Monthly horoscope about roosters. Who suits the rooster and the best signs for the rooster, lucky number

03.08.2019 Psychology

For a person born in the year of the Rooster, Fate has prepared many different surprises. There can be many ups and downs in his life, but even when circumstances are not in his favor, he has boundless faith in himself and in his strengths.

In the company, the Rooster knows how to present himself effectively. He is sociable, talkative enough, dresses in fashion and carries himself very confidently. In conversation, he is not averse to boasting and exaggerating, including his many virtues, but he does this not out of arrogance, but rather for the sake of a “red word”.

Despite his love for spectacular exaggerations, the Rooster is very truthful by nature, to the point that sometimes his truthfulness borders on straightforwardness and harshness. Without thinking too much about the consequences and wording, he is able to express to the person everything that has boiled in his soul, often provoking resentment and quarrels. Being not a very sensitive nature, it is difficult for him to understand how painfully a careless word can hurt. All this makes the Rooster a bad diplomat, but on the other hand, knowing his directness and frankness, others can be sure that he does not hold a stone in his bosom.

Self-confidence is both the strength of the Rooster and its “Achilles heel”, as it often borders on self-confidence, forcing him to lose ground under his feet. Because of this, the Rooster is able to commit rash acts, incorrectly calculate his strength in business, or fearlessly rush into battle with an enemy superior in strength. At work, he is often reproached for promising to do more than he is capable of, but this is not a manifestation of his boasting, but just the boundless faith of the Rooster in his own strength.

The self-confidence of the Rooster is also reflected in his demeanor. Knowing in advance that he is right, it is difficult for the Rooster to back down or admit that he is wrong in a dispute, but he willingly gives advice to others - even when he is not asked for it. However, despite some arrogance, the Rooster usually has many acquaintances and real, devoted friends who appreciate his sincerity, loyalty, reliability and nobility.

Although the Rooster's faith in his own strength often turns into its reverse side, nevertheless, it also brings him tangible benefits. His confidence is transmitted to those around him, giving him a considerable advantage in applying for a job and in many other important situations. Thanks to the ability to present himself, as well as his artistic talents, the Rooster knows how to earn good money, although he sometimes spends them too thoughtlessly. Individual activity is not for him, he needs a team and the approval of others, so the Rooster can do good career first of all, in those areas where there is an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills to everyone: in teaching, politics, management, show business, advertising, etc.

Brave and noble, talented and honest, the Rooster, like Don Quixote, is always ready to defend the weak. His belief in himself not only makes him set himself difficult tasks, but often helps him solve them brilliantly.

Rooster Woman Feature:

Since ancient times, the Rooster was considered a symbol that symbolizes the Sun. According to beliefs, it was believed that it was the Rooster with his morning singing that caused the Sun to rise to the sky. This sign Eastern horoscope always considered brave, kind, loyal and family. Exactly cock women have a strong intuition.

Astrologer's advice: The degree and quality of people's education is often reflected in the way different qualities manifest themselves. The upbringing of a person also makes its mark on the characteristics of various properties of behavior.

These people very rarely know how to remain silent, because everyone knows what is on their minds. Often this is not their benefit, because they say in the eyes not only good things. They like to be in the center of attention, and in no case do they agree to a second role. Due to their logical mindset, they rarely trust anyone, and most often they prefer to double-check any information.

Astrologer's advice: Sometimes, a good chance for a global correction of personal life for the better occurs only once in a lifetime. Don't miss it - A and check how soon luck will be in your hands!

Rooster Woman prefers to occupy leadership positions and simply loves to command not only at work, but also in the family. But this does not bother anyone, because it is unnecessary to prove the authority of a rooster. The rooster also knows how to make an excellent first impression.

By temperament, a female rooster knows how to make money from nothing. If she does a job that brings her pleasure, then you don’t have to worry about money, they won’t take long to wait either, and glory, independence, and recognition will come with them. But often the reason for failure is the desire to do more than she actually can. Therefore, it is worth considering several times before grabbing onto the case, because it may end up with nothing. This sign knows how to quickly and beautifully shift its failures to others, so that no one around notices it.

Astrologer's advice: Please note that for an accurate description, it is necessary to correct the data taking into account the place of birth, date and time. Refined data will help you better understand yourself or understand other people.

In household chores, this woman perfectly copes with her duties and affairs. But, unfortunately, they are not distinguished by special kindness and sincerity towards strangers. Relatives require discipline and purity, as well as loyalty and devotion.

Astrologer's advice: We suggest you look at horoscopes for a month, a year for any signs of the zodiac. Astrological forecast will allow you to accept right decision for any questions. Interesting and helpful. Go to section.

Rooster Woman very friendly and loves noisy, but native companies. They are usually the soul of any company. Sincerity and openness contribute to the fact that these women always have many friends and acquaintances whom she is ready to help, which cannot be said about them.

Astrologer's advice: In order to comprehend and better understand the nature and qualities of the zodiac sign, it is advisable to consider it from many angles and the category will help you in this - everything.

As for personal life, there are much more difficulties. After all, the rooster is very demanding of his chosen one. Often, passion and passion are replaced by practicality and sobriety, after which a period of disappointment sets in. Endless jealousy and discontent cause resentment in a partner and a desire to leave. That's why personal life very often it does not add up the first time.

