Where to relax in November: tips for tourists. Where to go on vacation abroad in November for a vacation or honeymoon? Where to go in November alone, with a child, where to go inexpensively

05.06.2018 Trips

In November it is already so cold that you involuntarily think about warm countries, remember with nostalgia your past summer vacation and begin to make plans for the future. But why delay? After all, you can go on a trip right now! Which direction to choose and where to go in November? In this article I want to offer you some travel ideas.

But before we look at the most interesting options, try using a convenient service from aviasales - a low price card. You can simply select the city you are currently in and see which cities and countries you can fly to cheapest.

Check it out right now to see if you have a super idea for your upcoming trip:

Magical glaciers changing color from blue to turquoise, red sunsets, starry skies - unforgettable landscapes in November guarantee Patagonia. About 500 years ago, explorers discovered Tierra del Fuego. Today you have a chance to follow the route of great scientists in an extremely remote place. To do this, you need to be mentally prepared, because the glaciers make the weather very unstable. On average, November temperature is -5 degrees.

At the beginning of November, animal lovers gather on another continent. On the shore Hudson Bay you can literally live among polar bears. During the day you can be in the thick of the action of the seasonal migration of polar bears, and in the evening you will be enchanted by the reflections Northern Lights.

And in November you can plunge into the life of the little-explored southern Angola. With experienced travelers you will visit tribes that live isolated in the deserts. Each tribe is distinctive and unique in its own way. The only warning is that you will have to spend the night in the same place where the indigenous people live.

2. Beach holiday

We haven't forgotten about classic holiday lovers either. In November, there are many countries ready to welcome you with warm sunshine!

Beaches GOA are waiting for you to warm you up at any time of the year, including November. The gentle Indian Ocean, delicious Indian food and without most of the disadvantages of the less touristy part of India. Return tickets from Moscow can be purchased from 29,000 rubles.

Do you want to go to Europe, but the beach season is over? Fortunately, there is still Canary Islands, where the swimming season continues all year round. At the same time, you can combine a beach holiday with active sports - diving or surfing.

On the island of Gran Canaria

Guess where the average monthly temperature in November is +30 degrees? The water remains at +23, sandy beaches, waterfalls of extraordinary beauty - all this Port-au-Prince. While on vacation, don't forget to visit the lake Trois-Canmans (Haiti), where a colony of flamingos lives. Exoticism and an extraordinary state of detachment from the outside world are guaranteed to you.

What can you say about Venezuela? Probably not as much as after visiting it... But there really is something to see there! Forgotten cities of the conquistadors, the Andes mountains, Angel Falls and the Orinoco River. The average temperature in November is +28 degrees, and the water stays at +19 degrees. The most important word among the locals is “tapapa”. It means not only “tomorrow”, but also many other meanings. You can use it on any occasion. Therefore, “tapapa” everyone who is going to Venezuela should visit the Roraima Plateau (“Center of the Earth”).

The country of kangaroos and people who are upside down invites all lovers of beach holidays and more. In November, the weather promises to be mild, the air temperature is +24 degrees, and the water is +23. It’s worth visiting the country at least to see the most Famous places– Gold Coast, Great Barrier Reef, Alice Springs and Ayers Rock, and see kangaroos and koalas in their habitat.

In Australia, you must visit one of the zoos and see a koala

And, of course, you can always go to your usual Egypt, saving money on buying a last-minute tour:

By the way, combining your favorite with your useful is completely painless! If you want to relax and at the same time gain new knowledge, then you definitely need to read about sightseeing tours.

3. Excursion tours

Rhodes Island– a place for lovers of the Middle Ages. You can not only relax under the autumn sun, but also take an excursion to the place where once stood The Colossus of Rhodes. Along the way you will visit all the sacred places of the ancient world. And shopping lovers will be able to spend their time profitably after the excursions. Prices for sightseeing tours of Rhodes can be found here.

