What does social pension consist of? Structure and principles of pension formation

31.01.2019 State

How formerly man begins to think about his future, the more consciously he makes certain decisions. Moreover, this rule is true for almost everything in our lives, including retirement. The sooner you start thinking about your future pension, the more noticeably you can influence its size. In order not to guess in old age whether you will have enough money to live on, you need to study thoroughly in advance pension system the country in which you live.

In this article, we decided to help improve the legal literacy of our readers and touch upon important question: what does the pension consist of?

Features of pension calculation

In Russia, a pension is a payment designed to compensate a person who is no longer able to be a full-time worker (due to age or other reasons), his wages.

We will not consider now emergencies when, for example, a person loses the ability to work due to illness or injury, i.e. becomes disabled, or when minor child loses one of his parents and cannot support himself. These categories of citizens receive a pension regardless of their own labor merits.

We will talk about ordinary people - pensioners who have safely lived to old age and are going for a well-deserved rest. The size of their pension directly depends on how long a person worked in his life: worked, served and even looked after children.

When we work officially, employment contract or we run our own business, the employer pays “social taxes” for us (they are also “insurance payments”). The longer a person works, the higher his official salary, the more “social taxes” the employer pays for him. When a person reaches a certain age, after which he can legally no longer work, everything that has accumulated in his own account in the Pension Fund is divided into parts and paid to him in the form of a pension.

However, people who have not worked at all in their lives or, for some reason, were unable to work long enough to accumulate the required minimum capital, are also not left without support in old age. They are paid a social pension. However, it is not surprising that the amount of such a pension turns out to be several times lower than what a person earned through his own labor.

But let’s return to the topic of our conversation: what, or rather what parts, do labor and social pensions consist of?

The social pension has a fixed amount, which depends on which group (disabled people, orphans, indigenous residents of the Far North or citizens of disabled age, victims man-made accidents or disasters) applies to this particular pensioner.

Components of a labor pension

An old-age labor pension (i.e. a pension paid as compensation for wages) consists of three parts:

  • individual part of the insurance pension;
  • fixed payment;
  • funded pensions.

The first and last are formed from the “social taxes” of employers, but in different accounts and even (if desired) in different institutions.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is entirely responsible for the preservation and guarantee of insurance capital, but the investment organization headed by a state or non-state pension fund, which the future pensioner has chosen himself, is responsible for the accumulative capital. If the insurance capital remains unchanged throughout the years before retirement and is only indexed for inflation, then the accumulated capital changes according to how (successfully or unsuccessfully) the investor invests it in certain securities.

The calculation of the future individual part of the insurance pension is made on the basis of Federal Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013. For this throughout labor activity pensioner, the “social taxes” he paid were converted into pension points. When the time comes to pay a pension, pension points will be multiplied by the nominal amount of one such point - this will result in the individual part of the insurance pension. It will be different for each pensioner and the higher the longer the person worked and the more money he received.

Then a fixed payment will be added to the calculated value - it is guaranteed by the state and is initially the same for everyone receiving insurance pension. However, if a pensioner decides to wait and not apply for an old-age pension for some time, then his fixed payment will be increased.

And finally, after the appointment of an insurance pension, a citizen has the right to apply for a funded pension. It can be paid once or will be paid throughout life until death - it all depends on how much money the pensioner has accumulated. If the monthly amount of a funded pension is more than five percent of the monthly amount of an insurance pension (including a fixed payment), then such a pension is paid for life. Otherwise - once, in the entire amount.

What parts does the pension of certain categories of citizens consist of?

Separately, we can highlight military personnel, civil servants, pilots and astronauts - they receive a pension in accordance with Federal Law No. 166 of December 15, 2001 and related laws. Here, for example, are the payments that military pensions consist of:

  • salary for the position;
  • salary for title;
  • bonuses for length of service;

At the same time, the military today do not receive a full pension - they are paid only a certain part of the calculated pension amount. Every year this part increases and pensioners receive several percent more than last year. It is expected that by 2025, military pensioners will finally begin to receive 100% of their calculated pensions.

