Twenty-ninth sunny day. Ninth sunny day

16.08.2019 Auto/Moto

Totem of the day- White cat.

Antitotem– Red Rat (water).

Patron of the day– Mantra-Spent (Holy Word), Angel – in the Avestan tradition, Nicholas the Pleasant – in Christianity.

On this day, the Angel of the Divine Word opens the doors of Knowledge, bestows Strength, subjects a person to trials and gives him perseverance. This is such a wonderful day when our ancestors hear us and can provide us with their help. It's good to visit the temple. This is one of the best days for prayer - the magic of the Divine Word, which protects our soul, like clothing protects the body. If you read a lot of prayers, you can establish a personal connection with the Celestial. It is especially good on this day to pray to Heaven for the conception and health of children.

It's a day of teaching. It’s good to read smart books, start educational processes, train and educate followers, pass on experience and traditions. It is advisable to do as many things as possible, so try to be as active as possible in all your endeavors.

You can do a variety of things: housework, housekeeping, repair and restoration work, darning and mending clothes, walking (for example, up and down the stairs), running to and from business.

This is a time for summing up, completing things, as well as choosing a new path and making plans for the future. It’s good on this day to meditate, cast lots, and tell fortunes (for example, from books). And you shouldn’t burden yourself with any doubts.

You cannot spend this day in solitude, in complete isolation from society. It’s good to be sociable and have more contact with people. Make new acquaintances, have friendly conversations, but do not forget to watch your words and control your emotions. Don't lie or slander anyone.

Don't be selfish towards others and try not to be jealous of anyone or anything. You need to treat everything in this world calmly and with humor, including yourself.

To improve your mood, go to the store, buy new beautiful clothes there and put them on immediately (to protect yourself from a bad mood). Add a couple of pieces of jewelry to your new outfit, and then look at yourself in the mirror and just smile.

This is a day of laughter and fun. It's good to get married. If you don’t have a wedding planned for this day, then you can arrange some kind of feast, preferably in the late afternoon, after sunset.

Enjoy something with your friends, such as the fact that you all had a good day. Well, if someone had any failures, then rejoice in the fact that he got off easy...

You can find many reasons for jokes and fun, just don’t make fun of someone, especially with evil.

In general, on this day it is good to laugh a lot, but this does not mean at all that you should giggle with or without reason. You should not pretend and pretend that you are having a lot of fun if in fact you are not funny at all. Idiot laughter and malicious laughter, chilling the blood, are unacceptable... You can tell comical stories (preferably about yourself, and not about your neighbor), some hilarious anecdotes, but you cannot make stupid jokes, etc. Here laughter has a different nature, and the sense of humor manifests itself as a feeling of freedom.

Laughter is liberation from past mistakes, shortcomings, problems. When it sounds natural, his eternal Divine principle, unlimited and victorious, awakens in a person. In the rays of sincere, ringing laughter, Evil appears in all its powerlessness and limitations.

Avoid all forms of opportunism and do not be greedy


You cannot eat meat and meat products.

Prepare vegetable dishes, and use vegetable oil as an additive. You can bake pies with cabbage, mushrooms, etc. In general, light food on this day is recommended: salads, snacks, etc.

To your health

Rejuvenation day. Cleansing procedures are beneficial for the skin. It is very useful to go to the bathhouse and wash yourself.

On this day, protect your head from possible blows and generally try not to shake it in any way. For example, you cannot ride a carousel, tumble, jump, etc. Avoid any travel. If you still have to go somewhere on this day, be sure to follow all precautions. People prone to motion sickness should take appropriate medication before travel for preventive purposes.

Diseases on this day most often manifest themselves in an active form, and they need to be treated with no less active means, after which they, as a rule, quickly pass and do not recur in the future.

On the twenty-ninth sunny day it is good to treat people with the Divine Word, i.e. prayers and spells.

Significant signs day

Sneezing after waking up (that is, after you wake up in the morning) is a good omen. If you sneezed three times in a row, this means that the day ahead is joyful and successful.

A fair wind means you are going the right way.

