Why do you dream about the reburial of dead soldiers? Dreaming about the funeral of a deceased person: positive and negative interpretations of the dream

20.07.2019 Sport

Despite the fact that a funeral is a sad and tragic event, such a dream may portend joyful events . Why do you dream about the funeral of a person who has already died?

Let's try to figure it out Why do you dream about the funeral of a dead person? and what is the omen of such a dream.

The funeral of an already deceased person foreshadows a quick wedding for the dreamer or dreamer if he or she is not yet married.

If during sleep the dreamer does not experience bad emotions or experiences, in the near future he will not face any troubles or problems.

The funeral of a stranger in a dream is a harbinger of elation, a surge of strength, and the discovery of a “second wind.”

Poor funeral for a man who actually died a long time ago, are a harbinger of good luck and quick enrichment.

If the funeral takes place in good, sunny weather, and the sky above is clear and blue, such a dream foreshadows good health and well-being of the dreamer’s family and friends.

If a rich man is buried in a dream, famous person , the dreamer will soon have great luck.

Such a dream may also portend unexpected enrichment, for example, receiving money as an inheritance. For office workers, such a dream foreshadows a salary increase.

If the dreamer accepts condolences on the death of a long-dead person, such a dream foreshadows a holiday or other joyful event.

Being part of a funeral procession is a harbinger of an imminent wedding.

Funerals are often a harbinger of short-lived, fleeting happiness. This could be a passionate but short-lived romance, a vacation, or a series of joyful events.

The funeral of someone close to you, long dead - good sign . Such a dream is a harbinger of great luck, happiness, the emergence of new hope and serious changes for the better in the dreamer’s life.

The funeral of a recently deceased person promises the dreamer and his family prosperity and well-being. Such a dream, oddly enough, speaks of the dreamer’s good health and financial independence.

Negative interpretations

However, it is not surprising that such a dream has much more unpleasant, and in many ways even tragic, meanings.

Attending a funeral is a harbinger of trouble, illness or even death of a loved one or acquaintance.

If it rains during a funeral, such a dream is a harbinger of illness or whiteness for the dreamer himself. He should beware of bad habits.

The funeral of a long-dead person foreshadows career failures. For business people, such a dream predicts a streak of failure.

If the dreamer plans to open his own business or implement a project, the dream warns that it will be a failure.

If in a dream the dreamer is not only part of a funeral procession, but also carries a coffin, he should be wary of quarrels with family and friends.

Soon he may, against his will, do something vile, offend or cruelly insult people dear to him.

Whether he will do this intentionally or not - the dream is silent about this, but in any case, the dreamer should be more careful with words and actions.

Seeing a funeral procession from the side is a bad sign. Such a dream is a harbinger of a streak of failure. The longer the procession, the longer the black streak in the dreamer’s life.

A funeral in a dream is a harbinger of bad news. Such a dream foreshadows a decline in your career.

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    Death Funeral Cemetery Reburial Burial I dreamed about it death is not clear, but not close or familiar. Dream Interpretation - Deceased. Well, I know one way to make sure that the dead don't dreamed about, and you were not disturbed. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Funeral mothers and suddenly in dream.Read completely

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    Dream Interpretation - Dead, Deceased. see in dream alive their deceased father or grandfather mother or grandmother - to get rid of difficulties and problems. Who sees that he is having sexual intercourse with deceased (deceased, will achieve what is already for a long time lost hope. Who will see in dream, What deceased the woman came to life and had sexual intercourse with him, will be successful in all her endeavors. Read more

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    Interpret dream. Dream Interpretation- Grandmother. Good evening, Elena! Of course, it could be a demonic entity, disguised as a grandmother. But most likely it’s just hard for her now in the afterlife, she’s not like that for a long time died.In general, talk to mother, dear ones, find out the problem. I was surprised by the appearance of my grandmother in dream...And I was alarmed by the question of whether you fed the children... In general, if you are interested, write in a personal message, we will talk in more detail. Read more

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    Dream Interpretation Deceased man hugs dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Deceased person hugging? Dream Interpretation- Sex with for a long time deceased person. Dream Interpretation - Dead, Deceased. see in dream alive their deceased father or grandfather mother or grandmother - to deliverance...Read more

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    Dream Interpretation - Reburial deceased. Dream speaks of parting with old hopes (desire rebury) and new life plans that have not yet been formalized (the need for shopping). All this is connected with your desire to bring more beauty into your life (flowers, garden, flower bed). Dream Interpretation - Dead mother and my father came to visit me, I treat them to food. If for a long time didn’t remember them, then you need to do it, if you did remember them, then they came to rejoice for you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Scary dreams Death Funeral Cemetery Reburial Burial I dreamed about it death is not clear, but not close or familiar. I dreamed about it dead father I dreamed about it dead grandfather I dreamed about it dead Friend I dreamed about it deceased grandmother Dead People I dreamed about it deceased Mother Had a dream dead I dreamed about it dead for a long time Had a dream falling people I dreamed about it deceased aunt Had a dream dead people. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - Mother. Dream reminds us of the possibility of restoring relations with mother.Dead person Mother Son I dreamed about it Deceased. Dream Interpretation - Deceased Mother my boyfriend.Dead Mother Boy Deceased Mother mine. Dream Interpretation - Reburial deceased.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Deceased mother talking dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Deceased mother talking?Who will see him having sexual intercourse with deceased (deceased, will achieve what is already for a long time lost hope. Who will see in dream, What deceased the woman came to life and had sexual intercourse with him, she will have success in all her endeavors. See in dream deceased a person is silent, which means that he from the other world treats favorably the person who saw this dream.

Why do you dream about the funeral of the deceased? Dream interpretation

A dream about the funeral of a deceased person cannot be considered unfavorable. He foretells that the streak of bad luck will soon end and you will not feel sad. If in a dream you are present at the funeral of a deceased person who is a stranger to you, then the dream generally promises you an uplift of spirit. But the interpretation will be correct if you take into account the details of the dream and take into account who exactly died. If you dream of the funeral of a deceased relative during which the weather is sunny, the dream promises you good health and good luck. Rain and wind during the funeral of the deceased will be harbingers of unpleasant news, business failures and illness. If the funeral of a deceased person is arranged on a grand scale, profit awaits you in reality. If you not only attend the funeral, but also carry the coffin, you will be unlucky in love.

