Workshop on social studies 11. Regulatory legal acts

22.06.2019 Documentation

Citizenship predetermines the availability of protection from the state and the obligation to comply with established laws in the territory of the country (State)
Participation in political life countries (rallies, debates, elections of candidates or applications to become one)
To be a citizen means to be a patriot of your Motherland, to love, respect it, take care of its well-being, therefore you need to participate in the political life of the country (government)
1. In my opinion, each definition is correct in its own way, they cannot be disputed.

2. I doubt that in order to make various kinds of decisions, in any case it is necessary to have high level political culture)
Absolutely every person can do this, but, of course, not always in the right way. After all, the main condition for democracy is collective decision-making with equal influence of participants on the outcome of the process, however, all people are different, and everyone thinks about any issue in their own way.
Nevertheless, now the most important and serious decisions are made by the state, because it has the greatest power.
1. You can both agree and disagree with this point of view. State power is truly exercised by the elite - people specially trained for this. But this elite is elected by the people - simple people of the masses, whose issues are decided by the government, the elite.
2. Active citizenship - when a citizen takes part in the political life of society. Every citizen has the right to vote in elections or in a referendum, thereby showing activity.
Most likely, what is meant is that 1 person cannot go against the freedom of 10 or 1000 people....... 1 person cannot express his freedom by infringing on the freedom of others... And the word “absolute” is rather a relative concept. Let's imagine... that you are violating a person's freedom. You locked him in a basement or kept him on a chain under lock and key, thereby limiting his freedom, given to him at birth, inalienable (except for certain cases provided for by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus (or the Russian Federation) and other similar documents) . Let's say this person is a serial maniac and murderer =)) In theory, you are considered a violator and a criminal.....regardless of his status, or involvement in certain crimes, you do not have the right to lock him up, even if it seems to you that this is your “freedom” of actions and opinions!
Equality does not exist in nature. Biologically, a woman is not equal to a man, just as a child is not “equal” to an adult. In society it is customary to use the term “equality”. Classic concept“equality” is enshrined in the constitutions and legal norms of states that have legal status. To what extent the Republic of Belarus (or the Russian Federation) is a rule-of-law state, let its leaders decide

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Title: Social studies. Workshop. Grade 11.

The manual is a continuation of the corresponding workshop for grade 10. The structure of the books and the organization of working with them are identical in both cases. The manual will help provide specialized training to students. It will be useful for studying social studies at a basic level.
With the help of practical tasks, students will be able to systematize the theoretical knowledge they have acquired and formulate their own opinions on various issues.

This manual is a workshop for grade 11 (continuation of the workshop for grade 10), designed for students interested in in-depth study social studies. Each paragraph of this book corresponds to a paragraph of the specialized textbook “Social Studies” (edited by L. N. Bogolyubov, A. KH Lazebnikova, K. G. Kholodkovsky). At the same time, this manual can be used in the study of social science at a basic level. Let us remind you: in order to achieve good results, you will need not only a thorough study of the text of the textbook, but also significant independent work, which will allow you to more fully master the scientific content of the course and acquire the required skills. We reproduce the minimum list of independent, laboratory and practical work, the experience of which all students must acquire:
1) work with various pedagogically unadapted sources of social information, including modern means of communication (including Internet resources);
2) critical perception and comprehension of heterogeneous social information, reflecting different approaches and interpretations of social phenomena; formulating your own conclusions and value judgments on this basis;
3) analysis of phenomena and events occurring in modern social life, using methods social cognition;
4) solving problematic, logical, creative problems that reflect actual problems social and humanitarian knowledge;
5) participation in discussions, disputes, debates on current social problems, defending and arguing one’s position; opposing a different opinion;
6) carrying out educational and research work on social issues, developing individual and group student projects;
7) preparation of abstracts, mastering the techniques of presenting the results of current research social problems;
8) creating an essay;
9) understanding the experience of interaction with other people, social institutions, participation in civil initiatives and various forms of self-government.

Table of contents
Introduction 4
Chapter 1. Social development modern society 5
1. Social structure and social relations 5
2. Social institutions 9
3. The role of economics in the life of society 14
4. Social statuses and roles 19
5. Social values ​​and norms 22
6. Deviant behavior and social control 27
7. Social interests and forms of social interaction 31
8. Ethnicity and nation 34
9. Interethnic relations and national policy 39
10. Demographics modern Russia 42
11. Institute of family and marriage 45
12. Life and everyday relationships 49
13. Youth in modern society 55
14. Social structure of Russian society 59
Chapter 2. Political life of modern society 65
15. Political system and political regime 65
16. State in political system 68
17. Democracy: values ​​and characteristics 72
18. Rule of law and civil society 75
19. The role of the media in political life 79
20-21. Political consciousness and political behavior 82
22. Political parties and movements 87
23. Leaders and elites in political life 90
24. Elections in a democratic society 94
25. Man in political life 97
26. Political Conflict 101
27. Political process 105
Chapter 3. Spiritual culture 109
28. (Option 1). Spiritual development of society 109
28. (Option 2). Tolerance 112
29. Spiritual world of personality 114
30. Morals and ethics 118
31. Science 122
32. (Option 1). Education 126
32. (Option 2). Social and personal significance of education 130
33. The role of religion in the life of society 133
34. The place of art in spiritual culture 138
35. Mass culture 140
Chapter 4. The current stage of world development 144
36. Diversity of the modern world 144
37. Globalization and its consequences 147
38. Network structures in modern world politics 151
39. Integrity and inconsistency of the modern world 156

