When Castro came to power. The Early Years of Fidel Castro

03.09.2019 Jurisprudence

There are not many leaders in the world who have made such a striking impression as the leader of Liberty Island. Fidel Castro is a legendary personality who has a special charm and a lot of fans not only among ardent lovers of politics. The President of Cuba led this revolutionary country for quite a long period, amounting to half a century.

Biographical information

in 1926 in the provincial town of Biran. The family of the future ruler was not wealthy, but, on the contrary, was quite poor. Fidel's mother worked as a cook, and his father was a modest landowner. His parents had no education, so they were most eager to give their children what they themselves did not have.

Since childhood, Fidel had an excellent memory, thanks to which he became the best student in his school. In addition to this talent, Castro was distinguished by his determination and rebellious revolutionary character. As a teenager, he took an active part in uprisings involving workers on his father's plantations.

After graduating from school, in 1941, the future president of Cuba entered a prestigious college, and then the University of Havana. After completing his studies at the university, Fidel began his professional activities, providing free legal support to the people.

Political beliefs and early career

Thanks to his revolutionary spirit, the future president of Cuba begins his activities in the popular political party. The next step is trying to get into parliament, which was initially unsuccessful. But Fidel does not stand still and leads the movement of fighters against dictatorial regime, which also becomes a failure; moreover, as a result of the failure, Castro ends up in prison for a fifteen-year sentence.

Thanks to a general amnesty, Fidel is released and leaves the country. Moving to Mexico promised the young revolutionary a new adventure, which was called the “26 July Movement.” Among its participants are many legendary figures, namely his brother Raul Castro and Che Guevara.

Return to the historical homeland

Thanks to Fidel's return to Cuba and the capture of its capital, the dictator Batista's regime fell. The revolutionary himself became military commander-in-chief, then accepted the offer to become Cuban prime minister.

Over the twenty-year period of his activity at the head of state, the first president of Cuba did the impossible for the country, turning it into a prosperous state in which economic growth was visible to the naked eye.

Particular concern for the population was evident in the social sector. A striking example of the results of the activities were free medical care and increased educational levels. During this period, the President of Cuba established friendly relations with the powerful Soviet Union.

Ardent political activity

Accommodation Soviet missiles on the island in 1962 led to a deterioration in relations between Liberty Island and America. As a result, enmity with Western countries was caused, which entailed the transition of a huge number of his comrades to the side of America.

Nevertheless, the Cuban president continued to act in one direction. There were many attempts on his part to destroy world capitalism, which was unfriendly to the Cuban consciousness.

The growth of the economic level and its accompanying indicators stopped in the eighties, during the period when additional capital investments in the Cuban financial system from outside Soviet Union. This entailed economic crisis and the disappointing status of Cuba - the poorest country in the world.

2006 was a fatal year for Fidel Castro. Due to serious health problems, he was forced to hand over the reigns to his younger brother. In 2008, the President of Cuba became the official leader of Liberty Island.

Fame, health and assassination attempts

Being a popular and legendary person, ex-president Cuba interfered with the activities of many political figures. In order to achieve your goal, a large number of some of them resorted to collusion with CIA agents on the issue of the destruction of Fidel. The number of attempts was about 600. Fortunately, they were all nipped in the bud, thanks to the skills of the special agents of this state. The murder attempts were the most incredible, ranging from assassination attempts during underwater hunting and ending with the impregnation of the cigars that the Comandante loved to smoke with a poisonous composition.

Since 2006, Fidel’s health has deteriorated significantly, and the question of leaving his leadership position has become an issue. Progressive Parkinson's disease played a cruel joke on the legendary Comandante in 1998, turning him into a paranoid and aggressive person. Moreover, the great Cuban leader long time suffered from rectal cancer and was operated on in 1989. From time to time, rumors about his death arise in the press, which Fidel periodically refutes with his appearance in society.

Personal life

Even small children know the name of the President of Cuba, but his personal life is classified as “Top Secret”. It is a well-known fact that he had three true loves. These women bore him seven children, and only one son was born in a legal marriage.

