Didactic game “Color mood. Preliminary preparation for the lesson

Training for preschoolers “In the land of good mood”

Description of material: using the color association method in working with children to determine their emotional state, followed by stabilization of the emotional state by means available to preschoolers.

Material designed for children preschool age, will be useful for educational psychologists in kindergartens.

Target- correction of the emotional state by means available to preschool children.



Teach children to identify and evaluate their emotional state, as well as to respond adequately to the emotional state of other people;

Reinforce the concept of “mood”;

Teach children to consciously regulate their behavior and emotional state, introduce children to different ways adjustments to your condition;

Teach self-relaxation techniques and relieve psychomuscular tension.


Develop self-control and self-regulation in relation to your emotional state;

To develop children's interest in learning about themselves;

Develop communication skills and adequate assessment activities;

Develop relaxation skills,

Develop interhemispheric interaction and attentiveness.


Cultivate a positive attitude towards yourself and the world around you;

Increase social competence;

Create a positive emotional mood;

Contribute to the unity of the children's team.

Materials: cards of 8 colors (red, blue, yellow, green, crimson, grey, brown, black), ball, Whatman paper, pencils, wax crayons, felt-tip pens; tape recorder, audio recordings.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Introduction.

Goal: creating motivation, mood for joint activities.

Everyone knows without a doubt

What is a mood?

Sometimes we have fun

Sometimes we get bored

I often want to cheer myself up,

But we are also sad.

A very strange phenomenon -

Change of mood.

It is important for all children to know

That you shouldn't be discouraged.

Let's get together quickly -

Let's go to a wonderful land!

Today we will visit the land of good mood.

2. Game “Colorful mood”

Goal: tracking your emotional state and mood.

One, two, three, four, five - we start playing!

Now I will teach you how to color your mood. I'll tell you this secret. It turns out that every mood has its own color. Look - I have multi-colored cards. We will arrange them in a circle. The result is an eight-flowered flower - a flower of moods. Each petal is a different mood:

red- cheerful, active mood -

I want to jump, run, play outdoor games;

yellow- fun mood -

I want to enjoy everything;

green- sociable mood -

I want to be friends with other children, talk and play with them;

blue- calm mood -

I want to play quietly and listen

an interesting book, look out the window;

crimson- it’s hard for me to understand my mood, whether it’s not too good or too bad;

grey- boring mood -

I do not know what to do;

brown- angry mood -

I'm angry, I'm offended;

black- sad mood -

I'm sad, I'm upset.

We will send the ball around in a circle and each of you will say what color is his mood now. I'll start, and you continue.

Children indicate their mood with color.

Thank you, I am very pleased that many of you are in a good mood now. And for those guys whose skills are not very good, we will now help them.

3. Game “Joyful Song”

Goal: positive attitude, development of a sense of unity

I have a ball in my hands. I’ll now wrap the thread around my finger and give the ball to my neighbor on the right, Dima, and sing a song about how glad I am to see him - “I’m very glad that Dima is in the group...”.

Whoever receives the ball wraps the thread around his finger and passes it to the next child sitting to his right, and together we (everyone who has the thread in their hands) sing him a joyful song. And so on until the ball returns to me. Great!

The ball came back to me, it ran in a circle and connected us all. Our friendship became even stronger, and our mood improved.

4. Dance therapy.

Goal: changing the emotional state through musical means, emotional release, bringing children closer together, developing attention, interhemispheric interaction.

Musical movements improve your mood.

We have no time to be discouraged - we will dance together.

When the chorus starts, we will walk in a circle together, and when we hear the melody of the verse, we will quickly find a partner and clap each other’s palms (with both hands, right and left hands alternately).

The song “It's fun to walk together” sounds (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Matusovsky.)

Children form a circle, and then independent pairs and dance to the music.

5. Relaxation exercise.

Goal: training in self-regulation methods, relieving psycho-emotional stress.

Relaxation helps a happy mood.

Sit comfortably. Stretch out and relax. Close your eyes, pat yourself on the head and say to yourself: “I am very good” or “I am very good.”

Imagine a wonderful sunny morning. You are near a quiet, beautiful lake. You can barely hear your breathing. Inhale and exhale. The sun is shining brightly and you feel better and better. You feel the sun's rays warming you. You are absolutely calm. The sun is shining, the air is clean and transparent. You feel the warmth of the sun throughout your body. You are calm and still. You feel calm and happy. You enjoy the peace and warmth of the sun. You are resting... Inhale and exhale. Now open your eyes. They stretched, smiled and woke up. You are well rested, you are in a cheerful and cheerful mood, and pleasant feelings will not leave you throughout the day.

