Thematic integrated lesson in the senior group. Summary of an open integrated lesson in the senior group “Useful umbrella”

06.07.2019 Relationship

Summary of the integrated lesson

on teaching literacy and mathematics in senior group

Target: consolidate children’s understanding of words and sentences; syllable, as part of a word; practice dividing words into syllables; develop the ability to recognize sounds and letters, generalize children’s knowledge about the hardness and softness of consonant sounds; come up with words and sentences according to instructions from an adult; train children to read words and sentences; consolidate with children adjacent numbers, geometric figures, their designation and their location in the environment. Strengthen the ability to solve problems, compare numbers by size using arithmetic signs,

Equipment: Reading tables: words, syllables, sentences. Houses with syllables, d/game “Bring the animals into their houses.” Mathematics worksheets. Cards with tasks, counting sticks, pens, Dunno, writing.

Progress of the lesson

Before the start of the lesson, children are invited to exchange positive moods with the guests by touching palms to palms. We remember with the children the days of the week, the time of year and invite them to read a poem about spring using mnemonics.

Suddenly there is a knock on the door - they bring a letter.


Guys, I received an unusual letter - I wonder who could have sent it.

We open the envelope, there is a portrait of Dunno.

Yes, this is Dunno. He sent not an ordinary letter, but a letter with tasks and questions that he himself cannot answer and asks you for help. Guys, we cannot refuse his request and we will try to complete all his tasks.

Exercise 1. What are vowel sounds and what are they?

Vowel sounds: Air flows freely through the mouth.

The sound is vowel.

Children name vowel sounds, hard and soft, and remember poems about vowel letters.

Consonant sounds: And consonants agree to rustle, hiss, creak.

Even snort and hiss.

But I don't want to sing them.

We name the consonant letters and note that if a consonant sound and a vowel are found, then they sing together. We sing the syllables.

We pronounce and hear the sound, and we see and write the letter.

D/game “Find a house for animals” - is performed on the board, and at the tables children lay out the missing syllables in words.

Task 2. Working with words and syllables. Offer.

Remember what words there are (long and short). Children come up with several examples.

Reading words from the board. Reading words using a syllabic house.

Invite children to come up with a sentence of one word, 2 words, 3 words. We choose one word and analyze it: divide it into syllables, put emphasis. Then invite the children to perform a sound analysis of the word (orally analyze).

We offer children the game “Which cube is missing.”


Unbend, unbend,

Two – bend over, stretch.

Three - clap 3 hands,

Three nods of the head.

4 – arms wider,

5.6 sit down quietly.

Let's discard 7.8-laziness.

Task 3. We make new words by adding one syllable. The word is juice - ...

The guys drank sweet juice.

Syllable ne let's add - became sand.

A - But I've already arrived sock.

And if ku - read piece.

With a syllable le - let's read forest

We went there an hour.

Let's go, guys, to the land of the Dwarfs and reduce the words we talked about, let's call them affectionately:

Juice - juice

Sand - sand

Sock - sock

Piece - piece

little forest - little forest

We invite children to play with the tongue: an exercise for the tongue and remember the tongue twister for the sound “Ch”.

Task 4. Ordinal and quantitative counting. Adjacent numbers.

Guys! Dunno cannot give an answer to which question is answered by quantitative and ordinal counting.

Children's answers.

Name the adjacent numbers 5,7,3,8. Name a number that is 1 more than 5,8,3; 1 less than 3,6,4.

Task 5. Geometric figures.

You need to answer the following questions:

1.What is a square?

2.What is a triangle?

3.What is a rectangle?

4.What is a polygon?

Use one stick to lay out a triangle on the table; out of three - a rectangle, out of two - a square.

Working with cards. Draw as many circles in the rectangle as there are squares on the left.

Exercise for hands.

Fishes swim and dive

In clean, warm water.

They will dive, then they will emerge,

They will bury themselves in the sand.