If you are called by name on the street, in a crowd, or you accidentally hear a conversation about you in which your name is mentioned, take this as a sign indicating help - perhaps you will be warned against some kind of mistake.

Hearing a repeating melody is a good omen.

Stumbling or falling is a sign warning of some danger.

Material losses are bad omens.

Loss of hair, eyelashes, as well as hair singed by fire is a sign indicating the evil eye, damage or some kind of illness in the near future.

Water spilled on the knees - to rumors, blackmail, slander.

A broken nail is a bad sign, indicating aggression from others. Be careful: You are warned that anything can happen - from a simple trial to a fight, from trouble to disaster.

May dream prophetic dreams, but you need to configure them first. Black and white dreams see much better than colored ones. Dream information is interpreted directly, i.e. What you see in a dream - expect the same in reality.

You should listen to what they say to you in a dream - this is very important for you, but if you hear something incomprehensible, illegible and indistinct, this is a dream from the demon.

The Light Forces address a person directly, speak clearly and clearly - what they say in a dream will come true in reality.

Since this day is healing, the Light Forces can make it clear to a person how to “repair” himself and what needs to be done for this.

Hearing music in a dream is a sign of help and protection.

Fire in a dream is a sign that warns against a mistake that you may make.

Tearing or burning books is a very bad dream.

Opening doors in a dream means meeting new people.

To go somewhere, run or just walk quickly - the dream indicates some dangers associated with losses, deception, theft.

Secret numbers of the day

Lucky numbers: 29, 43, 56.

Unlucky (reverse) numbers: 92, 34, 65.

The color of your clothes

All are favorable bright colors and variegated colors. Yellow, golden and light lilac shades are especially good. The more shine in your clothes, the better.

Item of the Day's Power

A book of prayers (a symbol of the power of words and letters).

Stone of the day- variegated jasper.

Thirtieth sunny day

Totem of the day– Firebird, similar to a peacock.

Antitotem– Creepy Monster (a mixture of toad, lizard and pig), which has toad eyes and a pig snout; he has wet, slimy skin and his body is covered in warts.

Patron of the day– Spenta Mainyu (Holy Spirit).

The day of the primordial Light, penetration into the innermost secrets of all things. You should pay tribute to the teaching and the Teacher, take everything seriously and very thoughtfully. It is useful to visit the temple, at the same time remember the departed. This is one of best days for prayers. It is good to meditate, especially on fire.

You must correspond to the mystery of this day and listen to the tale that the Cosmos tells. This is the day God's Grace, endless radiance, when joyful inspiration manifests itself and brilliant talents are revealed. Try to be creative in any business you undertake. Think carefully about what you are taking on, just don’t plan anything bad. Watch your thoughts, keep your emotions under strict control, choose your expressions. Don't reproach anyone with yours good deeds. Don't quarrel with anyone, avoid conflicts. This is the day of reaping the fruits (i.e. of your deeds) and cleansing from all filth. Time to summarize (at least for the past solar month).

This is a day of many elections, all of them significant. The day of letting go of everything unnecessary, giving up what gets in the way in life. Don’t be afraid to break off relationships that are boring you and don’t communicate with unpleasant people. On this day, burdensome connections can and should be resolved, but this must be done nobly. You can defend your honor, but do not insult the dignity of other people.

Aggression on this day is unacceptable under any pretext. For this reason, you should not kill animals, birds, or even insects.

The day is not conducive to numerous contacts, idle talk, and aimless pastime. It is not recommended to go on long trips, take pleasure trips and travel.

It is advisable to spend less time in public and spend more time at home, limiting yourself to your family.

Avoid dark rooms. Try to be in the light as much as possible. It is good to light a lamp in the house.

There is no need to waste energy on a lot of laundry or general cleaning. It is permissible to deal only with matters that do not require delay.

Since this day is associated with liberation, it will be very good if you get rid of unnecessary things and other rubbish. Collect all your junk, remove it from your home, and throw it in the trash. And don't regret anything!


It is not recommended to cook on this day - all food should be prepared in advance (i.e. the day before this day). Consume everything cold, not heated. Dairy products are preferable (especially fermented milk, such as yoghurt).

