New overtime law. Vladimir Putin signed changes to the Labor Code: on working on weekends and part-time

20.03.2019 Career and Work

On Monday, a law (amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) clarifying the procedure for establishing part-time work, as well as the procedure for paying for work on weekends and holidays. If the former make approaches to regulating part-time work more flexible, the latter can most likely lead to a reduction in pay for work on weekends and holidays, says Elena Gerasimova, director of the Center for Social and Labor Rights.

Amendments are being made to Articles 93, 152 and 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The current version of the Code assumes that, by agreement between the employee and the employer, either a part-time working day (shift) or a part-time working week is established. Pregnant women, one of the parents (guardian or custodian) of a child under 14 years of age, and in the case of a disabled child - up to 18 years of age, as well as employees caring for a sick family member in accordance with medical reports can use this standard of the Labor Code.

When working part-time, remuneration is made in proportion to the time worked or depending on the amount of work performed. Part-time work does not imply any restrictions on the duration of vacation, calculation of length of service and other labor rights.

The amendments made to the Labor Code, after their official publication and entry into force, will allow the employer to establish both a part-time and a part-time working week for an employee, including dividing the working day into parts for any period agreed upon by the parties. In this way, it will be possible to combine both part-time and part-time work in flexible working modes.

Changes are also being introduced regarding lunch and rest breaks for part-time workers. Thus, the employment contract between the employee and the employer provides for the possibility not to provide the employee with a break for rest and food if the duration of daily work (shift) established for him does not exceed four hours.

Irregular disputes

Also, new amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation introduce the rule that an employee working on a part-time basis can have an irregular working day only if by agreement of the parties employment contract a part-time working week is established, but with a full working day (shift).

"Incomplete work time can be organized in two ways: a person works every working day during the week, but for fewer hours, or full-time, but two or three days a week. And a controversial question arose: can such workers work on irregular working hours? If a person works part-time, then due to irregular working hours he may at any time be asked to stay at work for a couple more hours. What then is the meaning of part-time work?” Gerasimova commented to TASS.

She added that there had been a lot of debate about this. The adopted law does not eliminate all disputes, but it offers a certain compromise: irregular working hours can only be applied to those employees who work full time, but part-time, that is, two or three days a week. “If a person works every day, but not the full number of hours, an irregular working day cannot be established for him. This is a fundamental change,” the expert emphasized.

According to Gerasimova, in Russian legislation, in principle, there are a lot of disputes and disagreements when establishing irregular working hours. The problem is that this norm is used very unreasonably, since the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not establish restrictions for which employees can be subject to irregular working hours. “In our country, this norm is applied very widely. It is important for the employer to comply with formal requirements and simply adopt a local regulatory act that establishes a list of employees for whom irregular working hours are established, and this is enough. In fact, irregular working hours are also established for those people who work the day of which is quite easy to standardize and which should not work irregularly. The adopted law has not yet solved this problem,” the expert emphasized.

Weekends and holidays will become cheaper

Amendments to Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation specify that payment for work on a day off or a non-working holiday, if part of the shift falls on such a day, is made only for the hours falling on that day (from 0 hours to 24 hours).

“If now a person, having worked four to five hours on a day off, receives double pay as for a full working day (8 hours - editor’s note), then now a person will receive double pay for specific hours worked. Thus, in terms of the amount of payment on weekends, the norm is slightly tightened,” Gerasimova explained.

She added that in fact, the employee will now not be compensated for a lost day off, but only for the hours worked. “Of course, this is a more economical option for the employer; employers proposed this rule,” noted the head of the Center for Social and Labor Rights.

Overtime on weekends will be canceled

Amendments to Article 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation determine that work on weekends and non-working holidays is not taken into account when calculating overtime hours. Thus, double payment of these hours as both overtime and holidays is excluded.

“Previously, there was also a controversial issue: if an employee worked on a day off not 8 hours (standard working day), but, for example, 10-11 hours, then there would be some overlap. On the one hand, work on a day off should be paid at an increased rate, and on the other hand, work beyond 8 hours should also be paid at an increased rate. It turns out that these two to three extra hours, which were worked on a day off, should be paid at a quadruple rate? This was an uncertain question," Gerasimova said.