Task 6. Arithmetic signs. Solving problems using pictures. "+" sign.

I am fit to serve

I am a good sign of connection.

And that is my purpose.

I am a minus, also a good sign,

It's not out of malice that I'm taking away

And I’m just fulfilling my role.

Comparison of numbers.

We offer fun math problems.

1. Grandmother Masha has a granddaughter Dasha, a cat Cockerel, a dog Druzhok, and a grandson Sanyok. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (2)

2. How many nuts are there in an empty glass? (not at all).

3.When you turn 6 years old, what happens next? (7 years).

4.How many ears do 2 babies have? (4).

Hand massage with nuts.

Task 7. Graphic dictation. Image of the key to the school doors for Dunno.

Teacher: During the lesson, all the guys worked actively and completed all the tasks for Dunno. And they prepared for him the key to knowledge.

Thank you for the lesson.

Yulia Shaleva
Final lesson in the senior group

Final lesson in the senior group.


1. Promote the development of speech, cognitive interests, mental operations (analysis, synthesis, attention, memory, thinking, creative abilities.

2. Develop speech, communication, memory. Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, distinguish sounds by their quality; ability to compose sentences and diagrams for them.

Materials and equipment:gel ball yellow color, words, word combinations, letters, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson:

Children stand in a circle.

Educator: Listen. Can't you hear anything? Who was that walking so quietly outside the window?

Who came so quietly?

Well, of course, not an elephant,

And, of course, the hippopotamus

I couldn't go through this quietly.

And none of you heard

Like a leaf coming out of a bud,

And you couldn't hear

Like green blades of grass

Taking off my green shoes,

They quietly emerged from the ground.

And the snowdrop quietly came out.

And there is silence everywhere.

This means, this means:

Spring has come quietly.

Spring has come to us. You already guessed that today we will talk about spring. What month of spring is it now? What number is he? Which one is next? How many months are there in total? How many seasons are there in total? How many months are there in a year? Fine.

You know that every word has related words. There was a lot of snow this winter. Choose related words for the word "snow" (snowball, snowflake, snowy, snowdrop). Now find relatives by the way "spring" (freckles, freckles, spring, etc.). What can we say "spring"? (stream, rain, day, garden). "Spring"? (water, puddle, drops, thawed patch, river). "Spring"? (cloud, mood, sun, sky, morning). Come up with definitions for the word - "spring". What is she like? (warm, beautiful, kind, early). How can you affectionately call the sun? (Sun). Well done! That's how many good and beautiful words we remembered!

Knock on the window. The teacher brings in a yellow ball. Conversation with children about what the sun is and what it lacks (rays).The sun has a letter on a string.

“Children, the evil wizard does not want spring to come. So he hid my rays. Help me find them. And there are riddles to help you."

Educator: Shall we help the sun? Take your seats, let's help the sun.

Exercise 1:

Mystery: This letter sleeps in a den,

Washes his hands, washes his feet,

It buzzes annoyingly

And he circles around the room. (m. bear, soap, fly)

Looking for in group letter M.

The children found the letter M. What types of letters are there? Vowels consonants. Why vowels? What color? Consonants? What color?

Educator: Look - here is an envelope with an assignment, here are some phrases. And it says that you need to find all the vowels and circle them in a red circle.


Mystery: The first letter friends in the alphabet is (A)

Children are looking for group the letter a with the task.


This task contains hidden tasks, but you and I can handle the tasks and we will cope with them!

1. A rooster flew up onto the fence,

Met two more there.

How many roosters are there? (3)

2. Two cars were driving along the roads.

By narrow and wide.

The truck was not driving on a narrow road.

Which road was the truck driving on?

What about a passenger car?

3. 7 candles were burning, 2 candles went out, how many candles were left?

4. There were 5 apples and 3 pears hanging on the tree. How many fruits were on the tree?

5. Grandmother Dasha has a granddaughter Masha,

The cat Fluffy and the dog Druzhok.

