Feng Shui - science, religion or magic? Feng Shui is real magic. Are you interested in love and marriage?

14.07.2019 This is interesting

There is an ancient Chinese school of magic, rooted in an even more ancient cult of the dead, which allows a set of certain techniques and manipulations to control the Qi energy scattered in the surrounding space, directing it to the realization of the goals the magician needs. These days this school is better known as " Feng Shui".

There is a common opinion in our society that Feng Shui is the art of decorating and arranging a home, a purely entertainment system, and generally the lot of bored people. The typical image of a Feng Shuist in the eyes of many of our fellow citizens is an exalted housewife who, out of nothing to do, has fun with the interior of her home using Feng Shui. Sometimes this is actually true, which, of course, is sad. However, the fact that the majority of Russians, like a significant part of Russian Feng Shuiists themselves, do not understand what Feng Shui is and what it serves, does not change the essence of this great magical school.

Yes, feng shui is magic. Moreover, magic is practical, aimed at solving specific life problems. In the homeland of Feng Shui - in China, and in general, where there are ancient traditions of working with the energy of space, the commandments of Feng Shui are followed not only by respected members of society, but also by entire corporations, as well as government agencies. These influential and wealthy people, dealing with the most serious issues, cannot be accused of naivety, prejudices and a tendency to waste their lives on entertainment. What makes serious and responsible people check everything they do with the rules of the science of Feng Shui? Efficiency. This is a key concept for business and management traditions. It is the effectiveness of Feng Shui in solving a mass of pressing issues that guarantees it such serious attention from people who, in the fight for their goals, use everything that has a time-proven effect. Proper use of feng shui on good level it is real, regardless of the beliefs of any person or group of people, to change the conditions and circumstances of life. Profits are growing, management mechanisms are working effectively, personal relationships are improving both in the family and at work, and it seems that the universe itself is protecting the feng shui energy zone from any shocks and failures. For a region as rich in spiritual traditions as China, feng shui is a practice of generations, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed so many times that it does not raise any doubts and is present in consciousness at the level of an axiom. That is why giant buildings are built according to the rules of Feng Shui, and therefore all space, down to a small room in living and working premises, is scrupulously organized in accordance with the goals that the people there want to achieve. And the bewilderment of representatives of European civilization, who do not understand why they need to waste time and money on some kind of prejudices, is simply a consequence of an absolute misunderstanding of what Feng Shui actually is and what its real power is.

This and many other examples show how significant a change in a situation can be with the intervention of a Feng Shui master. It doesn’t matter where you are, it doesn’t matter what civilization you belong to. The power of space energy works everywhere. And what each person thinks about this is a personal right that has nothing to do with the power of the ancient school of space magic known as Feng Shui.

Of course, skepticism is often justified. How man of sense should you relate to Feng Shui if you have never met a master of this school in your life? 90 percent of Feng Shui in our country is practiced by stupid self-taught people who have read popular literature, who themselves do not understand that they are dealing with an ancient magical school, and not with the art of interior design. Of course, the abundance of these funny people in the feng shui services market does not benefit the image of the magic of space. But once you come into contact with the energy of a master at least once and feel the more than obvious results of the influence of Feng Shui in your life, everything changes. I myself once went through this path - from an uncomprehending amateur to a professional, and it was the meeting with the first master that changed me, which put everything in its place.

What is the magic of space? Magic is, first of all, the magician himself. If there is no magician, there will be no magic. A space magician is not someone who knows a lot about Feng Shui, or someone who can freely talk about Eastern metaphysics and the rules for organizing certain rooms. The magician of space, first of all, is distinguished by a different vision of the surrounding world, people and objects. Where others see nothing, the magician sees enormous resources of vital energy that can be directed for the benefit of a person. Where others see only interior items, the magician sees effective levers for controlling the energies of the surrounding world. Deep, subtle contact with the energetic component of the universe is what distinguishes a space magician from an amateur fengshuist.