Dream Interpretation Burial, funeral, why dream of Burial, funeral in a dream

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does Burial, funeral mean in a dream:

Burial - Auspicious dream, means long life the one who is being buried. If you dreamed of the burial of an already deceased person, it means that sadness will soon leave you. Imagine that you are placing white lilies on the grave of a buried person.

Islamic dream book Why do you dream of Burial, funeral in a dream?

What does it mean to see a Burial, a funeral in a dream - whoever sees himself in a dream as a dead man who has already been buried will go on a long journey and get rich there. And whoever sees that he is buried alive will be imprisoned and oppressed by those who wish him harm and hate him. And whoever sees that he has died after being buried in the ground will be killed in reality by problems and worries. He will strongly repent of something before Allah whoever sees in a dream that he is coming out of the grave after burial.

Eastern dream book on Feng Shui What does it mean if you dream of a Burial, a funeral in a dream according to Eastern traditions?

Seeing a funeral rite in a dream - If you see a funeral rite in a dream, it means illness. Hearing crying is good news. If you are participating in a funeral rite, this means an invitation to someone else’s wedding and other festive events.

Home dream book Why do you dream of Burial, funeral in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Burial alive means complete depression and loss of spirit. To be saved by crawling out of the grave is to make great efforts to overcome negative feelings.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream about Burial, funeral:

Interpretation of the dream book: To be buried alive - In a dream, it foreshadows misfortune for the rest of your life.

Burial - To see in a dream means deliverance from all evil, also success in an enterprise.

Burial - Seeing a relative, friend or nobleman means happiness, wealth, receiving an inheritance and a profitable marriage.

Lunar dream book Why do you dream about Burial, funeral?

As the dream book interprets: Burial - Marriage.

Explanatory dream book Why do you dream of Burial, funeral according to the dream book?

Why see Burial - Marriage.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Burial, funeral in a dream

Burial – Seeing something special means great patience; general - inheritance; being buried alive is a misfortune.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing burial, funeral in a dream

In a dream, why do you dream about Burial - Fun, wedding, inheritance - being buried alive is a misfortune

Funeral of a deceased father

Dream Interpretation Funeral of a Dead Father dreamed of why you dream about the funeral of a dead father? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Funeral of a deceased father in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

Dream Interpretation - Father of the deceased

Loss, loss.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

A deceased brother is fortunate.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

If you are present at the funeral of a person you don’t know, then unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible.

The funeral of your child foretells health and peace in your family, but problems among friends.

Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or the illness of an absent person.

Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Funeral - as you dream about a funeral, it is a good thing, maybe there is a wedding in the family. If you dream of a funeral, grief will freeze. A funeral is a happy ending; wedding; They hide you - a long life, for employees - a salary increase.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Seeing a funeral means fun, successful completion of some business, and receiving money.

If you are buried, you have a long life ahead, but it may happen that you hear a bad opinion about yourself.

Participating in a funeral in beautiful weather means the health, happiness, and prosperity of everyone you love.

Bad weather at a funeral in a dream means illness, bad news and worsening affairs in reality.

Burying a stranger means difficulties in relationships with others.

If suddenly the deceased turns out to be alive, there will soon be a wedding of someone close or yours.

You might just receive an invitation to someone's wedding.

Funeral bells and music indicate sad news.

Funeral of a dead person

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

If you dreamed that one of your loved ones was dead, you should prepare for trials and even losses.

If you dreamed that you were talking to your deceased father, get ready for intrigues directed against you.

If you dream of a conversation with your deceased mother, you should pay attention to your health and analyze your lifestyle.

A conversation with a deceased brother suggests that one of your loved ones needs your help.

If you dreamed about your dead husband, this is a great misfortune.

If you dream of one of your dead friends, it is possible that unpleasant news awaits you.

If you dreamed that one of the dead came to you in good health and good mood, this is a sign that you have not organized your life correctly, which can result in serious and irreparable mistakes.

Try not to do rash things.

If you dreamed that a deceased relative was making a request to you, perhaps this is a warning about impending mental depression or a decline in business.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Dream Interpretation - A dead man yawns

Poor sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - A dead person washes the floor in your house

Poor sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man in Winter

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man in Summer

Dream Interpretation - Carrying a dead person out of the house (corpse, funeral)

To dream of a dead person being taken out of your house means extreme fatigue.

Dream Interpretation - Dead man, deceased

A dead person in a dream will not harm you in any way in life, as long as he lies still and does nothing. A dream in which you saw that a dead person is rowdy foreshadows troubles and anxieties. Seeing him in your home is a sign of trouble or danger. If you dream that a dead person came to you and spoke to you, then expect a change in the weather for the worse. Hugging or kissing a dead person in a dream foreshadows anxiety and obstacles in business. For a patient, such a dream predicts death. It is believed, however, that kissing the deceased on the forehead (as is customary when saying goodbye to them) is a sign of farewell or separation from one of your loved ones or acquaintances with whom you were in a similar relationship. A short vision in which you saw unfamiliar dead people at the moment when you were thinking about something or someone means that the business or person you were thinking about is an empty undertaking from which nothing will come of it. For lovers, such a dream means that your relationship will never become what you would like it to be. Seeing a lot of corpses in a dream and not being afraid foreshadows the start of a new business that promises to be profitable. If you dream that a stranger has died, then you will easily cope with the difficulties that have befallen you, or the dream predicts that you will receive good news. To dream that your acquaintance or friend has died (or been killed) means trouble, separation from him or great worries. The same dream about a deceased enemy (or competitor) predicts victory over him. A dream in which you saw that the person whose funeral you attended came to you and warned you of danger, then listen to his advice and do not go on a long journey and do not take important steps in the immediate future after this dream, as this threatens your life. To dream that a person who has already died comes to you and is silent means that he wishes you the good, wealth and happiness that he himself had during his life. Seeing the deceased alive in a dream sometimes predicts an invitation to a celebration. Carrying a deceased person in a dream is a sign of grief, sadness, hopelessness, and sometimes death. A dream in which you are lying with a dead person means that your relationship with someone has come to a logical conclusion, they have died. After such a dream, it is correct to expect separation from a person who was near and dear to you. However, the dream also says that such a separation is simply necessary for you, otherwise later you may regret not breaking up with this person. A dream in which you saw that you were lying between two dead people foreshadows that you will soon have to suffer a serious illness. A cheerful deceased person in a dream is a sign that we will soon receive some good news from family or a friend. A sad deceased person in a dream foreshadows bad news that our enemies are not asleep. If you dream that you see a dead person who during his lifetime was a greedy and envious person, then beware of the machinations of enemies. Moving or trying to move a dead person in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you are busy with empty business and wasting your energy in vain. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows death from an accident. Giving money or clothes to the deceased in a dream is a sign of great misfortune, serious illness or death of one’s own or a loved one.