The last wife who was for a long time right hand and assistant commandant, committed suicide in 1985.

The official heir of the great revolutionary is called Fidelito. He is Fidel's firstborn. His mother is the daughter of the famous ruler of Cuba, who was in power during the time of Batista.

Financial position

During his leadership of the country, Fidel earned a considerable fortune, which, according to official sources, amounted to $550 million in 2005, and a year later the figure doubled. Due to this factor, Castro was among the richest inhabitants of the planet.

His financial situation is evidenced not only by his bank account, but also by the presence in his arsenal of expensive yachts, mansions and a huge number of security guards.

Cuban revolutionary who continuously led Liberty Island for almost fifty years. Some consider him a great popular politician, while others consider him a cruel dictator. A fierce opponent of the USA and a great supporter of the USSR. Fidel Castro... What do we know about him?

Angel Castro Argis, from a family of poor Spanish peasants, emigrated to Cuba at the beginning of the last century in search of better life. It must be said that Cuba has been considered Spanish territory since the time of Columbus, but since the beginning of the nineteenth century, with the support of the United States, it has repeatedly tried to become independent. In 1898, the Spanish-American War began, in which the United States eventually won, and Cuba, like a tasty piece of pie, came under US control.

At the age of seventeen, Angel was called to military service and sent to fight in Cuba. A few years later he returned to his native Galicia, but Spain after the war was experiencing a severe economic crisis. There was no work, and the young man decided to return to the fertile, sparsely populated Cuban lands.

But Cuba did not greet him kindly. After the end of the war, most of the enterprises passed into the raking hands of the Americans. They seized the best lands, cut down forests for fuel for sugar refineries, and set up sugar cane plantations in the vacated areas.

Sugar production became the main activity of American planters. By introducing new technologies, factory owners reduced the number of jobs, and many unemployed people joined the already poor population of the island. Moreover, numerous emigrants from Europe, Haiti and Jamaica flooded Cuba.

Angel Castro quickly understood the situation and moved to the province of Oriente - one of the poorest areas of the island that had not yet been infected by American economic activity. There he got a job as a night watchman at one of the mines. Angel understood perfectly well that the only way to escape poverty was by becoming one of the sugar cane planters. But he had no money, and fertile plots were bought up at breakneck speed by happy owners of capital.

Then he got a job at a sugar factory and became part of a team of workers who were building a transport line along which the cane was delivered to production. Saving a lot, Angel managed to collect a small amount of money and, together with a friend, opened a snack bar for construction workers.

Things were looking up. With the money he earned, he purchased several bulls, the main transport force on the island, and put together his own team of workers from emigrants. Much later, Castro would take the most hardworking people to work on his own estate, and their children would become the first comrades for Fidel and his brothers.

Having saved the required amount, Angel Castro purchased 900 hectares of land and rented several thousand hectares in the neighborhood. So he turned from a poor Spanish peasant into a wealthy Cuban landowner.

In addition to sugar cane, Castro's lands were used to raise livestock and also grow other crops - bananas, coconuts, fruit trees, root crops and grains.

By the time Fidel was born, Angel, who was in his early fifties, owned 10,000 hectares of land and 3,000 head of cattle.

Lina Rus Gonzalez worked as a cook at the Castro estate, and was twenty-eight years younger than the owner. They got married when the couple already had five children. Lina became Angel's second wife. The marriage was registered so late because the first wife did not give a divorce for a very long time. Because of these problems, little Fidel and the other four illegitimate children were refused to be baptized by the clergy.

Fidel's mother was a real Cuban from a poor peasant family. Her father transported sugar cane on buffaloes, and her mother nursed her grandchildren. Lina and Angel led a secluded lifestyle, not typical of wealthy landowners. They worked a lot, were practically illiterate and did not shy away from their hired workers - black immigrants from the islands of Haiti and Jamaica.