I think that it is this approach that will be able, over time, to return the magical school of Feng Shui to its well-deserved glory and respect. When the number of space magicians exceeds the number of amateur Feng Shuists, everything will fall into place, and the Feng Shui technique will take its rightful place in our lost society, as is happening in its distant homeland.

Recently, the teachings of Feng Shui have become widespread in Eastern European countries, and amulets and talismans have become especially popular. This is due to a person’s belief in the possibility of changing the world around him and its fate with the help of certain signs and symbols.

This is actually true: rationally using these Feng Shui teachings, you can attract luck, prosperity, prosperity and love to your home. It is enough to use knowledge correctly and positive changes in your life will not take long.

Selecting a Magic Item

If you decide to acquire a Feng Shui talisman, then before purchasing it or creating it yourself, you should familiarize yourself with the parameters that any magical object of this teaching must meet:

favorable materials.
If you decide to make your own talisman, then give preference to natural material that is pleasant to you. The same applies to the purchase of a magical item: the material from which Feng Shui amulets are made must be natural. In addition, you should like holding this item in your hands.

color scheme.
When choosing talismans, pay attention to their color. The coloring of the amulet should not be contradictory. For example, red and black amulets: black symbolizes water, red symbolizes fire, and the result is a complete contradiction. It goes without saying that such a talisman will not be of any use.

Naturally, you can buy a ready-made talisman, even if it is the wrong color, and correct the situation yourself. However, in this case, from an energetic point of view, the amulet will be weakened. Therefore, it is best to initially pay sufficient attention to all characteristics when choosing Feng Shui amulets.

Elephant Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, the elephant is considered an auspicious animal. The meaning of such a talisman is stability and sustainability.

The trunk of this animal draws good luck and luck into the house if the elephant is positioned with its trunk towards a window or door.

If the animal’s trunk is directed inside the home, then according to Feng Shui, this will be a symbol that luck and fortune are already in your home.

Talismans and amulets in the form of an elephant can be either bone, ceramic or bronze, or rubber if we are talking about a small children's toy. No additional activities are required to activate this item.

The only thing that will benefit your amulet is its decoration. You can hang beads or a chain on it, but avoid ivory jewelry.

Three-legged toad Feng Shui

The meaning of an amulet in the form of a three-legged toad according to Feng Shui is wealth and money luck. As a rule, it is made of some metal or semi-precious stone. Such talismans are installed on a handful of coins, one of which is usually placed in the animal’s mouth.

It is recommended to place the amulet at the entrance to the house to create the impression that the toad has just entered your home. Also, the Chinese sometimes place this animal at the bottom of the fountain bowl: running water enhances the effect of magic. And if the toad spits out a coin, you can expect an impressive amount of money to come in.

To activate, such talismans and amulets need to be placed in water for a day. An aquarium or a sink full of water is best. When 24 hours have passed, the toad should be placed in its place without wiping it off.

The meaning of this magical Feng Shui item is wealth. In this teaching, all plants with fleshy, thick, round leaves are considered to be money plants.

It is best to install a money tree in the northwestern part of your living room.

To activate and enhance the effect, you can attach coins or bills to the leaves of the tree, or put them directly into the pot. According to Feng Shui, money is attracted to money.

Peacock Feng Shui

The meaning of a magical talisman according to Feng Shui is happiness, luck and luck.

Such talismans attract joy and prosperity into your home, promote career growth and good luck in all endeavors.

Peacock feathers can be used as amulets. In addition, figurines made of gold with precious stones are especially popular.

To activate the peacock, you need to burn a candle near a magical object or place a figurine near the fireplace.

The meaning of the star elder according to Feng Shui is longevity, health and wealth. There are three deities, Shou-Xing, Lu-Xing and Fu-Xing, each of which, if present in your home, will bring health and wealth.

The collection of all three elders is considered the most effective. These can be both images and figures. According to Feng Shui, they should be installed in the place where the whole family often gathers. A living or dining area would work well.

