Are dreams prophetic from Monday to Tuesday? Dreams from Monday to Tuesday - what do they mean? Are they coming true or not? Days of the week when prophetic dreams may occur

12.07.2019 Education

From Monday to Tuesday, your dreams are under the auspices of militant and unpredictable Mars. The dream is an important warning for us: unpleasant events in life are coming that can affect any area. Conflicts, troubles, losses, a break with a loved one, a bad trip, loss of money or position. They will want to denigrate you in the eyes of other people. But don’t be scared right away - it’s better to learn to interpret the clues and use them to your advantage.

Do these dreams come true? What do dreams from Monday to Tuesday mean? Dreams on this day are filled with colors, immersing you in an unusual atmosphere, like a fairy tale or a movie. You have to experience events that are impossible in reality.

Be sure to try to remember the dream from Monday to Tuesday in all the details, or better yet, write it down immediately after waking up and then you will know exactly what the dream means. You remembered the events in all details - you saw a prophetic dream that promises serious changes in life. Perhaps in a few years you will reach unprecedented heights in some field of activity, or maybe you will become a world-famous person. Positive events in a dream foreshadow well-being and success, prosperity and a new profitable enterprise, a new business.

In your dream on Tuesday, try to be very active and enterprising! Fight, achieve victory, compete. And if you achieve the necessary results, you will also become a winner and triumphant in life. Dreams from Monday to Tuesday are an excellent period for lucid dreaming.

After what you saw at night, you are left with a bitter aftertaste, you are upset and excited - you overestimate your capabilities and set yourself too difficult tasks. Set your priorities correctly, plan for the future and decide what needs to be done now and what to leave for later. Don't try to do everything at once - you will fail.

Militant Mars is the patron of Tuesday dreams

A contradictory planet always gives us room to think: whether a dream will become a harbinger of difficult problems or, on the contrary, will clear the way for us to a bright future. You need to pay attention to the little things and your feelings. A dream from Monday to Tuesday can come true either after 7 days or after 7 years. Mars gives us the opportunity to become clairvoyant and lift the veil of the distant future, which is why it is so important to remember your dream in the smallest details. Why do you have a dream:

  • Dreams from Monday to Tuesday are calm, dim, without strong emotions and experiences; you have already found your place in the sun and now new perspectives can open up before you.
  • The dream is full of events, unusual colors and experiences - Mars opens up excellent opportunities for you and guarantees success. Don't put things off until tomorrow - the time has come for active action.
  • A dream filled with conflicts and fights indicates that you have become a hostage to your ego. It's time to pacify your temper, otherwise conflict situations with others will become a reality.

It is important to remember: Mars is a dynamic planet that does not tolerate procrastination and cowardice. He encourages us to break stereotypes and move forward towards our goal. In addition, he is ready to help and give success and prosperity, but only to those who are ready to achieve their own.

But you shouldn’t rush into the pool headlong; every step must be thought out and balanced, otherwise you risk suffering serious losses. Interpret the dream correctly: Mars moves you to action, but does not push you to the abyss.

Dreaming from Monday to Tuesday - why do you dream?

There is a stereotype: a dream on Tuesday always promises only quarrels and conflicts. But this is a misconception, find out what events mean in your dreams, and then you will be able to behave correctly and achieve the desired results:

A dream from Monday to Tuesday about love. If you see that your loved one is showing interest in you, hugging and kissing you - perhaps your relationship has lost its edge, and you are at risk of breaking up. But within a few years they will become a strong couple again. For unmarried girls a new chosen one is a prophetic dream, but no one guarantees that the relationship will be good. Divorce in a dream for married people - it’s worth thinking about the fact that your partner is tired and demanding special attention and participation in his fate. If you don’t take this hint into account, you may lose it.

Dream from Monday to Tuesday about a wedding. Great sign, promising imminent attack this event (several years). If you see someone under the crown that is not your chosen one, new opportunities will open up for you, and you will meet another lover. And don’t be upset - your future partner will give you real happiness, and your family will be strong.

Dream from Monday to Tuesday about work. He talks about your career growth or a new business - you have reached a happy streak in life. The dream will definitely come true, you will achieve a promotion, and wage will increase significantly. Oh, you will receive an unexpected bonus, someone will leave you an inheritance, you may win the lottery. You dream of a completely new job - you will be offered a good option. You shouldn't refuse this opportunity. Don't be afraid of changes - Mars will help you survive them painlessly.

Dream from Monday to Tuesday about relaxation and entertainment. Unfortunately, a pleasant rest in a dream is just your desires. Now is not the time to rest - we need to be active. But in the future you will definitely have a pleasant trip with a lot of positive emotions. You should wait to travel, and postpone your planned ones.

Dream from Monday to Tuesday about dead people. The appearance of a dead person in a dream or participation in a funeral is a signal from the Universe that you are doing something wrong. It is worth changing your lifestyle, reconsidering your priorities and stopping conflicts with others.

A dream from Monday to Tuesday is about troubles and changes. You see how your life is crumbling, you lose your house or apartment, you move to a new place of residence - this does not mean that everything will turn out exactly like this in reality. It’s just that Mars “insists” that it’s time to look back at your life and change everything radically.

What do dreams from Monday to Tuesday mean? It's always helpful information for a person. But it’s up to you to decide whether to use the hints or simply ignore them.

Each day of the week has a direct connection with one of the planets solar system. Tuesday falls under the influence of the red planet with a warlike disposition - Mars. The dreams that we have from Monday to Tuesday often foreshadow confrontations and future conflicts. The aggressive atmosphere of dreams indicates the readiness of the person who sees the dream to take decisive action.

Dreams on Tuesday night

Scientists advise listening to the dreams that our subconscious broadcast to us on this day. Dreams on Tuesday may signal major changes in life. This is most often evidenced by colorful, memorable dreams. And if in a similar dream you become the winner of all sorts of conflicts, major quarrels or battles, this is a sure sign that you will soon take a leadership position, even if promotions at work are not expected at the moment. The stars have already decided everything for you.

The dreamer’s psychological state directly depends on the dream he has at night. As a rule, it is not possible to rest at night if the sleep was restless. It is quite possible that in a real life scenario you should temporarily refuse to sort things out with anyone and save your energy. A dream that leaves an unpleasant aftertaste in the soul does not bode well. If possible, try to improve your life by understanding possible reasons failures. If you see from Monday to Tuesday good dream, in which you are a winner - this is a good sign, symbolizing victory in all areas of your life. Try not to miss the chance given to you and catch luck by the tail.