Astrologer's advice: Relationships between loved ones largely depend on the zodiac. Compatibility of signs is a cognitive section in astrology. You can learn more about the relationship in the heading -.

A woman born in the year of the Rooster loves coziness and comfort very much. Therefore, comfort and an unusual atmosphere of warmth always emanates from her house. That is why such a woman is a real keeper of the hearth. In addition, she never forgets that in addition to being a wife and mother, she is also a woman. She is rarely seen on the street without makeup or in home clothes.

Astrologer's advice: Note - not only the year is important, the month of birth also has a significant impact on a person. Detailed information on the zodiac, you can find it on this blog, under the heading -.

The husband of a rooster woman can be proud of his wife, and children set their mother as an example not only to themselves, but also to others. After all, such a maternal instinct as hers can only be envied. She is not only a great friend, wife and lover, but also a wonderful daughter, sister and mother.

Year of the Rooster general characteristics sign

People born in the years of the Rooster are distinguished by straightforwardness and aggressiveness. They are sharp, not shy either in expressions or in actions. What they think - then they say, what is on their mind - then in the language. And yet their frankness and eccentricity is only an appearance.

The true nature of Roosters is much more complex. Their character combined arrogance and sarcasm, whims and quirks, internal tension and exorbitant sensitivity, innate charm and modesty, a good understanding of other people and attention to their needs, the ability and desire to subordinate them to their will with the help of suggestion, persuasion. The life of the Roosters is designed only for victories and accomplishments, having made any decision, they no longer retreat from it, pursuing their goal to the bitter end.

The diplomacy of the Roosters is almost absent. With their manners and behavior, they often shock both their close friends and those around them. Often the Rooster neglects the norms and generally accepted rules of this society, but this is just bravado, under which lies the true state of his soul and inner world. His ingenuousness, childish naivety and gullibility make it very easy to deceive him.

The Rooster loves to be noticed and singled out so that he is in the spotlight. If you agree with him, he will be pleased and happy, even knowing this shortcoming in himself and laughing at him. True, this often leads the Rooster to overestimate his own personality - to arrogance and excessive self-confidence, which further strengthens his selfish tendencies.

He is not one of the timid, he can be bold, courageous, brave, capable of even very risky business - but only when it is really necessary. He can even take a mortal risk with a smile on his lips. That is why Roosters are considered good warriors.

Roosters give to others when they have something to give, or when it is visible from the outside, but they take less for themselves. And it is not known what is more here - true nobility and generosity, or - only ostentatious. If they do not succeed, they will spend a lot of work and time to hide it. Preservation of dignity for Roosters is first and foremost. They do not tolerate failures well, therefore, at the slightest opportunity, they willingly shift them onto the shoulders of others. When they can, they avoid responsibility, do not take on unnecessary responsibilities, try to avoid close and binding ties.

The dream of the Rooster from childhood is to win personal freedom, independence and independence. He is convinced that he is always right, that he knows everything and does exactly what he needs. He trusts no one, relying only on himself. However, he generously dispenses advice and guidance to others. Sometimes the Rooster is inspired by unrealizable projects and dreams, he often suffers from the myopia of his views and plans. Due to the fact that the Rooster is very wasteful and immediately spends everything that he earns, he is quite often prone to financial crises and bankruptcies with complete ruin.

Since relatives, acquaintances and friends consider him an extraordinary person, the Rooster must keep a mask so as not to fall in their opinion, not to disappoint. The Rooster always has a tendency to do more than he can, and take on cases that exceed his strength and capabilities. Hence his sorrows and disappointments.

Male roosters love women's society, where one could prance, flirt, and take care of the chosen one. But it also happens that the matter does not move beyond this. Strange as it may seem, female roosters prefer women's society to male society, because there they feel much freer and easier, as they say - "at ease".

Sociable Roosters make up the majority. They are very kind and friendly, quickly gaining the sympathy of others. With their purposefulness and self-confidence, they amaze everyone and everyone. Closed Roosters are a strange mixture of an introverted person, turned inward and living in his inner world, and a person who seeks to attract the attention of the outside world. And when it seems to them that people simply do not understand them, they fall into despair.

Throughout life, periods of success and success alternate with Roosters with periods of failure and failure. So it happens in everything: at work, and in the field of finance, and in personal life. But, as a rule, in most cases, old age in Roosters is almost always prosperous.

Professions Roosters choose those that allow you to lead and command, which require courage and courage, iron nerves and iron discipline. They need rewards that increase their authority, prestige, reputation in the outside world.


COCK and RAT. Unfavorable union. They have much in common, but even more contradictions. Although both are ambitious, the charm and cunning of the Rat cannot be combined with the outward brilliance and fanfare of the Rooster. Their union is threatened by poverty and discord, rupture of relations and divorce with parting. Friendship does not develop due to dubious sympathy for each other, superficial relationships. In business relations, everyone will only pull the blanket over themselves, and the common cauldron will remain empty as it was.

COCK and BULL. A very promising union. But knowing each other's weaknesses, they must neutralize them. In addition, the vain Rooster must give up his tendency to command a home parade for the rest of his life, and then everything will be as good as possible. Friendship also promises to be strong, strong and deep for life. Business relationship It's better not to start. There is a lot of work to be done, but there will be little sense, because the Rooster for the Ox is a very conditional assistant.