She added that the adopted law offers a clear solution to the problem. Now such a day will simply be paid according to the rules for working on weekends and holidays, that is, at double the rate and without taking into account overtime.

Important provisions have been introduced into the Labor Code, reports Komsomolskaya Pravda, regarding work on weekends, as well as on a part-time basis. The corresponding law was signed by President Vladimir Putin.

Payment for work on weekends or holidays is not made per day, but only for the time actually worked. That is, if you worked, say, not a full 8-hour day, but only three hours, then you will receive money only for this time. Double pay is required for going to work on weekends and holidays. If the employee wishes, they can instead receive payment as for a regular day, and as a bonus, take a day off on a weekday. It just needs to be agreed upon with the employer in advance.

Let us clarify that working on weekends and holidays is not considered overtime. So, it will not be possible to receive payment not only for a day off, but also for overtime (that is, in fact, four times).

The innovations also affected the explanations about part-time work. The length of stay in the office is determined by agreement between the employee and management. Pregnant women and parents with children under 14 years of age can set their own working hours that are convenient for them. That is, for example, if a child studies during the first shift and comes home after two o’clock, then it is naturally more convenient for his mother to work in the morning. So, the authorities are obliged to meet her halfway.

By the way, any employee has the right to part-time work. Only, unlike the categories indicated above, he can no longer dictate to his superiors when it is more convenient for him to stand at the machine. And another important addition for those who do not want or cannot work full time. The manager has the right not to provide lunch time to those employees whose shift lasts less than 4 hours. A no-lunch clause must be included in the employment contract.

The law also specifies the rights of those who have irregular working hours - when it is not calculated how many minutes or hours you are late after the end of the working day.

The concept of overtime work does not apply to such employees, said an expert on Radio KP. labor law Olga Eroshenkova. - They get three extra days for vacation, and that's it.

However, these norms can be called new only conditionally. The fact is that they operated before, they were simply spelled out in regulations since Soviet times and were not included in the Labor Code. What created difficulties for ordinary people when obtaining information about their rights was that it was necessary to raise a number of documents.

Now, finding out the norms of the Labor Code is not a problem,” the expert sums up. - The Internet is at everyone's fingertips. But this doesn't solve the problems. Suppose a person knows that his rights have been violated. But if he points this out to his superiors, he may be fired. As a result, many decide to endure it just to stay at work. Although if a person decides to defend his rights, he can count on powerful support. Both from the prosecutor's office and the labor inspectorate.

Today, June 19, Vladimir Putin signed a law on the inclusion of amendments to the Labor Code of Russia (LC RF) regarding the conditions of procedure and payment for overtime work on holidays and weekends. .

According to the document, when calculating overtime hours, work on weekends and non-working holidays performed in excess of normal working hours is not taken into account; double remuneration for work on weekends and non-working holidays is made for hours actually worked on a weekend or non-working holiday. If a day off or holiday falls only on part of the work shift, then the hours actually worked on those days are paid at double the rate.

In addition, the law takes into account that the employer is obliged to establish part-time working hours at the request of a pregnant woman, one of the parents with a child under 14 years of age (a disabled child under 18 years of age), as well as a person caring for a sick member families in accordance with the medical report.

/ Monday, June 19, 2017 /

. . . . . This was reported on the official website of the Kremlin.

The law clarifies the concept of part-time work and determines the mechanism for paying overtime hours worked on weekends and non-working holidays.

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“Part-time working time is established for a period convenient for the employee, but not more than for the period of existence of the circumstances that were the basis for the mandatory establishment of part-time working time, and the regime of working time and rest time, including the duration of daily work (shift), start and end times of work , the time of breaks in work is established in accordance with the wishes of the employee, taking into account the conditions of production (work) for a given employer,” the text of the law specifies.

Previously, the law was adopted by deputies State Duma and approved by members of the Federation Council.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed documents on changes made to the Labor Code. . . . . .

The changes affected articles 93 “Part-time working hours”, 101 “Irregular working hours”, 108 "Break for rest and food", as well as 152 “Payment for overtime work” and 153 "Payment for work on weekends and non-working holidays".

The procedure for part-time work is established, including providing the employee with a rest break.