The sacred (ritual) food of the day is a funeral dish. The turya is prepared from milk, pieces of bread, dry fruits and raisins.

Use is contraindicated alcoholic drinks, including beer.

To your health

This is a day of rejuvenation and victory over time. Take care of yourself and your health. Think about your bad habits and how and how much they harm your body.

Try to wear as little clothing as possible.

Diseases on this day appear in an active form, but they should not be treated with active methods, because it is useless. On the thirtieth sunny day, illness most often serves as some kind of lesson for a person, in connection with which superconsciousness can awaken. You just don’t need to assume that illness is given as a punishment and is a victory of demons over humans. This is not entirely true.

It is bad to treat such a disease both diligently and stubbornly not to notice it. Firstly, you need to “get used to” it a little, and secondly, resort to a mild form of treatment, which this disease needs.

Treat diseases of the thirtieth sunny day you need a harmonious lifestyle, good deeds and bright thoughts. Otherwise, this disease can lead to complete degeneration of a person.

Very important in the treatment of diseases of this day has correct form nutrition.

Significant signs of the day

Seeing lightning, lightning, a suddenly flashing bright light is a sign of great luck.

Seeing a rainbow is a good omen, indicating help and making good friends.

If the day turns out to be gloomy and dark, this is a bad omen.

It’s good to buy mirrors and watches on this day, but it’s bad to lose and break them.

Dropping a watch is a bad sign.

It’s good to look into the mirrors - perhaps there you will meet the gaze of someone painfully familiar and somehow strange.

Hearing the ringing of bells is a good omen. Hearing the chime of a clock, as well as the rhythmic ticking of an alarm clock, is very auspicious sign. It is especially good if, before ticking, the clock was standing (i.e., not working) - this sign indicates the removal of problems and the beginning of a new period in life.

It's good to lose buttons - this is a sign of problems going away.

A rolled button is a sign of liberation, indicating the disappearance of obstacles.

A stone falling out of a decoration is an unkind sign. If dropped gem, for example, from an earring or ring - you can consider that along with this stone you have lost a piece of Heaven, and this loss means dependence, fate.

Finding and picking up a stone means favorable circumstances.

You need to sleep with light on this day, so leave the night light on or let the lamp burn. Ideally, on this day it is better not to have any dreams at all, because if you dream of anything on the last (i.e., thirtieth) sunny day of the month, it means that you have some problems in your life. Of course, you shouldn’t be too upset about this, since these problems are solvable and, in any case, you can find some way out if you want.

In addition, not all dreams of this day come true. Prophetic dreams are colored and very bright, expressive. Only that dream comes true after which you suddenly woke up and remembered what you dreamed in all its details.

The best thing on this day is a dream in which you see mirrors, and also if you see yourself in a mirror - such a dream will indicate your purification and deliverance from misfortunes.

Climbing somewhere in a dream, and also seeing some mountains, rocks, etc. - this means obstacles, hindrances, various restrictions in life.

Secret numbers of the day

Lucky numbers: all numbers ending in 0 and 5, especially numbers 40 and 85.

Unlucky (reverse) numbers: 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59.

The color of your clothes

You can wear clothes of any colors, shades and colors, except black.

Items of the day's power

Rosary, necklace, beads made of stones, bell (symbol of establishing contact with the Guardian Angel).

Stone of the day– golden aventurine, tourmaline.

Additional material for fastening

Short review sunny days

First sunny day

This day promotes active endeavors, especially in learning. Get involved in raising your children. The right time for a family tourist holiday. You can arrange some kind of holiday and have fun.

Second sunny day

The day of good thoughts and initiation of a person into the mysteries of existence. At this time, it is good to receive secret knowledge and use it for the benefit of people.

Do not come into contact with fire under any circumstances. It is not recommended to do cleaning, so it is better to postpone household chores - you will clean up the house (or apartment) another day.

It's good to part with old clothes and buy new things.

The night of this day (do not forget that a sunny day lasts from one sunrise to another) is filled with prophetic dreams.

The lungs are vulnerable, so beware of colds and try not to smoke.

