, resentment, and anger at each other.

The path of healing.

We need to find the reasons why love and joy disappeared from life, and eliminate them. Parents of a sick child should make peace, maintain a favorable family atmosphere, and pray together for the child. It’s good to go to church together, as a family, to confess and receive communion from the same confessor.

When parents change their behavior and begin to truly love the child and each other, the child calms down and relaxes. Prayer for the child, giving him communion in Church, teaching him holy water, spiritual reading and prayer helps a lot.

Psychosomatic reasons. SLEEP DISTURBANCE

The way to overcome. On the one hand, there is fear, distrust of life and a feeling of guilt, on the other - flight from life, reluctance to recognize its shadow sides.

Trust in God, prayer, confession and Communion. Possibly unction.


Often arise as a result of the following reasons.

1. A person suffering from headaches underestimates himself, gnaws at himself with excessive self-criticism, and is tormented by fears. Feeling inferior and humiliated, such a person treats others in the same way.

3. Headaches also often occur from the body’s low resistance to even minor stress. A person complaining of constant headaches is tense and tense, both psychologically and physically. His nervous system is always at its limit. And the first symptom of future illnesses is a headache. Therefore, doctors working with such patients first of all teach them to relax. It is also necessary to try to control your thoughts, not accept hostile thoughts, bring your thoughts and actions to unity, learn flexibility and tact in communicating with other people. You should say what you think and avoid communicating with those who are unpleasant to you. Accept yourself as you are. Learn to notice only the good in people. Try not to see the bad, or at least don’t focus on it.

Fear can also cause headaches. It creates excessive stress and anxiety. Find the phobia that is bothering you. Learn to trust the world around you - God's creation, believe in the good Providence of the Lord for you. Living in harmony with yourself, love and trust in the world around you dissolves any fear.

Often a headache occurs when it is constantly simulated. For example, a link to it helps to evade some responsibilities. So, a woman, trying to avoid sexual intercourse, refers to a headache. She does this once, twice, and then as evening approaches, she regularly begins to have a headache. And pills won't help here. Here you need to calmly sort out your relationship with your husband and make an informed decision.

Learn to treat your headaches carefully and calmly. Take it primarily as a signal that something is going wrong in your life. Don't suppress it with pills. They can only bring temporary relief. Suppressing pain does not mean curing it. Find the true causes of your headache and eliminate them. In spiritual terms, the actions should be as follows: forgive yourself and accept yourself as you are, ask for forgiveness from God, rely on His Holy Will, and your headache will disappear by itself.


Migraine is a neuralgic headache that is most often localized in one place and tends to appear with a certain frequency. Often arises as a result of hatred of coercion, resistance to the course of life, sexual fears. Migraines affect people who want to look perfect in the eyes of others, as well as those who have accumulated irritation with reality. Simple painkillers do not help here. As a rule, such pain is calmed with tranquilizers and antipsychotics. But only temporarily, since medications do not eliminate the immediate cause of the disease. And the reasons for the appearance of migraines are most often the same as in the case of a regular headache, but here certain neurotic character traits are also layered. Spiritually, a person suffering from this disease must fight people-pleasing, overcome vanity, and develop humility and patience.


Fear that has passed into the subconscious can be one of the main causes of amnesia, or memory weakness. And not just fear, but escape from life. A person strives to forget everything. What advice is most often given to loved ones in unpleasant situations? “Forget about it!” And if you follow this advice, then over time you may experience memory deterioration.

Sometimes the subconscious mind protects a person with the help of amnesia. Events associated with physical pain or severe mental suffering disappear from consciousness. But the negative experiences driven into the subconscious do not disappear, but continue to bombard the human body with negative impulses. You need to pull them into the conscious area, relive them and develop a constructive attitude towards them. You need to speak your feelings out loud, take them to confession, express them in prayer to God, ask for His help and protection.


Brain tumor

Brain tumors often occur in people who want the entire world to correspond to their ideas. Such people are very stubborn and refuse to understand and accept the point of view of others. Everything around should be built according to their will. This leads to aggression towards people and surrounding circumstances. Such individuals are characterized by condemnation, hatred and contempt for people, which, in turn, is a product of pride and selfishness. Healing from illness must begin with repentance, humility and meekness. We must understand our humble place in this world and not try to remake it, but first of all work on ourselves, overcoming our selfishness. “Save yourself, and thousands will be saved around you,” said the Holy Fathers. And only on the path of such self-improvement can this disease be overcome.


The following reasons can cause throat diseases.
1. Inability to stand up for yourself, express your thoughts and feelings.
2. Swallowed anger.
3. Crisis of creativity.
4. Reluctance to change and accept ongoing life processes.
5. Resistance to life changes.

Throat problems arise from the feeling that we “don’t have a right” and a feeling of inadequacy. A sore throat is the result of constant internal irritation. If he is accompanied by a cold, then in addition to everything there is confusion and some confusion. The condition of the throat largely reflects the state of our relationships with loved ones.

The way to overcome. Realize yourself as a beloved child of God. Believe in God's Providence, His protection and protection. We need to understand that we are no worse and no better than others. You should develop the ability and desire to change for the better.

Sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis

Psychosomatic reasons. Fear of expressing your thoughts out loud; swallowing, suppressing anger and other emotions. A feeling of one’s own inferiority, dissatisfaction with oneself, one’s appearance, actions, constant self-flagellation and, at the same time, condemnation of others.

The path of healing.

Learn to express your thoughts and feelings directly. Try to overcome low self-esteem and inferiority complex. Eradicate pride and vanity in yourself. Refuse to judge your neighbors. Accept and express yourself as you are.


Symbolizes self-esteem and personal uniqueness.

Psychosomatic reasons. Stuffy nose

The way to overcome. Inability to recognize one's own worth, doubt in one's masculinity, cowardice.

Runny nose (allergic and children's)

Psychosomatic reasons. Suppressed feelings, tears, internal crying, disappointment and regret about unfulfilled plans and unfulfilled dreams. An allergic runny nose indicates a complete lack of emotional self-control and can be the result of severe emotional shock. Sometimes a runny nose is its own...
a figurative request for help, more often from children who do not feel needed and valued.

The way to overcome. Learn to express your feelings freely and independently and to adequately evaluate yourself. Strengthen your faith and trust in God. For children: more parental attention and love, more praise and encouragement.


This disease most often occurs in children and is characterized by the proliferation of lymphoid tissue in the nasal cavity.

Psychosomatic reasons. Dissatisfaction with the child on the part of the parents, reproaches, frequent irritation on their part, perhaps their disagreement with each other. Lack of true love between husband and wife (or one of them).

The path of healing.

Parents must change by developing love and patience. More love and patience for the child, less reproaches. You need to accept and love him as he is.

Psychosomatic reasons. Nose bleed

Blood represents joy. When people have the feeling that they are not loved or recognized, then joy disappears from life. This disease is a unique way in which a person expresses his need for recognition and love.

The path of healing.

More attention and love from others. Developing love and faith in God. We must realize that He always loves us and never leaves us.


Psychosomatic reasons. The mouth symbolizes the perception of new ideas. Oral diseases reflect an inability to accept new ideas and thoughts.

Gum diseases

Inability to implement decisions made. Lack of a clearly expressed attitude towards life.

Psychosomatic reasons. The path of healing.

Strengthening faith, living according to God's commandments. Bleeding gums».

Lack of joy, dissatisfaction with decisions made in life.

Psychosomatic reasons. The path of healing.

Search always and in everything for the will of God, faith in His Providence for us. Introduction into practice of actions that correspond to the instructions of the Holy Scriptures: “

Always rejoice, give thanks for everything, pray unceasingly

Diarrhea, colitis:
Sores on the lips and in the mouth, stomatitis, herpes
2. Dirty relationships, dirty gossip, dirty thoughts. In this case, the past, false attitudes and stereotypes of action clearly interfere.

The path of healing.

Acquiring the virtue of meekness. Repentance for the sins of anger and vindictiveness. Diligent struggle against these passions. Speech control. Stop the judgment and bad language. Sobriety and the fight against bad thoughts.

Language Diarrhea, colitis Problems with the tongue indicate a loss of taste for life.

. Negative emotions and feelings enslave a person and prevent him from seeing the positive aspects of life.

The path of healing.

Diarrhea, colitis:
Forgiveness, reconciliation with enemies. Developing love and Christian forgiveness in yourself. We must remember the words of the apostle: “Rejoice always, give thanks in everything.”
Dental diseases
1. Constant indecision.
2. Inability to grasp ideas, analyze and make decisions.
3. Loss of vital activity.

4. Fear.

5. Instability of desires, uncertainty in achieving the chosen goal, awareness of the insurmountability of life's difficulties.

Path of Healing. Overcome lack of faith, always seek the will of God in everything, live according to the commandments of the Lord, actively participate in church sacraments.

Diarrhea, colitis EAR DISEASES

Ear inflammation (otitis media, mastoiditis)

. Reluctance or inability to listen and perceive what others say, to listen to the opinions of other people, which is a product of pride and pride, an attempt at self-affirmation. As a result, anger, irritation, and frustration accumulate in the subconscious, which leads to ear inflammation. If this disease occurs in children, then most likely they cannot or do not know how to express their feelings. Most often, the disease occurs as a consequence of a recurring state of fear, fear of others. For example, when parents often quarrel and argue, the child reacts to this with ear disease, as if telling his parents: “Be attentive to me! I need peace, tranquility and harmony in the family.”

Psychosomatic reasons. A clear rejection of someone or something. Reluctance to listen, understand, or accept other points of view due to stubbornness and pride. The result is strong aggression towards the outside world, which leads to hearing loss. If a person does not want to hear and understand something, then the body, following his orders, tries to isolate itself from the outside world, which causes deafness.

The path of healing.

Ear inflammation always indicates the presence of an internal conflict. Here you need to listen to the voice of your conscience, check the compliance of your behavior with the commandments of the Lord; resolve internal conflict based on gospel truths. It is also necessary to work on acquiring humility and patience, and learn to overcome aggression and pride.