COCK and TIGER. This marriage union will destroy selfishness and self-interest, for both prefer only to take, and, moreover, more, and give less. The Tiger does not tolerate the boastfulness and noisiness of the Rooster and does not even appreciate the good in it, and over time it will even treat it unfairly. Friendship is also not for them - because of the lack of mutual understanding. Business relationships are completely out of the question.

COCK and RABBIT. Unsuccessful union. Even though they complement each other. The Rabbit can become desperate from any "trick" of the Rooster. The friendship between them is doubtful, unpromising. The noisy Rooster only tires the Rabbit. Business relationships will benefit only the Rabbit. This Rooster should know in advance.

COCK and DRAGON. Such a union is possible only with true mutual love, understanding and mutual desire to formalize a legal marriage. Both are ambitious. Best Option to strengthen this marriage union, the high social position of the Dragon, his wealth, which the Rooster could use, will serve. Friendship between them is maintained only on the basis of mutual sympathy and at the expense of the Dragon's thick wallet. Business relations take place, but on the condition that the Dragon will lead them. Great strides can be made in the area social activities where they perform both together and individually.

COCK and SNAKE. As in the realm of love, so in family life they complement each other well. If the Rooster evaluates everything only in appearance, then the Snake judges by the inner content of a person. Despite the apparent contradiction, they understand each other well. Friendship is great. Business relationships are highly questionable, because they run the risk of drowning in chatter.

COCK and HORSE. Bad compatibility. If such a union has already been created, then the only salvation can be frequent, albeit not long, separations - in the form of business trips, trips. Friendship is possible in the form of social life together - with dancing and empty chatter. Business relationships are very problematic. The Rooster does not count on the Horse, does not even trust it, and the Horse is annoyed by the inactivity of the Rooster.

COCK and GOAT. Difficult union. Everyone has their own goals in life, they do not coincide and therefore drown out mutual sympathy. If everyone was able to realize the dignity of their partner, learned to appreciate and respect each other, maybe they could live together. Friendship will not work because of the many conventions of the Rooster. In addition, he simply does not understand much about the Goat. Their business relationship is also unpromising.

COCK and MONKEY. A strong married couple will not work out of them. In a joint life, the Rooster will be unhappy, and the Monkey will be unsatisfied. Friendship is useless, both for one and for the other. There will be neither mutual understanding nor sympathy. Business relationships are also unpromising. The monkey will always deceive the poor Rooster.

COCK and COCK. Living together simply impossible! Eternal family scenes are inevitable here - they will be provided with this until the breakdown of relationships, divorce and parting. Friendship is also impossible due to constant friction and clashes. Business relationships will lead very quickly to bankruptcy and collapse.

COCK and DOG. This union does not bode well. The dog simply cannot stand the Rooster, its eternal noise and din. This will cause her dislike, and even hatred. Friendship and business relationships are also impossible.

COCK and PIG. They clearly don't match. In the nature of the Rooster, strength and energy, courage and aggressiveness prevail, while in the Pig - justice and the desire for sensual pleasures. The friendship between them is simply catastrophic! The farther they are from each other, the better for both. Business relationships are also unpromising. Their business will fall apart due to a lack of mutual trust.

year of birth: 1909 1921 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017

The rooster belongs to the Yang group of animals. This is the tenth sign of the Chinese zodiac. His time is from 17:00 to 19:00. The season that brings good luck is autumn, and the peak period is September. According to the European Zodiac corresponds to the sign of Virgo. Its fixed element is Metal. The color that brings happiness and prosperity is yellow. Flowers and plants that bring good luck are hawthorn, sunflower, gentian, palm and orange tree. The most favorable countries for the Habitat of the Rooster are England, Austria, Ghana, Haiti, Paraguay.

There is a belief that the Roosters spread around the world from the Scandinavian countries and their progenitor was the Gallic Rooster. There are no legends associated with him, he is just a symbol. During the revolution in France, the Rooster was a symbol of the revolutionaries. This is not in vain, because no one can deny his militancy and perseverance. It is believed that the Rooster symbolizes the Sun, since with its morning singing it calls a mighty luminary into the sky. In India, he personifies precisely solar energy, and in Japan - the revival of the first light. In China, the Rooster symbolizes the five main virtues. This is a real harbinger of goodness, with his appearance and gait he lures good spirits, with his comb he resembles a noble Chinese Rooster - this is the image of a patron and a symbol of life. With his invocative cry, he heralds the coming of the day and disperses the evil spirits of darkness. We know that according to all the legends, witches, sorcerers and vampires are able to act only until the first cock crow. The rooster represents youth, light and hope.

Found in nature great amount various Roosters, which amaze with incredible colors, length of feathers. They are always businesslike and laid-back, regarding their human masters as servants to their important person. When there were no clocks, the rooster served as an alarm clock, and even now in distant villages where civilization has not yet penetrated, people get up at the call of the rooster in order to start field work.

In fact, the life of the Rooster does not promise great success. As a rule, they go through many ups and downs during their lives both in love and work. Poverty will alternate with wealth.

