All documents are lost, how to get a temporary one. What to do if your pension certificate is missing. You can change your passport after your vacation or it’s better to cancel your vacation

14.03.2018 Auto/Moto

Today we’ll talk about what to do if you’ve lost your car documents.

Lost STS

To restore your registration certificate vehicle, you need to come to any convenient traffic police department with a PTS and passport, fill out a standard application for the issuance of a new STS, pay the state fee, wait about half an hour and receive a new certificate. The state duty for issuing STS is 500 rubles. Another 350 rubles must be paid for making changes to the PTS. Until January 1, 2019, you can save 30% if you pay fees through the government services portal.

Lost my PTS

If you lose your PTS, you need, as in the previous case, to pay a state fee of eight hundred rubles for issuing a duplicate PTS (through the government services website with a 30 percent discount), take your passport and sales contract with you, and come to any convenient traffic police department, write an application for the issuance of a PTS to replace the lost one and receive it.

There is, however, one caveat here. The issued PTS will be stamped “Duplicate” with the note “replacement of the lost one”. This is no big deal for you, but when you start selling your car, some people will look at you with caution. The fact is that there are several fraudulent schemes with duplicate vehicle titles and people are wary of buying such cars. Especially relatively new ones.

Lost my MTPL policy

It's not scary at all. You just need to come to the office of your insurance company, show the documents for the car (if they are lost, then you first need to restore them, and then the MTPL policy) and your passport. After verification, you will be given a new policy absolutely free.

Lost my diagnostic card

Strictly speaking, the diagnostic card does not even need to be restored. Well, or at least don’t rush to restore it, because the insurance company’s database contains information that the car has undergone a technical inspection, so you will be issued an MTPL policy without it. And traffic police inspectors do not need to present a diagnostic card.

However, if you still want to get confused, come to any organization authorized to conduct technical inspections and write an application for the issuance of a duplicate diagnostic card. They must be issued immediately (the law says “on the day of application”). The cost of the service may differ, but it should not be more than one tenth of the maximum fee for conducting a technical inspection established by the authorized government body of the subject Russian Federation. Or, to put it simply, if a technical inspection costs 800 rubles, you should not be charged more than 80 rubles for issuing a duplicate.

Lost my driver's license

Here everything is a little more complicated. It is usually not possible to receive a new ID on the same day. Therefore, the driver is issued a temporary permit for a month while the document is restored. If necessary, you can extend it or get a new one for another month.

Although there are traffic police departments where they are ready to issue new licenses almost immediately. You need to be prepared for both situations.

So, let's go to any traffic police department. We take with us a passport or, for example, a military ID and a receipt for payment of state duty. The state duty is 2000 rubles. Or, if you pay through the government services portal, 1,400 rubles (30% discount). We write a corresponding statement at the traffic police department.

From January 1, 2016, to replace your license, you can contact not only the traffic police, but also the MFC. A medical certificate is not needed. But you should keep in mind that a duplicate license will be issued for the remaining period of validity of the lost one. driver's license. That is, if you lost your license today, and there is only a year left before its expiration, it makes sense to take with you a medical certificate so that you will be issued a license valid for 10 years, and not for a year.


If you have not lost your documents, but they were stolen from you (especially for PTS), you need to contact the police to report the theft. However, in this case, the issuance of a duplicate may be delayed until the criminal case regarding the theft is closed.

One more nuance. If you have lost your documents, it is better to leave your car at home while they are restored. Otherwise, the inspector will not only fine you 500 rubles for “driving a vehicle by a driver who does not have registration documents for the vehicle,” but will also have the right to detain the car and then move it to a special parking lot.

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Many citizens who are faced with a situation where they need to quickly obtain a new passport cannot replace it in short time, since when contacting the MFC they are informed of the standard deadlines for replacing a passport. A simple question arises: “is it possible to change a passport in one day or faster?” After all, a person often discovers that he forgot to replace his passport at the age of 20 or 45, or the passport was washed in the back pocket of his jeans, which in turn was not a pre-planned action... But a passport is required urgently and the wait is neither 2 weeks nor a month. No.
  • With our help, you can exchange your passport in 2-3 hours, in 1 day, or in longer periods.