Much later, Fidel Castro would sign a decree on the transfer of land to the people, first of all this concerned his native estate, where he was born, which his father created with hard work, sweat and blood. His mother, brother and sisters had to quickly leave home, and one of the sisters did not accept Fidel’s policies at all and left the country forever.

Childhood and youth

Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz was born in August 1927, but according to many sources, the year of birth is noted as 1926. Parents had to assign a year to the child in order for him to be enrolled in a boarding school, where he was accepted only from the age of six.

On the territory of the estate there was Primary School, where all the local kids studied. Fidel began studying when he was not yet four years. The boarding school was located in Santiago de Cuba, little Fidel and his sister Angel went there to receive an education. Soon brother Ramon joined them. Thus began an independent life, full of new impressions from the big city.

Studying was easy for Fidel, he had an excellent memory, he loved to read, and his idols were Napoleon and Alexander the Great. The boy had a rebellious character, a heightened sense of justice, and often fought and made bets.

In 1941, Fidel studied at the prestigious Jesuit College "Belen", upon successful completion of which he entered the Faculty of Law at the University of Havana. At that time, only the offspring of wealthy parents could study at this university.

During his student years, the future revolutionary voraciously read Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Mussolini, and Jose Marti. In 1950, Castro graduated from university with honors, received a law degree and began private practice. But he quickly closes it and plunges headlong into politics.

Even during his student years, Castro Fidel became a member of the Party of the Cuban People, and then, after the coup and Batista’s coming to power, he actively fought against the dictatorship.

In 1953, Castro and his supporters decided to seize the military barracks, but the assault failed. Fidel and his brother Raul were arrested. At the trial, Castro made his famous speech, in which he condemned tyranny and called on the Cuban people to overthrow the government.

The court sentenced the rebel to fifteen years in prison, but after 22 months Fidel was released under an amnesty and emigrated to Mexico. It was there that preparations for the revolution took place.

Organization of revolution in Cuba

In 1956, a detachment of revolutionaries created in Mexico went to Cuba on a motor yacht. Exhausted by seasickness, the rebels were attacked by troops almost immediately after landing, and many died.

The surviving handful of people occasionally attacked police stations, but due to their small numbers they did not pose a threat, so they were not pursued. The situation changed when the revolutionaries proclaimed land reform to transfer land to the people. The detachment received great support from the population, its number increased to several hundred people.

Batista sent several thousand soldiers against the rebels, but most of them went over to the side of the revolutionaries. Over two years of struggle, the Rebel Army was created, and Fidel Castro became its military leader. Events began to develop rapidly, student detachments opened a Second Front in the center of the island, and a Third Front was formed in the west.

Leadership of Cuba

After the revolutionary coup, Castro planned to return to his legal practice, but in reality it turned out differently. A month and a half after the overthrow of Batista, he heads the government of Cuba, and appointed his brother Raul as minister of the armed forces.

At first, Liberty Island enjoyed the support of the United States, but due to rapprochement with the USSR, relations between Cuba and America went wrong. This was facilitated by land reforms, as well as the nationalization of enterprises. Since almost all of them belonged to the Americans, relations between the countries deteriorated sharply. The states stopped buying Cuban sugar and supplying oil to Cuba, and the population began to emigrate en masse. These are difficult times.

Many Castro supporters were dissatisfied with the path that the country's development took. Fidel brutally dealt with the opposition, mass arrests and repressions began. Entire stadiums were converted into prisons, and the famous Che Guevara was the commandant of one of them and ordered executions.

In 1961, with the support of the United States, there was an attempt to overthrow the revolutionary government. The island was attacked from the air by American bombers. At the funeral of the bombing victims, Castro declared the revolution socialist in his speech.

Four years later, the ruling party was renamed the Communist Party, and Castro was elected First Secretary.

The Soviet Union supported Cuba's economy and Fidel's policies, and subsequently Soviet missile launchers were located on the island. The Cuban army repeatedly assisted the Union in all military operations, which was always generously paid for.