How many grandchildren does grandma have?

After completing the task, a beam is taken out of the envelope and attached to the sun.

Phys. Just a minute.

At night the sun will go down

Below, below, below, (Squat down. Place your hands on the floor)

This is how the sun rises

Higher, higher, higher.

(Raise your hands up, stretch)

Good good.

The sun laughs.

And under the sun for all of us,

Life is fun.

(Clap your hands, smile)

Repeat twice. Parts days: when does the sun set?. When does it emerge? When children are kindergarten are they playing? What do we do at night?

Task 3

Mystery: If the padlock

The proboscis will rise up,

Then we'll see here

Not a lock, but a number (6) .

Children are looking for group number 6.

Educator: Guys, this number is not simple, but magical. Do you know why?

Children, if you turn it over, you get the number 9.

Educator: In front of you are two numbers, which one is greater. The child puts a sign between the numbers.

After completing the task, a beam is taken out of the envelope and attached to the sun.

Children are looking for group letter I.

Educator: Guys, here are words with circles at the bottom. Need to Mark: soft, hard (consonant) and vowel sounds.

How do sounds differ from letters? (We hear sounds and write letters.)

After completing the task, a beam is taken out of the envelope and attached to the sun.

Educator: the riddles are over - this means that we have found all the rays. Now guys, look at the board, what did we get?

: What holiday is this? Which camp did our soldiers defend? What is the name of the city we live in?

Children's answers.

Educator: We helped the sun, collected rays, and now it’s time for the sun to go home and warm everyone with his rays. Letting the sun out the window. But look, what is this twig? The sun warmed up, and... appeared from the buds. (leaves). What plant is this twig from? (From the lilac bush). What other trees are there on our site? (Birch is a tree, rowan is a bush, spruce is a tree, larch is a tree).

Let's give a countdown: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - start

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Summary of an open integrated lesson in the senior group

« Useful umbrella»

Integration of educational areas: cognitive, speech, social and communicative development.

Target-clarify and consolidate the concept of “useful things”.


Educational: -clarify what an umbrella is needed for;

Vocabulary work: explain the meaning of words: knitting needles, multi-colored; choose words that are similar in meaning to the words: strong, useful; clarify and consolidate the concepts of the meaning of prepositions:over, on, under; introduce “twin” words (multi-meaning words);

Coherent speech: continue to learn to listen carefully to the teacher, answer questions with complete answers, write a short story about the subject (umbrella).

Developmental: - exercise children in staging a short fairy tale (convey the image using facial expressions, voice, expressive movements);

Develop imagination and fine motor skills.


Cultivate goodwill, teach children to interact, negotiate, yield to each other when choosing a role.

Preliminary work: several children learning poems, introducing all children to the words and actions of the physical education lesson “We have fun walking with an umbrella.”

Equipment: umbrella, pictures: multi-colored umbrella, beach sun umbrella, umbrella with pretextsover, on, under;pictures for the words “twins”; masks for dramatizing a fairy tale, the fairy tale “A Useful Umbrella” by T.A. Kulikovskaya, recording of the children's song “Rain is pouring on the roofs”, recording of the sounds of nature: the sound of rain and thunder, finger gymnastics by L. Yartova “Rain” in an audio recording; poems and a riddle about an umbrella; coloring pages with umbrellas as a gift for every child.

Surprise moment: appearance of the Spring Fairy (role played by a kindergarten psychologist)

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher asks the children a riddle:

There is a little thing in the purse,

The one that will come in handy in the rain.

We'll get her, we won't get wet.

It's okay that it's raining. Everyone has their own...(umbrella).

The teacher invites the children to look at the picture:

Children, look at the picture.

Who is pictured on it? (Dog, cat and butterfly.)

Where is the dog? What is she doing? (The dog is sittingunder umbrella.)

Where is the cat? What is he doing? (The cat is lyingon umbrella.)