Fu-Xing is the old man of happiness who will bring happiness and prosperity to your home. It must be installed surrounded by many coins and in the center if two other elders are present.

Lu-Xin is the deity of wealth and procreation. Sometimes depicted holding a baby.

Shou-Xing is a Feng Shui symbol of longevity and health. Typically depicted with a peach and a deer, which signify long life.

Hotei Feng Shui

The canvas bag, or as it is also called - Hotei - is a very popular and widespread netsuke character that predetermines human destinies and can help in making wishes come true.

According to Feng Shui, it is considered a symbol of happiness, prosperity and fun. As a rule, a standing or dancing god is a male amulet, and a sitting one is a female amulet. Most often he is depicted with gold bars, coins, a bag or a pearl, and less often - leading a gift horse, which promises good luck.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, you can activate the deity by rubbing his stomach 300 times, thinking about what you want.

Chinese coins Feng Shui

Chinese coins are talismans that have power and various symbolism. The authenticity of the coins according to Feng Shui does not have of great importance, so both real coins and modern copies can be used.

Round coins usually bring good luck. It is advisable to place such an item under the rug front door. A Chinese coin made in the shape of a five-petal flower symbolizes nobility, good fortune, spiritual purity, longevity and prosperity. It is advisable to always carry it with you.

Dolphins Feng Shui

To attract love into your life according to Feng Shui, you should use paired talismans, among which dolphins are considered the strongest. It is recommended to install them in the bedroom at the head of the bed. To activate, just hold it in your hands for a few minutes, and it is recommended to repeat this procedure several times a week.

The main purpose of talismans and amulets in the teachings of Feng Shui is to protect a person from negative magical influences. In addition, such talismans attract luck and luck, prosperity and prosperity, health and longevity into the life of their owner.

By correctly activating and placing amulets in your home, you can influence exactly those areas of life that need to be improved, limiting unpleasant circumstances.

Feng Shui technique has the largest range of ways to attract money. According to Feng Shui theory, wealth can be attracted with the help of various kinds of rituals, symbols and special objects that are placed in a certain order at home and act as talismans for their owner who wants to attract money.

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Apartment zones according to the Bagua grid

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The southern zone helps...

Activating luck

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Most often, Feng Shui is perceived as the teaching of the proper arrangement of rooms, but in fact it is much more than that.

The teaching of Feng Shui originated in China more than 2500 years ago. Feng Shui rules were used to guide the construction of palaces, fortresses and residential buildings of wealthy citizens. First, it was necessary to choose a favorable location for the construction of the building, and then balance the energy inside the room. The fundamental principles of Feng Shui are still used today.

Finding balance The basic laws of Feng Shui are aimed at maintaining a balance between the two main principles - Yin and Yang - and the five main elements - Fire, Earth, Metal, Wood and Water. If one of the principles or one of the elements predominates or, conversely, is absent, then an imbalance of energies occurs, which can lead to serious problems of a physical or emotional nature. Followers of Feng Shui know how to recognize the deficiency or excess of these elements and correct it to create harmony.

The ancient philosophy of Feng Shui uses natural elements and the art of arranging things to bring harmony and balance to the human environment.

Natural healing in ancient China

IN Ancient China medicine, astrology, and the teachings of feng shui were aimed at achieving balance between yin and yang. It's a balance of opposites. The difference between Yin and Yang is as follows:

Yin symbolizes darkness, silence, stillness, dampness and cold.

Yang symbolizes movement, light, loud sound, warmth and dryness.

For your home, you should strive for what is closest to you; nevertheless, in every home these two principles, as a rule, coexist.

The Yin and Yang symbol reflects the perfect balance of two principles, where both elements complement each other.

In this symbol, Yin is black,

Yang is white.

If you want to achieve harmony and tranquility in your home, try to find a balance between Yin and Yang.

Five elements of feng shui

In addition to the balance between Yin and Yang, Feng Shui also relies on the relationship of the five basic elements.