In November, the rainy season finally ends, so you can safely go on an expedition to this mysterious country. See the mystical city, walk around the capital of the country, Phnom Penh, visit the town with unusual name Kampot and end the trip off the coast of the Gulf of Thailand in the resort.

Ta Prohm - one of the temples of Angkor in Cambodia

Continuing the theme of “Wonders of the World,” we invite you to visit Yogyakarta (Java, Indonesia). In this city you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about the Hindu religion and get acquainted with local architecture. You can also do Climbing Merapi Volcano or visit the Buddhist Temple of Many Buddhas and the Hindu structure Prambanan.

Majestic temple Prambanan on Java

In the small alley of Craven Passage in England there used to be Turkish baths - a favorite place Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. For those who prefer the work of Agatha Christie, any tourist operator will offer you a look at the places where the most terrible crimes were revealed, as well as a visit to the apartment of the brilliant detective. Look detailed description excursions and prices can be found here. Also in London you can simply take a walk around the city center, go to Westminster Abbey or taste real Cheddar.

November is also a great time to visit other European countries, and it is worth paying attention not only to capitals, but also to small provincial towns:

But as for budget holiday, then you can go to visit our closest neighbors - the Baltic countries - visit Tallinn, Riga or Vilnius. Prices in these countries are still far from European ones, but there are plenty of attractions.

4. Holidays and festivals of the world

For some, November is already a holiday, because in many places in Russia it opens ski season. And to you, our dear readers, we invite you to go to one of the holidays or festivals celebrated around the world!

November 7 surprise everyone with a huge omelette! On this day, since 1985 USA celebrate the omelette holiday. You can use the recipe from cooks from Louisiana: 5000 eggs, 6 liters of butter, 25 liters of milk and 10 kilograms of greens.

November 19 begins celebration of the new Beaujolais in France. All the streets are literally purple from spilled wine. Young wine is on the list of the most popular wines in the world, so it’s worth trying it at home.

And in Italy You can get to festival White Truffle . To do this, you need to go straight to the city of Alba, which in November turns into a mecca for famous chefs and culinary specialists, as well as all lovers of good food or hunt for truffles. You can see the cost of hotels in Alba.

November 25 We invite you to be at the holiday Loi Krathong. "Loi" means "swim" and "krathong" means a boat made of banana leaves. At night, all local residents, in honor of the sign of respect for Mother Water, send homemade Loi Krathongs on an unknown voyage.

You never know where fate will take you this time... Therefore, we suggest that you study in advance what can await you in the world. Get to know him, learn from him and don’t forget to thank him!

November is mistakenly considered a “not a month for rest.” In fact, this period is most favorable for beach activities abroad, for exciting excursions in European countries and for trips to outstanding places in Russia.

Let's consider where it is better to vacation abroad in November, at sea and in Russia.

November... Most people associate this word with a gloomy autumn sky, gray rain outside the window, slush on the roads and dank dampness, forcing one to wrap oneself up in a raincoat. And what a pleasure it is to sit by the window in damp weather with a cup of hot tea and, wrapped in a blanket, dream of the warm sea, gentle sun and exciting excursions! “But it’s November, a month that is not conducive to rest,” most Russians think sadly and... they are wrong.

What's good about a holiday in November?

The last month of autumn is one of the most optimal periods for tourism. Children's school holidays, relative low prices for tours, and great way getting rid of depression caused by the close breath of winter. Summer is behind us, until New Year's holidays It’s still far away, which means it’s time to get out to the sun, the sea, new experiences and get August back for at least a couple of weeks. So, the decision has been made, the money has been saved, the vacation application has been signed, the most difficult thing remains - choosing a vacation spot. Go to the sea or to a ski resort? Arrange an excursion trip or soak up the sand? Such questions often arise before daredevils who decide to get out of the gray veil of rain, at least for a short time.

Let's consider where you can relax abroad in November, what Europe can surprise you with, and whether it is possible to spend your autumn vacation in Russia.