Where is the butterfly? What is she doing? (Butterflyleft from the umbrella (near umbrella,near with an umbrella,above umbrella), she flutters, flies.)

The teacher asks why we need an umbrella.

Children read pre-learned poems:

If it's damp, if it's wet,

If the rain runs down the windows,

The sky is crying, frowning,

Well, you - on the street -

If there is one, it doesn’t matter!

Open it then

Then anyone is not afraid

Water pouring from the sky! S. Buslova. Umbrella

There were clouds in the sky,

But we took an umbrella with us.

The drops hit the ground loudly,

We are not afraid one bit.

After all, our umbrella is like a shield

It will protect us from thunderstorms! G.Verd

If the sky is shedding tears, an umbrella will not let you get wet.

It creates shade in the heat, well, of course, it’s an umbrella.

An umbrella will protect you on a rainy day and provide shade on a sunny day.

In the rain and summer heat

I take an umbrella with me.

I feel comfortable under the umbrella:

It protects completely.

Guys, you read poems about an umbrella that protects you from... (from what?).

(From the rain, from the sun.)

Look at this picture: why do you need an umbrella? (An umbrella provides shade and protects from the sun.)

- This is a beach umbrella, sun protection.

CONCLUSION: An umbrella protects us from rain and from bright sun. An umbrella is a useful thing. Useful - which means? (Necessary, necessary).

Physical education session (standing by the chairs). The teacher pronounces the words and shows the movements, and the children perform them together.

A drop or two, a drop or two, (clap your hands)

Very slowly at first.

And then, then, then- (running in place)

Everybody run, run, run.

The drops began to ripen (clap your hands)

Drop drop catch up.

Drip-drip, drip-drip, (finger on palm)

Let’s open the umbrellas as soon as possible, (we connect our hands above our heads - the dome of the umbrella)

Let's protect ourselves from the rain.

The teacher suggests looking at a picture with a drawn umbrella and answering the questions:

What is shown in the picture?

What color is the umbrella (multi-colored - that is, painted in different colors).

What colors is the umbrella? (Blue, yellow, red.)

For an umbrella to protect us, what should it be like? (Strong.)

Choose words that are similar in meaning to the word “strong” (strong - durable, reliable, unbreakable).

The teacher clarifies with the children what parts the umbrella consists of (dome, handle).

The umbrella dome is made of a special waterproof fabric; the fabric is held in place by knitting needles (metal rods).

Children, listen to what these sounds are (includes recording of rain and thunder).

The children are listening. Then they talk about what they heard.

Breathing exercises: - How delicious the fresh air is after the rain, how easy it is to breathe (children take a deep breath and exhale deeply).

And now a warm-up for the fingers.

Finger gymnastics(audio recording “Rain”, actions are performed in accordance with the words of the song).

Telling a fairy tale by T.A. Kulikovskaya "Useful umbrella".

Questions for children:

What did Fox do with the umbrella? What did you say about him?

What did the Bear do with the umbrella? What did he say about him?

What did the Wolf do with the umbrella? What did he say about him?

What did the Hedgehog do with the umbrella? What did he say about him?

What did the frog do with the umbrella? What did she say about him?

What did everyone do when it started to rain? What did everyone say?

What is an umbrella really for?

Guys, we know that an umbrella has a handle. Do you know what other objects the word “handle” denotes?

The game is being played"Twin words."The teacher reads poems by T.A. Kulikovskaya to the children. Children need to be told which objects are called the same word. (Reading is accompanied by showing illustrations: caterpillar, bow, scythe, key, tap, pear, brush, leaf, lightning.)

Surprise moment.A recording of the song “Rain is pouring on the roofs” plays, the Spring Fairy enters with an umbrella in her hands, inviting the children with her.

To the music, children perform movements together with the Spring Fairy.

Fairy: - Hello, guys! I am the Fairy of Spring. Well, we had a walk in the rain with an umbrella. Look how beautiful he is.