Relationships of elements

Ancient Chinese philosophy recognizes the existence of five basic elements: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. They are all interconnected: they “support” each other (for example, Water gives Wood the opportunity to grow) and control (for example, Fire melts Metal).

Within this cycle, each element can also absorb or transfer energy to another; for example, Fire absorbs the energy of Wood, Earth absorbs the energy of Fire, and so on. To create proper feng shui, you need to create a balance of all five elements.

Fire for energy

Fire gives energy, light and life. Finding itself uncontrollable, it destroys everything in its path. Water is an element that can contain it, since it is able to completely destroy

Fire. Everything bright and frantic is associated with Fire:

Colors- red, pink and purple

Climate- hot; summer; associated with the south

Qualities- inner fire, determination, cheerfulness and fear.

Fire is the most active and energetic element.

Ground for hardness

The earth provides the foundation for everything you build, literally and figuratively. She is the foundation human life, a source of stability and common sense, faith and honesty.

All other elements are associated with certain seasons and cardinal directions. The earth in this sense is in the center. The Earth includes:

Colors— yellow, beige, brown and wood color Climate — humid; The end of the summer

Qualities- stability, caution, patience.

In Feng Shui, the Earth forms the basis for all other elements.

Water for change

In a calm state, Water is necessary to maintain growth and vitality. It nourishes the soil and allows the Tree to grow. When left uncontrolled, Water carries destructive power, causes floods and “drowns” life within itself. The properties of Water are hardness and resourcefulness.

Associated with this element:

Colors- blue and black

Climate- cold; winter; associated with the north

Qualities- ease, openness, changeability and fear.

In Feng Shui, the variability of Water symbolizes the ability of things to change - Water is associated with the transience and transience of life.

Tree for life and growth

The tree symbolizes life, growth, change and refuge. It represents vitality and activity - growing flowers and other plants at home gives a person these properties.

If this element is left out of control, the Tree can “outgrow” and create chaos. The tree interacts with the Earth, which lies under its roots and gives it the opportunity to grow. It strengthens and strengthens it, but at the same time it “tears”, absorbing its energy.

Wood has the following characteristics:

Colors- green

Climate- windy; spring; associated with the east

Qualities- practicality, ambition, competitiveness, creative impulse, anger.

The tree is associated with growth and vitality.

Metal for practicality

Metal brings strength and practicality, but when out of balance it can become cold and hard. He comes from the Earth and is born in it. The properties of Metal are to bring order and control, but it can be destructive and unpredictable.

Associations with this element are:

Colors- white, silver and chrome

Climate- dry; autumn; west oriented

Qualities- aloofness, coldness, anxiety and sadness.

The external structure of Metal gives this element its apparent hardness and pliability.

According to Feng Shui, wealth does not mean a lot of money.

Feng Shui pays attention Special attention wealth, its accumulation and preservation. To magic of wealth worked for you, you need to understand some principles of Feng Shui. From the outside it may seem that Feng Shui practitioners are greedy people and preoccupied with material things. But this is very far from the truth.

Wealth in Feng Shui is not associated with big money. First of all, it is associated with abundance and the absence of poverty. And this can be achieved at any material level. . In general, Feng Shui recognizes Various types wealth and that there are many ways to achieve wealth, and that people are different in the sense that their needs and desires are not the same.

Start with practice

Define your financial goals

If you wish to increase your income, add zeros to your salary and receive higher dividends from your investments, Feng Shui will take your efforts to a new dimension. Here, as in any other area of ​​life, Feng Shui cannot replace common sense and practical action. He cannot guarantee wealth and is unlikely to help you if you do nothing to achieve wealth. But if you have knowledge of economics, if you are able to set goals correctly and actively work to achieve them, Feng Shui can help you. If your goal is financial well-being, first examine your financial life. Make a list of practical ways you could increase your income and reduce expenses. Analyze your investments and their benefits. Then think about possible ways increasing dividends. These pragmatic steps should be the first on your path to wealth.

