How does work experience affect retirement? What affects the size of the old-age insurance pension?

12.04.2018 State

Many people are interested in the size of their pension. However, on what principle are calculations made? What length of service affects how much your pension will be paid? You will find out the answers to these questions in this article.

Let's start with the fact that the calculation of the pension for the period of work before January 1, 2002, taking into account the length of service available on this date and wages can be carried out in two ways according to Art. 30 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation":

  • taking into account the total length of service used when calculating the pension amount using a formula with the so-called ICP - the individual pensioner coefficient (this is the ratio of a citizen’s salary at the time of retirement to the average salary in the country);
  • taking into account the total work experience previously current legislation and according to the "old" formula.

For the vast majority of pensioners, it is more profitable (when calculating the amount of a pension with valorization) to calculate the pension using a formula with an ICP. To calculate the amount of your pension, your total length of service is important. It means the total duration of labor activity until January 1, 2002, taken into account on a calendar basis.

Pension amount: the role of insurance coverage

But the size of your pension is also affected by the insurance period - the period when the employer paid for you insurance premiums. Let's tell you more about it. And all these periods are taken into account when determining the length of service coefficient. The insurance period includes the following periods:

  • work as a worker, employee, collective farmer or cooperator;
  • individual labor activity, including in agriculture;
  • creative activity of members of creative unions, as well as writers and artists who are not members of creative unions;
  • service in the Armed Forces former USSR, Russian Federation and other service equivalent to military service;
  • temporary disability that began during the period of work;
  • being on disability of groups I and II resulting from a work-related injury or occupational disease;
  • receiving unemployment benefits, participating in paid public works, moving to another location as directed by the employment service.

Non-insurance periods

If certain conditions are met, so-called non-insurance periods may also be taken into account in the amount of your pension. These include:

  • the period of care of a non-working parent for a child until he reaches the age of one and a half years;
  • the period of care by an able-bodied citizen for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child or a person who has reached the age of 80 years;
  • the period of residence of military spouses with their husbands in those areas where they could not work due to lack of employment;
  • the period of residence abroad of spouses of employees of Soviet and international organizations.

Other Features

If your pension was calculated before the adoption of Federal Law No. 18-FZ of March 21, 2005, that is, before April 2005, then now the calculation mechanism will be as follows: first, the monthly amount of insurance contributions transferred by your employer is calculated. This amount is then included in the pension amount. The annually approved cost of the insurance year is multiplied by the length of the credited non-insurance periods and divided by the expected period of pension payment.

Today there is key factors, on which the size of your future pension. Tells about what influences its value Head of the department for organizing the assignment and recalculation of pensions of the regional Branch of the Pension Fund Zinaida Gubanova.

- Zinaida Lvovna, how does the future pension depend on the length of service?

When assigning a pension, insurance and total length of service are taken into account. The total length of service is determined until January 1, 2002. Insurance length of service is the duration of periods of work and (or) other activities for which insurance premiums were accrued and paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. At the same time, there are so-called non-insurance periods that are counted in the insurance period: the period of caring for a child until the age of one and a half years, the time of caring for a disabled child, a disabled person of group I or a person who has reached the age of 80, the period of military service and some other. They also earn pension points. Work periods are confirmed based on individual (personalized) accounting information. If the accounting information contains incomplete information about periods of work, or there is no information about individual periods, the length of service can be confirmed with documents.

The longer the period during which insurance contributions to the Pension Fund were paid, and the higher the salary, the greater the amount of contributions reflected in the individual personal account of the insured person in the Pension Fund of Russia and the higher the insurance pension will be.

You can get acquainted with your pension rights, find out everything about your length of service, earnings, and the amount of insurance contributions without leaving your home, through Personal Area citizen on the website of the Russian Pension Fund. Your rights are based on the data that the Pension Fund received from employers. If you think that any information has not been taken into account or has not been taken into account in full, contact your employer to clarify the data and submit it to the Pension Fund in advance.

- Is it important at what age you retired?

Yes, definitely. For each year of later application for an insurance pension after the right to it arises (including early), the fixed payment and the insurance pension increase by certain coefficients. These premium rates have different meanings for fixed payment and insurance pension.

For example, if you apply for an old-age insurance pension five years after the right to it arises, the total pension amount may be approximately 40% more.

- How can the size of the official salary affect your future pension?

It is very important to know that employer insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance are paid only from white wages. With gray remuneration schemes, insurance premiums are either paid in a minimal amount or not paid at all. In these cases, funds for the formation of the citizen’s pension rights are not received or the future pension is formed in a minimal amount.

- Does anything depend on the pension option?

If a citizen forms a funded pension, then he is accrued fewer pension points annually compared to if only an insurance pension was formed. Wherein maximum amount The pension points that can be earned per year also vary. For those who form only an insurance pension, in 2021 this is 10 pension points, and for those who form both insurance and funded pensions - 6.25 pension points.

So, the future pension depends on the following four factors: the size of the official (white) salary, length of service, retirement age and the pension option that each citizen chooses for himself.