Psychosomatic reasons. Acoustic neuritis

Nervous overstrain as a result of the perception of negative emotions, thoughts (requests, complaints, crying).

The path of healing.

Transfer everything you hear to God. Inner prayer during such communication, prayer for those in need of help, regular confession and Communion - this is help with this illness.

Psychosomatic reasons. THYROID


You feel a lot of pressure from outside, you feel like the world is against you, you are constantly humiliated, and you are a victim. There appears a feeling of a distorted life, resentment and hatred of the imposed way of life, negative thoughts, emotions, minor grievances, complaints that form a lump in the throat. If the disease occurs in children, this indicates destructive behavior of parents towards the child, possibly excessive severity and pressure.

Psychosomatic reasons. The path of healing.

Learn to be yourself, openly express your desires, forgive and tolerate, be lenient towards your neighbors. Parents of a sick child must change their attitude towards him and each other.


Diarrhea, colitis:
Too many events at once; confusion, disorder; minor grievances. If a cold is accompanied by strong nasopharyngeal discharge, then the cause may also be childhood grievances, unshed tears and worries.
The path of healing.

The path of healing.

Change your attitude towards life, stop controlling every action of your neighbors. Realize that everyone chooses their own destiny and is responsible for their own life. Strengthen faith in God’s providence for our lives, develop a regular prayer rule.

Women's diseases often occur for the following reasons.
1. Rejection of oneself or rejection of one’s own femininity.
2. The belief that everything connected with the genitals is sinful or unclean.
3. Abortion.

4. Repeated fornication with different partners.

The path of healing.

Psychosomatic reasons. It is necessary to realize your gender and live according to feminine nature. To understand that I am who I am, and God accepts and loves me as I am and is ready to help my spiritual transformation. Everything depends only on my choice. It should be realized that fornication is sinful, but not marital relations, because God initially created man and woman and commanded them to multiply and populate the earth. It is necessary to repent of abortion as a mortal sin that kills the child in the womb, and to bear the appropriate church penance (punishment). Repent of prodigal sins and feelings and continue to lead a chaste life.

Vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa)

Anger at a partner; sexual guilt; the conviction that a woman is powerless to influence the opposite sex; vulnerability in one’s feminine side.

Psychosomatic reasons. The path of healing.

Refusal from unrighteous life, from prodigal sins; overcoming selfishness. It should be understood that love and prayer can change any person for the better.


Psychosomatic reasons. Feeling of insecurity, feeling like a potential victim, expecting only bad things from men, inability to realize yourself as a woman. Replacing true love with some other feelings.

The path of healing.

Love and trust in God and people. Strengthening our faith in God’s good Providence for us.

Psychosomatic reasons. Uterine fibroids

Resentment towards the husband or other men, strong touchiness, selfishness, constant replaying of previous grievances.

Dysmenorrhea (menstrual irregularity)

Psychosomatic reasons. Hatred of one’s own body, doubts about one’s femininity. Male-directed aggression, guilt and fear associated with sex.

The path of healing.

It is necessary to accept yourself as you were created by God, and remember that everything created by God is good. One should maintain chastity and purity, but remember the blessing of the Lord on marriage and offspring.

Psychosomatic reasons. Toxicoses of pregnant women

Strong fear of childbirth, hidden subconscious reluctance to have a child (at the wrong time, from the wrong person, etc.).

The path of healing.

Psychosomatic reasons. Faith in God and His good Providence for our lives and the life of the unborn child. Since the Lord allowed it, it means it’s better for us. You need to want and wait for a new person to appear in the world.


Strong fear of the birth of a child and the future associated with it, uncertainty about the trustworthiness of the child’s father, a feeling that pregnancy is untimely.

Psychosomatic reasons. The path of healing.

Trust in God. Cultivate responsibility for yourself and your future children.


Psychosomatic reasons. Distrust, contempt for men, prodigal life in the past, resentment, jealousy, hatred, aggression towards the opposite sex. Unclean thoughts, passion for pornography, erotica, etc. Fear, uncertainty about the future, lack of readiness for the birth of a child. Fear of spoiling your appearance and figure during childbirth.

The path of healing.

Changing inner beliefs, overcoming fear of childbirth and the future. Change in value orientation. Surrendering oneself to the will of God, developing in oneself love for God and neighbors.

Psychosomatic reasons. Breast disease, cysts and lumps

Caring too much about someone, living someone else's life. State of codependency.

The path of healing.

Changing your attitude towards yourself and the world around you. Overcoming codependency.

Diarrhea, colitis.
Fear and excessive concern about the child, lack of faith in one’s strength. Fear of not being able to cope with the responsibilities of caring for a child.
The path of healing.
It is necessary to surrender the child to the good Providence of God, to raise one’s own self-esteem, to strengthen faith in one’s strengths and capabilities.


Prostate gland, external genitalia

Psychosomatic reasons. Long-term resentment, anger, claims and dissatisfaction towards women. Fear for one's masculinity, subconscious fears. Feelings of sexual guilt (cheating).

The path of healing.

Changing your worldview, forgiving offenses, developing love and compassion in yourself. It is necessary to realize that women are a “weak vessel” and require special love and condescension. Prayer to God and pure confession of the sins committed.