Do dreams come true on the night from Monday to Tuesday?

Scientists associate these dreams with a person’s aspirations and desires. The main purpose of dreams on Tuesday is to help people prepare for inevitable life difficulties and suggest how they can be avoided. If a dream does not come true within 10 days, then there is no point in waiting for its fulfillment in the future. They predict that a dream that you had on Tuesday will definitely come true on Friday. The influence of Mars on human sleep is mostly positive. The male planet either warns of an impending conflict or scandal, or pushes a person to improve, setting the expectation that any undertaking will be completed successfully. If there were sharp objects in your dream, do not worry, this is another proof that new achievements are just around the corner, and you are more ready than ever to fight. You only need to moderate your ardor and enthusiasm if you were defeated in a dream. Inflated self-esteem can lead to the fact that everything you have planned will end in a grandiose fiasco.

As a rule, dreams on Tuesday have a rich plot and special meaning. Psychologists recommend listening to the interpretations of dreams of this day. Maybe, thanks to tips from space, we will be able to avoid many rash actions in life.

Quite a lot, which is why the question often arises - what do dreams mean from Monday to Tuesday or on any other day of the week. Dreams are a rather poorly studied phenomenon from a scientific point of view, which manifests itself in the vast majority of people. It is known that a dream is a mixture of perception of images (sound, visual, taste, etc.) in real time and from memory.

Modern esotericism and many religions believe that at the moment of dreams, another world is temporarily revealed to a person, which is closed to us in our normal waking state. That is why it is believed that in dreams you can see not only past events, but also those that will happen in the future. For this reason, it is believed that dreams seen on a certain day can be partially or completely prophetic.

For many millennia, it was believed that the content of dreams most directly depends on a person’s daily life, and not so long ago this was proven scientifically. The images that we see in dreams are often very similar to real experiences, objects and situations that a person encounters in real life, albeit with varying degrees of distortion. Also, since ancient times, it was believed that dreams are a special mystical phenomenon, in different cultures and in religions this is called and interpreted differently, but the essence is approximately the same, which has already been said above - that in about bedtime human consciousness finds himself in another world, different from material.

During sleep, as a rule, a person is not aware that he is sleeping, so dreams are perceived as reality, and for some people even more vividly.

Sometimes, when the sleep phase is shallow, a person begins to partially realize that he is in a half-asleep state, but at the same time continues to see vivid images from dreams. It is this phase of sleep that is widely used to carry out various lucid manipulations in dreams; it is in this state that many clairvoyants make accurate, targeted predictions.

Dreams come to each person with different frequency during sleep. However, there are rare exceptions when dreams are not dreamed at all for many years, but these are extremely rare cases, usually associated with various neuropsychic disorders.

Monday and Tuesday from the point of view of astrologers

Monday is a lunar day. is considered a planet that is responsible for the internal non-material world of a person and emotional state. Therefore, dreams that occur on this day of the week can predict the emotional trials ahead in the coming days, and also reflect the nature of a person’s attitude towards his close circle. Short and clear dreams are considered good sign, they portend prosperity and success. Long and incomprehensible (“heavy” dreams), on the contrary, can indicate upcoming problems, troubles and emotional experiences.

Tuesday is Mars day. This planet is considered a cosmic stimulus that gives people energy in the right direction for the successful implementation of their plans. In a sense, Mars is the opposite of the Moon, precisely at the peak of the changing influences of two sources of cosmic energy most often dream prophetic dreams.

Dreams from Monday to Tuesday usually reflect a desire for improvement. If the dreams that night were calm and positive, this reflects that things will go very well, and no special problems are expected. Restless and negative dreams may be a harbinger of upcoming conflict situations and life problems.

What to expect from dreams from Monday to Tuesday?

The meaning of dreams from Monday to Tuesday is very ambiguous and directly depends on the nature of the dreams and on exactly what was dreamed. The patron of Tuesday is the militant planet Mars, which is why dreams on this day of the week often contain elements of violence, scandals, wars, etc. Also, this planet is a powerful source of energy, so dreams give a clear idea of ​​the amount of vital energy reserves a person has - they seem to let you know about the amount and power of enthusiasm and energy for carrying out activities.

If on this day the dreams are calm and strong, in which everything goes according to plan, clearly and measuredly, then this signals sufficient energy reserves. However, you should not confuse calm dreams with “weak” dreams, in which you feel powerless and passivity to everything around you, and all tones look gray and dull. Dreams of this kind, on the contrary, signal very small energy reserves and the need to replenish them. The brighter the colors in the dream, and the greater the inner confidence one feels, the better, this is how excess vital energy manifests itself, which directly depends on the patron planet, i.e. - Mars.

The two most common types of dreams that occur from Monday to Tuesday are:

  • If in a dream you dream of any conflict or battle in which you confidently win, and at the same time you feel very confident and strong, this indicates upcoming successes in life, both in business and on the love front. You should not ignore such manifestations, because perhaps this week you will achieve real success or solve long-standing problems.
  • If in a dream from Monday to Tuesday you became a participant in a battle in which you felt exhausted and passive, and were defeated, this indicates that your energy reserves are running out, or “power from above” thus warns against possible major troubles. After dreams of this kind, it is better to put aside all important matters and take care of yourself, you need to rest more and devote yourself less to work, gradually your energy reserves will be replenished again and your enthusiasm will manifest itself with renewed vigor.

Do the dreams of this night come true?

It is believed that Tuesday is ruled by the planet Mars, which is known for its warlike character. This leaves its mark on the atmosphere of night dreams. It cannot be said for certain that Tuesday dreams always come true. However, it is safe to say that they foreshadow various conflicts, quarrels and fights and encourage the sleeper to take decisive action.

We cannot downplay the significance of the visions that come in dreams from Monday to Tuesday. This night marks the global renewal of magical portals. Therefore, Tuesday visions are usually particularly bright and rich in content.

General description of dreams from Monday to Tuesday

Dreams this night are under the auspices of Mars. The planet named after the God of War is militant, and therefore most often warns of conflicts, quarrels and disagreements. On Tuesday night you can find out for sure whether a global event is coming in your life or whether a stormy scandal is coming.

However, there is no need to be afraid of such visions. In dreams, we only receive a hint, a guide to action, so to speak, and not a finished result. And only the person himself has the power to get into an unsightly situation by going with the flow, or to listen to Tuesday’s dream and control himself.