Third sunny day

On this day, you may experience sudden insights and various discoveries, so you need to strive for creative expression.

It’s good to do business and help loved ones.

Money received on this day is considered good. You can start saving them or invest them in real estate.

You cannot use foul language or blasphemy. This is a day of purification through fire and mantras.

A suitable day for treating teeth, bones, and spine.

Fourth sunny day

The day is good for starting new promising things. Try to find something fun to do. If the business you undertake contains an element of risk and healthy adventurism, then it is simply doomed to success.

Under no circumstances should you become discouraged, upset or sad.

This is a time to combat physical inactivity, so try to move more. Exercises on exercise machines, swimming and any gymnastics in general are useful.

Fifth sunny day

A day of humility, submission, service, fulfillment of duty and previous obligations. You shouldn’t contradict anyone or anything: neither people, nor circumstances. Never envy others.

Sixth sunny day

The day is associated with strengthening family relations and with health. Try to eat right and do not forget that the gastrointestinal tract is vulnerable on this day. You can cleanse energy centers using “living” and “dead” water.

Do not use foul language under any circumstances and do not be a coward under any circumstances!

The biggest sin on this day is theft.

Seventh sunny day

A day of creative endeavors, and also a good time to eradicate fear and obsessions.

It’s good to do household chores, plant plants, start building a house, etc.

This is the day of carnal love and the conception of children.

You should not show greed and envy, as this can cause cardiovascular diseases.

Eighth sunny day

Day of worship and veneration of saints. This time is favorable for the transition to a new spiritual quality. It’s good to get rid of everything old that hinders life’s progress.

The day promotes any endeavors, especially those with elements of adventurism.

Ninth sunny day

This day is dedicated to divine light and fire, so you need to bring joy and warmth to people. It’s good to do missionary work and travel.

If on this day you are constantly freezing, it means that your guardian angel has turned away from you.

Tenth sunny day

The day is dedicated to unity with the cosmic Mind. Shown deep meditation in nature and, preferably, near water. Washing with clean water is beneficial.

On this day it is forbidden to do laundry. You cannot cook food in water.

On the tenth sunny day, as a rule, highly spiritual people are born, but sometimes alcoholics or drug addicts are born.

Eleventh sunny day

A day of sunshine. On this day, all living things on earth absorb a lot of solar energy and assimilate it well. It is useful to sunbathe and bathe in the sun. Strengthen your body, but don’t forget to develop your spirituality.

Be active in terms of contacts. Communication with childhood friends is beneficial. Try to teach children from the experiences of your childhood and from the books of your youth.

Twelfth solar day

This day is associated with the Moon. Try not to stress too much and just go with the flow. You can go about your daily activities. Be gentle and do not refuse the help of others.

Avoid bright light, stick to shade. If you wish, you can practice meditation in a darkened room.

On the twelfth solar day, very emotional and vulnerable people are born.

Thirteenth sunny day

A favorable day for concluding contracts and important transactions. Try to instill courage and endurance in your children.

It is necessary to observe moderation in everything. This day is associated with secret information that can help a person get rid of “damage” and the “evil eye”.

Watch your dreams, as they are prophetic on this day.

You can even guess by the stars.

It is considered a bad sign to see the sky covered with clouds.

The key word is radiance. Impulse to unleash creative potential. It’s good on this day to rejoice at the capabilities and abilities of others. Then, in your inner world, something similar will also be revealed. Don't envy others, especially on this day. For women, the day is very convenient to dream about a beautiful appearance. See what you would like. And under no circumstances should you look in the mirror on this day, looking for flaws. There is a record in the subconscious of how you look.
It's good to look at something sparkling. If it's winter - frost on the trees, snow. There is crystal in the house... This day cannot stand stagnant air. Ventilate the room. Infusions of all types of herbs are especially powerful.
Plants - pepper, garlic. You can feel the Power that is in Christian tradition called Guardian Angel. Feel your Guardian Angel on this day. You can contact him, feel what you think, is he happy with you or not?

If on this day you are constantly freezing, this is a sign that your Guardian Angel has turned away from you.