Psychosomatic reasons. BODY ODOR

Self-dislike, fear of others.

The path of healing.

Psychosomatic reasons. Strengthening faith in God and His Providence for our lives. If God is with us, then who can be against us? (Rom. 8:31).


Fear and need for protection; dissatisfaction and self-hatred; self-criticism and self-criticism; excessive concern for children's health; filling emotional emptiness or worries with food; lack of love and satisfaction in life.

Psychosomatic reasons. The path of healing.

Bringing your thoughts into a state of harmony and balance; increased self-esteem; strengthening faith in God; life according to His commandments.


Psychosomatic reasons. This is old, deeply hidden inner spiritual dirt, something disgusting, striving to come out. These are deeply suppressed negative emotions, anxiety, fear, a feeling of constant danger. Or anger, hatred, feelings of guilt, resentment, thoughts like “I have stained myself.” Another possible reason is a feeling of defenselessness.

The path of healing.

Complete repentance for all sins. Removing negative emotions from the subconscious. Acquiring humility and forgiveness towards others. Cultivating positive thoughts. Awareness of the Lord’s endless love and His forgiveness in case of repentance.

Psychosomatic reasons. Constant strong irritation, driven into the subconscious; hiding your true feelings; a feeling of guilt that you have stained yourself with some unworthy actions. A rash in children is a signal to parents about improper relationships with each other. Women have negative emotions during pregnancy; lack of calm and affection, attention and tactile emotional sensations.

The path of healing.

You should remove negative emotions from the subconscious and learn to openly express your feelings. Pure repentance and faith in the all-forgiving love of God are necessary. With childhood rash - a change in the relationship between parents; unanimity, increased attention to the child and maximum manifestation of love for him.

Psychosomatic reasons. Neurodermatitis, eczema

A child suffering from neurodermatitis has a pronounced desire for physical contact, which does not have the support of his parents, and therefore there are disturbances in his contact organs. There may be extreme antagonism, rejection of someone or something, hidden and overt aggression; mental breakdowns, severe stress.

The path of healing.

Psychosomatic reasons. Rethinking your childhood, forgiving and justifying your parents for the lack of love shown; prayer for them; forgiveness; sincerity, openness, liveliness of expression of positive feelings. Place yourself and your whole life in the hands of God.

Allergy, urticaria

Lack of emotional self-control; irritation, resentment, pity, anger, lust, deeply driven into the subconscious and striving to break out; rejection of someone or something, suppressed aggression. In children, illness is often a reflection of the incorrect behavior of their parents, their thoughts and feelings.

Psychosomatic reasons. The path of healing.

Forgiveness; cultivating love and patience; changing your attitude towards surrounding stimuli; always searching for God's will in everything and living according to it.


Psychosomatic reasons. Strong feelings of guilt and desire to punish yourself; stressful situations; increased disgust caused by hatred or contempt for something in this world.

The path of healing.

The awareness that we live in a world created by God whole and harmoniously, and God provides for each of us; complete repentance in confession; acquiring humility and forgiveness.

Diarrhea, colitis Vitiligo

Path of Healing. Learn to accept yourself for who you are. Clear your mind of dirty, obscene thoughts towards the other sex.


Diarrhea, colitis. Constant internal tension; anger driven into the subconscious.

Path of Healing. It is necessary to remove negative emotions from the subconscious and control your thoughts; Confess and receive communion often.

Fungus, endermophytosis of the feet

Psychosomatic reasons. Inability to forget old experiences and grievances; reluctance to part with the past.

The path of healing.

Forgiveness; cleansing of negative emotions. We boldly move forward under God's protection.

Psychosomatic reasons. NAIL DISEASE

Feeling of defenselessness and constant danger; feeling threatened; contemptuous and disgusting attitude towards many people.

Path of Healing. Trust in God and faith in His good Providence for us; overcoming self-love and pride.

HAIR LOSS, BALDING Psychosomatic reasons

s. Fear, strong internal tension, stress; distrust of reality; trying to keep everything under control.

Path of Healing. Changing your attitude towards yourself, people, the world; acquisition of the Orthodox worldview.

Psychosomatic reasons. LIVER

Hot temper, rage, anger. People with liver and gallbladder diseases often suppress anger, irritation and anger towards someone. Negative emotions driven into the subconscious first cause inflammation of the gallbladder and stagnation of bile, then the formation of stones occurs.

Such people, as a rule, are prone to excessive self-criticism and condemnation of other people, they are characterized by pride and gloomy thoughts.

Diarrhea, colitis CHOLELITHIASIS

. This disease is based on pride, anger, and “bitter” thoughts for a long time. Colic often occurs at the peak of irritation, impatience and dissatisfaction with others.

Path of Healing. Developing humility, patience and meekness in yourself; combating negative thoughts and cultivating good thoughts; repentance and non-repetition of past sins; developing love and compassion for others.


The path of healing.

Strengthening faith, deep repentance for sins committed and frequent confession. A constant prayer rule, daily reading of the Gospel and Psalms, regular communion. Finding the spiritual meaning of life.