6. Art therapeutic exercise “Wonderful Land”

Goal: expressing feelings and emotions through joint artistic activities, uniting the children's team.

Now let's get together

Let's draw a wonderful land.

Children are invited to draw together on a large sheet of paper, which is spread directly on the floor. The theme of the drawing is “Wonderful Land”. Details and small lines are first drawn on the sheet. Children complete unfinished images and “transform” them into anything they want. Joint drawing is accompanied by the sounds of nature.

7. Exercise “Dry shower”

Goal: creating and maintaining a positive attitude.

We are very sorry to part,

But the time has come to say goodbye.

So that we don't lose heart,

I need to take a dry shower.

Children are asked to go through a “dry shower”.

Feel how the colorful streams touch your face and hands. All sorrows, resentments, boredom and sadness are left behind. And you are charged with vigor, activity, joy. The charge of good mood acquired in a wonderful land will remain with you for a long time.

The proposed games and exercises are interesting and accessible for preschoolers with different levels preparedness.

Raisa Ostashko

For the cognitive and speech development of children in my group, I made a didactic game "Color mood".

Using the game we solve the following tasks:

We fix the name of the flowers;

We develop phonetic hearing.

For the base I used a regular egg rack. The number of cells you need to leave is equal to the number of flowers you have. Since our mood is colorful, I chose bright colors. And painted the cells different colors. You can use two, three, four colors.

Then I filled containers from Kinder Egg toys with different fillings. This could be salt, peas, various beads. Some were left empty. Each container was tied with colored threads to match the cells.

There are two ways to play this game.

First way:

By color you need to arrange the colored balls into cells of your color.

Second way:

Find colored balls that sound the same.

I wish everyone good mood!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a lesson on appliqué in the second junior group “Colored Ice Cream” Topic: “Colored ice cream” Application Purpose: To introduce children to round-shaped objects. Learn gluing techniques: spread with paste.

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A child is always learning about the world around him and our task is to help him in this interesting, exciting activity. To host this spectacular.

Didactic game“What is harmful, what is useful” Purpose. To consolidate children's knowledge about harmful and beneficial phenomena and objects. Develop the ability to explain.

Didactic game on the emotional development of older preschoolers “Mood can be different” Completed by the teacher of the 1st quarter. Sadykov's categories.

Summary of organized educational activities on the topic: “Emotions. Didactic game “Guess the mood” for senior group. Compiled by:

Colored tree. Unconventional technique: tube blotography, finger painting. Goal: to improve children's skills in various techniques.

Direct educational activity “Colored ice cream” Objectives: to teach children to select shapes (balls) by color; to reinforce the primary colors: red, green, blue, yellow; to develop observation skills.

Technique: - Not determined -

"Sad and happy." Game for preschool children. Author's.
With this simple game you can teach children to correlate color with mood.
Children take turns giving rays of sunshine. But the suns are unusual - one is cheerful, and the other is sad, and the rays need to be chosen according to the mood.
The suns themselves can be cut out of cardboard. I made them from plywood, since I use them not only for this game.

Empty felt-tip pens serve as “rays” for the sun.
We have a special “magic chest” with such markers. Why magical? Because felt-tip pens can “transform” from it...


Here they became rays of cheerful sunshine.


And here for the sad.

I like to use these blank markers with little ones. They attract with a variety of colors and shades. With their help, you can introduce children to colors that are new to them and immediately play. You can make up color scheme from light to dark and vice versa...

You can introduce the mathematical concepts of long-short, narrow-wide (“pave the road...”), high-low (“build a house...”), etc. Or you can just... lay out grandiose images together on the carpet. Or maybe..... the children themselves will come up with a use for them....

Thanks to everyone who visited my page.

I wish that your mood would always be just like this....

- Not determined -

Source: Country of Masters



Technique: - Not defined - 1. This game can be used in classes with preschoolers in kindergarten, as well as with your kids at home at any time convenient for you. The game helps to reinforce concepts such as “big”, “small”, and teaches comparison. Can also be used when teaching counting.

