Feng shui red. The Influence of Color in Feng Shui

17.08.2019 Animals

The fact that colors can influence a person is convinced not only by the followers of Feng Shui. The fact is scientifically substantiated and is often used by modern psychologists. The symbolic meaning of flowers in Feng Shui originates from the system of five elements: fire, earth, metal, water and wood. According to ancient teachings, each shade corresponds to one or another type of energy, and color tonality is the key to achieving balance. Correctly using and combining colors according to Feng Shui, you can achieve inner balance, as well as success in your personal or professional life.


It is a symbol of vital energy, attracts happiness, authority and power. But at the same time, according to Feng Shui, red is also the color of passion and anger. It is so powerful and hot that its excess can provoke disagreements and conflicts, lead to exhaustion and disease.

Red must be used judiciously when used to decorate rooms that have a lot of energy, movement and life, such as living rooms.


It is the color of renewal, sensuality and romance. It symbolizes youth and tenderness. Has the ability to neutralize aggression and build relationships.


The color of mystery and mystery. It is a symbol of deep knowledge, intuition and rich spirituality. Violet is the color of creative people, able to inspire and develop thoughts. It is not the most favorable color of the apartment according to Feng Shui. It is better not to use it in the arrangement of residential premises, since it can negatively affect the psyche.


This color inspires and encourages communication. It symbolizes happiness and cheerfulness. Promotes mental activity and increases activity. Orange can be used to decorate almost all rooms. For the bedroom, it is recommended to use more muted shades.


This is the color of a positive beginning, it symbolizes optimism, cheerfulness and inner harmony. It is associated with mental abilities, so it is necessary for intellectual activity. He is able to revive even the dark corners of the house and help in gaining worldview and wisdom.


It symbolizes health, spiritual elevation and justice. This color has a calming effect on a person, relieves nervous tension, gives peace and promotes concentration. Its excess can be depressing and cause discomfort, so blue is not recommended for decorating rooms. For these purposes, it is better to use blue shades, which relax, but charge with optimism and give faith in the future.


It belongs to the colors of water and symbolizes sophistication, perfection, officiality and authority. In feng shui color combinations, it is used to balance less stable shades. Black is able to calm the psyche and relieve tension, but its excess can plunge into darkness and depression. It is recommended to use it moderately in the interior to create a focused and businesslike atmosphere.


This is a neutral color that does not carry a symbolic load. Gray is able to dampen excitement and calm emotions, but it can inspire feelings of hopelessness, longing and boredom.


Depending on the shade, it can have a different effect on a person. According to Feng Shui, light brown is considered a more favorable color, it gives a feeling of calm and warmth. Dark shades of brown negatively affect a person, suppressing positive emotions, desires and thoughts.

Red color.
A powerful and strong color, which in Feng Shui is considered the destroyer of impure energy. It is the color of blood and life, strength and activity, saturation and love. Red color excites in us the desire for action, movement, increasing vitality. It is not for nothing that in homes it is used exactly where the energy is weakening. But the abundance of red is annoying and tiring. nervous system. Too much red, especially for Fire people, can cause a heart attack or high blood pressure. In no case do not use red if one of your relatives suffers from mental illness or is prone to outbursts of aggression. Such a color can spur their disease or stimulate negative feelings.

In the house, dosed red is good to use to protect against negative energy, which is why the cords of happiness and longevity, Chinese panels and ribbons for bandaging crystals, bamboo flutes and other means of combating harmful energy are made bright red. If you have low blood pressure or feel tired, then according to Feng Shui you can influence your condition with red clothes.

Traditionally associated with gold and sunlight. Its soft shades according to Feng Shui have a beneficial effect on a person. At the same time, rich yellow is associated with danger, lies, slander, unfounded rumors. Intuitively, we avoid a lot of bright yellow, its excess causes irritation or fear. We are well influenced by shades of yellow - honey, golden, copper. These colors have a warm base, they warm our hearts, inspire vigor, confidence, optimism. Therefore, these colors are very suitable for decorating a living space. They seem to say that even in cloudy weather the sun lives in the house. These are warm colors.

Yellow color enhances our ability to perceive, uplifts the spirit, makes us more alive, active and happy. But you need to remember: if you have a yellow lamp, you should not use a flashing yellow light, it can cause epileptic seizures. Wearing yellow improves the perception of energy by the heart chakra.

