How citizens take part in political life. What will we be talking about? Should I become a deputy?

06.08.2019 Cell phones

Citizen - this is a person belonging to the permanent population of a given state, enjoying its protection and endowed with a set of rights and obligations.

Between the citizen and the state are established civil law relationsand I based on the legal capacity and capacity of a citizen

- Legal capacity- the opportunity to have civil rights and bear certain responsibilities.

- Capacity- the ability to acquire and exercise civil rights. Until the age of 18, a person has incomplete (partial) legal capacity. At the age of 18, legal capacity is fully realized.

Every citizen has rights:






The state guarantees the observance of individual rights and freedoms and creates conditions for their real implementation.

Along with rights, every citizen has his own responsibilities

He must:

Comply with laws and regulations established by the state,

Do not violate the interests of subjects of law and laws,

Do not harm the health of other people, the environment,

Stand in defense of society and the state

In its turn, the state undertakes to be responsible to the citizen in the person of their bodies and officials, to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens on the territory of the state and beyond its borders.

Types of individual participation in politics:

- completely unconscious- eg. human behavior in a crowd;

- semi-conscious- political conformism - understanding the meaning of one’s role with unconditional

submission to the requirements of one’s social environment, even in cases of differences of opinion with it;

- conscious participation- the ability to change your role and your position in accordance with your

consciousness and will.

Motives and factors for participation in politics:

The desire to protect the interests of other citizens;

Ensuring justice for all;

Contribute to solving problems of the state and society;

Selfish goals (personal: prestige, career, etc.);

Unconscious motives.

Reasons for passivity or non-participation in politics:

Lack of reward (no benefit, no cost recovery, etc.);

Weak theoretical preparation (no knowledge of legislation, theory of state and law);

A common opinion: “Alone in the field is not a warrior,” “What can I do?” and so on.;

Factors influencing the level political activity :

The state of the country’s economy (economic growth leads to a decline in political activity);

Type of political regime in the country;

Existing ideology in the country;

The level of culture of society and the individual himself;

A person's personal views, beliefs and values; Law "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation" (extract)


Ticket number 12

1. Social sphere of society. Social politics.

Social sphere - a set of social connections, social interactions and social relationships between people.

Social connection- facts that determine joint activities under certain conditions.

Social interaction- interaction of people in the process of communication.

Social relations- establishing connections between people and social groups.

Social group in terms of numbers it can be large and small, in terms of the nature of relationships - primary and secondary, in terms of the method of organization - formal and informal, in terms of the number of values ​​- unilateral and multilateral.

Social norms- general rules for regulating relations between people in society. Among them are:

- customs(traditions, rituals) - historically established patterns and rules of behavior;

- legal norms- norms enshrined in laws issued by the state, which clearly describe the boundaries of behavior and punishment;

- moral standards- spiritual and moral values;

- political norms- norms regulating the relationship between the individual and the authorities, between social groups;

- religious norms- moral standards supported by the consciousness of believers and religious faith;

- aesthetic standards- ideas about the beautiful and the ugly;

- rules of etiquette- examples of correct behavior and communication;

Social politics- this is the state's regulation of the socio-economic conditions of society and concern for the well-being of all its citizens.

Subjects of social policy:


Civil society

Main directions of social policy:

Providing able-bodied citizens with opportunities to work or engage in entrepreneurial activities;

Providing social guarantees for the disabled, low-income and unemployed segments of the population (state pensions and social benefits)

State support for family, motherhood, childhood

Occupational safety and health

Establishing a guaranteed minimum wage

Improving the demographic situation in the country

Development of social structure.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation states: “The Russian Federation is a social state, the policy of which is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people.”

In Russia social reform program.

Main tasks proclaimed:

Improving the financial situation and living conditions of people;

Ensuring effective employment of the population;

Realization of citizens' rights in the field of labor, social protection, education, health, culture;

Improving the demographic situation in the country; - development of social infrastructure.