They have repeatedly wanted to get rid of the Cuban leader. Almost all of the assassination attempts (more than six hundred) were organized by the CIA and the US Presidential Administration. And this is not counting the discontent of the opposition and the Cuban mafia, which had a grudge against Castro for taking over all the casinos and brothels.

Hired killers were sent to Castro, they put poison in food and poisoned cigarettes, they planted bombs in household items, and so on, and so on, and so on. It can be called a miracle that none of the attempts were successful.


Castro was awarded many awards and titles. He is a five-time Honorary Doctor of Science from two Russian universities, Prague, Cuban and Bolivian.

Hero of the Soviet Union, Laureate of the International Lenin Prize, Laureate of the Georgi Dimitrov Prize (Bulgaria), Hero of Labor of the DPRK, holder of many orders different countries peace.

Personal life

Fidel was categorically against putting his personal life on display, which is why nothing is known about it reliably, and all available information is overgrown with myths and legends. The man had extraordinary charisma and masculinity, women went crazy about him.

Officially, Castro had one wife and child in his life. But he recognized six more children.

The Comandante's first chosen one is Mirta Diaz Ballart, a petite blonde, which is a rarity for Cuba. She was the daughter of a minister who served the government of dictator Batista. Seeing her for the first time, Castro immediately said that he would win the favor of this charming woman. He kept his word. They married in 1948, and soon their first child, Fidelito, was born - Fidel's only legitimate child.

A few years later, on the path of the fiery revolutionary, she met Nati Revuelta, one of the most beautiful women in the circle of Havana bohemia. She was married to an old doctor, which did not stop the ardent Fidel from seducing the beauty. The lovers dated for a long time, then a divorce from Mirta followed and the birth of their daughter Alina (Castro recognized her only when she got married).

All subsequent children - Alexis, Alexander, Alejandro, Antonio, Angelito, were born from Deliv Soto, who was Castro's common-law wife for almost twenty-five years.

There was also Maria Laborde, with whom Fidel has a son, Jorge Angel. Celia Sanchos, Fidel's secretary and assistant, committed suicide in the mid-eighties.

Nothing is known about the remaining women. When Castro was asked how many children he had, he replied: “Almost a tribe.”

At the beginning of the 2000s, the commandant’s health deteriorated sharply; he underwent a complex operation to eliminate intestinal bleeding. Fidel was repeatedly “buried” in the media and given fatal diagnoses, but a completely healthy Castro appeared on TV screens and denied all the rumors. This went on for ten years.

IN last decade During his life, Castro actively met with political and church leaders from different countries, spoke at congresses of the Cuban Communist Party, visited educational institutions and went to theater performances.

On August 13, 2016, all of Cuba celebrated the ninetieth birthday of its leader on a grand scale, and in November he passed away. The cause of death was not announced, but the body was cremated - such was the will of the deceased.

The grave was an ordinary round stone in the shape of a grain of maize, on which was attached a green tablet with the inscription “Fidel”.

The successor of the great revolutionary was his brother Raoul, who was five years younger. He announced that since Fidel was against any cult of personality, they would not perpetuate the memory of the Comandante in Cuba.

  1. At the age of thirteen, Fidel wrote a letter to Franklin, congratulating him on his election to a third term as president and asking him to send him a ten dollar bill. The boy explained that he had never seen this banknote and would like to have it in his collection. After some time, he received an answer, which hung on the stand at the school for a long time, but the president “squeezed” the bill.
  2. One of Juanita’s sisters escaped from Cuba and collaborated with the CIA for many years.
  3. Fidel was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the author of the longest speeches. One could only envy his oratory skills. At one of the congresses of the Communist Party, Castro “pushed” his speech for seven hours and ten minutes.
  4. Castro is known throughout the world as a passionate smoker, but in the mid-eighties he unexpectedly...
  5. On May Day in 2000, Castro wore snow-white sneakers. This was an advertising campaign, after which the manufacturing company provided all Cuban athletes with free sneakers.