Blue color.
Blue color is one of the most common in nature, it is associated for us with the sky and water, wildflowers, coolness and silence. This is one of the relaxing colors, it reduces the rate of metabolic reactions in the body, induces sleep. Therefore, blue tones are needed where it is useful to reduce the activity and strength of energy. But Blue colour dangerous if we need active and strong energy. For example, you cannot contemplate it in the room where you eat - food will not be digested, or where you work hard - you will quickly get tired.

For some people, blue can cause depression. therefore, it cannot be used to decorate the rooms of patients or persons with mental disabilities.

Green color.
Green color in Feng Shui is considered to be calming, restorative, creating harmony. In nature, it is the color of life. Plants turn green in summer, and when they fall asleep or die, they turn yellow. If yellow is associated with maturity, then green is associated with youth and growth.

Pure green tones are used in rooms where it is required to relieve fatigue and stress, in children's rooms where the child does his homework. According to Feng Shui, this is a good color for places where you recuperate after a hard day at work.

This color is associated with selectivity, royal grandeur. This is the color of thinking, meditation, increased mental activity. It influences the nature of our thoughts, making them broader and more objective, and promotes the proper circulation of energy through the upper (crown) chakra. But it is not recommended to use purple for a long time.

White color.
Connects all colors of the spectrum. The color of maximum correctness, purity, purity. White color should be used very carefully, preferably in small doses and always with interruptions. Otherwise, there will be a strong outflow of energy, its weakening. In China, it is considered the color of death.

Black color.
Black color gives a general decrease in energy, stimulates its Yin qualities. It should not be used for contemplation, this color disorients perception, exacerbates gloomy feelings. But in combination with metal colors (silver, gold) it supports vitality, strengthens the immune system. No wonder one of the talismans of health is a black turtle with a golden shell.

The importance of color in our life is enormous. And you need to carefully select colors according to Feng Shui to maintain and promote health. Weak or too strong elements should be harmonized, that is, their energy should be increased or decreased. Here it is necessary to take into account which element in a person is maximally developed and whether it creates an advantage. After all, if you begin to harmonize the energy, for example, by working with the sectors of your home, adding or removing element symbols, weakening or strengthening colors, you can make a mistake by not taking into account your dominant element. By choosing colors, we strengthen or weaken feng shui directions, and by strengthening directions, we strengthen the properties of energy. And we do not always need to strengthen these properties.

A Water person who lives in an apartment with a blue-enhanced water direction will become inactive.

And a person of Fire living in a house with a fiery direction, enhanced by red, will be uncontrollable. And it is very bad if, due to a thoughtless approach, the leading good directions for your birth year gua are distorted! It will not only bring problems
V personal life but also very serious health problems.

feng shui colors

The versatility of the world around us constantly accompanies us with color design. Colors and feng shui play a huge role in the life of every person. In the house, on the street, in the workplace - there are colors everywhere. A world in black and white would be too dull.

Each shade has its own specific meaning. The symbolism of color in Feng Shui plays one of the key roles in interior design, choosing clothes, interior design of a workplace or home. In all these and many other cases, it is the harmony of halftones that gives a good mood, a positive attitude, excellent health, and in some cases good luck in business, well-being in the family and rapid career growth.

Correct interior colors

Color is directly related to the doctrine of the 5 elements. Following the advice of the masters of this science, you can choose exactly the interior that will not only be pleasing to the eye, but also attract good luck and create harmony both in the house and in your soul.

The combination of colors in the interior

It should be understood immediately that the colors in the West and East are somewhat different in perception. Take, for example, black. IN European tradition it symbolizes negativity, evil, negative energy. No wonder black has become the color of mourning and sadness in our country. While white is perceived as the color of joy, fun, positive mood, and is also a symbol of purity and innocence.

But Chinese culture looks at black in a completely different way. Here it is white that is a sign of death, mourning and sadness. And in black they see the embodiment of secrecy and mystery.

It is often much more important how exactly the color affects a particular person than to adhere to generally accepted traditions, except for one - the feng shui tradition. It is she who creates harmony in the interior design of our homes. And therefore it is very important to know exactly how color affects people from the point of view of subtle energies.

To do this, consider the different colors in:

What does feng shui say about color?