Law "On State Social Assistance" (extract)

Citizen participation in political life is considered an essential element of modern society. With its help, people become active subjects of political life, influence important social problems, and determine the conditions of their own existence.

Features of participation

The participation of citizens in the political life of the country is a type of political activity. It consists in the influence of citizens on the adoption of various important decisions in the state.

Character traits

It is necessary to make certain clarifications to this term. Citizen participation in political life presupposes the influence of ordinary citizens on the life of society. This term does not take into account officials vested with state power and performing direct management functions.

The participation of citizens in the political life of the state is not related to the professional activities of people who are part of the security, executive, representative, and government structures. Officials and professional politicians act as ordinary citizens of the country only during the voting procedure.

Participation options

The opportunity for citizens to participate in political life is voluntary and not mandatory for all residents.

All activities that relate to “participation for money” do not relate to an active life position. Citizen participation in political life should not be associated with campaigning for a candidate or party.


This is the reluctance of citizens to take an active part in political life, which is explained by a lack of interest in this aspect of social life. Currently, this quality is demonstrated by citizens during voting.

Forms of participation

Let us consider the main forms of citizen participation in political life. Among them, mass demonstrations are of particular interest. These include picketing, demonstrations, rallies, and strikes.

In addition, the participation of citizens in the political life of society is manifested in voting in referendums and elections. Citizens can express their own position and opinion about the activities of various political parties using the funds mass media. Ordinary citizens can submit their opinions on the adoption of certain laws and the level of their implementation in the form of appeals and letters to executive authorities.

Citizen participation in political life is also manifested in the form of control of deputies and constant contact with local authorities. People now have the opportunity to monitor the activities of municipal and state bodies.

Common option

What are the opportunities for citizens to participate in political life? The most common form of such activity can be considered participation in various elections. In countries with developed democracies, the number of citizens who take part in national election campaigns reaches 90 percent. The average figure is 50-80 percent.


What are the opportunities for citizens to participate in political life? Given the variety of forms, it is customary to classify them on different grounds. Legal participation is possible, which is permitted by law. Terrorism is an illegal type of political activity and is prohibited by law.

Depending on the number of participants, collective and individual political activities are distinguished.

By the nature of the actions, they note: constant action, characteristic of activists, as well as episodic participation of citizens in political life (elections, referendums).

Ordinary citizens can demonstrate their attitude to the actions of political parties and government agencies at the local or regional level.

Direction of action

Forms of participation differ in the focus of action. For example, citizens want to realize private interests during a rally, or a strike is aimed at resolving a serious situation in the city. The option for citizens to participate in political life also depends on the resources and efforts that participants will have to make in order to cope with the task they have set. For example, when demonstrating a protest regarding the reduction of employees at an enterprise, citizens must be prepared to overcome pressure from the company’s management.

Motivation for political participation

What opportunities for citizen participation in political life currently exist? Why do people strive for such activities? What is the main purpose of political participation? G. Parry, who has been studying this problem for several years, noted that there are three main explanations for the phenomenon of political participation.

The most common form of participation is the instrumental model. The main motive is the possibility of realizing group or individual interests. In this way, people try to get decisions and actions from government authorities that will be beneficial for them.

The communitarian model of participation in political life assumes that people’s desire to make positive changes in the life of society is used as a source and main motive. Citizens do not think about their own interests; they are driven by the desire to help other people eliminate some problems.

The educational model involves paying attention not to the sources of participation, but to the results of activities. The political activity of citizens is an important element of socialization. For some people political participation turns into an important part of life, is an opportunity to realize one’s abilities and creative potential.

The main motives for participation are rational-instrumental principles. Citizens’ actions are aimed at creating, adopting, and implementing government decisions, search for worthy representatives in government institutions.

Citizen groups

The scope of permissible participation is limited by the political rights of citizens. According to this indicator, the population is divided into two groups. One of them is the political elite. The basis of the activities of such people is politics. These include representatives of parties and government bodies. The second group contains ordinary people.