Where to relax in November abroad at sea

Enjoy all the delights of a beach holiday, surrender to the gentle rays of the sun, see the mysterious undersea world through the eyes of a diver, visit legendary excursion sites and spend unforgettable minutes on a cruise yacht, and at low prices or with a discount, the following tourist areas offer:

  • Egypt. In November, the Red Sea still kindly welcomes belated tourists into its waters. The air here is not as hot as in the summer months +26o, sea temperature +25. In addition to the sea and the beach, the country of the pharaohs can offer you entertaining excursions: jeep rides along the sands of the Sahara, visiting the pyramids and the huge stone sphinx, with which many mysterious legends and traditions are associated, a cruise along the picturesque Nile, walks through Egyptian cities, whose land is still preserves traces of Alexander the Great and Cleopatra. Holidays in Egypt are often offered to tourists on an all-inclusive basis, so you don’t have to worry about everyday problems.
  • At the beginning of November, Russians hungry for sun and warmth will be warmly welcomed by Türkiye. During this period there is practically no heat here, the air temperature is +20, +22o C, which adds an element of invigorating mood to the bathing process. In addition to diving, rafting and cruises, Turkey will arrange sightseeing tours of Antalya, Green Canyon, Cappadocia, Pamukkale, exciting jeep safaris, horseback riding and ATV riding.
  • The country of seas and religions – Israel – is very attractive in November. Read more about. It will delight you with the warm sea, gentle sun, good weather, and picturesque places. No less pleasant are the reduced prices, visa-free regime, and a variety of entertainment programs and excursions, wellness treatments at the Dead Sea, which will give you comfortable warmth and a light tan. The air temperature here in November ranges from +22 to +24 degrees, conducive to a good rest.
  • Thailand is no less popular among Russians, ready to happily welcome tourists tired of the November dampness to their land, saturated with warmth and sun. Beach holiday, warm sea, magical effect Thai massage, the beauty of famous parks (Park untouched nature, Bird Park, Park of multi-tiered waterfalls) and religious temples, the exciting exotic snake and crocodile farms, coupled with first-class service will not leave any tourist indifferent.
  • The country of Scheherazade, as if straight from the pages of the fairy tale “A Thousand and One Nights” - United Arab Emirates will forever captivate you with the amazing combination of a touch of antiquity with modern culture. The most ancient buildings and skyscrapers, legendary oriental hospitality and high-quality modern service, folk markets and fashionable boutiques - everything here is saturated with the mysterious spirit of antiquity, which is not at all disturbed by the vigorously introduced modern technologies. The air temperature here in November reaches +30°C, conducive to an active beach holiday.

November is just around the corner - no reason to deny yourself the pleasure of taking a dip in the refreshing sea water, lying on the crisp sand, exposing your body hungry for warmth to the gentle rays of the sun in Egypt or the United Arab Emirates, Turkey or Israel.

Where to go in Europe in November

However, not all tourists want to go to the sea. Many people prefer excursion programs to beaches (visiting historical and architectural monuments, getting to know traditions and national cuisine), which abound in European countries. November in Europe is traditionally considered a period of carnivals, festivals and themed holidays. At the beginning of November, spectacular carnivals start in Germany, wine festivals in France, where thousands of gourmets flock, Halloween festivities and various events in the UK. The fairytale castles of the Czech Republic, the delightful architecture of London, the watery kingdom of Venice, the romantic atmosphere of France, the bridges of Hungary, the cathedrals of Latvia are beautiful and open to visitors at any time of the year.

Travel on wonderful places No November can stop you from Europe! This is a great time when there are no crowds of tourists on the cobbled streets of the cities and you can calmly wander through museums, admire the architecture and sights, drink mulled wine or ale in a cozy pub and enjoy oysters and shrimp in restaurants. Europe is beautiful because when going here, tourists manage to visit several countries at once in one trip. Once you land in a German town, you can easily reach France, Austria, the Netherlands and other destinations by bus or train.

