How long does it take to replace a passport? What documents are needed to replace a passport?

19.04.2019 State

Birthdays are always full of surprises, and the 45th is even more so. It is after reaching this age that any citizen of the Russian Federation must replace one of the most important documents - a passport. But not everyone knows how to do it correctly. This article will discuss all the nuances regarding this procedure.

Few people know how much time it takes to submit documents to replace a passport. As a result, they are forced to pay fines established by the state for failure to comply with the deadlines allotted for the shift.

Usually to replace this important and the required document Russian legislation allocates a fairly long period, which is thirty days from the date of birth. After the end of the period allotted for the change, the passport ceases to be valid. During the time period allotted for the change, this document is considered valid and you can use it to freely travel throughout the country, as well as perform various manipulations. Despite the fact that a period of one month is quite long, many still manage not to invest in it.

Penalties begin 30 days after your 45th birthday. Their size can put a dent in the wallet of the average citizen.

It should be noted that this is the last milestone, after which this procedure can be forgotten forever.

List of documents

Like any other procedure, applying for a replacement and further obtaining a passport requires the applicant to collect a certain package of documentation. Although a whole month is allotted for the collection, it is best to start this process immediately after the birthday in order to accurately invest within the deadlines allotted by law.

The list of necessary documentation required to exchange a passport is quite large. This list includes;

But in addition to the main list, which includes the documents described above, there are others that it is advisable to present during the exchange in order to subsequently receive a new passport. They, unlike the old passport, will be returned to their owner at the end of the procedure. Thus, there is no need to make copies of them. This list includes:

To avoid possible problems, it is recommended to come to the relevant authorities with a package of documentation that includes both lists. It is also advisable to submit them in person so that the institution’s staff can compare the quality of the submitted photographs and compare them with the person himself. In addition, personal submission allows the applicant to verify the correctness of the submitted certificates and certificates that are needed to obtain a new passport.

Registration procedure

In this situation, there is a certain procedure that the applicant must go through in order to receive a new document. This procedure includes the following steps:

  • the applicant’s application to the local branch of the FMS of the Russian Federation (Federal Migration Service). In addition, you can contact any other branch of this organization, but only if the person does not have registration. If it is impossible to independently apply to the FMS, Russian citizens are given the opportunity to have employees visit their home in order to write the appropriate application. You can order this kind of service by phone or mail (including email) or with the help of relatives;
  • writing an application in form No. 1-P. The applicant can fill it out himself or a FMS employee can do it;
  • an attachment to the application of the collected package of documentation, including a receipt for payment of the state duty. Its cost is a couple of hundred rubles;
  • in some cases it is necessary to add additional certificates. This should be done, for example, if you are liable for military service.
  • After this, the employee will inform you of the time and date of issue of the new document.

The entire procedure (subject to registration at the place of actual residence) will take no more than ten days. If there is no registration, then this procedure will take up to two months (the period begins to be calculated from the moment the FMS employee accepts all the documentation).

During the registration period, the applicant can ask an employee of this government organization to issue him a certificate stating that documents were taken from him for the purpose of issuing a new passport. Instead of a certificate, the employee can issue a temporary certificate, but to receive it, you need to bring an additional photo.

After receiving the documentation, FMS employees will forward them to the head of the unit for verification. In addition, they will be examined by employees of the search and operational services. If inconsistencies are detected, the processing time may be significantly delayed due to a more thorough check.

Upon completion of all necessary manipulations, the citizen, coming to the service at the specified time, receives a new passport with all the necessary notes and stamps. It will also be noted in the database and previous records will be removed from registers and registries.

You should know that this procedure is free and in addition to payment state duty does not require additional costs.

The only exception is the designer’s failure to invest within the time limits provided by law. Therefore, if a service employee demands money from you, you can write a corresponding statement to him.

This procedure, with proper preparation, will not take you much time, and after its completion you will no longer have to think about this need.