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Technique: - Not defined - 1. I made this game for children completely unfamiliar to me, preparing for one of the stages of the regional competition "Teacher of the Year 2010". It was open lesson with children from another kindergarten. Topic: "Properties of wood and metal." 2. For the game you need: tracks (made of cardboard) -

Technique: Modeling 1. It turned out that the morning is wiser than the evening... I found lost photos of crafts for the class, I’m posting them in this post. Thanks to everyone who has already visited, come again :-). The company I work for spent the day open doors for children of employees. Among the entertainments was a lesson in modeling

Technique: Easter 1. We continue to play. Easter continues. 2. Let's look at the picture and find out what air balloons already existed by the end of the 19th century. And their shape is surprisingly reminiscent of modern ones. 3. If there are several children, then one chooses red, the second blue, etc. 4. Second version of the game. Let's remember

Technique: Rest Good mood 1. A wonderful means of developing children's imagination is very close to us. It’s enough to raise your head and see with your child... Game 1. “Catching images” Raise your head. And what did you see? "White-maned horse", a hungry whale, a flock of sheep, an airplane, a ship


Summary of the integrated lesson
in the middle group

Topic: “What color is your mood?”

Prepared by:

Portman Svetlana Vladimirovna,
teacher middle group


Program content:

    Teach children to identify and evaluate their emotional state, to respond adequately to the emotional state of other people; consolidate the concept of “mood”; introduce children to different ways adjustments to your condition; teach self-relaxation techniques and relieve psychomuscular tension.

    Develop self-control, self-regulation in relation to your emotional state; develop children's interest in exploring themselves; develop communication skills and adequate assessment activities; develop relaxation skills.

    Teach children to consciously master the techniques of mixing paints and use these techniques as a means of expressing their ideas about the world around them.

    To consolidate children’s ability to use non-traditional drawing techniques to express ideas about the world around them.

    Develop aesthetic taste, fine motor skills, visual memory, attention, concentration.

    Cultivate a positive attitude towards yourself and the world around you; increase social competence; create a positive emotional mood; contribute to the unity of the children's team.

Dictionary. Color, paint, emotions.

Preliminary work. Game “Emotions”, making figurines of wintering birds and a feeder using plasticine printing technique.

Material. Audio equipment, audio recordings, glass pebbles, colored petals. Colored ribbons, pieces of ice with riddles, a seven-flowered flower, ice flower, colored pieces of ice, blanks of bird figurines and feeders, oilcloths, napkins, gouache, sponges, cotton swabs, seals, sunflower and buckwheat seeds, millet, glasses of water, gouache in test tubes, sticks, finely chopped threads. GCD move:

Children enter the hall to the sound of calm music.

Educator: Guys, today we have a difficult lesson, guests have come to our lesson. Let's say hello.

Children: Hello!

Educator: Today we will go to the land of good mood.

I. Introduction.

Goal: creating motivation, mood for joint activities. Everyone knows without a doubt

What is a mood?

Sometimes we have fun

Sometimes we get bored

I often want to cheer myself up,

But we are also sad.

A very strange phenomenon -

Change of mood.

It is important for all children to know

That you shouldn't be discouraged.

Let's quickly gather in a circle -

Let's go to a wonderful magical country!

Game "Flower of Mood".

Goal: tracking your emotional state and mood.

Educator: Let's close our eyes (music sounds), spin around and we will be transported with you to a magical land. Open your eyes, look, we are in a magical land. Look guys! What a beautiful flower, I think it reminds me of something.

Children: This is a seven-flowered flower.

Educator: That's right, guys! Let us sit down next to him and I will tell you a story.

In one magical land, the Mood Fairy grew an unusual flower, all its petals were different colors.

I'll tell you a secret. It turns out that every mood has its own color. You and I already know that color can indicate mood. Let's remember what mood the colors of our seven-flowered flower represent.

Children: They talk about flowers.

Red: cheerful, active mood - you want to jump, run, play outdoor games;

Orange: the color of the holiday, quickly lifts the mood;

Yellow: cheerful mood - you want to enjoy everything;

Green: sociable mood - you want to be friends with other children, talk and play with them;

Blue: I want to relax, lie down, watch a cartoon;

Blue - calm mood - I want to calmly play, listen

an interesting book, look out the window;

Purple: I have a hard time understanding my mood, neither too good nor too bad.

Educator: Well done guys, you know, if our flower had gray or black petals, what mood would they represent?

Children: Anger, resentment, sadness, sadness, fear. Look, crystals live near the flower, they will help us understand what mood we are in. Take each crystal, listen to yourself and tell me what color you are in the mood now.

Educator: I’m in a cheerful, cheerful mood now. What is Polina's mood now? (addresses each child in turn).

Children: (children indicate their mood with color).

Educator: Thank you, I am very pleased that many of you are in a good mood now. And for those guys whose skills are not very good, we will now help them.

Dance game "Find your color."

Goal: creating a positive attitude, developing a sense of unity.