Recover a passport without documents

Question: How can I restore my passport in a foreign city without having a single document in hand? The FMS refuses to do it for me, they say that without documents we cannot help you. What to do? I can’t even buy tickets to go to my place.

All documents are lost, is it possible to restore a passport without documents?

A situation where you manage to lose all your documents occurs extremely rarely, but if it does occur, it causes a lot of problems for a person, starting from the restoration of a passport in the absence of any documents and ending with the restoration of other documents after receiving a passport.

But if the question of restoring documents if you have a passport is simple, then restoring a passport without having a necessary documents is a complex and closed question for many.

Is it possible to laminate a page in a passport with a photo if the page is a little unstuck?

Is it possible to laminate a page in a passport with a photo if the page is a little unstuck? What do they do in such situations to replace their passport? I applied for temporary registration, but I was refused on the grounds that my passport needed to be replaced since it was not valid.

Passport registration and registration of a child 15 years old

Until now he lived abroad. Will a child be able to get a passport without registration?

The child is 15 years old, he has citizenship of the Russian Federation, but until now he lived abroad and could not receive a passport at the age of 14. I have a Moscow registration in my own apartment, but due to the fact that my son lived abroad, I have not registered him yet. Where do we need to start obtaining a passport? Will he be able to get a passport without registration? Will he be able to register in my apartment without a passport?

The law allows you to restore a passport not only at the place of permanent registration, but also at the place of temporary registration of the citizen or at the place of actual residence.

Often, citizens of the Russian Federation are faced with the problem of renewing their Russian passport in another city. When does this happen? The citizen went to another city different from the place permanent residence, whether on a business trip, on a visit or on vacation. But the passport was either stolen or lost. Or maybe the citizen has been living in another city for a long time, but cannot or does not want to apply for temporary registration, and his passport has been lost. What to do? In order to go to the city of registration or to the city where the passport is issued, a passport is required to purchase a ticket. Previously, a passport was required to purchase a train or plane ticket, but now it is also required to travel by bus.

The cost of restoring a Russian passport depends on two points:

1. Will you restore it in the general manner?- V in this case everything will come down to paying the usual state fee, which is 1,500 rubles in case of loss of a passport or 300 rubles in case of a passport theft. There is no need to make any additional payments. And in this case, we are talking not about the issue of cost for passport restoration, but rather about the amount of state duty.

2. Will you use our services for expedited passport renewal?- If it is not possible to wait for the standard deadline for obtaining a new passport if lost, but it is necessary to urgently restore a Russian passport, then the question of how much it costs to restore a Russian passport will depend on the restoration time frame. If you need to restore your passport in 1 day, the amount will be much higher than if you restore your passport in a week or month.

We will not indicate any numbers on this page, since they tend to change, but will provide a link to the general price list: .

A child over 14 years of age must obtain a passport.

Is it possible to obtain a foreign passport without waiting for a civil passport? Because The child PERMANENTLY lives abroad (in Canada, has a residence permit there), I come here to visit my relatives. Consequently, here, in Russia, it does not have registration, and this fact greatly increases the time it takes to obtain both an internal and a foreign passport.

My passport is damaged, how can I exchange it in a short time?

Passport ruined- no problem. A passport can be exchanged either at the place of registration or at the place of actual location. The only difference is that a passport at the place of registration will be exchanged in two weeks, and at the place of application - up to two months.

I would like to know if I can get a general civil passport of the Russian Federation if I permanently reside in Latvia and have Russian citizenship and the only document I have is a Russian foreign passport. What documents do I need for this? Relatives live in Moscow, where I was born.

I don’t have a military ID or registration ID, how can I exchange my passport?