The Day of Fire is associated with the enormous power and versatility of creative development, helps awaken clairvoyance and expand human capabilities. You need to develop your energy. It is good to start cycles of physical strengthening of the body. You can engage in physical exercises and begin healing cycles.

The day is good for starting new, serious and difficult things, gaining enormous strength for transformation and victory, and showing creativity. Don't be afraid to take responsibility. Try not to force your problems on other people. Don't envy anyone, don't mock or mock anyone.

It is advisable to constantly maintain a fire in the house. You can, for example, light a lamp or a candle. It is recommended to cleanse the house of negative energy. This can be done by walking around all the rooms clockwise with a lit church candle, which will burn out all the negativity.

Previously, on this sunny day, people lit fires and threw everything unnecessary into the fire.

Day of prayer, performance of religious rituals. It's good to visit the temple.

Nutrition. You should not cook on this day, so as not to defile the fire. It is better not to cook anything and, especially, do not bake (for example, bread). Food on this day serves the purpose of transformation and should not be hot, so it is highly undesirable to subject foods to heat treatment. Food must be prepared in advance (i.e. the day before).

It is good to eat porridge (prepared in advance), cereals, vegetables, a variety of salads, and sandwiches.

It is useful to carry out a mono-diet: milk or milk-curd, fruit, vegetable, compote, rice-fruit.

Health. You can’t put stress on your liver, take care of it! In case of mild illness, as well as for prevention, it is advisable to use one of the above mono-diets.

Diseases of this day are of an active, “bulging” nature. Do not use antipyretics under any circumstances. To defeat the disease of the ninth solar day, it is necessary to increase body temperature and lower it. As a rule, any illness of this day (unless it is a liver disease) is well cured through the heat of the bath, coming out with sweat.

You can resort to unconventional methods of treatment. Treatment with fire and fragrant smoke has a beneficial effect.

Significant signs of the day. A sign of grace on this day is any increase in body temperature.

If you feel hot, or if your ears burn or your mouth feels dry, this means that your energy is rising, your strength is strengthening and your health is improving.

If you are freezing and cannot warm up in any way, this is a warning about an impending illness, about a loss of strength. This sign indicates that your Guardian Angel may turn away from you.

Chills, a feeling of cold, goosebumps, or goosebumps - all this indicates the dissatisfaction of our Guardian Angel. It’s bad if the fire goes out, fires and spontaneous combustion occur; It’s bad to see any flashes of fire or get some kind of burns.

If smoke gets into your throat, and you also happen to see a lot of smoke, especially black smoke, this is a sign of loss of strength. This may also be a warning of possible troubles.

A good sign is to feel a strong gust of wind.

If the wind opens windows and doors with force, this means that good luck is coming to your home. This can be a sign of wealth, abundance, new acquaintances, long roads, travel. If a similar phenomenon is observed in an old house, then perhaps this is a sign of moving to a new place of residence.

In the morning, feeling a sweet taste in your mouth means good luck.

Dreams. It’s better not to dream at all on this day, and it’s good if you can’t remember what you dreamed. Previously people We tried to stay awake more on this day than sleep.

An exception for this day are dreams in which you see a crowd of people (i.e. many people) in one place. If you dream of a whole team, then the dream will be prophetic, but the events that happen in reality will concern not so much you as the people around you.

9 sunny day

The day is dedicated to one of the izeds - Ataru, guardian of the sacred Fire.

Atar- personification of the sacred Fire in Zoroastrianism. The religion of fire worshipers, as Zoroastrianism is called throughout the world, deifies the element of fire, giving it a special, sacred function. An Iranian myth tells that God created the sky, waters, earth, plants, animals and man, and “fire was distributed throughout all of them.” Fire - the plasma state of matter - is the first element that arose during the creation of the Universe. He still carries within himself a particle of the original state of the cosmos, not yet defiled by the devil. The Zoroastrians knew that fire contains heavenly grace - Khvarna, and therefore maintained an unquenchable flame in their temples. The followers of Zoroaster revered three sacred fires associated with the three Hvarns. The most significant fire was considered to be the fire of royal Khvarna - Atar Gushnasp. Persian kings came to him for the coronation ceremony, and they also visited him during the annual celebration of Nowruz. Atar Farnbag, “fire with a particle of divine grace,” was associated with Hvarna (Farn) of the priests. The third most important sacred fire was called Atar Borzen-mihr, revered as the fire of warriors and community members.