With the death of a person, an entire era passes. Cuba is orphaned, but continues to remember its leader, who left a deep mark not only in its history, but also in the life of all humanity. Fidel Castro is alive in the memory of ordinary Cubans and revolutionary-minded young people.

The leader of the Cuban revolution, Comandante, the permanent leader of Cuba for more than fifty years - all this is about the great and terrible Fidel Castro. Everyone probably knows about this person. Countless books have been written and filmed about him. great amount documentaries. Some called him the people's leader of Cuba, and others called him one of the most famous dictators in human history.

He was idolized and hated, extolled and despised. The life path of Fidel Castro can hardly be called unambiguous. And, sometimes, in this turmoil, it is extremely difficult to distinguish truth from lies. However, difficult does not mean impossible. And the life path of Fidel Castro is a vivid example of the correctness of these words.

The Early Years of Fidel Castro

The future politician was born in a small town called Biran, in the province of Oriente. His family grew sugar cane and owned a small plantation. In 1941, Castro entered college, graduating with honors. As former classmates and teachers of the political leader note, from his earliest years Fidel was distinguished by his ambition and purposefulness.

After graduating from college, Fidel decides to continue his studies and goes to Havana, where he enters the law faculty of the local university. Having received a law degree, in 1950 the future politician opened a private practice, but the revolutionary sentiments in the soul of Fidel Castro still turned out to be stronger.

Together with other figures of the Party of the Cuban People, of which he became a member while still studying at the university, he often participates in various political actions, and in 1953 he took part in an adventurous attack on one of the largest garrisons of the then head of Cuba, Fulgencio Batista. .

Such an enterprise turns out to be unsuccessful. A significant part of the conspirators die. The rest receive long prison sentences. Among them is Fidel Castro himself, who receives fifteen years in prison for his participation in the rebellion. However, he will only stay behind bars for two years: in 1955, under public pressure, Batista decides to release the conspirators, and Fidel Castro, among others, will be deported to Mexico.

Cuban Revolution

Looking ahead, we note that Fidel never abandoned his revolutionary sentiments. In 1958, Castro returns from South America with his future ally Ernest Che Guevara and a group of armed rebels. This episode played a huge role not only in the life and fate of the future politician, but also in the fate of the entire Cuban people.

The guerrilla movement initiated by Castro and Che Guevara would soon gain strength, and already in 1959 rebel troops would capture Havana. Some time later, the Batista regime will be overthrown, and one dictator will be replaced by another. Fidel Castro became the commander-in-chief of the Cuban forces, as well as the head of the country's government. In the first years after the revolution, the United States of America provided active assistance to the new head. But soon relations between the states went wrong. Cuba has set a course towards building socialism. On this basis, all large and medium-sized landowners lost their lands, the property of private companies was nationalized, and Cubans began to leave the country en masse.

However, this was just the beginning. In 1962, based on a preliminary agreement with Moscow, Cuba deployed Soviet troops on its territory. ballistic missiles. In response, the United States is putting its own army on high alert. The whole world is frozen on the brink of nuclear war. The collision is avoided, but after this moment Cuba was never the same. In 1965, Fidel Castro declared himself the first secretary of the Central Committee of Cuba.

Fidel Castro: politician

The period of the reign of the great comandante can hardly be called unambiguous. In the 60-70s, Cuba experienced an unprecedented economic recovery, but this fact was not a consequence of the political actions of the country's leadership, but of gratuitous assistance from the Soviet Union. Free healthcare is appearing in the country, the literacy rate of the population is growing, and the tourism industry is flourishing. However, opposition sentiments among the Cuban population remain strong. Even some of his former supporters are becoming Fidel's opponents. Many Cubans are fleeing the country.

Problematic moments in the life of Cuba become even more obvious when a political crisis begins in the USSR. Since the mid-80s, the Soviet Union has stopped providing economic assistance to Cuba, and the country's economy has gone into a steep decline. The once developed state is becoming one of the poorest in the region.