This manual is a workshop for grade 11 (a continuation of the workshop for grade 10), designed for students interested in in-depth study of social studies. Each paragraph of this book corresponds to a paragraph of the specialized textbook “Social Studies” (edited by L. N. Bogolyubov, A. K. Lazebnikova, K. G. Kholodkovsky). At the same time, this manual can be used in the study of social science at a basic level. Let us remind you: in order to achieve good results, you will need not only a thorough study of the text of the textbook, but also significant independent work, which will allow you to more fully master the scientific content of the course and acquire the required skills.
We reproduce the minimum list of independent, laboratory and practical work, the experience of which all students must acquire:

  1. working with various pedagogically unadapted sources of social information, including modern means of communication (including Internet resources);
  2. critical perception and comprehension of heterogeneous social information, reflecting different approaches and interpretations of social phenomena; formulating your own conclusions and value judgments on this basis;
  3. analysis of phenomena and events occurring in modern social life, using methods of social cognition;
  4. solving problematic, logical, creative problems that reflect current problems of social and humanitarian knowledge;
  5. participation in discussions, disputes, debates on current social issues, defending and arguing one’s position; opposing a different opinion;
  6. carrying out educational and research work on social issues, developing individual and group student projects;
  7. preparing abstracts, mastering techniques for presenting the results of research on current social problems;
  8. essay creation;
  9. understanding the experience of interaction with other people, social institutions, participation in civic initiatives and various forms of self-government.

The tasks in each paragraph of this manual are presented in the same sequence of activities in which they are named above. In this case, the corresponding numbering is preserved. This will make it easier to navigate the workshop materials. It is possible that not all activities are represented in any given topic. In this case, the conditional numbers of tasks that are not in such a selection are skipped.
To conclude this brief introduction, let us emphasize: experience various types activities and the skills developed in this activity will become a most valuable achievement as a result of receiving a complete secondary general education.

Table of contents
Chapter 1. Social development of modern society
1. Social structure and social relations
2. Social institutions
3. The role of economics in the life of society
4. Social statuses and roles
5. Social values ​​and norms
6. Deviant behavior and social control
7. Social interests and forms of social interaction
8. Ethnicity and nation
9. Interethnic relations and national politics
10. Demography of modern Russia
11. Institute of family and marriage
12. Life and everyday relationships
13. Youth in modern society
14. Social structure of Russian society
Chapter 2. Political life of modern society
15. Political system and political regime
16. State in the political system
17. Democracy: values ​​and characteristics
18. Rule of law and civil society
19. The role of the media in political life
20-21. Political consciousness and political behavior
22. Political parties and movements
23. Leaders and elites in political life
24. Elections in a democratic society
25. Man in political life
26. Political conflict
27. Political process
Chapter 3. Spiritual culture
28. (Option 1). Spiritual development of society
28. (Option 2). Tolerance
29. Spiritual world of personality
30. Morals and ethics
31. Science
32. (Option 1). Education
32. (Option 2). Social and personal significance of education
33. The role of religion in society
34. The place of art in spiritual culture
35. Popular culture
Chapter 4. The current stage of world development
36. Diversity of the modern world
37. Globalization and its consequences
38. Network structures in modern world politics
39. Integrity and inconsistency of the modern world

Social science. Workshop. 11th grade: profile level. Bogolyubov L.N. and etc.

M.: Education, 2008. - 160 p.

The manual is a continuation of the corresponding workshop for grade 10. The structure of the books and the organization of working with them are identical in both cases. The manual will help provide specialized training to students. It will be useful for studying social studies at a basic level.

With the help of practical tasks, students will be able to systematize the theoretical knowledge they have acquired and formulate their own opinions on various issues.

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Table of contents
Introduction 4
Chapter 1. Social development of modern society 5
1. Social structure and social relations 5
2. Social institutions 9
3. The role of economics in the life of society 14
4. Social statuses and roles 19
5. Social values ​​and norms 22
6. Deviant behavior and social control... 27
7. Social interests and forms of social interaction 31
8. Ethnicity and nation 34
9. Interethnic relations and national policy 39
10. Demography of modern Russia 42
11. Institute of family and marriage 45
12. Life and everyday relations 49
13. Youth in modern society 55
14. Social structure of Russian society 59
Chapter 2. Political life of modern society.... 65
15. Political system and political regime 65
16. The state in the political system 68
17. Democracy: values ​​and characteristics 72
18. Rule of law and civil society 75
19. The role of the media in political life 79
20-21. Political consciousness and political behavior 82
22. Political parties and movements 87
23. Leaders and elites in political life 90
24. Elections in a democratic society 94
25. Man in political life 97
26. Political Conflict 101
27. Political process 105
Chapter 3. Spiritual culture 109
28. (Option 1). Spiritual development of society 109
28. (Option 2). Tolerance 112
29. Spiritual world of personality 114
30. Morals and ethics 118
31. Science 122
32. (Option 1). Education 126
32. (Option 2). Social and personal significance of education 130
33. The role of religion in the life of society 133
34. The place of art in spiritual culture 138
35. Popular culture 140
Chapter 4. The current stage of world development 144
36. Diversity of the modern world 144
37. Globalization and its consequences 147
38. Network structures in modern world politics 151
39. Integrity and inconsistency of the modern world. . 156