The day of “Mount Ashmavenda, created by Mazda,” which will include the sanctuaries of three fires: the fire of warriors, the fire of kings and the fire of priests. All these three Hvarnas, three fires, were physically embodied in the form of a three-headed mountain.

The day of “Lake Kachas created by Mazda.” Miracles have always been associated with this lake. It contained elemental spirits, during severe disasters, they acted on the side of the light army.

The day is favorable for traveling and long journeys, visiting temples and reading prayers. Walk as much as possible. You can begin a cycle of physical exercise. Idleness and adventures are contraindicated. Don't try to force your problems on others. It is good to clean the corners of the house with fire. Previously, on this day, everything that was obsolete and unnecessary was thrown into the fire. This is the time of fasting. You should not sleep or eat a lot. You can have a little drink. It is better not to cook food, not to bake pies. Everything needs to be prepared the day before.


On the day of Atar, you should not desecrate the fire, so try to eat what was prepared the day before. The food of this day is salads, sandwiches, fruits, and vegetables, the preparation of which does not require heat treatment. Cloth

.. If you feel a strong gust of wind or the windows and doors in your apartment suddenly open from the wind, this is a sign of wealth or new acquaintances. If this happens in an old house, it means moving or traveling long distances. You feel hot, your ears burn, and your mouth becomes dry - a sign of increased energy, increased strength and health. But when you are cold and cannot warm up, then take this as a warning about an impending illness, decline, depression, and your Guardian Angel will turn away from you. Seeing a fire, fiery flashes means that you have offended Fire. See smoke, especially black smoke, especially if it hits you Airways

Dreams, - a sign of loss of strength, a warning about a possible imminent death.

. It's good if you don't see dreams or don't remember them. It was believed that on this day one should stay awake more and not sleep. An exception is if you saw a lot of people in one place in a dream. This dream may be prophetic, but it concerns not so much you as the people around you.


A lion with fiery fur and a dog's face.

Appearance Leo is distinguished by his mop, curly hair big head

and face, thick skin, large steep forehead, downturned corners of the eyes, stocky figure, tall. The lower eyelids are very pronounced, there may be bags under the eyes, the hair is blond, the face is reddish. Even in their youth they look very serious and courageous, “the face is not of a boy, but of a husband,” they do not age over the years, they are fixed at the same age.


Leo's activity knows no bounds; he is distinguished by enormous pressure, unbridled strength and inexhaustible energy. An active person, kind, charming, independent, not vindictive, he always finds a job. He is tenacious, optimistic in extreme situations, and is not afraid of difficulties and overloads. But due to his irrepressible activity, he wastes his supply of vitality quite early. He loves fun, company, travel, and cannot sit at home. Rarely long-lived, because he wants to try everything in life. Gets lost in a calm environment, attracts others with his power and reliability. Laconic, not greedy and not petty. His main qualities are nobility, greatness, true leadership, and the ability to lead.

Signs of Hvarna

In the middle of the crown is a flat golden mole.

Performing religious rituals. If a person strictly performs the rituals, he will enter into an absolutely clear rhythm of life. He will always and everywhere be on time, even unnecessary thoughts and desires will not visit him. Otherwise, his desires and possibilities will never coincide, he will be slack and loose. A person born on this day must marry only a woman close to him in spirit. As a rule, those born on the 9th solar day have very serious problems in marriage


Spotted, dark Hyena.

A lion with fiery fur and a dog's face.

Small features of an elongated face, darting eyes, small and constantly red pursed lips. Such people are thin, lean, stooped, dark, their skin is unclean, pimpled and pitted. Neck missing; the voice is hoarse, nasal.

Numbers. 81, 68, 27.


Volcano. Star.

Aldebaran (alpha Taurus), red-orange, 1st magnitude. Mars and Jupiter serve her. Associated with the manifestation of evil, cruelty, and the desire for violence. Constant misfortune barks at a person, the danger of violent death.