Dressing a deceased person in a dream means that you should take care of your health.

Accepting food from the deceased in a dream is a sign of enrichment and well-being. If you dream that the deceased came to your house and made the bed, then beware of illness. It is possible that such a dream means that your close friend or relative will soon fall ill. A dream in which you saw that you have died and are going to be buried according to all the rules means that you may lose your job and even change your place of residence. Sometimes such a dream predicts receiving a large inheritance or wealth. Seeing yourself dead in a dream is a sign of great mercy important person, whose service will elevate you. Such a dream also foretells that your life will be long and successful. But at the same time, you will have many envious people who can darken your carefree existence. A dream in which you saw that you were buried alive portends misfortunes, worries and anxiety for you. If you dream that a dead person has come to life, then expect losses, obstacles and delays in your affairs. Sometimes such a dream also means that what was lost will return to you. For lovers, such a dream indicates that their passion can flare up with renewed vigor. To dream that a deceased person has come to life again and then died, foretells that a person with the same name (position, rank) will die. If you dream that a person you know and who is alive has died, it predicts failure in business, trouble, or the loss of a controversial case in court. If in dead in the dream called you or took you away, then expect a quick death, or a death similar to that which the person who took you away died. If you have such a dream about your friends and relatives, then they will face many misfortunes in life and serious illnesses. Fighting with the deceased in a dream is a harbinger of a quarrel with his relatives. Meeting a dead person by chance in a dream is a sign of the beginning of something ( new love or affairs). It all depends on what kind of relationship (business, love or friendship) you had with the deceased. See interpretation: agony, father, hug.

Dream Interpretation - Janaza (dead body)

whoever in a dream sees himself performing Janaza-Namaz (prayer for the repose of the soul) over the body of a deceased person will fraternize with certain people for the sake of Allah Almighty.

And whoever sees the men carrying him on a funeral bier will achieve greatness and power, conquer people and dominate them. And if they mourn the deceased, then the end of his life will be prosperous, and if not, then unfavorable. And whoever sees that he is burying the body of a deceased person, this indicates the one who is setting off on a journey and bidding farewell to him. Sometimes seeing yourself on a funeral stretcher carried by people portends an acquaintance with a person who will help financially, and if no one carries the stretcher, it means prison.

Carrying a funeral bier to the market means profit through hypocrisy, but carrying them to the cemetery means acting honestly, correctly and fairly in life.

Carrying a funeral bier with a deceased person in a dream portends wealth and an increase in one’s authority among acquaintances.

Funeral of a deceased grandmother

Dream Interpretation Funeral of an already deceased grandmother dreamed of why in a dream the funeral of an already deceased grandmother? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Funeral of an already deceased grandmother in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Our deceased grandparents stand apart

They come to us in dreams at the most critical moments of our lives. See Add. Examples in the article “How to interpret dreams? ").

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Grandmother is a symbol of the feminine principle or female genital organs, but with a certain coloring.

For a girl, she symbolizes her fears of her unattractiveness and fear of being left without a sexual partner.

For a woman, grandmother symbolizes fear of loss of sexual attractiveness.

For a young man, his grandmother symbolizes his fear of being inadequate.

For a man, grandmother symbolizes his sadness about missed opportunities.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Seeing your grandmother in a dream means that your life experience will help you get out of a difficult, possibly dangerous situation. Tears on the face of your grandmother in your dream foreshadow undeserved grievances and a quarrel with loved ones. If your long-dead grandmother advises you something in a dream, expect changes in life. It depends on your ability to maneuver whether these changes will be positive or negative. If you dream that you have become a grandmother, this means something unexpected. If you have children, monitor their health.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Seeing yours in a dream my own grandmother, if she is currently alive, is a sign of receiving news from her. The dream also means that if you are due to be paid money for the work you have done and you are currently worried about it, then you have nothing to worry about. You will definitely get this money. Seeing your grandmother next to you in bed is an omen that she approves of your plans, which will be successfully implemented. If in a dream you meet your grandmother and this meeting is completely unexpected for you, then in life you will face many difficulties and obstacles in business and you will be in dire need of outside help or advice.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Seeing your grandmother, who has already died, in a dream means finally finding a quiet haven in the stormy ocean of life. Marriage awaits you if you are single, or an addition to your family. If you have seen your living grandmother, this indicates her illness, and possibly death. A grandmother who scolds you, as in childhood, means that you will commit a rash act that you will regret.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

A) if you dreamed about your grandmother, you will face difficulties in life and it will not be easy to overcome them, but good advice will help you.

B) seeing a grandmother in a dream promises future powerlessness and weakness.

C) you met your grandmother - a sign that for some work you will receive much less money than you expected and what you are entitled to.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Grandmother is a symbol of an old wise woman.

This is the wise, mature aspect of your self.

The American Indians lovingly called the earth “grandmother earth,” revering it as a living, conscious being.