In addition to its scandalous reputation, Mars reflects the most active character traits - swiftness, courage, determination, and enterprise. In fact, dreams from Monday contain information about a person’s personal strength and energy, which will lead him to fulfill his plans. Mars seems to push a person to vigorous activity, but at the same time recommends taking into account the relationship between opportunities and planned goals.

What to do in the future is suggested by the dream from Monday to Tuesday. Moreover, the dream itself gives clear indications of what may happen. If you dreamed of a calm and bright plot, then there will be no obstacles on the way, and all troubles will pass by. Especially dynamic plots personify the strength and abilities seething within. In addition, Tuesday visions give clues about the character of men you know and relationships with them.

Features of a dream for Tuesday

A dream that occurred from Monday to Tuesday can have any color. But it is precisely this that explains the current situation or sets the pace for the future. If in a dream you happened to experience elation and joy, then you should not think about global changes. Everything is going as it should. If real life is far from ideal, then Tuesday’s dream promises quick changes for the better.

Why do you dream about a particularly vivid positive plot? This week everything will work out, you are literally seething with positive emotions and ideas. This is the best period to start a new business. It’s even better if you dreamed about something related to your leadership. This sure sign success and incredible luck, which you can easily achieve on your own. Be bold, boldly take on a new venture and act without delay.

Did you have a somewhat disturbing and exciting dream? Get ready for scandals, minor conflicts and disagreements with loved ones. A terrible nightmare in which you were scared or lost at something is a clear warning. For some time it is worth moderating your ardor and putting off a new business. It’s much better to understand yourself and complete what you started earlier. In general, spend this period calmly and restrainedly.

If a dream on Tuesday night left painful and depressing impressions, then this indicates both low self-esteem and excessive self-confidence. Try to find something in between.

If in your dreams there was no feeling of anxiety at all, then you don’t have to worry, your energy is used for its intended purpose, and you will overcome the minor obstacles that may arise without difficulty. At the same time, an overly calm and even passive dream hints that the vitality has dried up and will take time to restore it.

If the picture was faded, boring with passive dynamics, then you urgently need rest. Short dreams moderately saturated and bright can have a double interpretation. Either the energy is at zero or action must be taken immediately. The plot itself will tell you the answer.

When will the vision from Monday to Tuesday come true?

It is believed that a dream from Monday to Tuesday will come true on Friday. This will obviously not happen soon, but what he predicted will come true with absolute accuracy. There is an opinion that the dreams of this day are closely tied to the number seven and come true after 7 days, weeks, months or years. However, this will only happen if you have a truly prophetic dream.

In addition, an approximate reflection of the dream action can take place in real life on Friday or Thursday. If Tuesday night fell on the 15th, 19th or 28th, then the prediction will only come true by a third. And this is only relevant for visions related to career and business.

If a clear feeling of a prophetic dream appears, then it is necessary to take into account that the most productive months in this regard are July and January. Such visions are especially relevant for people born at the same time. In particular, any negative interpretations that indicate a breakdown in relationships, illness, or loss deserve attention.

How to interpret a dream on Tuesday night

Dreams seen on Tuesday night have one peculiarity. Very often real events are projected into them. And if on other days it doesn't matter practical significance, then plays a decisive role for Tuesday sleep. By the behavior of the characters and your own, you can understand what will happen in a given situation. Moreover, the interpretation in this case is literal.

It is recommended to remember dreams from Monday to Tuesday as accurately as possible. Ideally, they should be written down immediately after waking up so as not to miss the slightest nuance. This is a case where the details make all the difference, and the interpretation can change in any direction depending on a minor touch.

Dreams from Monday to Tuesday welcome personal activity in any way. The more you fight, compete or win them, the more successful everything will turn out in reality. If you managed to achieve your goal in the night, even the most insignificant one, the same thing will happen in reality. Dark, negative and gloomy dreams are interpreted in the opposite sense. By the way, it is Tuesday night that is best suited for practicing lucid dreaming.

If you had a good and calm dream, then you can relax. You have found your place in life, but you need to concentrate your energy for new achievements. If the dreams contained a lot of action, emotions and bright colors, then Mars guarantees success. But you will have to develop active activity from the early morning.

If the night adventure was filled with fights, beatings, quarrels and other conflict situations different levels, then it is not at all necessary to expect the same thing in reality. This is just a reflection of one’s own ambitions, excessive self-confidence and other negative qualities that hinder you. It is enough to pacify your temper and everything will work out. If you don’t do this, then a conflict period is just around the corner.

Mars is the planet of the brave, active and active. He does not tolerate delays, indecision and unnecessary thinking. He gives success and prosperity to those who are brave. It helps to break the old patterns of life and imposed stereotypes. However, this does not mean that you need to rush headlong into the abyss. Mars helps, but does not encourage you to jump into the abyss. Each step must be sufficiently thought out and weighed. Therefore, it is necessary to interpret the vision extremely accurately and clearly.

What to pay attention to

When interpreting a dream from Monday to Tuesday, the main attention should be paid to one’s own emotions, defeats or victories, leadership and other most active actions. A correctly deciphered vision, as well as its atmosphere itself, will give a good hint about future, perhaps extremely distant events.

  1. Record individual details in your memory as accurately as possible, even those that seem insignificant. If the dream is truly prophetic, then all of them will now describe the upcoming situation.
  2. Remember whether in your dreams you were able to complete a certain task or a certain action, or win a victory in any competition or confrontation. This is important because these events affect actual results.
  3. If, after waking up, a painful feeling appears in your soul, then you overestimate your own capabilities and overestimate your strength. Lower the bar and things will get better. This is a great opportunity to rethink your approach to life and perhaps give up some priorities.

A peaceful plot with an abundance of light is interpreted as an awakening of creative energy. Especially if you dreamed of something resembling a utopia. This means that the time has come for creative activity, the embodiment of creative ideas and ideas. What previously seemed useless will suddenly make sense and open up in a different direction.

Why do you have dreams on Tuesday?

And, of course, one cannot refuse to decipher more specific sleep events. Tuesday's dream will give long-term forecasts in various areas of life.


Dreams from Monday to Tuesday reflect personal goals, and also give you knowledge of whether you have the energy, enthusiasm and desire to accomplish what you have in mind. Therefore, it is necessary to interpret it taking into account the atmosphere of dreams and personal feelings. Emotions are most often interpreted literally.