Video " Replacement of passport at 45 years old"

The video describes what documents you need to collect to change your passport at the age of 45 and how the replacement procedure takes place.

Having a Russian passport is mandatory for every citizen of the country. Its receipt and replacement occur according to certain rules and have a prescribed period. You can change your passport only due to the occurrence of a reason described in legislative acts. Citizens have the right to contact various government agencies to obtain and re-issue a document. How to exchange a Russian passport? How much does it cost to change a document? What documents are needed to replace a Russian passport?

Why change your passport?

Receiving a passport at the age of 14 is the first time you apply to the relevant authorities. After a few years, or more precisely, upon reaching 20 years of age, it becomes necessary to replace the document. Later, you need to change your passport at the age of 45. These exchanges of documents are planned. In addition to them, there are unscheduled passport changes.

The document must be changed if:

  • there have been changes in personal life, namely a change in marital status (marriage or divorce);
  • a citizen changes his last name, first name or patronymic;
  • other personal data has changed (place of birth, date);
  • the document has become unusable due to damage or wear;
  • the passport was stolen or lost;
  • the document contains data unrelated to the applicant;
  • the citizen changed his gender or radically changed his appearance.

The most common reasons for replacing a document is a change in the marital status of women and, accordingly, a change in surname. Getting a different name can be done many times. The reason for changing the name may be its dissonance. In this case, certain explanations may not be given to the official.

After 45 years, documents, as a rule, do not change. Worn, erased pages serve as a reason to contact the FMS to change your passport. The absence of pages or the appearance of marks on them that are not related to the citizen lead to the invalidity of the document. It also needs to be changed. Regardless of the reason for replacing the old sample, the citizen must collect documents and come to the official within the due time for a new sample.

Where and how to change

The exchange of a Russian passport occurs by contacting employees of the territorial division of the FMS, a multifunctional center (MFC) or via the Internet on the State Services portal.

To begin the procedure for obtaining a new sample, citizens have 30 days after the occurrence of circumstances. After a month, the passport will become invalid. Citizens do not have the right to conduct various transactions with such a passport and present it to official authorities. With such a document, a person will not be able to buy train or plane tickets.

This situation threatens with administrative penalties. The fine will vary depending on the circumstances of the delay and the reason for replacing the document. If a delay is detected, the citizen will need to pay 2-3 thousand rubles. Citizens of cities federal significance They will give you 4-5 thousand rubles. Fines can be awarded many times, so you will have to change your passport.

Passport replacement takes place at the FMS office. To apply for renewal of a document, you can call landline phone and make an appointment at a specific time. If it is impossible to submit documentation during a personal visit, you need to arrange a call from a FMS employee to your home. This can be done by phone or by postal registered letter. A citizen has the right to submit such an application to a third party. However, the citizen himself who is changing his Russian passport must sign the application. The service of visiting citizens at home to reissue a passport is prescribed by the internal charter of the FMS. When submitting papers for passport re-issuance, the citizen will be informed of the time for issuing the document.

Filling out an application for review of documents is carried out through the State Services portal. The website presents detailed information about the procedure for replacement, terms of re-registration, amount of state duty, list of documentation. As a result, the situation is simplified. A person just needs to prepare documentation, an application, photographs taken in accordance with general passport requirements and send them through State Services for processing. If the documentation meets standard requirements, it will be transferred to government agencies. Within the prescribed period, you must provide the papers to the territorial authority and receive a reissued passport. During the data analysis procedure, State Services inform the applicant about the results of all stages of the verification. If the requirements do not meet, the applicant will be informed through the State Services portal. In addition, the FMS will leave a reasoned decision by email.

Cost and period of re-registration

How much does it cost to replace a document? To reissue a Russian passport, the applicant needs to pay a state fee of 300 rubles. To replace a damaged, worn or stolen passport you need to pay 1,500 rubles. In addition to making the payment, you can initially submit your details. They will be provided at the FMS office itself or on the service’s website. If at the time of receipt of the document the state fee is not paid, the applicant will be refused. You can pay the state fee via the Internet, a bank terminal or at the post office. The Public Services portal allows you to make a payment through a bank account or payment systems immediately.