Fidel Castro becomes the target of countless assassination attempts, but still remains at the head of the country. Rumors about the death of the dictator appear in the press with varying frequency. The latest reports of this kind began to appear in the media in 2012. However, according to official information, the leader of Cuba is still alive. Due to poor health in 2006, Fidel Castro stepped down from power and handed over the reins of power to his younger brother, Raul Castro.

Fidel Castro: the man

Information about personal life the ruler of Cuba is ambiguous, like his life itself. Castro's official biography states that he was in love three times, but popular rumor attributes him to countless affairs.

Fidel's first wife was the charming blonde (which is a huge rarity for Cuba) Mirta Diaz Ballart. It is quite remarkable that her father was a prominent minister in the Batista government. However, despite all the obstacles, in 1948 the lovers got married and went to Honeymoon in USA. The honeymoon was paid for by the parents of the newlyweds.

Fidel Castro. Outstanding Leader

Soon, the politician’s first son, Fidelito, was born (in the future he will head the Cuban Ministry of Nuclear Energy). Fidel's marriage to Mirta Diaz proceeded decorously and peacefully. But their love will be broken by Fidel’s other passion - the passion for political revolution.

In the fifties, when Fidel was in full swing preparing a revolutionary coup, the two spouses began to move away from each other. Soon another woman will appear in Castro's life - Nati Revuelta, the wife of a Havana doctor and an active supporter of the revolution. Some time later, the couple will have a daughter, Alina. Fidel Castro officially recognizes her only 20 years later, but after his daughter escapes to the United States, he will forbid even mentioning her name in his presence. Alina’s memories will allow us to claim that Fidel Castro has at least five more children born from his common-law wife Deliv Soto. It is quite remarkable that all their names begin with the letter “A” - Antonio, Alex, Alexander, Angelita, Alejandro.

How Moscow greeted Fidel in 1963

The Comandante's last wife was his secretary Celia Sanchos. She helped Fidel in all matters, but later her fate was tragic. In 1985, she committed suicide.

Death of Fidel Castro

Castro's health problems became known in July 2006, when in July the Cuban leader was hospitalized with bleeding in the intestinal area. For several months he was on the verge of life and death. De facto, the reins of power passed to his younger brother Raul Castro.

Since then, rumors about the death of the Cuban leader appeared in the press regularly, but Fidel invariably denied them when appearing in public. The VII Congress of the Cuban communist party, celebrations of his 90th birthday took place in August 2016.

In the minds of many, today's Cuba is a country frozen in the middle of the last century with old cars, shabby buildings and the permanent Fidel Castro. But lately the wind of change has been blowing more and more over Liberty Island.

A dove that landed on Fidel Castro's shoulder the year he turned 33. The crowd of millions at a rally to celebrate the victory of the revolution in 1959 roared. Almost biblical story- documented.

And even if it was a specially trained carrier pigeon, it no longer mattered. People needed someone they could trust and believe in.

Castro created a religion and a bible for millions of Cubans. For some - and they were the majority - he became a hero-liberator, but for others - a dictator. And today there are still no halftones in the debate: is his Bible written in white on black or black on white.

In the minds of many, today's Cuba is a country frozen in the middle of the last century with old cars, shabby buildings and the permanent Fidel Castro. But lately, the wind of change has been blowing more and more strongly over the island of Liberty, and only one thing remains unchanged: Cubans are still cheerful, not afraid of difficulties and idolize their leader. The man who changed the world.

On July 26, 1953, Fidel Castro and his comrades, including his brother Raul, stormed the military garrison of the Moncada fortress in the city of Santiago de Cuba. But failure and prison await them. At his trial, Castro declares: “You may condemn me, but history will acquit me.” Many are shocked - a promising 27-year-old lawyer in the capital, a graduate of the University of Havana, the son of a large landowner, married to the daughter of a friend of President Batista - and suddenly an armed rebellion. The court sentenced Castro to 15 years in prison. It was a real disaster - the death of comrades, the failure of the operation, years of prison ahead. And it could crush any person. But not Fidel Castro.