This sign may relate to your own grandmother and her talents.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

Seeing your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream means getting rid of difficulties and problems. Seeing living loved ones people dead, means their life will be extended. A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin. Whoever sees that he has found a dead person will soon become rich. If the deceased whom you see in a dream does something bad, then he warns you against doing it. Seeing a single dead person means marriage, and seeing a married person deceased - to separation with relatives or divorce. If the deceased whom you saw in a dream did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar. Seeing a dead person alive in a dream and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position this person in the next world. The Koran says: “No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord.” (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks to the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended. If the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person in a dream, he will receive benefits and wealth from where he did not expect. And if he does this with a deceased person he knows, he will gain from him necessary knowledge or the money he left behind. Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with a deceased person will achieve what he has long lost hope for. Whoever sees in a dream that a deceased woman has come to life and has had sexual intercourse with him will have success in all his endeavors. See in a dream of a deceased person, he is silent, which means that he from the other world treats favorably the person who saw this dream. Anyone who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing in life from the other side. , from where he does not count. And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad act in the future. Seeing the deceased rich in a dream means that everything is fine with him in the next world. dream of the deceased receiving favor from Allah. If a deceased person is naked in a dream, it means that he has not done any good deeds in life. If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, then he will really die soon. The blackened face of a deceased person in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah. The Koran says: “And to those whose faces turn black, (it will be said): “Have you not renounced the faith that you accepted?” (Sura-Imran, 106). Whoever sees that he enters the house with the deceased, and does not come out from there, he will be on the verge of death, but then he will be saved. Seeing oneself in a dream sleeping in the same bed with a deceased person means longevity. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die in the same way as the deceased died. Seeing a deceased person performing Namaz in a dream in the place where he usually performed it during his lifetime means that he is in trouble. afterlife not very good. Seeing him performing Namaz in a different place than where he performed it during his life means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for his earthly deeds. A dream in which the deceased is in a mosque indicates that he is deprived of torment, for a mosque in a dream means peace and security. If in a dream a deceased person leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the lives of these people will be shortened, because in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead person. If someone sees in a dream how in some place some previously deceased righteous people came to life, this will mean that goodness, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the residents of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go well.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

A dream about them foreshadows the end of an unpleasant matter and relief. For patients, such a dream predicts death. Sometimes such a dream also foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance or an imminent marriage. If in a dream you attend someone else's funeral, then the dream predicts the imminent death of a relative or loved one. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows failure in business and great patience. If you dream that you were buried alive, then you should be wary of liability for dishonest or illegal actions you have committed. To be present at the funeral of close relatives or important persons in a dream means that you will become rich thanks to your relatives or connections. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding with a loved one.

Hearing a conversation about a funeral in a dream foreshadows the imminent end of some case in court and joy about this. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a certain person will soon get married. A very solemn funeral in a dream is a sign of great patience. Your funeral in a dream is a sign of great luck and longevity. The dream in which you see the funeral of your loved ones has the same meaning. Such a dream promises them longevity and prosperity. Hearing a speech at a funeral in a dream is a sign of receiving good news about success in business. But seeing a funeral procession in a dream means a long period of suffering and great sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Seeing your grandmother in a dream, but not seeing her face, but only assuming that it is your grandmother, means significant material support from relatives.

Why do you dream of burying a dead person?

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Washing a dead person means a tragic event.

Seeing a dead person means good luck, achieving a goal.

If you are a dead person - to a long life.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

This symbol has different meanings. Usually, if the deceased does not ask for anything and does not show dissatisfaction, does not make any complaints, it means that the dream is about a change in the weather.

To dream that people are condemning someone who is lying in a coffin means trouble; prepare for conflict with your superiors; to a quarrel with neighbors or strangers.

Seeing a person who died long ago in a dream as if he were still alive means a change in the weather.

Seeing a person whose pale appearance closely resembles a dead person is a sign of illness; to a conversation with a friend who has serious problems; to meet with older people.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

If you dream that you are dead, rest assured that good health and a long, happy life await you.

If the deceased is someone else, you will have a long and interesting life, however, not necessarily happy and in good health.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Seeing is a warning;
seeing your deceased father or talking to him is a danger of making a bad deal; be careful in your dealings, because enemies surround you;
to see your deceased mother - excessive impressionability will serve as a source of trouble for you, the illness of one of your loved ones is possible;
a deceased brother or other relative, friend - in the near future someone will ask you for advice or financial help;
the deceased looks alive and happy - someone is exerting a bad influence on you, succumbing to which you risk incurring serious losses;
talking to some long-dead relative and he is trying to wrest some promise from you - a dark streak will begin in your life if you do not follow the advice of your friends;
for a girl - the dead, rising from their graves, surround you, and friends refuse to come to the rescue - unpleasant events.
Also see Cellar, Shroud, Death, Conversation.

Dream Interpretation - Bury (funeral)

Dream Interpretation - Dead people (people who have died, but appear alive in a dream)

In general, to a change in weather; relaxation, peace of mind. Taking and giving something from a dead person is taken “to one’s place” very badly (unfortunately, serious illnesses, death of loved ones or one’s own).

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

A deceased acquaintance who comes back to life in your dream reminds you of the type of character he possessed.

If unpleasant memories are associated with the image of the deceased, it is likely that a similar person has appeared in your current life.

The image of a dead man warns you against communicating with him.

Unknown living dead symbolize the revival of deeds, qualities, events that are associated with your past.

Seeing people who are currently living dead means “burying” those unworthy qualities that you don’t like.

Funeral strangers mean that some of your affairs, a stage of life, have been completed.

Seeing yourself dead means admitting that some part of your self has died. And you will be reborn in a new quality. Accept this with humility and hope for the best.

Dream Interpretation - Burying alive

Difficulty breathing.

Conversion of anxiety.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Deceased - good health, long life.

Dream Interpretation - Bury

Dream Interpretation Burying a grandmother who died long ago dreamed of why you dream about burying your grandmother who died a long time ago? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Burying a long-dead grandmother by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bury

You are buried in your sleep.

