Check your pension certificate. How to find out the number of the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance

06.11.2017 State

IN Russian Federation Citizens are issued an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance. This document is no less important than a passport, and situations often arise when it is necessary to present the data contained in it.

In particular, when:

  • getting a job;
  • registration of a pension;
  • receiving medical, government and municipal services(including online), maternity capital, benefits or social guarantees;
  • completing the registration procedure on the Unified Portal of State Services, and in a number of other cases.

The easiest way to find out the number of your compulsory pension insurance certificate is, of course, to simply look at it. However, there are cases when this is not possible, and this information is needed urgently. For example, a document is lost, it takes time to reissue it, but it’s just not in stock.

There are several ways to find out the insurance certificate number of compulsory pension insurance

If the document is not at hand, many people think that the insurance certificate number can be found online. Actually this is not true. If you go to the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia, you will see an official explanation there that it is impossible to obtain such information via the Internet, since it falls into the category of “confidential data”. Only employees have access to it Pension Fund. They release all data only after presenting an identification document.

Therefore, if you need to find out the number of the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance, a citizen should contact the Pension Fund, taking his passport with him. IN in this case the procedure will be quite simple - you simply contact the Pension Fund branch at your place of residence, present a document proving your identity, and receive the necessary information from fund employees.

However, you can still find out the insurance certificate number via the Internet. Yes, the SNILS database in the Pension Fund of Russia is intended for internal use, and a third party does not have access to it. But there is another way - to use it, you should go to the website of the Unified Portal of Public Services.

It should be noted right away that you must be registered there, otherwise nothing will work. So, enter your username and password, go to the tab called “Pension savings”. Once there, you should select the “Extended notification of the status of an individual pension account” service. Information will appear on the display, among which you can see the number of the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

As mentioned above, this option is only available to already registered users. Otherwise, you will not be able to find out the insurance certificate number through the Unified Government Services Portal for a rather trivial reason. In order to go through the registration procedure, you must also indicate your SNILS number, which will then be identified with your last name.

In addition, if you need the document number urgently, you can contact the financial department of the company where you work or the human resources department. A copy of the insurance certificate is kept in the personal files of employees. This information, in principle, you can find out by phone, if, of course, your voice is identified, but the best option There will, of course, be a personal appeal.

You can often embed advertisements on the Internet that offer services that supposedly allow you to quickly find out your compulsory pension insurance certificate number. I would like to warn you right away - these are scammers who will simply demand payment from you in advance, guaranteeing a 100% result. There is probably no need to tell you further - you, naturally, do not receive the necessary information, and even completely voluntarily part with the money. There are no services that really help with this. If you do not want to become a victim of deception, do not trust these types of advertisements under any circumstances.

So let's recap the above. In order to find out the number of the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance, you can use one of several options:

  • contact the Pension Fund;
  • ask your employer's HR department for help;
  • go to the website of the Unified Register of State Services.

In this case, the fastest option will be the latter, but only if you complete the registration procedure. However, sometimes malfunctions in the system may occur, due to which you will not be able to access the necessary data. Contacting the Pension Fund, as well as visiting the enterprise where you work, will require some time, but these are the most reliable methods. Employees of the Pension Fund will provide completely reliable information, and the number in the personnel department can be found by looking at a photocopy of the original document: so there will be no errors or failures either there or there.

By the way, you can offer an option thanks to which the number of the insurance certificate will always be at your fingertips - modern technologies will help us with this. For smartphones running any operating system today, it is easy to find many applications that allow you to store information by locking it with a password. Only you will have access to it, since even if you lose your gadget, strangers will not be able to find out your personal data without knowing the treasured combination of numbers and letters. By the way, you can simply write down the number on a regular piece of paper and store it in some safe place, or you can make a photocopy of the document yourself.

As you can see, in the vast majority of cases you will not have any problems obtaining the necessary information. If you suddenly urgently need the number of the insurance certificate, but it is not at hand or it is lost, then you can resort to either the methods described above or to pre-prepared “insurance”. Ideally, of course, you should always carry the document with you and never lose it, although in life, as you know, there are very different situations.

A small laminated plastic card is a document that every Russian citizen should have. It is called SNILS and indicates that the person is registered in the compulsory pension insurance system. This document contains personal data and a unique eleven-digit code, which together allow you to identify any of the participants in the system. About how the insurance number is generated and how to find out the number of the pension insurance certificate, and we'll talk in our article.

Secret code

The number on SNILS is a personal number personal account, which is assigned to the participant pension system once and for life. It is on this score that the future pensioner will labor activity employers list insurance premiums. These are the same contributions to the pension fund. And they do not depend on the place of work, field of activity or position held.