The mechanism for paying overtime hours worked on weekends and non-working holidays is determined.
Double remuneration for work on weekends and non-working holidays is made for hours actually worked on a weekend or non-working holiday. . . . . .
It is clarified that an employee working on a part-time basis can have an irregular working day only if the agreement of the parties to the employment contract establishes a part-time working week, but with a full working day.

. . . . . A bill clarifying the rules for paying working time was developed by the Ministry of Labor last year. The agency proposed using Soviet acts on recording working time in the modern version of the Labor Code.

At the end of March, the leader of the LDPR faction, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, supported the idea of ​​introducing a siesta in the southern regions of Russia and adding an additional hour to the lunch break. He clarified that residents will not work less because of the siesta.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed on Monday, June 19, amendments to the Labor Code, clarifying the terms of payment for overtime hours on holidays and weekends, the Kremlin press service reports.
Now double pay will be charged only for hours actually worked on weekends and holidays. Work performed on these days, but outside the established working hours, will not be paid as overtime.
If only part of the shift falls on a weekend, then the increased pay will be credited only for the hours worked directly during this non-working day. In addition, the law obliges employers to establish part-time working hours if such a request is made by pregnant women, the parent of a child under 14 years of age or disabled minors, as well as citizens caring for sick family members.
The law was adopted by the State Duma on June 7 and approved by the Federation Council on June 14.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a federal law on medical care for dependents of police officers. . . . . .

The law proposes to eliminate the conflict in which persons who are dependent on police officers, but do not live with them, in contrast to persons who are dependent on other employees of internal affairs bodies who are not police officers, are limited in their right to medical care.

Earlier, State Duma deputies adopted the corresponding law in three readings, and the Federation Council approved it.

First of all, this will affect wages on weekends and holidays, as well as part-time working days and working weeks. Information immediately appeared in the media and social networks that work on weekends and holidays will now be paid not at double rate, but at the usual single rate... AiF tried to figure out whether this is really so and what changes the working population should expect countries.

“In 2000, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation was adopted, and the norms of the USSR and the RSFSR, which contradicted it, ceased to apply. The rest are still in effect. It is they who will be transferred to the texts of modern acts, after which they will be declared invalid. At the same time, the scope of rights and obligations of the parties labor relations Will not change. Incorporation (inclusion) is necessary to streamline the modern legal framework and is carried out by all departments in accordance with the plan of the Ministry of Justice of Russia,” Marina Maslova, director of the Department of Remuneration, Labor Relations and Social Partnership of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, told AiF.

“In my opinion, it was necessary to introduce Soviet norms into the Labor Code back in 2000, so that there would be no confusion that is happening now,” says Sergey Saurin, lawyer at the Center for Social and Labor Rights. — The fact is that some labor issues are now regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and “special regulatory legal acts,” that is, the same ones that have been preserved since the times of the USSR. Personnel department workers or not very experienced lawyers cannot sort through this heap of documents, which is why controversial issues arise... When everything is brought together into one law and the old ones are repealed, turning this page of history, it will be much easier.

At the same time, no new norms will appear, which means that workers have nothing to fear. Some media began to scare people with the fact that weekends will no longer be paid at double the rate. This is wrong. We are talking about eliminating possible confusion in this issue. Now, if a person goes to work on his day off or a holiday, according to Art. 152 of the Labor Code, he must be paid for overtime hours (for the first 2 hours of work 1.5 salaries, for subsequent ones - 2), and according to Art. 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, for work on a day off or a non-working holiday - no less than double the amount. It turns out that a person can receive as much as 4 earnings! The Ministry of Labor proposes to eliminate this confusion and clearly state in the law: “work on weekends and non-working holidays is not taken into account when calculating overtime hours.”

However, as practice shows, employers already applied only one article of the Labor Code and did not pay anyone four times the amount. So nothing will change for workers.

By the way

If you agree to go to work on a weekend or a non-working holiday (this does not apply to those who work according to a schedule and whose shift falls, for example, on Sunday), you must be paid for this work at least double the amount.

However, if you wish, you can also be given another day of rest. In this case, work on a weekend or a non-working holiday is paid in a single amount, and a day of rest is not subject to payment.

Remuneration for work on weekends and non-working holidays for creative workers in the media, cinematography organizations, television and video crews, theaters, theatrical and concert organizations, circuses, etc. can be determined on the basis of a collective agreement, local normative act or an employment contract.