Now evaluate your attitude towards money. Perhaps you are worried that you don't have enough money, even if your income has been growing for the past ten years? Do you feel disgusted when thinking about your finances? Many people are poor not because they don't have money, but because of the quality of their thoughts and attitude towards money.

If you continue to worry about not being able to meet your financial needs, you will never believe that you have enough money, even if you have millions in your accounts. Perhaps the problem is not in your bank account, but in your attitude towards money. If you burden your financial health negative attitude towards money, you must first understand this, because in such a situation feng shui is unlikely to help you...

Define your financial goals

Present your a new style life

Now think about your financial needs and desires and decide for yourself how much money you need. There is no rule that says that you should stop accumulating wealth, it is simply recommended that you initially decide on a certain amount. Understand that the more accurately you define your goals, the sooner you will achieve them. How do you see yours final goal? Where will you be? Visualize the lifestyle you will lead. When your goal is achieved, you can continue to lead your usual lifestyle, but you may want to stop going to work, start a business or hobby, or devote your time to charity. There may be many reasons for you to accumulate money and they do not necessarily have to do with selfishness or greed.

Now try to take a realistic look at the qualities that you need to develop in yourself to get from point A to point B: self-confidence, integrity of character, knowledge, ambition, hard work, and evaluate how much these qualities are present in you. Work on developing those qualities that you consider weak. When you can honestly and openly say that your relationship with finances is healthy and that you are ready to take concrete steps to achieve results, then you can turn to feng shui and magic of wealth will come to your aid. If you find it difficult to decide on your goals, then you can start creating good Feng Shui at home and in the office to feel more comfortable. Remember that your personal space affects your personal energy.

How to create the magic of wealth at home

Feng Shui is closely related to the culture that gave birth to it. There are many symbols of wealth in Chinese folklore. Use them to attract the energy of abundance, stimulate cash flow and focus on financial issues.

Clearing the wealth sector of stagnant qi

It is very important to keep in mind the factors that influence the wealth sector in your home (Southeast). All negative elements, as well as dried out plants and musty odors, can negatively affect this sector. All the things you don't use but keep, old papers and documents also block the energy of prosperity. Therefore, this sector needs to be cleared of all unnecessary things.

Money trees

Money Tree

Money trees remind us of abundance and wealth due to the shape of their leaves - round and succulent.

Place these money magnets at home or at work, especially in the wealth sector.

These plants can be placed in any room.

Gods and spiritual teachers

Lakshmi - Indian goddess of wealth

You can strengthen the career sector (North) by attracting the blessings of your spiritual teachers and spirits close to your spiritual tradition: God, Allah, Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, saints, guardian angels.

Do not hesitate to ask them for help, guidance and wisdom in order to comprehend higher truths.

If you are religious, this will be your first necessary step, and not just a tool to strengthen the sector. Place saint figures in your living room, dining room, kitchen or study.

Bamboo of happiness

Strong, straight, full of life and a powerful symbol of wealth and growth, growing all the time, just like your well-being! Place a tall plant in the wealth sector. Bamboo is often decorated with red or gold ribbons and other symbols of financial good luck. Wherever you place bamboo, it is very effective. In many countries, bamboo is planted outdoors. Plant the bamboo stalks so that they can be seen from the northwestern sector of your house. It is better to plant bamboo in pots to prevent it from growing.

Wind chimes and crystal balls

The music of wind

Hang wind chimes or faceted ones in the Helpers sector (Southeast) different colors, which correspond to the six syllables of the Buddha's mantra - Om Ma Ni Pad Ma Hum: white, red, yellow, green, blue and black.

These items will help you find assistants who will help you find a good job or get promoted at work.

If possible, hang wind chimes on the eaves outside.

And at home you can hang both crystals and wind chimes in the missing sectors of your home.

And in conclusion, I bring to your attention a Feng Shui video lesson from Natalia Pravdina. Be rich!