At the end of November, European resorts will be available to ski lovers:

  • Val Thorens (the highest mountain resort in France).
  • Cortina d'Ampezzo (Italy, 160 km from Venice).
  • Laax (Switzerland).
  • Ruka (Finland).
  • Trysil (Norway).
  • Kitzbühel and Obergurgl (Austria).
  • Bansko (Read about).
  • Sierra Nevada (Spain).

One of the significant advantages of traveling in November is the cheapness of tours. During this period, many last-minute tours and discounted tours from well-known tour operators appear. Therefore, do not miss your lucky ticket and be sure to visit Europe, which is a storehouse of unforgettable impressions!

Where can you relax in Russia in the fall of 2017

Autumn in Russia, namely November, gives domestic tourists the opportunity to visit the country’s cultural monuments, popular tourist routes, unique architectural monuments, paying a ridiculous price for a tour. November in Russia is distinguished by amazing contrasts: in the Caucasus, during this period, ski resorts, V Krasnodar region the beaches are still functioning, and in middle lane The first frosts reign.

Travel agencies offer a choice of weekend tours, three-day excursions and long trips in November. One of the most famous tourist routes in Russia is a trip along the symbolic “Golden Ring”. You can visit only the cities of the “Ring” (Vladimir, Suzdal, Yaroslavl, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Kostroma, Sergiev Posad, Rostov, Ivanovo), or visit other nearby points at the same time. During a trip to these legendary cities, you will be able to get acquainted with the history of Rus', Orthodox churches, monasteries, museums and art galleries, feeling the mysterious spirit of centuries-old history.

If the objects of your tourist dreams are Moscow and St. Petersburg, then excursions in November to the Tretyakov Gallery, Arbat, Kolomensky Palace, Armory Chamber (Moscow), the Hermitage, Peterhof, Yusupov Palace, Puppet Museum (St. Petersburg) will not pleasantly surprise you only by the splendor of the attractions, but also by the small number of tourists.

For lovers of ecotourism, Russia offers the virgin nature of Altai, the alluring view of Lake Baikal and the majestic protected forests of Karelia. The Black Sea coast of the southern regions will gladly welcome those who want to swim in the sea, and the ski resorts of the Caucasus will welcome ardent fans of skiing.

If you remember the hot summer as a stuffy office, and the “velvet” season is only a barbecue at the dacha, do not rush to postpone your vacation until next year. November is a great time for a tourist trip to the warm sea in exotic countries, to Europe to visit cultural monuments and thematic festivals, for excursions around Russia, famous for its rich history.

When it’s autumn, rain and fog outside, you really want to plunge into the warm sea or ocean! So what's the deal? Children have holidays in November - a whole week! All that remains is to choose a place where summer reigns in November, and they are on our planet a large number of. For example, in November, a beach holiday can be spent in the Dominican Republic, Egypt, Israel, India, Thailand or Vietnam. All you need to do is choose where to go, which sea or ocean to choose, which resort to give preference to?

Last minute tours in November - overview of offers

Unforgettable white sands of the Dominican Republic

If, when asked where to fly in November, the Dominican Republic was chosen, one can hardly even dream of real bliss.

Beautiful, white and most importantly clean sand and the amazing azure color of the Caribbean Sea. If you want to relax in the company of friends or compatriots, it is best to choose the popular resort of Punta Cana. The infrastructure here is 100% developed. There simply won’t be time to be bored, if you’re not in the mood to swim in the sea, you can sunbathe by the hotel pool, or visit unique excursions.

In November, the sea temperature is from 26 to 29 degrees, and the air warms up to 35. Of course, it is hot and stuffy, but in November there are rains here, they are short-lived and bring relief and freshness.

If you want to take a break from society and enjoy the beauty of the Caribbean coast, then it is best to choose quiet and peaceful places such as La Romana or Puerto Plata. These resorts are perfect not only for romantic evenings, but also for wedding ceremonies, so in November it is better to spend a beach holiday there.