If you are a government employee, pilot, or astronaut, you will need to contact your primary department for clarification regarding your pension.

Very often people ask for clarification on how the pension is calculated and what it consists of.

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions”, the pension consists of two components: Insurance part (SP) and Accumulation part (SC). The insurance part consists of insurance premiums paid for you by your employer. The funded part consists of your personal contributions. At the same time, a state pension co-financing program is currently in effect. The essence of the program is that the state doubles the money you contribute. That is, if you contributed the minimum amount to participate in the program - 2,000 rubles, then the state will contribute another 2,000 rubles. In total, for the year, 4,000 rubles will be credited to your individual account with the Pension Fund, in addition to the insurance contributions made by the employer. The maximum amount that the state can transfer to the account of the insured person is 12,000 rubles. An exception is made for persons who have reached retirement age(men - 60 years old, women - 55 years old), but did not apply to the Pension Fund for the accrual of any part of the labor pension. For such persons, co-financing increases not two, but four times, but should not exceed 48,000 rubles per year.

This does not exclude participation in the employer's program. He can also co-finance your pension up to 12,000 rubles per year, which will not be subject to insurance contributions.

But this is not all the advantages of the Funded part of the pension. The additional funds you contribute to the savings portion are invested into stock market in order to generate additional income.

The state co-financing program is valid until October 1, 2013. Find out how much Money stored in your individual account with the Pension Fund can be obtained from the annual notices sent out by employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Calculation of pension or what does it consist of?

So, the formula by which the Insurance portion is calculated is as follows: SCh = PC / T + B,Where

  • midrange- insurance part of the old-age labor pension;
  • PC- the amount of the estimated pension capital of the insured person
  • T- the number of months of the expected period of payment of the old-age labor pension (19 years or 228 months);
  • B- fixed base amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension.

The amount of estimated pension capital ( PC) is determined by the formula: PC = PC1 + SV + PC2, Where

  • PC1- part of the estimated pension capital of the insured person, calculated by assessing pension rights before January 1, 2002;
  • NE- amount of valorization;
  • PC2- the amount of insurance contributions and other revenues to the Pension Fund Russian Federation for the insured person starting from January 1, 2002.

The formula used to calculate PC1 next: PC1= (RP - 450 rubles) x T, Where

  • RP- the estimated size of the labor pension determined for insured persons in accordance with this article;
  • 450 rubles- the size of the basic part of the old-age labor pension, which was established by the legislation of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2002;
  • T- the expected period of payment of the old-age labor pension (19 years or 228 months).

The legislator established that the estimated size of the labor pension (RP) when assessing pension rights can be determined in two ways: 1 Option: RP = SK x ZR / ZP x SZP, Where

  • RP
  • SK- length of service coefficient, which for insured persons who have insurance experience and (or) experience in the relevant types of work that are required for the early assignment of an old-age pension, is 0.55 with a duration of total work experience equal to the duration of the insurance period, and increases by 0.01 for each full year of total work experience in excess of the duration of such work experience, but not more than 0.20;
  • ZR- average monthly earnings of the insured person for 2000 - 2001 according to information from individual (personalized) accounting in the mandatory system pension insurance or for any 60 months of consecutive work on the basis of documents issued by the relevant employers or state (municipal) bodies.
  • Salary- average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for the same period;
  • SZP- average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for the period from July 1 to September 30, 2001 for calculating and increasing the amount state pensions, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (1,671 rubles 00 kopecks). The ratio of the average monthly earnings of the insured person to the average monthly salary in the Russian Federation (ZR/ZP) taken into account in the amount not more than 1.2.