If the Rooster was born in the spring, he will be a lesser braggart. In childhood, adolescence and adulthood, the Rooster is often burdened with problems that make him rise and fall. During such periods, they get both happiness and failure. They can be either in a noisy circle of people, or in complete isolation. But, as a rule, in the second half of their life their situation stabilizes, they acquire Good work and position in society. Then their life becomes calm and they live to a deep and happy old age.


These are very versatile individuals who are actively involved in all areas of activity. Very bright, elegant, beautifully dressed, because they love to be noticed. They show great taste in everything. Roosters know how to present themselves and cannot go unnoticed. They begin to put themselves in order even before everyone wakes up. These people are rarely satisfied with themselves. In communication they are very pleasant. Completely uninhibited and. do not depend on the opinions of others.

Roosters are very educated and know how to keep up a conversation on any topic. They are adored in any company, they are welcome guests at any party. These are real secular people. Roosters love to put their knowledge on display, this is their kind of protection. They also like to be the subject of salon gossip and catch the eye with their colorful clothes. No psychological genius can figure out if they're really that laid-back, or if it's just fine acting? It's just that Roosters are well aware of all their advantages and disadvantages. In fact, this is just a fragile creature that is afraid of public exposure.

If Roosters are easy to communicate, this does not mean that they are easy to get along with. They are too selfish and do not like to be crossed. First of all, they care exclusively about their peace and well-being, finding this quite normal. At the same time, they are completely indifferent to someone else's state. They do not tolerate even the slightest interference in their own affairs and never interfere in others. Roosters are distrustful, they are difficult to deceive. Before believing, they will conduct a real inquiry. If by their standards the information is similar to the truth, then they will take the necessary actions. Deep in their hearts they are very conservative both in politics and in the family. These people are convinced that they are always right and infallible.

Despite this, Roosters are terribly sensitive and sentimental. They are very much appreciated by those around them, because the Roosters can provide assistance in the most critical situations. Very kind and helpful, happy to carry out other people's orders. But if they feel that they are being exploited and their kindness is used for selfish purposes, then they will kick the impudent out.

Often they are turned to for advice - no one better than the Rooster will get to the heart of the problem. These people may shower you with fantastic ideas, but that doesn't mean they can be done. They prefer to keep their problems to themselves. Roosters hardly accept the help of others, and this complicates relationships with others. Roosters do not like to feel dependent even on friends.

Roosters are always original, sometimes to the point of eccentricity. They are easy going and never get impatient. Sometimes they withdraw into themselves, not wanting to reveal the reasons for their experiences. Those born under this sign love to dream of their castles in the air and imagine being a hero. These are real warriors, geniuses and philosophers in slippers. They do not know how to live on a stable schedule, but their moral principles are completely indestructible.

Sometimes they are drawn to adventure, but at the same time they are very concerned about their safety. They cannot be called cowards, because they boldly look into the face of danger. This is the most daring sign of the Chinese horoscope.


Roosters often surprise others with their attitude towards money. They absolutely cannot stand control and are used to managing their own funds. They are not able to save and properly budget. Their expenses are always much higher than their income. There is hardly a Rooster who knows how to manage his financial affairs. Therefore, they often fall into financial dependence and suffer disasters. They spend their money with incredible ease, without thinking about the consequences. But sometimes greed wakes up in them, especially if they are next to a rich person. Knowing that you can pay your bill, they will never pay for you out of courtesy.

They are not embarrassed by the lack of money in the account. On the contrary, they feel much better when there is no money, as the problem of where to spend it disappears. Apparently, the Petukhovs have little interest in financial power, they need money to satisfy their needs and desires. This makes them dexterous, flexible and allows them to easily endure any deprivation and need. Roosters perceive everything as it is. They are realists in everything.


These people can succeed in any profession because they are very self-confident. -Roosters are smart, dexterous, they know how to win and are endowed with incredible eloquence. They love comfort and therefore strive for high material well-being, but they cannot do routine work. The rooster needs creative work related to travel and travel. They love the professions associated with spectacles, because here they can spread their tail and turn into a peacock.

Roosters are very disciplined, but sometimes they are drawn to exploits. At such moments, they can make a mistake. Roosters are vain and move up the corporate ladder thanks to a harmonious combination of perseverance, directness and energy. They stop only when the goal is reached.

People born under the sign of the Rooster are highly valued, but not everyone agrees with them. Roosters do not know how to compromise even with the most powerful bosses. Their strongest weapon is charm, it works just wonders. But this weapon does not always work. For many Roosters, professional life is extremely unstable. They tend to often change the direction of their studies, so they jump from place to place, forgetting about the future. Only the Family can have a proper impact on him. When the Rooster is married, he looks at his professional duties differently.

These people easily resist extreme situations and easily find suitable solutions. Of course, impressionability can play a trick on them - then the Roosters are simply lost in the details. But in any case, they do not tolerate outside interference, they are able to solve all problems on their own. In their work they are always organized, almost pedantic. They never lose their enthusiasm and boldly rush forward.

Having a dreamy nature, they can become lazy. Sometimes they grab a large piece that they cannot swallow, after which they are very disappointed. Money is not easy for Roosters, but if they overcome their daydreaming, they will definitely succeed. But there is another side of the coin. If the Rooster fails to overcome absent-mindedness, he will turn into a wandering philosopher. At the same time, it is impossible not to notice.