For those who love active recreation, Cabaret is suitable. Here you can not only surf, but dive into the waves.

Stable Egypt

The most common beach holiday in November is Egypt. The seas are warm here all year round.

For the residents of Egypt themselves, in November they begin a cold period, of course, when the air temperature does not rise to 43 degrees in the shade, but reaches only 29 degrees, so how can we not talk about the cold. But this is for them, but this weather is just right for our compatriots.

Egypt is washed by two seas: the Red and the Mediterranean.

A beach holiday on the Mediterranean Sea is best spent in the cities of Alexandria or Mersa Matrouh. These two resorts are the most common in the Mediterranean. If the purpose of the trip is to relax from the hustle and bustle and bask in the sun, then such a vacation is best spent here. But you shouldn’t swim in the Mediterranean Sea in November; it is much cooler than the Red Sea.

For those who want to get a tan and swim enough to last until next summer, it is best to visit Sharm el-Sheikh or nearby resorts. It is warmer here in November, this is due to the close proximity of the Sinai Mountains, which prevent cool winds from spoiling your holiday. But for an evening walk it is best to take warm clothes, because the difference in day and night temperatures is sharp here.

Holidays in the Holy Land - Israel

Which city is best suited for an unforgettable holiday in November in Israel, of course, as in any other month of the year - this is Tel Aviv. Spring hill on the coast Mediterranean Sea is always open to tourists and happy to provide the opportunity to relax.

In Tel Aviv, you can book a hotel room or rent a villa on the Mediterranean coast. It is from this city that more are sent excursion routes from Israel than from any other.

Israel closes the beach season in November, but until the end of the month you can enjoy a beach holiday or excursions.

If you still prefer the Red Sea for relaxation, then you should choose Eilat or Haifa. It's easier to get to Eilat waters of the Dead sea, its water temperature in November is the same as in the Red Sea - 25 degrees. The Dead Sea readily releases all useful minerals only when it is well heated.

By combining a beach holiday on two seas in November, you can not only have a great rest, but also improve your health before the harsh winter.

The land of spices and amazing culture - India

So that a beach holiday in November brings the sea positive emotions and unforgettable experiences, you must visit India. After all, November is considered the most favorable month for a pleasant and comfortable holiday. After the grueling rainy and monsoon season, nature comes alive in November and offers a delightful opportunity to enjoy beautiful views and arrange an unforgettable holiday for the whole family.

Of course, the best of best places The state of Goa with its magnificent beaches and developed infrastructure is considered. The air temperature here in November reaches 35 degrees, the sea water warms up to 29 degrees. For those who love surfing, there are special beaches where there are waves every day.

For those who want a quieter and family vacation The best place to relax is in the southern states of India.

The land of a thousand wonders will provide not only a delightful beach holiday, but also a sea of ​​unique excursions from visiting temple complexes to trips to Spanish forts. A large number of holidays occur in November. In almost every state, various deities are glorified every day, among which, of course, Krishna, the Goddess Kali.

In mid-November, a dance festival is held in the city of Konark, where the most famous dancers from all over the country come to show their unsurpassed dance. The 12-day fair in the city of Pushkar will show guests all the unforgettable spices; here you can try and then purchase unique varieties of tea that are not available for free in any supermarket. Tasting viscous sweet coffee will leave an indelible impression for the whole year, because such an aroma can only be felt and tasted in India. The secret is quite simple - a small amount of some spices and herbs.

In India, the holiday season is just beginning in November and tourists are very welcome, so you can try Ayurvedic dishes in any hotel.

Thailand – a country of contrasts and smiles

A country that is famous for its culture and traditions, where they honor Buddha and, of course, folk crafts.

The most popular resort in Thailand is the island of Phuket. The beaches here are the cleanest, so in November it is best to spend a beach holiday here. Beautiful parks with exotic plants and birds will make you feel like you are in paradise. For those who prefer the beach to active recreation, then it is best to check into hotels that have their own private beach, this will guarantee that the seashore will be cleaned every day.