Media Relations Group of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Altai Territory

In connection with the adoption of a number of new amendments, the pension of citizens of the Russian Federation is calculated based on some generally accepted coefficients, as well as: the amount of official wages, your length of service and the age at which you retire. All three parameters play an important role in determining the amount of payments. If everything is relatively clear with the first two points: the higher they are, the better, then how to calculate the percentage of your work experience becomes somewhat more complicated. This article will discuss in detail how to calculate percentages from your work experience to form a pension.

The default coefficient for all citizens of the country is 0.55%. Therefore, if you have worked your required work period of twenty years for women, and twenty-five years for men, then you can safely consider the number 0.55 as your coefficient.

However, to increase the total amount of your future pension, you can retire later, thereby increasing your years of work experience.

For each subsequent year, add the coefficient 0.01 to the number 0.55. Thus, if you are a man and have worked for 34 years, then your coefficient is 0.55 + 0.09, a total of 0.64%. If you are a woman with the same experience, then we get the expression 0.55 + 0.14, your labor guard brings you 0.69%. This formula applies to all citizens.

However, remember that the maximum increase in length of service is 0.20. That is, you cannot overwork more than twenty years from the date of receipt of experience at the mark of twenty years and twenty-five, respectively. Or you simply will not receive additional interest for this.

If you've been walking for a while military service, or studied full-time, and also stayed for long-term treatment, then such years can also be counted towards your experience. However, this amendment is not always in effect and since 1998 it has come into force several times and been repealed again. Call on hotline Pension Fund Russia and specify which of these points you can add to your experience.

A period of child care is always added to your length of service if you are a mother or primary caregiver, or if you are a single father. Such a period cannot exceed six years.

The period of receiving unemployment benefits and participation in resettlement and relocation programs is also necessarily added.

If you were unjustifiably detained for any period of time, you do not lose years of your service.
Caring for a disabled person and the absence of permanent work associated with him obliges the state to pay you a pension with the full length of service.

If you or your spouse are military personnel, then your length of service is calculated individually.

If you have any work experience in the Far North, then contact the Pension Fund for an increase in interest to your work experience. This figure is calculated individually.

Don't forget to follow the news of the Pension Fund Russian Federation to be aware of all changes in the procedure for calculating pensions and adjust your situation in time.

Everyone dreams of having a decent pension. Especially if during the working years in labor activity a lot of effort went into it.

So, speaking about a pension, first of all it is worth determining who can count on it. The list of such persons includes: males who have reached 60 years of age and females over 55 years of age. All this is subject to sufficient pension points; length of service

Currently, the length of the insurance period required for an insurance pension is seven years, with a future annual increase of one year to 15 years. There are developed formulas for calculating the old-age insurance pension. There are even online calculators on various sites that can help answer the question.

Insurance period and periods included in it

Separately, it is worth talking about the insurance period, since the size of the future pension depends on it. According to the information, the insurance period is the time spent working, subject to the payment of insurance premiums during this period. Other periods when the person did not work will also be included in the insurance period, that is, the period was not insurance.

These include:

Military service;

The duration of the husband's service under a contract, provided that the locality did not allow employment (for wives of military personnel, and in total no more than five years);

Residence abroad of diplomatic service employees;

Temporary disability;

Leave involving child care for 1.5 years (but not more than six years in total);

Assistance to disabled people and elderly citizens (over 80 years old);

Unemployment benefit.

The total work experience will include:

periods of employment as an employee; worker;

individual labor activity;

paramilitary security;

other work when the citizen was subject to compulsory pension insurance.

Thus, when calculating a pension, the length of service has great importance. According to the new current reform, the minimum length of service for a pension is calculated based on the year of retirement.

It is the same for women and men, and for its calculation there are special formulas and calculators that work online.

What if you have no experience?

Working informally or not working, people do not think about their future pension, but when it comes, everyone wonders whether they will be able to count on something.

In this case, when retirement age comes, but there are no accumulated points, a social pension is provided. However, both men and women will have to wait five years to receive it. That is, the first will receive it at 65 years old, and the second at 60.

What were the innovations?

The question of how and how much pension will be received in the future is being asked by more and more citizens. This is due to the fact that starting from 2015, the pension amount is calculated in a new way. According to experts, such a reform will not affect the pension itself. Only the way it is calculated will change.

For certain categories of citizens, pensions may even increase slightly. Thus, they will recalculate the pension for mothers who have been on leave for a long time to care for children. The essence of the reform is that the pension capital received so far will be recalculated into points, and then, when retirement comes, returned back to rubles.

How to get a new pension?

Based new formula To receive a pension, you need to accumulate at least 6.6 points (by 2025 - at least 30 points), plus develop work experience. Starting from 2015 – 6 years, it will increase until 2024 – 15 years.

If during the work period the work experience is not developed, points are not accumulated, then the Russian will receive a pension five years later (women - 60, men - 65 years) and will receive social pension. Its size is about 4.4 rubles.