Personal number is indicated on front side SNILS, at the top. The personal data of its owner is also indicated here.

The number itself consists of 11 digits, divided into 4 categories, which are indicated in the sequence 000-000-000 00. Of this set, the first 9 digits are the account number itself, the last two are the control verification number.

Code generation

The algorithm for generating SNILS is well thought out and allows you to accurately identify a participant in the system. The first nine digits can be anything. The last two numbers in this chain attract the most interest. Verification with their help is not intended for all accounts, but only for those that are larger than the following design 001-001-998.

The control code is generated in a rather complex way. If you are not an expert, you won’t be able to understand everything right away. But let's try anyway.

  1. All digits of the certificate are multiplied in turn by the serial number belonging to their position, which is counted from the end.
  2. The results are summed up.
  3. If the final figure is less than one hundred, then the control number is equal to this amount.
  4. If the final digit is one hundred or 101, then the check digits are 00.
  5. If the final number is greater than 101, then the next step is to divide it by the entire number.

The formation algorithm allows you to check the SNILS number with digit accuracy.

How to find out your SNILS personal account?

Most the right way To find out the number of the pension insurance certificate from your passport is to personally visit the local branch of the pension fund. The second, less time-consuming way is to contact the personnel officer at your place of work. A copy of SNILS is kept in your personal file. The HR employee will be able to give you a copy of this document.

There is another way to see the SNILS number - registration on the Internet portal for the provision of public services But there is a problem: to enter this site, you need to enter your SNILS number. Therefore, this option is only for those who have SNILS on hand.

There are no other ways to find out your SNILS personal account via the Internet, even if you have passport data. After all, the database of registered participants is stored directly in the pension fund, and not on the Internet. And this data is confidential.

Now you see that you can find out your insurance number pension certificate It is not possible via the Internet. Therefore, you should not waste time surfing the Internet on this issue. It is much easier to take documents and contact the authorities.

Every adult citizen of the Russian Federation sooner or later receives an insurance certificate (SNILS). The small laminated card, in addition to confirming the right to pension insurance, contains information about the identification number of the insured person. In other words, the card represents a personal account; it contains information about the insurance period and accruals received from the employer. SNILS is the same mandatory document as a passport. Some parents try to apply for SNILS before their children reach the age of 18. The insurance certificate number is a 14-digit number located at the top. There are four options that will help you urgently find out your SNILS number. Let's take a closer look at them.

Is it possible to find the insurance certificate number on the Internet?

  • Usually all important documents are kept at home in a special folder or box. But, often the place where the insurance certificate is stored is the pocket of the passport cover or purse. A situation may arise in life when the number of this very certificate is urgently needed. The card may fall out of the passport and be lost. Making a duplicate document is not difficult, but it will take time. Sometimes at the right moment the SNILS card is simply not nearby, but government agency urgently demands to indicate his number. How to recognize him? The Pension Fund website does not disclose information about the insurance certificate, since it is confidential. Only the presence of a document that confirms the identity of the person applying to the institution gives the right to receive access to the SNILS number from a Pension Fund specialist. To do this, you must submit a written application. That is why there is no way to find out the necessary 14 digits of the certificate via the Internet.
  • But those who have registered on the State Services portal have the opportunity to obtain information about SNILS (for such a loophole to exist, it is better to register in advance on the State Services website before losing the insurance certificate). During registration, the system requests information about your personal account, passport data and SNILS code, which is subsequently stored in personal data. But this information is not publicly available.
  • To determine the number of the lost certificate, you must go to the page Personal account and click the “Pension Savings” button. Next, the “Notice of account status” label will appear (it may be called differently: regular changes and updates occur on the State Services website). The certificate number will become available if you click on this label.

Find out the insurance certificate number from your passport

Having your passport with you, you can come to the Pension Fund at your place of residence and find out the SNILS number directly from an employee of the institution. It should be noted that it is impossible to find out the insurance certificate number from your passport online, since the official website does not disclose such information.

Insurance certificate number by last name in the absence of registration on the State Services portal

  • Before issuing a duplicate of a lost insurance certificate, you can find out its number and more in a simple way. Contact the HR department of your company or organization. It is stored in a database.
  • By contacting the State Fund of Russia you can also obtain information about the SNILS number. It is to this institution that citizens turn to when they lose their certificate and prepare documents to obtain a duplicate. As in previous cases, you must have an identity document with you.

Insurance certificate number from an official letter

The Pension Fund sends out letters containing information about the SNILS number, which is indicated in the column with the name and surname of the addressee.

As a conclusion: the insurance certificate number can be found out very quickly if there is registration on the State Services portal or the citizen has time to personally visit the Pension Fund. Don't lose your insurance certificate, and you won't have to go through fancy search methods to find its number.