Traditionally, November is considered in Thailand to be a month of rest from the wet season and a gradual transition to the dry season.

In November, hotel prices will be much lower than in January or February, but the relaxation and comfort will be the same.

In November, Thailand celebrates the end of the harvest, Loy Krathong, when thousands of Thais make small boats, insert a small candle into the center and launch them into bodies of water. Among the people it is believed that a boat with a candle takes away all sorrows and sorrows not only from home, but also from fate.

If you want to spend your vacation quietly and calmly, you need to go to the islands of the Gulf of Thailand and the Adaman Sea. Thanks to the proximity of water and the unique climate, the heat here is much easier to bear than at any other resort in Thailand.

If the midday heat is not a problem, of course, it is worth visiting the bright and colorful Pattaya, where an atmosphere of pleasant laziness and heavenly pleasure reigns.

Vietnam vacation for a budget tourist and more

Vietnam is a country of incredibly beautiful and wide beaches, where there is simply excellent service and, best of all, very low prices compared to Russia and Thailand.

For a holiday in November, it is best to choose the south of this country; the rains have stopped here, and the season of warmth, coziness and comfort begins. The South China Sea warms up to 27 degrees in November, but it has one unique thing: it is never calm, there is surf every day. But this is exactly what those who love to enjoy the beauty of nature like, because platinum-colored sand and rolling azure-emerald waves with the piercing blue sky create a unique feeling of joy.

The infrastructure here is developed, and therefore you won’t be bored; tourists are always welcome here and can offer a lot of activities that will appeal to absolutely everyone.

It’s worth setting aside two days to visit the northern provinces, because that’s where great amount architectural monuments included in the collections cultural heritage UNESCO. If there is inclement weather for one or two days, this time should be devoted to shopping.

In general, if possible, it is best to visit exotic countries in November.

If it happens that vacation weeks fall at the end of autumn, then first of all we all ask ourselves the question of where to relax at sea in November. Which of the resorts we know about are most profitable to visit during this period? Where is it warm, where is it very hot, and where is the weather already becoming cool and a little autumnal? Let's look at the rating of resorts that are worth visiting in the region. last month autumn.

Official opening of the beach season

Well, cold, dank and damp November has arrived. Where to go to the seaside so as not to see these rains, fogs and slush for at least one week? Just at this time, the beach season opens in the Dominican Republic, on the shores of the Caribbean Sea. Tourists are offered newly opened entertainment centers, attractions, water parks, restaurants, bars and cafes. Along with this, various parties are organized on the embankments and on large city beaches, which take place both in daytime, and at night, and in order to break away from your soul, you just have to decide on the direction: “Where?” The sea here is always warm in November, the water warms up to almost 30 degrees. There are no storms, strong winds do not rise, and the sun shines all day, warming the air and the snow-white sand.

Disadvantages of holidays in the Dominican Republic

If you are looking for an inexpensive place to relax by the sea in November, then the Dominican Republic will not seem like the cheapest option to you. The fact is that it is precisely because of the opening of the season and favorable weather conditions that an influx of tourists begins here, not only from Russia, but also from Europe and America. Therefore, prices for many services, accommodation, entertainment and other services are inflated to the limit. It is worth noting a very important factor - during this period in the Dominican Republic, many vacationers rent cars, because there are very large traffic jams on the roads, and traffic becomes completely unregulated. Local police love to catch violators and fine them heavily. Therefore, even in the most difficult situations, try to adhere to traffic rules, so that later you don’t have to shell out your last vacation pay to pay off ridiculous debts.