Their political activity is a voluntary activity, a desire to influence government bodies.

Some scholars take the position that participation is seen as a political action of both groups. There are also those who identify only the actions of ordinary citizens as political participation.

Not all people become professional public and political figures, so let's talk about the actions of ordinary citizens. There are two ways to participate in the political life of the country. The first option involves direct participation, the second - indirect (representative) action.

Examples of direct participation include attending rallies, participating in picketing, voting in elections, writing letters and appeals to government bodies, activities in political parties.

Indirect participation is carried out by selecting representatives from parties and groups. It is to them that ordinary citizens delegate authority to make decisions. For example, a delegate will be able to become an active participant in a parliamentary commission, will negotiate with government agencies, and establish informal relationships with government officials.

These types of political participation correspond to specific political roles: party member, voter, petitioner. Regardless of the chosen role, active participation is expected, bringing a certain result.

Autonomous participation presupposes voluntary and free actions of citizens associated with the manifestation of a certain political position regarding the pursuit of personal or group interests.

Mobilized participation is a compulsory option; it presupposes the mandatory participation of citizens in demonstrations and elections. This option existed during the Soviet Union.

Citizens who refused to support the political line pursued in the country were punished with a “ruble” career growth. Mobilized participation prevails in authoritarian and totalitarian political regimes. In a democratic state, citizens are expected to participate autonomously in the political life of society.

American political scientist S. Verba emphasized that only in a democratic society can we talk about an effective mechanism for the political participation of ordinary citizens in the life of society. This is manifested in the transmission by people who are not professional politicians of information about their own preferences, interests, and needs to government officials.

For example, citizens who are outraged by the injustice that exists in society draw up petitions, appear on television, and prepare letters of protest to government agencies. In specific situations, it is possible to organize rallies and strikes aimed at solving the current problem.

This behavior of the population brings positive results. The authorities are forced to listen to the position of ordinary citizens and adjust the decision made.


Every citizen has the right to participate in the political life of his country. To take advantage of it, two main factors are needed: the consciousness of the individual, the culture of democracy. The basis for the creation of the main political processes is the direct participation of people in the political life of their state.

The political participation of citizens is influenced by the situation in society. Depending on the level of development of the state, it is possible to involve various segments of the population in such activities.

Social differentiation leads to the emergence of certain socio-political forces, for example, parties and organizations.

Does the average citizen have the opportunity to influence the political process? What is the purpose of developing a culture of democracy in modern society? Political activity is constantly subject to modernization; it is considered a dynamic system.

It includes social groups, people, and the ruling elite. Each structure pursues its own selfish interests and has a certain level of culture and education.

It is during the interaction of subjects modern politics conquest, containment, application of state power, and modernization of political processes in society take place.

Citizen- this is a narrower concept, it is, first of all, a person endowed with political, civil, and other rights and responsibilities and acting in accordance with these rights and responsibilities. Moreover, a real citizen considers his rights as duties and vice versa.

Citizenship- this is the political and legal affiliation of a person to a specific state or a stable political and legal connection between a person and the state, expressed in the totality of their mutual rights, duties and responsibilities. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Russian citizenship is uniform and equal, regardless of the grounds for acquisition. Every citizen of Russia has all rights and freedoms on its territory and bears equal responsibilities provided for by law. In accordance with Article 6 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, one cannot be deprived of citizenship or the right to change it. Citizenship relations are regulated by the law “On Citizenship in the Russian Federation”.

A citizen of the Russian Federation has the opportunity to take part in public and state affairs, in solving vital problems for himself, using the political rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution of Russia. These include the right to elect and be elected to bodies of state power and local self-government; the right of equal access to public service. By realizing these rights, a citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached a certain age can become a member of legislative bodies of both local and federal significance, can become a government employee, etc.