How many days does it take to issue a new document? After submitting the documentation, the period for manufacturing a new sample begins. It is 10 days. This period is valid when the citizen applied to the territorial unit that registered the fact of registration or stay of the applicant. If you contact another authority, the period will be 60 days from the date of receipt of the documents. In this case, the method of submitting the application (via the Internet or in person) does not matter. During this period, the citizen’s registration and other data are checked.

To conduct transactions or prove identity while applying for a Russian passport, a citizen should request a temporary identity certificate. When the passport is issued, it must be returned. In addition to such a document, you can receive a certificate confirming the transfer of documentation for passport re-issuance. However, this service is issued at the request of the citizen.

Contacting the multifunctional center

The MFC is an organization that works to provide municipal or government services to the population. This center receives requests from citizens and, interacting with the relevant authorities, solves the stated problem.

Re-issuing a passport in the MFC system simplifies the procedure. There is no need to stand in line at the official’s office. The MFC does not eliminate the need to collect documentation, but the submission of documents is significantly simplified. The list of papers for re-issuing a Russian passport at the MFC is the same as for the exchange through the FMS.

What restrictions exist when submitting an application through the MFC? An application for passport renewal cannot be submitted to the MFC by persons who missed the deadline for exchanging the document. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have lost their passport will also not be able to register. The MFC operates on the principle of territoriality, so application is possible only at the place of residence or registration. The service period at the MFC is ten days. To receive your passport in hand, you must be prepared to come to the territorial office of the Federal Migration Service.

The MFC performs the same function as the State Services portal. It greatly simplifies the submission of documentation. If there are any shortcomings, there is no need to visit the FMS employee several times. It is enough to make the necessary amendments and submit the package of papers again.

Documentation for sharing

To exchange a document, you need to collect the established package of documents. Regardless of the method of applying for a new Russian passport, the list of papers contains:

  • the original sample of the Russian passport that needs to be replaced;
  • application filled out on form 1P;
  • photographs prepared in accordance with the adopted Regulations on the Passport of the Russian Federation;
  • spare photo for obtaining a temporary certificate;
  • details for payment of state duty or receipt.

The state fee may not be paid at the time of submitting documents, but it is important to provide the details. They can be found on the Internet on the FMS website or obtained on site from a service employee. When receiving a passport, the state fee must be paid, otherwise the document will be refused. The necessary documents can be supplemented by a military ID, a house register, a marriage or divorce certificate, and birth certificates for children under 14 years of age. Every citizen has the right to take photographs independently using the online service.

All documentation must be accurate. To submit papers in a foreign language, they must first be translated into Russian and notarized. This is a mandatory requirement for accepting documentation.

What points does the application for document exchange include? Which lines are filled in by the applicant and which are left blank? Form 1P can be found from a FMS specialist or on the Internet. The application is completed on behalf of the applicant in writing or printed. The form contains the following list of columns:

  • “passport code”, “series” (remain untouched);
  • Filling in the last name, first name and patronymic, birth data is required;
  • information about the spouse, the ceremony performed (when and where the marriage was registered);
  • Full name of parents;
  • registration or registration information (check the appropriate box and indicate the address);
  • information about obtaining citizenship Russian Federation;
  • reasons and circumstances for exchanging the document (theft, marriage, wear and tear, etc.);
  • signature of the citizen changing the passport;
  • comments and signature of the FMS employee;
  • place for signature at the time of document issuance.

The application is certified by an employee of the Federal Migration Service upon submission. He is obliged to inform about the time of the next appeal of the citizen who submitted the application. If the papers are in order, the citizen will receive a new document during his next visit.

Under certain conditions, the delivery of a new sample will not take place:

  • the application has errors;
  • there is no information about payment of state duty;
  • the information provided in the documentation does not correspond to the facts.