The lower back symbolizes support and support, so any overload, both physical and emotional, affects its condition.

Problems with the lower back often indicate that you have taken on an unbearable burden (too much fuss, haste).

Psychosomatic reasons. Lower back diseases

Hypocrisy; fear for income and the future; lack of financial support.

The path of healing.

Psychosomatic reasons. Repentance for hypocrisy and love of money. Developing the virtues of truthfulness, sincerity and non-covetousness. Strengthening faith in God and trust in Him. Understanding that everything on earth is perishable and nothing of earthly “good” can be taken with you to the next world.

Mid back pain

The patient feels guilty. His attention is focused on the past. He seems to be saying to the world around him: “Leave me alone.”

Psychosomatic reasons. The path of healing.

Deep repentance and confession of the sins committed are necessary. One should live in the present according to the words of the apostle: “Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead” (Phil. 3:13).

Upper back pain

Diarrhea, colitis:
The illness can be caused by a lack of moral support, a feeling of not being loved, or suppression of feelings of love. It is characterized by convulsions, tension, fear, the desire to grab onto something, to cling to something.
The path of healing.

You need to realize that God is unchanging love. We change, but He is always Love. Pray to the Mother of God, Guardian Angel and saints. Freely express positive emotions. Actively participate in church sacraments.


1. Hypertrophied conscientiousness, the desire to be punished for one’s “sinfulness.”

2. Hateful situation; the torment of communicating with an unloved person.

Psychosomatic reasons. Intense jealousy, hatred; the desire to avoid responsibility, any situation or person; deep-seated “paralyzing” fear, horror. Rejection of one's life and destiny, severe resistance and disagreement with current events. In this state, a person feels unable to change anything in life; he has literally “paralyzed” himself and doomed himself to inaction. People prone to paralysis are usually rigid and do not want to change their opinions and misconceptions. You can often hear from them: “I would rather die than betray my principles.”

The path of healing.

It is necessary to realize the falsity and sinfulness of the thoughts that led to such a state, and to cleanse oneself of them. Realize that there is a way out in any situation, that God is omnipotent and can help us if we turn to Him through confession and Communion of the Holy Mysteries, unction. Sometimes a stroke is caused by a subconscious need to unite the family. When disagreements in the family reach their limit, feelings caused by the “hopelessness” of the tragedy can affect the corresponding centers of the brain. What is needed here is not fruitless experiences, but prayer to God, love for one’s neighbor and a righteous life according to this love.

Diarrhea, colitis DIZZINESS

. Cultivation of fleeting, incoherent, scattered thoughts; lack of concentration, focus; inability to deal with one's problems. “My head is spinning from problems,” sufferers of this disease often say. Without a definite goal in life, they rush from one thing to another.

Path of Healing. Think about why you live in this world, what is your main goal in life and prospects for the near and distant future. There should be clarity and discipline in your life. This will give you confidence and allow you to stand firmly on your feet. Faith in God, trust in Him, following the commandments of the Lord provide clear guidelines for life.

Psychosomatic reasons. POLIO

The desire to stop someone in their action and the feeling of one’s own powerlessness to do this; intense jealousy.

Path of Healing. It is necessary to realize that God has given man freedom and does not impose His will on him, especially since man cannot control the fate of his neighbor. We must look for ways of agreement and find a compromise, pray for our neighbor, so that God will soften his heart, enlighten him, and our faith and love will create a miracle.

  • the price to pay for gluttony is obesity, diseases of the liver, gall bladder, stomach, pancreas, atherosclerosis...
  • the price to pay for voluptuousness is diabetes, allergies, dysbacteriosis, dental and intestinal diseases...
  • the penalty for addiction to alcohol is alcoholism, personality degradation, psychosis, degeneration.

The list can be continued, but what has already been said is enough to recognize the direct connection between sinful passions and various kinds of diseases.


There are people who are especially prone to accidents and fractures. There is a special psychopathology here, the result of inwardly directed aggression.

These include such categories of self-destruction as suicide, neurotic incapacity, some types of alcoholism, antisocial behavior, self-mutilation, intentional accidents and polysurgery (i.e., a pathological attraction to surgical operations). Below we will look in detail at the problem of accident proneness.

More than 20 years ago, the German psychologist K. Marbe noticed that a person who has once suffered an accident is more likely to suffer again than someone to whom nothing like this has ever happened. And Theodor Reik, in his work “The Unknown Murderer,” drew attention to how often criminals give themselves away and even carry out their own punishment through a deliberate accident. Sigmund Freud describes the case of a man rejected by his lover who was “accidentally” run over by a car after meeting this woman on the street and was killed in front of her eyes.

In 1919, M. Greenwood and H. Woods examined the characteristics of accidents at the munitions plant and came to the reasonable conclusion that most accidents occurred in a small group of individuals - in this study it was found that four percent of the women in the plant accounted for twenty-eight percent of all accidents. The basis for such accident-proneness, Menninger argues, is the prevailing belief in our culture that suffering atones for guilt, and that the individual who applies this same principle to his own personality acts as an internalized judge, demanding suffering for his bad actions. Suffering alleviates the remorse of a guilty conscience and, to some extent, restores lost peace of mind. An accident-prone person is usually one who once held a rebellious attitude towards his parents and subsequently transferred this attitude to those in power, combining it with a feeling of guilt for his rebellion.