He still had a burning desire to change life in his homeland and create a society of social justice.

Then there was an amnesty, emigration to Mexico, landing in Cuba from the Granma yacht, leaving for the Sierra Maestra mountains with 15 surviving comrades, the creation of a rebel army that entered victory march to Cuban cities in early 1959.

After the revolution, Castro will be the first to bring his ideas of social justice to life - together with his brother Raul, they will distribute to the peasants all the lands that they inherited from their father.

In the early 60s, Castro became, in fact, a national hero in the USSR. The country was still undergoing the thaw that brought a sense of freedom after years of life under the Stalinist system, and Cuba's legendary bearded rebels - the Barbudos - led by their charismatic leader, perfectly coincided with the mood of millions of people in the Soviet Union. And they became their idols. And for a long time.

In the forty years after the revolution, Cuban security services investigated more than 600 plots and assassination attempts on the Comandante. But it was as if he had made some incredible and daring bet with life - and he won it every time, although he often looked into the eyes of people who wanted to kill him.

The debate about what kind of society Fidel Castro built continues to this day. A society of equality and justice with free education, medicine and powerful social protection - some say. Society with low level life, inefficient economy and authoritarian regime- others think.

Today, the wind of change is blowing from all sides of the tropical island. Tourism and private business in this area are developing in Cuba, which gives many residents work - for Last year For example, about 4 million tourists visited the country. And in December 2014 they were restored diplomatic relations Cuba and the United States, and in March 2016, American President Barack Obama visited Cuba - the first visit by the head of the United States in almost 90 years.

Today, the leader of the country, unchallenged for many years, left his captain’s bridge and retired. However, the people of Liberty Island still believe in Fidel Castro and believe in Fidel Castro.

Aleida Guevara March, daughter of Ernesto Che Guevara: “Fidel has a vision for the future. Always. Vision of the future. When we are still thinking about the present and about the things that we cannot achieve, Fidel is already much further away - dreaming, living in the future. And he is able to drag you into this dream. Because if you let Fidel speak, he will convince you. You can be sure of this."

Principal photography of the film took place in Cuba.

Film participants:

Mariela Castro, daughter of Raul Castro;

Aleida Guevara March, daughter of Ernesto Che Guevara;

Fabian Escalante, former chief of security for Fidel Castro;

Antonio Libre Artigas, participant in the events in the Sierra Maestra mountains, former personal bodyguard of Fidel Castro;

Lidia Gonzalez Rielo, participant in the events in the Sierra Maestro mountains;

Rolando Rodriguez, professor at the University of Havana, friend of Fidel Castro;

Ruben Jimenez, retired colonel;

Elier Ramirez Cañedo, historian;

Katyushka Blanco, biographer of Fidel Castro;

Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister;

Sergei Shoigu, Russian Defense Minister;

Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill;

Oleg Dobrochinsky, retired colonel, participant in Operation Anadyr in 1962 in Cuba;

Nikolai Kalashnikov, Deputy Director of the Institute Latin America RAS.

Director: Guram Kvaratskhelia

Producer: Ilya Krivitsky

Production: “Red Square”, 2016

Fidel Castro is a major political figure. He led the movement against the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista on Liberty Island. After the victory of the uprising, from the beginning of 1959 he was Prime Minister of Cuba, and from 1976 (a full thirty-two years) - President.

The personality is ambiguous, bright, and has been around for more than half a century. Many of his reforms in the republic aroused approval and respect. These are the free medical care he introduced and the availability of education.

There were some mistakes, like any leader. But in any case, this is an extraordinary leader on a large scale and a person you can follow.

Childhood years, study time

Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz - full name our hero. He was born in August 1926 in Biran. According to some sources, the month of birth is different - April. The year is sometimes indicated as 1927. The father, Angel Castro, was a wealthy landowner who grew sugar cane on his plantation. His mother, Lina Rus Gonzalez, worked in the kitchen at Angel’s house and gave birth to five children out of wedlock.