Educator: You each have a ribbon in your hand, when the music starts, you will start dancing, as soon as the music becomes quieter, you must find a pair with the same ribbon.

Game "Tangle".

A ball rolls into the hall.

Educator: Look guys! A magical ball rolled towards us. But this is not just a magical ball - it is a ball of friendship. If we all wrap this thread around our fingers together, we will become true, true friends. Q: (winds the thread around his finger and passes the ball to the child standing on his right with the words - I’m very glad that I have a friend Polina. And so the children pass the ball around in a circle until it returns to the teacher).

The ball came back to me, it ran in a circle and connected us all. Our friendship became even stronger, and our mood improved.

Exercise “Guess and show.”

Educator: Listen, guys, what do you hear? (the sound of a winter blizzard is heard).

Children: We hear the sound of a winter blizzard.

Educator: Guys, let's hide so that the wind doesn't carry us away.

Children: (sit down, when the music has died down, the children stand up).

Educator: Guys, look what happened, the flower has become icy. Who do you think could have frozen him?

Children: (answers).

Educator: If it really was the Snow Queen who flew by and bewitched not only the seven-flowered flower, but all of us? Look, we even have pieces of ice and something is written on them (takes off the pieces of ice and reads riddles).


Tanya missed the ball

And he floated down the river.

What kind of drops rolled

On a girl's cheek? (tears). When do our tears flow?

D: When we cry (showing crying). ***

Blooms on the face -

Does it grow with joy? (smile).

D: Show a smile.


It happens to everyone

Who forgets about adversity.

Do you want to sing and have fun?

She is our joy,... (joy).

Children: Show joy.

Educator: Well done guys!

Educator: I understood why there are riddles about our feelings and emotions on the pieces of ice. They are their guardians. Remember what happened to Kai in the fairy tale?

Children: he was deprived of feelings, he didn’t care.

Educator: These are the tricks of the Snow Queen, don’t be sad, we have solved the riddles and can take the colors that the ice floes store and return them to the seven-flowered flower. What colors do we already have?

Children: red, yellow, blue, blue.

Educator: What colors do we need to find?

Children: Purple, green and orange.

Educator: Look, I see a snowy path, let's see where it leads (we walk along the path). We got to the laboratory, look here there are the colors that we found, with their help we can get the rest of the colors.

Experience “Make the missing color”.

Children: (come to the laboratory and perform an experiment on mixing basic

flowers in order to obtain the missing coins).

Relaxation exercise “Magic sleep”.

Goal: training in methods of self-regulation, removal of psycho-emotional


Educator: Everyone can draw running, jumping and galloping. But not everyone knows how to relax and rest. Relaxation helps a happy mood.

Lie down comfortably, stretch out and relax. Close your eyes, pat yourself on the head and say to yourself: “I am very good” or “I am very good.” We all close our eyes and fall asleep in a magical sleep. We breathe easily, evenly, deeply.

Now imagine a wonderful sunny winter morning. You are in a winter snowy park. You can barely hear your breathing. Inhale and exhale. The sun is shining brightly, you walk along snow-covered paths and listen to the creaking of the snow under your feet. You are absolutely calm. The sun is shining, the air is clean and transparent, and white, fluffy clouds like lambs float across the sky. With your whole body you feel the freshness and coolness of a winter day. You are calm and still. You feel calm and happy. You enjoy peace. You are resting.

It’s good for you to rest, but it’s time to get up: stretch, smile and wake up. You are well rested, you are in a cheerful and cheerful mood, and pleasant feelings will not leave you throughout the day.

Educator: Guys, while you and I were resting, the colors on the seven-color flower returned to their places.

Look how beautiful it is outside our window. What time of year is it now?

Children: Winter.

Educator: Absolutely right. What do you know about winter?

Children: (children's answers).

Educator: Guys, let's do our winter picture now? Look, we have everything you need.

Art therapeutic exercise “Winter Landscape”.

Children: Let's go! (they go to the tables and do their work to the sound of music).

Educator: Look, guys, what a wonderful winter picture we have created. It has everything you need for a good mood, but is there something missing? Magic flower of mood. Let each of you choose a petal of the color in which mood he would like to leave the magical land. (Children choose a petal).

Now we close our eyes, spin around and return to kindergarten. Open your eyes. Did you enjoy our trip?

Children: (answers).

Educator: Let's collect a mood flower.

Children: Lay out a mood flower. Educator: It’s very sad for us to leave,

But it's time to say goodbye

We won't be discouraged

We'll meet again soon.