In traffic accident statistics, the National Safety Council of the United States found that among car drivers, “there are about fourteen times more people who have been involved in an accident four times than there should be on the theory that the failure could only be an accident, whereas there were nine thousand times more people who had seven incidents during the time taken for the study than the laws of probability prescribe.” Moreover, people who have suffered many accidents, as if under the influence of an irresistible force, fell into the same type of accidents, and Menninger claims that, from his experience, an examination of those who, as the saying goes, “drives like a suicide”, often convincingly proves that this is exactly what they are trying to achieve.

In general psychology, it is believed that traumatic events in early childhood, along with the youthful events of the patient’s life, are the main sources of neuroses and many psychosomatic disorders. In observing patients in unusual states, it has been discovered that their neurotic or psychosomatic symptoms often involve more than the biographical level of the psyche. At first, it might be assumed that these symptoms were related to traumatic events that the patient had to endure in infancy or childhood, as described by traditional psychology. However, as the process continues and the experience deepens, the same symptoms become associated with specific aspects of the birth trauma. In this case, it can be traced that additional roots of the same problem go even further - into transpersonal sources, into unresolved archetypal conflicts and, in particular, ancestral sin.

Thus, a person suffering from psychogenic asthma could, first of all, experience one or more events in childhood associated with suffocation (perhaps he drowned, suffered from whooping cough or diphtheria). A deeper source of the same problem for this person could be a near-suffocation situation while passing through the birth canal. To completely get rid of this form of asthma, it is important to extract from the subconscious the experiences associated with this problem and try to “speak” them out.

Painstaking empirical work has uncovered similar multilevel structures in other conditions treated by psychiatrists. The various levels of the unconscious are large repositories of negative emotions and sensations and are often the source of anxiety, depression, feelings of hopelessness and inferiority, as well as aggression and fits of rage. We can also talk about demonic influence emanating from this source. Strengthened by later traumas of infancy and childhood, this emotional material can lead to various phobias, depression, sadomasochistic tendencies, crime and hysterical symptoms. Muscle tension, pain and other forms of physical discomfort resulting from birth trauma can develop into psychosomatic problems such as asthma, migraines, digestive ulcers and colitis.

According to some reports, suicidal tendencies, alcoholism and drug addiction also have perinatal roots. The accessible use of anesthesia during childbirth appears to be of particular importance; Perhaps certain substances used to relieve the mother's pain teach the newborn at the cellular level to perceive the state caused by the drug as a natural way to escape from pain and anxiety. These findings have recently been confirmed by clinical studies linking various forms of suicidal behavior to specific aspects of biological birth. Among them, the choice of drug-assisted suicide was a consequence of the use of anesthesia during childbirth; choosing suicide by hanging - with strangulation during childbirth; and the choice of painful suicide - with a painful birth.

Traditionally, the roots of all these problems can be found in the transpersonal sphere: direct demonic influence and propensity to sin. And through it - subordination to the world of fallen spirits, going along the line of the family tree. If these people have not brought complete repentance for the sins they have committed, as well as for their disposition towards them and desire for sins, then they are completely dependent on demonic forces.

Our understanding of emotional difficulties is not limited to neuroses and psychosomatic disorders. They can develop into extreme psychological disturbances called psychoses.

Traditional attempts to explain the various symptoms of psychosis in psychological terms have not been very convincing, especially when clinicians have tried to interpret them only in terms of biographical events experienced in infancy and childhood. States of psychosis often include extreme emotions and physical sensations, such as complete despair, deep metaphysical loneliness, “hellish” physical and mental torment, brutal aggression or, on the contrary, unity with the Universe, ecstasy and “heavenly bliss”. During the manifestation of psychosis, a person can experience his own death and rebirth, or even the destruction and re-creation of the entire world. The content of such episodes is often fantastical and exotic, featuring various mythological creatures, visions of Heaven and the Underworld, events related to other countries and cultures, and encounters with “extraterrestrial civilizations.” Neither the intensity of emotions and sensations nor the unusual content of psychotic states can be rationally explained in terms of early biological traumas such as hunger, emotional deprivation or other mental disturbances of the infant.

Birth trauma, an important aspect of the unconscious, is the consequence of a painful and potentially life-threatening event that typically lasts many hours. Thus, it is definitely a more likely source of negative emotions and feelings than most other childhood episodes. Moreover, the mythological dimensions of many psychotic experiences represent a common and natural characteristic of the transpersonal sphere of the psyche, according to Jung's concept of the collective unconscious. Moreover, the emergence of such episodes from the depths of the unconscious can be considered as an attempt by the psyche to get rid of traumatic consequences and further self-regulation. This may also be a reminder from the mystical realm that the lifestyle of a given individual is disastrous for him. All this brings to mind the fact that many conditions currently diagnosed as mental illnesses are treated accordingly with the help of suppressive means. In fact, such states can be psychospiritual crises, or “spiritual extreme states,” which can also be caused by a person’s mystical affliction, starting with possession and ending with demonic possession. If such states are properly understood and clarified, and also help a person find the spiritual meaning of life and direct him along the path of churching, then such measures can lead a person to healing and transformation. I personally know of many cases of mental and physical healing of people after their repentance, changes in lifestyle and participation in the sacraments of the Orthodox Church.