You are burying someone.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

Seeing your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream means getting rid of difficulties and problems. Seeing living loved ones dead means that their life will be extended. A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin. Whoever sees that he has found a dead person will soon become rich. If the deceased whom you see in a dream does something bad, then he warns you against doing it. Seeing a single deceased means marriage, and seeing a married deceased means separation from relatives or divorce. If the deceased whom you saw in a dream did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar. Seeing a dead person alive in a dream and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world. The Koran says: “No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord.” (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks to the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended. If the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person in a dream, he will receive benefits and wealth from where he did not expect. And if he does this with a deceased person he knows, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left behind by him. Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with a deceased person will achieve what he has long lost hope for. Whoever sees in a dream that a deceased woman has come to life and has had sexual intercourse with him will have success in all his endeavors. See in a dream of a deceased person, he is silent, which means that he from the other world treats favorably the person who saw this dream. Anyone who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing in life from the other side. , from where he does not count. And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad act in the future. Seeing the deceased rich in the next world means that he is doing well in the next world. Greeting the deceased in a dream means receiving favor from Allah. naked in a dream, it means that he has not done any good deeds in life. If the deceased informs the dreamer about his imminent death, then soon he will really die. The blackened face of the deceased in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah. “And to those whose faces turn black, (it will be said): “Have you not renounced the faith that you accepted?” (Sura-Imran, 106). Whoever sees that he enters the house with the deceased and does not come out will be on the verge of death, but then will be saved. Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping in the same bed with a deceased person means longevity. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die in the same way as the deceased died. Seeing a deceased person performing Namaz in a dream in the place where he usually performed it during life means that he is not doing well in the afterlife. Seeing him performing Namaz in a different place than where he performed it during his life means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for his earthly deeds. A dream in which the deceased is in a mosque indicates that he is deprived of torment, for a mosque in a dream means peace and security. If in a dream a deceased person leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the lives of these people will be shortened, because in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead person. If someone sees in a dream how in some place some previously deceased righteous people came to life, this will mean that goodness, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the residents of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go well.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

To see deceased relatives, friends or loved ones - the fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire to receive support, longing for the warmth of relationships, for loved ones / a change in the weather or severe frosts begin.

But if the deceased kisses, calls, leads, or you yourself follow in his wake - serious illness and troubles / death.

It's even worse to give them money, food, clothes, etc. - serious illness / danger to life.

Give a photo to a dead person - the person in the portrait will die.

Taking something from a deceased person in a dream means happiness, wealth.

Congratulating him is a good deed.

Those who long to see him are poorly remembered.

Talking to a deceased friend in a dream is important news.

Everything that the deceased says in a dream is true, “ambassadors of the future.”

Seeing a portrait of the deceased is spiritual help in material need.

Seeing both deceased parents together is happiness and wealth.

Mother - with her appearance most often warns against rash actions.

Father - warns against something that you will later be ashamed of.

A deceased grandfather or grandmother appears in a dream before significant ceremonies.

A deceased brother is fortunate.

A deceased sister means an unclear, uncertain future.

Sleeping with a dead husband is a nuisance

Dream Interpretation - Bury

Dream Interpretation - Bury

Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality (appeared in a dream)

Those people who no longer exist in reality continue to live (exist!) in our consciousness. IN folk superstition“seeing dead people in a dream means a change in weather.” And there is some truth in this as a result of sharp changes atmospheric pressure in the form of loved ones of the deceased, either phantoms of deceased acquaintances or lucifags from non-physical dimensions of the earth’s noosphere most easily penetrate into people’s dreams in order to study, contact and influence the sleeper. The essence of the latter can be clarified using special techniques only in lucid dreams. And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (non-human), it is quite easy to determine their arrival. And although lucifags very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones, loved ones who have passed on to another world, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, instead of joy, for some reason we experience special discomfort, strong excitement and even fear! However, what saves us from making direct destructive energetic contact with genuine representatives of underground infernal spaces is the lack of full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e., unawareness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them. However, quite often we may see “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of close people who once lived with us. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent. In this case, from deceased relatives we can receive good parting words, a warning, a message about future events, and real spiritual-energy support and protection (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime). In other cases, dead people in a dream represent our own projections, showing the so-called “unfinished gestalt” - an unfinished relationship with a given person. Such non-physically ongoing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, and resolution of past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by feelings of sadness, guilt, regret, repentance and spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Deceased - If you dreamed of a deceased loved one, you will have to face the betrayal of your loved one.

Burying the long dead again

Dream Interpretation Burying a long-dead person again dreamed of why you dream about burying a long-dead person again? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Burying a long-dead person in a dream again by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sex with a long-dead person

A dream about a sexual relationship with a deceased person means longing for him, a desire to communicate on an incorporeal level, penetration into the world of the dead and staying in it.

If you see yourself with a person who was your blood relative, the dream symbolizes nostalgia for how you once were, longing for bygone years, for former spontaneity, liveliness of judgment and freshness of outlook on life.

If in a dream your partner is simply a former acquaintance, the dream means your subconscious desire to find out what death is, what the meaning of life is, what happens to a person after his soul departs to another world.

Through sexual communication, the dead give us some knowledge about the most significant issues of life and death. With the help of the bodily apparatus, as the most accessible to understanding of a living person, they are trying to convey to us something important, something that needs to be known, something that we strive for.

Another option for interpreting sleep: sterility of body and soul, inability to generate thoughts, create ideas, inability to have children (literally and figuratively).

Dreams about sex with long-dead people have been considered very bad sign for the dreamer. An example of this is the fate of the famous Roman commander Mark Antony. Just before his death, he saw in a dream that he was in a love affair with the ancestor of the Romans, Romulus. At this time, the commander was hiding from the troops of Octavian Augustus in Egypt. He took the dream as a warning about a violent death and committed suicide by throwing himself on his sword.

Dream Interpretation - Bury

You are buried in your sleep.

Tip of the day: a dream foreshadows the successful completion of a difficult period. This is a good time for new beginnings: getting married, changing professions, moving.

You are burying someone.

