Take out a mortgage against maternity capital. Sberbank programs: mortgage for maternity capital

25.08.2018 Finance

Today, more and more young and large families are considering the option of purchasing housing under the “Mortgage plus maternity capital” program, because it allows you to significantly save on costs and reduce the overall overpayment on the loan. We remind you that this year you can receive 453,026 rubles for a second or subsequent child.

Note that MK is not issued for each child following the first, as many parents think, but only once in the life of the mother or father, depending on who is involved in the registration.

The funds received can be used to pay off the down payment on the mortgage, pay its interest or principal. In addition, this money can also be used to build your own residential house.

You can find the most favorable conditions in those companies that cooperate with AHML and offer options according to the standards of this state organization.

  1. Fora-Bank offers the lowest interest rate for its clients - from 11.75 to 12.25% per annum. An amount of 600 thousand is issued for a period of 1 to 30 years. The minimum initial contribution is only 5%;
  2. IN VTB Bank of Moscow and VTB 24 They issue money for the purchase of housing in a new building or on the secondary market at an interest rate of 11.95% per year. Maternal capital can be used to pay the first installment of 20% of your funds, you need at least 10%, the validity period is from 3 to 30 years, you can find out more on this page.
  3. IN FC Otkritie The “Apartment + Maternity Capital” program is in effect. You can get from 300 thousand to 30 million rubles for a period from 5 to 30 years. If you choose ready-made housing, the percentage varies from 12 to 12.25%, and if a new building - from 12.25 to 12.5% ​​per year. The minimum PV is 10%. Please note that there is a one-time commission of 2.5% of the loan amount;
  4. In the bank Acceptance There is special offer for young families who purchase housing on the secondary market. They will be able to borrow at a reduced interest rate of 12.25 to 13.25% per year, while they can receive up to 90% of the value of the property, and their own funds - from 10%. The contract is drawn up for a period of up to 30 years;
  5. IN Sberbank of Russia for young and large families eligible to receive MK, there is a special reduced rate - from 12.5% ​​per annum. At the same time, they can take advantage of a reduced down payment of 20% of the cost of housing. It is possible to draw up an agreement for a period of up to 30 years; you will find all the bank's programs;
  6. Rosselkhozbank offers its clients options where MK can be used to pay the down payment or the “body” of the loan. The rate is from 13.5% per year, the PV is not less than 10%, the amount varies from 100 thousand to 20 million rubles with a long lending period of up to 30 years. You can find out more in this article;
  7. Transcapitalbank— you should come here to buy an apartment in a finished or under construction building. The conditions are as follows: loan term from 3 to 25 years, amount ranges from 800 thousand to 20 million, without PV, rate varies from 14 to 15% per year,
  8. AK Bars Bank— here you can get a loan for exactly the amount equal to your certificate. Duration - up to six months, percentage is 17% (increase if insurance is canceled), issued from 100 thousand, initial funds - from 10%;
  9. At Primsotsbank you will be able to be offered the program “Mortgage for maternity capital, which is issued exclusively for the implementation of the state certificate. Its size is from 150 thousand and no more than 453 thousand rubles, which must be returned within 6 months. The applicable rate is from 17 to 26% per year, PV from 10%, details.

For those who want to take advantage of the “Mortgage plus maternity capital” offer, you must first select a suitable bank and program, provide the loan specialist with a package of documents with a certificate from Pension Fund RF, and then contact the Pension Fund branch and write an application to transfer funds to the bank account.

Maternity capital provides an excellent opportunity to buy or expand residential real estate. Most large banks in Russia will accept it as an initial contribution to mortgage lending. If you are the owner of maternity capital and need to improve your living conditions, then this article will be of interest to you.

Maternity capital can be invested in a mortgage not only when buying an apartment, but also in the construction of a private house, as well as in shared construction. It’s just that each case has its own nuances. But what they have in common is that upon completion of paying off the mortgage debt, the property that you purchased with its help will need to be registered in the name of all members of your family, including children. If this condition is violated, you may face major troubles, because... this will be considered a violation of the law. If you plan to contribute maternity capital to lending as a down payment, then it is worth considering that this will be possible only after the birth of the child, after whose birth this capital was issued, three years old

. It was simply impossible to use it for these purposes before. The same applies to guardians who adopted a child.

The main conditions for obtaining such a mortgage are, of course, that the family has the certificate itself and a constant cash income of at least average. If a family already owns living space, then it will no longer be able to use maternity capital in such a role.

On our website.

Unfortunately, maternity capital is not yet accepted by all banks as an initial contribution to a mortgage. It is more welcome in the role of repaying an existing mortgage or its interest. Therefore, a list of banks that accept capital as a down payment will be useful to you. It includes: Sberbank, VTB24, Uralsib, Otkritie Bank, DeltaCredit, Unicredit and Metcombank.