Teacher: -Hello, Fairy! Yes, your umbrella is wonderful. And today our children got acquainted with the fairy tale about the umbrella and can show it.

Fairy: -What a pity that I didn’t hear the fairy tale...

Teacher: -And I’ll remind you. Listen, guys, carefully. Try to remember what the animals did with the umbrella and what they said about it.

Re-reading a fairy tale.

Then the teacher invites the children to play the roles of Fox, Bear, Wolf, Hedgehog, Frog (children put on masks).

The role of the leader is played by the teacher. The re-enactment uses the Fairy's umbrella.

Children if desiredstagingrepeated with different participants.

Then the teacher offers to talk about the umbrella, remembering what different animals said about it. (This is an umbrella, it is very beautiful and smooth; it is made of multi-colored fabric; it is light and comfortable; it has a handle; the umbrella is strong; it has iron spokes; it is very useful; you can hide under it when it rains.)

The story is told at the request of 1-2 children.

Fairy: -Guys, I liked it so much! I listened to and watched the fairy tale, and now let’s play with me. Let's take a walk through the spring park.

Psycho-gymnastics.Do you feel how fresh and clean the air is? Let's take a deep breath and straighten our shoulders. You have to be very careful in the forest. Let's check your attention. If you hear a cuckoo cuckoo (“cuckoo”), jump on your right leg and move forward. When the woodpecker taps (“knock-knock-knock”), jump on your left leg moving forward, and when the titmouse sings (“ding-ding-ding”), you will jump on two legs moving forward. Do you remember? Get ready!

Well done! You are all attentive. Let's take a look around.AboveWe have a clear sky, the gentle warm sun is shining. (Raise their heads and look up.)

The trees rejoice in the sun. Tall trees grow in the forest. Show me which ones? Aunderbushes grow with them. They're not that tall. Which ones? Show. Show how the trees and bushes straighten their branches (the children show, they reached out to the sun, raised their arms up, and swayed).

Aundergrass and moss grow in bushes. Show how low the grass is, and how low the moss is (crouch down). Here is a spring stream babbling. Small, let's jump over the stream (they jump over).

But here is a whole meadow of snowdrops! What a beauty! (They spread their arms to the sides, turn their heads to the right, to the left.) Let's bend over and smell them. What a subtle aroma! It smells like spring and freshness.

Oh! Drops of rain...Look uponclouds are gathering in the sky, the cloud has covered the sun... But we have a big umbrella, we are not afraid of rain, we will open the umbrella and return home.

Physical education minute

We have fun walking with an umbrella,

We're walking down the street. (children walk around the hall)

And a song along the way

Let's sing merry. (walk in place)

We're walking down the street (steps in place)

La-la, la-la, (four hand claps)

We sing a song. (steps in place)

Here we come! Guys, it's time for me to leave. To remember our meeting, I give you these coloring pages with umbrellas. Goodbye!

The children and the teacher say goodbye to the Fairy.

Teacher: - Guys, today we talked about such a useful thing as an umbrella. An umbrella protects us from the sun and rain. What do you remember and like most? A fairy tale about an umbrella or maybe a walk with the Spring Fairy? (Children's answers.) You all did well today, choose the coloring book you like best, our lesson is over.


T.A. Kulikovskaya “Fairy tales and retellings.” Teaching children retelling. "Childhood-press". St. Petersburg, 2011.

T.A. Kulikovskaya “Twin Words.” Poems for introducing children to polysemantic words. Benefit. Publishing house "Gnome". M., 2015.

E.A. Alyabyeva “Psycho-gymnastics in kindergarten.” Methodological materials to help psychologists and teachers. Sphere shopping center, M., 2003.

Benefit: Educational cards “First words. Location". Artist O.A. Pochitskaya. Skaz LLC, 2014.

Illustrations from the coloring book “Twin Words”. Series "Magic Pencil". Artist V. Filippova. LLC Publishing House "Good Word", 2012.