Tip of the day: losses are possible, or even the loss of a loved one. These days it is important to finish all pending tasks.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

Seeing your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream means getting rid of difficulties and problems. Seeing living loved ones dead means that their life will be extended. A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin. Whoever sees that he has found a dead person will soon become rich. If the deceased whom you see in a dream does something bad, then he warns you against doing it. Seeing a single deceased means marriage, and seeing a married deceased means separation from relatives or divorce. If the deceased whom you saw in a dream did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar. Seeing a dead person alive in a dream and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world. The Koran says: “No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord.” (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks to the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended. If the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person in a dream, he will receive benefits and wealth from where he did not expect. And if he does this with a deceased person he knows, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left behind by him. Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with a deceased person will achieve what he has long lost hope for. Whoever sees in a dream that a deceased woman has come to life and has had sexual intercourse with him will have success in all his endeavors. See in a dream of a deceased person, he is silent, which means that he from the other world treats favorably the person who saw this dream. Anyone who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing in life from the other side. , from where he does not count. And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad act in the future. Seeing the deceased rich in the next world means that he is doing well in the next world. Greeting the deceased in a dream means receiving favor from Allah. naked in a dream, it means that he has not done any good deeds in life. If the deceased informs the dreamer about his imminent death, then soon he will really die. The blackened face of the deceased in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah. “And to those whose faces turn black, (it will be said): “Have you not renounced the faith that you accepted?” (Sura-Imran, 106). Whoever sees that he enters the house with the deceased and does not come out will be on the verge of death, but then will be saved. Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping in the same bed with a deceased person means longevity. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die in the same way as the deceased died. Seeing a deceased person performing Namaz in a dream in the place where he usually performed it during life means that he is not doing well in the afterlife. Seeing him performing Namaz in a different place than where he performed it during his life means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for his earthly deeds. A dream in which the deceased is in a mosque indicates that he is deprived of torment, for a mosque in a dream means peace and security. If in a dream a deceased person leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the lives of these people will be shortened, because in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead person. If someone sees in a dream how in some place some previously deceased righteous people came to life, this will mean that goodness, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the residents of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go well.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

To see deceased relatives, friends or loved ones - the fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire to receive support, longing for the warmth of relationships, for loved ones / a change in the weather or severe frosts begin.

But if the deceased kisses, calls, leads, or you yourself follow in his wake - serious illness and troubles / death.

It's even worse to give them money, food, clothes, etc. - serious illness / danger to life.

Give a photo to a dead person - the person in the portrait will die.

Taking something from a deceased person in a dream means happiness, wealth.

Congratulating him is a good deed.

Those who long to see him are poorly remembered.

Talking to a deceased friend in a dream is important news.

Everything that the deceased says in a dream is true, “ambassadors of the future.”

Seeing a portrait of the deceased is spiritual help in material need.

Seeing both deceased parents together is happiness and wealth.

Mother - with her appearance most often warns against rash actions.

Father - warns against something that you will later be ashamed of.

A deceased grandfather or grandmother appears in a dream before significant ceremonies.

A deceased brother is fortunate.

A deceased sister means an unclear, uncertain future.

Sleeping with a dead husband is a nuisance

Dream Interpretation - Bury

Burying someone in a dream means a dangerous day ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Bury

Burying someone in a dream means longevity.

Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality (appeared in a dream)

Those people who no longer exist in reality continue to live (exist!) in our consciousness. According to popular belief, “seeing the dead in a dream means a change in the weather.” And there is some truth in this, as a result of sharp changes in atmospheric pressure in the image of loved ones of the dead, either phantoms of deceased acquaintances or lucifags from non-physical dimensions of the earth’s noosphere most easily penetrate into the dreams of people in order to study, contact and influence the sleeper. The essence of the latter can be clarified using special techniques only in lucid dreams. And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (non-human), it is quite easy to determine their arrival. And although lucifags very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones, loved ones who have passed on to another world, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, instead of joy, for some reason we experience special discomfort, strong excitement and even fear! However, what saves us from making direct destructive energetic contact with genuine representatives of underground infernal spaces is the lack of full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e., unawareness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them. However, quite often we may see “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of close people who once lived with us. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent. In this case, from deceased relatives we can receive good parting words, a warning, a message about future events, and real spiritual-energy support and protection (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime). In other cases, dead people in a dream represent our own projections, showing the so-called “unfinished gestalt” - an unfinished relationship with a given person. Such non-physically ongoing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, and resolution of past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by feelings of sadness, guilt, regret, repentance and spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased parents in a dream (previously deceased in reality)

Their arrival in a person’s dream after his physical death has several aspects of interpretation. Among them: an attempt at psychological defense to neutralize strong feelings of loss, grief, loss in connection with what happened; which, as a consequence, leads to the harmonization of the mental activity of the sleeper. At the same time, deceased parents (relatives) act as a connecting element human consciousness with the world beyond, otherworldly. And in this case, the meaning of their image in a dream is significantly enhanced. Our deceased parents come “from there” at important periods in the sleeper’s life and serve as a sign of guidance, advice, warning, and blessing. Sometimes they become messengers about the death of the dreamer himself and even take and accompany the person to another world (this prophetic dreams about your own death!).

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Mean negativity various types, stereotypes of regressive behavior or specific pathology associated with the deceased person. The only exception is the image of a deceased person, if it was positive during life, or if a scrupulous analysis of the dream shows that this image turns out to be the voice of providence.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

A dream in which you are visited by your deceased relatives or friends does not bode well. If they are sad, the dream means that mental anguish and difficult thoughts await you. However, if you dream of dead people cheerful and happy, it means that everything in your life will work out in the best way.

Burying a grandmother who died long ago

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Deceased ancestors examine you or ask you for food - fortunately.

The death of one's ancestors, respectable people, is a great happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

If you do not leave funeral food for the dead, they express their displeasure by knocking at night, walking around the house, appearing to their relatives in their dreams and reproaching them for not following the custom.

It was customary for the Serbs of Šumadija to go to the cemetery in the summer of Zadushnitsa (Ascension) in the hope of seeing their deceased relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased relative or acquaintance

A deceased relative or acquaintance - pay close attention to such a dream: everything that the dead person says is the pure truth, you can often hear a prediction from his lips.

Dream Interpretation - A deceased person gives you something in a dream

A deceased person gives you something in a dream - good luck, wealth and health.