If you have probably decided that you will use the capital specifically in mortgage lending, then the first thing you need to do is get a certificate from the Pension Fund about the remaining amount of maternity capital in your personal account. You need to apply to the Pension Fund with your passport and capital certificate. The certificate is prepared within no more than three days.
  • Can be downloaded here.
  • When your mortgage is approved by the bank you choose, you will need the following package of documents:
  • Passport;
  • Certificate from the Pension Fund about the balance on the MSK personal account;
  • Form 2-NDFL from the previous place of work;
  • Contract of purchase and sale of housing;

Extract from the State Register; Documents of co-borrowers. Currently, banks provide mortgages for

Mortgages from Sberbank are extremely popular; housing loans for maternity capital, provided as a down payment, are especially in demand. This company today is a leader in the field of lending to young parents.

The bank issues funds under the mortgage loan only for the purchase of housing, which is subsequently registered as the shared or undivided property of the person applying for the loan.

The company envisions 2 use cases Money for a mortgage for maternity capital:

  • as a down payment
  • to repay part of the debt, for example, for early repayment of an already issued loan. How to repay a home loan correctly ahead of schedule, read this article.

MK allows you to take out a home loan without depositing any of your own funds. You can choose housing on the secondary market or in a new building.

To obtain borrowed funds, you need to collect an impressive package of documents:

  • A certificate with a specified amount of capital. Information on how to obtain it is provided at this link, and you will find a sample application.
  • Extract from the Pension Fund (provided within six months from the date of loan issuance).
  • Passport of the loan applicant.
  • A personal income tax certificate indicating the income of the potential borrower for a period of 6 months.
  • The list of additional documents can be clarified directly at the branch from an employee or by calling the contact center.

To confirm your solvency, it is worth collecting as many documents as possible (for example, a lease agreement, a card account statement, a passport with numerous visas, a bank deposit agreement, etc.). After receiving the application and all the papers, the bank will make a decision (usually within 2-3 days).

After this, the parents submit an application to the Pension Fund, in which they indicate that the maternity capital money will be spent on a mortgage.

Having received a positive decision, the applicant can begin searching for suitable real estate. Next comes the final stage of obtaining a mortgage loan. The purchased property must be registered in the name of all family members, therefore shared ownership is concluded.

A housing loan under MK, used as a down payment, has many advantages:

  • No commission
  • Use as a and other real estate purchased on credit.
  • Possibility to attract co-borrowers.
  • Reduced interest rates thanks to incentives.

A mortgage with maternity capital from Sberbank has a number of other advantages, which is why many borrowers choose it. In addition, it is attractive that the certificate can be used as a down payment.

If you want to know how to get a loan without refusal? Then go through

Today, many large families strive to improve their living conditions, and most easy way To do this, apply for a loan. Today we invite you to find out about which banks you can get a mortgage using maternity capital, and under what conditions.

If you have already started looking for a suitable banking company for yourself, then you are probably faced with the fact that not all banks are ready to work with MK. The fact is that this process is strictly controlled by authorized bodies.

The requirements for issuing such loans are standard, as is the procedure itself. In any case, this will be housing in which a share for children is provided; without this, it will be impossible to obtain approval from the Pension Fund for the transfer of funds.

Let us remind our readers, that according to Russian legislation, a family with two or more children receives the right to receive MK, its amount in 2017 is 453,026 rubles, more details. They can be used to improve the family’s living conditions, namely, to pay the down payment on a home loan or repay the principal debt.

Please note that it will not be possible to fully pay for the investment program using financial capital; you will need to pay 5-10% from your own funds. In addition, if you have any arrears, i.e. fines and penalties, or the banking company assigns a commission for issuing or processing a loan, then these costs will not be repayable.

Today there are many organizations that offer favorable lending conditions to large families, you can contact the following companies:

  1. Sberbank of Russia - from 12.5%;
  2. VTB24 - from 10.4;
  3. DeltaKredit Bank - from 10%;
  4. Fora Bank - from 10.25%;
  5. Altaicapitalbank and AltaiBusinessBank - from 10.5%;
  6. Rosselkhozbank - from 10.25%;
  7. Moscow Industrial Bank - from 10%;
  8. Koshelev-bank - from 11%;
  9. FC Otkritie - from 11.5%;
  10. Baikalcredobank, Surgutneftegazbank - from 15%;
  11. Credit Ural Bank - from 15.75%;
  12. AltaiKapitalbank - from 17%.

What is needed to apply for a loan?

Here are the step-by-step instructions:

  • First, contact the bank of your choice and talk to an employee. He will explain to you all the conditions and requirements, and tell you what package of documents needs to be collected.
  • After you have collected all the necessary papers, provide them to the banking specialist and submit your application.
  • If it is approved, you are looking for suitable housing,
  • After this, you meet with the seller, sign a preliminary purchase and sale agreement through a mortgage, if necessary, make an advance payment,
  • Next, you go to the bank with all the papers and the seller and sign a loan agreement.
  • The property is assessed, insured, and registered as the property.
  • Only after this will you need to contact a branch of the Pension Fund and request the transfer of money to a credit account. The borrower is given 2-3 months for this.

In most cases, banks accommodate families halfway and offer favorable mortgage terms for owners of maternity capital.

However, remember that the Pension Fund of Russia does not always respond positively, the bank must be accredited, the chosen housing facility must comply with the standards, children must be allocated a share in the property, and the purchased house or apartment must not have other owners, especially minor children.

Also, in most cases, a refusal will come if you plan to buy a home from close relatives, because fraud may be suspected here. Read more