By the way, if on the night from Monday to Tuesday you dreamed of destruction or loss of something, then take this as a clear indication of action. You need to immediately change something in yourself or in your life.


Tuesday is a day of unexpected surprises and dreams about love do not always convey positive moods. If your chosen one kissed you at night, then most likely you will break up, but only in order to resume the relationship with renewed vigor after a while. Cooling of feelings is promised by a vision in which you had a chance to hug and kiss your loved one.

For single people - all dreams foreshadowing new love, are prophetic. But they do not guarantee that the future union will be durable and ideal. If a family dreamed that they were getting a divorce, then it’s worth thinking about. Your significant other is probably really dissatisfied with something.

A wedding on Tuesday night is interpreted ambiguously. If you happen to go down the aisle with your real partner, then the relationship will continue to develop without problems. In a dream, did you sign with a stranger? A new contender for your hand and heart will appear, but this will not happen soon.

An unfamiliar character in the role of your future spouse means that you have to part with your lover, but the one you meet later will give you real happiness and become a true support.


If you dreamed of a promotion in your career or getting a new position, then the dream is literally in your hands. True, for this you will have to work long and hard. Successful deals and commercial operations foreshadow improvements in material terms. Perhaps in the distant future you will receive an inheritance or other monetary surprise.

If you dreamed that you changed jobs, then in real life you will have the opportunity to show yourself in a new place. Mars encourages you not to be afraid of change, because the heavenly patron himself will help you cope with possible difficulties.


In a dream, did you vacation on the island of Bali, in Paris or a mythical dacha? Everything will be so, but not soon. Most often, these visions only reflect your long-standing desires and dreams. But, as they say, there is no harm in dreaming, and in the near future there will be a short but pleasant trip. Now it’s time to put grandiose plans aside and take care of more pressing issues.

Deceased people

The appearance of a dead person in a Tuesday dream is a clear warning. Look around immediately, what you are doing is not right. This is also indicated by visions of own death, injuries, destruction, funerals and other dream negativity. Perhaps you are behaving too arrogantly and aggressively, and some impulsive act could lead to a catastrophe of epic proportions.

Other images

If in a dream you happened to see any piercing and cutting products (knife, axe, nail file, scissors, etc.), then there will be a scandal. Moreover, you can either observe it from the outside or become a direct participant.

I dreamed of a thunderstorm or something else natural disaster? Change is coming, but not necessarily bad. Perhaps something will happen that will radically affect fate.

Remember and decipher the dreams that you happened to see from Monday to Tuesday. Perhaps they will give the answer many years later, or indicate the direction in which to move today.

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69 comments on “Why do you dream from Monday to Tuesday”

    I dreamed that I was walking through mud, but the mud did not stick. With right side the puddle is cloudy with mud, and in it is the corpse (presumably, judging by the jacket and build) of the father of my child. (we weren’t married, didn’t live together for long, broke up and didn’t see each other for 5 years). the torso and head were in the water, the face was not visible. I looked and calmly walked on. the jacket had an orange lining. I looked to the left, and there was also a man of approximate build and dressed in a black (unfamiliar) jacket. he was lying in a puddle of muddy water. I couldn’t see my face either, and I thought that I also looked like him and moved on. She began to climb up a small muddy hill, but did not get dirty and did not slide to the bottom. Not far away were people, investigators and other representatives of the law.

    Today I dreamed that a dirty black teenage cat came into my house. I gave him dry food and he ate greedily. Then he became calm and clean, I stroked him and kept him. I wonder what this is for. Many dream books say that black affectionate cats are deceitful friends. But one of them said that if you love cats, then the dream does not bode well for trouble. And also, if the emotions are good, everything seems to be fine. And the emotions were soft and quite pleasant in my dream, and there was a feeling of acquiring a friend, like... As if some tense situation was resolved safely. I would like to believe that this will happen... There is a lot of pain in my life, and in the world in general...

    I dreamed that I was with ex-wife in nature, and everything is fine with us, we are plagued by mosquitoes, and I protect her from them, and as if there were no scandals and divorce, her eyes are in love, and I feel very good, I didn’t even want to wake up

    Good afternoon I dreamed of my dear deceased aunt, she smiled as if through tears and hugged me, I woke up abruptly. The dream was warm and the sun was shining, it was green all around. Why is this dream?

    Hello! I dreamed that I was under water, and I knew for sure that it was the ocean. The water is clean and transparent. I breathe underwater, feeling light, even lazy. And suddenly I see jets of rain under the water, very strong, piercing the water like bullets. I watch in fascination, I want to go forward, under the stream, but I can’t. Feeling of peace. Then I woke up

    Hello. Today I had a dream about something exciting. If you can help me decipher it, I will be very grateful to you.
    We are driving as a family along a wide road. And suddenly I notice that a flock of blue whales is swimming in the sky. We stop to take a photo. We do it and they calmly float on. We get in the car and arrive at deceased grandmother. And in a dream I know that my grandmother is no longer there, but we talk to her, hug her
    Woke up with a feeling of lightness and joy

    Hello. I also had a dream that haunts me. But of the entire dream, I remember only the most, apparently, unpleasant part. It was as if I had a dream unknown man in a dark hat. I don’t remember why he came to me, but he (I don’t remember how and why) brought me a long dark brown cockroach. To say the least, I don’t like cockroaches. They cause me disgust and some kind of inner primitive fear. I started squashing the cockroach in some white powder or dust. But he did not choke, and behind him a smaller cockroach appeared, after the second, a third even smaller. And the first one stretched out and became a “tail” similar to a scorpion. The dream is bright, but disgusting. I walk around all day under the impression of a dream. What is this? Coming diseases or self-deprecation? I read a lot of things, but nothing more or less specific. Or maybe just nothing pleasant?