Dream Interpretation - Congratulate the deceased in a dream

Congratulating the deceased in a dream means you will soon do a good deed.

Dream Interpretation - Bury (funeral)

This dream is about loss of trust, complete disappointment and tears through it all.

Dream Interpretation - Burying alive

The experience of birth, registered only by the unconscious.

Difficulty breathing.

Sleep may be related to certain diseases, for example, bronchial asthma, heart failure.

Conversion of anxiety.

Dream Interpretation - Bury

Dead body - see the interpretation of the word burial.

Dream Interpretation - Bury

If a person sees himself burying an elderly person in a dream, it means prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Seeing the deceased resurrected

Dead man's funeral

Dream Interpretation Funeral Dead dreamed of why you dream about the funeral of a dead man? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a dead man’s funeral in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

There is trouble in the house.

Talking dead man - bad weather.

Moving a dead person is a shame or a disease.

Stepping on it is news of death.

Sleeping with him is a success.

The living dead - the return of the lost.

A dead man asking for a drink means lack of remembrance.

Dressing a dead person is a disease.

Lying among the dead means a serious illness.

And carrying a dead man is death.

Seeing the dead is a new love.

Seeing someone killed is hard work.

Dying in a dream means having shortcomings.

Holding onto the rope of a strangled person is happiness.

To remove the noose from him is death.

Kissing is a profitable business.

To strangle someone means to extinguish the matter.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

seeing oneself alive among the dead in a dream means living among hypocrites whose hearts do not perceive the words of the Truth. The Koran says: “You will never make the dead hear” (Sura-Rum, 52). To see yourself dead among the dead means to die from some innovation or to go far and not return.

Touching a dead person in a dream means becoming a victim of a vile and vile act. Carrying the dead means wealth. Accompanying a dead person in a dream means going on a long journey and acquiring a lot of good things there.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

A dead person dreams of rain, in general - of a change in weather, or of the unsuccessful completion of some business, or of an unexpected danger.

A quiet or cheerful dead man is a good sign.

Noisy or sad is bad.

Giving something to a dead person - bad dream.

Taking something from a dead person is good.

If you dreamed that you were dead and were being carried to a cemetery, you would lose your job.

If a dead person comes to life, unexpected news or the return of something lost awaits you.

Moving or dressing a dead person means illness.

Taking off his clothes means the death of a relative.

Sleeping with a dead man is a sign of success.

Kissing means an affair with a famous person.

Wearing means death.

If a dead person disintegrates, crumbles, it is good dream promising relief, liberation from evil.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Dead, deceased - as the living dream of dead people, this will be a big nuisance or weakness. Another meaning: long life. If you happen to talk to a deceased person in a dream, then soon there will be some interesting news. Dreaming of a dead person means it will rain; to a quarrel, and more to a change in the weather. I dream of the dead in both snowstorms and rain. The deceased - rain, snow, and from the family - must be remembered. A dead man is unkind. If you dream of deceased parents: mother or father (or both together), then this is an accurate sign - there will be something bad in the family - either with a person or with cattle. Parents from that world let their children know that something bad will happen. Deceased mother I dreamed that there would be some kind of grief. In a dream, a dead person says: “My clothes are torn,” then you need to give someone poor clothes - the dream will stop. The deceased calls you with him or says: “I will take you away,” then you will die. But when he drives you away and says, “Don’t follow me,” you will live.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

If in a dream you meet many relatives, friends and simply familiar faces at someone’s funeral, in reality this promises wealth through a profitable marriage. A dream in which you bury a relative foreshadows friendship and reconciliation with everyone, even with former enemies.

Seeing the funeral of a family member in a dream means winning or the long-awaited discovery of a long-lost item that is very dear to you. If you are present at your own funeral, this predicts you a long life and family happiness.

To find yourself in a dream by chance at the funeral of a complete stranger to you, but, as it turns out, very well-deserved, is a sign of sadness and great losses. A magnificent, solemn funeral with an orchestra and farewell salvos means confusion in matters of the heart.

A modest funeral with a minimum of those present - in reality you will find yourself in a pleasant society, where you will be revered not according to your merits, but for your intelligence and spiritual qualities.

The funeral of an old person is a sign of a quiet, peaceful life in solitude from the hustle and bustle and all sorts of worries. If in your dream they completely interred young man or a child - this means that in reality you will succumb to harsh pressure and come to terms with the role of an eternal debtor.

If the funeral takes place on a sunny, clear day, this foretells you delightful activities and the prospect of improving your financial situation. Disgusting weather at a funeral suggests that fatal events will suppress your will and self-confidence for some time.

Walking in a funeral procession in a dream, carrying a cross, is a harbinger of lost hopes; carrying a coffin is a sign of unrequited love. Lowering the coffin with the deceased into the grave means you will soon recover from a chronic disease; filling it up means new worries.

Accompanying the coffin with the body of the deceased in a hearse and seeing how he winks at you - you will soon fall in love with a person to whom your imagination will give such traits that he never had and cannot have because of his absurd character that is directly opposite to these qualities.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man


What a dead man says in his sleep is all true.

A dead man in a coffin means material profit.

A revived dead man - for news, a letter.

A dead person rising from the coffin - to the guest from the side.

Standing as a dead person means great trouble.

A crying dead man - to a squabble, quarrel.

A dead man crumbling into dust - to well-being.

Opening the coffin and talking to the deceased is unlucky.

Kissing a dead person means health and longevity, if in fact he is alive, but if he is dead, then it means a change in the weather.

Talking to a deceased person who was your friend in life means arranging your affairs well and behaving with dignity.

Seeing yourself dead means experiencing an unprecedented surge of strength and inspiration, approaching the peak of luck.

To see deceased relatives, friends or loved ones - to the fulfillment of secret desires, to receiving help in a difficult situation.

Seeing a dead man and taking something from him in a dream means luck and wealth.

To congratulate a dead person is to do a good deed.

A dead man eager to see is a sign that he is poorly remembered.

Dreaming of dead people alive means great trouble or weakness.