Roosters are very suitable for working on the ground and for public positions where constant contact with people is required. They usually quickly spend whatever they earn. They take great financial risks, often leading them to ruin. The rooster does not know how to save.

They make excellent commercial agents, cooks, bartenders, salesmen, estheticians, manicurists, hairdressers, beauticians, dentists, surgeons, government officials, military, firefighters, policemen, bodyguards, waiters, and teachers.


The rooster is distinguished by another phenomenon - it ripens very early. However, Roosters skillfully organize their future and choose the right partner. They know how to take care of themselves and those close to them. Their wisdom helps to properly adapt to loved ones. This is not surprising, because they are very sociable and energetic, which helps in everyday communication.

Roosters are able to bring the atmosphere of love to perfection. If the partner is not able to appreciate their efforts, they will quickly turn away from him and try to find another or devote themselves to a career. Roosters do not tolerate ignorance and behave frankly in any situation.

Representatives of this sign can be carried away by passion, but at the same time they will never lose their heads. No need to pay attention to a frivolous appearance - their appearance hides reason and prudence. They do not like to retreat, they know the feeling of victory. But if the victory comes easily, they quickly forget about the vanquished. Roosters prefer difficulties, they are attracted to impregnable barricades.

In love, Roosters sometimes fail because of an indomitable desire to keep their beloved. They may be disappointed, as their dreams sometimes diverge from reality. They can be reproached for infidelity, because Roosters are too loving and used to looking for something new, unknown. But this is not an easy task, because they are very jealous of their independence. So Roosters can inadvertently pass by true love something they will regret for the rest of their lives. They have a similar attitude towards friends. Roosters are terribly jealous and do not tolerate rivals. Outwardly, they may not show it, but inside they will boil. They never suffer indifference. In no case should they be suppressed by an all-devouring passion. It is better to find an approach from the other side. They are incorrigible talkers - they need to throw a suitable topic and try to listen to them. They can also be seduced by delicious cuisine and interesting gossip.


No need to pay attention to appearance Rooster. Although sometimes he looks like a dreamer, he takes family responsibilities with great responsibility. Roosters love order and are endowed with unshakable morality, so they are addicted to conventions and laws. They easily adapt to a family atmosphere even after a hectic bachelor life. If the Roosters marry, they do not do it by calculation.

Roosters adore their spouses and surround them with constant care, despite their selfish nature. If discord begins in the family, they try in every possible way to overcome misunderstanding. They are always against extremes. Roosters decide to divorce only when consent is absolutely impossible. Roosters have incredible straightforwardness, so they cannot bear the hypocrisy around them.

Roosters are excellent parents, although domineering. Roosters do not tolerate lies and tricks: if children start to play up, it causes anger in them. Roosters are too sensitive natures, their adherence to principles often causes protest in children. Roosters do not tend to compromise, often they behave selfishly.

But since they themselves do not notice this, their conscience is calm. The main thing is to give the family everything they need. If one of the relatives gets into trouble, the Rooster will immediately respond and make every effort to help. In relation to children, the Rooster is often selfless.

Children born in the year of the Rat, Hare, Dog, in the Rooster family will feel somewhat embarrassed, as they love to be pampered. Therefore, these children will consider themselves misunderstood and feel hatred towards their parents. Children - Sheep, Oxen and Boars calmly obey demanding parents - Roosters. Dragon Children, Tigers and Horses will refuse to obey, which will only cause rage in the Rooster, and it can come to a deadly fight. Snakes and Monkeys are the best children and the Rooster family, because friendly, open relations are always established between them.


These are people who follow a certain order in everything. They want to have connections according to certain rules. It is very difficult for them to surrender to a passion that they cannot control. The Rooster is shackled by practical logic, therefore, first of all, he tries to settle his life, and then he is looking for a partner. His sex life usually starts very late. Sometimes it happens that he comprehends his biological destiny after thirty. It opens for. sex when others are already sexually intense. Most Roosters are more intelligent than representatives of other signs. The trouble is that they cannot find a partner that meets all their requirements.

Roosters tend to underestimate people and therefore may miss a suitable candidate. They should not be considered cold, they are just people who are used to tightly controlling themselves. Their secret desires often remain hidden. Their modesty is a natural state, you will never know about their sexual experience.

Roosters believe that you can improve yourself with work. When they encounter some sexual problem, begin to dig not only in their partner, but also in themselves. They can be sincere, patient, but they do not always listen to the call of their heart. Their energy is enough for two or three people. In all new connections, they are extremely careful. They know what their partners want. If the partner does not know what he wants, the Rooster will definitely find an option that will give him pleasure. For Roosters, sex is more of a duty than a physical need. They like those who know how to control themselves and wait for the moment when sex becomes inevitable. Roosters look at courtship as preliminary game which must be passed through.


Roosters know how to show themselves. If they like someone, they will use all their talents to seduce the victim. They will spin in front of the object of their desires, spreading their tail, stun him and eventually charm him. Roosters flirt with great ease, but they will never show their feelings for the sake of idle pleasure. Roosters look at these issues philosophically.

Roosters require increased attention to themselves and always know how to recognize falsehood in a relationship. In everything they want to be a kind of accomplice. They just love to have their lovers follow them on their heels and listen to them with their mouths open. They are very loyal and will do anything to keep their connection.