    I see they are making repairs in my house. I look - there is a room, a closet of some kind and... the floor is so old. I think - I need to repair the floor, why leave it - when such an opportunity arises, but this requires money. I remember that they offered me an interest-free loan. I'm going to the boogey. to the base where I once worked and ask the accountant to give me the money. She takes out the photo and says that I’m not like that in it. I ask to bring up the entry in the journal when they persuaded me to take out a loan. They find the entry, but no. I then say that I’ll go to the chief accountant (she’s already died). They tell me to go. I go out and see that V.F. is locking the office door. I say, I need to talk to you and heal the tooth. She says, let’s go. We’re coming. to the dental office and I thought, why should I leave here, my dentist is here. But it didn’t work out, because... some man came and asked her to go with him. She asked me to help her, and then solve my affairs. We went. I was wearing white stiletto sandals and on the way I drowned my right foot in the mud. I barely pulled out my leg, covered in mud, I tried to wash it in a puddle, but to no avail. Then I took off my shoes and walked on barefoot, my feet were clean. We came to a house, where the floor renovation had been completed. We came to a room in which there was a sick boy. He didn’t talk to anyone. Valya went somewhere to the pay phone, and I remained sitting next to this boy. His aunt wove him a gift. They gave it to me. I was holding it in my hands and then the phone rang with Val’s voice. Fed. and the boy rushed to me hugged, kissed, screamed... Mom, mom. He broke the toy, but they expected him to speak. I helped. The problem was solved. But I don’t remember what happened next

    I swept the stairs at the school where I studied and worked for a long time, along the wall from the 4th floor to the first there was garbage, it looked like construction debris... I supervised the cleaning and participated myself.. Why is this?

    I dreamed of a woman of a very large build and very aggressive, she beat up everyone around her, including. and my husband, everyone was afraid of her. Then she came up to me and crushed me with her weight. I screamed for help, but no one helped. Then I woke up

    • It is likely that a woman is some kind of indisputable authority, and not necessarily female. Perhaps these are some circumstances that, as they say, cannot be fought against. The outcome is sad, he or they will crush you. Get ready for a desperate fight.

    From Monday to Tuesday I dreamed that a voice unfamiliar to me said that I would have a sick boy. Although I'm not in a position. Now I go and beat myself up, because my husband and I are planning a baby.

    • It is unlikely that the dream has anything to do with the unborn child. Most likely, the business you are considering will bring you a lot of very unpleasant troubles. It is possible that we are talking about a planned pregnancy. But perhaps you have less global plans. In any case, you are guaranteed not particularly pleasant worries.

    I dreamed that I was throwing knives at the wall. Five knives, all as one, beautiful and shiny. And for some reason, a feeling of victory. Surprising those around you. I feel this clearly. Next is another picture. I'm at a friend's house. I'm talking to a woman I know. I have a baby in my arms, it feels like it’s my child, a girl. For some reason, the woman takes her daughter and lays her on the windowsill, the window is slightly open. I'll take her. Further, the girl grows before our eyes. And he’s already walking with his legs. Surprisingly, it doesn’t happen quickly anyway. I experience all this in a dream. What could this mean?

    • The first part of the dream is that you will take some correct (the knives are beautiful) actions and win in the current situation, thereby making a good impression on others. The second part is that something unusual will happen, although this event will force you to bother. But the result will exceed all expectations. In addition, something will be decided too quickly.

    I had a dream today, from Monday to Tuesday, as if I found out that my daughter (lately there has been a very tense relationship with her because of her roommate, who has stuck to her like a leech and lives at her expense, does not work and does not participate in creating a family, but on the contrary, is destroying her) gathers people for a wake or funeral (it’s not clear...) I ordered a bus and it’s like we have to go on this bus. Approaching the bus, I understand that all the people are somewhere else, and the driver is angry and out of sorts, saying that he will not go according to the “order”, explaining that he is very much a customer, i.e. my daughter is nervous and rude. I persuade him to go anyway. and suddenly we find ourselves in an open area, fenced off like in a street cafe, where a lot of people sit at tables and eat. I'm not all unfamiliar. we sat down at the table: me, my daughter and the driver... and for some reason I got the impression that everything (bad) was finally over, although my daughter was very irritated and upset. What could this mean?

    • Most likely, changes await your daughter, very drastic ones. They will take place in several stages, with varying degrees of success. And in the end, the daughter will really be very upset by them.

    I had a dream today (from Mon to Tue) that my husband and I broke up, or rather, I left him, giving him the keys to the car. It seems to be by mutual consent. They didn’t share anything, I didn’t take anything with me, I left no easier. In real life we ​​have 2 children, but in the dream there is not even a hint about them, no speculation about who they are with, how they are, etc. Just a slight feeling of loss. I find myself on a city street (in real life I don’t remember such streets) familiar in a dream, I’ve lost my way a little from the intended route, but I’m completely sure how to get to my destination.

    • Perhaps in reality some disagreements will arise with your husband, and you will decide to do something your own way. The dream tells you: despite some difficulties, you will succeed.

    Today I dreamed of an emaciated, hungry dog ​​with a chewed off hind paw (no blood) and a bare bone sticking out. I gave her some seeds and poured water into the bag. It felt like I forgot to feed her, and she suffered from hunger.

    • A difficult plot to decipher. Think about what exactly you can associate the dog with. This is not a person, but rather some kind of business, idea, event, circumstances. It is in this direction that you work, try to give it your all, otherwise your “unhappy dog” will remain hungry. That is, you will not solve the matter.

    Please explain, I’m very worried, I don’t know why.. In a dream from Monday to Tuesday, it was as if I was visiting someone else’s house without a roof, there was a blue sky above our heads, whose house I don’t remember, it seems, the son of our friends. The guy is married, and in a dream I see a bride among the guests, a seemingly smiling, unfamiliar girl in a white dress and veil. A lot of people, but I don’t remember who it was. For some reason the bride surprised me: she was plump, with an ordinary, rustic appearance. And I'm worried about my sons. The eldest got married without our consent, we have conflicts, he doesn’t want to come to us, call us, he has changed a lot. And the youngest is soon going to his wife, she lives with her sick father, the journey is two days, I’m worried.

    • I think the dream has nothing to do with your sons; rather, this is a prediction for you personally. An interesting combination: a house without a roof and blue skies, plus a wedding. Some event will change your life for the better. Moreover, the event itself may (but not necessarily) not be very good. At the same time, a house without a roof and the sky symbolize a direct connection with the Creator and fate.