Every citizen who has reached the age of majority can submit individually or collectively appeals or petitions to state authorities and local governments with proposals for improving legislation.

The most important political rights of citizens of the Russian Federation are: the right to freedom of thought and speech; the right to associate in public organizations; the right to assemble peacefully, without weapons; hold rallies and demonstrations.

By exercising their political rights and freedoms, a Russian citizen has the opportunity to have a real influence on decision-making by the authorities and to actively participate in the political life of the country

Elections, referendum.

The term “suffrage” denotes one of the subjective rights of citizens, which presupposes, on the one hand, the right to participate in elections as a voter, and on the other hand, to be elected. You can participate in voting from the age of 18. A voter has an active suffrage, i.e. has the right to vote. And passive suffrage is the right of a citizen of the Russian Federation to be elected. Passive suffrage implies an age limit: a citizen can be elected to the State Duma at 21 years old, and for the position of president, the age limit is 35 years old. right elections in State Duma and presidents of the Russian Federation, voters vote at polling stations, and election commissions organize elections, control the rule of law, and count votes. Democratic elections are held on the basis universal, equal suffrage by secret ballot. Citizen participation in elections is voluntary; no one has the right to influence a citizen to participate or not participate in elections. Elections in a democratic society are periodic, i.e. persons are selected for 2-4 years. Democratic elections are representative and final, i.e. Only elections determine the people who gain power. No one can order them, they obey the KRF and the law.

Referendum- a form of direct expression of the will of citizens, expressed in voting on the most significant issues of a national, regional or local scale.

Referendum- the most important institution of direct democracy. Represents the direct law-making of the people. A referendum is one of the ways of public participation in making decisions that are important for the state and for each individual citizen. The decision made by a person influences the result of the procedure and must be supported by awareness (awareness) on this issue.

Various political subjects participate in political life, which is changeable and dynamic: people, social groups, ruling elites, etc. When they interact with each other as political subjects on issues of conquest, retention and use of state power, it gives rise to various political processes in society.

Political process- this is a chain of political events and states that change as a result of the interaction of specific political subjects (one political leaders of the government are replaced by others). Political scientists classify political processes in different ways. By scale: internal political And foreign policy processes. Internal political processes can develop at the national, regional, local levels (for example, the electoral process). And according to their importance for society, they are divided into basic and private.

The basic political process characterizes the operation of all political power as a mechanism for the formation and implementation of political power. It determines the content of private processes: economic-political, political-legal, cultural-political, etc.

Both basic and private processes are characterized by:

A) representation of interests power structures

B) decision making

B) implementation of decisions

The political process aims to solve a political problem. For example, the state of the education system in the country as a whole. These are the kinds of issues that are on the political agenda. Their decision becomes object - goal of the political process which leads to certain results. However, a political one can only take place if there is subjects - participants in the process. These include initiators and executors.

Initiators of political processes in a democratic society there are citizens, interest groups, political parties and movements, trade unions, etc. The solution to political problems belongs performers- first of all government institutions and authorized officials, as well as people from non-governmental bodies specially appointed for this purpose.

The executors of the political process choose tools, methods and resources for its implementation. Resources can be knowledge, science, technical and financial resources, public opinion and etc.

Result of the political process largely depends on a combination of internal and external factors. Internal factors include, for example, the competence and ability of the authorities to correctly assess the situation, select adequate means and methods, and achieve implementation decisions made in strict accordance with the rules of law. Within the framework of political processes, when solving problems, various interests of social groups intersect, sometimes causing intractable contradictions and conflicts.

Political processes, from the point of view of publicity of decision-making, are also divided into open and hidden (shadow).

In an open political process, the interests of groups and citizens are identified in party programs, in voting in elections, etc. In the hidden, the political process is characterized by closedness and lack of control of government decisions. They are adopted by officials and authorities under the influence of unrecognized structures.