If the Roosters cheat, they do it not for the sake of new pleasures, but because of the need to make sure of their own irresistibility. And there is no need to make a scene - it will only amuse them. With the constant negative reactions of his partner, the Rooster may be offended and leave, although he will remain a true friend, without retaining any malice in his soul.

If there is a need to buy a gift for the Rooster, you need to choose something from clothes or a thing you need in everyday life. They always like what people think about them - for them, attention is above all. The Rooster is very easy to seduce: you need to immediately shower him with compliments about his mind and appearance. But if there is nothing more to talk about and the time has come to part, it is enough to hint at their abnormal thinking and excessive talkativeness. They will not stay close to such a person.


Duke of Edinburgh, Erol Flint, Yoko Ono, Dolly Parthens, Peter Ustinov, Richard Wagner, Cardinal Richelieu, Goebbels, Marie de' Medici, André Maurois, Jean de La Fontaine, John Colet, Enrico Caruso, Catherine the Great II, Fenimore Cooper, Katherine Hepburn, Vladimir Belyaev, Leonid Vereshchagin, Lev Ginzburg, Andrei Gromyko, Bekjamin Goodman, James Jones, Marcel Carnet, Vadim Kozhevnikov, Martti Larni, Stanislav Lem, Juliet Mazina, Neil Miller, Yuri Nikulin, Bella Rudenko, Andrey Sakharov, Jean Paul Belmondo, Claude Bernard , Yves Montand, Philippe August, Johann Strauss, Rabindranath Tagore, Giuseppe Verdi, Queen Victoria, Eugene Paton.


Rooster and Rooster

These partners live peacefully, although violent emotions also lurk here. They are always interested together, and it never comes to discord or misunderstanding. When they love their partner, they show a lot of emotions, and if they are indifferent to him, they openly talk about it. Roosters cannot stand other people's shortcomings, while not noticing their own. Such a situation can only cause controversy. But this does not mean that the case will end in war. A family can be strong if they have children.

Rooster and Rat

The Rat immediately repels the Rooster. The rat sees only the shortcomings of its partner, it cannot stand vanity and superficiality. But if the Rat had taken a closer look at the Rooster, it would have found in it positive features. In aggressiveness, they can argue with each other, so that their relationship can turn into a real war. In addition, both do not know how to save at all. At first they behave too wastefully, and then they finally go bankrupt. In this combination, it is better if the man is born a Rat, and the woman is born a Rooster. Then her * housekeeping will help to save the remaining savings.

Rooster and Ox

These partners get along without problems. The ox allows the Rooster to straighten his feathers, because he knows that the Rooster needs communication. Ox himself is absolutely unable to maintain small talk. The rooster leaves the worker Ox to earn a living, while he himself prefers to sing. The rooster is not the most hardworking animal, but at the same time it is very diplomatic and can predict the irritation of a partner. They will always be able to find harmony. True, in this alliance one cannot do without friction, for example, if the Ox invites friends to dinner and does not inform about it in time. However, these are the little things in life. The union is ideal for business: the Rooster leads, and the Ox executes.

Rooster and Tiger

This is a very difficult union. The sensitive and loyal Tiger is not reasonable enough to understand the actions of the Rooster. The Tiger is often perplexed by the actions of people. But the Rooster cannot be judged only by external actions. The rooster makes an irresistible impression, which sometimes creates misrepresentation about his personality. In alliance with the Tiger, at first everything goes well for them. The power-hungry Tiger is flattered by the adoration of the Rooster. But soon the bragging of the Rooster begins to annoy the Tiger, and he begins to criticize him. The rooster does not tolerate comments and suffers from the injustice of a partner. The matter takes an undesirable turn, the Rooster feels misunderstood and decides to retire to where people are more tolerant. But before he leaves, he will frankly tell the truth to the Tiger. They can save friendly relations, to be wonderful lovers or companions, but not for long.

Rooster and Hare

This is a very strange and dangerous union that can end in a fight - be it love, friendship or work. Even the patient Hare cannot stand the fidgety Rooster. At first, he will be amused by the incoherent actions of a motley partner, but then it bothers him. Hare's patience is running out and he starts to get angry. The Rooster can literally bring it to white heat, then the Hare loses control and wants to pluck the Rooster. The Rooster, on the other hand, does not have bad intentions, and therefore considers the Hare simply evil. IN this case he will be right. If a man is a Hare, then he will try to make an obedient mistress out of a woman - a Rooster. But she will not be able to play this role until the end. As soon as he goes beyond the threshold, she will definitely fly out the window. If a man was born in the year of the Rooster, then hare woman just gnaw at him with his criticism.

Rooster and Dragon

Both love to shine and show off, but they do it in different ways. The Rooster wants to please everyone, and the Dragon is simply created brilliant. In this union, everything is going pretty well. The Rooster tries to show itself in all its splendor thanks to the Dragon. He admires the Dragon and is proud that he managed to attract his attention, and flattery for the Dragon is the most important thing. True, it will not do without crises. Quarrels can arise from mutual misunderstanding. The Rooster does everything disinterestedly and cares a lot about his appearance, and this can annoy the Dragon. He loses patience, and the Rooster can only retire.