    Let me explain the previous message: why such a dream? In the dream, I seemed to be in a normal mood, only the bride and the sky above surprised me. But I experience this in reality, not in a dream

    Hello, I'm very worried about this sleep, I'm pregnant, I 20 years
    I didn’t really understand who I saw, it seemed like myself, like I was under some kind of bridge, and in the sea, in the circle and around not much dirty water and I have a feeling that the sooner they pull me out, the cleaner I’ll remain, and something bad or waste is pouring out into the sea, it’s as if I I see the sides, and the water in the sea is dirty, then this man (I didn’t understand who it was me or someone else) shouts for help to get out, they promise him and in the end he will get out himself, the sea becomes smaller, then this man gets on the ship and begins to scold the employees about what he says didn't help. that's all
    And then I dream about my mother and that she has problems with women, she tells me, I tell her that I urgently need to see a doctor, and in the dark we are looking on the street for somewhere to go to the toilet
    Please tell me why this is a dream, I read that a dirty sea is not good

    • Most likely, you will find yourself in a not very pleasant situation, maybe it will just be some kind of conversation. You will need help, but it will not be there. Gradually, the situation will fade away on its own, and you will happily vent to those around you. I don't think you should worry about this, just remember: you can handle it.)))
      But the second half of the dream is most likely dictated by your interesting position, but it is only a projection and does not make much sense.

    Hello, I dreamed of white round worms with a black stripe in the middle, similar to pearl barley, in my hair, I rarely have dreams, but when I have them, they are bright and memorable... these insects were already swarming in my head... tell me what this is for...

    • Some strange thoughts will overcome you or you will be given bad advice. Don't follow their lead, otherwise you'll get into trouble somewhere. However, this same image can promise money.)))

    I dreamed that snakes were crawling out of the ground, large, small, multi-colored, from the brightest to the dullest colors. And I killed them with a shovel. What is this for?

    • Information will come at you from all sides, some kind of news, a lot and different, perhaps small and not very pleasant concerns, you will literally fight them off.

    Hello!!! I had a dream on New Year's Day night, from Monday on Tuesday. Mom and I are standing at the window and we see a tank driving in our direction. And I say, “This is American, but they said that there would be no war.” We had this tank in reconnaissance and we realized that it will be back again soon.

    • This is a symbol of some kind of pressure, brute force, insurmountable circumstances. Moreover, they will appear and then leave, but most likely they will return again. Since I had a dream in New Year's Eve, its effect can extend throughout the year. Try to remember the details, they will tell you exactly when this will happen.

    On the morning of the 8th I had a very unpleasant dream: I allegedly loosened the lower left tooth with my tongue - it seems to be next to the wisdom tooth. And he crawls out of the hole painlessly. I feel with my tongue that there is a lump under it and it is growing new tooth. I take this tooth in my palm and begin to examine it carefully; there is no blood, but the root has completely rotted. This is the last thing I pay attention to before waking up. I’m very worried, because now both mother and cat are sick at the same time after the operation. And a dream with teeth in best case scenario carries a disease..Please tell me how to interpret it?

    In my dream, my son pulled himself up on the railing, I stood behind him and accidentally touched him and he fell from the top, from the second floor, my mother-in-law was standing nearby and I was screaming and wailing, and I ran down to my son, I didn’t get there and woke up from my roar, a very bad aftertaste my heart is breaking

    • Yes, the dream really warns of some troubles. But they can be both physical and emotional. It would be nice to indicate how old your son is. In the first case, keep an eye on the child. There is most likely a chance of injury. In the second, the impetus for the fall may be some kind of incorrect advice from you. Moreover, you will push to the wrong action completely unconsciously. The fall itself in this version is purely symbolic, simply a bad act.

    From Monday to Tuesday 15.01 I had a dream that haunts me. It's as if a war has begun. I don’t see Biva, but I understand that the war has begun. People are leaving in cars, as if evacuating. Then I see the dead being carried to the cemetery. The men in the coffins are elderly and unknown to me. Then she found herself in the back seat of her own car, with one of her relatives nearby. My husband is not driving. I see a herd of cows being led. One cow separates from the herd, approaches the car, sniffs and throws a stone at the glass. But it does no harm. I called my son and asked if we should leave? He tells me: Mom, if there are 16 of you, 17 people will still take you away (I don’t remember why). That's when I woke up. In general, I watched the whole movie in one night. I don't know what to think. Could you decipher my dream? I rarely dream. Thank you in advance.

    • I think your dream reflects a whole chain of events that can be extended over time. The interpretation, of course, is approximate.))) The war itself is interpreted as an internal conflict, family discord, illness. The dead most likely symbolize the end of one period and the beginning of a new one. Traveling in a car with relatives - you will have some common business or for some other reason you will spend this time together with this particular person. Probably bypassing her husband. Cows usually reflect financial status. The stone is most likely some kind of problem from the financial sector. But where they will take you is not at all clear. Try to follow the events in reality. Perhaps the number 16-17 people will tell you what we are talking about.

    I'm pregnant, January 15th I had a dream. I don’t have a stomach, it’s absolutely flat, I haven’t had anything like this in my life, and on a cloudy day I go down a small hill to the bottom, but I’m not alone, there’s someone else with me. I go down, there is dirt and a puddle below, I look and there is a small snake swimming there, it jumps and bites me in the stomach, I look and there is a hole in my stomach, it crawled in there and goes to bed, I scream, pull it out and someone pulls it out and throws it out (only I don't remember who).
    Tell me why this could be a dream, thank you in advance for your answer.

    • I don’t think that the dream is specifically related to your interesting position. Rather, it describes the general situation. The belly symbolizes life itself. Cloudy day - some unfavorable circumstances. Going down a hill, and even into mud and puddles, means a worsening situation, possibly gossip. A snake in the stomach is an interference in life. But someone will help solve this problem. In any case, take care of yourself.

    Hello! On January 22nd I had a dream, I went out into the garden and there on the bushes I saw beautiful colorful birds. I was so surprised and touched them; they sang so sweetly. What does such a dream mean?

    • A favorable dream promises good news, increased vitality and spirit, and profit. But it may indicate that a period of prosperity will come at a certain time, for example, in the summer. Try to remember what the garden looked like: during flowering, fruit set, harvest, etc. This will help determine the period more accurately.