Political participation– these are the actions of a citizen with the aim of influencing the adoption and implementation of government decisions, the selection of representatives to government institutions. This concept characterizes the involvement of members of a given society in the political process.

The scope of possible participation is determined by political rights and freedoms. In a democratic society, these include: the right to elect and be elected to government bodies, the right to participate in government affairs directly and through a representative, etc. But the exercise of these political rights may be limited, for example, the right to gather for rallies or demonstrations - by indicating that they must take place without weapons, peacefully, after advance notice authorities. And it is prohibited, for example, the organization of parties, the program

which is a violent change of the constitutional system. Such prohibitions are introduced on the basis of the security of the individual, society, and state.

Political participation happens mediocre(sequential) and direct(direct).

Direct participation is carried out through elected representatives. Direct participation is the influence of a citizen on the authorities without intermediaries. It manifests itself in the following forms:

Citizens' reactions to impulses emanating from the political system

Periodic participation in activities related to the election of representatives, with the transfer of decision-making powers to them

Participation of citizens in the activities of political parties, socio-political organizations and movements

Influencing political processes through appeals and letters, meetings with politicians

Direct action by citizens

Activities of political leaders

Forms of political activity can be group, mass and individual. The most developed and important form of political participation is democratic elections. This is a necessary minimum of political activity guaranteed by the constitutions. Within the framework of the institution of elections, each citizen performs his individual action by voting for a party, candidate or political leader. Thus, it directly influences the composition of representatives, and therefore the political course. Elections are accompanied by referendums - voting on legislative or other issues.

Political participation can be permanent (participation in a party), periodic (participation in elections), one-time (appealing to authorities).

But some residents still try to avoid participating in politics. This position, in practice, is called absenteeism.

Political participation is sometimes frustrating because rational whether this political action or irrational. Rational are actions that are conscious and planned, with an understanding of means and goals, and irrational are actions motivated mainly by the emotional state of people (irritation, indifference, etc.).

Political culture assumes: versatile political knowledge, orientation in life to the rules of a democratic society, mastery of these rules.

Political knowledge is a person’s knowledge of politics, political system, about various political ideologies, about its institutions and procedures through which the participation of citizens in the political process is ensured. Knowledge can be presented as everyday or scientific. Scientific knowledge is the result of studying political science, and everyday knowledge can be represented, for example, by vision democratic regime how limitless it is possible to do whatever you want.

Political values is a person’s idea of ​​the ideals and values ​​of a reasonable or desirable social order. They are formed under the influence of knowledge about politics, personal and emotional attitude to political phenomena. The weakness of citizens' political positions is one of the reasons that makes it difficult to achieve consensus in society.

Methods of practical political action are patterns and rules of political behavior that determine how one can and how one should act. Many scientists call them models of citizen political participation, because any form of citizen participation requires analysis and assessment from the standpoint of certain requirements election programs and personal qualities on power. Political consciousness predetermines political behavior. Democratic political culture is manifested in real ways in political behavior.

Thus, the democratic type of political culture has a pronounced humanistic orientation; it embodies the best examples of the political experience of many countries of the world.

The political process involves various forms of citizen participation in the political life of society.

Active forms of participation:

  • - participation in elected bodies, such as presidential elections;
  • - mass actions, such as rallies, demonstrations, strikes, in which masses dissatisfied with any actions of the government are coordinated;
  • - single actions that are noticeable enough to have political weight;
  • - participation in political parties and organizations, participation in governing the country, in the adoption of laws;
  • - participation of citizens in surveys;
  • - appeals and complaints to higher structures of individuals or groups of citizens;
  • - lobbying activities;
  • - network participation - blogs, electronic newspapers, and other Internet resources.

Passive forms of participation:

  • - social apathy as a factor of citizens’ distrust of the government and, accordingly, all non-participation in elections;
  • - ignoring social events, such as cleanup days, rallies and demonstrations, when invited or strongly recommended to attend them;
  • - failure to do something caused by dissatisfaction with certain government actions. For example: a small payment provided to an individual, which he considers offensive and does not go to receive it, saying, no thanks.