What needs to be done for the planned retirement?

First of all, have a clean white salary. In addition, it is desirable that it be high (the higher the salary, the more points you can accumulate). However, not everyone in Russia can boast of large official earnings, but only a few.

Alternatively, you can increase your pension if you postpone your required rest for several years. Currently, if a person does not stop working after retirement, his points will be multiplied by bonus factors. This is a thoughtful decision on the part of the government, unofficially extending the retirement age of Russians.

Refusal from a funded pension is another way to save for a comfortable old age. According to experts, contributing 6% to a funded pension may turn out to be unprofitable; it will not be indexed.

Thus, without officially extending the retirement age, the government is introducing new methods of calculating pensions that encourage women and men to work even after their retirement.

Our country has recently undergone global changes in pensions.

The last of them were carried out in 2015.

The procedure for calculating pension payments and the indicators that affect them have changed.

Now people are keenly interested in the topic of how experience affects size.

After all, a person earns such payments all his life. Now in Russia the volume of a monthly pension mainly depends on the amount of insurance premiums paid by the employer per person.

It is the length of service that matters at the time of retirement. In addition, both concepts are closely interrelated, because no one makes contributions to the Pension Fund for an unemployed person.

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What affects retirement?

In the current year 2017, the pension is assigned based on the following indicators, according to:

  • Experience of at least eight years, with its subsequent increase until 2024 to fifteen years. During this period, the employer pays PF insurance premiums for the employee.
  • Individual pension coefficient or in simple words points that a person earns for his work activity. They should not be lower than 11.4, followed by an annual increase of 2.4 until they reach 30.
  • The person is sixty or fifty-five years old, depending on gender.

These are the three main indicators that are used when calculating pensions. Experience does not matter now, but it is closely related to the payment of insurance contributions towards a future pension.

The more money paid per person, the bigger pension will be assigned to him.

The legislation provides a special formula that is used when calculating pensions. It uses the above indicators.

What periods are included in the length of service?

The insurance period is the period during which insurance premiums are paid for a person. In addition, there are additional periods included in the length of service when a citizen does not work, provided for by law. These usually include:

  • Military service
  • husband serves under contract in an area where a woman cannot have a job
  • sick leave
  • maternity leave for up to one and a half years, in general, no more than six years
  • period of assistance to elderly people over eighty years of age
  • time to receive unemployment benefits

Thus, when calculating and assigning pensions, length of service is a fairly important indicator.

It is also closely related to insurance premiums paid.

According to the current pension reform The minimum length of service for retirement is the same for both men and women.

There are special formulas for calculating it.

How length of service affects the size of the pension in 2017 can be understood by reading the legislation.

The relationship here is direct: the more a person works, the more insurance premiums are paid for him. And they are one of the main indicators influencing the calculation of pensions.

When a person does not work out the allotted time

Now great amount people work unofficially. At the same time, they simply do not think about their future pension. But, when the time approaches old age, they begin to think about how much they will receive from.

For various reasons, a person does not have time to accumulate the required length of service before retirement.

In such cases, the pensioner will be paid a minimum pension and a social supplement to it.

A person should no longer count on large sums.

But older people will have to wait another five years to receive it. That is, for men it is prescribed at 65 years old, and for women at 60.

Thus, in order to qualify for pension payments on time, a person should have accumulated the appropriate insurance experience by this time.

How to get a new pension

Based on the latest pension legislation, it becomes clear that in order to receive a pension you must:

  • accumulate thirty points by 2025
  • develop fifteen years of experience for 2024

If such experience has not been obtained by this year, and accordingly the points have not been accumulated, the person will receive a minimum pension with a social supplement. He will issue it five years later than expected. That is, a man is sixty-five years old, and a woman is sixty. Now the minimum pension payment is approximately 4,400 rubles.

Important! The more a person receives an official salary, the larger his pension payments will be.

When an employer pays money to employees in an envelope, they are the ones who lose money. In such situations, pension savings do not increase in any way, because the employer does not pay taxes on such income, including contributions to the pension fund.

Important! The length of service affects your pension. The higher it is, the greater the amount of contributions made for the PF employee.

What do you need to do to get a good pension?

When the question arises about how length of service affects the size of a pension in Russia, every person must understand that in order to receive a good pension, he needs to adhere to the basics:

  • Get an official job and insist on receiving white wages.
  • Find a job with high level official income. After all, the more contributions the employer pays for it, the larger the pension will be. And fees are paid in percentage from salary.
  • You can continue to work after retirement age. If a person continues to work, his points are multiplied by the bonus coefficient. The last point is a well-thought-out strategy of the authorities. That is, the retirement age has been unofficially extended. A person delays his retirement and will eventually receive large sums monthly, but only a little later.
  • Another option for increasing the size of your pension would be to abandon the funded part, which is equal to six percent. According to experts, this method of deduction will be unprofitable for people.

Thus, in order for a person to receive a good pension, he must have a permanent official and decent income.

Why you need work experience - you can find out from the video:

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