    I had this dream from Monday to Tuesday. Help me understand it. It seems to foreshadow a scandal and a break with my husband, as well as some kind of illness that I will overcome.
    It's interesting to hear people's opinions in general. Thank you in advance!
    “At first I dream of a guy (looks like the guy from Back to the Future) as if he likes me and he calls me in the evening (dark and rainy, cold, summer somewhere) to some barn. I go with him, he starts kissing. I kiss, I understand that I am disgusted and I don’t want to. I don't like everything. I spit once. He wanted to sleep, I didn’t agree and we left from there. Next is another guy, similar to the guy from the TV series Olga. With a stronger character (I’m afraid of him, I’m afraid that he will hurt), he wants me to be with him. Situation - Like a shop with sweets (it looks like Sashka (husband), this guy and someone else), also the seller is a plump woman, 45-50 years old. Oh, the guy was still alive, like from the movie Back to the Future. He doesn't have the money to buy anything for him. I pay him for the purchase and take paper money out of my wallet. The one I'm afraid of. He starts laughing at that. There's almost a fight. I stand between them (Sashka is not here) and begin to calm them down. Everything changes dramatically. Village. It’s a huge celebration, as if it’s Sasha and I’s anniversary (we’re about 25-35 years old). He knows about these guys and leaves me, doesn’t invite me to talk. I understand that I don’t need anyone except him, I feel bad. (it’s dark at night) but before that there’s a ball. It’s as if there are a lot of people in the village and some kind of buildings where you can sleep. A huge lyre snake, yellow, orange and black, is crawling. I ask - is it poisonous? They say yes, it can kill. I run to the very end of all this construction in the village. I’m next to this weak guy (he’s afraid) and I see a snake crawling past everyone and approaching us. Hangs over him and freezes, looking at me. I grab the knife and, with my eyes closed, stab her several times. I hear how happy they are. I open my eyes and there’s a bit of it. Everyone is happy for me, I walk past everyone, everyone looks and claps.
    Continuation of the anniversary. I'm running through the entire garden in a wedding dress. There is a fence there, it lets the stump down to the river. I break the boards below and climb under the fence on the ground. I run down to the river. There are people sitting there, some with children. The grandmother sings a song - there was a carriage at the church. Everyone thinks that I want to throw myself into the water because Sashka wants to leave me. I look up, no one is following me. I sit down near the water, on a stone. I look at the water and listen to the song. A girl sits next to her with her daughter. A girl about 4-5 years old looks at me and asks some questions. Like, what is auntie doing here in a dress? Why is he crying? I don’t remember the girl’s answers. I remember the water was white and gray. Because I know that the river cannot be light, but the water is average. Not clean and not dirty. I decide to get up. Many people. They sit at long tables. Everyone is waiting for me. I sit down with the guests, because I know that Sashka does not want to sit together. Sashka is sitting with Ilya. He was with him the whole dream and Ilya turned him against me. Toastmaster (man) says something. I'm drunk. There is slow music playing here. I see three couples dancing. I'm waiting for Sasha to invite me. Then I see Sasha dancing with Zhenya (brother) and I wake up. There was also a small picture of winter... about 31 kindergartens, going down the hill... I don’t remember anything else. ---sleep from Mon to Tuesday 01/22/23/2019

    • I don’t see a break in the relationship, I see your problems. Yes, there may be a disease, but there is something else. So, in order.
      Two guys can be two sides of your own personality. You don’t particularly like one, but the other is stronger, but you are sometimes afraid of it. You are trying to somehow reconcile these parts with each other. That is, there are internal contradictions. Perhaps connected specifically with my own attitude towards my husband (I sometimes love, sometimes I hate). However, these same guys can symbolize the overall relationship with your husband. They are sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes they suit you, sometimes not so much.
      Sweets and their purchase are probably a desire to live better. However, it requires effort from you (you have to pay for someone else) and it remains to be seen whether it will be better (you give money).
      The snake is yellow-orange with black spots - most likely, human envy, perhaps gossip, or someone’s direct interference in life. That is, there will be something that will touch you personally, your most timid part of the soul. Here you can handle it for sure (they killed the snake).
      Then it gets a little worse. Wedding Dress, table with guests, escape. Yes, perhaps an illness, but perhaps just serious troubles that will drive you to despair. A woman with a girl - I can’t say for sure. Either you meet yourself again, or some forces accompany you. The river is life itself. it seems to you that it cannot be good, but think about it, perhaps this is not entirely true. The water is white-gray, but generally clean.
      Mild intoxication – not entirely correct, somewhat inappropriate actions, or a similar perception of the situation. Pair dancing is usually a relationship. The fact that your husband is not with you, but with his brother, does not mean a breakup. This is most likely their friendship and communication.
      In general, start by trying to understand own soul and head. Find a middle ground, harmony, peace of mind. After this, reality will improve on its own.

    I had a dream on Tuesday morning. It was as if we were renting an apartment in a multi-storey building, and when I approached the house, I saw a lot of large machines, cranes... as if they were renovating the house. Then I went to the floor, and there were people running and screaming. that the house was falling. Even two men were running completely in bandages. People are running, and outside the window the workers are sitting quietly and doing nothing. I start rushing around, either running down to the street, or going home to get my things. Then I quarrel a little with the workers, I’m trying to film them like the house is collapsing, and they sit and do nothing. But the most impressionable thing is then, as if the house is starting to collapse, I’m flying head over heels with bricks, debris and everything in pink... I’m flying and I think that’s it ..that’s all..I’m dying….And I woke up with fear! It was almost seven in the morning.

    • It looks like your usual worldview will be completely destroyed (the house is collapsing) or illusions ( pink color). Perhaps plans will collapse, hopes will not come true. And it will turn out to be “like death” for you. For what reason, I can’t say. But you will have to deal with this alone, don’t expect outside help.

    • Perhaps in reality you will decide to categorically refuse what you have had for a long time. This doesn't necessarily apply family life. About a beaten dad. With equal probability it could be illness, loss, trouble, gossip, or luck, prosperity, respect. It’s difficult to say for sure; more details are needed.

      A gymnast was dancing, very graceful. And suddenly a large rat attacked her from behind and gnawed her chest from the back. And I just looked at everything in a dream. I had no fear, I was ready for battle and thought about what to do...
      I immediately woke up, thinking that rats were enemies
      Please help me understand the dream 🙏

      • Yes, apparently, we should expect attacks from ill-wishers or even circumstances. Moreover, the gymnast herself can easily be associated with you personally, with some ideas, with something that is being implemented well and no obstacles are foreseen.