Another tropical paradise

Another popular place where all our tourists love to relax at sea in November is Thailand. At the end of autumn in this country the rainy season is just coming to an end. Quantity sunny days are increasing, all the resort islands are warming up and becoming an excellent place for any type of vacation. Let us immediately note that if you want to hide from the bustle and large number of people, then you should not choose the famous resort of Pattaya. Those who can spend a fairly large amount of money on vacation can go to Phuket. This is a respectable resort, which is indented by bays and bays. If you are an extreme sports enthusiast, then a holiday on the Krabi archipelago is suitable for you. You can get there by boat or ferry, and you will be greeted there by snow-white shores that bathe in the waves of the purest Andaman Sea.

Economical holiday

Many people who want to leave the capital, slush and dampness, are most interested in the question of where to inexpensively and accessiblely spend the next November. Where to go to the sea, which resort to choose so that it is both affordable and beautiful? Before real winter sets in, it’s best to go to Egypt. At the end of autumn, the heat in the country loses its grip and is replaced by a velvet season, which is accompanied by pleasant warmth and gentle sunshine. During the day, the air heats up to 30 degrees, and the sea - up to 25. The nights here are cool, so you need to take warm clothes with you. The most important thing is that late autumn is the best time to go on numerous excursions here. These include trips to the pyramids of Giza, tours of local deserts, camel rides, etc.

Real safari

If you are an extreme sports fan and are looking for where to relax at sea in November, then it is impossible to lose sight of countries such as Tanzania and Kenya. They are located in the central part of East Africa and are washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean. All year round, including in November, the sun shines here, the sea warms up to the maximum high temperatures, and palm trees welcomingly lower their leaves to the feet of travelers. Looking at the beaches in these equatorial countries, you might think that this is a standard “tropical paradise”. There is a turquoise sea, white sand and bright sun. However, as soon as you move a little away from the coast, everything changes dramatically. In Kenya or Tanzania, you can book a safari tour, during which you can see the most authentic wild African flora and fauna. You will have a trip through the local jungle and steppes, exploring the main natural attractions, and, of course, an unforgettable meeting with representatives of the animal world. While riding an SUV, you will be able to see with your own eyes giraffes, zebras, lions and leopards, as well as a whole host of exotic predators that you are unlikely to encounter anywhere else.

Even further south... to where it's colder

Everyone knows that in the Southern Hemisphere, November is considered the beginning of the summer season. Where to relax by the sea this month (unusually, completely unconventionally and in a special way)? If you are not afraid of cool weather, winds and, most interestingly, constant skirmishes and conflicts on the streets, then go to Republic of South Africa. Recently, this country has become the center of a real industry, because all the cities that have grown on its territory are megacities with typically American skyscrapers. Many of them are located in the depths of South Africa, but Cape Town is located not just on the seashore, but at the junction of two oceans - the Indian and Atlantic. The beach season opens here in November. Let us note right away that the water is quite cool - from 20 to 24 degrees. The region is often windy, so if you plan to just walk the streets and see the local attractions, it is recommended to wear a jacket.

Where else in the south do they celebrate summer?

When residents of our latitudes decide to relax at sea (in November) somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere of the planet, then for some reason the first thing their eyes turn to is Brazil, its cities of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. However, we will move even further south and see what a holiday in Argentina can be like - in Buenos Aires. Here, again, November is considered the threshold of summer, which is why the temperature of the air and water in the ocean rises. The capital of Argentina itself is not a resort city, therefore, on the local beaches, which are located along the La Plata Bay, vacationers are dominated mainly by local residents. But if you go outside the city, you will see stunning, very picturesque landscapes. These are green bays that bathe in calm local waters. Under the feet of vacationers there is snow-white sand, and above their heads there is a bright light. summer sun. Local beaches are a great place to relax with children. If you rent a car, you can live in the city and come here only to swim and enjoy nature.

On the smallest land

Without leaving the Southern Hemisphere, let's look at where seaside holidays are still possible in November - in warm and truly summer conditions. Tourist center in last years Australia is rightfully considered. The beach season here begins in November, although, in principle, you can swim and sunbathe here at any time of the year. Each Australian city offers a unique atmosphere, completely different from the one we are used to. There are different people here, a different mentality, different rules and morals. What’s most important is that only at first it all seems crazy, and even a kind of utopia. After you spend a couple of days here, you will “join the team” and be able to see this life in completely different colors. Well, now let’s take a closer look at what resort areas on the world’s smallest continent await us in cold and dank November.