Federal Migration Service branches, the State Services portal and multifunctional centers ensure accessibility for citizens in carrying out the procedure for exchanging passports. If difficulties arise, citizens can seek help from qualified specialists.

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Regulations on the Russian passport, approved by Resolution No. 828 Russian Government dated 08.07.1997 as amended on 07.10.2013 installed age restrictions according to the validity of the passport. These include reaching the age of 20, upon reaching which it is necessary to replace your passport. An application for its replacement must be submitted after the birthday, but not later than 30 days. If this deadline is not met, the violator will have to pay a fine in rubles in the range of 1500 - 2500, which is provided article of the Code of Administrative Offenses RF.

Upon reaching the age of 20, the existing passport ceases to be valid and fulfill its main function - to certify the identity of a citizen of our country, so it must be replaced.

Who is authorized to renew a passport?

The replacement and issuance of passports in Russia is carried out by the authorized body for this purpose, the Federal Migration Service, or rather its divisions, they are called passport offices or passport and visa services.

If you need to replace your passport, you should contact the department serving the territory in which you permanently reside and are registered, or reside temporarily and have temporary registration, or any branch of the Federal Migration Service of Russia at your actual place of residence.

The latest changes to the Regulations on the Russian Passport enshrine the right of a citizen of the Russian Federation at the place of application to submit an application for a replacement passport, even without permanent or temporary registration. The refusal by employees of the branches of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation to accept an application for this reason is a direct violation of the law, namely clause 10 of the relevant Regulations on the passport of a Russian citizen. In addition to the Federal Migration Service of Russia, the decision this issue Multifunctional centers providing public services are also involved. You can also use the Internet portal that provides similar services by submitting the appropriate application in electronic form.

You can declare the need for a FMS employee to go to your place of residence if your health condition does not allow you to arrive at the RF FMS office on your own, as stipulated in clause 107, paragraph 3 of the Regulations. To do this, it is necessary to send a written request from the applicant (or his relatives) to the nearest branch of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation. The same procedure applies to handing over a Russian passport to a citizen.

Approved by Order of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation N 391 dated November 30, 2012, “Administrative Regulations of the Federal Migration Service for the provision of public services for the issuance and replacement of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation,” paragraph 107, paragraph 2, establishes the possibility of submitting documents by replacement of the passport by the applicant’s relatives, if for health reasons the applicant is unable to contact the relevant services in person.

Documents required to obtain a Russian passport at the age of 20

To quickly replace your passport, you need to prepare and submit the following package of documents:

  • passport that has become invalid;
  • application (form No. 1-P), filled out manually or typewritten;
  • two photographs in accordance with established requirements;
  • information about the receipt of payment, established in the amount of 200 rubles, the state duty for issuing a Russian passport form or the original of this receipt.

You also need to have with you:

  • for those liable for military service - military ID;
  • to record information about children not older than 14 years old, in a new passport - their birth certificates;
  • house register as a document that can be used to confirm registration at the place of residence;
  • if you are married, then a certificate of registration;
  • if you are divorced, then a divorce certificate.

Deadlines for obtaining a new passport

  • if you are permanently registered in the territory served by this branch of the Federal Migration Service of Russia, then you will be able to receive a ready-made passport no later than 10 days;
  • if you are temporarily registered, or you do not have registration in the territory served by this branch of the Federal Migration Service of Russia, then your passport will be replaced within 2 months.

After all documents for replacing the passport have been accepted, the employee is obliged to set a time and date for receiving a new passport.

If necessary, while applying for a passport, you can ask for a temporary identity card of a Russian citizen in accordance with Form No. 2-P or a certificate stating that you have received documents for issuing a passport. To do this you need to provide additional photo established sample. The received temporary identity card is returned upon receipt of the passport.

Opening hours of the branches of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for reception on issues of passport replacement

Passport offices of the Federal Migration Service of Russia must receive citizens during the day and evening, as well as on the first and third Saturday of each month. If work hours fall on a Saturday, then the following Monday will be a day off.