      Hello! Today on Tuesday I had several dreams, but one scene stuck in my memory, where I found myself in an elevator with my mother and a small child (my son is now 4 years old, in the dream he was half his age), the mother pressed the button, as if they were going to go upstairs, even though it was illogical, I'm not sure. The elevator started moving, almost immediately stopped (got stuck), then quickly went down, and I immediately realized that it was falling. There was a feeling of doom. And indeed, we were lifted above the floor, the cabin was falling so quickly. I remember that I tried to climb the wall, group myself, pressed the child to my chest and prayed jerkily for as long as I could. And then I was “thrown out of the dream” and supposedly woke up in a cold sweat, but in fact it was a different dream. In any case, I never returned to that plot; I think everyone died.
      I read the interpretation, everything is the same... Everything is bad. Is it true that a dream should come true within 7-10 days, if later, then it is unlikely? What do you think it means? Prepare for the inevitable collapse and reckoning?

      • It is not at all necessary to prepare for some kind of tragedy; in dreams, everything is usually greatly exaggerated. Most likely, there will simply be some difficult situation in which you will experience similar emotions: fear, helplessness, perhaps even doom.

      I had a dream that I was pregnant and gave birth to my ex young man with who now have nothing to do with them at all. We are so joyful, he too, I saw this baby. What could this mean?

      I dreamed that I was pregnant and gave birth to a girl without any effort or pain, the girl was large, beautiful, calm, quiet, didn’t cry at all, and I looked at her and realized that I wanted another child, and it was as if another two years passed and I gave birth to another one girl is exactly the same, but I don’t see that first girl near me, I understand that she is somewhere but I don’t see. The whole dream is based on positive emotions, joy, tranquility

      • Girls in a dream are a symbol of good changes. Moreover, the baby looked very good. Moreover, after a certain period of time (apparently two years), the events will repeat.

      Hello! Today I dreamed that I was in a store and the seller offered me a denim short coat, but I didn’t try it on. And when I started putting it in the bag, I saw there was also a knitted set of several items. I was happy with this purchase, but I didn’t give away the money.

      • In general, a purchase is a symbol of profit and good luck. Buying without money is a sign of control over the situation, recognition and respect of others. Since the coat is denim, this most likely concerns work. And a knitted set can be associated with family.

      Hello! I dreamed of a pack of dogs different colors and colors. They prevented me from walking around the garden. They spun around under my feet. They sniffed me with their noses. I directly felt the touch of their wet Noses on my feet! Why would that be?

      Dreams are not often dreamed or are quickly forgotten. today I dreamed of a kind, but very a strange dream. I see a young mother, she puts my sister and me to bed: she adjusts the blanket, strokes her, she is very kind and affectionate. And I remember the interior in detail, just like in childhood, right down to the curtains that we once had. It’s interesting that in addition to us little ones, there is also today’s me (half-ghostly). My mother looks at me periodically, also affectionately (my mother is alive at the moment).
      There is another woman in the room (not my blood relative, the deceased), she sits on a chair at a distance and strokes her hair, does not speak. I haven’t seen her since I was 2 years old, but here she is very clearly.
      The emotions from sleep are the kindest. It’s embarrassing that I’ve never seen such dreams, everything is very realistic, it feels like there was a leap into the past))

      • Everything is very possible, despite the fantastic nature of this assumption.)) Positive impressions are the best indicator. Everything will be fine. But you know, even if something happens, you need to accept it without bitterness or regret.

      dreamed about it own funeral, as if I saw it from the side, but no one seemed to see me, I can’t remember how many people there were. I remember it was black, smooth, you could already see the reflection around it, in my opinion, a marble monument. My photo with a smile, it was sunny, the sky was blue, now I remember my mother’s words that I’ll see you soon. I hugged the monument, but I don’t remember whether I was crying at that time, whether I saw myself in the reflection. It seems something like this. What is this for??? It was scary in the morning after waking up

Day of the week: Tuesday.
Favorable metal: iron.
Patronizing planet: Mars.

Symbol of the patron planet

The meaning of dreams for Tuesday

Tuesday is under the influence of Mars. The red planet is known for its warlike disposition, so dreams of this day are often harbingers of future conflicts and confrontations. The influence of Mars can motivate decisive actions, which is why dreams on the second day of the week are usually filled with vivid scenes. Dreams from Monday to Tuesday, as a rule, reflect the full breadth of the dreamer’s abilities, his enthusiasm and energy.

In that case if Tuesday's dream is calm, the dreamer has nothing to fear, since his creative energy is directed in the right direction, which means that all obstacles will be overcome easily and successfully. However, in some cases, a nondescript dream may indicate the absence of such energy at all.

If sleep from Monday to Tuesday is full of events and leaves memorable sensations, the energy of the sleeper simply splashes over the edge, that is, a decisive manifestation of initiative would be quite appropriate. In this case, you cannot hesitate to act, because receiving such a signal in vain and doing nothing is a very reckless decision. If in Tuesday's dream you show yourself as a leader, you should go forward and do not hesitate to act alone; such a dream, as a rule, means a peak state of readiness for decisive action.

Do dreams come true from Monday to Tuesday?

Dreams seen on Tuesday that have a negative emotional connotation are a warning that the dreamer’s self-esteem is too high, and this is extremely destructive in life. important matters. In this case, you should refuse to take initiative for a while, because a successful result may not be achieved.

Because of dreams from Monday to Tuesday are under the influence of Mars, their content is dominated by all sorts of conflicts and plots of confrontation, in general the atmosphere of these dreams is very aggressive. This, first of all, indicates how strong the dreamer is now filled with creative energy and how ready he is to take decisive steps.

If Tuesday’s dream ends with the dreamer’s victory in the confrontation, then the dreamer should not doubt his abilities and take bold steps in all areas of life. If the plot of the dream includes any sharp weapon, then the dreamer has now reached peak energy charge.

In the event that the dream ends in defeat, or the events of the dream are simply not pleasant for the person, the dream indicates that the energy is declining, after such a dream one should be more attentive and beware of critical mistakes. It is better to wait out an unfavorable period than to correct your own mistakes later.

A dream from Monday to Tuesday is poor in events and impressions, as a rule, indicates that the dreamer needs rest, but if such a dream occurs during a period of active activity, there is no need to be afraid, this indicates that the sleeper is now on the right path.

Day of the week on which the dream will come true

Every dream will certainly be reflected in real life, but on what day should we expect this? Astrology can easily answer this question, namely the seven-pointed star of magicians. The seven-pointed star unites the seven planets, showing the connection, the conversation between them. From the Moon, the ruler of Monday, there are two straight lines to Jupiter and Venus, which means Monday's dreams will come true on Thursday, on the day of Jupiter, or on Friday- Venus day (possibly on Thursday and Friday at the same time).