Great Barrier Reef

A tropical wonder of the world that stretches along the coast of Australia for as much as 2000 kilometers. Along it are located tropical islands (no more or less - 71), each of which is strewn with snow-white sand. Around the islands, the ocean is painted an unreal turquoise color, and it looks as if someone actually poured paint into the water. If you decide to go to the sea at the end of November here, then be prepared for high prices. In the cottages and rooms of five-star hotels that are built on the Reef Islands, everything becomes more expensive by the beginning of summer. Do not forget, while in these paradisiacal latitudes, to book a helicopter excursion. From a bird's eye view, you will be able to view those beauties that will never be forgotten, and the impressions that you can get from such a trip will make you the happiest in the world.

Golden shore

If you are looking for not just a warm sea in November, but also one where you can windsurf, then head to the Gold Coast of Australia. It is located in the city of Brisbane, in the state of Queensland, known to every avid tourist. There are dozens of miles of shores strewn with golden sands, washed by the waves of the ocean. This small but very vibrant and dynamic city can be compared to Miami in the States. It is filled with skyscrapers, penthouses and luxury hotels. There is a record number of bars, restaurants, cafes and other entertainment venues where you can spend an interesting day and night. The most interesting thing is that on the Gold Coast you can relax both in a noisy company and with your family. There are so many places for swimming in the ocean that vacationers do not disturb each other at all.

What's the weather like in the East?

When discussing the question “where to go to the seaside in November for a relatively cheap vacation,” it is impossible to ignore the UAE. In the emirates at this time, like here, winter begins, only in its weather it differs, and significantly, from Russian. Incredible summer heat, characteristic of these latitudes, subsides, and real warmth reigns on the streets and beaches of the country. The Velvet season in Dubai the air temperature is typically around 30 degrees, while the Persian Gulf heats up to 27. At night it becomes a little cooler, so it’s worth taking sweaters with you. Note that in winter there is no large influx of tourists from Russia, so prices for many services are reduced. Also during this period you can do great shopping here. Vast spaces for shopping will satisfy the needs of even the most meticulous buyers, and prices will surprise the most avid skeptics.


The right choice would be Thailand as a holiday destination in November. It is at this time that the heat in the country subsides, tropical downpours are left behind, mild weather sets in, and the warm sea will be without storm waves. Most tourists at this time are in Pattaya and Phuket. The air temperature in the country will remain at 26-27°C, water temperature – 25°C.

Beach holidays will be unforgettable in November on the island of Mauritius, in the United Arab Emirates, in African countries, in Morocco, Tunisia. Each of these countries has its own incomparable attractions, but these countries have one thing in common - in early November the weather here is excellent and the sea is warm. Keep in mind that at the end of November it will already get colder and the swimming season will end.

In Acapulco and Cancun (Mexico), November is the dry season. But there may be tropical cyclones. If you are afraid natural disasters, visit the quiet island of Bali, where the beach season lasts all year round.

In November, the weather in most of Russia is quite cold - you don’t want to get out from under the blanket, let alone go on a trip. If your vacation falls on this month, it is better to choose more comfortable conditions for your vacation.


The beach season does not end in October, as it used to be when Russians vacationed mainly on the Black Sea coast. A wonderful and inexpensive holiday awaits you in Egypt at this time. The sweltering heat subsides, the sun becomes gentle, but the sea is still warm. In this weather, you can not only lie on the beach, but also go on an excursion. The Sphinx and the famous pyramids are worth a look. November evenings in Egypt can be cool, so bring outerwear for your trip - a windbreaker, denim jacket or sweatshirt. The United Arab Emirates, Tunisia and Morocco have similar weather conditions with Egypt and will also be happy to receive vacationers.