Faith in God and life according to Orthodox canons protects a person from many mental and physical illnesses. Compliance with the laws of spiritual life (God's commandments) leads to the harmonious development of the human personality, which determines his mental and physical health.

Archpriest Alexy Moroz

- Nowadays, as we know, there are no healthy people. We are all sick to one degree or another. What is illness from a spiritual point of view, father?

- Man was created by God sinless and immortal. This means that illness (and the death that results from it) is not created by God. But the corruption of man’s soul, his falling away from God through sin, was the cause of illness and death. Thus, illness is not a natural process, but a lack of human integrity, a lack of human unity with God and with himself, because even the word “healed” means “become whole.”

- What is the cause of illness - is it punishment, retribution for personal sins?

- This is not entirely and not always the case. There is also such a story in the Gospel: when, at the sight of a man born blind, “His disciples asked Him: Rabbi! Who sinned, he or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered: “Neither he nor his parents sinned, but this was so that the works of God might be revealed in him” (John 9:2-3). And he healed the man born blind. That is, illness is not always a consequence of personal sins.

- Many people say that all diseases are caused by nerves. Is it so?

- What are nerves? First of all, these are manifestations of our passions, that is, constant readiness, tractability towards sin. If a person easily becomes irritated, the passion of anger acts in him; if he can’t tear himself away from a cigarette, from a bottle, the passion of gluttony, drunkenness reigns in him... And many diseases arise from passions, as their natural consequence.
A person with passions can either fight, conquer with spiritual life, or indulge them, and then the passions grow, and the person becomes their slave. Just as there is no limit to perfection in good, so sin can bring a person to the extreme degree of slavery, when he has no spiritual freedom left. And today, everywhere we see how the “civilized world”, the media, constantly deceive people by calling for “freedom”. What is meant by freedom? Satisfaction of all desires and whims, indulgence of one’s passions. But if only a person tries to overcome and conquer sin, he will immediately see in what heavy dependence on his passions he is.

The point is not in nerves, not in the fact that we have such a weak nervous system, but in the fact that we ourselves give free rein to our passions, do not fight them, and therefore sooner or later such a life bears its bitter fruits.

- Why do small children suffer, who have not yet lost their freedom, becoming slaves of passions?

- Children are not cut off from human society. Even having retired to a desert island, a person bears the stamp of this universal damage by sin, and as a result, a tendency to illness. The Apostle Paul has these words: “if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it” (1 Cor. 12-26). We know that blood poisoning in one finger can lead to infection of the entire body and even death of a person.

First of all, the child is not separated from his parents. When the baby is in the womb, he is connected with her bodily, he breathes and eats what the mother breathes and eats. If she smokes, drinks, watches obscene films, etc., this cannot but affect the baby. When a baby is born, the connection with the parents is not interrupted. The lifestyle of parents and their family relationships influence not only the mental development of children, but also their physical health.

- It turns out that children are paying for the sins of their parents? Is this fair?

- You can't say that either. The fact is that such a problem as children's illness is insoluble from the point of view of human justice. Therefore, godless people constantly speculate on it; for them this problem is a stumbling block. With God there is nothing useless or meaningless. Every Divine act is revealed in the perspective of Eternity, Eternal Life, and the good Providence of God. For each individual person, this means concern for the salvation of his soul, healing and protection from sin. Often the illness of a little person is the saving shield that, in our difficult conditions, can protect a person from many sins and temptations. After all, often we simply cannot take part in some sinful activities due to our health.

In addition, when a sick child appears in a family, parents begin to rethink their lives, realizing its sinfulness, they begin to treat each other with greater understanding. From a godless point of view, the suffering of a baby is injustice and nonsense, but from the point of view of Divine Providence, it has a deep meaning. As in the story of the man born blind, the glory of God appears next to the sick child: broken families are united, spouses turn to God, and move away from a sinful life. Seeing the zeal of the parents and listening to their prayers, the Lord can heal the child. But if He sees that this disease leads to common salvation, that without it the family will again turn to destruction, He can leave the disease.

- According to the teachings of the Holy Fathers, illness is the time when God visits a person; It brings a person a physical illness, as a bitter medicine for mental and spiritual illness. Does this mean that healthy people who live prosperously do not suffer from mental and spiritual illnesses? Or has the Lord abandoned them and they will not be saved?

- Indeed, in the lives of the saints there are stories about how the monks cried bitterly and lamented that everything had been going well for them for a long time, and even illness had not visited them. But, of course, no person lives without sorrows. It is only in movies that you can see people who are healthy, rich, happy and living happily ever after. In our world this is impossible. “For we know that the whole creation groans and is tormented together,” said the Apostle Paul (Rom. 8:22). And wealth, according to the words of one of the saints, is like salt water that you drink, but you want to drink even more.
It is impossible to run away, to hide from God, as Adam tried to hide from Him. God's love will overtake us everywhere. He does not need everyone to be healthy, well-fed and rich, although He could do this, just as He fed more than five thousand people with five loaves of bread. God needs our soul, but it does not become purer from a prosperous life.