Rooster and snake

According to Chinese horoscope this union is considered ideal. They can achieve balance as spirit and consciousness unite. These allies can always agree, because they feel great about each other. They appreciate the elegance inherent in both of them, look great side by side and give the impression of a wonderful couple. When they go out into society, they select clothes for a long time and scrupulously in order to be at their best. The Rooster loves to rant about his successes and victories, and the Snake listens to him with pleasure and comments with humor. The Snake feels very calm next to the Rooster, because this is the only person who can understand her. The snake will learn to perceive him for who he really is. Oddly enough, She will patiently endure his superiority, for she intuitively feels that they suit each other. Even if there are quarrels, they will still be able to find a common language.

Rooster and Horse

This union has every chance of failure. Both are trying to improve themselves and are used to taking care of themselves. For these allies, the opinion of others is very important, they are picky and touchy - especially the Rooster. In their relationship, a competition arises in which everyone tries to emerge as a winner. In addition, their similarity does not contribute to the deepening of relations, but, on the contrary, depresses them. The horse will be annoyed by the efforts of the Rooster to spread his tail outside the house. She will start to suffer, and they will get on each other's nerves. The silence between them will drag on, and, as you know, both need communication. As a result, they will start looking for communication on the side.

Rooster and Dog

These people have a lot in common, but they look at love and social life differently, which is why they sometimes misunderstand each other. The Sheep next to the Rooster feels completely safe, as the Rooster is used to working for everyone. The selfish Rooster will require the constant presence of the Sheep and her boundless love, and this is difficult for the Sheep. The Rooster will remain disappointed, and the Sheep will be offended and will go to seek happiness elsewhere. If in this union the woman is the Rooster, and the man is the Sheep, she torments him with endless reproaches of looseness and irresponsibility. This union can only be maintained with a full understanding of each other's shortcomings. COCK AND DOG

These people are similar only in one thing: both love criticism, which is the cause of contention. The rooster criticizes constantly and does not even realize this. The dog, in turn, does not tolerate. bragging and carelessness of the Rooster - she spends a lot of time raising him. But no matter how hard the Dog tries, she still will not be able to remake her original partner. Their relationship can turn into the Battle of Borodino. In this case, both will suffer, because they are too sensitive. If they behave more restrainedly, then their union can last a very, long time.

Rooster and Boar

The calm and thick-skinned Boar will not pay attention to the injections of the Rooster. Boars know how to appreciate the kindness and nobility of the Rooster, which he does not particularly boast of. The boar knows how to curb the aggressiveness of his motley friend and calms him down in time. The Rooster will never humiliate the Boar and will not exploit him. These people get along well and excellent companionship is established between them, based on mutual understanding and talkativeness. Union is based more on intellect than on passion and love. At the slightest danger, they always rush to help each other. In their house there is always an iron order that cannot be destroyed even by outside interference.

Years of the Rooster:

1909,1921,1933,1945,1957,1969,1981,1993, 2005, 2017, 2029

It is believed that the Rooster symbolizes the Sun, since with its morning singing it calls a mighty luminary into the sky. In India, it personifies precisely solar energy, and in Japan, the revival of the first light. In China, the Rooster symbolizes the five main virtues. The image of the rooster is associated with courage, benevolence, kindness, dignity and fidelity.

People of this sign are very unusual. Amazing in Roosters is their amazing strange qualities that no other sign has. Some of the Roosters are not afraid of the heat, others calmly endure severe frost. There are Roosters who are not thirsty, there are those who forget to sleep.

There are two distinct types of Rooster people.

Some are quick in their movements, easy-going, impetuous, extremely talkative, while others are solemn and unhurried contemplators, and at the same time quite insightful. Roosters tend to have good intuition.

The rooster was born under the sign of sincerity and straightforwardness. He says what he thinks, without prejudice. He is famous for his gullibility and empty eloquence. The expression "What's on the mind, then on the tongue" is about him. The Rooster expresses his opinion without hesitation, and often so categorically and straightforwardly that it may look tactless. He is completely indifferent to the feelings and vulnerabilities of others and believes that there is no reason to spare them.

Making comments to others, the representative of this sign himself does not like criticism in his address and does not tolerate intrusion into his personal affairs. This dreamer takes himself seriously and loves flattery.

The rooster needs to be always in sight, in the center of attention, only then does he feel like a person. He needs an exchange of energy. And when they forget about him, he becomes ill, he can fall into a prolonged depression. He loves to be noticed. This is expressed even in the manner of dressing.

In fact, he is deeply conservative, and in everything, even in political views. He has a logical mind. Not trusting anyone, he relies solely on himself, thinking that only he can make the only right decision.

The rooster loves to command, he always strives to be the first in the family and at work. And he does it easily. Surrounding people immediately feel his imperiousness and the habit of giving orders.

As a rule, he knows how to make the right impression. He needs communication and contacts, so work related to people is suitable for him. Since the Rooster knows how to show his best qualities, in society he is considered an interesting, bright, extraordinary person.

But although these people may come across as determined, by nature they are often lonely and withdrawn.

The rooster is not timid, on the contrary, he is brave, especially when necessary. And he dared to such an extent that he can risk his life with a smile on his lips. Therefore, excellent warriors come out of Roosters - both simple soldiers and great generals. Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov was born in the year of the Rooster.