As already mentioned, colors are associated with the doctrine of the 5 elements. An important role is played by the ratio of yin and yang, as well as 5 types of energies - elements. This, as you know, Fire, Earth, Wood, Metal, Water. They do not exist on their own, but constantly interact. Therefore, the use of colors is based on this interaction. Of particular importance for this is the Circle of Generation:

Each element has its own color

Water - black

Tree - green

Fire - red

Metal - white

Earth - brown

5 energies and cardinal points

Energy is distributed to the cardinal points:

North - Water

East and Southeast - Wood

West and Northwest - Metal

Southwest and Northeast - Earth

The center also belongs to the Earth.

The South is subject to Fire.

This is how you can and should decorate the interior, according to the ideas of Feng Shui. Here it is important to adhere to a certain rule: the colors are located in the sector to which they correspond or to the element that will be “born”.

Color combinations

As you know, in Feng Shui everything is interconnected. Therefore, the colors in Feng Shui also interact with each other, combined in various forms. Energies are constantly moving, influencing each other and objects in the outside world. The dynamic response also appears at the color level. Some combinations carry positive energy. Others are negative. If you do not know the right combinations, you can fail for a long time, which cannot be rationally explained.

Color designation with hieroglyphs

With the help of elemental analysis, one can find out how certain colors balance with each other, whether harmonious or unbalanced cycles occur. The effect of using different shades in the corners of the room may or may not be favorable. Let's look at some combinations:

  • Green and yellow (a very dangerous combination - the corner of the southwest and northeast).
  • Yellow and metallic (great combination - west and northwest).
  • Red and blue, red and black (bad combination - south).
  • Red and yellow (a very good combination - southwest and northeast).
  • Metallic and blue (good combination - north).
  • Blue and green (a perfect combination - east and southeast).
  • Green and red (a good combination is south, east and southeast, only during the winter months).
  • Red and metallic (bad combination - west or northwest).
  • Green and metallic (very bad combination - east and southeast).
  • Yellow and blue (extremely bad combination - north).

Rules for working with color in Feng Shui:

  • The predominance of any one color over others should be avoided.
  • The selection of colors should match the purpose of the room and your goals.
  • Brightness, saturation and color intensity can change, the main thing is to follow your own feelings, how comfortable you are with the chosen palette.
  • With the help of lighting, you can change the effect of colors on residents.

It is with this approach to color that good luck, wealth, creativity will come to you and a lot that the harmony of symbol and color can offer.

Color can not only bring aesthetic pleasure, but also affect our lives and emotions. Choosing the right color scheme things around, you can create a favorable atmosphere around you. Find out what Feng Shui masters say about color, and what shades carry positive energy.


The red color is primarily associated with fire and blood, which means it carries powerful energy and vitality. He is able to push a person to decisive action and set him up for fruitful and high-quality work. But an excess of red tires and destroys the energy of calm and balance. It is not necessary to decorate an entire area in the house with this color, small elements will be enough.


A symbol of the sun and wealth, capable of setting a person to positive and joy. However, a large amount of bright yellow can create an atmosphere of lies and danger. Soft shades - honey, golden, light yellow - bring comfort and warmth to the house. A room decorated in such colors will promote peace and harmony, so light yellow colors are suitable for a bedroom.


A natural color representing water, sky and cold. This is a favorable, but at the same time dangerous color, it needs to be taken more carefully. All shades of blue soothe and relieve stress, taking away active energy. Fine fit blue for rest and sleep areas. This color will negatively affect the kitchen and office: you will feel tired more often, and food will be poorly digested.


In Feng Shui, this color is considered to be calming and able to restore vitality. If you decorate a nursery in green tones, this will contribute to learning and development. It is perfect for bathroom and kitchen. Decor elements made in green will not let you quickly get tired in your office and will have a positive effect on work efficiency.


The color of the wood is soft and strong at the same time. He is able to set a person in a favorable mood and working atmosphere. Kitchen decoration and personal account in such tones will positively influence a person and his work. Feng Shui masters recommend using brown in the hallway and living room, as this will facilitate communication and networking.


White - purity, purity and innocence. But at the same time it contains all the colors of the spectrum. You need to be very careful, because this is a huge flow of energy, collected from a variety of shades. A large number of white in the apartment will negatively affect the atmosphere. In feng shui, white is a symbol of death.


Black color without additional shades is not suitable for the interior, no matter how stylish it may look. Your thoughts will be negative and gloomy. But in combination with other shades, black is able to balance the flow of energy.