You can exchange your passport upon reaching the age of 20, due to damage or other reasons, without a military ID or registration certificate! Often citizens are faced with the problem of refusal to accept documents to replace their passport without providing a military ID or registration certificate. Let us immediately note that a military ID and registration certificate are not mandatory documents for obtaining a new passport!

You need to get a new passport, but you don't have a marriage certificate.

You need to get a new passport, the old passport was washed in a washing machine. But there is no marriage certificate. On the page in the passport the stamp is barely visible and unreadable. Can they refuse to accept documents for a new passport without a marriage certificate?

Urgent replacement of a Russian passport!

What is a passport replacement?- Replacement of a passport involves surrendering the passport to be replaced and obtaining a new passport. Passport replacement is carried out on the basis provided by law in the presence of certain documents.

Exchange your passport at 45, exchange at 45

The situation is as follows: The daughter lives abroad, she is 45 years old and needs to exchange her passport. She will fly to Moscow for just a week. The daughter has been discharged from the apartment, as she now lives abroad. I contacted the MFC, and they informed me that I can only exchange my passport 2 months in advance, since I don’t have a residence permit in Moscow. Is it possible to exchange a passport at 45 years of age in a shorter time? There is no way to wait 2 months, thank you.

I received a passport in Simferopol, but I cannot apply for a visa. You need to replace your passport.

Typical situation: We received citizenship on the basis of Crimea’s accession to the Russian Federation, and the absurd EU rules do not allow us to obtain a visa, due to the fact that they allegedly do not recognize the received passport in Crimea as a valid document for a citizen of the Russian Federation. What to do in this case? It's very simple! Needs to be replaced Russian passport to a new one, but registered in another subject of the Russian Federation.

or get married and you can immediately change your passport and register? please advise where all this is done

Question: good afternoon! I have the following situation: I live in Moscow, but my registration is in the Arkhangelsk region.... we were getting ready to get married with a change of surname and subsequent registration in the Moscow Region. I don’t know what’s the best way to do it: first register and then get married, so that you can change your passport at the place of registration? or get married and you can immediately change your passport and register? please advise where all this is done

We were refused an urgent passport exchange.

The legislation does not provide for urgent exchange of passports. Maximum exchange periods have been established.

It is urgent to exchange your passport at a location other than your place of registration. The zipper accidentally touched my bag and tore out the pages in my passport. A passport is needed to obtain a VISA; tickets have already been purchased. If we fail to exchange our passport within a week, we will lose our holiday. We contacted the MFC, but they told us that the exchange period would be 2 months. Where to complain? Is there really no way to exchange your passport? urgently?

Renew your passport without registration

Restoring a passport without registration will take 2 months.

I am in Moscow, I came to visit friends for the summer. I'm from Irkutsk myself. I lost my passport, I didn’t register, there’s no need. I bought plane tickets for the beginning of autumn. I won't be able to fly home without my passport. How can I restore my passport if it is lost and there is no registration?

Turns 20 years old

You can change your passport after your vacation or it is better to cancel your vacation

What to do young man will turn 20 years old on June 16, and on the 17th he was planning to go on vacation to the near abroad? Can I change my passport after my vacation or is it better to cancel my vacation?

And documents for the car. The legal system takes this possibility into account. What to do. if you lost your car documents? How to recover lost documents on a car? We will talk about this in more detail later in our article.

As follows from clause 2.1.1 of the Rules traffic, the driver must carry the registration document with him and hand it over to the police for verification at their request. Its absence entails administrative liability and detention of the vehicle. If your car documents are lost, it is recommended to follow the algorithm below.

Documents receiving

According to the rules, the time allotted for completing registration actions is no more than 60 minutes. This rule is valid when the documents for the car are lost. State registration plates do not change. A lost registration certificate (technical passport, vehicle registration certificate) is replaced with a new one.

If the documents for the car are lost, a new one is issued instead of a vehicle passport. In the “Special notes” field, a record is made about the details of the lost passport (number, date of issue, details of the customs office that issued it, registration department, etc.). Such a record is certified by the signature of the official, as well as the seal of the traffic police department.