As a rule, he does not have easy money, and he can become a rich person only if he works hard. Having a contemplative nature, he tends to be lazy. However, the Rooster is often a great worker. His favorite business will give him everything he dreams of: money, prestige, personal freedom and independence. He is able to earn money even in an unfavorable field.

The Rooster always wants to do more than he can, and takes on tasks that exceed his strength. The plans they hatch are rarely realized. In every field of science and technology, some Rooster will certainly be found, who showed the greatest promise, but due to someone's evil will, did not complete the job to the end. A braggart, he actually always promises more than he can deliver. With an obvious abundance of fresh ideas, he implements them very poorly. In everyday life, the same thing - a lot of ideas and no hope of their implementation.

As a rule, the Rooster avoids responsibility, does not take on unnecessary obligations. If necessary, he is able to help others, but he will do it in such a way that those around him properly appreciate his act.

Roosters are characterized by sharp rises and equally sharp declines in feelings. In life, streaks of success alternate with streaks of failure.

He will pass the way from poverty to wealth, from ideal love to its most disgusting manifestations. But his old age will always be secure and prosperous. Sooner or later, the Rooster finds himself in life - this is still a gifted person.

In general, people born in the year of the Rooster are honest, reliable and direct.

Rooster male. Characteristic

In the male version, the Rooster is a sign of logic. He thinks that he is always right and that only he knows what to do.

Logical thinking, however, does not always harmonize with reality. Hence - indecision, inferiority complexes, the inability to soberly assess their strength. The Rooster constantly fluctuates between inflated self-esteem and self-doubt.

The Rooster does not tolerate failures well and tries to shift the responsibility for them onto the shoulders of others. He is quick-tempered, but quick-tempered.

Roosters love to lead an active social life and love to be the center of attention. They have many acquaintances, no less friends, because these people make friendships with surprising ease.

The rooster is active and energetic, but its activity is often erratic. He does not know how to choose the right goal in life, so he often loses.

He likes to dream, to imagine himself a hero. He likes to dream about travel and distant countries, about exploits, but all this while lying on a soft sofa in warmth and comfort. In fact, despite all the fantasies, he only deals with real projects.

The rooster does not have to rely on luck: money will come to him only as a result of long work, but if the field of activity is favorable, then he may well become rich. The wealth of the Rooster accumulates grain by grain, gradually. At the same time, he is wasteful and constantly spends everything that he earns. He has a tendency to take a lot of financial risk.

Whatever the Rooster undertakes, he does everything carefully and meticulously, planning his actions in advance. His organizational skills are perfectly combined with skill and efficiency.

However, he loves to draw. To be in the spotlight, he needs prestige, authority and respect.

In love, the Rooster is not going as smoothly as he would like. He does not have constancy, and as a rule he has several marriages.

The conservatism of the Rooster man makes him demanding in everyday life, and he believes that his marriage leaves much to be desired when the woman he is married to does not care about coziness and comfort. A reliable rear for the Rooster is extremely important. He dreams of a partner who would understand and support him. He takes care of his children.

Rooster woman. Characteristic

This symbol characterizes constant action. The Rooster woman does an excellent job of her duties both at home and at work. True, the female Roosters almost lack soulfulness, the depth of nature. However, the Rooster, together with the Snake, are the two undisputed leaders of world power.

She knows how to organize her house and manage the household. She demands order and discipline from her family members. He takes family life very seriously, feels responsible for the family.

The Rooster Woman loves the company of other women and specialties that will lead her to communicate with them. In a cheerful company, she is interesting and attractive, her talents are revealed precisely in public.

In love, it will be difficult for her, she will need to make significant efforts to win and keep her loved one. Often her ardor disappoints him, because reality is not always at the level of the dream that owns her.

However, she will always be sincere. She has few enemies - she prefers to forget the offense or forgive the enemy.

Creating a happy family is a big problem for Roosters. If the Rooster's personal life is going well, this is more an exception than a rule. She is very jealous, and this feeling often turns into aggression in her.

The Rooster Woman loves comfort. It is she, like no one else, who will decorate the house in such a way that a completely unusual atmosphere of comfort will be created in it, so for those who appreciate convenience and comfort, a wife born in the year of the Rooster is a real find.

In addition, the Rooster woman, even after getting married, usually wants to shine in society. If her husband is inclined to see in her not only a housewife and educator for her children, but also a woman with charm, who is able to conquer others with beauty and charm that she can be proud of, then we can assume that her relationship with her husband will be very successful.

The Rooster woman has a well-developed maternal instinct. She sincerely cares about her children and always knows what they need.

Varieties of the Rooster

Metal Rooster (1921,1981,2041)

Water Rooster (1933,1993, 2053)

Wood Rooster (1945,2005, 2065)

Fire Rooster (1957, 2017)

Earth Rooster (1909,1969,2029)

Born in the Year of the Rooster

Socrates, Princess Sophia, Anna Ioannovna, Catherine II, Alexander I, Alexander Suvorov, Ivan Konev, Kirill Meretskov, Ivan Bagramyan, Konstantin Zaslonov, Vladimir Dal, Fenimore Cooper, Francis Bacon, Alisher Navoi, Alexander Kron, Henri Barbusse, William Faulkner, Vyacheslav Shishkov, Mikhail Prishvin, Ivan Pavlov, Yakov Sverdlov, Andrei Gromyko.