Option 2: RP = ZR x SK, Where:

  • RP- estimated size of labor pension;
  • ZR– the average monthly earnings of the insured person for 2000 - 2001 according to individual (personalized) records in the compulsory pension insurance system or for any 60 consecutive months of work on the basis of documents issued by the relevant employers or state (municipal) bodies. The average monthly earnings of the insured person are not confirmed by testimony;
  • SK- length of service coefficient, which for insured persons: those who carried out pedagogical, medicinal And creative activity – constitutes 0,55 with a length of service in the relevant types of work equal to the length of service in the relevant types of work required for the early assignment of an old-age pension, and increases by 0.01 for each full year of experience in the relevant types of work in excess of the duration of such experience, but not more than 0.20 in total.
  • The estimated size of the labor pension, determined by Option 2, subject to certain conditions, cannot exceed an amount equal to 555 rubles 96 kopecks. For each full year exceeding 25 years for men and 20 years for women, and for persons who have experience in the relevant types of work and insurance experience required for the early assignment of an old-age labor pension - the duration of the insurance period required for the early assignment of an old-age labor pension for old age, the indicated amounts increase by 1 percent, but not more than 20 percent. The estimated size of the labor pension, taking into account bonuses, increases and compensation payments, cannot be less than 660 rubles.

These formulas are valid subject to the conditions established in the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions”, therefore, if you doubt that your pension has been calculated correctly, it is better to contact a qualified specialist.

The most common reason for retirement is reaching a certain age (in Russia - 60 years for men, for women - 55). What does the pension consist of? The labor pension consists of parts called insurance and funded. That is, the total volume of these payments depends on the amount of funds collected in the savings and insurance pension accounts.

Insurance part

Let's take a closer look at the formation of both parts of payments. Let's start with insurance, since the main share pension contributions goes exactly in this direction. Insurance premiums carried out by employers of citizens. Today this tariff is 22% of wages before taxes. This money is distributed between retirement accounts in different ways. It all depends on the age of the employee.

So, for future retirees who were born before 1967, 16% of this 22% is put into an individual insurance pension account. The remaining 6% goes to the solidarity part of the tariff. The same 6% goes to the joint account of persons born after 67 of the last century and later. Another 10% is deposited into the individual account. The remaining share - 6% - forms the individual accumulative part of the tariff. Accordingly, what parts the pension consists of depends on age: persons born in 1966 and earlier receive a pension according to the volume of their insurance deposits.

The insurance part consists of the amount of the estimated pension capital (PC), divided by 216 (the expected number of months of pension payment), and the base, the value of which was set at ~3100 rubles in 2012. PC is formed from contributions to an individual insurance account. Thus, the variable part of insurance payments does not depend on contributions to the solidarity account. This account is used to provide basic pay and for other purposes.

Cumulative part

Contributions to the accumulative pension fund, as follows from the previous explanations, are mandatory for all working Russians born in 1967. and younger. The funded part goes to the disposal of the pension fund that the citizen has chosen and becomes part of the assets of this fund. This part is used for investments made by a management company collaborating with the pension fund.

As mentioned, the amount of mandatory payments for persons born in 1967 and younger to a savings pension account is 6% of annual income. However, each person can deposit additional funds into this account. This is done either through a bank or through an employer, who can, at the employee’s request, withhold the specified amount in favor of a savings pension account. All contributions to the savings account are individual (that is, there is no joint part for the savings account).

The pension fund servicing the funded part can be either the Pension Fund of Russia (PRF) or one of the non-state pension funds. The insurance account is generated only through the PRF.

The old-age pension consists of funds accumulated in insurance and savings pension accounts. Transferring contributions to a savings account is mandatory only for persons born in 1967 and later. The management of the insurance account is carried out only by the PRF; management of the savings account can be entrusted to a non-governmental organization.

Now I’m approaching 60, retirement is just around the corner. Not everyone is ready to leave their favorite job and therefore remains to work at their enterprise. Some, on the contrary, count the days until their well-deserved rest, then, with a clear conscience, join the ranks of pensioners. So they have a question: “What does a pension consist of?”