You can also make an appointment in advance by email or phone. All branches of the Federal Migration Service of Russia are equipped for email requests.

When making an appointment, you need to provide your personal information, the reason for your request and the appointment time that suits you. You will be required to inform you about the time of receipt of documents and the number of the corresponding office.

Waiting in line by appointment to submit documents to replace your passport should not be more than 5 minutes.

Reasons for refusal to accept documents for passport replacement

The reasons for refusal to accept documents for passport replacement when applying personally from a citizen of the Russian Federation are established only in the following cases:

  • incorrect or incompletely completed application for replacing a Russian passport;
  • the required documents for its replacement have not been fully submitted;
  • details of the receipt used to pay the state duty for the Russian passport form were not provided, or there was no receipt of payment itself;
  • the applicant’s photographs were not taken in accordance with established requirements;
  • documents are provided in a foreign language without a corresponding translation of the documents into Russian.

Having eliminated all identified violations of the rules, employees must accept documents to replace the applicant’s passport.

Reasons for refusal to replace a passport

An applicant can be refused to replace a Russian passport at the age of 20, having previously accepted an application for a replacement and all specified documents, only in strictly specified cases; there cannot be other reasons for refusal:

  • the applicant does not have Russian citizenship;
  • provision by the applicant of false information in the application for a replacement passport.

The main document serving as identification on the territory of the Russian Federation is a passport. It is first received at the age of 14 years. At the age of 20 and 45, the document must be exchanged due to age-related changes and changes in appearance. After turning 45 years old, the passport is considered unlimited and can be changed only if the document is damaged, personal data is changed and the identity card is lost.

Replacing a passport at the age of 45 is a simple process, but without experience and knowledge in the field of law, the procedure is fraught with paperwork, time and money costs, and problems with preparing documents. To avoid troubles and difficulties when obtaining a passport, it would be best to consult with an experienced lawyer. A legal expert knows all the features and nuances current legislation and will help you use them to your advantage. The specialist will also answer any question, tell you the procedure and rules for processing documents, and explain how long the passport will be valid after your 45th birthday.

Based on legal practice, we can guarantee that changing your passport at the age of 45 with the help of a legal expert will be as profitable and convenient as possible. Anyone can ask a specialist a question and receive effective recommendations based on the individual circumstances of the case by phone or online. Legal consultations are publicly available and completely free. The services of professionals on the Internet will allow citizens to save their own resources and time.

A package of documents for changing a Russian passport at the age of 45

Replacement of a passport at the age of 45 is carried out, as is its receipt, through the local authorities of the state migration service. To submit papers to the FMS, it is important to competently and responsibly prepare all certificates, applications and extracts. The total number of papers may vary depending on the personal situation, but there is a strictly established list that is mandatory for registration. It includes:

  • application in form 1-P;
  • invalid passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • two passport-sized photographs;
  • certificates from the registry office about birth, registration or dissolution of a marriage, the appearance of children;
  • a certificate of family composition and an extract from the house register;
  • military ID (if necessary);
  • check for payment of state duty.
You must be extremely careful when filling out the application. You must not make grammatical errors, corrections or abbreviations in the questionnaire. Inaccuracies and blots will cause refusal to consider the papers. An effective solution would be a preliminary study of the document. Form 1-P can be downloaded from our website and, together with a lawyer, you can study and think through all the unclear points and eliminate errors. After such preparation, filling out the form at the Federal Migration Service will not take much time and effort.

It is also important to pay attention to your passport photo. The photograph should be taken at the age of replacement. It is not recommended to take photos in advance, because if you change your appearance you will have to take the photo again. The photograph must meet all state requirements and criteria that professional photographers know very well. You can find out on the spot how much a photo in a special photo studio will cost. Typically, the cost of the service does not exceed 100-300 rubles.