Both dad and mom learned to read and write on their own, but understood the importance good education and tried to give it to their offspring. Fidel studied at the Biran public school, where about 20 children attended. He was the smallest, tried to follow the example of his elders. It is noted that Castro had a phenomenal memory and, thanks to his perseverance, after some time became one of the best.

In his free time, he played with his four dogs. He was also fascinated by information about military battles. At the insistence of the teacher, the gifted boy continued his education in Santiago de Cuba. The next steps are Salesian and two Jesuit colleges. Young Fidel studied well everywhere, was especially drawn to humanities, and was very fond of sports.

It is noteworthy that he began to show himself early as a rebel - he was always indignant if teachers (at the Biran school) punished children from poor families, and he, a richer boy, got away with something. And at the age of 13 he even became a participant in the rebellion of his father’s workers. In 1945, the Law Faculty of the University of Havana opened its doors to Castro. 1950 – year of graduation and receiving two academic degrees– bachelor and doctor.

Castro becomes a private lawyer, and he helps the poor for free.

Revolutionary activities

Having entered adulthood, Castro does not remain aloof from political processes. He becomes a member of the Cuban People's Party. He was going to participate in the parliamentary elections of 1952, but his candidacy was rejected. This happened on March 10th. And already on the 11th, as a result of a coup, power ended up in the hands of Fulgencio Batista. His government terminated the guarantees of the Constitution and then abolished the main document of the country.

Castro joined the ranks of the fighters against the dictatorship. He filed a lawsuit in the Havana court to prosecute Batista for seizing power and demanded punishment. He called on the judges to lay down their robes if they did not fulfill their duty. Fighting against the current government, the party in which Castro was a member gradually lost its supporters and eventually disintegrated. Fidel rallied several movement activists around himself. Together they prepared for almost a year to seize military barracks in Bayamo and Santiago de Cuba.

In July 1953, the assault began. But the operation ended in failure and arrests followed. In August, Fidel was also taken into custody. At one of the meetings of the military tribunal, Castro, in his speech, called on the Cuban people to fight against the dictatorship and outlined a plan for transformation in the republic. The leader was sentenced to 15 years in prison. But under pressure public opinion in '55 he was released and went to Mexico.

Here Fidel and his supporters created the “26 July Movement” and again began preparing a rebellion. In November 1956, he and his comrades returned to Cuba. But the revolutionaries were attacked and many were killed. The peasants joined the remnants of the rebels. Some members of Batista’s army also took their side. The year 1958 was fatal for the dictator. He dealt another blow to the rebels. But at this time, the ranks of Castro’s movement were replenished with student detachments. And victory remained with Fidel’s supporters.

Political activity

In the new government, Castro receives the post of Minister of War. 1959 - headed the government. 1961 - declares the past revolution socialist. In the same year, he led the actions to destroy the American mercenaries who had invaded the southern coast of Cuba. 1965 – First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba. Since 1976, he has held two positions at once - head of state and government.

    Little Castro remained without a name for some time - until his baptism. And when the sacrament took place, the boy was given a name in honor of the chosen godfather - a friend of the father of the millionaire Fidel. Castro's middle name is Alejandro. He added it himself. During the years of struggle, the name was a pseudonym for the leader;

  • Fidel's favorite historical figure is Alexander the Great. And the letter “A” begins with the names of all five of Castro’s sons. Just “A”s all around. Perhaps this is no coincidence;
  • As a 12-year-old boy, Fidel was not afraid to send a letter to US President Roosevelt himself. In a naive message, Castro congratulated the US leader on his re-election to a second term and asked to send him a $10 note, since he had never seen one. Fidel received the answer. True, not from the president himself, but from an employee of his administration. And, unfortunately, there was no banknote in it;
  • During Fidel Castro's stay in power, there were many attempts on his life. Once, a plan was even developed according to which the Cuban leader would have to lose his beard, which would have damaged the image of the leader to which everyone was accustomed. But Castro survived this treachery.