Until 2010, pension accruals were formed from 3 parts: funded, basic, and insurance. Now there are two components left - insurance, savings. By the way, the insurance includes a fixed rate of basic pension equal to 3,910 rubles. The state promises to pay this amount to any person who has reached the age of retirement and has five years of experience. Moreover, every year the minimum labor output will be raised. Starting next year, it will be fundamental. In addition to its composition fixed amount

includes monthly payments (20% of salary) made by the head of the company where the future retiree works. The more such payments, the higher the pension provision.

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For persons born in 1967 and later, a cumulative emeritus is provided. Currently, the employer contributes 6% of the employees’ salary to the savings account.

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In the future, accumulated money from this account can be withdrawn in installments. You choose the period over which the issuance of funds will be extended, the main thing is that it is no less than 10 years.

There is also a standard method of acquiring a funded pension - this is to arrange a lifetime payment. Your savings will be paid out monthly over 19 years.

If you need a good pension, then get a proper job, do not receive illegal salaries “in envelopes”. Think about the future, because no one wants to count down the days until the next state compensation, saving even on food.

Every citizen should know what parts a pension consists of. It represents a regular payment from the state to its citizen, subject to the latter’s partial or complete incapacity for work. The security compensates for wages missing due to age, health or other reasons.

The pension program in Russia consists of legal measures approved by special government and private structures. Pension provision according to the laws of the Russian Federation includes:

  • three types of payments


  • Represents a guaranteed minimum stay amount. Provided by the state as monthly support for subsistence.

cumulative Comprised of contributions from the former employer and investments made under at will

  • . The fund and the amount of transfers are determined directly by the payer.

Compensation for labor activity. It is calculated based on the length of service, the payment received, and the age of disability.

In addition, the size of pensions is subject to coefficients that change every year. The index of the amount of increases depends on the inflation rate, the economic situation in the country and the cost of living.

What parts does the old-age pension consist of (insurance/labor)

In addition, compensation for disability and old age can be added to the survivor's pension if they were assigned during the lifetime of the deceased. In cases of disabled children and minors who have lost a single parent, the payment rate increases.

The funded pension is formed on the basis of contributions that the future recipient himself or his employer make monthly to the Fund:

  1. The employer determines the amount of insurance contributions based on the amount of wages of the subordinate and transfers the funds to the latter’s individual account.
  2. A citizen, at his own request, invests money in his future pension, replenishes his contribution to a non-state fund chosen at his discretion.

In both options, a savings interest rate is added to the invested money, the amount of which depends on the age of the investor. Methods for increasing funds in an account can be combined. The longer the savings portion remains unclaimed, the larger its size upon subsequent receipt.

The funded part of the pension is personalized and cannot be transferred to an outsider if it is in the possession of a state pension fund. Exceptions include cases of inheritance.

Social pensioncash payment, provided to citizens who do not have the minimum work experience to receive a labor pension, or. The purpose of such a benefit is to provide financial support to persons who do not have other permanent sources of food and accommodation.

Social benefits are paid to women (over 60 years old) and men (over 65 years old) if their work experience is less than 5 years.

Also, the amount is intended for general pensioners (55, 60 years old) of sparsely populated northern regions, disabled people of any group and age.

Social pensions can also include payments for the loss of a breadwinner if they are intended for full-time students (up to 23 years old) or children (up to 18 years old) due to the death of a non-working parent.

The amount of the benefit is fixed by the state. It depends on the reasons for short work activity or lack thereof. Changes according to the rules of inflation and indexation of pensions.

Pensions for probationers are established according to special regulations of the Russian Federation. If an employee is transferred to the reserve with 2/3 of the required length of service, he will be given a long-service allowance.

In cases where there are disabilities, amounts are accrued in full for each type of pension. If the length of service exceeds that established by law, 3% of the required figures are added for each extra year.

The pension money of test pilots includes 80% of salaries for rank and position (85% for disability), as well as an allowance for the number of years of service. The benefit is not issued in full. Every year the amount available for receipt grows by several percent.

Inflation is taken into account when indexing a test pilot's military pension.