Everything that surrounds us has a color and affects our emotions and state. And if outside the house we are powerless and simply put up with the shades around us, then in our own home we can create an atmosphere that will best affect the energy. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.08.2015 09:30

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Colors have a great influence on us and our lives, this is known to many. However, not everyone is given the ability to choose the right color in clothes or the interior of an apartment and provide the color balance necessary for harmony. Understand the "energy" intricacies different colors The ancient Chinese Feng Shui system will help you.

colors in feng shui

According to the concept of Feng Shui, colors in the interior of an apartment or house are of great importance. Colors, like sounds, compose the "music of contemplation" and are one of the main factors affecting the human psyche. The energy of some colors can soothe, improve your mood or give you aesthetic pleasure, while others can cloud your perception, cause irritation, depression, malaise, etc.

Colors in the interior and the five elements

All colors in feng shui are classified according to their belonging to the five primary elements (elements), and since feng shui is a doctrine of harmony in the world around us, the conditions in which all the elements form a harmonious environment are considered ideal. In order to artificially create such conditions, according to the rules of Feng Shui, colors in the interior of an apartment must be selected in accordance with their symbolic belonging to the 5 elements and the intended purpose of a particular room or part of it. Simply put, when choosing colors when arranging an apartment, house, office or other premises according to feng shui, it is necessary to take into account the factor of influence of the 5 primary elements and their “relationships”, based on three principles (cycles), the essence of which is as follows:

  1. a cycle of amplification or birth - in it one element contributes to the emergence of another, nourishing and strengthening it. Thus Wood nourishes or intensifies Fire. The Ashes of Fire is the basis of the element Earth. Metal is formed in the Earth, which, in turn, contributes to the birth of Water, and it feeds the Tree;
  2. a cycle of control or destruction - in which one of the elements suppresses or controls the other to ensure the necessary balance. In the destructive cycle, the Metal controls (destroys) the form of the Wood. In turn, the Tree controls the Earth, destroying it with its roots. Earth controls Water, stopping its flows, water element tames fiery, and the energy of Fire melts Metal;
  3. a cycle of weakening is a cycle of strengthening in reverse, when one of the 5 elements feeds the other and, giving up its strength, becomes weaker. The fire "feeds" from the Tree, burning, weakening it. Earth, receiving "nourishment" from Fire, weakens it. Metal takes power from the earth element, and Water from Metal. And finally, Wood weakens the water element.

For example, if you add blue or black to the interior, then the influence of Wood will increase, but Metal will weaken, but the addition of green tones will strengthen Fire, but weaken Water. So you can manipulate the energies of the elements, distributing any other colors in the required ratio.

By presenting the 5 elements in the form of colors, you can understand how their energies interact with each other and how much this or that color corresponds to a specific place in the room.

When coloring the interior, one should take into account not only the psychology of color perception and the functional purpose of the rooms, but also the directions of the cardinal points, determined by an ordinary compass. This avoids imbalance due to the predominance of one of the elements.

Gua number color selection

If a living space is being designed for one person, then according to Feng Shui, it is important to use colors in the interior, taking into account the direction of the individual Gua Number and the element of the year of birth, determined by the Chinese calendar.

So if the Gua Number is equal to one, then the colors black and blue are favorable for a person.

If the Gua Number is two, five or eight, then the colors beige, yellow, brown are favorable.

For Threes and Fours, the colors green and brown are good.

For the Six and Seven, white and metallic are favorable.

Nine suits red and pink colors.

It is also very important that in Feng Shui colors are divided into two groups according to their hues and saturation with respect to the theory of Yin and Yang.

Yin refers to softer and darker colors with a dominant black tint, and Yang refers to light and bright colors in which the white tint predominates.

feng shui color balance example

As an example, let's consider the possibility of using red, which is very beloved in China, in the interior of a bedroom.

In feng shui, red is a yang color related to fire element and the south side of the world, in this regard, the red tone in the southern bedroom can easily create a preponderance of Fire.

Red has a stimulating effect on a person, sharpens his reactions and dispels a sense of calm. Therefore, it should not be used in a rest room, unless, of course, it is a bedroom of passionate lovers, where this color will be fully justified and even useful. However, a person of Fire should not overdo it in the use of red, since an increase in the fiery direction can lead to uncontrollability and health problems. In an ordinary bedroom, it is better to use light and relaxing colors - beige, blue, green, lilac.