If you saw a living person as a dead person, you will live a long time and get rid of grief.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

A dream about them foreshadows the end of an unpleasant matter and relief. For patients, such a dream predicts death. Sometimes such a dream also foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance or an imminent marriage. If in a dream you attend someone else's funeral, then the dream predicts the imminent death of a relative or loved one. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows failure in business and great patience. If you dream that you were buried alive, then you should be wary of liability for dishonest or illegal actions you have committed. To be present at the funeral of close relatives or important persons in a dream means that you will become rich thanks to your relatives or connections. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding with a loved one.

Hearing a conversation about a funeral in a dream foreshadows the imminent end of some case in court and joy about this. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a certain person will soon get married. A very solemn funeral in a dream is a sign of great patience. Your funeral in a dream is a sign of great luck and longevity. The dream in which you see the funeral of your loved ones has the same meaning. Such a dream promises them longevity and prosperity. Hearing a speech at a funeral in a dream is a sign of receiving good news about success in business. But seeing a funeral procession in a dream means a long period of suffering and great sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

A favorable dream means a long life for the one who is being buried (see also Dead). If you dreamed of the funeral of a person who has already died, it means that sadness will soon leave you. If you dream that you are looking out the window and see a funeral procession, you will be invited to a holiday. Hearing funeral music is a sign of fun. Find yourself at the funeral of a friend or relative on a sunny day - you will soon meet this person on a joyful occasion. If it rains, you will receive unpleasant news from him.

Imagine that the rain stops, the clouds dissipate and the sun brightly illuminates everything around.

If you buried your own child in a dream, it means that he will have a long life and will bring you a lot of joy. If you see own funeral from the outside, such a dream could mean a wedding (for unmarried people) or a big celebration in the family (for married people). If you are buried, the dream predicts a long life for you. If you dreamed that your spouse was buried in the same grave with you, this is an extremely happy sign. You will live together happily ever after. Be at a funeral stranger- to solve a long-standing problem.

Imagine that you are placing white lilies on the grave of a buried person.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Seeing a dead person: you need to prepare for something bad that will affect your family.

Perhaps one of your children has gotten into the habit of coming home late; this is at least alarming, and sometimes even dangerous.

Try to prevent trouble with all the tact available to you.

Reviving a dead man or seeing him come to life: soon you will again have to face a problem that you thought was solved long ago.

The first thing you experience, as if returning to the past, is shock, reluctance to do anything, you just want to run away from the “revived” difficulty.

However, you need to overcome yourself and calmly, without panicking, find a solution.

Talking to a person who, as you know, has died a long time ago: according to the tradition of dream interpretation, it means a sudden change in the weather.

Another interpretation is also possible: one of the relatives or simply acquaintances of the person you saw in a dream will try to find you in order to clarify some important issue.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Being at a relative's funeral on a nice sunny day is a sign of good health for your loved ones; possible and quick lucky fate. But if at the same time it rains and the weather is gloomy, then expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business, soon.

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It's hard to guess what kind of dream you'll have at night. Dreams associated with death leave an unpleasant feeling in the soul in the morning. Did you dream about the funeral of a previously deceased relative or friend? Let's try to figure out what this disturbing dream means.

Why do you dream about the funeral of an already deceased person - interpretation of the dream according to various dream books

A dream in which you bury a dead person again is disturbing and unpleasant. Turn to dream books for help and you will find out what the dream means. Its interpretation according to popular dream books is as follows:

  • Miller's dream book. If in a dream you bury someone who has already died close relative on a sunny day - a good sign. Good luck and success in business will come. But if in a dream the funeral of a relative or acquaintance takes place in cloudy and rainy weather, it is a sign of illness and bad luck in life;
  • Vanga's dream book. If you dreamed of already dead people in a coffin, analyze your attitude towards this person during his life and how much you valued and loved him;
  • Tsvetkov's dream book. The presence at the funeral of a person who has already died means a quick positive completion of important matters. Great if the weather was good;
  • Longo's dream book. Expect unflattering reviews and criticism addressed to you;
  • dream book of Nostradamus. The dream indicates victory over ill-wishers, honor and glory. But you have to work hard to get a good reputation;
  • Dream book of Catherine the Great. A dream about the funeral of an already deceased stranger, which you accidentally saw in reality, foreshadows the emergence of troubles and difficulties at work. A dream with the funeral of a loved one or acquaintance promises sad news. It is a rare but good dream to bury a tramp who has already died. Good luck will come in all endeavors.

Why do you dream about the funeral of a person who has already died - interpretation of the dream according to the degree of relationship

A dream about the funeral of previously deceased parents indicates the emergence of problems, difficulties in life or difficulties at work. Don’t aggravate the situation, be vigilant, otherwise you won’t be able to start an important task.

If in a dream you receive condolences at the funeral of a previously deceased brother, sister, uncle or aunt, as well as other relatives or acquaintances, in reality a pleasant event will take place in your honor, at which you will receive congratulations and gratitude.

To be present at the funeral of a previously deceased stranger in a dream is a bad, but not a terrible sign. The dream foreshadows hatred of one person in reality or complications in relationships with others.

Why do you dream about the funeral of an already deceased person - interpretation of dreams by day of the week

Dream day has great importance. If you had a dream at night:

  • on Monday. Pay attention to your health, do not do rash things;
  • on Tuesday. To troubles and disputes;
  • on Wednesday. You will be named in the will;
  • for Thursday. In reality, all hopes will melt away;
  • on Friday. There will be difficulties encountered;
  • on Saturday. You are too busy with yourself;
  • on Sunday. An unexpected scandal will occur.

What do psychologists say about dreams?

Psychologists explain the above dream simply. If a person died recently, you miss him and cannot come to terms with the pain of loss. Heartache appears in a dream. Let go of the deceased and you will feel much lighter.

If the funeral took place a long time ago, on a subconscious level something reminded you of the deceased. It could be the smell of flowers, perfume, various things. A memory cell opens in the subconscious and manifests itself in a dream.

Dreams have been little studied by specialists. Don't think about them, forget them as soon as possible. It’s better to go to the cemetery to visit a deceased relative or friend, bring a bouquet of flowers and pray for him. And only your personal experiences and emotions will help you interpret the dream.