- Tell me, father, who does the Church not bless to receive treatment?

- A person who has touched church life intuitively understands who not to go to. Firstly, it is quite obvious that you cannot go to all kinds of sorcerers; these are direct servants of Satan. These include a variety of magicians and sorcerers. Previously, if a person resorted to the services of a magician or sorcerer, he was subjected to strict church punishment, he was excommunicated from communion for several years, etc. Today, if a priest sees that a person sincerely repents and decides not to turn to such healers anymore, he is given leniency.

Secondly, you cannot turn to so-called traditional healers and other healers who treat with candles, folk remedies, spells, etc. After all, they, unlike ordinary doctors, claim some kind of spiritual guidance: “they will remove the damage,” “they will correct the aura,” they honor conspiracies. By the way, these conspiracies can even take the form of Orthodox prayers: “Our Father...”, “Theotokos, Virgin...”, but for them this is not an appeal to God for help, but a mysterious set of words, a conspiracy. After such treatment, there may be a temporary relief of symptoms, but then the disease will certainly return, and in a much more severe form. Not to mention the soul that simply dies from such treatment.

- Father, if a person is sick, where should he go - to the Church or should he still go to the clinic?

- There is no need to avoid visiting doctors. Doctors are servants of God, and the Bible says this quite clearly: “The Lord created medicines from the earth, and a prudent person will not neglect them. This is why He gave people knowledge, so that they would glorify Him in His wonderful deeds: with them He heals a person and destroys his illness. The one who prepares medicines makes a mixture from them, and his work does not end, and through him good comes on the face of the earth. My son! In your illness, do not be careless, but pray to the Lord and He will heal you.” (Sir. 38. 4.6-10).

- What if a person doesn’t want to go to the doctor, because, among other things, not everyone can afford to find a qualified doctor, even get tested, not to mention medications? If a person lives without turning to doctors, is not treated, and thus develops illnesses, is he committing a sin?

- Of course it's a sin. “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you... and you are not your own?” says the Apostle Paul (1 Cor. 6:19). Everyone should take care of their “temple”, so much so as not to be a burden to others, but, on the contrary, to be useful to their neighbors, to bring joy and love to people. It is clear that everyone’s options are different: one can be treated in Switzerland, while the other can only use herbs from the garden, or stand in line for a voucher to see a local doctor. But you cannot neglect your health; you need to take care of your body - as much as possible.

Another thing is that physical healing is impossible without spiritual healing, and treatment by ordinary doctors must be accompanied by healing of the soul, because it is necessary to treat not just the symptoms, but the whole person. And the healing of the soul occurs through church sacraments: Repentance, Communion, and, of course, Unction...

- Father, why is Unction being held? What kind of sacrament is this?

- This is a sacrament that is performed over a sick person, in which the special grace of God is asked to heal bodily ailments.

- Acupuncture, breathing exercises, homeopathy, herbal treatment - which of these methods are not blessed by the Church, father?

- I personally know priests who have been treated with acupuncture and homeopathy. As far as I know, there is nothing sinful in these methods. Breathing exercises can also be done. In general, if the method is not associated with the worship of some alien spiritual entities or with their invocation, if there are no spells or conspiracies, then such treatment does not contradict Orthodoxy.

- Should you take off your cross during some procedures or operations, if the medical staff or doctors insist on it?

- Of course, you can and should ask to leave a cross to strengthen your strength. But this is not always possible. There is nothing seditious in the very fact of removing the cross to provide medical care. The main thing is that the cross is in the heart. But it is better not to part with the shrine unless necessary. As a last resort, you can draw a cross on yourself with iodine or brilliant green.

- In what cases can you call your priest?

- The priest is called to the house in case of serious illness, infirmity, when a person cannot reach the temple. It must be remembered that not calling a priest in cases where there is a threat to life, when the patient’s condition is sharply deteriorating, is a crime for neighbors. A person must be guided by the Holy Mysteries into Eternal Life. Therefore, not calling a priest to a dying person is a crime and a great sin.

- Father, how can we learn a Christian attitude towards illness, towards death, because it is impossible for a person to come to terms with this?

- Saint John Chrysostom said: “Whoever has learned to thank God for his illnesses is not far from holiness.” Cultivate in yourself a Christian attitude towards illness, sorrow, and death, because all this is inevitable in our lives. And treat the patience of sorrows in a Christian way - means believing in God’s help, looking at any phenomenon in terms of eternity, realizing ourselves as an instrument of His Good Providence, the Lord never leaves us, and perhaps in illness we feel Him even more strongly with the proverb: “The deeper the sorrow. ", the closer God is." grace, to discover the lost meaning of life, the purpose of suffering. Understanding all sorrow in this way, you see that illness is truly a visit from God, an amazing spiritual medicine that heals the most important thing in a person - his soul.

Interviewed by Svetlana Sergeeva

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