Time frame for exchanging and obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation at 45 years of age

It is very important to comply with the replacement deadlines after the document has expired. Officially, the legislation sets aside 30 days for the exchange of an identity card. It is worth noting that you cannot submit papers in advance, and applicants will face administrative penalties for delay. The only option that allows you to save your time is to pre-make an appointment with the Federal Migration Service. This can be done by phone or via the Internet. In many regions, the migration service has an official portal where you can find out everything last news, innovations and make an appointment with officials.

Thus, you need to change your passport strictly within a month after your 45th birthday. For delaying this period, people face a fine of 2-3 thousand rubles; for residents of the Moscow and Leningrad regions, the amount of the penalty is much higher - up to five thousand rubles. Details for paying the fine will be provided to you by the Federal Migration Service. The official is also obliged to notify the applicant about the timing of consideration of the application and the date of issue of the document.

Having submitted all the papers and paid the state fee, you must ask the FMS employee for a temporary identity card or a certificate of passport replacement at 45 years of age. This document will have great importance during the procedure, and when the passport is issued, it will have to be returned to the official. To obtain a temporary ID, you will have to submit an additional photo.

How long will it take to replace a document? This question is asked by the majority of applicants who have submitted an application for a passport exchange to the FMS. The standard period after submitting documents is 10 days. You can count on these time frames if you submit papers to the Federal Migration Service at your place of permanent registration. It will take two months to verify and issue a passport after 45 years of age if the application for a replacement is submitted in another region of the country, and not where the applicant is permanently registered.

Advantages of exchanging your passport at 45 years of age through the State Services portal

Everyone knows that you can replace a Russian passport by personally visiting the local migration service department. However, not so long ago a more profitable alternative appeared - exchanging passports via the Internet. This service is available to users of the State Services portal. This site opens up broad prospects and opportunities for citizens. To use them, you need to register on the resource. The authorization procedure is simple and accessible to everyone. You must fill out a short electronic form with personal data and confirm your identity with UEC or electronic signature. Confirmation can also be ordered by mail. Having received the activation code, you need to enter it in a special field on the website. After this, the user will be able to fully work on the portal.

Having created a personal account, you can use various functions of the resource. To exchange your passport at the age of 45, you will need to go to the “Public Services” tab and select the appropriate option. In the window that opens, the applicant will have to fill out an electronic application form, check the authenticity and correctness of the document and attach scanned copies of the entire list of papers. An advantage of the State Services portal is also the possibility of remote payment of state fees. It is extremely important to have all the papers in their original form, including the receipt for payment of the state fee, because the documents will be useful when receiving an identity card from the Federal Migration Service.

Once you are sure that everything is prepared correctly, you should submit a request for system processing. A letter will be sent to the applicant’s email address with the date, place and time of receipt of the completed document. If within a month after the passport is ready, the applicant does not come to receive it, the procedure will have to be repeated from the very beginning. The online format of State Services will allow you to change your passport after 45 years as quickly and simply as possible, without visiting long lines or dealing with paperwork.

Grounds for refusal to replace a passport based on age

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It is necessary to understand what is of great importance and cannot be treated “carelessly”. Inattention and negligence may result in refusal to accept papers for consideration or in the process of issuing an identity card. Most often, the reasons for suspending the procedure and refusing to consider papers are:

  • incorrect photo format or size;
  • providing false information in application 1-P;
  • lack of necessary documents;
  • lack of receipts for depositing state collection funds;
  • lack of notarized translation of foreign language documents.

If there are errors or inaccuracies, the FMS employee must inform the applicant about the opportunity to correct the shortcomings and resubmit the papers. Often, competent specialists will help correct blots on their own. To obtain a passport after replacement, you must come to the Federal Migration Service in person. Sometimes citizens cannot appear on their own to receive a passport.

In such cases, they should write a written request and support it with health certificates. An official from the Federal Migration Service will personally come to your home and bring your passport, but only on the condition that you yourself cannot come due to physical problems.