Another star is Betelgeuse (alpha Orionis). Mars and Neptune serve her. Gives sadness, grief, melancholy, melancholy and anger. Item of power

. Hearth. A brazier or censer that drives away demons with white incense smoke. Stones


Pyrope (or fire garnet). This stone can only be worn by those people who have a confrontation between two principles in their lives, who are able to come together in a single moment, i.e. follow the path of the warrior. The function of a fan is also associated with well-deserved retribution.

Pavel Globa. When the day comes. Sacred calendar of the ancients Day of the keeper of the sacred fire - Atar, who is one of the Izeds. He is the personification of one of the main elements that arose on the day the creation of the Universe began - fire. Atar is a piece of the original state of the cosmos, which contains a piece of Divine grace (Khvarna). Zoroastrians revered 3 fires - the fire of royal Khvarna, the fire of priests and the fire of community members and warriors. The most significant of these fires is the fire of the Royal Khvarna, which is called Atar Gushnsp. The priest's fire was considered a source of divine grace. The fire of the community and warriors was known as Atar Borzen-Mihr. On a 9 sunny day, it is not recommended to cook food over a fire, so you should eat what was prepared the day before. It is possible to make a salad, sandwich or

On the day of Atar, you should not desecrate the fire, so try to eat what was prepared the day before. The food of this day is salads, sandwiches, fruits, and vegetables, the preparation of which does not require heat treatment.

light snack . Alcoholic drinks are allowed in moderation.. It is favorable to wear shiny things. You should not wear clothes that are blue, light blue, silver or white.


Today, an unexpected wind rushing in and throwing open the windows of your apartment will tell you about new acquaintances or sudden profits. If you feel dry mouth, increased temperature or warmth in your ears, this is a positive sign, symbolizing an increase in your energy level, as well as improved health. However, if you, on the contrary, are cold and feel chills, this indicates a decrease in energy level, loss of strength, impending illness and loss of the Guardian Angel.

It is bad to see a fire, it means that you have insulted Atar. Seeing soot and smoke also does not bode well; you may soon fall ill with an incurable disease.


The most best sign Today there will be an absence of dreams or failure to remember them. In general, it is better not to go to bed on a sunny day at 9, you need to spend time awake. The dreams you see usually do not promise anything good, the only exception to this rule is a plot about a large crowd of people, this means that the events you see will affect not only you, but also those around you.

Totem: a lion with the face of a dog and a thick red mane.

The distinctive external features of a lion man are a large head, curly blonde hair, massive forehead, bags under the eyes. People with a pronounced totem usually have a stocky figure and are also quite tall. Even in childhood This person is distinguished from his peers by his extremely serious facial expression.

Signs of Hvarna: the presence of a flat golden-colored mole, which is located in the middle of the crown.

Good deed: obedience, respect for religion, visiting temple and keeping fasts. If the Leo man follows these rules, he will be able to enter a normal rhythm of life, which will stop him wasting energy. Otherwise, he may become too loose and irresponsible.

Antitotem: hyena is dark in color with spots on its skin.

Sin: violation of established rules in society, worship of false religions and participation in dubious rituals. A Leo man should be careful in expressing his own opinion, since due to natural assertiveness, there is a risk of imposing his thoughts on others and suppressing psychologically weak individuals.

Number: 27, 68, 81.

Patron planet: Volcano.

Patron star: Betelgeuse, Aldebaran.

Item of power: Torch, Fireplace, hearth, brazier. All these items symbolize the exorcism of demons and evil spirits.

Patron stone: a fire pomegranate that helps to unite two opposing principles in a person. Gives harmony, heals mental anguish.

Famous people born on the 9th solar day

Charles XII 06/27/1682 King of Sweden

George I 05/28/1660 King of England

Washington George 02/22/1732 1st President of the USA

Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich 11/24/1729 (1730) Russian commander

Monroe James 04/28/1758 5th President of the USA

Schopenhauer Arthur 02/22/1788 German philosopher, representative of voluntarism

Moore Thomas 05/28/1779 Irish romantic poet