The basis of the form of participation of the population in the political life of society is the participation of the majority of citizens in elections, which are held regularly, after a certain time prescribed by law.

In democratic countries, elections are held on the basis of general and equal suffrage. To conduct elections, constituencies are created so that each deputy is elected by an equal number of residents or voters. And only then is real equality of suffrage ensured.

A very responsible political event is the nomination of candidates for elected positions. An election campaign is organized to identify them and campaign for them. Candidates may be nominated by public organizations, parties or on the candidates’ own initiative. Of course, candidates from political parties have a real chance of being elected. The principles of democratic politics require that parties and candidates conduct the election campaign on equal terms. It is not easy to implement this requirement in practice.

Election campaigning ends the day before voting, the procedure for which is strictly regulated by law. It must be secret. The voter fills out the ballot alone in the booth and must place it in the ballot box himself. Special attention devoted to counting votes. To avoid violations and fraud during the opening of the ballot box and counting of votes, the presence of outside observers is allowed. The ballot boxes themselves are sealed.

Votes are counted based on certain rules. The set of such rules is called the electoral system. The two most common electoral systems are the majority system (majoritarian) and the proportional representation system.

  • 1) Under a majoritarian system, the candidate who receives a majority of votes is considered elected, and it has two varieties: an absolute majority and a relative majority. Under a majoritarian system of absolute majority, the candidate for whom 50% of the voters who took part in the elections voted wins. If no winner is identified, a second round of elections is held, in which the two candidates who received the largest number of votes in the first round participate. In a majoritarian system of relative majority, victory is given to the candidate who received more votes than each of his rivals individually, even if he was supported by less than half of those who came to the polling stations.
  • 2) Under a proportional system, each party submits lists of candidates for elections. In accordance with them and the number of votes cast for a given party, the number of deputies is determined. This system allows even small parties to have their representatives in government bodies. To prevent this from happening, the legislation of many countries, including Ukraine and Russia, establishes a barrier clause that does not allow those parties that received less than 4-5% of the votes to receive parliamentary powers.

The next form of political participation is a referendum. A referendum is a vote of the population on a foreign policy issue. In elections, voters determine which candidate will represent them in the legislature or hold elected office. At a referendum, they themselves make decisions on the constitutional or legislative issue put to the vote.

Currently, the constitutions of many states provide for the possibility or obligation in some cases of holding referendums. The initiative to conduct it is given to the head of state, parliament, public organizations, and the people. Submitted to a national referendum critical issues political life of the country: adoption of the constitution and amendments to it, change in the form of government or form of government, adoption of new or repeal of existing laws, entry of the country into an international organization, etc. The results of the referendum do not have legal force, but the opinion of the people has enormous political power and is accepted by the government and the president for execution. For example, when the Supreme Council of Russia was unable to adopt a constitution, the president turned to the people. In preparation for a referendum, electoral districts are not created. The decision for which the majority of citizens who participated in the referendum voted is considered adopted. In order for a referendum to more accurately express the will of the people, it must be preceded by a broad and comprehensive discussion of the issue being put to the vote. A plebiscite is also a form of political participation of the people in government. Like a referendum, it is intended to determine the opinion of voters through voting. In the field interstate relations A plebiscite is used to survey the population about whether the territory in which they live belongs to a particular state. In political life, a plebiscite acts as a type of referendum on the issue of trust in the head of state and the policies he pursues. The demand for a plebiscite may come not only from the people dissatisfied with the political leadership, but also from the leadership itself. Thus, a plebiscite is a direct expression of the will of the people. But history shows that people can be deceived and with their help people can come to power who will then betray their interests. Depending on the level of economic and political culture, the mentality of the people of a given state, the political participation of the people in the life of society can lead either to the stability of political life or, conversely, to political conflicts and instability of the political system.